saem1s-struggling · 2 years
Kurz nach meinem letzten Post bin ich in der Klinik gelandet. Für 5Monate und darauf folgten weitere 4 Monate mehrmals wöchentliche Therapie usw.. Das war vor 3 Jahren. Heute hab ich 25kg mehr auf der Wage. Kann so nichtmehr weiter machen. Seit einigen Wochen kommt die ES stärker zurück. So am I.
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
Whatever the problem is; the answer is not in the fridge.
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
“Wenn du nicht liebst, nicht schläfst oder traurig bist, das interessiert keine Sau, aber wenn du nicht isst, dann bist du superkrank.”
-Emma, Club der roten Bänder
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
Why is every therapist naturally thin and conventionally attractive lol
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
What goes on inside of my head…
I haven’t eaten anything in 13 hours
I barely eat, how am I still fat?
Does anyone else in this room have bulimia?
Maybe I would look good in clothes if I wasn’t fat
I’m not thin enough to have an eating disorder…
I should look at more thinspo
Why does my face look so fat
I just want to cry
Do I exist?
Wait so if I ate 346 calories today…
Did I drink enough water?
Should I binge
I’m never going to be thin
I bet she could be a model
Why did I binge the other day
I probably gained weight
I wish my face wasn’t so chubby
Would anyone care if I dissapeared?
I would have more freinds if I was skinny
My freinds eat all the shit they want and they’re still thin…
I should purge what I just ate
I should start a fast
My thighs are huge
Oh my god she’s so pretty
I wish I was as thin as her
Why are my boobs so small?
I’m hungry…
I should go drink some tea
Why do I look so bloated?
I am a mess
What even is the meaning of life?
There is no point
Maybe people will want to talk to me when i’m thin.
Food is like a drug
I should just starve
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
🍁 Reminder 🍁
One high calorie meal isn’t going to make you fat, just like one low calorie meal isn’t going to make you thin.
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
If u wake up at 3am and cry bc in ur dream u ate a hole chocolatecake and ur scared af to gaining. Girl! It's just a dream! U can't gaining weight if u r eating in ur dream ! Keep safe in reality and dream from food! It's okay
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
Warum bin ich nur so wie ich bin?
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
These are my excuses to not eat.
1. I already ate with *Friends Name*
2. I’ll eat later
3. I’m still full from lunch/breakfast
4. I’m not feeling well
5. I’ll eat at school
6. I’ll eat at home
7. I’m not hungry
8. I’ll eat at *friends name* place
9. I just finished a meal
10. Oh, sorry I didn’t know we’d eat here, so I already ate at home/school
11. I’m busy, i’ll eat when I’m done
12. My stumach hurts, I’ll eat once I feel well
13. I’m trying out this new diet
14. I don’t feel like eating
15. I don’t have money on me
16. I forgot my lunch at home so i’ll buy something later
17. I’m saving calories for later
18. I’m eating out later, so i’m not eating now
19. I lost my appetite
20. It’s too early to eat anything
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
I hate and love my scale so fucking much
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
Weil ein "wie geht es dir?" So viel mehr wert hat wie ein "wie gehts"
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
“Reblog if your stomach is too pudgy, thighs are too big, arms are too flabby, face is too chubby and you need to lose 5 or more pounds.”
(via becomingsmallandpetite)
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
Jeder soll bemerken wie viel ich abgenommen habe und wie schön und dünn ich geworden bin
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
Last goal this year 🙄🙄
Imagine if you could be beautifully thin by Christmas.
( Only 3 months away… )
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
After a binge I feel like I don’t deserve to look at thinspo
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saem1s-struggling · 7 years
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