rovvgem · 4 years
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Transcendence, Communal Aura and Astral Projection by New Specimen on instagram
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rovvgem · 4 years
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Water’s Perspective: Say the word “Life” in your head right now. — How is it that you are able to hear “yourself” sound out the word without actually moving your lips ? Now visualize yourself enjoying life (whatever that’s means to you) — If you take your time you will find yourself seeing, feeling, & experiencing this scene vividly. The difference between what’s in front of you right now & what you’ve just visualized is the matrix’s boundary buffers called “space & time” made to make your creator ship a “palatable” experience. “Up there” you manifest instantly, yet you won’t feel that persons touch for real for real, you won’t hear that that peaceful ocean wave to its fullest. When you go within (imagination/visualize you go back to your normal state = thought). Use who you really are to manipulate your temporary flesh’s journey. Perhaps you can go farther then others & make it more than temporary flesh and end all the battles that surround humanities self reflections on the quickly fleeting finite masks. 🌊 . Fire’s Perspective: Do you recognize your own inner voice? Your true voice? A lot of things begin to look cliche’ if you’ve been exploring your spiritual side for a while. You’ll read and hear constantly to go within and to meditate, but this is actually an essential component to a healthy life. Once you know thyself and you’re able to differentiate your thoughts and feelings apart from the ones that you absorb, then you become the true master of your life and a supreme manifestor. 9 of swords has been showing up a lot lately, and I’m not surprised, the whole collective is on edge. There are big changes in the sky and within infrastructures, and there’s a sense of fear and dread. Your anxiety and depression may not even be your own. Go within, and listen to the voices, especially the negative ones and identify what’s yours and what belongs to the collective. You owe yourself the peace you’ll obtain.🔥 . #shadowwork #spirituality #tarot #astrology #youniverse #hermeticism #gnosticism #pagan #ascensionenergies #loa #moneyspells #lovespells #1111 #888 #esotericknowledge #evolutionaryastrology #subconsciousmind #oraclecards https://www.instagram.com/p/CKAOfA8nxa1/?igshid=mwoxnb1lk9je
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rovvgem · 4 years
When Nicholas Tesla began to experiment with newly discovered electricity, his lighting up a room was viewed as astounding and unbelievable. Nobody suspected it would lead to the lighting of cities, or the advent or radio, television, and computers. Recent discoveries about the human mind are in the same relative stage now. We have learned how to control our brain waves and how to activate more of our mind. The mind can be trained to be in conscious control of the body. With this control, you and I who have been using our mind to make us sick, can now use our mind to make ourselves well. By training ourselves to control our mind, we can activate more of its capacity. We can become better problem solvers. This additional mental capacity comes largely from the right hemisphere of the brain. This being in touch with creativity, it gives us access to a whole new stage of evolution for humankind. So, you see, we are now at the same stage in the development of our mind as Tesla was in those days when he used electricity to light up a room. Just as his primitive experiments led to the miracles of today’s mass media and global communications, which people never even imagined at that time, what we now know about the human mind can transform the world.
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rovvgem · 5 years
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click to trip balls
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rovvgem · 5 years
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click to trip balls
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rovvgem · 5 years
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Something Out There
Prints & More At linktr.ee/seamlessoo ⚡️
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rovvgem · 5 years
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Reaching For What’s RealBY Ascending-Storm
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rovvgem · 5 years
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I seem to like layered foxes a lot…
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rovvgem · 5 years
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The Fundamental I
- Acrylic on canvas
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rovvgem · 5 years
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Water’s Perspective: There comes a time when you must accept that every reoccurring problem or obstacle you reencounter is a state of mind or belief that either has been imbedded during early child hood or thought as the only truth there was during an experience thereafter. It’s time to release this once and for all. We as a people must remember our truest purest form has no space for fear, doubt, or any form of negativity. Yes it’s true we have both in us but our purest forms only strive to work in light. This means when you are in a negative energy you are 100% accountable because you are literally keeping yourself in it. When you are being your purest self you automatically forgive (yourself & others) allow, & accept. This ultimately transforms the previous negative reality you were in. Discernment is key with everything, those who deserve your love will reciprocate that to you effortlessly. Those who are in need of love will get there healing but you do not have to be the one who gives that to them. This goes for people, places, & concepts. Reflect inwardly on what & who truly serves you to the core, this is who & what you will feel drawn to serve back. No Cap. 🌊 Fire’s Perspective: Tough times brings out the best in us. The pain and the disappointments help us to build character and gain knowledge. You’ve have deep spiritual experiences and learned lessons that would have destroyed a weaker person. Now is the time that you not only share the knowledge that you’ve gained, but it’s time to study certain subjects on a deeper level. You’re reaching the sage level so there’s more for you to learn so that you may help others on their journeys. Signs and symbols will guide you to your next step. It doesn’t matter how much you already know there’s still so much to learn. If you were done learning you wouldn’t be on Earth right now. �� #tarot #cardoftheday #twinflames #soulmates #astrology #love #tarotcards #tarotreading #horoscope #spirituality #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #spiritualpath #lovers #metaphysics #loverscard https://www.instagram.com/p/B17PdkbH6nT/?igshid=1k72kb9roya23
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rovvgem · 5 years
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Divine Love We post ourselves online knowing we’re subjecting our relationship to criticism as well as love. Not everyone who looks at your page has good intentions for you, and we know this. We post to celebrate our love. Since the day we came together and made it official we’ve shared our love with family and friends. Some may say that our posts are obnoxious, but they have the right to block us, just as we have the right to post. Love should be celebrated. I used to think that love was something to be hidden so that it remains sacred. The truth is whether you show your union or keep it private it’s all sacred. Our relationship isn’t “perfect” and we’re not trying to make anyone believe that it is. We’re two individuals with our own minds and feelings, so of course there will be disagreement. We just want to show the more positive side so that will know people there is hope. Plus if you’re focusing on what you want to manifest, then focus on the lovely side. Many people are leaving soulmates behind because they want an “ideal” love. The crazy thing about this society is that there’s rarely any balance. It’s always one extreme or the next. In generations pass couples would stay together no matter what because they were taught that’s what you should do. They stuck together through extreme toxicity, cheating, abuse, major disrespect, and even lack of love. This generation is telling everyone to just walk away when there’s even the slightest of differences. There has to be balance. Some lives are worth fighting for and working out. Don’t believe the hype that there won’t be some discord within a divine union. Humans have discord with facts of their own personality, so ofcourse you’ll have arguments with another. Divine love is when you see the divine in another. Your souls long to unite and no obstacles will remain in your path if you’re meant to unite. You’re living on earth so there will be some human issues you can’t escape. The trick is to be aware and to always protect your union. Strive to be the greatest versions of yourselves and ascend higher together. https://www.instagram.com/p/B16lkMYHmR6/?igshid=1osmupmezptxj
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rovvgem · 5 years
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Water’s Perspective: Every New Moon comes with a cornucopia of opportunities. Once again the twin flame / soul mate portal is now open at this time. Three days before, three days after, and especially during the full moon these energies are very very potent. It doesn’t matter what sign the moon is in during this point of her cycle. Love will always be in the air & more potent during pinnacle phases. The key here is to realeyez where in life you currently are. Are you truly deserving of love from another ? Have you fully invested in yourself first ? Is it your passion, career, or another endeavor in your mind that is gaining your full attention ( another form of a love relationship can be with a goal that has nothing to do with a person ) Whatever your focus is on at this time, know that it will greatly benefit from your tactful criticism. Your mercurial modesty will mold that which was floating in your subconscious into an actual tangible material here on earth. In other words, ask spirit for the answers you seek now, you will have the energy & motivation to see it through & fully experience it in 3D Reality now 🌊 Fire’s Perspective: It’s time to decide what you really want in love. Many people are searching for their external soulmate, but how can you expect the universe to deliver if you’re not specific? Spend time alone writing down the kind of soulmate you want to be connected with. Until you get specific, the universe will keep delivering soulmates, but you may not encounter that romantic one until you put in that request for them. For those already with their romantic soulmate, it’s ok to spend time alone in contemplation recharging your batteries. It’s easy to get swept up in another and wanting to spend all of your time with them. That’s fine, but alone time will help you to stay connected to yourself, and can even help improve your relationship. When you bring your best self to your relationship it actually improves it, and soulmate will still be there when you’re done.🔥 #tarot #cardoftheday #twinflames #soulmates #astrology #love #tarotcards #tarotreading #horoscope #spirituality #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #spiritualpath #lovers #metaphysic https://www.instagram.com/p/B14wpURHWY-/?igshid=1r1o6d7ukceqj
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rovvgem · 5 years
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Water’s Perspective: The receiver is as giving as the giver, Vice versa. There comes a time when being relaxed, allowing, & accepting out weights the benefits of taking extreme action, or unmediated steps forward. This Virgo New Moon (Virgo stellium) is going to show you that the tides move in tandem to wherever you choose to step foot. As they move towards you, towards the shore, it will be your innate ability to follow your gut feeling to move into it at the precise time so that the waves can carry you into the vast open sea of possibilities. At a kinetic pace you will subsequently find yourself on your way to your next journey. This new moon you will be susceptible to others doubts & fears just as much as your own. The key here is to remain true to yourself. Only you know what you’ve set out for yourself. Aid others fears & doubts by showing them only high levels of energy inhabit your subconscious realms 🌊 Fire’s Perspective: Now is the ideal to be in your feminine energy. It doesn’t matter what gender you are, we all have feminine energy, as well as masculine energy. Our intuition is a manifestation of that feminine energy, it allows us to receive information that’s outside of the 5 senses. That innate knowing can be blocked if we’re not open to receiving. This very feminine receptive new moon and Hathor is telling us to open ourselves to receive the wonderful gifts that want to reach us. Allow people to help you, accept a compliment, receive gifts these things will all put you into flow. Know that you’re deserving and you don’t always have to be the one to give and do things for others. Your receptivity is needed to help balance the masculine energy of giving. Allow yourself to open to the good of the universe and your manifestations will enter even faster.🔥 #tarot #cardoftheday #twinflames #soulmates #astrology #love #tarotcards #tarotreading #horoscope #spirituality #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #spiritualpath #lovers #metaphysics #loverscard https://www.instagram.com/p/B1zjkSrnein/?igshid=uwj9uxm2cyxz
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rovvgem · 5 years
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Water’s Perspective: Gathering up old negative, out-dated states or being. Fears & doubts need to be let go in order for the universe to work with you. Spin the wheel & hold the feeling of already having the thing that you want already, in your heart & the world will line up for you. Those who hold onto too many burdens (doubts, worries, negativity) will never be able to see that they have a wheel of fortune right in front of them. 🌊 Fire’s Perspective : You can’t see the forest for the trees. You’ve become accustomed to the burdens that you carry, and it’s all that you can see. If you place those burdens down one by one then you’ll see the blessings that are coming your way. We’re used to holding onto our traumas and our pain so much, that we become afraid of who could be without them. It’s time to write a different script for ourselves. The universe is full of blessings waiting for us to claim them. You have to let go of your troubles though to open your arms to receive them. Let go of doing things the hard way and enjoy the fortune that’s ready to enter your life. It’s ok to be happy. 🔥 #tarot #cardoftheday #twinflames #soulmates #astrology #love #tarotcards #tarotreading #horoscope #spirituality #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #spiritualpath #lovers #metaphysics #loverscard https://www.instagram.com/p/B1whYJIBy38/?igshid=kryigsk8a9j5
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rovvgem · 5 years
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Water’s Perspective: You are your first soulmate. You are your first TwinFlame. The relationship you have with reality & everything in it is soulful. Pay attention how you can neglect certain spiritual connections with people, places, or things due to social constructs. In Addition, In order to manifest a TwinFlame connection or a soulmate to walk through life with you, one must love themselves throughout & wholesomely. This card can indicate the person you are thinking about is one of your soulmates and will bring you soul healing experiences. For those who haven’t really entertained this notion, perhaps it is time. Spirit wants you to know it’s okay to love & beloved by somebody else. Spirit says to us it’s okay to lay your head on another. We are all connected. 🌊 Fire’s Perspective: Your soulmate is searching for you just as ardently as you’re searching for them. It’s true that first and foremost you’re your own soul mate, and that you are fulfilled on your own. It’s the reason why this illustration is showing a person by herself, blooming and basking in love. You know this already. This card not only acknowledges that, but it’s also speaking of another independent soul from your soul family who will be reuniting with you. It’s perfectly fine to crave connection with another who is on the same vibration as you. Continue to call in that person, because they are ready to grow with you just as much as you’re ready to grow with them. If you’re already with that special soul mate (because we do have many), cherish the connection and don’t take them for granted. Realize how blessed you are to be with the person (people) you were always looking for. Soulmate energy is strong at this moment & it’s here to propel you to your next step.🔥 #tarot #cardoftheday #twinflames #soulmates #astrology #love #tarotcards #tarotreading #horoscope #spirituality #divinefeminine #divinemasculine https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ty6mnnA7M/?igshid=csb1jl10tm9j
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rovvgem · 5 years
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Water’s Perspective: In order to receive what we truly desire, we must have a certain amount of acceptance & allowance swimming around our auras. The case may be that some people, places, or circumstances may be out of alignment with your desires. Understand that as long as you keep walking towards your goals, the world will align everything in your favor. These cards tell us to remember to remain aligned emotionally, spiritually, mentally, & energetically with our dreams. Other than recognizing what you want & visualizing it this is all we need to do right now. More synchronicities will come in to aid you in remaining faithful throughout the process 🌊 Fire’s Perspective : A situation that may have you feel desperately trapped is tempting you to make an impulsive decision. All that glitters certainly isn’t gold. Don’t let yourself be led into a situation that’s worst than what you’re trying to escape right now. Feeling lonely, wanting to increase your income, or just wanting to be in new surroundings can make us leap at a chance to move into situations that won’t benefit us in the end. Deep down you’ll feel this situation isn’t right for you, and this is your confirmation that your intuition is right. The best thing to do right now is to ground yourself and remain flexible to new ideas. Be sure of yourself and the direction you want to take before you make any moves, but explore ways and possibilities to get what you want. You may be feeling like you don’t have any other options, but Spirit is saying a better opportunity will appear, stay open to a better outcome.🔥 #tarot #cardoftheday #twinflames #soulmates #astrology #love #tarotcards #tarotreading #horoscope https://www.instagram.com/p/B1rV21cH5qn/?igshid=1qp4g7g4j1pt9
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rovvgem · 5 years
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Water’s Perspective: The quintessential way to see fear is to understand that without it love would not be. Without the unknown nothing would be discoverable. Without the contrast, love & joy would never be so savory. The key here is to accept that the yin & yang dynamic plays out in everything. Moreover, the downfall of misinterpreting that side of the polarization is to belief that the fear is real, the unknown will never be known, or the darkness is all there is. That is where we go wrong. Take part in the full process & transmute any fear, doubt, or worry back into its sacred energetic state (love) Every time this cycle is fulfilled, in any facet/phase/degree, we ascend that person, place, or thing that much higher. 🌊 Fire’s Perspective : Fear is a human emotion that we all experience from time to time. For some of us, this is the first emotion we experience when presented with a new challenge or way of perceiving things. Luckily this energy can be changed and Kali-Ma is present to help us release fears. Don’t face the unknown with fear, change it to excitement and anticipation of what’s to come. Change the narrative from “the unknown is scary” to “the unknown is filled with unlimited possibilities that can change my life for the better.” It’s normal to feel fear initially, but don’t linger in that energy. Expect the best and you’ll receive it. 🔥 #tarot #cardoftheday #twinflames #soulmates #astrology #love #tarotcards #tarotreading #horoscope #spirituality #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #spiritualpath #lovers #metaphysics #loverscard https://www.instagram.com/p/B1masYOHyT2/?igshid=t8w6l4h08hon
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