safevisualnovels · 3 years
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Hi everyone! I’m publishing my first, short visual novel:
Brotherhood is a short, feel-good LGBT story about family, be it lost, found, or chosen. In this game, you are Klara, a young woman travelling to the Vosges, the mountains of Eastern France, to attend the funeral of the man you cared for for years. The funeral is held by his estranged brother, who you’ve never met…
The game plays in about 45 minutes.
“This is a genuinely touching and heartwarming story. The characters, the town, they feel real, and oh so human. An inspiration on empathy that will put a smile on your face!” - FawkesyGrandpa
“A neat little game that makes you emotional about a family of fictional people. It’s very good !” orpiiment
“I cried.” - lilas__ubac
You can download the game for free here! 
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safevisualnovels · 3 years
I definitely need a second opinion on Tempest Tides, i have followed from the start of production and i was in love but I've yet to get a working laptop to try it and dont wana be disappointed again (like and**meda 6)
Hi! I’m not too sure about the game play itself, but I’m like 95% sure that the artist for Tempest Tides is a fan of The Arcana? Which is unfortunate and I hope they’re just unaware of everything but tbh my hopes aren’t high
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
Is like to reccomend 2 Visual Novels! Butterfly Soup (4 Asian wlw, it's very funny and cute and made me cry) and Cafe in the Clouds (short but cute, interracial wlw couple helping a gnc customer with her dreams)
I’ve heard of Butterfly Soup! Mostly good things (though I remember they had some issues with antiblackness, which was thankfully corrected)!
Cafe in the Clouds is new to me, though, so I’ll definitely check that one out!
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
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@seasofsaturn God that's even worse like...hell world!
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
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@gaidatheimpaler oh yeah for sure! I've definitely seen some shit on there! I just wasn't prepared for...that -_-
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
Okay so I just discovered that this game exists and this really is the bad place...
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
So...they’re fine with rampant pedophilia and incest but unionizing is a step too far????
holy fuck voltage (publishers of lovestruck) fired all their writers who attempted to unionize. theyre also claiming that writers didnt actually… write their stories. what the fuck
i’d heard they’d fired them but not because of that HOLY shit
so writing inc*st is, like, totally fine, but unionizing is evil. GOT IT!!!!!!!!
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
May I just say as a hijabi myself that this makes me want to scream
Just saw a fan art of modern AU Valdemar .. as a hijabi. You know. The character who’s literally a fantasy n*zi doc.
things that make me want to FUCKING die
#islamophobia #antisemitism
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
Hey, anon! I’m the friend who checked out the game, and I had no idea about all that extra shit :( I think I’m glad I haven’t continued it yet
do you know anything about andr*meda six? i wanted to play it but i remember following them earlier and seeing some of their old asks where the devs basically made fun of people with phobias and have that one 'abusive boyfriend' character all fucking vn love i guess (who according to their asks also apparently kicks/pushes mc i think?) which made me kinda not want to play it after all lol but i thought maybe there is a chance game might, you know, actually be better?..
geez thats unfortunate to hear
from a friend who decided to check it out for me:
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
snake-java replied to your post “I just have to ask: what is it about dating sims that attracts the...”
...You know what? You are absolutely correct!
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
Avoid video games that use extrinsic motivation. A video game should at least mostly rely on intrinsic motivation, meaning that the playing of the game itself is the fun part, not the reward you get for playing the game. If you don’t enjoy the gameplay, but you want to earn lootboxes, you’ve fallen into the intentionally exploitative system operating within so many games nowadays, and you need to find another game, because you’re not having fun.
It doesn’t sound serious, but this kind of thing can make depression way worse if you’ve already got depression.
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
https://anoldor.itch.io/anoldor this game
Any thoughts on anoldor?
havent heard of it
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
I just have to ask: what is it about dating sims that attracts the absolute worst dregs of humanity?
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
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It looks like it’s one of those idol raising games but it’s not a dating sim, apparently. I’m very familiar with Cybird as a company, though, along with their games, so them having a character that’s a transmisogynist caricature isn’t shocking.
does anyone know anything about act addict actors? all I really know is that there's this character named ruri who's like a fucking cr*ssdressing stereotype that makes me super uncomfortable but I'd kind of want to learn more about if it goes deeper than that
0 clue but that Sounds Bad!!
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
What happened to 1001days, and why does some rando have it?
Well, long story I guess. 
From what I gathered it all started on the 25th of May, 2020. Asif randomly deleted/deactivated everything. The 1001daysgame blog, the itch.io page, Patreon, and her person tumblr and twitter account. Nobody knows why it happened as they said nothing before everything was just gone. 
Sometime around the 25th-26th of May Asif reactivated the itch.io page, the Patreon, and her twitter account. But not the tumblr blogs. They said nothing about why they deleted and came back. The same day they posted on their twitter about if anybody had a template for planning a game. And that they didn’t know what to do as their thoughts were all over the place. Which alines with what they said in Chapter 6 devlog. They said the game was going on an indefinite hiatus because their passion for the game diminished greatly. Indefinite hiatus means someone pretty much isn’t going to ever come back. Although, it seemed like Asif still wanted to work and maybe finish the game. That is unknown though. 
The same day (The 26th of May) Asif deleted the post about a template on game planning and posted two new tweets. Saying they were going to deactivate the Patreon and their twitter account again the next morning and wanted to tell everybody before doing so. They wanted to do that and not disappear like they wanted to. As we say when they first deleted/deactivated everything. The tweets can be viewed here from the Wayback Machine. 
That brings us to now. The itch.io page for 1001days is still up, but everything else is still taken down. It’s unsure as of now if Asif will ever come back to the game. It’s possible they might, as the games page is still up. But it seems unlikely at this point in time. If Asif did every come back and wanted the url for 1001daysgame back, I’ll give it up. Until then I’ll be keeping it. 
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
hey! any advice on what to avoid or things youd like to see more of in romance visual novels? im thinking of making a small one as a summer project, mostly just for fun/to see what i can do.
Hi! :D
For things to avoid, I’d say the usual things? Like racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and the like!
For stuff I’d like to see more of, I’d definitely like to see relationship issues being handled maturelu (i.e. talking things out)! A lot of VNs/dating sims, in my experience, tend to lack in this department
Good luck with your project if you decide to go through with it!
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safevisualnovels · 4 years
I wanted to produce my own VN but after reading some of these sites calling out major issues, I don't know whether I should continue. I wanted to get a mod's opinion because most of the stuff I've seen today has made me terrified to make a game that will be inclusive and not harmful. What do you think?
I think it’s definitely possible to make a VN that isn’t harmful, even if a good majority of VNs around now have major problems! It takes a lot of sensitivity, research, adn a general willingness to actually care, but you can do it if you really want to! Don’t give up!
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