scy25 · 2 years
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Happy New Year 2023!
Happy New Year 2023 to everyone! You had a good time? I hope so. =)
Like every year, this one ends and we start a new year (time flies) and that excites me a lot! I hope you've all enjoyed this year with me as much as I've enjoyed it with you T^T… but finally it's time for me to rest. Since Halloween I have focused on working many hours (yes, MANY hours…) to be able to get all the Christmas and New Year images on time this year (including private and public commissions of course) and also making the gif of new year 2023, I don't normally make gifs because they take me a lot of time but I guess "just the once will not hurt" haha. I would like to apologize if the quality of some of the latest images that I have published these days has not been the best, I have done what I could with the time that I had, even so I hope you liked all the images and those of the New Year which I have also given you in an HD version without censorship for you my followers!
I'll be taking a vacation possibly until February to recharge my batteries… but I'll be back, with changes to the prices in commissions and some small changes also in my patreon. :)
Thank you all very much for spending another year with me and I hope there are many more! Thank you all for always giving me your support, I really appreciate it a lot. <3 ^^
¡Feliz año 2023 a todo el mundo! ¿Lo habeis pasado bien? yo espero que sí. =)
¡Como todo año este se acaba y empezamos un año nuevo (el tiempo vuela) y eso me emociona mucho! Espero que hayais disfrutado todos este año conmigo tanto como yo lo he disfrutado con vosotros T^T… pero finalmente para mí es hora de descansar. Desde halloween me he enfocado en trabajar muchas horas (sí, MUCHAS horas…) para poder sacar este año todas las imágenes de navidad y año nuevo a tiempo (incluyendo las comisiones privadas y públicas por supuesto) y también haciendo el gif de de año nuevo 2023, normalmente no hago gifs porque requieren mucho tiempo pero supongo que "uno al año no hace daño" jaja. Me gustaría pedir disculpas si la calidad de algunas de las últimas imágenes que he sacado estos días no ha sido la mejor, he hecho lo que he podido con el tiempo que he tenido, ¡aun así espero que os hayan gustado todas las imágenes y las de año nuevo que además he regalado en versión HD sin censura para vosotros mis seguidores!
Estaré tomándome unas vacaciones posiblemente hasta Febrero para recargar pilas… pero volveré, con cambios a los precios en comisiones y algunos pequeños cambios también en mi patreon. :)
¡Muchas gracias a todos por estar otro año más junto a mí y espero que sean muchos más! Gracias a todos por siempre darme vuestro apoyo, de verdad que lo aprecio mucho. <3 ^^
Do you want a commission? Ask here: [email protected]
Más aquí (more here): http://scy–25.deviantart.com/  https://pixiv.me/scy25
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Twitter: @Scy_25Arts  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Scy25
#Fairy tail#Erza Scarlet#beach#photo#selfie#water#breasts#bikini#outdoor#accident
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lopashes · 15 days
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casko-chan celebrates the dreamcast's anniversary
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the-chibi-sempai · 1 year
she came to Chaldea after being thrown some tickets and called Koyanchihuahua
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Don't worry, you're going to repay me for all the trouble you gave me during the main story by working yourself to the bone~~
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On an unrelated note, what's been going on on the latest episode of Latenite Mystery with Gina Sayer? I've heard some good things about that show but never really bothered to tune in when it premieres episodes on MBC...
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“Oh, they’ve been diving deep into the mystery of this woman who had all of these connections with other people and had suddenly gone missing!”
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“It’s a bit of a departure from their previous episodes actually, it really does leave me with suspense. They even got ahold of one of the girls that had connections with that woman!”
“They usually air a new episode at 12 AM so I stay up to watch it!”
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theweirdwideweb · 3 months
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Jolene Casko
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tainbocuailnge · 1 year
while im reminiscing about old fate fandom anyway, i think it's hard for anyone who got into the series through fgo or even just after fgo got big to realize just how much impact fgo had. it outright changed how people talk about the characters, before fgo it was viable and common to refer to every single servant by their class and what installment besides fsn they were from (lancer, zero lancer, extra lancer, ccc lancer) and each instalment that had multiple of a single class always provided some other option to refer to them with that would differentiate them while keeping their true name secret (red and black factions in apocrypha, red saber casko and red tea for playable extra servants, launcher for karna so liz could be ccc lancer).
fgo was an actual gamechanger because it was the first time readers were just given every servant's true name upfront and were expected to use it instead of their class. on top of that there'd been several mentions of servants that fit multiple classes before fgo but fgo was the first time we actually saw any servant summoned in an alternate class, making class names even more useless because not only did "fgo lancer" not mean anything but lancer in fgo was also a caster.
for years after fgo's release the type moon wiki clung to its page title name scheme of "[class] - fate/[whatever they're from]" because until fgo (which released 11 years after fsn) that was the most sensible and spoiler-free way to refer to servants and it took a very long list of "[class] - fate/grand order (true name)" pages for them to give up and change every servant's page title to their true name.
fgo tried to get back some of the mystery of true names with epic of remnant but they didn't manage to make it stick or really recapture that magic, and by now effectively nobody really refers to servants outside fgo by class anymore either unless they're veterans like me, and even then most of us only stick to doing it for the fsn servants. fgo has made it much harder for any fate story to write its mystery around true names anymore because out of necessity it has caused fan spaces to no longer respect the mystery of true names.
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 year
So, uh, Rider, Invader. We have good news and we have terrible news.
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CONSTANTINE: "...Right."
KUKULKAN: "Come on, give them a chance to speak up first before assuming the worst, okay?"
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A bit late for that.
It seemed to take them a moment to process... all of that, but the common point seemed to come through- that they needed to hurry their way to the Nameless City to stop DRACO.
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KUKULKAN: "...I don't know exactly what happened in the few seconds you zoned out on us, but... I don't know. I think you guys just got a bit more 'Masterly'?"
There was a bit of a pleased lilt to her voice, not surprised, but at the same time satisfied.
CONSTANTINE: "And I'm not so petty to say 'I told you so'. You're willing to fight to make up for your mistakes- that's a thousand times more important."
Despite his stern expression, you could see that the intensity was focused on him thinking of ways to handle the situation at hand, rather than towards you all specifically. The mind of a tactician, whirring ad nauseam.
KUKULKAN: "It's funny… it's not as if Draco has different goals than us, but I want this place to have a peaceful ending- not a violent one like what Draco's planning. Which means that Draco is our enemy, unfortunately. So, what do you think?"
CONSTANTINE: "I think- we march!"
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CONSTANTINE: "...Damn it. Either way, this is urgent. Gathering allies from Saber may take precious time, but handling a Beast on our own is a risk- even if she is weakened."
KUKULKAN: "We could consider splitting up again? Rider heads to Saber, and I'll head to the city?"
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At that, a voice rang out, clear as a bell.
???: "Sorry~! I know I'm a hot commodity, but this Casko has eyes for one Master, and one Master only. Please understand~✩"
Sauntering down one of the fairways of the city, came CASTER.
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CASTER: "My, I thought I heard the sounds of disruption over here. Hello again, Interlopers. It's been some time."
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You saw both of your Servants shift into more defensive stances, as CASTER giggled, unfazed in the slightest.
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CASTER: "Put your hackles down. I'm not here to pick a fight- in fact, after my little ears picked up your frantic yelling, it prompted me to come with an offer that's quite the opposite. I want to help."
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Jolene Casko art & etc
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under-same-sky · 4 months
“Go and love someone exactly as they are. And then watch how quickly they transform into the greatest, truest version of themselves. When one feels seen and appreciated in their own essence, one is instantly empowered.”— Wes Angelozzi
[ Art • “The Red Thread of Fate” by Jolene Casko ]
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himiamx · 4 months
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credit: Jolene Casko
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“Between Worlds” (digital collage) Artist: Jolene Casko
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akilice · 1 year
Shirou buried himself in his pillow. It felt so soft today, softer than usual.
Shirou felt suspicious.
He slowly opened his eyes, and realized.
This was not a pillow. This was a lap.
“Good morning, my dear husband!” Caster looked down at him with a smile.
Shirou stared.
She stared back.
He stared harder.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!” He let out a shriek and jumped out of bed, doing a whole flip only to mess up his landing and fall over and hit his head.
“Master?!” Caster yelled and rushed to his side. His face was completely red, but more importantly, his head was starting to bleed.
Ah. The sweet release of death. He could feel it.
He can see the light.
Is that him? Is that Kiritsugu reaching out to him to take his hand?
“Dad, I’m sorry. I couldn’t become a hero of justice.” He reached out to take his father’s hand. “But I did try… I tried my best…”
‘It’s okay, Shirou.’ Kiritsugu’s ghost spoke to him. ‘I’m proud of you.’
“YOU STOP THAT!” Caster slapped his hand down and picked him. “I’m taking you to the nurse!”
And so.
Caster was put in timeout.
“That’s not fair! Why does she get to act like his servant? I’m also his servant!” She complained while pointing at Saber.
“Because I’m actually competent, Casko.” Saber praised herself. “I am even a great artist. I was just entertaining the girls with my beautiful voice, so much that Rin started crying.”
Rin sniffed as she bandaged Shirou’s head. “That was the worst torture of my life.”
“Caster, I am thankful to you for almost causing Mr Emiya’s death. If you didn’t interrupt us, I would have tried to self-destruct.” Rani said, dryly.
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spinmeround · 1 year
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Jolene Casko
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moonrider1350 · 11 months
… Me, Eleonor and Jenny decided to stay a bit longer. Eleonor won't stop gasping about the air at Delaware Bay, and little Jenny, of course, is full of life as always. … Jenny still hasn't returned. Eleonor stayed at home in case she came back, while I went searching. Mr. Gonefrield suggested that she might just forget about time while playing with some of the neighbors' children. What parent in the world, I wonder, would let their kid go out so late? What if someone found out about Allan? … We went through all the houses in the area. No one has seen her. Except for Mr. Casko's boy, he said he saw her running down the road to the Millhouse. … Eleonor insisted on going with us. Gonefrield's wife will stay instead. I start to think that Gonefrield could be up to something, he might set up all of this or just use it to root around our lives. Sent his wife to get into our dirty laundry. Either way, he should be worried about his own children. … I saw Allan in the Millhouse's window. … Jenny isn't here, no one is here. It's empty and quiet. Too quiet, I'd say. I can't hear a single sound from here.
Compiled from: "For Mari", B. Hillrouse "Our way out of town", R. Malley "Drunk", K. Frankson
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Yo holy shoot it's Rachel Heartway from Mysteryland! How has Mysteryland been?
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“It’s been going pretty good! There actually hasn’t been any crazy predicaments going on as of late. I’m happy to be taking a break like this!”
“…I just hope I’m not jinxing myself.”
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bbnibini · 1 year
WTF just happened?? NP2 never happened to me in one tenpull since Arthur TAT <3
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It's fox season for me ig (I got Tamamo Casko in my free 5star!)
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