sadjester · 3 years
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pretty villains that triggered my sexual awakening part 1:
Eris, Goddess of Chaos and Discord
“you know your heart is as black as mine.”
(Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, 2003)
pretty villain series
pretty girl series
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sadjester · 3 years
Scorpio rising as a song:
Katy Perry - Dark Horse
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sadjester · 3 years
The signs as space things ✨
Aries: Mars
Leo: Sun
Sagittarius: Rocket
Aquarius: Stars
Gemini: Galaxies
Libra: Gravity
Taurus: Atmosphere
Capricorn: Astronauts
Virgo: Space station
Pisces: Planets
Cancer: Moon
Scorpio: Black hole
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sadjester · 3 years
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sadjester · 4 years
A scary moment for your sign
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Aries: Being to alone with yourself without attention
Leo: Feeling unwanted and insecure
Sagittarius: A commitment or being tied to someone
Aquarius: Believing you'll always be misunderstood
Gemini: Not having anything to distract them
Libra: Looking on edge and not rlly cute
Capricorn: Running low on money
Virgo: Feeling not enough or failing in life
Taurus: Not feeling safe and secure, losing loved ones
Scorpio: Being betrayed and heartbroken and breaking down
Cancer: Losing themselves and not feeling loved enough
Pisces: Having suicidal thoughts and wanting to give up and cry
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sadjester · 4 years
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sadjester · 4 years
MOON SIGNS !!! (use ur moon and enjoy💕)
Aries moon: LOUD AF. Have a lot of things to say but stay quiet because they don’t want to bother people. Loyal to their loved ones and would do anything to protect them. Independent and self-sufficient, they the type of people to ask for something and when the person they asked for it takes too long (more than 30 sec bc aries moon are impatient) they go get it themselves and say “Nevermind! I already did it by myself”. They are like scorpio moons but they smile more and look less creepy.
Taurus moon: aesthetic™ soft voice, always there for you when you need something. The one to be full of surprises that make you feel as if you just met your soulmate. Basically, the ones that are always there for a hug. Cute texts with hearts.
Gemini moon: look like they dont give a fuck but they do. Really cute when you get to know them. If you ever hang out with them you will NEVER feel bored because they can talk about any topic. Smart ass. Flirty with you but then will tell you about their crush and you will feel stupid because you thought you were the one.
Cancer moon: when they drunk and you are drunk expect them to be protecting and taking care of you. Probably cooks super great. Can bear with anything, one of the strongest people. Has a big heart and doesnt always let bad situations get the best of them. Forgiving souls.
Leo moon: know how to make you laugh 24/7. If they like you, expect them to touch you always and make sure everybody know you are theirs. Gets extremely offended if you say something bad about them, even if you are joking around. Probably watching anime all day. Everytime they go out their house is an adventure. Have multiple squads.
Virgo moon: calm a minute, laughing really hard the next minute. That kid in class that stays quiet for hours but when they see an opportunity they drag you in front of everybody. Says the truth out of nowhere. Not that funny, they just calm 24/7, but inside they probably thinking of their future and sex.
Libra moon: hard to make them angry but when you do, RUN! Yes, indecisive, but it is because they analize everything and can see some solutions other people cant even imagine about, and thats a good thing. Poker face but they are funny and their laugh is even funnier. That friend that texts you memes all day to comfort you.
Scorpio moon: stares at an unexistent point and looks like their pet just died. Can appear really funny but just because you tell them something funny, not because they are having a great time. Always ready to fight somebody that comes to them. Even if you stare at their eyes for minutes, first, you will never know what they are feeling, and second, probably you wont last 1 minute staring at them because they will scare you the fuck up when they tell you “What?” With their calm voice.
Sagittarius moon: goofy af, that kid in class that makes jokes with teachers. Always looking carefree and as if they cant kill a fly, but dont provoke them. Hate when people tell them to shut up. Loves getting head.
Capricorn moon: the boss™. Look like they have their shit together but they dont, most of the time. When they cry, they do it alone. Can intimidate you with one stare. When they grow up they start to feel (finally) how it is to be a child, because they grew up too fast. Learns easily anything. If they trust you, you lucky. Protect themselves from anything. Mental “to-do list” of the day or their future.
Aquarius moon: they arent emotionless, they just dont have the need to be on their feelings 24/7 and let that ruin their days or even their life. Loves animals. Can do anything if they think about it and work hard for it. The ones that will support you on anything, and the ones to hype you up if you are the hoe friend. They dont talk/text to you everyday, but when yall see each other its like you get in touch with your old self and you feel happy and lucky to have them in your life.
Pisces moon: suffers a lot and hides it. Probably writes about memories, either good or bad. Cant accept when they have done something bad. Look like as if they are in another universe. If their friend suffers, they suffer a little too. The type of friend to see you for a few seconds and ask you “whats wrong?” Because they have sensed something is happening and affecting you.
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