ridzmystique · 10 months
From falling off a chair to chairing an interview. How (wonderfully) times have changed. So proud of this girl!
So did I get the opportunity to co interview Barun Sobti at Dramas & Dreams?
Was it the fu—ing best moment of my life?
Can you read the interview now?
(Hit the link above)
Will you be able to hear it as well?
Yes… soon
By the way, Barun showed up in a black shirt, wonderfully gelled hair, dry humor and sharp wit for the interview.
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Tagging: @butaneandthebeast @shiyaravi @shaonsim @thenainitaldisaster @maansiloves @muttonthings @sapnokiduniyaisalwaysbetter @bengudill @myloveforstuff @laad-governess @laadgovernorandsankadevi @leila1 @lostafpanda @magicfeltmybloop @honeybellexox x @featheredclover @goals1024 @bigfatreader @simplycurlz @persephone-with-a-cat @sankititaliya @ijustchangedmyname @noor1025 @bitchy-bi-trash @thecharlesboyle @minpdnim @starzin8s @zaphbeeblebrox @white-thebeauty @bunnypassionsworld @scorpio-smiles @exosexosekai @whateverworks21
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ridzmystique · 2 years
Bro do you ship anyone in BTS?
I don't know if you're the same anon as before but like I mentioned in the other ask, I do have my favorite pairings but I don't actually believe any of them are together, if that's what you're asking.
Or maybe they are all together. Tae did say he wants to marry BTS. So you know, a mystery.
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ridzmystique · 2 years
You are the one who did the podcast right?
And you are BTS army? Do you ship? 😅
I am, yes.
I got into BTS about a year ago and have been having a lot of fun. And I do enjoy certain pairings, but I wouldn't necessarily say I "ship". I guess it depends on your definition of it, haha.
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ridzmystique · 2 years
Plez talk about all the ipkknd + bts things more!
I don't really have any ideas but if you want to ask me questions that are BTS x IPK related, I'd love to answer!
As a concession, how about this? I just stumbled onto it 😂
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ridzmystique · 2 years
The euphoria I just experienced in the past 30 seconds! I saw your post for BTS songs for IPKKND! I WAS NOT READY FOR TWO OF MY BIGGEST OBSESSIONS TO COLLIDE LIKE THAT TODAY! And then I realised you are also the author of some of my fav ipkknd FF??!?!!??!
Hahaha. First of all, thank you for reading and liking my work. And yes, 2021 was finally the year I fell down the K-pop rabbit hole. I'm no longer actively in the IPK fandom but I do enjoy the occasional dips and that question was a nice little combo of two things I enjoy.
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ridzmystique · 2 years
Classically, amazingly, late to the party. And yes! I am a BTS fan. So here’s a few songs that I think apply.
Outro: Tear - More from Khushi’s POV I’d think
This goodbye came to me at the end of my play That was only filled with lies That’s the price I’ll pay If someone could turn time back Maybe I could’ve become more honest
The Truth Untold - For Arnav, self-explanatory
This garden is filled With blossoming loneliness I tied myself To this sand castle filled with thorns
Trivia: Love - For Arnav post falling in love. The translation so doesn’t do it justice. In korean person is 사랑 (love) - sarang and 사람 (people) - saram and he’s saying you’ve turned my sharp corners into soft edges.
I found out because of you Why “person” and “love” sound similar
I’m just a person, person, person You erode all my sharp edges You make me Into love, love, love
Butterfly - Post all the misunderstandings clearing out
Don’t think of anything Don’t say anything, not even a word Just give me a smile
I still can’t believe it All of this seems like a dream Don’t try to disappear
I’ll stop here but there are many more that I can talk about, I’m sure. This is a fun question, thanks for tagging me @jalebi-weds-bluetooth​
Hi AJ, I hope you are well!
Do you listen to BTS? If you don’t, please feel free to ignore this question, but I was wondering if you do—what song(s) by them do you think best represents Arshi?
Unfortunately I don’t listen to them enough to know which song would fit :) tagging @theseleafsarealright for an answer!
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ridzmystique · 2 years
I read something this weekend, in between writing something of my own, and it was so beautifully written that for a minute I considered quitting my own writing. Nothing I could create could possibly be so beautiful. It wasn’t necessarily driven by self-pity, I don’t think, it was just a surety that I am not capable of what that writer had been, that this stranger had somehow conveyed my own thoughts on a matter, articulated it in such a perfect way, as even I hadn’t been able to.
We create because we have an intrinsic need to connect. To share a piece of ourselves, the way we view the world under the veiled protection of a character: This is how I see the world, the way I feel, my experiences, fears, dreams and hopes. Do you see it too? Do you feel what I feel?
But something is always lost between thought and words and something more between writing and reading. Imagine transferring a liquid from one container to another, then into another one from that and so on. Each time you transfer the liquid, you leave some residual behind, stuck to the container, and by the time you get to the tenth or the twentieth container, your liquid’s going to be considerably lighter. I think thoughts are similar, we always leave something behind, because it is the nature of transference.
Which is why my writing always feels lacking to me. Incomplete. Ineffectual. Inefficient.
On the heels of that initial thought though, another followed. This writer, who had caused such an enormous, fundamental shift in my thought, wouldn’t ever know how I felt in that moment. I could never possibly convey it. The distance between thought and words.
And so I wonder, even though I wouldn’t ever know, if I had touched someone the same way as well. If perhaps, something I created, no matter how deficient in my own opinion, might have been exactly what someone needed to feel seen, heard and understood. Valued.
Maybe that is why we create. To pay it forward. 
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ridzmystique · 3 years
“This character deserves better,” I say, making things even worse for them.
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ridzmystique · 3 years
@jalebi-weds-bluetooth @bellmir @scarletprize
after you’ve been through like a string of fandoms and you’ve decided your favourite character/s for each one, there will come a day when you will list all your faves from each fandom side by side and look at them carefully and realise
you have a type
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ridzmystique · 3 years
fck zodiac signs i wanna know - hardcover or paperback? top bunk or bottom? podcasts or audiobooks? morning or evening showers?
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ridzmystique · 3 years
“When you get older, you notice your sheets are dirty. Sometimes, you do something about it. And sometimes, you read the front page of the newspaper and sometimes you floss and sometimes you stop biting your nails and sometimes you meet a friend for lunch. You still crave lemonade, but the taste doesn’t satisfy you as much as it used to. You still crave summer, but sometimes you mean summer, 5 years ago. You remember your umbrella, you check up on people to see if they got home, you leave places early to go home and make toast. You stand by the toaster in your underwear and a big t-shirt, wondering if you should just turn in or watch one more hour of television. You laugh at different things. You stop laughing at other things. You think about old loves almost like they are in a museum. The socks, you notice, aren’t organized into pairs and you mentally make a note of it. You cover your mouth when you sneeze, reaching for the box of tissues you bought, contains aloe. When you get older, you try toner, you experiment with trousers, you experiment with real sexy outfits, you experiment with pin curls and darker hair and orange-toned red lipstick and you date people that look good on paper. You kiss them in public and feel only a little self-conscious. You never like them, although sometimes you really do. you think about safe sex and sometimes, kids. You think about plants, maybe succulents, or maybe even a cat? When you get older, you try different shampoos. You find one you like. You try sleeping early and spin class and jogging again. You try a book you almost read but couldn’t finish. You wrap yourself in the blankets of: familiar t-shirts, caffe au lait, dim tv light, texts with old friends or new people you really want to like and love you. You lose contact with friends from college, and only sometimes you think about it. When you do, it feels bad and almost bitter. You lose people, and when other people bring them up, you almost pretend like you know what they are doing. You try to stop touching your face and become invested in things like expensive salads and trying parsnips and saving up for a vacation you really want. You keep a spare pen in a drawer. You look at old pictures of yourself and they feel foreign and misleading. You forget things like: purchasing stamps, buying more butter, putting lotion on your elbows, calling your mother back. You learn things like balance: checkbooks, social life, work life, time to work out and time to enjoy yourself. When you get older, you find things like rejection hurt less and things like nostalgia hurt more. You watch people do things you want to do, and then you do some of those things too. Things start to feel like pins on a map. You watch landmarks pass and almost note them. You eat a taco from a food truck and be careful to dab the corners of your mouth with a napkin. You smooth your shirt down. You think about details, the details of how clean the beer cup is, how you need to put the dishes away, how she smells like a perfume you wore and how his teeth are perfect and aligned. You feel a little less downtrodden by things like routine and security and a little more appreciative of things like doing nothing, finding a friend, stretching on a big couch. You hear old songs and only sometimes do they gut you. You think about your future almost always, in both a thrilling way and a very very panicked way. When you get older, you find yourself more in control. You find your convictions appealing, you find you like your body more, you learn to take things in stride. You begin to crave respect and comfort and adventure, all at the same time. You lay in your bed, fearing death, just like you did.You pull lint off your shirt. You smile less and feel content more. You think about changing and then often, you do. When you get older, you barely notice it at all. Then, you are sitting somewhere you’ve been before, staring at the nothingness of the sky, and you feel the wind moving away from you, fast and almost impossible to catch.”
— When You Get Older, thefrenemy
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ridzmystique · 3 years
yall haven’t written the next chapter of ur fanfic and it really shows
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ridzmystique · 3 years
me jumping from one WIP to the next:
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ridzmystique · 3 years
In This Moment
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As is tradition with me, I’m making this post right before June 6th ends (in my defense, it’s still the middle of the day where I live).
First things first, wish everyone the happiest 10th anniversary to the show that united us all.
I’m by no means flighty when it comes to my hobbies, but even I couldn’t have imagined being this deeply entrenched in this fandom a decade on. And I think the largest credit for that goes to you all, the readers and writers and content creators, that not only keep the love of the show alive, but also enhance it, give us new things to laugh and cry over, make new memories with.
There are brief moments in your life where a small decision changes your life and deciding to watch that Ismailvegamze video on Youtube was certainly that for me. I met the most wonderful people in this fandom, some were brief acquaintances that left some sweet memories behind, some turned into friends that still encourage and inspire me to be a part of this fandom, and some became enablers by introducing me to new hobbies I can obsess over. After all, what are friends for if not to spoil you.
Last but certainly not least, to all my readers who have stuck with me for this long, who watched me stumble my way through my first foray into writing, who supported me in my bursts of creativity and depths of writer block, I can never express how thankful I am.
So here’s a small token of my love, hoping it conveys all the things I cannot. I promised to come back and finish this story one day and that day’s here.
Once again, Happy 10th Anniversary!
With love,
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ridzmystique · 3 years
Hi Ridz! I visited you blog after quite a while today and saw you post about your memorable pieces of writing and just had to respond however I must apologize in advance for a lengthy, multi part ask since I tend to ramble. But first, let me introduce myself, my name's Noor, and I'm one of your more recent fanfic fanatics since I only became part of the IPKKND fandom last year and discovered your blog/writing after hearing about it in your podcast via the @jalebi-weds-bluetooth blog.
I'm sure you've heard this plenty of times but allow me to also compliment your amazing writing skills. I absolutely loved reading all your pieces of writing whether it be the drabbles, one shots, short stories or fanfics. It is so hard to choose one, but just off the top of my head Free and My Tears Ricochet are for sure one of my all-time favorite Arshi stories. I'm a sucker for all things angst and these two pieces are just so emotional and moving, that they literally bring me to tears.
Specifically, this passage below from My Tears Ricochet is heart-rending:"He walked forward and set fire to the pyre in front of him, finishing off what he had started a year ago: He wiped Khushi Kumari Gupta, and the last vestiges of Arnav that had survived the horror of all those years ago, the one she had ever so carefully unearthed, from this world." I am in awe of your ability of convey such intense emotions through your writing.
I also must add that you not only write great angst/tragedy, but I also adore your romantic and comedic works. Observation of a Man is simply amazing and such a unique concept. This OS also has one of my absolute favorite description/nickname, "Perpetually Pissed Personality" (p-cubed), it had me cracking up. I appreciate your closing the loops series as well, we needed all that addressed, and you did a fantastic job with every single one of them.
Lastly, I'd like to say thank you for writing and sharing such amazing pieces of fiction. I'm grateful I found your blog and look forward to reading anything you may have in the works. Sending loads of love and virtual hugs. Take Care! -Noor PS I have so much fun listening to you on the podcast with S. You give great analysis and I love your sense of humor.
Hi Noor!
I...don’t even know where to start, lol. It’s so very kind of you to take the time to reach out and not only tell me you enjoy my work but also to do so in such detail. I believe the reason this fandom has survived this long is because of wonderful readers like you that provide amazing support to the creators. All I can say is thank you for taking the time and helping me revisit some of my stories with fondness. Hoping to share something soon, so I’ll look forward to seeing you there, haha!
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ridzmystique · 3 years
"He had saved her, but in the next moment he had killed her too, her soul." - Free. And yes, my heart is heavy for the millionth time reading this. Will always remember you as a writer for this :)
Thank you <3
It surprises and delights me that my foray into writing is something you still remember and like.
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ridzmystique · 3 years
Enemies to lovers romance is the journey from sweetheart (derogatory) to sweetheart (affectionate)
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