screamkiing-blog · 6 years
Reminder that this is now just an IC inspo/mood blog so if you wish to interact with Billy in threads, IM me and I’ll shoot you a link to my multi.
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
 he watches a lot. he doesn’t talk much. just looks at everyone around and comes to decisions. like how he was sure billy didn’t wanna do this. and the girl behind him was looking to get laid by the guy she picked. people were easy to read like that. sometimes you just had to open your eyes. and that made you see the world for the filthy place it was, the whole damned world like a time bomb waiting to go off. he’d like to set it.  tears the edge of a paper from his notebook. he lets out a small scoff at the suggestion. “we would. teachers and parents never get it, the mental damage doing what they want us to give us? psychological damage.” he gives a shake of his head before turning to look at him. “but i could think of a better example than some shitty paper that’ll make them send us home or something. my mom bitches enough already.”
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His brows lift as he takes the seat next to him, his own mind reeling at how he’d just rather be anywhere but here. It was all a waste of time, so he could, what? Become a doctor? Yeah, right. He didn’t care for this type of structure, and when it boiled down to it, he didn’t see the point to most things that people felt were normal. “You’ve got ideas, I’ve got time.” He chimed as a smirk pulled at his lips. “We can work on our own project to turn in at the end of the year.” He mused.
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
The angel had faced, hell even sometimes caused, plagues, apocalypses, and wars. But zombies, now that certainly was a first. She figured though that it must’ve started like the movies suggest, man-made, biological weapon, or something. It would make sense. She’d been going through this alone, not wanting to get attached to anyone, just in case. She’d seen cities eaten alive before her eyes in the past few days only. It was the worst apocalypse she’d ever seen for sure.
She was on her way to get someplace safe for the upcoming night, zapping a few undeads with her electrokinesis abilities, killing their brains instantly, making her way to a mall that seemed to have been partially barricaded, probably when the plague started. She figured there would be food, water and drugs, in there. It wasn’t like she was running low on meds, but if this was the end, she needed to get all she could find before supplies in general would run low on earth. She knew that this mess wouldn’t be solved in a week, or even a year. She managed to get into the undeground parking lot of the mall, the only way in from what she saw, until someone spoke from behind her. She tensed up, stopping in her tracks abruptly. Vampire, she thought to herself. She could sense any supernaturals, even in this new world. He caught her scent out there. She figured if anything went south, she could always zap his ass like she did with zombies. Who knows, maybe less killable company would be good during the apocalypse. She slowly turned around to face the source of the voice. ❝ Wouldn’t you like to know, fanger — ❞ of course she couldn’t help her tone having a hint of sarcasm, but she still smirked and arched a brow, almost teasingly.
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His attention was sharper on her as she called him out on what he was. Expressive eyebrows shot up- though he couldn’t say he was surprised. Whatever she was, wasn’t human. Whatever she was had powers that called out even to him. “That’s why I asked, Doll.” He quipped, matching her tone as he licked his bottom lip- his throat was suddenly feeling especially parched as the scent of her wafted through his nose and embedded itself in his mind. 
“But let me guess.. You want to keep me wondering?” He murmured, his head tilting to the side slightly as his eyes narrowed. It wasn’t like he had endless forms of entertainment these days, and this was certainly a surprise. “you should know, I haven’t fed in two days. I was starting to think the world was finally barren- you haven’t happened to see any pumping blood around here, have you?” He wasn’t foolish- whatever she was was strong. He didn’t know how strong, but she seemed relatively unphased by the death and chaos around her, so he figured it was a safe bet to assume the worst. 
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
“ My name is Hazel Evers, I am the laundress. And you are?” before he died she had seen him in the lobby, but she hadn’t paid much attention to him. She didn’t saw who killed the young man, although she had her suspicions. None of that mattered anyway, what’s done is done and she had to get rid of the body and launder the sheets. 
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“Billy loomis, man on the run- or well, I guess I was on the run.” He sighed, looking at the mess she was about to so nonchalantly clean up. “I guess I should help you with... my body?” He questioned as his brows rose slightly.
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
His hands were WARM against her arms, bare as she had dressed so pretty for date night. She leaned into the touch, eyes closing because the only thing she could look at, the only thing she could concentrate on was the blood staining her hands. She didn’t want to look again and see it drying against her skin, filling every crevice of her fingers. 
“ I’m okay. “  She repeated, and she doesn’t sound as sure, but she feels safer with someone else in front of her - regardless of who it was. It was amazing the people she could glance over like they didn’t exist could suddenly become a LIFELINE. She took a moment to break, focusing each inhale and exhale until her chest no longer burned, and she relaxed in his hands. 
“ I.. They were DRESSED UP. “  She told him, finally opening her eyes to look at him.  “ Like a mask and cloak and shit. Didn’t even seem like a real PERSON. Fuck, they could’ve been the fucking devil. “  
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He doesn’t relate to he escalated emotions shes feeling; at least, not for the reasons she’s feeling them. He’s feeling his own form of anxiety, but it washes away as he realizes he now has the perfect alibi. He wasn’t really one to play the white knight, but he could make an exception. 
He wondered what part of all this bothered her the most- the fact that she had blood on her hands, or that the date had officially been ruined. He’d seen her around, and it hadn’t looked like much really phased her- not like he had room to make assumptions. 
“We don’t know if they’re still around here somewhere.” Worry painted it’s way onto his features; It was fake and hard to keep up, but he was putting on a good show. “ We should get out of here, and call for help.” He suggested as he began to lead them away. “And we should wash that blood off of you.” 
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
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An incredulous furrow of arched brows accompanies her widening grin- Is this kid serious? If he is, she’s more than willing to go down that path. Seems her outburst hasn’t been received too badly at all. 
She looks over her shoulder with the same disbelieving smile, checking to see if there was anybody eavesdropping, before leaning back in towards her new companion. 
❝ i’m free tonight. if, ah- if you’re     implying what i think you are. ❞
Maybe she shouldn’t be so giddy. Who knows. But the scent of death is in the air (vengance, too- The fucker failed so many papers of hers that it’s bringing down her GPA, and she can’t have that), and she’s falling for the temptation once more. 
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It was always a game of chance, though  nine times out of then he could play it off like he was kidding, even if he’d meant everything he’d said. His eyes dance with hers as he weighs the mischief  in her eyes. A familiar, and wicked grin pull at his lips as he inhales through his slightly parted lips.   
     “The fact that you’re curious enough       to see if you’re right is       enough for me.”
He chimed back as his brow quirked up,  the amount of knowing behind his eyes shining through like a dare.
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
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there’s a hitch in his chest, beating hard. he takes down a hard swallow because he can’t seem to quite calm down his excitement over the gun. he lets out a small breath at the thought of actually firing it. he had held off on it. wanting the right moment. or the right target. he reaches into the box and takes it out, letting it hang there in between the both of them. he offers a small shrug of his shoulders. “i was waiting.” he says. his eyes stay on the gun. not leaving it. the weight of it in his hand is almost exhilariating. “where should we shoot it at?” he pauses, his eyes lifting up to billy’s like he’s wondering if he can actually add the other end. people come in different shades, dark, light. the world’s a pretty screwed up place. and he wonders what people have it in them to see it. he thinks that billy would be cool with it. “or at who?”
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His own excitement was bubbling beneath the surface as he watched Tate, knowing that the reason they got along so well off the bat was because they were both ‘a little off their rockers’- though it was hard for him to imagine someones mind going to the places that his seemed to live in. His bros perked up at the addition to his question, and a fiery amusement was displayed in his smirk. “You mean you don’t have a list?” He questioned, the tone of his voice playful, though he would not be surprised to find out either way. He didn’t have a hit list per say, but there were a few people he wouldn’t mind seeing go. 
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
“When you find that one person who connects you to the world you become someone different” {Any story / something new. }
The days had seemed like endless grey blurs, when he took the pills they tried to force into him- he’d stopped taking them a while ago, though- a new patient making him want to be aware of what was going on around him.
He found more peace in moments like this, sitting in the common room, talking to her- the only other half sane one in the joint. He spent his days locked away because of the murders he committed- his parents, and lawyer strongly encouraging him to plea insanity- it was that or prison- He realized quickly that prison would have been better. At least, better than most of the time he spent here, locked up, alone, or being punished by the sisters. They certainly were cruel with a whip, and Billy was not one who was known for staying out of trouble. 
His back was raw from the previous days beatings, to the point of him willingly taking his meds- dreadful things that made him feel like a zombie; but it took the edge off. His eyes shut slowly at her words, the conversation leading up was one he could only have with her. “Then what am I supposed to do when they keep trying to tear us apart?” He questioned, and for a moment he forgot where he was- They couldn’t leave. This room, right here- and when they were lucky enough to get put on the same duties, was where he could forget. 
“It’s like they know we’re keeping each other sane- and they can’t have anyone sane in here.” He pointed out, looking around at the chaos around them- the people that surrounded them- for the most part -weren’t bad people- not like him, but they were very much off their rockers. 
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
She had never thought it possible to feel so much yet so little at the same time - it couldn’t be possible. There was so much emotion emitting from her heart, yet her mind and body felt completely numb. It was a living nightmare, to experience so much yet express so little. She imagined she had herself to blame for feeling this way - for allowing her parents to have so much control of her life and emotions. Maybe if she fought more against them, if she let the same anger she felt for the world be used against them then perhaps all would change. Yet she didn’t, instead, she went through life doing as they said. In her own way, she rebelled against her parents. Drugs and alcohol the primary form of doing so. Lately, it wasn’t as rare. Lately, she felt the need to escape further from reality. Billy could be blamed for this, or at least her genuine feelings for him. At the beginning stages of her teen years, it was much more simple to push aside her feelings. It was easier to pretend not to give a damn about the boy that broke her heart. Yet as the time passed and their senior year came to be - everything unraveled. There was no way to get away from him. Being forced to take almost every class except two with him. The very same lunch break - and of course his way of being unable to let her go. She didn’t mean to let it all fall apart, she wanted to be aggressive with her emotions. She wanted to bury it all deep inside her, never to feel anything. Yet she couldn’t and he surely was to blame for this. There were no small doses with Billy Loomis - everything was intense. She had fallen in deep, every small glimpse of him making her feel as if she would break. Presently they stood in a wet alley, fighting and clawing at one another. Everything around her felt explosive. Any step taken could be the last before everything came pouring. She didn’t want to be in love, but she couldn’t tear herself from him. So many times she had been warned about keeping her distance from him, yet even when she tried, she couldn’t. Their bodies and hands touching one another as they fought against one another’s words. This only intensified the passion she felt for him. His eyes were different, the mischief and arrogance stripped. The emotions that replaced the look in his eyes not foreign to her because they were similar to the ones she had witnessed in the reflection of her mirror. The rage and sorrow. The perplexed look of not knowing what to do. Everything was haunting her; haunting them. The vicious banter turned into something so much greater than what she could handle. Yet she refused to leave it at this - she refused to let him abandon her without the truth spilling. Because she sensed it, she perceived it deep inside her - there was so much more to everything that was happening. Her heart felt it, her mind wouldn’t let her move onto other thoughts. The worry rested deep inside her, just as it obviously rested in him. He’ll explain everything - there was something to explain. She had been correct, all along she had been right. The tears streamed down her cheeks as she turned her attention back towards her father - his back now to them. She wouldn’t be able to last another day with the continuation of this; she just wouldn’t. Lately, she was holding onto nothing. The murders in Woodsboro - somehow she had captured the attention of Ghostface. She imagined this meant that at some point she would be next, oblivious to the truth behind it all. Oblivious to the fact that she was face to face with the ghastly figure. “N…No, don’t go. I’ll… Tell me.” Her eyes lowered to his hand, without a second thought her fingers intertwined with his own. Bloodshot eyes meeting coffee-colored hues. “Take me away.” The words stated and holding so much more than just a simple removal of scenery.
There had been a time when being with her was when he felt the most comfortable; as he guided her away, his heart was racing and his hands were shaking- For the first time, he felt nervous, and sick. He looked at the ground as they walked away quickly. How he had let things go this far, was beyond him- He hardly recognized who he was anymore. Without her, he was becoming a hollow shell. He was weak without her, and he didn’t want to live like this anymore.
He was lucky that he’d parked so close by. As soon as they were situated he took off, trying to put as much distance between them and her father as he could- something he’d wished could be permanent, but he knew wouldn’t be. Not yet.
“He said he’d send you away.” He informed her as he looked straight ahead. “That if I didn’t stop seeing you, that he was going to make you suffer, even worse than you already were.” He breathed out, sitting in silence for a moment as he pursed his lips together. He was nervous, and he didn’t know why. It wasn’t like he hadn’t practiced exactly what he wanted to say to her a hundred times in a mirror, or anything. 
“I didn’t realize that he was just going to make your life a living hell either way-” He informed her, though now he saw how idiotic of an assumption he’d made. “I never wanted to leave you.” He stated, looking out his window as he dove. His jaw clenched as he recalled the day everything shattered. “I couldn’t.” His brows raised as he shook his head. “It was better to have you hate me, then to not have you at all.” He was selfish for that, but he couldn’t let go.
His dark hues finally met hers, as he pulled up to a stoplight. His mouth hung slightly open, and he shook his head again. “I haven’t stopped loving you.” His brows rose slightly as his eyes dug into her soul- if she walked away believing anything, he needed her to believe that. “Let’s leave- Graduation is in a month- after that let’s just go.” The desperation was clear in his voice- He needed to get out of this town- before he really snapped- again.  
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
There was a part of her was tempted to follow him into the store - to be witness to the juvenile crime committed. But she knew better than to intrude, mainly if Billy himself told her to stay. She felt as if she was a self-destructing tornado - more than willing to destroy anything that stood in her way until she fizzled out of sight. It was an exhausting feeling, yet one that started to remove itself as she noticed him returning - more items in his hand that she was expecting. And as soon as he entered the car, the warmth and scent of the pizza took over her senses. Her stomach reacting to the sudden view and aroma of food. She nodded as a response, perhaps a response that should have been met with words. And as the car ride to the hotel began, she waited patiently in the passenger seat. It would be more comfortable to eat in a hotel room. One where it could be just the two of them eating while hopefully not talking about how the day had started. Entering through the doors, she let her eyes wander around. “So, this is where you stay when you don’t come home.” It was a statement and not a question. For some sick reason, a part of her wondered if he had ever come here with some girl he met at some party. Most likely not, most likely he developed whatever he wanted with them at the party - and that would be it. She couldn’t control the quick and uncalled for thought - but she could manage how she decided to go about the rest of the day. “I want to start now.” And that would be her decision. To take drugs that will compel her to forget about the day she had. To make her forget about the lingering thought of his hands on someone else. Someone that wasn’t her. Everything had been placed on the sole wooden dresser that held a television. Kicking her shoes off and letting them rest in the middle of the room, she now placed herself on the edge of the bed. The mattress arranging itself under her body. “Hell beats home.” Her reply was late in contrast to when stated - but it was as if it had been inside her all along. Her eyes looking towards him as she spoke. She drank a sip of one of her most favorite drinks. Closing the bottle, she let her tongue trail over her lips - the lingering taste still on her tongue. Removing her black cardigan from her body, she fixed the straps of her gray tank top. The thin material pressed against her body- making much more visible the curves of her naturally lifted breasts. Sighing as she pressed her back against the mattress, she closed her eyes. “We can start with one… Make our way up from there.” Her head tilted slightly as she looked at him, her left hand resting on the visible flesh of her stomach.
He knew it was probably a little too over protective to always make her wait in the car- but when it came to her he wasn’t going to take any chances. He could feel it- that she was meant for so much more than this town; the last thing he wanted to do, was jeopardize that in any way. Funny how someone like him; someone so cruel and selfish could give such a damn about someone else. It was her though- She made him care, even about himself.
He leaned against the dresser and watched her as she walked in- he nodded slowly in response to her question, as he pondered what she was thinking about. It was true, that he had been with other girls- he had lots of urges- ones he didn’t release with her, no matter how many times he imagined it was her. That, though, was a part of his past, it was something he had stopped doing since she came in, and changed his life. It didn’t take him long to realize that whatever fulfillment he thought he had been getting with other girls had been very shallow.
He made his way over to the bed, pulling the little make-do pill bottle from his pocket. “One for you,” He chimed as he handed her a pill. “One for me.” He usually started with more, but he didn’t want to completely zonk out- especially not around her. He opened a beer, and handed it to her. “Drink up- Doctors orders.” He joked as he plopped down next to her. He opened his own beer and swallowed the pill a moment later. He let out a small sigh after he swallowed, his fingers curling around the neck of the bottle as he did so. 
He waited for the pill to kick in- knowing that once it did, it would be easier for him to focus- at least he hoped. Sometimes, things like this made it harder, especially when thoughts of her invaded his mind. “What do you like to do when you take pills? I usuall just lay and stare at the ceiling with the radio on- and there’s a pool here that I doubt anyone else will be using later, which could be cool?” He drank from his bottle before slumping down beside her his beer bottle still upright in his hand.
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to answer some of the facts, add some other of your own. When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same.
NAME: William (Billy) Dexter Loomis (I didn’t find a listed middle name and dexter was on the suggestions so I went with it without deciding if I actually like the way it sounds, sorry I just gotta)
AGE: 18
ORIENTATION: straight but not straight
INTERESTS: Knives, horror films, music, 
PROFESSION: Student/mechanic/dishboy (verse dependent)
BODY TYPE: Tall and fit but not super muscular.
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: not fair but not super tan either idk
COMPANIONS: From canon- none :( From this blog- Annabelle Rose, Tate Langdon, Heather Duke, Veronica Sawyer, Jason Dean, Miss Evers, Elena Gilbert, idk I know I’m forgetting some
ANTAGONISTS: Everyone is guilty until proven innocent
SMELLS: Rain, old books, campfires, 
FRUITS: Cherries, Lime
DRINKS: Dark brew black coffee, sour beers, 
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? Tequila makes a sweet serial killa
RANDOM HEADCANON:  I have a headcanon for my verse where he got away with the murders that his dad was just like him and confessed to the murders in a suicide note to cover Billy’s ass and now he’s killing people dexter style (deserving of death or not though t.b.h)
Or just he might frame his dad that way?? lmao i d k
TAGGED BY: @ruthlessblue
TAGGING: @icameasiam, @tothedevilsshow, @elenaloveablekotsala, & anyone else idek 
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
reblog this with your sign and if you like coffee or not
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
I think I do want to come up with a modern/alternate FC for billy (mainly just bc I enjoy using icons but young skeet doesnt have a lot of them, you know??)
But i have no idea where to start? Like I don’t want an FC thats aleady on a show I RP in or anyone who is over used so i’m really just like who tho
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
It was without a doubt a fascinating thing - the way they could make one another unravel. She was known for her bitterness, and he was known for his anger. Yet they melted for one another - protected one another from the judgments. It certainly was heaven or their own version of it.
She loved to play hard to get - loved to get under his skin. Mainly when they both knew that by the end, she would give all control to him. Her body practically begged to be controlled. She loved the games they played with one another because, in the end, they would give into their personal needs - one way or another. There was no shame in the roles they played or the control they were willing to give up. She knew just how far to push it - just as he did. He knew her body and her needs unlike any other person because she never permitted anyone else to explore her. She belonged to him - and she assured he belonged just to her.
She noticed the shift of the bed, her heart beating raggedly as she felt the warmth of his body on her own. It was instant, the way her ass lifted to press against him as he composed himself on each side of her body. “Mhm, a full body massage.” Her lips parted as she felt his hands moving along her thighs. The simple touch provoking her to become more wanting for so much more than what he was currently carrying out. She could feel him press against her ass cheeks - her breath catching in her throat as the warmth focused itself on her pelvis. She couldn’t stand the idea of this moment ending right there, she wanted to feel his hands and lips on her body. No matter how agonizing it was to not feel him deep inside her just yet. His breath in contact with her ear made her shiver, the movement without question adding pressure against his cock.
Her body was practically begging to be touched - to be teased and satisfied. Opening her eyes, she let green hues rest on her window - a smile appearing on her lips. “I love it when you call me that, daddy.” A soft giggle departed from her lips. “I think… We have too many clothes on. Massages are no fun dressed… And I want to feel your cock on my ass.” The words were stated as if it was nothing other than an everyday request, yet the amusement was distinct in her features.
When he was alone, it genuinely was like nothing mattered. He didn’t worry about the future because he hadn’t ever really seen himself having one- not one where he’d be caring about another person, anyway. Being with her opened so many parts of him that he’d never cared to explore before. It was intense & exciting, and even for Billy Loomis, a little scary. 
He loved her body- every curve, and dip. He loved it when she played hard to get- the games giving him proper time to appreciate the masterpiece in front of him. She was a saint among his life’s hellfire. His hands ran up under her shirt, lifting the material, his lips kissing the newly exposed skin as she spoke. Blood was already rushing to his member at the warmth he felt radiating from her.
He sat up, lifting his shirt off and tossing it to the ground before moving so he could strip himself of the rest of his clothing. Moving slowly back to the bed only to hook his fingers around the waistband of her skirt, and panties before sliding them off. He moved back on the bed, his lips leaving trails of kisses along her skin as he found himself positioned behind her again. His hands gripped her ass as he bit his lip in appreciation.
He leaned up, his hardened member now grazing the curve of her ass as his hands ran along her back. He wanted her, and he wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to play hard to get, he could feel the wetness from the bead of precum that had formed from his pulsating cock as it slid easily over her skin. The anticipation only grew as his hands glided over the small of her back, and along the curve of her waistline. He sat back and gave her ass a smack, his hardened member pulsating again as he watched the way it bounced back. “I want to fuck you so bad.” 
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
Sorry I haven’t been around, my energy/ concentration is still bad and I got distracted this weekend hanging with friends and stuff 😬😬
I’ll try to be around later this week🖤
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screamkiing-blog · 6 years
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