renwritingcorner 6 months
Cobwebbed Whispers | A Short Story by Rin T.
Cobwebbed Whispers
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In the ethereal silence of twilight, the cobwebbed corridors whispered tales of bygone eras within the towers of an ancient boarding school. The weight of history hung heavy upon the darkened cobblestone halls, each step echoing with the resonance of forgotten scholars.
It was in the hallowed study hall, where the musty scent of aged tomes intermingled with the faint aroma of dried ink, that Eleanor found solace amidst the enigmatic tapestries of the past. Amidst dusty volumes and flickering candlelight, she sought sanctuary from the bustling echoes of the living.
Enthralled by the romanticism of centuries past, Eleanor traced her quill upon parchment, lost in the rhythm of her thoughts. Yet, her solitude was not absolute. In the corner of the room, amidst the creeping shadows, lingered a presence not bound by the constraints of the corporeal world.
A spectral figure, a boy of enigmatic charm, haunted the study hall. His apparition, adorned in garments of a forgotten epoch, watched her with eyes that held the melancholic weight of untold stories. Whispers woven within the very fabric of the academy hinted at his tragic fate, an untimely demise that tethered him to the earthly realm.
Their encounters began as fleeting moments, the phantom's presence felt rather than seen. Yet, as time slipped like sand through an hourglass, Eleanor's heart intertwined with the ghostly boy's plight. With each passing dusk, their connection transcended the veil between the living and the departed.
Through the sepia-tinged pages of history, they forged an unlikely bond. Conversations danced between the mortal and the spectral, their words weaving a tapestry of longing and understanding. His spectral touch, though intangible, left imprints upon her soul.
In the whispers of the study hall's solitude, love blossomed between Eleanor and the boy of yesteryears. His spectral whispers held the charm of forgotten sonnets, and she, enraptured, found herself falling deeper into an affection that defied the boundaries of time and mortality.
Their love, a symphony of two souls entwined, traversed the realms of the living and the ethereal, casting shadows upon the walls that bore witness to their clandestine meetings. For in the heart of the darkness, amidst the hallowed sanctuary of knowledge, their forbidden love story etched its poignant verses into the annals of the boarding school's history.
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renwritingcorner 6 months
To whom it concerned, I wanted everyone to know that this is simply a teaster to a WIP novel I'm working on, called "Project C.W" alias as "Project Cobwebbed Whispers" I put it in the format as a short story. Let me know if you would read this if it became a published novel.
Cobwebbed Whispers | A Short Story by Rin T.
Cobwebbed Whispers
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In the ethereal silence of twilight, the cobwebbed corridors whispered tales of bygone eras within the towers of an ancient boarding school. The weight of history hung heavy upon the darkened cobblestone halls, each step echoing with the resonance of forgotten scholars.
It was in the hallowed study hall, where the musty scent of aged tomes intermingled with the faint aroma of dried ink, that Eleanor found solace amidst the enigmatic tapestries of the past. Amidst dusty volumes and flickering candlelight, she sought sanctuary from the bustling echoes of the living.
Enthralled by the romanticism of centuries past, Eleanor traced her quill upon parchment, lost in the rhythm of her thoughts. Yet, her solitude was not absolute. In the corner of the room, amidst the creeping shadows, lingered a presence not bound by the constraints of the corporeal world.
A spectral figure, a boy of enigmatic charm, haunted the study hall. His apparition, adorned in garments of a forgotten epoch, watched her with eyes that held the melancholic weight of untold stories. Whispers woven within the very fabric of the academy hinted at his tragic fate, an untimely demise that tethered him to the earthly realm.
Their encounters began as fleeting moments, the phantom's presence felt rather than seen. Yet, as time slipped like sand through an hourglass, Eleanor's heart intertwined with the ghostly boy's plight. With each passing dusk, their connection transcended the veil between the living and the departed.
Through the sepia-tinged pages of history, they forged an unlikely bond. Conversations danced between the mortal and the spectral, their words weaving a tapestry of longing and understanding. His spectral touch, though intangible, left imprints upon her soul.
In the whispers of the study hall's solitude, love blossomed between Eleanor and the boy of yesteryears. His spectral whispers held the charm of forgotten sonnets, and she, enraptured, found herself falling deeper into an affection that defied the boundaries of time and mortality.
Their love, a symphony of two souls entwined, traversed the realms of the living and the ethereal, casting shadows upon the walls that bore witness to their clandestine meetings. For in the heart of the darkness, amidst the hallowed sanctuary of knowledge, their forbidden love story etched its poignant verses into the annals of the boarding school's history.
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17 notes View notes
renwritingcorner 6 months
Cobwebbed Whispers | A Short Story by Rin T.
Cobwebbed Whispers
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In the ethereal silence of twilight, the cobwebbed corridors whispered tales of bygone eras within the towers of an ancient boarding school. The weight of history hung heavy upon the darkened cobblestone halls, each step echoing with the resonance of forgotten scholars.
It was in the hallowed study hall, where the musty scent of aged tomes intermingled with the faint aroma of dried ink, that Eleanor found solace amidst the enigmatic tapestries of the past. Amidst dusty volumes and flickering candlelight, she sought sanctuary from the bustling echoes of the living.
Enthralled by the romanticism of centuries past, Eleanor traced her quill upon parchment, lost in the rhythm of her thoughts. Yet, her solitude was not absolute. In the corner of the room, amidst the creeping shadows, lingered a presence not bound by the constraints of the corporeal world.
A spectral figure, a boy of enigmatic charm, haunted the study hall. His apparition, adorned in garments of a forgotten epoch, watched her with eyes that held the melancholic weight of untold stories. Whispers woven within the very fabric of the academy hinted at his tragic fate, an untimely demise that tethered him to the earthly realm.
Their encounters began as fleeting moments, the phantom's presence felt rather than seen. Yet, as time slipped like sand through an hourglass, Eleanor's heart intertwined with the ghostly boy's plight. With each passing dusk, their connection transcended the veil between the living and the departed.
Through the sepia-tinged pages of history, they forged an unlikely bond. Conversations danced between the mortal and the spectral, their words weaving a tapestry of longing and understanding. His spectral touch, though intangible, left imprints upon her soul.
In the whispers of the study hall's solitude, love blossomed between Eleanor and the boy of yesteryears. His spectral whispers held the charm of forgotten sonnets, and she, enraptured, found herself falling deeper into an affection that defied the boundaries of time and mortality.
Their love, a symphony of two souls entwined, traversed the realms of the living and the ethereal, casting shadows upon the walls that bore witness to their clandestine meetings. For in the heart of the darkness, amidst the hallowed sanctuary of knowledge, their forbidden love story etched its poignant verses into the annals of the boarding school's history.
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renwritingcorner 6 months
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renwritingcorner 1 year
Day 6 of making spell jars for my followers.
Send me an ask and let me know what you need in your life. 聽I鈥檒l make you a spell jar for free :)
And please check out my etsy shop.
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renwritingcorner 1 year
Unleash Your Inner Witch: Tips for Writing Witchcraft
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Witchcraft has been a fascinating and mysterious topic for centuries. From the Salem witch trials to modern-day Wicca, the practice of witchcraft has evolved and endured. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, writing about witchcraft can be a powerful and transformative experience. In this blog post, I鈥檒l help you explore tips and strategies for writing about witchcraft, including researching the history of witchcraft, developing your own unique system, selecting tools, creating spells and rituals, incorporating mythology and folklore, and writing with intention and purpose.
Explore the History of Witchcraft
Before you can write about witchcraft, it's important to understand its history and evolution. Witchcraft has been practiced in various forms throughout history, from ancient pagan traditions to medieval and common era witch-hunts. A thorough exploration of the history of witchcraft can provide context and inspiration for your writing.
One way to explore the history of witchcraft is to read books and articles on the subject. Look for works by reputable historians and scholars, such as Ronald Hutton's "The Witch: A History of Fear from Ancient Times to the Present." You can also visit museums and historical sites related to witchcraft, such as the Salem Witch Museum in Massachusetts or the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic in Cornwall, England. Google is another way to research, but the articles you find on the internet aren鈥檛 always true; it鈥檚 best to use search engines other than Google to find more truthful information.
Finally, consider connecting with other practitioners of witchcraft and participating in online communities and forums. These communities can provide valuable insights and perspectives on the history and practice of witchcraft.
Research Modern-Day Witchcraft
While the history of witchcraft is important, it's also essential to understand modern-day witchcraft. There are many different traditions and practices within the broad umbrella of witchcraft, from Wicca to Hoodoo to modern eclectic witchcraft. Researching modern-day witchcraft can help you develop your own unique system and style of writing about witchcraft. Start by exploring different books and websites on modern-day witchcraft. Look for authors and practitioners who resonate with you and your writing style. Consider attending local events and workshops related to witchcraft, such as pagan festivals or Wiccan covens. These experiences can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your writing. You don鈥檛 have to go to physical events or workshops in order to learn about witchcraft, but if you want a realistic experience and authentic knowledge on witchcraft it鈥檚 best to do so.
Remember that witchcraft is a constantly evolving and changing practice. Stay open-minded and willing to learn as you research modern-day witchcraft.
Develop Your Unique Witchcraft System
Once you have a solid understanding of the history and modern-day practices of witchcraft, it's time to develop your own unique system. This can include selecting tools and materials, creating spells and rituals, and incorporating your own personal mythology and folklore.
When selecting tools and materials, consider what resonates with you and your writing. This can include herbs, crystals, candles, and tarot cards, among others. Experiment with different tools and materials to find what works best for you.
Creating spells and rituals can be a powerful and transformative experience. Consider what intentions and desires you want to manifest through your writing, and craft spells and rituals accordingly. Remember to stay true to your own personal beliefs and values.
Finally, consider incorporating your own personal mythology and folklore into your writing. This can include family stories and traditions, personal experiences, and cultural mythology. By incorporating your own unique perspective and voice, you can create powerful and authentic writing about witchcraft.
Choose Your Witchcraft Tools
Once you have developed your unique witchcraft system, it's time to choose your tools. This can include physical tools, such as candles and crystals.
When selecting physical tools, consider what resonates with you and your writing, including whatever fits the plot of your story. This can include materials that have personal significance or symbolism, as well as tools that are practical and useful for your writing process.
Find Your Writing Software
When selecting digital tools, consider what will help you stay organized and productive. This can include writing software, such as Scrivener or Google Docs, as well as online communities and forums for feedback and support.
Remember that your tools should support your writing process and help you achieve your goals as a writer of witchcraft.
Create Spells and Rituals
Creating spells and rituals is an essential part of writing about witchcraft. These practices can help you manifest your intentions and desires, as well as connect with your own personal mythology and folklore.
When creating spells and rituals, consider what you want to achieve through your writing. This can include personal growth, healing, or manifestation of specific desires. Craft spells and rituals that are aligned with your own beliefs and values.
Remember to approach spells and rituals with intention and respect. These practices can be powerful and transformative, and should be treated accordingly.
Consider noting what spells would fit in your story, for example if you鈥檙e character wants someone to fall in love with them consider creating a love spell, make sure to have a note-taking digital software or app to help you note down everything about the spells and rituals you create. Including the incantation, the items your character needs to cast it. And anything else that has a relation with your spell(s).
Incorporate Mythology and Folklore Mythology and folklore are an important part of the history and practice of witchcraft. Incorporating these elements into your story can add depth and richness to your work.
When incorporating mythology and folklore, consider what resonates with you and your story. This can include cultural mythology, family traditions, and personal experiences. Use these elements to add authenticity and depth to your writing.
Remember to approach mythology and folklore with respect and sensitivity. These are living traditions that should be treated with care and reverence.
Write with Intention and Purpose When writing about witchcraft, it's important to approach your work with intention and purpose. This can include setting goals and intentions for your writing, as well as staying true to your own beliefs and values.
Consider what you want to achieve through your writing. This can include personal growth, healing, or sharing your experiences with others. Craft your writing with these goals in mind. Remember to stay true to your own voice and perspective. Witchcraft is a deeply personal and individual practice, and your writing should reflect this.
Practice, Revise, and Share Your Work
Like any form of writing, writing about witchcraft requires practice, revision, and sharing your work with others.
Take the time to continually research about witchcraft and the traditions, and incorporate your research into your revision process. Revise your work with intention and purpose, and seek feedback from others to help improve your writing. Don鈥檛 be afraid to get a real practitioner of witchcraft to become a beta-reader for your story. They can help you find anything offensive or misleading about witchcraft in your novel.
Finally, share your work with others. This can include submitting your writing to publications or sharing it with online communities and forums. By sharing your work, you can connect with others and inspire them to explore their own inner witch.
Writing about witchcraft can be a powerful and transformative experience. By exploring the history of witchcraft, researching modern-day practices, developing your own unique system, selecting tools, creating spells and rituals, incorporating mythology and folklore, writing with intention and purpose, and practicing, revising, and sharing your work, (try saying that five times.)
You can unleash your inner witch and create powerful and authentic writing about witchcraft. Remember to stay true to your own voice and perspective, and approach your writing with respect and intention.
(Note:) It鈥檚 important to note that witchcraft is a craft/practice not a religion. All Wiccans are witches and pagans, but not all individuals who practice witchcraft are wiccans or pagans.
TheWriteAdviceForWriters 2023
335 notes View notes
renwritingcorner 1 year
Unleash Your Inner Witch: Tips for Writing Witchcraft
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Witchcraft has been a fascinating and mysterious topic for centuries. From the Salem witch trials to modern-day Wicca, the practice of witchcraft has evolved and endured. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, writing about witchcraft can be a powerful and transformative experience. In this blog post, I鈥檒l help you explore tips and strategies for writing about witchcraft, including researching the history of witchcraft, developing your own unique system, selecting tools, creating spells and rituals, incorporating mythology and folklore, and writing with intention and purpose.
Explore the History of Witchcraft
Before you can write about witchcraft, it's important to understand its history and evolution. Witchcraft has been practiced in various forms throughout history, from ancient pagan traditions to medieval and common era witch-hunts. A thorough exploration of the history of witchcraft can provide context and inspiration for your writing.
One way to explore the history of witchcraft is to read books and articles on the subject. Look for works by reputable historians and scholars, such as Ronald Hutton's "The Witch: A History of Fear from Ancient Times to the Present." You can also visit museums and historical sites related to witchcraft, such as the Salem Witch Museum in Massachusetts or the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic in Cornwall, England. Google is another way to research, but the articles you find on the internet aren鈥檛 always true; it鈥檚 best to use search engines other than Google to find more truthful information.
Finally, consider connecting with other practitioners of witchcraft and participating in online communities and forums. These communities can provide valuable insights and perspectives on the history and practice of witchcraft.
Research Modern-Day Witchcraft
While the history of witchcraft is important, it's also essential to understand modern-day witchcraft. There are many different traditions and practices within the broad umbrella of witchcraft, from Wicca to Hoodoo to modern eclectic witchcraft. Researching modern-day witchcraft can help you develop your own unique system and style of writing about witchcraft. Start by exploring different books and websites on modern-day witchcraft. Look for authors and practitioners who resonate with you and your writing style. Consider attending local events and workshops related to witchcraft, such as pagan festivals or Wiccan covens. These experiences can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your writing. You don鈥檛 have to go to physical events or workshops in order to learn about witchcraft, but if you want a realistic experience and authentic knowledge on witchcraft it鈥檚 best to do so.
Remember that witchcraft is a constantly evolving and changing practice. Stay open-minded and willing to learn as you research modern-day witchcraft.
Develop Your Unique Witchcraft System
Once you have a solid understanding of the history and modern-day practices of witchcraft, it's time to develop your own unique system. This can include selecting tools and materials, creating spells and rituals, and incorporating your own personal mythology and folklore.
When selecting tools and materials, consider what resonates with you and your writing. This can include herbs, crystals, candles, and tarot cards, among others. Experiment with different tools and materials to find what works best for you.
Creating spells and rituals can be a powerful and transformative experience. Consider what intentions and desires you want to manifest through your writing, and craft spells and rituals accordingly. Remember to stay true to your own personal beliefs and values.
Finally, consider incorporating your own personal mythology and folklore into your writing. This can include family stories and traditions, personal experiences, and cultural mythology. By incorporating your own unique perspective and voice, you can create powerful and authentic writing about witchcraft.
Choose Your Witchcraft Tools
Once you have developed your unique witchcraft system, it's time to choose your tools. This can include physical tools, such as candles and crystals.
When selecting physical tools, consider what resonates with you and your writing, including whatever fits the plot of your story. This can include materials that have personal significance or symbolism, as well as tools that are practical and useful for your writing process.
Find Your Writing Software
When selecting digital tools, consider what will help you stay organized and productive. This can include writing software, such as Scrivener or Google Docs, as well as online communities and forums for feedback and support.
Remember that your tools should support your writing process and help you achieve your goals as a writer of witchcraft.
Create Spells and Rituals
Creating spells and rituals is an essential part of writing about witchcraft. These practices can help you manifest your intentions and desires, as well as connect with your own personal mythology and folklore.
When creating spells and rituals, consider what you want to achieve through your writing. This can include personal growth, healing, or manifestation of specific desires. Craft spells and rituals that are aligned with your own beliefs and values.
Remember to approach spells and rituals with intention and respect. These practices can be powerful and transformative, and should be treated accordingly.
Consider noting what spells would fit in your story, for example if you鈥檙e character wants someone to fall in love with them consider creating a love spell, make sure to have a note-taking digital software or app to help you note down everything about the spells and rituals you create. Including the incantation, the items your character needs to cast it. And anything else that has a relation with your spell(s).
Incorporate Mythology and Folklore Mythology and folklore are an important part of the history and practice of witchcraft. Incorporating these elements into your story can add depth and richness to your work.
When incorporating mythology and folklore, consider what resonates with you and your story. This can include cultural mythology, family traditions, and personal experiences. Use these elements to add authenticity and depth to your writing.
Remember to approach mythology and folklore with respect and sensitivity. These are living traditions that should be treated with care and reverence.
Write with Intention and Purpose When writing about witchcraft, it's important to approach your work with intention and purpose. This can include setting goals and intentions for your writing, as well as staying true to your own beliefs and values.
Consider what you want to achieve through your writing. This can include personal growth, healing, or sharing your experiences with others. Craft your writing with these goals in mind. Remember to stay true to your own voice and perspective. Witchcraft is a deeply personal and individual practice, and your writing should reflect this.
Practice, Revise, and Share Your Work
Like any form of writing, writing about witchcraft requires practice, revision, and sharing your work with others.
Take the time to continually research about witchcraft and the traditions, and incorporate your research into your revision process. Revise your work with intention and purpose, and seek feedback from others to help improve your writing. Don鈥檛 be afraid to get a real practitioner of witchcraft to become a beta-reader for your story. They can help you find anything offensive or misleading about witchcraft in your novel.
Finally, share your work with others. This can include submitting your writing to publications or sharing it with online communities and forums. By sharing your work, you can connect with others and inspire them to explore their own inner witch.
Writing about witchcraft can be a powerful and transformative experience. By exploring the history of witchcraft, researching modern-day practices, developing your own unique system, selecting tools, creating spells and rituals, incorporating mythology and folklore, writing with intention and purpose, and practicing, revising, and sharing your work, (try saying that five times.)
You can unleash your inner witch and create powerful and authentic writing about witchcraft. Remember to stay true to your own voice and perspective, and approach your writing with respect and intention.
(Note:) It鈥檚 important to note that witchcraft is a craft/practice not a religion. All Wiccans are witches and pagans, but not all individuals who practice witchcraft are wiccans or pagans.
TheWriteAdviceForWriters 2023
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renwritingcorner 1 year
synonyms for magic
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renwritingcorner 1 year
Unleash Your Inner Witch: Tips for Writing Witchcraft
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Witchcraft has been a fascinating and mysterious topic for centuries. From the Salem witch trials to modern-day Wicca, the practice of witchcraft has evolved and endured. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, writing about witchcraft can be a powerful and transformative experience. In this blog post, I鈥檒l help you explore tips and strategies for writing about witchcraft, including researching the history of witchcraft, developing your own unique system, selecting tools, creating spells and rituals, incorporating mythology and folklore, and writing with intention and purpose.
Explore the History of Witchcraft
Before you can write about witchcraft, it's important to understand its history and evolution. Witchcraft has been practiced in various forms throughout history, from ancient pagan traditions to medieval and common era witch-hunts. A thorough exploration of the history of witchcraft can provide context and inspiration for your writing.
One way to explore the history of witchcraft is to read books and articles on the subject. Look for works by reputable historians and scholars, such as Ronald Hutton's "The Witch: A History of Fear from Ancient Times to the Present." You can also visit museums and historical sites related to witchcraft, such as the Salem Witch Museum in Massachusetts or the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic in Cornwall, England. Google is another way to research, but the articles you find on the internet aren鈥檛 always true; it鈥檚 best to use search engines other than Google to find more truthful information.
Finally, consider connecting with other practitioners of witchcraft and participating in online communities and forums. These communities can provide valuable insights and perspectives on the history and practice of witchcraft.
Research Modern-Day Witchcraft
While the history of witchcraft is important, it's also essential to understand modern-day witchcraft. There are many different traditions and practices within the broad umbrella of witchcraft, from Wicca to Hoodoo to modern eclectic witchcraft. Researching modern-day witchcraft can help you develop your own unique system and style of writing about witchcraft. Start by exploring different books and websites on modern-day witchcraft. Look for authors and practitioners who resonate with you and your writing style. Consider attending local events and workshops related to witchcraft, such as pagan festivals or Wiccan covens. These experiences can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your writing. You don鈥檛 have to go to physical events or workshops in order to learn about witchcraft, but if you want a realistic experience and authentic knowledge on witchcraft it鈥檚 best to do so.
Remember that witchcraft is a constantly evolving and changing practice. Stay open-minded and willing to learn as you research modern-day witchcraft.
Develop Your Unique Witchcraft System
Once you have a solid understanding of the history and modern-day practices of witchcraft, it's time to develop your own unique system. This can include selecting tools and materials, creating spells and rituals, and incorporating your own personal mythology and folklore.
When selecting tools and materials, consider what resonates with you and your writing. This can include herbs, crystals, candles, and tarot cards, among others. Experiment with different tools and materials to find what works best for you.
Creating spells and rituals can be a powerful and transformative experience. Consider what intentions and desires you want to manifest through your writing, and craft spells and rituals accordingly. Remember to stay true to your own personal beliefs and values.
Finally, consider incorporating your own personal mythology and folklore into your writing. This can include family stories and traditions, personal experiences, and cultural mythology. By incorporating your own unique perspective and voice, you can create powerful and authentic writing about witchcraft.
Choose Your Witchcraft Tools
Once you have developed your unique witchcraft system, it's time to choose your tools. This can include physical tools, such as candles and crystals.
When selecting physical tools, consider what resonates with you and your writing, including whatever fits the plot of your story. This can include materials that have personal significance or symbolism, as well as tools that are practical and useful for your writing process.
Find Your Writing Software
When selecting digital tools, consider what will help you stay organized and productive. This can include writing software, such as Scrivener or Google Docs, as well as online communities and forums for feedback and support.
Remember that your tools should support your writing process and help you achieve your goals as a writer of witchcraft.
Create Spells and Rituals
Creating spells and rituals is an essential part of writing about witchcraft. These practices can help you manifest your intentions and desires, as well as connect with your own personal mythology and folklore.
When creating spells and rituals, consider what you want to achieve through your writing. This can include personal growth, healing, or manifestation of specific desires. Craft spells and rituals that are aligned with your own beliefs and values.
Remember to approach spells and rituals with intention and respect. These practices can be powerful and transformative, and should be treated accordingly.
Consider noting what spells would fit in your story, for example if you鈥檙e character wants someone to fall in love with them consider creating a love spell, make sure to have a note-taking digital software or app to help you note down everything about the spells and rituals you create. Including the incantation, the items your character needs to cast it. And anything else that has a relation with your spell(s).
Incorporate Mythology and Folklore Mythology and folklore are an important part of the history and practice of witchcraft. Incorporating these elements into your story can add depth and richness to your work.
When incorporating mythology and folklore, consider what resonates with you and your story. This can include cultural mythology, family traditions, and personal experiences. Use these elements to add authenticity and depth to your writing.
Remember to approach mythology and folklore with respect and sensitivity. These are living traditions that should be treated with care and reverence.
Write with Intention and Purpose When writing about witchcraft, it's important to approach your work with intention and purpose. This can include setting goals and intentions for your writing, as well as staying true to your own beliefs and values.
Consider what you want to achieve through your writing. This can include personal growth, healing, or sharing your experiences with others. Craft your writing with these goals in mind. Remember to stay true to your own voice and perspective. Witchcraft is a deeply personal and individual practice, and your writing should reflect this.
Practice, Revise, and Share Your Work
Like any form of writing, writing about witchcraft requires practice, revision, and sharing your work with others.
Take the time to continually research about witchcraft and the traditions, and incorporate your research into your revision process. Revise your work with intention and purpose, and seek feedback from others to help improve your writing. Don鈥檛 be afraid to get a real practitioner of witchcraft to become a beta-reader for your story. They can help you find anything offensive or misleading about witchcraft in your novel.
Finally, share your work with others. This can include submitting your writing to publications or sharing it with online communities and forums. By sharing your work, you can connect with others and inspire them to explore their own inner witch.
Writing about witchcraft can be a powerful and transformative experience. By exploring the history of witchcraft, researching modern-day practices, developing your own unique system, selecting tools, creating spells and rituals, incorporating mythology and folklore, writing with intention and purpose, and practicing, revising, and sharing your work, (try saying that five times.)
You can unleash your inner witch and create powerful and authentic writing about witchcraft. Remember to stay true to your own voice and perspective, and approach your writing with respect and intention.
(Note:) It鈥檚 important to note that witchcraft is a craft/practice not a religion. All Wiccans are witches and pagans, but not all individuals who practice witchcraft are wiccans or pagans.
TheWriteAdviceForWriters 2023
335 notes View notes
renwritingcorner 1 year
The Witch's Journey | Short Story by Ren
The young witch ventured into the forest, her long black hair trailing behind her like tendrils of smoke. Her eyes, as dark as the night sky, were filled with wonder and excitement. The trees towered above her, their branches reaching out to her as if to welcome her into their magical realm. She breathed in deeply, the scent of earth and moss filling her senses. The rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds filled the air, adding to the enchanting atmosphere. She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the magic of the forest wash over her. When she opened them again, she saw a glimmer of light in the distance, beckoning her to explore further.
With a graceful step, she made her way towards the source of the light. As she drew closer, she saw that it was a clearing, bathed in the golden light of the sun filtering through the trees. In the center of the clearing was a small pool of water, shimmering like diamonds. The young witch approached the pool, and as she gazed into its depths, she saw visions of the past and the future. She saw the forest as it was before humans, filled with ancient magic and wild creatures. She saw the forest as it could be, a place of harmony and balance between nature and humanity. And she saw herself, a powerful witch, connected to the magic of the forest and the universe. With a smile on her face, she knew that this was just the beginning of her magical journey. -Ren T.
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renwritingcorner 1 year
The Witch's Journey | Short Story by Ren
The young witch ventured into the forest, her long black hair trailing behind her like tendrils of smoke. Her eyes, as dark as the night sky, were filled with wonder and excitement. The trees towered above her, their branches reaching out to her as if to welcome her into their magical realm. She breathed in deeply, the scent of earth and moss filling her senses. The rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds filled the air, adding to the enchanting atmosphere. She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the magic of the forest wash over her. When she opened them again, she saw a glimmer of light in the distance, beckoning her to explore further.
With a graceful step, she made her way towards the source of the light. As she drew closer, she saw that it was a clearing, bathed in the golden light of the sun filtering through the trees. In the center of the clearing was a small pool of water, shimmering like diamonds. The young witch approached the pool, and as she gazed into its depths, she saw visions of the past and the future. She saw the forest as it was before humans, filled with ancient magic and wild creatures. She saw the forest as it could be, a place of harmony and balance between nature and humanity. And she saw herself, a powerful witch, connected to the magic of the forest and the universe. With a smile on her face, she knew that this was just the beginning of her magical journey. -Ren T.
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renwritingcorner 1 year
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Wanted to share this @weheartit-app聽
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renwritingcorner 1 year
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I wanted to make sure to let my followers know that I created a Pinterest profile! I'll not only be posting pins but making mood boards and boards with resources for everyone! Go and follow it now if you'd like to see what I post.
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renwritingcorner 1 year
Who Is Ren T.
Hello everyone, this is my personal blog, where I post my short stories, manuscript chapters, and anything else that interests me. My main blog is TheWriteAdviceForWriters
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Why did I create TheWriteAdviceForWriters
Writing is my dream, I love the art of writing stories created from your mind and imagination. I've always had a big imagination since I was young. Once I discovered I wanted to be a writer. I went straight ahead to researching. There were many websites that helped with creative writing and it was so helpful to have an already made guide for new writers or any leveled writers. I also always had a passion for teaching and bringing knowledge to others, I love researching and learning about things that really interest me. So, I thought why not make a blog/brand to help writers like myself? and that's where it began...
Where did I come up with the name
I wanted people to be attracted to my brand, and wanted to let others know I'll be giving them the right advice, So I decided to change "right" into "write" to make it sound more wittful.
What does TheWriteAdviceForWriters Offer?
I wanted to make TheWriteAdviceForWriters as flexible as possible, with the goal to have EVERYTHING you need to start your writing journey. TWAFWs offers-
Great advice for writing fiction
How to guides for a variety of topics in creative writing
Modern & aesthetic workbooks for you to print or fill in digitally
A vast range of new, underrated and popular resources for writers
A blogger who answers your questions with informative details (me)
Notion Templates
Templates of any kind, like blurb templates, YouTube descriptions template, synopsis templates and more
New book recommendations, and even book reviews
Guides on your author social media
A YouTube channel with everything you need for writing
Another YouTube Channel for playlists to listen to while working/writing
Secret tips and tricks for writing (In any fiction genre)
Courses for fiction
An upcoming proofreading and editing service (Coming soon)
A Discord community for writers
Tutorials and more
I wanted to make sure to make this the place for every writer. There's still so much upcoming to this brand that I have in stored for writers like you.
What is the upcoming proofreading and editing service?
I'm working on a service to help you with your stories. Perhaps there's something with your story that isn't sitting right with you. Like you fell into a plot hole or need ideas, need to make your prose prettier or just need better scenes. I'm working on a service just for writers to help them with any of those problems. It's still a WIP
But it's going to be pretty big for writers alike, and the best part there's going to be a FREE option. So excited honestly!
Ren T.'s Bio
My name is Ren T. And I love writing historical fiction, fantasy, romance, thriller, and everything between. I own TheWriteAdviceForWriters a brand to help you with your creative writing journey.
small Q&A
Where are you from? The USA California
What's your name? - Ren T. But call me Ren
What's your dream? - To publish many novels. And study at Oxford
How long does it take you to write your blogs? - It usually takes me a day or two, or if it's short perhaps around five hours. I work really hard with researching and writing, my goal for my blog posts is to sound as professional and witty as possible to make it entertaining. I usually write 1-2 blog posts a day and post them when I think is the best time.
Anyways please enjoy TheWriteAdviceForWriters and if you'd like to see my personal writing, like manuscript chapters, updates on my up and coming features for TWAFWs brand follow RenWritingCorner.
(I'm working on multiple social media accounts. So, stay tuned for those.)
Also follow my Wordpress website https://thewriteadviceforwriters.wordpress.com
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