scy25 · 2 years
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Tumblr closed!
¡El momento ha llegado! Lamentablemente es hora de despedirse de tumblr.
Hace unos años ya tuve la intención de despedirme de este sitio web (cuando eliminaron el contenido erótico), aun así encontré formas de poder seguir promocionando mi arte en este lugar. He estado unos años más por aquí intentando aguantar pero últimamente la página va bastante mal con las publicaciones, los carácteres fallan y además este lugar empieza a tener poca repercusión para que pueda promocionarme como artista (en resumen, casi nadie usa tumblr xD), por eso creo que llegó el momento de despedirse, al menos por ahora, no sé si en un futuro volveré pero no es mi intención.
Quiero agradecer a todas las personas que me han seguido por esta página tantos años, realmente lo aprecio, y decir que obviamente esto no es mi final, podeis seguir mi arte en mi twitter, patreon o pixiv como de siempre (incluso en la regla 34 de internet).
Muchas gracias a todos. ^^ <3
The moment has arrived! Unfortunately it's time to say goodbye to tumblr.
A few years ago I already intended to say goodbye to this website (when they removed the erotic content), still I found ways to continue promoting my art on this site. I've been here for a few more years trying to hold on but lately the page has been pretty bad with the posts, the fonts are failing and also this place is starting to have little impact so I can promote myself as an artist (in short, hardly anyone uses tumblr xD), that's why I think the time has come to say goodbye, at least for now, I don't know if I will return in the future but it is not my intention.
I want to thank all the people who have followed me through this page for so many years, I really appreciate it, and to say that obviously this is not my end, you can follow my art on my twitter, patreon or pixiv as usual (even in rule 34 from Internet).
Thank you very much to all. ^^ <3
Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
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¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
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Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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Happy New Year 2023!
Happy New Year 2023 to everyone! You had a good time? I hope so. =)
Like every year, this one ends and we start a new year (time flies) and that excites me a lot! I hope you've all enjoyed this year with me as much as I've enjoyed it with you T^T… but finally it's time for me to rest. Since Halloween I have focused on working many hours (yes, MANY hours…) to be able to get all the Christmas and New Year images on time this year (including private and public commissions of course) and also making the gif of new year 2023, I don't normally make gifs because they take me a lot of time but I guess "just the once will not hurt" haha. I would like to apologize if the quality of some of the latest images that I have published these days has not been the best, I have done what I could with the time that I had, even so I hope you liked all the images and those of the New Year which I have also given you in an HD version without censorship for you my followers!
I'll be taking a vacation possibly until February to recharge my batteries… but I'll be back, with changes to the prices in commissions and some small changes also in my patreon. :)
Thank you all very much for spending another year with me and I hope there are many more! Thank you all for always giving me your support, I really appreciate it a lot. <3 ^^
¡Feliz año 2023 a todo el mundo! ¿Lo habeis pasado bien? yo espero que sí. =)
¡Como todo año este se acaba y empezamos un año nuevo (el tiempo vuela) y eso me emociona mucho! Espero que hayais disfrutado todos este año conmigo tanto como yo lo he disfrutado con vosotros T^T… pero finalmente para mí es hora de descansar. Desde halloween me he enfocado en trabajar muchas horas (sí, MUCHAS horas…) para poder sacar este año todas las imágenes de navidad y año nuevo a tiempo (incluyendo las comisiones privadas y públicas por supuesto) y también haciendo el gif de de año nuevo 2023, normalmente no hago gifs porque requieren mucho tiempo pero supongo que "uno al año no hace daño" jaja. Me gustaría pedir disculpas si la calidad de algunas de las últimas imágenes que he sacado estos días no ha sido la mejor, he hecho lo que he podido con el tiempo que he tenido, ¡aun así espero que os hayan gustado todas las imágenes y las de año nuevo que además he regalado en versión HD sin censura para vosotros mis seguidores!
Estaré tomándome unas vacaciones posiblemente hasta Febrero para recargar pilas… pero volveré, con cambios a los precios en comisiones y algunos pequeños cambios también en mi patreon. :)
¡Muchas gracias a todos por estar otro año más junto a mí y espero que sean muchos más! Gracias a todos por siempre darme vuestro apoyo, de verdad que lo aprecio mucho. <3 ^^
Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
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Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
#Fairy tail#Erza Scarlet#beach#photo#selfie#water#breasts#bikini#outdoor#accident
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scy25 · 2 years
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Happy Sex Year 2023
Full drawing + versions: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
#Fairy tail#Erza Scarlet#beach#photo#selfie#water#breasts#bikini#outdoor#accident
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scy25 · 2 years
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Ready for new year: Sakura
Full drawing + versions: https://pixiv.me/scy25
Support me on patreon!:
Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
#Fairy tail#Erza Scarlet#beach#photo#selfie#water#breasts#bikini#outdoor#accident
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scy25 · 2 years
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Merry christmas: Yoruichi
An old drawing that I never finished (2 years). Today was the day! \ (•◡•) /
Full drawing + versions: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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Lesbian Christmas
An old drawing that I never finished (2 years). Today was the day! \ (•◡•) /
Full drawing + versions: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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Merry christmas: Inoue
An old drawing that I never finished (2 years). Today was the day! \ (•◡•) /
Full drawing + versions: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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Merry christmas: Sarada
An old drawing that I never finished (2 years). Today was the day! \ (•◡•) /
Full drawing + versions: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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10 points for Slytherin!
Anonymous commission
Full drawing + versions: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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Sealing mother
Full drawing + versions: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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The power of our bond
Full drawing + versions: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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Hinata: Anal training
Full drawing + versions: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
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¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
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Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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Summer 2022
An old drawing that I never finished (2 years). Today was the day! \ (•◡•) /
Full drawing + versions: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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Family beach day
Anonymous commission
Full drawing: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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Happy Halloween 2022: Astolfo
Full drawing: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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Happy Halloween 2022: Konoha's girl
Full drawing: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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scy25 · 2 years
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Double trick for May
Full drawing: https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
¡Apoyame en patreon! (Support me on patreon!): https://www.patreon.com/Scy_25/
Contacto (contact):
Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
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