rhythmxflow · 2 years
Blog update: I'm archiving this blog
yeah im archiving this blog but im not abandoning my muse, I love Jasmine too much. Im actually moving her here to my other multi muse blog! I been been very busy lately and keeping up with multiple blogs have been hard so it will be easier for me to have less blogs to look after
She are now here: https://cosmicxmuses.tumblr.com/
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rhythmxflow · 2 years
Blog update: I'm archiving this blog
yeah im archiving this blog but im not abandoning my muse, I love Jasmine too much. Im actually moving her here to my other multi muse blog! I been been very busy lately and keeping up with multiple blogs have been hard so it will be easier for me to have less blogs to look after
She are now here: https://cosmicxmuses.tumblr.com/
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rhythmxflow · 2 years
Blog update: I'm archiving this blog
yeah im archiving this blog but im not abandoning my muse, I love Jasmine too much. Im actually moving her here to my other multi muse blog! I been been very busy lately and keeping up with multiple blogs have been hard so it will be easier for me to have less blogs to look after
She are now here: https://cosmicxmuses.tumblr.com/
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rhythmxflow · 2 years
(I'm thinking about moving jasmine to my multi muse so I don't have to keep so many blogs)
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rhythmxflow · 2 years
What crystal are you?
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above all you seek truth. you want to understand how the world works. you want to take things apart and put them back together again. your methods of dealing with stress and fear is to understand where it comes from. you face your demons with a focused mind and readied fists. you see everything so clearly, except yourself. it's so much harder to look inward than it is to analyze everyone else. what are you so afraid of looking at? what is it within yourself you don't want to touch? maybe one day you'll be strong enough to expose the parts of yourself you're afraid to understand.
Stole from: @trickyxkisses​
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rhythmxflow · 2 years
(Like for a mementos starter)
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rhythmxflow · 2 years
(Blows dust off this blog)
(I need go come back)
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rhythmxflow · 3 years
Looks like she decided to go as a killer doll for Halloween.
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rhythmxflow · 3 years
"How about you go as some sorta Shinigami?" @katsu-at-the-bottom
{♫}“ That would be cool but the only problem is that I don't know much about them.
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rhythmxflow · 3 years
{♫}“ I..” Jasmine blinked a few time before she fully realized what he said. A schooling ship?
Well.. Schooling ship dose sound close to Scholarship. She just let out a sigh and shook her head. He really is clueless sometimes but he was trying his best to understand the world. It was sweet really.
{♫}“Scholarship, not schooling ship. A scholarship is an award of financial aid, aka money, for a student’s education.” She was able to get a Scholarship through the school’s art department and to be honest that’s the only reason why she was in Tokyo in the first place. If it wasn’t for that she would of stayed at Camp Zama where she was originally staying.
But considering everything that have been happening the last few months she must of been destined to come to Tokyo anyways.
{♫}“I got mines because the school thought I was a good dancer so they wanted me to come here. Besides that its a normal school.”
The last few months have been a wild ride for the dancer. How did she even get to this point in her life?
Personas, shadows, confidants…It was a lot to take in and the fact that she was managing all of this with the stress of school was a miracle. On top of that there was the Velvet Room. A place between dreams and reality that was strange and was ran by a even stranger man…Igor was a enigma to her at this point.. 
Then there were Theodore, who was assigned to be attendant by Igor.
Someone who was gentle, polite, but admittedly kinda naïve. To be honest he was a huge help to her and it wasn’t just because he provided assistance in the velvet room. With how chaotic her life became he was someone who was calming. But he did have a huge interest in the human world. After all he do spent his life in one place. So showing him the world is the least she could do for him.
But he really wanted to see her school today… 
When they made it to the front gates of her school  he seemed quite impressed. His face seem to light up in amazement just at the mere sight. 
{♫}“Yeah.” She scratched the back of her head looking over at him. While she wouldn’t consider the environment the best since other students wasn’t so friendly to her. But she didn’t want to talk about that…
{♫}“ It’s kinda pricey to even attend this school. I’m only able to attend because of a scholarship..”
THERE WAS NEVER AN opportunity for Theodore to attend school; with his role as a velvet room attendant it was nigh impossible for Igor to simply send him to school and allow him to slack off on his duties. Besides, it would be quite suspicious for a watcher of humanity to walk amongst humans without everyone becoming suspicious. 
Then again, Theodore had already taken his first step quite some time ago! Perhaps Igor would eventually send him to the same academy as Jasmine?  
❝A ship for schooling? Ah, I see! That must be why you’re wearing that uniform, you’re a sailor on a schooling ship..!❞
Hand rests idly against his chin in contemplation, face contorting from excitement to confusion. Before long, Theodore was moving away from Jasmine and moving to one side in an attempt to get a clearer view of his surroundings; and he did the same for the other side. More strange looks would be received, but it seems velvet room attendant hadn’t noticed them yet.
❝Where…where are these schooling ships?? Are they perhaps underground? Or maybe…we’re on a ship right now?!❞
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rhythmxflow · 3 years
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rhythmxflow · 3 years
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rhythmxflow · 3 years
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rhythmxflow · 3 years
{♫}”Shit-” Why was he coming in so fast?! Jasmine muttered a swear under her breath before spinning and taking a step back, scythe pointed at the poor angel as she took a stance.
Though she was a bit surprised to hear him say that he wasn’t here to fight. This was a first, normally shadows would either be aggressive or beg you not to kill them, not offer help. Emerald eyes squinted behind her mask as she didn’t drop her stance. It was clear she didn’t trust him but she wasn’t going to make a move, yet.
{♫}”Here to help? Help with what? Just because you have a soft face doesn’t mean I will be easily fooled, shadow.”
She really shouldn’t be down here by herself.
Mementos was a dangerous and unpredictable place. It was constantly changing and was filled with aggressive shadows. But it also a suitable place for training and to make some extra cash. She figured if she doesn’t go TOO far down she should be fine. Not to mention she was a floor away from a safe zone.
Thank god she have yet to run into the reaper.
The sound of her boots against the ground seems to echo throughout the dark tunnel as she kept her weapon close to her. Squinting her eyes, she could see something in the distance, moving.
Was that a approaching shadow?
        Approaching, try running directly for her only to skid to a halt when he’d noted the large scythe in her possession.
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        “Woah—!” Pit gasped, clutching his own bow in a defensive position. In spite of the move he was quick to call out, “H-hey, I’m not looking to fight. I’m here to help.”
        He had yet to discern if she was just another figment of this ‘Underworld’ and its illusions. But even then, they were still people and his motive still rung true in the end. To help, whatever was going on, he wanted to find a solution.
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rhythmxflow · 3 years
{♫}“People was just being fuckin rude again. Nothing new but still.” While she have grown used to people rude and nasty attitudes and can ignore them for the most part, some days it just gets to her.
But just resting here, head on her boyfriend’s check and his coat around her. It was nice...
{♫}“I’ll be fine I just...I just wanna stay like this for awhile..”
@katsu-at-the-bottom continued from (X)
A small whine came from the dancer when he turned around and hugged her back. She buried her face into his chest as she held onto him tighter. 
To be honest, Jasmine was feeling really need tonight. Her day wasn’t the best and she really just want to forget about every shitty thing that happened today. All she want is to be with her boyfriend right now.
{♫}“Mmmm…Today sucked Katsu…”
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rhythmxflow · 3 years
why are we talking about the british broadcasting corporation
{♫}“Wh..” She just sighs and rubs her temples. It was going to be one of THOSE days.
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rhythmxflow · 3 years
Oh boy, Henry's BBC is a hot topic again?
{♫}“Dont fuckin say it like that”
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