noblemarriage · 1 year
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Noble Marriage will begin a series of posts on #UthmanTheGenerous. So who is Uthman عليه وسلم ?
Uthman (RA), the third Rightly Guided Caliph known as 'Al Ghani' - The Generous, whose countless acts of charity continue to inspire us today.
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
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Life is for LIVING! #exploring #loving #experiencing #connection #nourishment I hope you all have the courage to live a life you LOVE ❤ #noblelife #mindfullyyou #nz #nature #purenz #mindful (at Bridal Veil Falls (Waikato))
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pretidev · 5 years
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“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think” #shapedbyourthoughts #webecomewhatwethink #noblethoughts #noblebeings #noblelife #noblegoals #nobleactions (at Flic En Flac, Black River, Mauritius) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsRBj5nFO_QYiIdN8_C776bIMbeVoIVDIsnl_E0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1brwh07q1crgl
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veils-and-hearts · 7 years
Ideas of Romance
I had a conversation with grandmama about one of my patients, an auri man. He's particularly close with my Sindri, but I've started to get to know him better myself.  I know him to be a genuine, protective and gentle being at heart.  Though, I also know, he isn't that way to everyone.  It depends how Sokhatai reads you.  He is a hunter by nature and I get the sense that he is always observing, testing and learning. His decisions are quick once he's of a mind to make them and like an arrow loosed he fully commits to it. His background makes him a very honest man, he sees little point in deception.  I feel as if he grew up in a tight-knit community, with neighbors like family, for he is fiercely protective of anything he perceives as 'family' within Aethertide, myself included. A part of me feels bad he has chosen to.  He sees the painted veil of Llinos Silvernail like everyone else.  He wants to believe I am the good woman living in a gilded cage.  He wants to believe I know nothing of the world he is a part of, so he gifts me kindness from it whenever he can.  He sees that I have sadness in me and imagines it is for my lot in life.  But it is not a cage I live in, but a fortress.  And everything he sees is my fortification.  It is not chains that weigh me down, but roots that run deep. We spoke of Sokhatai because of family.
He called me over to discuss his intent to start one with his wife, T'zeitel.  And I must admit, at first the news made me...concerned. Sokhatai's position in the company is as, well, a hired blade in Aegis. It's a job that has danger in the description.  Well, not literally, they dress it up with fancy words like 'protectors' and it sounds very noble and necessary - and believe me, there's no one more appreciative of an able protector than me.  But I have to wonder how does one cope with the idea of having both a child...and a job that requires you to directly put yourself between someone else and harm?  It would hurt my heart to think of it, but above all it doesn't seem...practical. But he and T'zeitel both fight side by side.  They're both from the same social standing.  Their lives are only improved by a union.  They’re more likely to survive with each other than without. "Happiness," my grandmama said.  "They are free to chase it, as far as their legs may carry them." We all chase after happiness, I said to her. "But theirs is uncomplicated, simple.  They can afford to do it with reckless abandon, we cannot.  They start with little and reach for their fulfillment, guided by the whims that bring them closer to happiness.   Their purpose becomes clear to them much later than ours." Indeed.  We start off with so much to lose, we learn instead how to guard ourselves, protect what we have so our future remains secure.   That is the happiness we are taught to seek.  They start off with nothing to lose, everything to gain.  We start off with everything to lose. "Are you envious, Llinos?  Do you regret what you were adopted into?"   Grandmama looked at me with her clouded emerald eyes.  Her expression was a veil of hidden expectations.  She knew my answer already, but she asked to see how I would respond.  "Do you yearn for something simple and good?" "No," I said easily, truthfully.  To say otherwise would be to call my family a burden.  To say otherwise would be to admit to a cowardice I had not felt for some time.  It would suggest I thought myself made for something so simple...when I never believed that.  "To quote from the poets, ‘I am a woman not to be brutalized by love.  I am generations of blood and fire.  I am all war."  Something violent, brutal and ugly is howling inside me and I shall act like it, my mind finished the end of the poem I chose to leave it out, knowing well grandmama already had a distaste for most poetry in general.  All the same, I felt a closeness to those even those words.  I did not feel like a woman like me was meant for what Sokhatai described as his happiness.  Not because I didn’t deserve it - though I could argue that case, too - it just wasn’t who I was...not at this moment, maybe not ever. Grandmama gave a light scoff at my words, folding out her fan and fluttering it in her annoyance.  "You always did read such vulgar poetry." "I find them to convey a certain Ala Mhigan quality, like me, grandmama.  Words are the skin we wear, so we must choose them wisely." "Be careful you don't bare yourself too much then," she gave a roll of her eyes, but I could see she was hiding her satisfaction behind the fluttering of her fan.  It is not in grandmama's nature to praise too highly.  "You truly don't yearn for even a part of it?  That sounds unromantic of you, Llinos..."  Grandmama looked out the window to the golden world below, feigning light interest, but her voice was soft, pensive.  This time she truly was curious. "On the contrary, grandmama, I am nothing but romantic.  Romance isn't all sugary sweetness, it is dark and tormented---" "'--the furor of passion, the despair of an idealism that you can't attain,'" Grandmama finished.  "That was the first poem I read to you.  Why do you cling to these silly verses of yours?"  She turned her gaze to me again as she snapped her fan shut. "Because they show me my path is not one I have to forge anew.  Others have walked it, survived it, accepted it.  I feel like my feet can slip into the imprints of others and it is soothing." Idealism.  It's something I share with the common man, but I cling to a different sort.  Not an idealism of a life of love and many children.   An idealism that I can save my family, that I can shield us if I'm careful enough. Grandmama's eyes still watched me.  "You hide behind your poetry.  I want your words, Llinos." I gave it thought.  "If love is all the virtues they say it is: patient and kind, if it isn't envious or self-seeking or proud, if it is trusting, hopeful and persevering...I don't know if I can see it in myself just yet for anything but my own ambitions." I don't know what grandmama made of that.  She just gave a slow nod then and went back to fanning herself as she gazed out the window.   "This is what makes us so different, Llinos."  She said quietly and distantly. I felt this difference she spoke of as she said it, this wall that kept everyone else from understanding me.  My ambition was as a moat to my fortress preventing anyone from crossing. . . . I wonder, sometimes, about my guardsman, Quintos.  Is he like Sokhatai, longing for that love of wife and family?  They're both men quick to make up their minds, fighters, honest to a fault... Quintos pretends at flirtation with me, but I wonder if he does it out of loneliness rather than just trying to see if a blush or a sharp word elicited from me might one day weaken my resolve? He wastes his time, but I wonder...if I'm wasting his time, too.  He doesn't get much time to look for his future, he's spending it vowing his life to protect mine.  For gil, of course, but... He should not waste his time grasping at the illusion he wishes to see. It will only hurt him, as reaching blindly often does.  If what he longs for is wife and children... I wonder because I'm not so cruel as to stop him from it, it would be a poor way to pay his loyalty. Or perhaps because I need him to turn his attention elsewhere?
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endlessly-cursed · 3 years
Laurose for the ask game, please?
who’s the cuddler:
Prim, definitely!! One of her love languages are physical contact, though Laurie can be a softie himself
who makes the bed:
....the servants, lol #noblelife
who wakes up first:
I daresay Prim. As a Viscountess she has many responsibilities, for many local business and institutions of the viscounty have her patronage and are depending on her, but Laurent wakes up a bit later than her to get to work.
who has the weird taste in music:
I think none? They both have a regular taste in music, ig
who is more protective:
Oof. Laurent, definitely. The more they grow –and as they have children– he grows more overprotective of him and their family. He's lost too much in his life and won't let history repeat itself
who sings in the shower:
Prim, definitely. She hums piano tunes and songs of her infancy and Laurent just listens to, amused by her habits.
who cries during movies:
Prim, definitely!! She cries everytime a puppy or someone dies and Laurent is always there with xanax and cuddles
who spends the most while out shopping:
Primrose. Laurent is a practical man and only buys the necessary, meanwhile Prim always indulges herself to a little treat... Or four.
who kisses more roughly:
Laurent 🤭 he definitely shows his affections through actions and kissing is one way of communicating with her. Primrose is able to keep up just fine, don't worry ;)
who is more dominate:
Laurent, though Prim has her moments ;). But mostly Laurent (dw he knows who's the boss at Winbourne. He knows better than challenge his Viscountess)
my rating of the ship from 1-10:
10/10. Simply magnifique
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Bro looks like you just ate a blue popsicle
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“Please, what I wear on my lips is more expensive than anything you wear right now whole.”#swagex-noblelife
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noblemarriage · 1 year
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Uthman (RA) continued the impartial justice, humane policies, and Islamic expansion characteristic of Abu Bakr (RA) and Umar (RA)'s caliphates during his rule. His realm extended from Morocco to Afghanistan in the west and east, and from Armenia to Azerbaijan in the north.
#NobleMarriage #UthmanRA #TheGenerous #Charity #MuslimMatrimony #MuslimMarriage #UthmanTheGenerous #islamicquotes #sunnah #muslimquotes #ummah #islamicknowledge #NobleLife #Dawah #Hadith #Dua #islamicreminder #faith #Allah #Quran
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sarah-says-shit · 7 years
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Life is a series of events that challenge us, promote growth, help us to learn what we do and don't like, who we want to surround ourselves with, what our passions, hobbies and purpose are, learn about our bodies and mind and how to work with them and love them and much, much more. Our paths mingle with others, we witness their PAIN and STRUGGLES while going through our own. We witness their TRIUMPHS and ACHIEVEMENTS while going through our own. We meet them at different stages on these journeys. We ALWAYS have a choice about how we react to another's behaviour towards us. We ALWAYS have the power to decide whether we judge someone WITHOUT all the facts, WITHOUT knowing their STORY or who they are. THINK before you #judge REALISE we are all in this crazy life journey together and that deserves patience, forgiveness and compassion - this includes to OURSELVES when we do judge or unleash some average behaviour on another. Double tap if you agree! ❤ #noblelife #dontjudge #happiness #positivity (at Auckland Region)
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kevinbluer · 6 years
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sauceboss42-blog · 7 years
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Next week we are embarking on our biggest  one order of wings in our history....500 wings!!!...we are excited about this one! #500 #wingsforlife #lemonpepper #bbq🍖 #ragingbull #garlicparmesanranch #noblelife #foodie #foodporn #foodie #food #weeat
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noblemarriage · 1 year
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Uthman (RA) played a remarkable role in standardizing the Holy Quran, uniting the Muslim community under a single text that will be cherished for eternity.
#NobleMarriage #UthmanRA #TheGenerous #Charity #MuslimMatrimony #MuslimMarriage #UthmanTheGenerous #islamicquotes #sunnah #muslimquotes #ummah #islamicknowledge #NobleLife #Dawah #Hadith #Dua #islamicreminder #faith #Allah #Quran
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sarah-says-shit · 6 years
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Who are you? In this social media driven, constantly connected world, we are often told who to be, who we are. We are manipulated and made to feel less than or feel like we're missing out. Comparison is everywhere. Unobtainable bodies. Unobtainable lives. Our brains are so overwhelmed with all this BULLSHIT we slowly forget who we TRULY are. You are NOT you name, your age, your gender, your job title, your income. Take the TIME to #connect with yourself more often so you understand who you are - to not get caught up in this ego driven lifestyle. OWN yourself. Be COMFORTABLE being YOU. Dis-engage from egotistical, comparisonitis. SHOW the WORLD who you are and do it PROUDLY! Who are you? #noblelife #motivationalspeaker #mindfullyyou #speakthetruth #beyourself #selflove (at Kawarau River)
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lovegalo · 7 years
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Woke up and saw my boy, The BBQ King, eating a breakfast burrito at El Potrillo Cafe and I was like "I want one" and homie came through and dropped me one off - thanks @ragtop_fern you the man!!! I am also glad you weren't with chicle @carlatlopezz #homedelivery #deliveryservice #breakfastburrito #elpotrillocafe #gladcarlawasntthere #carlaisrad #desayuno #hangiverfood #lacura #lovemylife #galoslife #thelifeofgalo #ikniwaguy #myphilosophy #unscrupulous #design #thenetwork #theexchangeprogram #nobleroyalty #noblelife #lovegalo #lovepeopleandtheyllloveyouback (at El potrillo cafe)
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your-atozhome · 6 years
Noblelife Review 4" Shower Head 360° adjust Shower caddy Manufacturer KDY
Noblelife Review 4″ Shower Head 360° adjust Shower caddy Manufacturer KDY
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4″ Shower Head 360° adjust Shower caddy 10CM with base and 1.5M hose
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Noblelife Information : 4”shower heard with 1.5M water pipe with base with lag spike
Great for showering yourself or your loved ones and pets, as well as for keeping your shower and tub clean. While other products may gather unsightly mineral build-up over time
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