sarah-says-shit · 6 years
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I'm realising more and more how powerful dis-connecting from all the connection we have these days. Taking time without my phone. Slowing down and connecting with the present moment. Spending more time with my lived ones. Putting myself first and doing what I REALLY wanna do. We get so caught up in social media and checking our phones, emails etc that we often don't realise how fucking peaceful it is when we cut back a bit! I'm looking forward to cutting back even more this year and being more PRESENT and CONNECTED to myself and those closest to me ❤ #noblelife #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker #selflove #aligned #nature (at Hamilton Gardens)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
Loving yourself can be a struggle. I get it. I'm still on my journey too. But know this: You ARE ENOUGH. You ARE BEAUTIFUL. You ARE WORTHY. You are NOT ALONE. Be patient with your journey to loving yourself. Take each day as it comes and strive to be authentically YOU in all you do and say - the more you do this the easier it becomes. You also begin attracting the right people into your life who love you just as you are ❤ What have you done today to show yourself some love? Let me know in the comments ❤ #noblelife #truthtalk #sarahsharesshit #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker #selflove #loveyourself (at Orewa, New Zealand)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
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NATURE and TRAVEL. Two things I can't get enough of. I LOVE exploring my country and when I can afford to, other countries. Wherever I go though, I always find the nature. The beach, the gardens - anything! I'm just in awe of how AMAZING nature is, how things grow in the harshest of environments, how AMAZING it feels to walk on the earth with my bare feet. Gazing out to sea in Raglan the other week- another stunning NZ location we've ticked off ❤ #noblelife #mindfullyyou #traveloften #nature (at Solscape)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
SUPPORT. Supporting ourselves. Supporting others. Receiving support. SO POWERFUL. Do not be afraid to give or receive #support Our friends, family, colleagues and even strangers can give us vast amounts of support and can improve our lives in many ways. Next time you are struggling - allow yourself to receive support and #appreciate that person. Next time you see someone struggling - offer support in any way you can. They'll feel better. You'll feel better. Let's all support each other in this journey of life. #noblelife #truthtalk #sarahsharesshit #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker (at Orewa Beach)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
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NEVER give up on what you desire. NEVER give up on that dream. NEVER loose hope. KEEP that #positivemindset FEEL your #feelings and #emotions as they come and ride the wave. KNOW that everything WILL work out in the best possible way for YOU at the right time ✌ #noblelife #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker #lifecoach #highvibes (at Orewa, New Zealand)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
VALIDATION. Do you need other's validation to feel accepted? To believe you are a good person? That you are worthy? The ONLY person you need to #validate YOU is YOU. YOU decide to LOVE YOURSELF. YOU decide you are #attractive. YOU decide you are #worthy YOU decide to LOVE your MIND, BODY & SOUL - at each step of your life journey. YOU decide you are HAPPY. Choose YOU. It's nice when others compliment us, but they are often dismissed if we don't believe in ourselves. No number of compliments will suddenly make you love yourself. Take the TIME to go within. Get to know the REAL YOU. #appreciate #nuture #love that person. Be your own complimenter. Be your own validator. Learn to be comfortable being YOU. Then watch your relationships - including with yourself improve. I love you. #noblelife #truthtalk #sarahsharesshit #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker #selflove #happiness (at Orewa Beach)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
Celebrate life. Celebrate the little positive steps in the right direction. Be #grateful APPRECIATE Be #thankful Take the TIME to pause and acknowledge these small (and big!) Moments in your life in a #MINDFUL way that feels right for YOU ❤ What's one small win or positive step in the right direction you've had lately? I'd love to hear! #noblelife #truthtalk #sarahsharesshit #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker (at Orewa, New Zealand)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
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Oh how I love smoothies ❤🙌 ✔ Great for on the go ✔ You can add ENDLESS amounts of nutrients & goodness ✔ Already blended for better digestion ✔ Delicious ✔ Filling A perfect start to a healthy lifestyle if you need to take baby steps 🙏 #noblelife #mindfullyyou #smoothies #healthyfood (at Orewa, New Zealand)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
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Life is for LIVING! #exploring #loving #experiencing #connection #nourishment I hope you all have the courage to live a life you LOVE ❤ #noblelife #mindfullyyou #nz #nature #purenz #mindful (at Bridal Veil Falls (Waikato))
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
Sacrifice. What are you sacrificing to put your health no 1? Saying no to that social event to get an early night? Not hanging out with that person who always brings you down and leaves you feeling down and sad? Not eating refined sugar? No alcohol? We will ALL come across some things we may enjoy doing or want to do but need to say NO for our health. We may want to go to that party, but know we'll feel like shit and be a zombie at work the next day. Sacrifice doesn't have to be a negative thing! It's EMPOWERING! We choose what we do with our lives and what we put in and on our body. It can HELP or it can HINDER our health. Listen to your GUT and INTUITION and do what feels right. DITCH the GUILT for saying no. Learn to associate not eating certain foods (gluten, refined sugar etc) with NOURISHING your body instead of "I'm not allowed that" or "it's bad". Flip the #mindset to what you CAN do, what you ARE doing and WHY. NOT what you can't do or are missing out on. Get SUPPORT when you're finding it hard to say no or having a guilt hit. Our life/health journey will be ongoing and ever evolving - let's roll with it POSITIVELY ❤❤ #noblelife #truthtalk #sarahsharesshit #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker #healthyliving #healthylife (at Orewa Beach)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
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It's ok to be YOU. It's ok that you don't fit in with the "cool kids" It's ok that you think differently. It's ok to look the way you do. It's ok to feel the way you feel. It's ok to dream. It's ok to live a life YOU truly want - no matter how that looks or how it may be #judged by others. It's ok to say how you feel. It's ok to ask for help. It's ok to feel lost sometimes. It's ok to cry. It's ok to be YOU. It always has been and it always will be. I love you. #noblelife #mindfulmotivationalspeaker #mindfullyyou #selflove #loveyourself #itsoktobeyou (at Orewa, New Zealand)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
Social media can be an incredible tool for positivity, motivation and inspiration OR it can be a powerful tool to insecurity, comparisonitis, depression, and more negative feelings and emotions. Choose who you follow wisely- Make sure you FEEL GOOD when you look at the pictures and read the words of those you follow. Make sure you are INSPIRED & MOTIVATED by the videos of those you follow. If you feel any kind of negative emotion - UNLESS it's a realisation you've made that will HELP your journey NOT hinder it, unfollow. We've got enough going on in our lives let alone adding more bullshit we don't need to it via social media. I want to talk more about the things we can do to improve our mental health and overall wellbeing as well as sharing things I struggle with - cos we all have something and IT'S OK. Are you inspired by hearing others stories? Please let me know in the comments! #noblelife #truthtalk #sarahsharesshit #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker #mentalhealth #socialmedia (at Auckland, New Zealand)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
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We all get the sane 24 hours in a day. We all CHOOSE how to spend our time. NOT others. We choose to get a job and go to work. (Or not) We choose to go to school to educate ourselves. (Or not) We choose to spend 4 hours a day trawling Insta/fb/Twitter etc We choose to get takeaways instead of cooking a healthy meal. We choose to go explore the world or stay in our local bubble. You get me. There is ALWAYS a choose. Don't EVER think you don't have one. How do you spend your time? Thought for the day ❤🙏 #noblelife #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker #nature #scenic #mindset (at Queenstown NZ)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
Being aware of any negative habits we have when we are feeling stressed/down/anxious/going through a hard time is beneficial for our ongoing #mentalhealth and overall #wellbeing We can catch ourselves self-sabotaging and turn it around into something POSITIVE. We can give ourselves that extra #love and #care ❤ What are your habits? Do you turn to wine when your stressed out? Reach for chocolate and sweets when your feeling down? When you are AWARE of your habits you can then (over time) replace them with something more positive! Stash some #healthy sweet treats. Reach for some Kombucha. There is ALWAYS another option. We deserve to treat ourselves as the wonderful beings we are - fueling our BODIES and MINDS with all things positive and nourishing. Do you agree? #noblelife #truthtalk #sarahsharesshit #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker #happiness #positivity (at Orewa, New Zealand)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
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I used to think eating healthy was too time consuming. I used to think being a vegetarian or vegan meant eating salads with lettuce and tomato all the time. I was wrong. You gotta give things a chance (patience and consistency!!) to find out what works for YOU. You gotta put EFFORT into what you are passionate about. Wanna be healthy inside and out? Put in the WORK. Make changes to your lifestyle (slowly and steadily). Another #simple yet delicious meal courtesy of the bf - pea puree, roast turmeric veges and wild caught fish ❤ #noblelife #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker #dinnerinspo #healthyliving (at Orewa, New Zealand)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
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Enjoy whatever journey you are on RIGHT NOW. It'll change. Enjoy that one too. Find the good in everything - it's always there, sometimes you just have to look harder than others. Super #grateful for a weekend with my partner in crime, relaxing, eating good food, exploring, getting into nature, perving at classic cars, watching Drifting, watching movies, pottering around the house and enjoying this hot as Summer ❤ #noblelife #nz #summer #lifejourney #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker (at Hunua, New Zealand)
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
Can you be yourself? Are you happy? You can ask yourself these questions frequently, in relation to all aspects of your life. If the answers are NO. What can you do to start moving them towards a YES? Can you move out of the party flat you hate living in? Can you start looking for a job that's more in alignment to what you TRULY want to do? Can you end that relationship that's been dragging you down for years? What can you START? What can you LEAVE BEHIND? #happiness is always going to come from WITHIN, but that doesn't mean we have to put up with people or environments that don't align with us in this moment of our lives. Be #honest with yourself. Take #ownership and start your journey to a more positive, ALIGNED lifestyle. Double tap if you agree! #noblelife #truthtalk #sarahsharesshit #mindfullyyou #mindfulmotivationalspeaker #selflove #aligned (at Orewa, New Zealand)
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