rensoneshots · 1 year
kiss me one more time all of chapter 2
harry got out of bed quickly, but not long later did the pain around his ass hole reminded him of the events that occurred the day before. after Draco came, they stayed still, the blond's arms around his lover's ever so slightly muscular body.
all of it came back to him. while holding harry, draco said "I love you" he paused for a second, "even when I used to call you names and make fun of you, it made me hurt a little. now I realize that it was because when you hurt... that's when I hurt" the last part made him think about just how fucked up it is that he loves his ex bully so god damn much.
it took the boy nearly as long as Draco took before harry could cum, to get dressed
after getting to the common room, harry spotted Ron and Hermione.
"you fall down the stairs or something?" asked Ron who had noticed his friend's discomfort.
"shut it, Ronald! he's sick... are you feeling alright?" the girl asked, this reminded harry of what happened between now and the empty classroom.
harry had pretended to be sick while Draco just skipped the rest of the day for no reason.
the burnet coughed a few times "yeah I am better than yesterday so I'm going to classes"
"Are you sure my love?" a sickening voice said.
harry breathed in sharply as if to yell but quickly realized it "Ron, Hermione, let's go to the dining hall"
in a very relaxed voice, ginny said "fuck you, I was just making sure you were fine" the first part was fine. Harry didn't care about if someone insulted him; the next part though. "I bet Malfoy drugged you or some fucked up shit. he's pretty messed up you know?"
"ok fine. he is a filthy pore blood who feels entitled to everything. did you think he ever felt bad about how he treated you before?"
"excuse me! my father was a pure-blood and he was an amazing person. draco does feel bad about the things he said" retorted the boy.
"Oh, and how do you know that?" 
fuck "it doesn't matter how I know, let's go," harry said leaving. Honestly, it didn't matter if the other two came as well. or if they stayed but harry knew that arguing with ginny any longer could cause ron to have a fit and a specific brunette's ass was hurting so I didn't need that too.
one blond boy got out of bad happily. unlike harry, he was in no pain.. yet. as he got dressed a face with pirrcing green eyes , framed with brown hair and a lighting skar smiled, as the memorys of the events of the day before rushed through his mind.
not he is going to have to face snape, and draco hardly skiped defance against the dark arts. if he did there was always a punishment. the first few times the punishment was painfull physicly, but not worse then a fight with a class mate, during year 3. latter at 15 the next year, he skiped again and was beaten. it was like a slap on the rist compared to this. 
heavy topics about SA till next line  (sumary at the end of this section)
another skip in year 3 got a new kind of punishment; a less ligal in more ways than one kind of punishmant. snape thoght that draco was old enogh to see the real world.
the fact of the matter goes like this:
if he gets a bad grade a brakes a small rule in snape's class, he would get slaped around a bit, and if he fell down snape would kick the boy a little.
if he messed up for real or for say skiped class, the bad punishmets came out to play.
even though the blonds ass was bout to get beat to infinity, it was well more that worth it to hear harry's moans and feel the brunets ass around him as it clenched with every thrust. and it was even more worth in to see the lude faces harry produced.
drace opened his door to see a cold face, framed with back hair and no signs of mercy even if the younger's face had been torn to pieces (i had to bounce ideas off of my sibling to get the last part). "good morning sir. you look mad. care to share why?... no? ok then would you mind moving over a little, i am realy quite hungry.
"my office now! be ready with a good explanation as to why you skipped my class yesterday and why you thought I would not care" but I'm hungry becuase i didn't eat yesterday, professor 'Severus snape' " he knew that saying the profacors full name like... that would send shivers down the man's spine.
"dont worry about the silly food. I've got that covered. let's go" he turned on heal and glared dark holes throw the students who dared to stair. 
once in snape's office, he was commanded 'to stay still and wait'. after the older man left the room, Draco softly cursed under his breath.
what the actual fuck was he going to say? 'sorry i was too busy fucking my enemy in the ass to care about your boring ass class'? maybe 'i fucking hate you but i also love how you can make me feel so i skipped to skip my dick into harry'? even better, what if he slapped snape and ran off with harry?...no. snape would kill him for any of those.
after a few minutes, the sir returned with the handcuffs -that the boy was well to acquainted with-, and a rope "sit on my desk boy" 
'oo, handcuffs. how kinky of you 'Severus' "mocked the boy but he did as told
snape took a few steps closer to be right in front, "mock me again and i can guaranty you that this will hurt". the ravenette placed a hand by each hip of his boy.
with an eye roll Draco rhetorically asked, "oh please, when does it not hurt?"
"When you actually go to your bloody classes" snapped the oldest and slapped the blond's no longer evenly toned face.
"oww, professor do you like i when i hurt," Draco said pretending to be sad.
"shut your mouth before i shut it for you"
"mhhh~ that's kinda kinky" the blond grabbed one of the other's hands and kissed the tip of one of the long, thin, thumbs on it. "i would love that if this is what you'll use, 'Severus' " once again he used the most seductive voice he could, laced with velvet lust, to say the name. it kinda reminded him of harry screaming out his name between moans. 
this all earned him the feeling of handcuffs roughly tightening around his small wrists. and although the situation was not ideal, Draco kinda liked his time with snape. of course other than the physical abuse that is. he kinda liked the feeling of a big and mature dick up his ass.
the raventette moved closer to the boy, so close the length of his dick pressed hard against the boy's leg and throbbed for attention. with one hand snape moved the younger's arms around his neck and the other slowly creped and teezed till it got to the small penas. the palming began. "say my name again" s soft whisper ordered.
trying not to bounce his hips and moan out, Draco asked "Severus?"
"no. not like that, do it like before"
"oh did that turn you on earlier?"
"do as you are told"
" 'Severus'? did you mean like mm~ this 'Severus snape'?" he replied, trying his very hardest not to moan but failing. another small moan was quickly followed by a short kiss
"yes, Draco i do like that. but i like something even more. the sounds of pleasure that you make; so please stop hiding them" with that the kinky man moved his thumb in front of Draco's lips like before. without direction, the boy slipped it into his mouth with ease.
in ecstasy from the contact with his dick. Draco let out a small moan. "again" replied the professor and paused "but louder this time my sweet bitch boy."
"mhhh~ fu-uck" the young one breathed out but was muffled by the finger in his mouth. for quite some time now the boy had been distracted with finding the right words to mock the teacher with that he hadn't realized that his pants had disappeared. not to mention that he was not being jerked off instead of being palmed "im so-o~ close ahh~"
"My dear boy, this is a punishment, cum and I will hurt you more than i already planned to"
"ye-fuck-s s-sir~" to Draco's dismay, right after his reply, the man removed his hand -that had pre-cum all of over it- from the boy and began to unbuckle his own pants.
he stepped back. "get on the ground" he commanded and finished removing his black plants. all that remained were his tight black boxers with thin white stripes.
the boxers clung to his skin and outlined every crease of the dick pressing against them. the boy could see the way it curved up and how the tip was thicker that the rest of it, with a dented line across it. Draco got on his knees, he leaned closer, and kissed the top of the man's member.
"Don't fucking tease me"
"But professor 'Severus', its fun to see you struggle to wait" replied the boy as his lips brushed against the meet in front of him with every word. SMACK!! the man's hand slaps the boy right across the face. he pushed his hips forward. he pushed 
"you know what to do so do it"
hooking two fingers on each side of the v-line, Draco unleashed the ultimate torture weapon. he placed his tongue on the underside of the base and licked to the leaking tip. with practice and precision, he took the length of the dick in, and slightly choked.
white fingers intertwined in the messy blond hair to push and pull the connected head. With a few bobs and moans, the madman couldn't resist thrusting into the choking boy's mouth.
soon later with a final thrust at inhuman speeds, snape's unborn children shot out of him. they were swallowed whole.
"that will be all for today, you may go now"
"oh no rope today sir" Draco replied while straightening up and wiping a little cum from his mouth and licking it.
the SA is over, bacicly draco mocks snape and snape slaps hin a little. then draco has to give a blow job and teases snape to make him angery. draco also thinks durring this ' and although the situation was not ideal, Draco kinda liked his time with snape. of course other than the physical abuse that is. he kinda liked the feeling of a big and mature dick up his ass'. at the end snape says that they are done for the day.
the blond slowly stumbled out of the office and into a bath room to deal with the stick in his pants. it was still brakefast time though there was little time left (i need to eat brakefast too).
in the great long room, harry and draco sat and their respectable tables. looking over, he could see his love rubbing his temples in frustration. across sat his friends, Ron and Hermione, who were talking to harry? draco had no idea from the angle that he sat at. but why was he stressed out? and why were the others a little mad?
'oh, shit' (but like an exited oh shit not i dropped something oh shit) ginny wasn't there so something might of happened.
harry: "as i said, he told me he felt bad"
Hermione: "yet for some bazaar reson i just don't believe that"
harry: "well he did and i believe him"
Ron: "well he is staring at us" 
Harry looked up and his eyes met with Draco's grey ones. the taller quickly looked away to the very interesting table under his elbows.
"sugar pie," a fake sweaty voice said from behind harry.
"ginny i sway to the bloody god, fuck off and leave me alone!!" he was'nt loud but everyone within 10 feet could hear.
the girl sat down next to the boy so loved so damn much, but he just didn't seem to feel the same now. "so my love what are we talking about?" she asked
"we were talking about how i am going to a new table," harry said standing up.
"then I'm going to sweat heart"
"no. you. are. not"
"why not?" she pouted
"Because I am going to sit with Draco and i don't think the Slytherins will be very welcoming to you"
"aww you care about me again"
"no, i just needed a reason for you to stay here" harry said is the most empty voice possible. he walked over the Draco -who's eyes were still down-.
standing behind the blonde harry put a hand on the other's sholder. "boo"
draco's life flashed before his eyes as he junped a bit and grabed his wand. "potah! y-you nearly gave me a heart attack."
a few months had past at this point and it was very oviuse what was going on between draco and harry. ginny, like the little fuck that i have made her out to be in the story, was ploting her reveng gainst the home wrecker and her ex boyfriend. a love potion, or two.
ne morning at brakefast, harry was sitting with draco at the grifendor table. they were flerting and not even keeping in private. "hello shit heads" ginny said sitting aross from the boy so that she could be with her brother, who was trying his hardest after the brake up to keep the peace. 
when both boys wernt looking (yes i know this is not a creative way of doing this) the girl pord love potions in their cups. harry got one with ginny as the trget and draco one for harry. if harry loves her then good but if draco loves harry and harry doesnt feel the same then draco with be a compeat mess. 
laughing at some joke draco had made, the brunnet took a sip of his dring, the blond followed queue.
minuts later
"harry, let's go somewhere without him" jinny said with descust on the word 'him' while grabing the now lovstruck boy.
"o-oh ok" he replyed with one of those slopy smiles.
(i might go back and fix this part but ply not)
D, sadly: where are you going?
H: with my girlfriend. where are you going malfoy, oh wait, your to dumb to do anything.
D: ??
H: im sorry but you bullyed me for so many fucking years and made my life hell, i made a commtment to jin and i love her"
J: you should go now, he doesnt like you and never did; no one likes you.
H: why would anyone ever want you around? your useless and deserve anything. your life was handed to you on a plate and you pretend like everyone will bow down to you like your the king of the world or some stupid shit like that.
J: all of that money and yet it wouldnt be a wast is ou just died.
draco was sobbing at this point (lets face it, jinny is the real villan in this story) "wait! dont go" he paused "what did you do to the nice harry i knew? what did i do wrong? please i love you harry." but honistly, the blond thought the same things they were saying, and maybe he would be beter off dead.
H: i love you jinny
and with that they left
draco wanted to hear those words so much, but not to that girl. no. notgirl, thing. that fucking thing. why did she get to hear it and smile back at him. and the fact that they think that his life was so good, they dont know about snape, or the things his father says. 
whould harry every love him again? or would it always be hatred? 
the blond caught up to the other two. (btw i know this isnt how it works in HP but in KMOMT, i want love potions to work like this) "harry, i... hear me out, i love you and i know you love me too. jinny has you under some sort of potion. theres something wrong with you." he pleaded.
"i dont know what your talking about, i love my girlfriend"
draco extended a hand to harry's cheak, it was quickly slaped away. "please just kiss me, it wount happen again. i promis. please. kiss me again. kiss me one more time"
blankly harry replyed "no" and they just walked away
(if you want a happy ending then: harry kisses draco and they fall in love again. if not then be prepared for what comes next)
 3 days latter
draco sat on his bed with tears running down his face, harry and jinny had just insulted him. "a-avada kadavra" he said softly
hewas later found by snape, who was angered and wanted to fuck the  boy for skiping class that day. inideatly he called in dumbledor who found that note.
it read:
ues, i killed my self. harry, jinny is doing something to you, don't let her keep poising you. i love you. and snape, why did you do that to me?  you beat me and raped me yet you never told me why. i think that everyone should know that you are a tarable person and deserve to be locked up. mother, im sorry and i love you
                                                                          -draco malfoy
the end
an: ok wow that took way longer than i thought it would but i hope you enjoyed
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rensoneshots · 1 year
kiss me one more time 2.9 (the end)
laughing at some joke draco had made, the brunnet took a sip of his dring, the blond followed queue.
minuts later
"harry, let's go somewhere without him" jinny said with descust on the word 'him' while grabing the now lovstruck boy.
"o-oh ok" he replyed with one of those slopy smiles.
(i might go back and fix this part but ply not)
D, sadly: where are you going?
H: with my girlfriend. where are you going malfoy, oh wait, your to dumb to do anything.
D: ??
H: im sorry but you bullyed me for so many fucking years and made my life hell, i made a commtment to jin and i love her"
J: you should go now, he doesnt like you and never did; no one likes you.
H: why would anyone ever want you around? your useless and deserve anything. your life was handed to you on a plate and you pretend like everyone will bow down to you like your the king of the world or some stupid shit like that.
J: all of that money and yet it wouldnt be a wast is ou just died.
draco was sobbing at this point (lets face it, jinny is the real villan in this story) "wait! dont go" he paused "what did you do to the nice harry i knew? what did i do wrong? please i love you harry." but honistly, the blond thought the same things they were saying, and maybe he would be beter off dead.
H: i love you jinny
and with that they left
draco wanted to hear those words so much, but not to that girl. no. notgirl, thing. that fucking thing. why did she get to hear it and smile back at him. and the fact that they think that his life was so good, they dont know about snape, or the things his father says. 
whould harry every love him again? or would it always be hatred? 
the blond caught up to the other two. (btw i know this isnt how it works in HP but in KMOMT, i want love potions to work like this) "harry, i... hear me out, i love you and i know you love me too. jinny has you under some sort of potion. theres something wrong with you." he pleaded.
"i dont know what your talking about, i love my girlfriend"
draco extended a hand to harry's cheak, it was quickly slaped away. "please just kiss me, it wount happen again. i promis. please. kiss me again. kiss me one more time"
blankly harry replyed "no" and they just walked away
(if you want a happy ending then: harry kisses draco and they fall in love again. if not then be prepared for what comes next)
 3 days latter
draco sat on his bed with tears running down his face, harry and jinny had just insulted him. "a-avada kadavra" he said softly
hewas later found by snape, who was angered and wanted to fuck the  boy for skiping class that day. inideatly he called in dumbledor who found that note.
it read:
ues, i killed my self. harry, jinny is doing something to you, don't let her keep poising you. i love you. and snape, why did you do that to me?  you beat me and raped me yet you never told me why. i think that everyone should know that you are a tarable person and deserve to be locked up. mother, im sorry and i love you
                                                                          -draco malfoy
the end
an: ok wow that took way longer than i thought it would but i hope you enjoyed the last 600ish words
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rensoneshots · 1 year
kiss me one more time chapter 2.8
"no, i just needed a reason for you to stay here" harry said is the most empty voice possible. he walked over the draco -who's eyes were still down-.
standing behind the blone harry put a hand on the other's sholder. "boo"
draco's life flashed before his eyes as he junped a bit and grabed his wand. "potah! y-you nearly gave me a heart attack."
a few months had past at this point and it was very oviuse what was going on between draco and harry. ginny, like the little fuck that i have made her out to be in the story, was ploting her reveng gainst the home wrecker and her ex boyfriend. a love potion, or two.
ne morning at brakefast, harry was sitting with draco at the grifendor table. they were flerting and not even keeping in private. "hello shit heads" ginny said sitting aross from the boy so that she could be with her brother, who was trying his hardest after the brake up to keep the peace. 
when both boys wernt looking (yes i know this is not a creative way of doing this) the girl pord love potions in their cups. harry got one with ginny as the trget and draco one for harry. if harry loves her then good but if draco loves harry and harry doesnt feel the same then draco with be a compeat mess. 
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rensoneshots · 2 years
kiss me one more time chapter 2.7
the SA is over, bacicly draco mocks snape and snape slaps hin a little. then draco has to give a blow job and teases snape to make him angery. draco also thinks durring this ' and although the situation was not ideal, Draco kinda liked his time with snape. of course other than the physical abuse that is. he kinda liked the feeling of a big and mature dick up his ass'. at the end snape says that they are done for the day.
the blond slowly stumbled out of the office and into a bath room to deal with the stick in his pants. it was still brakefast time though there was little time left (i need to eat brakefast too).
in the great long room, harry and draco sat and their respectable tables. looking over, he could see his love rubbing his temples in frustration. across sat his friends, Ron and Hermione, who were talking to harry? draco had no idea from the angle that he sat at. but why was he stressed out? and why were the others a little mad?
'oh, shit' (but like an exited oh shit not i dropped something oh shit) ginny wasn't there so something might of happened.
harry: "as i said, he told me he felt bad"
Hermione: "yet for some bazaar reson i just don't believe that"
harry: "well he did and i believe him"
Ron: "well he is staring at us" 
Harry looked up and his eyes met with Draco's grey ones. the taller quickly looked away to the very interesting table under his elbows.
"sugar pie," a fake sweaty voice said from behind harry.
"ginny i sway to the bloody god, fuck off and leave me alone!!" he was'nt loud but everyone within 10 feet could hear.
the girl sat down next to the boy so loved so damn much, but he just didn't seem to feel the same now. "so my love what are we talking about?" she asked
"we were talking about how i am going to a new table," harry said standing up.
"then I'm going to sweat heart"
"no. you. are. not"
"why not?" she pouted
"Because I am going to sit with Draco and i don't think the Slytherins will be very welcoming to you"
"aww you care about me again"
"no, i just needed a reason for you to stay here"
an: im nearly done, everything is written but i just need to finish typing
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rensoneshots · 2 years
kiss me one more time 2.6
"ye-fuck-s s-sir~" to Draco's dismay, right after his reply, the man removed his hand -that had pre-cum all of over it- from the boy and began to unbuckle his own pants.
he stepped back. "get on the ground" he commanded and finished removing his black plants. all that remained were his tight black boxers with thin white stripes.
the boxers clung to his skin and outlined every crease of the dick pressing against them. the boy could see the way it curved up and how the tip was thicker that the rest of it, with a dented line across it. Draco got on his knees, he leaned closer, and kissed the top of the man's member.
"Don't fucking tease me"
"But professor 'Severus', its fun to see you struggle to wait" replied the boy as his lips brushed against the meet in front of him with every word. SMACK!! the man's hand slaps the boy right across the face. he pushed his hips forward. he pushed 
"you know what to do so do it"
hooking two fingers on each side of the v-line, Draco unleashed the ultimate torture weapon. he placed his tongue on the underside of the base and licked to the leaking tip. with practice and precision, he took the length of the dick in, and slightly choked.
white fingers intertwined in the messy blond hair to push and pull the connected head. With a few bobs and moans, the madman couldn't resist thrusting into the choking boy's mouth.
soon later with a final thrust at inhuman speeds, snape's unborn children shot out of him. they were swallowed whole.
"that will be all for today, you may go now"
"oh no rope today sir" Draco replied while straightening up and wiping a little cum from his mouth and licking it.
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rensoneshots · 2 years
kiss me one more time 2.5
this is the next hundred ten words:
in ecstasy from the contact with his dick. Draco let out a small moan. "again" replied the professor and paused "but louder this time my sweet bitch boy."
"mhhh~ fu-uck" the young one breathed out but was muffled by the finger in his mouth. for quite some time now the boy had been distracted with finding the right words to mock the teacher with that he hadn't realized that his pants had disappeared. not to mention that he was not being jerked off instead of being palmed "im so-o~ close ahh~"
"My dear boy, this is a punishment, cum and I will hurt you more than i already planned to"
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rensoneshots · 2 years
kiss me one more time 2.4
"When you actually go to your bloody classes" snapped the oldest and slapped the blond's no longer evenly toned face.
"oww, professor do you like i when i hurt," Draco said pretending to be sad.
"shut your mouth before i shut it for you"
"mhhh~ that's kinda kinky" the blond grabbed one of the other's hands and kissed the tip of one of the long, thin, thumbs on it. "i would love that if this is what you'll use, 'Severus' " once again he used the most seductive voice he could, laced with velvet lust, to say the name. it kinda reminded him of harry screaming out his name between moans. 
this all earned him the feeling of handcuffs roughly tightening around his small wrists. and although the situation was not ideal, Draco kinda liked his time with snape. of course other than the physical abuse that is. he kinda liked the feeling of a big and mature dick up his ass.
the raventette moved closer to the boy, so close the length of his dick pressed hard against the boy's leg and throbbed for attention. with one hand snape moved the younger's arms around his neck and the other slowly creped and teezed till it got to the small penas. the palming began. "say my name again" s soft whisper ordered.
trying not to bounce his hips and moan out, Draco asked "Severus?"
"no. not like that, do it like before"
"oh did that turn you on earlier?"
"do as you are told"
" 'Severus'? did you mean like mm~ this 'Severus snape'?" he replied, trying his very hardest not to moan but failing. another small moan was quickly followed by a short kiss
"yes, Draco i do like that. but i like something even more. the sounds of pleasure that you make; so please stop hiding them" with that the kinky man moved his thumb in front of Draco's lips like before. without direction, the boy slipped it into his mouth with ease.
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rensoneshots · 2 years
cutting up more than flowers
this is set at hogworts in the later years. moriah de'vich is my oc, she is new to hogworts and doesnt know anyone yet. well exept dobby who is still very much alive.
sitting on her bed, moriah (mory) held a bloodyed knife. the blood was her own that she had takenfrom her arms. "why? why did i have to be so week" another slash "so worthless?".
later as mory was with a few people in her year, she saw some beutiful flowers and a blond boy messing with one. about 6 feet away she neelt with some sisors, amitivly she had used these to cut as well.
"why are you cutting those flowers?" asked the high piched voice she knew as dobby's.
"well...becuase there'er realy pretty" she rplyed
"i thoght you said you cut your self because your not"
"DOBBY!!" she half yelled so that the near by boy would not hear any more.
"how do you know me? and why does it matter to you?" she questioned
"we have like 6 classes together and why would it not matter? show me your arms"
an: i might write more of this, this is what it is baced off of https://www.pinterest.com/pin/43910165108755686/comments/5258768019875743063.
Tumblr media
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rensoneshots · 2 years
kiss me one more time 2.3
"dont worry about the silly food. I've got that covered. let's go" he turned on heal and glared dark holes throw the students who dared to stair. 
once in snape's office, he was commanded 'to stay still and wait'. after the older man left the room, Draco softly cursed under his breath.
what the actual fuck was he going to say? 'sorry i was too busy fucking my enemy in the ass to care about your boring ass class'? maybe 'i fucking hate you but i also love how you can make me feel so i skipped to skip my dick into harry'? even better, what if he slapped snape and ran off with harry?...no. snape would kill him for any of those.
after a few minutes the sir returned with the handcuffs -that the boy was well to acquainted with-, and a rope "sit on my desk boy" 
'oo, handcuffs. how kinky of you 'Severus' "mocked the boy but he did as told
snape took a few steps closer to be right in front, "mock me again and i can guaranty you that this will hurt". the ravenette placed a hand by each hip of his boy.
with an eye roll drace rhetorically asked, "oh please, when does it not hurt?"
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rensoneshots · 2 years
kiss me one more time 2.2
one blond boy got out of bad happily. unlike harry, he was in no pain.. yet. as he got dressed a face with pirrcing green eyes , framed with brown hair and a lighting skar smiled, as the memorys of the events of the day before rushed through his mind.
not he is going to have to face snape, and draco hardly skiped defance against the dark arts. if he did there was always a punishment. the first few times the punishment was painfull physicly, but not worse then a fight with a class mate, during year 3. latter at 15 the next year, he skiped again and was beaten. it was like a slap on the rist compared to this. 
from here till after 2.6 will deel with heavy topics such as SA. when it is over i will summarize
another skip in year 3 got a new kind of punishment; a less ligal in more ways than one kind of punishmant. snape thoght that draco was old enogh to see the real world.
the fact of the matter goes like this:
if he gets a bad grade a brakes a small rule in snape's class, he would get slaped around a bit, and if he fell down snape would kick the boy a little.
if he messed up for real or for say skiped class, the bad punishmets came out to play.
even though the blonds ass was bout to get beat to infinity, it was well more that worth it to hear harry's moans and feel the brunets ass around him as it clenched with every thrust. and it was even more worth in to see the lude faces harry produced.
drace opened his door to see a cold face, framed with back hair and no signs of mercy even if the younger's face had been torn to pieces (i had to bounce ideas off of my sibling to get the last part). "good morning sir. you look mad. care to share why?... no? ok then would you mind moving over a little, i am realy quite hungry.
"my office now! be ready with a good explanation as to why you skipped my class yesterday and why you thought I would not care" but I'm hungry becuase i didn't eat yesterday, professor 'Severus snape' " he knew that saying the profacors full name like... that would send shivers down the man's spine.
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rensoneshots · 2 years
kiss me one more time 2.1
harry got out of bed quickly, but not long later did the pain around his ass hole reminded him of the events that occurred the day before. after Draco came, they stayed still, the blond's arms around his lover's ever so slightly muscular body.
all of it came back to him. while holding harry, draco said "I love you" he paused for a second, "even when I used to call you names and make fun of you, it made me hurt a little. now I realize that it was because when you hurt... that's when I hurt" the last part made him think about just how fucked up it is that he loves his ex bully so god damn much.
it took the boy nearly as long as Draco took before harry could cum, to get dressed
after getting to the common room, harry spotted Ron and Hermione.
"you fall down the stairs or something?" asked Ron who had noticed his friend's discomfort.
"shut it, Ronald! he's sick... are you feeling alright?" the girl asked, this reminded harry of what happened between now and the empty classroom.
harry had pretended to be sick while Draco just skipped the rest of the day for no reason.
the burnet coughed a few times "yeah I am better than yesterday so I'm going to classes"
"Are you sure my love?" a sickening voice said.
harry breathed in sharply as if to yell but quickly realized it "Ron, Hermione, let's go to the dining hall"
in a very relaxed voice, ginny said "fuck you, I was just making sure you were fine" the first part was fine. Harry didn't care about if someone insulted him; the next part though. "I bet Malfoy drugged you or some fucked up shit. he's pretty messed up you know?"
"ok fine. he is a filthy pore blood who feels entitled to everything. did you think he ever felt bad about how he treated you before?"
"excuse me! my father was a pure-blood and he was an amazing person. draco does feel bad about the things he said" retorted the boy.
"Oh, and how do you know that?" 
fuck "it doesn't matter how I know, let's go," harry said leaving. Honestly, it didn't matter if the other two came as well. or if they stayed but harry knew that arguing with ginny any longer could cause ron to have a fit and a specific brunette's ass was hurting so I didn't need that too.
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rensoneshots · 2 years
kiss me one more time 1/2
Draco walked up to harry, the shorter of them (harry I think) just smiled lightly. this would be quite odd...well unless you knew that the two of them had become quite good friends. Harry was starting to notice that smooth ghost-like skin and pointed chin draco had, and the way his hair was parted on the side with little to no wax giving it a slite bounce unlike in other years.
harry was the single person that draco trusted with his life and secrets. secrets about lines on his skin that were from trying to put himself together after his father broke the poor boy. or the secrets about knifes and guns he put on his head. "Pottah may I talk with you about something?" he said as harry noticed the uncertainty in his voice. "erm yeah, what is it" harry was standing with Ron and Hermione -who seemed to be the only two at the school who noticed how their friend and a guy who bullied them up until a few months back, had been getting close and keep looking at the other.-  Harry, who had not realized this was going to be a private conversation, was startled as his rist was grabbed and pulled to a small classroom. "I umm I...I don't know how to say it s-so i... I mean you just tell me if you feel uncomfortable. ok?" Draco asked stuttering and mixing up a few words. "ok" one word. that was all and now Draco Malfoy, a pure-blood boy who did anything his father told him to do, now he was going to do something he was not even allowed to talk about with someone who he was told to hate. but it was the person he trusted most. Draco slowly placed his forehead on Harry's. he could feel harry's light breaths hitch at contact and then go back down. he leaned closer till their noses touched then waited. what for? no one will ever know the exact reason. the blond was excited, aroused, confused, afraid, and self-conscious all at the same time, harry slowly closed the gap, their lips touched. both boys tilted their heads in opposite directions. being about a foot away from the wall Harry pulled himself against it. their kiss had not deepened but kissing was not really the point, it was more of Draco's way of showing how he felt. replacing one hand on the wall next to the harry's head and leaving the other where it was Draco leaned to harry's ear "you're like really hot against a wall you know" he then put his thumb one harry's lips and the rest of his hand wonder the other's chin.
draco proceeded to rub it back and forth. Harry, knowing what to do, opened his mouth slightly. enough for Draco's thin thumb to slip in there, and feel around. Harry moved his tongue from the base to the tip of Draco's thumb's underside, letting out a small moan.
"what the actual fuck do you boys think you're doing?" a high female voice said.
welp, everyone will know now. Draco turned around and harry opened his eyes to see professor McGonagle. Draco looked down at his feet "I'm sorry; please don't tell anybody about this"
"don't worry about it Mr. Potter and Mr.Malfoy, I won't tell anybody but... IF I HEAR ANYTHING ABOUT YOU TWO HAVEING SEX BOTH THE BOTH OF YOU WILL BE PUNISHED," she turned on her heel and left the room
the blond's face was still down. harry burst out in laughter.
"what? this isn't funny" Draco said looking sharply at the man in front of him.
harry moved a blond peace of hair " your so beautiful when you are flustered like this" he paused "ginny is going to kill both of us if she finds out"
"oh shit I forgot about her" 
"it's fine" he said with a little laugh.
"you and I just kissed. you cheated and it's my fault. I'm sorry" 
"no it's not your fault; you may have started it but I let it continue. Ginny and I... are not in a good place and I think luna likes her" harry said and pulled Draco -who was crying- into a hug. "it is and will be ok"
ginny walked up to her older brother and Hermione "have either of you seen harry?" she asked.
"oh yeah, he ran off with the stupid blond" Ron laughed out as if draco had not changed. or maybe as if draco changed but not in a good way.
"Ronald fucking weasly! he may have been mean to the both of us before but lately Malfoy has been nice. you should respect the fact that he is trying and not becoming the bully your self" Hermione scolded.
the younger girl skipped off saying "if you see him tell me".
harry got out of bed, got dressed, and then opened the portrait passageway. "hey my beautiful prince" Draco whispered seductively in the brunette's ear, biting it softly. the way he said it made harry feel weak in the knees, like if Draco says to do something, he would do it.
"let's go," Draco saidsmileing like the skyes were blue and the sun was shineing. he grabed harry's wrist and starting to head to an empty classroom. despite the blond's efforts to be alone with his prince charming, ginny walked up to them "hello harry; let's go find an empty classroom" the girl said with a small smerk. she took the words right out of Draco's mouth, the words HE wanted to say.
"sorry gin but in just not free right now," harry said strictly with a blank face and continued with Draco.
"Malfoy may be acting like he is your friend but deep down he is just trying to mess with you" ginny retorted.
"you know what? I don't FUCKING care what you think his intentions are! you don't seem to understand how to leave me alone when I'm busy. when I try to hang out with my friends you always try to get my attention and take me away. you try to be the only one in my life, the only one I talk to, the only person on my mind. you don't love me, you're obsessed with me; it's so fucking annoying. It's breakfast time so go eat before the food gets cold" harry screamed
"oh well your not mr.perfect either. sorry for wanting to hang out with my boyfriend. what? are you making out with Hermione? Maybe sucking my brother off between classes? or fucking Malfoy up the ass? tell me. what is it?" ginny questioned starting to tear up a little.
the shorter of the two grabbed Draco's arm and sped away
"by the way if we had sex I'd be fucking you up the ass" Draco whispered gigleing a little.
"yeah shore I'm down. let's do it"
"wait, no I didn't mean it like that. I mean yes, I would like to have sex with you but not just to get back at your girlfriend"
"then do it because I really do want to"
"ok," he said and continued pulling harry to a room. when they got in there Draco grabbed harry's neck and they slammed their lips together. harry opened his mouth and Draco slipped his tongue in, exploring every inch of the submissive boy's mouth. the blond pushed harry into a wall grinding against him.
draco slowly moved a hand to Harry's waist and then started undoing his chosen one's pants and palming him. "mmmh your already better than ginny~ ahhhhh" harry moaned out and then moaned again as he felt a hand running up and down his already hard dick.
Draco broke the kiss and pushed his forehead on the others, he continued jerking harry off as they just stared at each other. their eyes both said the same three words. 
after only a few minutes harry said "fu~ck I'm about to cum~" 
Draco stopped moving "haha. no." he laughed out softly and shook his head. "I love you my prince but if I let you cum that easily then where would the fun be?"
"I forgot you  were such a bully" harry scoffed
"Oh, my dear baby...i" he pumped his hand down "am" up "worse" down. draco flipped harry around. his ass pushed against the blond devil's dick.
"I prepared myself this morning," the burnet said as if the author is not having bad cramps so she is tired and does not feel like this stuff is really needed at this moment. if you want more preparation just skip this story but i will add smut in a minute.
"Well then" Draco started removing his pants "don't be too loud, if you do I'll make sure you feel the pain" he whispered in harry's ear, biting it a little. he kept one hand on the other's dick. he pushed three fingers into harry. the sibbmisive one nearly screamed out. next, Draco curled his fingers, hitting the prostate and moving the other hand up and down harry's shaft a few times. 
"I want to feel you in me" harry said needly.
"then ask nicely"
"Please would you make me feel full and make me whole by having sex with me?" harry begged
Draco didn't say anything. he just smiled and kissed harry's neck. after a minute he finally answered; "yes". draco pushed into his Burnett. "please never leave me, never hide from me, never turn around and walk away. please let me kiss you till we grow old. like we are the only people in this world. and like we are the only people in the next world." the blond started to cry
"never. i will never just leave you"
"and i the same" draco's pase picked up. 
"can i cum? please?"
"yes my love"
AN: so i would have made this hole thing into one chapter but i want to give this part first. the next chapter will contain mager depretion. also next chapter i will link my play list that i use. i don't know who made it but i use it for my writing.
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rensoneshots · 2 years
bashes first time
sebastian croft x joe locke
joe and bash, unlike in the first season of heartstopper had not seen each other much, and at home, they were too tired to even makeout. in the first session, they had to practice kissing and the kiss on video. this evening would be different, the both of them had the day off so they slept in till 3pm. bash kissed joe as they sat in bed which surprised the other enough so he could slip his tongue in. bash explored his love's mouth until joe pushed older against the bed pulling away. they had yet to have sex but had each touched every part of the other. "can I undress you?" asked joe. "yes" was all he needed to say before all of both of their clothes were gone and laying on the floor. "just be gentle and I'm all yours" joe kissed the man laying under him lightly leaning to whisper in bash's ear "just tell me when to stop" he slowly pushed himself into the other's tight virgin hole. the older moaned out in pain and pleasure. "Are you ok," a very concerned joe asked. for Sebastian, this was the first time he ever had sex. on the other hand, while exploring his sexuality joe fucked a lot of girls. I felt good just never right. as a child (14) he was assaulted by a producer. FLASHBACK Joe was 14 and wanted to play a character in a movie who was gay. this character was going to have to kiss the other main character. he was meeting the producer and talking over pay and whatnot. "I think you're a great actor and you look wonderful but I need to know that you can kiss someone without looking odd. you didn't really do an adition but so if you would act out the kiss sean we could call it an addition. Oh and if the fans think you didn't need an addition that would be even better but you would just not be able to tell any one" looking back on it any smart person should have known that the man didn't care about joe but more just knew if it got out he would be in trouble. "umm o-ok; I gues-ss tha-that's fin-ne," the scared boy say "well let's start" in the show, joe's character would be picked up, pressed against the wall making out with the other boy when the camera cut to them, and then move a little before going to the next scene. Joe was picked up and wrapped his legs around the producer before getting pushed on a wall by a much older man. he felt something poke him a little but it was replaced by the producer's hand. "Are you ready?" asked the producer. he nodded and their lips met. in the show they were making out he opened his mouth and allowed the other in. and little pock from before came back but harder. That's when joe realized that this was no addition but more of a way to use him. the poke wasn't anything it was a dick and before he knew it joe was moved to a couch and his pants were being removed. "Actually I don't think I want this part. I'll just find a different show" joe said pulling away "no it's too late, you cant take back yes" (no means no even if someone has already said yes) then without any warning the older pushed into joe hitting his prostate. it hurt so much but felt so good "NOO! S-ST-O-O-P!" "shut the fuck up" the door was busted open "hey!" someone yelled. all of this was kept under wraps, only kit bash and his family know now and therapy has really helped. END FLASHBACK "Are you ok?" a very concerned joe asked. "yes; keep going. please, this feels really fucking good." joe pulled out and went in deeper as he slowly started speeding up. "you have s-so much sta-ahhhhhh-mina, I thought I was the first boy you fucked" "I have had sex with girls nearly every weekend till I met you with girls sens I was 15 (the legal age of consent in England is 16).
an: stop, if you are about to say they are 18 and 20 and that they are too young just stop because i don't care about your opinion
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rensoneshots · 2 years
wake up, I have the video -dnf smutshot-
"Hey, wake up" George whispered in dream's ear as he hovered over the sleeping man he loved's body. his tone was soft but he knew he did not need to be loud because the sleeping beauty he slept with the night before was not in fact asleep. "hey if you don't get up I will post the video from last night". dream knew the world already knows they have been together for a while even if they continuously denied it. the only part the internet would be surprised by is the fact that in said video George was not being fucked and dream was not pining the smaller man to anything at all. you may be surprised the video was of dream putting himself into his beloved George. dream got flashbacks of the things George and his kinkiness wanted to be recorded. it started with George's hands intertwined in his blond's hair bobbing dream's head onto his cock. "mmmmha" was all the younger could get out as he choked on the thing his mouth had become well too familiar with lately. "cu-hggga-ming" George moaned out as the milky sobstens came from his member and into the other's mouth, some leaking from the corners or his plump lips and the rest being swallowed. later the blond was tied up, with his hands together tied to the top of the bed, and his feet chained to the other two bed posts at the other end of the bed. "since I have been waiting all day for this I think I will just go in dry. what do you think" the brunet asked smerking. "yes please". the first time the two of us had sex dream toped because that's what the internet wanted. this changed soon after, dream was 6in and quite small were as George was 9in. George did not like being hurt all thow dream, on the other hand, liked to hurt and on the other liked hurting people. if you looked closely dream had small scars over many parts of his body. george pushed in and even tho he knew it was comeing he screamed out in pain "f-fuck-k", the letters being broken up by the pounding in his ass. soon after the pounding of his ass becam the pounding of his prostate. "if you want more you'll beg" the love of dream's life said laughing a little. "p-please keep-p go going gogy" "ass hole" george did not like the name "ye-yes in my ass" dream laughed as if he were not posibly bleeding from his hind end onto the bed he was tied to by the man he love. george quickend the pase slaming into dream at inhumen speeds the rest was just a blure but the video was just to private so he go up "carfull the joke you made was punished, if you dont remember watch the clips". an: im watching stranger things as i write but i was bord so i wrote this
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rensoneshots · 2 years
just us three
yuri on ice
the three of them were just hanging out. victor walked back from the bathroom to the room the yuris were in. just as he got to the doorway yurio grabbed his face and kissed him. seeing as the boy was 18 and he was in his 20s he quickly pushed the boy away. also, the face that his boyfreind was right there in the room. "oi what the fuck" he said annoyed "Sorry but you can blame him," the youngest said pointing to the other yuri "yuri?" -v "that was not long enough" -yk "was that a dare" -v yurio grabbed victor again and kissed his plump lips. since yuri was clearly ok with this victor bit yurio's lip and when he opened his mouth victor slipped his toung in the smaller's mouth. yurio moaned a little and kinda just let victor do his thing because the only kiss he ever had was with this girl in middle school and its lasted seconds. "yeah no that was long enough, brack it up," yuri said "I umm ok wow" -yp "That kid is 17 victor" -yk "excuse me" -yp "he's 18. it's legal" -v "sence when" -yk "today" -yk "you know what? that was a dare so now it's my turn. I dare you two to make out" victor said smirking as the two younger boys inched closer to each other. "seeing as you said earlier how hot he is and you are 18 do you want to mess around with Vic together" yuri whispered in yurio's ear in a seductive voice. "k" they each stub on eather side of victor and kissed while running their hand over victors body yuri started at the chest and worked his way to victors dick slowly rubbing and feeling every crevis and tracing all 6 of his love's abs. yurio and his little experience was doing quite well for a newbie. he traced victors butt with his finger and then rubbed over his entrance and past his ass to his balls. as all of this was going on victor was a moaning mess and was enjoying himself now more than winning gold. and the feel of yurio's hands was something he had wanted for a long time but only now they were both of age to do such things. the yuris split lips and yurio sucked on victor's neck leaving little red marks that would have to be covered in makeup the next day for interviews. yuri kissed victor's lips for just a minute before kissing him down to where his pants started yuri unbuttoned the pants and removed them, showing victor's already hard cock. he kissed it to tease his love and then started bobbing his head up and down. victor moaned out from the pleasure from the two men he loved, one of whom became a man earlier that day. the room then started to rumble and the roof and floor were shaking. moments later victor had been laying there with the house collapsed on them from what he could only assume was an earthquake. beside him lay yuri's arm, severed from his body. blood was all over it and it wrenched his heart to see the ring finger with the ring that he had bought for his love ripped off. even if he wanted to victor was crushed under rubble so he could not get up. he looked over and saw an eye by his head and yurio's body with no head near him. he was bleeding out and with his final breath said "goodbye world"
an: well thats that and i hope you liked it
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rensoneshots · 2 years
the kill princess 2
my final wish is to tell my father i love him
"hey" some one shouted hearing the comotion.
after seeing the knife he looked astonished "oh my... y-you're the killer!" he skeeched
"she is a pirate" Elisabeth exclamed!
"both of you put your hands up and neal down on the floor" he said and reloctently the both of us did so. minuts later elisabeth and i were tied up and the boat docked. we then got loaded up into a carege.
"hey" i said to a one of the two gards that were with elisabeth and I.
"tch what do you want"
"ceach me if yo can" i wispered before jumping out of the carege
an: ok that was the real full ending. still a cliff hanger but ray might retern from
the end
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rensoneshots · 2 years
the kill princess 1
One I Rayna or Ray for short am a pirate's daughter. We are known for theft and murder all across the grate Briton. My full name is Rayna Sia Sculler and my father, Sebastian Bulger Sculler; the worst of the worst, the one called 'the kill king'.
With many targets on him, we never stopped moving and I was trained to kill people from a young age. Though many people tried to get us the only person I knew who was killed by what we call the hunters was some crew members and my mother.
Soon after her death, the training started. Most days I spent getting beat up but after a while, the masters were getting their asses handed to them. By the time I was 11 I was begging my father to let me compete, but I was never allowed to. Now that I am older I have realized why he kept me on board at all times.
Today I am packing up a few things to go to a ship that will set out tomorrow and stay at sea for a year. The boat is going to have many noble girls my age. This sort of this is to keep them safe but seeing as I am In constant danger I will be boarding too.
Today is the first day I have been on the boat. With me I brought some makeup to cover the mark on my shoulder, a few nice dresses, some sleep clothes, a knife to protect myself or just to have some fun, and my hat. Now because my hat is such a dead giveaway about who exactly I am I also have a bag that fits it perfectly.
A girl came up to me earlier and asked about my family, luckily it was time to eat so all of the girls went to the dining hall. Oh and the activities they have here are overwhelming. The first thing in the morning is breakfast and then there is a play, later we can do whatever we want. At noon is lunch and then swimming, plays, or crafts. After dinner, we are able to go to bed or play table games.
It's been a couple of days now and one girl has died. She was the one I talked of in my last entire. Lists of the other girls are scared of who may be next but no investigation has been held.
Most of us were out on the deck when a girl came up to me "hi I'm Emerald or M" she said "Oh I'm Marry" I lied "Well marry you have something on your shoulder" Oh shit. The makeup must have rubbed off I thought "oh I should go to the restroom to check on that then I guess" I replied quickly rushing off to my room.
Emerald was a little odd. Like me, she wore a shorter dress than the others but unlike me, she had on no corset and no heels on her shoes. I had meant to ask about it but never got to before having to fix my shoulder.
Last night M died. She was the only one who had seen my mark, and whether she knew what it was or not she was not going to be allowed to live.
As I stabbed her she told me "I thought I recognized the small piece of your mark that I saw. You must have killed the other girl too" "Yes in fact though they did not tell you, I carved her finger with the Sculler cross" "Rayna Sai Sculler, wow even saying your name gives me the chills. My father will never tell anyone but I killed someone once. I was a little girl and I was playing with my doll. I dropped it so I told the maid next to me to go get it, but when she said no I pushed her off the 5 story balcony. I never stopped to think, later that day it was determined that I was unable to feel empathy." She told me "Emerald is not your name much like how my name is not Marry, is it? No, you're the O'laze kid. I thought the shoes were odd but now I see why" was all I said before delivering the final blow.
She and I were not too different after all I was a sociopath too.
Somehow and this time it was not me, three more people have died. The only way for me to be safe is to kill more people until one of us killers is dead.
Eight people have been killed five of them were my victims, and for each one, I felt nothing. Honestly, it was quite easy to do and no investigations have happened. At this point, only five murders have been announced.
The other killer has killed again.
No one is safe! She is ruthless! I am hiding in my closet as Elizabeth is trying to find me. I thought she seemed nice but not long ago she picked the lock on my door. There was a knife in her hand.
This may be my last entire. She has just opened the closet and will find me behind the clothing soon.
My final wish is to...
AN: The end. I really hope you like this and tell me in the comments what you think Ray's final wish is. I know this was not long but I got inspired by a pirate thing we did at my summer camp today.
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