sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Conflict of interest // Kim Junmyeon (Part II)
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Part I | Part II
Pairing: Junmyeon x OC
Genre: angst, fluff 
words: 1,824
Bio: Summary: You’ve spent your whole life preparing to enter the business world. Through blood, sweat, tears, and a little bit of nepotism, you land the stable yet stressful job of Chairman of the board at a large technology company. Your career means everything to you, but its all put at risk in the hands of the love of your life, his father, and a greedy politician.  
“How do you like Mr. Do? I assume you’ve been seeing him informally” Your mother asked before taking a sip of her tea. You shifted your eyes around the small rustic cafe, looking at the large breakfast meals set up on the other tables. A deep sigh let out as you turned back to your mother’s expectant eyes.  
“I like him just fine,  I don’t see much of a future with him though” You feigned disapointment, waving your hands in the air. “You shouldn’t worry about finding someone for me, i’m perfectly independent”
“You know perfeclty well this isnt about your feelings, Y/N. He’ll be the next president and you can live doing what you’re good at, then you can finally let go of that company you’ve been hovering over for ages” she said, leaning back in her chair contently. Happiness radiated off of her at the idea of being the mother of the first lady. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“Is Dad on the same page as you on this?”  You leaned into the table, looking for her eyes. She chokes on her tea when she hears the question, clearly not expecting you to question it further. Gently setting the mug onto the wooden table, she clears her throat.
“Well… he said that he wouldn’t apose anything, but he doesnt agree with some of Mr. Do’s politics” you simply nodded, you were shocked when Kyungsoo had approached you at first, as your family was in known opposition to his party.  
“Either way, a relationship between the two of you could be a symbol of compromise in our country” Your mother shrugged, gesturing at the waiter for the check.
“More of a symbol of consession, the people of this country trust in our brand for a reason. We are supposed to be there for the working class, everything thing that I stand for would be delegitamized if I so much as hug that man in public” You ranted, finally letting out what you had been holding in all month. “If I marry him, its like he conquered something, dont you understand? I can’t lose my dignity and the trust of the people that I depend on. I get absolutely nothing out of associating myself with him”  your voice rose as you spoke, your hands shaking slightly as you packed your wallet back into your purse, getting ready to storm out of the resturaunt.  
“It’d be a hell of alot better than being Kim Junmyeon’s little plaything don’t you think?” Your mother snickered, making you stop in your tracks
“What did you say?” you gasped out, breathless at the mention of Junmyeon.
“You heard me, did you honestly think that I wouldn’t know about your affair? You act like teenagers” she shook her head, signing the reciept and returning her card to her wallet before looking back to you. “He cannot offer you anything that you don’t already have, Y/N. Besides, i’m not sure that he’d be willing to give you anything at all” The smug look on her face shook you to your core, her words hit you where it hurt the most.
“He’s only a coworker, an acquantence at best” You sighed out before taking a sip of your now cold coffee. She only snickered in response, picking up her purse to leave. You felt the need to continue the conversation, curious as to how she knew about your relationship.  “What gives you the impression that I would associate with him?”
The most mischevious look you had ever seen was now worn on your mothers face. “Your secretary reports everything back to me, he lets me know about your comings and goings, which more often than not include Kim Junmyeon.” Your winced at her words, you had suspected that Sehun might work for your mother, but he was a kind person and good at his job so you decided to ignore the suspicion.  
“Not to mention the fact that every single man that i’ve set you up with has expressed some sort of doubt in your loyalty. Including Mr. Do”  her words sunk into you like venom, putting you on edge and unsure of what to do next.
“They shouldn’t have expected loyalty on the first date, this has nothing to do with Mr. Kim” you said, hoping that your words would appease for today. She let out an exasperated sigh, clearly not convinced. You held eyecontact, attempting to convey sincerity beyond your words. She gave you an almost pitiful look before disregarding your words completely.
“Junmyeon would never commit himself to you, not in a way that matters at least.” She spoke, suddenly reaching for your hand, causing you to flinch away. You opened your mouth to respond but she cut you off. “You dont fit into his future and he knows that. It’s time you realize it too” She gave you a soft look before leaving the cafe, a few eyes trailing after her after the scene you made.
You slammed your hand onto the table in frustration as your mother waltzed out of the door. The cafe suddenly felt crampt after she left, with eyes watching your every move as if you were a ticking time bomb. It was clear that the people around you had eavesdropped throughout the conversation. You decided to stay at the cafe for a while longer to clear your thoughts, buying another coffee to justify your loitering
You daydreamed, breathing in the scent of the cafe while watching people come and go. You were completely content in your thoughts as usual, since your imagination is often more ideal than reality. In the deepness of your thought, you barely noticed when the plucky young barista came and sat at the chair opposite of you.  
“Ma’am?” he spoke with his voice slightly raised, trying to get your attention, but causing you to jump slighlty in suprise.  
“Oh, sorry, what do you need?” you asked, slightly dissoriented. You tried to shake yourself out of the daze you had been in.
“I was just wondering how you were doing, you’ve been sitting here for an hour” he said curiously, sliding a scone towards you slowly. You look from him to the scone slowly, cracking an awkward smile, unsure of what to say. “I’m sorry- you seem like you’re really going through something… but we need this table. My manager told me to give you this”  He handed you the scone wrapped in a napkin.
“Oh i’m so sorry, I totally lost track of time” You quickly packed your purse and turned to walk out of the cafe, before the man hollered out to you again.
“Hold on! You forgot your scone” he handed it to you as you walked up. You looked at him bashfully, still embarassed that you had loitered fot that long. You mumbled a thank you before finally leaving the cafe and jumping into your car.
You sped off irrisponsibly to the one place that you could think of to go, Junmyeon’s house. His home was all the way on the other side of the city, but you made it there in quick time. You weren’t sure that he would be home, but you had a key and he had made it clear that you were welcome to stay there whenever you felt overwhelmed. Though you never took up the offer, today seemed like a good day.
You were greeted with a pungent smell of smoke as you walked passed the threshold. You quickly ran to the kitchen to find whatever was burning, only to see junmyeon bent over the stove in obvious dissapointment over his burnt cookies. He snapped his head towards you, suprised at your sudden apearance. His face turned from suprised to confused as you took a seat at the barstool table across from him. You simply shrugged, holding out the scone from earlier, wrapped in a layer of napkins.  
“I brought you a scone” You sighed out, dramatically reaching your arm out for him to take it. A smile creeped onto his face as he took the pastry from you, a tad bit too giddy over the treat, you noticed.  
“Thanks, I was craving something sweet. What brings you around here though?” He inquired, breaking the scone in half.  
“I had a meeting with my mom… we have a problem” You spoke, looking into his eyes as if to warn him of the things you were about to tell him. He reached out for your hand accross the table, massaging it reasuringly. “She knows- about us and everything i’ve been doing. She bought my secretary out and he’s been telling her everything. I’m not sure for how long but I can assume that it’s been since Sehun was hired-” You shifted your eyes back to Junmyeon expecting yo see panic, but to your surprise his face was completely neutral. “ And now she’s pushing even more for me to get married”  
Junmyeon only answered with a sigh, “I had a feeling something like this would happen eventually, it mightve been happening the whole time as far as we know.” he raked his hair in frustration. Your mind was foggy as you looked for solutions to your issue. Junmyeon picked up on your distress, moving to comfort you. He walked around the table to meet you, enveloping you in a warm hug. You sighed into his chest, rotating your chair to wrap your arms around him. In that moment, you were reminded why you stayed with him through all of the timed where leaving seemed logical. You realized again why you had turned down all of the advantageous marraiges that you had the chance to have.
“I love you” you spoke into his sweater, muffled by the fabric. He held you even closer, placing his lips on the top of your head, leaving a whisper of a kiss before repeating your words with a new kind of sincerity.  He pulled back suddenly withhis arms on your shoulders, shocking you. You looked up to see a playful expression on his face, as if the conversation you just had had never occured,  
“So… do you wanna tell me about this Baekhyun guy?” His smile widened mischeviously. You looked at him confused as he questioned you about a man you had never heard of before. He gestured towards the table directly next to you, making you look at the crummy napkin. You noticed that it had words scribbled accross it in red sharpee.  
Baekhyun (barista)                                                                                        673-7855-9987                                                                                               You seem a little down, maybe I can cheer you up sometime. Call me?
You couldn’t believe that you didn’t notice the bright red writing before you handed it over to your boyfriend, who you had just fought with a few days ago. Junmyeon burst into laughter at your expression. “I didn’t see it!” you shouted at him playfully, giggling along with him.  
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Superstar// Byun Baekhyun part. 4
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader  
Genre: Angst, fluff-ish
words:  2,646
Summary: You haven’t been back home since your career took off and you had a huge breakup. After traveling around the world, you return home to see that your ex boyfriend has achieved his dreams.   
A/N:  Inspo and found text from song: Hyorin x Jooyoung (ft. Iron)- Erase 
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
Ever since he first re appeared into your life, you started to notice him everywhere. It seemed as if his face was plastered onto almost everything you looked at. The guilt ate away at the inside of your stomach whenever your thoughts drifted towards the man. The ghost of his presence haunted you, a sense of culpability looming over you as you reflected on the past.  
The phone slipped out of your grasp, muscles weakening from shock. Your stomach dropped, hands shaking while looking down at the powder pink push up bra that was halfway pushed underneath the bed. You bent down, grabbing the piece of clothing from the floor. You might not have reacted the way you did, had there not been a name sewn into the underband. You stared at the initials for a few seconds. Your fist tightened around the bra before you stormed out of the room to where Baekhyun was laying on the couch. You threw the bra at him aggressively, slapping him in the face. He hopped up from his seat in defense, trying to process what you had just done. His expression shifted into a playful grin before dropping, seeing your watery eyes.
“How could you?” Your voice came out weaker than you had hoped. Baekhyun’s eyes shifted from you to the bra that fell beside his feet. His mouth opened to speak, but you cut him off. “With my sister, too? When did you even meet her?” you felt like the world was spinning and all you wanted to do was remove yourself from the situation.  
“I have no idea where that came from, I swear Y/N I would never do that to you” Baekhyun said frantically, grabbing at your hand before you jerked it away.  
You scoffed, “That’s what they always say, Baekhyun. What other reason could there possibly be for my sister’s bra to be in your bedroom?” you stared at him in the eyes, he flinched at your words. You weren’t sure exactly when you started crying, but you couldn’t stop. You sat down onto the couch, head in your hands. It was a pitiful sight, crying at his feet when you wanted nothing more than to experience the reverse.
Baekhyun was speechless, not even making an effort to defend himself or console you. You finally looked up at him through swollen eyes, “Are you cheating on me?”
It was a pointless question, since you already knew the answer. But you wanted to hear him say it. Baekhyun shook his head furiously, seeming to snap out of a trance. His denials were not enough to appease you, though. You stood up, ashamed of yourself for crying in front of him. You walked back to his room to retrieve your phone and purse, fighting off a hysterical Baekhyun before walking out of his apartment without a word.
After you left him, you assumed that you would get over him and file him with all of the other guys who chose your sister over you, but you could never. You could never group him with those men, because you loved him. You loved him sincerely, and he treated you better than any of your past boyfriends ever had. You could never shake the underlying hope and guilt that maybe he wasn’t lying, and you should have given him a chance.
Ever since you drove him home after your lecture, you were plagued with thought of the past. The burden weighed you down heavily, not helped by the impending finals that you had to prepare for. You found yourself checking your messages more frequently, on edge at the thought of a message from Baekhyun. You stared at the message that he sent to himself on your phone, wondering why he had done that if he wasn’t going to contact you at all. It had been 3 weeks since you had spoken to him and his intentions were unclear.
Thankfully your schedule kept you busy enough to keep your mind off of him most of the time. You finally found an apartment uptown and moved out of Areum’s place, but she still visited frequently. She did her best to visit you and make sure that you weren’t working yourself too hard, even though she was preparing for finals as well. Grateful wouldn’t begin to cover what you felt when she barged into your apartment with a bottle of strawberry vodka in one hand and wingstop in the other. A large smile was painted on her face as she hustled past you towards your kitchen.
“Put away all your work stuff, we’re getting wasted tonight!” she shouted out from the kitchen, gathering supplies for whatever she had planned. Excitement bubbled inside of you, it had been forever since you got a chance to let loose. Neither of you had work the next day, so you were free to be as irresponsible as you wanted. You quickly gathered your papers into their respective folders and saved the documents on your computer before shutting it, storing it in your work purse.
Areum started setting up the living room, opening up the wingstop boxes on the coffee table in front of the couch. You screeched as she poured a shot of vodka into one of the shot glasses she received from the kitchen, every muscle in your body tensing up. “What the fuck? Get a coaster, are you insane?”
Areum smiled guiltily before getting up to retrieve coasters from the kitchen. You shuddered at the thought of alcohol spilling onto the expensive wood table you just bought. She quickly came back with the coasters, sitting back down on the couch next to you. She quickly snatched the remote from your hand, flipping through the channels before settling onto a cheesy romance drama. You poured yourself a shot, downing it quickly- too quickly- causing you to cough after feeling the burn in your throat. After several shots, the cheesy drama that you were watching became a lot more interesting.
“What’s with main characters being emotionally illiterate, nobody knows how to say what they feel!” you pointed at the screen sloppily, digging into the hot wings.  
“God, you get so preachy when you’re drunk, can you pass the blue cheese?” Areum said, slightly less intoxicated than you, but still far past the legal driving limit. You passed her the blue cheese slowly, suddenly feeling sad.
“It’s not like i’m much better than them though, I don’t even have the balls to confront my hotshot ex.” You slurred, taking another shot bitterly, “He makes me feel bad and I want him to know that” you fell into Areum’s lap like a child.
“Text that son of a bitch then! Come on, grab your phone i’ll help” she shouted encouragingly, riling you up successfully. You felt especially reckless with the alcohol in your bloodstream, grabbing your phone from the side of the couch and unlocking it. You quickly found Baekhyun in your messages, huddling with Areum to look at the screen.  
You typed everything that you were thinking, eventually forgetting who you were even texting at one point. The rest of the night was a blur, you weren’t sure how many more drinks you had or how much more damage you had caused before collapsing onto your bed.  
You woke up with a pounding headache, but you were grateful that it was your only symptom. The light streamed through the window, letting you know that it was daytime, hopefully still morning. You slid off of your bed feeling especially gross as you were still in your work clothes. You took a cold shower before putting on a large sleepshirt and stepping into your living room. You were pleasantly surprised to see that you hadn’t made much of a mess last night besides a few dirty plates on the coffee table and empty shot glasses. Areum was passed out shirtless on the floor cuddling a couch pillow, but that was a fixable issue. The room reeked of alcohol though, and you were sure you’d be spending the majority of your sunday trying to fix that. At least that’s what you thought before your phone started ringing from the kitchen. Pulling your hair into a ponytail, you walked over to the kitchen to see who was calling. The caller ID shone brightly in the windowless kitchen, ‘BAEKHYUN’ displayed on the screen. The memories of the texts you had sent him flooded into your mind as you stared at the name. You swallowed your fears and grabbed the phone, ready to take responsibility for your actions. As soon as you pressed the phone to your ear, Baekhyun’s loud voice erupted from the speaker.  
“Y/N are you okay? I’m right outside of your apartment, please open up” His voice wavered subtly.  
“Why would you show up here, are you insane?” You snapped in a hushed voice at him, walking through the apartment approaching the door, stepping over a sleeping areum. You opened the door slightly to be greeted by a disgruntled Baekhyun. His eyes brightened at the sight of you, causing you to notice how red they were. “How did you know where live?” You spoke through gritted teeth, trying your best to not wake up Areum.  
Baekhyun pushed your door open wider, “You sent me your location in text, Can we just talk inside?” You pushed his chest before he could step inside, gesturing to him to keep quiet. His face twisted in confusion, glancing behind you to see a half naked Areum asleep on the ground.
“Listen, I don't remember exactly what I said to you last night, but I was drunk and I probably didn’t mean it, so i’m going to need you to leave.” You said as firmly as you could, he seemed hurt, but you weren’t concerned about his feelings at the moment. You wanted to cut him off and move on, even if you had failed at it in the past, you were going to have to manage. His gaze was intense on you, taking in your presence as you stood in front of him. The tenseness of the situation was palpable. Before the silence could become awkward, you heard a raspy voice from behind you.
“Who’s that at the door?” before Areum could get any closer, you slipped out of the door, shutting it behind you. You grabbed Baekhyun by the wrist and made a break for it down the hall in your slippers. You yanked him into the stairwell with you, trying your best not get spotted.  
“Okay, we can talk, but it has to be somewhere private” Baekhyun simply nodded, gesturing for you to follow him before walking down the stairs to the door that leads to the parking lot. Before opening the door, he tilted his hat downward and slipped on his facemask, presumably to avoid being recognized. But it only made his celebrity status more obvious in your opinion.
You found yourself in his car staring at the carpeted foot mat, taking in the words he spat out as if was nothing. “When you text me last night, I dropped everything and drove here. Even if you didn’t mean it, i’m still willing to try” he grabbed at your hand gently, strocking your knuckles softly. You looked at him incredelously, confused as to what you could have sent him to warant this response.  His stare was intense as he watched you pull out your phone, opening to the messages.  Your jaw dropped reading the messages, as you only recalled writing a few of them.
Y/N: Ur mean and u make me feel bad
Y/N: but i miss u, why dont u call?  
Y/N: why did u have to get famous? I want u to feel bad too
Y/N: Come here and face me coward
You started sharing your location with Byun Baekhyun
Y/N: I hate u, dont ever tell me u love me
Y/N: Dont lie like that
Y/N: I love yu and u love to lie   
Y/N: I mean nothing to you, I know and I can feel it.
You cringed as you read the messages over, disturbed that you had went to the length of sending him your location. You slammed your back into the seat in frustation, sighing loudly. The most painful part of the situation was the fact that you had meant everything.
“Don’t think too hard about it, we could never work” you spoke in an exasperated tone, facing him once again.  
“Why not? I’m telling you i never-”
“It’s not just that!” you snapped at him, making him flitch in response. “Alot has changed, you have alot of eyes on you, we both have careers and I’m not willing to flip my life around just to cater to someone who won’t even stay faithful.” you continued, holding eye contact with him. “Don’t worry about me or my feelings, I’ll erase my love for you. Just worry about yourself” You hurt him with your words, you could tell. His eyes were full of emotion that you chose to emotion.
“How clear do I have to make it for you to understand that I love you? When you left I couldn’t forget you, I never stopped missing you and wanting to be with you” He said, searching for something in your eyes.
“I’m sick of the same words, stop talking about the past, stop pretending to be nice” a tear rolled down past your nose, your words cut like a knife and you didn’t dare look back at Baekhyun. You stepped out of his car, walking back towards your apartment building without looking back. You almost reached the door before you were yanked backwards into a hard surface. You were enveloped in the warm embrace of the man you resented most. His arms wrapped comfortably around your torso, with his head pressed gently in the crook of your neck. You melted into his touch, letting your tears fall freely.  
“Please don’t go” he whispered, holding you even closer. You felt a stab of guilt at his words, turning around in his arms to face him. His eyes were red and puffy, even more than they had been when you first opened your door for him. You brought your hand to his cheek, tracing it softly before placing a soft kiss onto his lips. You had meant it to be a goodbye, a small, simple farewell and you would turn and walk away. But you couldn’t let go, and he wouldn’t let you. You were soon enveloped in him, and somehow you had managed to get back into his car.
Things had a habit of moving fast when you were with Baekhyun, and this time was no different. It took almost a twenty minutes of making out in the backseat before his phone started ringing. He grunted, fishing his cellphone out of his jean pocket.
“What do you want?” he snapped at the person on the other line while you sat on his lap awkwardly. His eyes went wide as the voice yelled back at him, you couldnt make out the words exactly but it seemed serious. He hung up the phone after muttering apologies to the person who had been shouting at him. “I’m so sorry, I’m late for a shoot and I look like shit. I have to go but I swear I’ll call you later to check in” he spoke nervvously, watching your face carefully.
You simply shrugged, sliding off of his lap, “See you around then” you said as nonchalantly as you possibly could, opening the door and stepping out into the direction of your apartment. As you opened the door to the building, you heard Baekhyun speed off towards destination, making you sigh involuntarily. Baekhyun was always your biggest cause of stress.
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Conflict of interest // Kim Junmyeon
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Pairing: CEO! Junmyeon x Chairman! reader (feat. Kyungsoo)
Genre: Fluff -ish, angst
Words: 2,165
Summary: You’ve spent your whole life preparing to enter the business world. Through blood, sweat, tears, and a little bit of nepotism, you land the stable yet stressful job of Chairman of the board at a large technology company. Your career means everything to you, but its all put at risk in the hands of the love of your life, his father, and a greedy politician.  
Part I | Part II 
You wake up confused, head laying on a pile of folders. Your office was dark and silent, you assumed everyone must have left, since it was much quieter than usual. The digital clock on your desk told you that it was 1:37 AM. You slightly regretted sending your secretary home early, since he would have made sure you left the building. You stopped regretting once you remembered exactly why you were avoiding going home today. You scrunch your nose in disgust remembering that your new parentally mandated boy toy was going to be hanging around for a while. Your parents had been pushing for you to get married for years now, setting you up with various successful bachelors, but they all ended up thinking you were a stuck up prude and walking out, not that you minded. You jumped in your seat after hearing a sudden voice.
“How was your nap?” Junmyeon said from the seat right across the room, his face only slightly illuminated by the brightness of his phone as he scrolled through it. How long had he been sitting there? You clutched your heart trying to recover from the sudden appearance.  
“When did you get here?” you asked, standing and walking towards Junmyeon, who still hasn’t looked up from his phone.  
“A little while ago, I heard you mom bragging to mine about how she found some politician for you and that it was going well between you, so I figured that you’d be cooped up in here all night”  He smiled mischievously, he knew exactly what was going on with you. You sighed loudly and nodded, before you could say anything Junmyeon’s phone was in your face. “So this is him? Seems a little boring”   
His screen was on Kyungsoo’s Instagram, where there were mostly pictures of him with other political figures, other people’s dogs, and books.
“I wouldn’t know, I never had a full conversation with him, but according to my parents we’re basically engaged” You shook your head, thinking about how adamant they had been that he was the one.
Junmyeon grunted, clearly irritated about the idea of you being engaged to someone else. You raised an eyebrow at him, brushing off his irritation.
“Good thing i’m an adult and they cant make me do anything. But one day we’re going to have to tell our parents about us” You moved back to your desk to collect your things and re organize your desk.
“I know, we’ll have to eventually, but you know how my dad is. Everytime he talks to you I get scared out of my mind, he hates you.”  you nod at his words, you knew that much, his dad has disliked you since first met him. Junmyeon and you were in rival schools in highschool, you were neck and neck in every category. And for you it was debate. Junmyeon’s dad had come to watch him debate, since it was the city championships. But he was unlucky enough to be challenged by you. Junmyeon lost, mostly because you had better arguments, and partly because he was more than a little attracted to you and got distracted from his central points. Later on, your father had become a major shareholder and Junmyeon’s family company, and when he retired, you took his place as chairman of the board. Before Junmyeon had become the CEO, you worked with his father for a few years, getting into a relationship with his son (secretly, of course) sometime around that time. You clashed with him countless times when he was CEO, over staffing, promotional tactics, day to day operations, the fight never ended. He probably wished you were dead at some point because of how many plans of his you had blocked from moving forward. You chuckled, thinking back on how things were. Once you had your bag organized and ready to get home, you walked back towards Junmyeon slowly, watching as his breath hitched. You made him nervous. Well, you made everyone nervous but he was extra fun to mess with.
You grabbed his tie, straightening it out and tightening it,  “I don’t mind a little conflict, you don’t have to worry about me.”  
You weren’t very fond of Junmyeon’s dad, in fact he was your arch nemesis at some point. But after getting serious with Junmyeon you realized that if you ever wanted a future with him, you needed to have a better relationship with his dad. But five years flew past, and your relationship was just as good as it had started. You knew that he valued his relationship with his father and you didn’t want to cause an issue, so you left the idea alone.  
You felt his finger push your chin up, urging you to look into his eyes. “I want to go public and all, but I just don’t know what he would do, he can be really shady sometimes.” you scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes, wondering if he forgot who you are.  
“It’s too late at night for this, I should head home, do you have work left?” you said flippantly, ignoring his previous statement. Junmyeon seemed okay with it, almost relieved.
“Nope, I was waiting in here to give you a ride home”  
“I have a car”  
“I know but I wanted to give you a ride”
“But then how would I get-”
“I’ll pick you up in the morning too”  He smiled slightly, before grabbing your purse out of your hand and tugging you out of the room. You realized that he wouldn’t give up on driving you, so you just went with it. There were a few employees left in the building so you kept a safe professional distance between the two of you the whole walk to his car. He drove a strangely modest car for someone who makes 3 million dollars a year. He grew up wealthy, surrounded by nothing less than the most luxurious items anyone could ask for, but here he was driving around in a light blue Honda civic.  
You were a bit of a car person, so his choice of vehicle baffled you. But you had to admit that his car was better for sneaking around than your Aston martin One-77. You hopped into the passenger's seat of his car, you immediately started collecting the trash from around your seat, storing it in one of the plastic bags that you had left in his glove compartment for this reason. Junmyeon drove out of the parking lot, heading into the opposite direction of your house. You looked at him incredulously, it was much too late at night for him to play these games with you.
“Junmyeon, turn around, my house is the other way.” You said sternly, wanting nothing more than to sink into your bed and isolate yourself. You felt a little bad for being so irritable with him, but your parents were being even more imposing than usual, and you had no outlet for your anger.
Junmyeon shot you a look from the corner of his eyes, “I overheard your mother saying that Kyungsoo was going to surprise you when you got back to your place, so we’re going to mine.” you rolled your eyes so dramatically that it hurt. Kyungsoo had been showing up almost everywhere you went for about two weeks, and you were positive that your mother bribed your secretary into giving up your schedule. But you didn’t think that he would wait in front of your door for 6 hours.    
“He’s not going to be there, trust me, I was supposed to leave work hours ago. ” You told him, urging him to turn the car around. Eventually, you convinced him that Kyungsoo was much to busy and important to be waiting for you to get home at 2 am and he drove you back home.  You noticed that Junmyeon was getting really antsy as he pulled into your driveway. Looking back and forth between you and the front door of your house subtly. You cracked a smile, almost laughing at his coy act.  
“Would you like to sleep over?”  you asked playfully, despite already knowing the answer. He quickly turned off the engine and unbuckled his seat belt.
“Yes, please” He responded sheepishly, facing towards you again. You failed to hide your smile, feeling especially infatuated with him at the moment.
You stepped out of the car, instantly remembering the six inch heals that had been killing your feet all day. Your smile faded quickly as you hustled to the front door, digging out the keys from your bag. You fumbled with the key, getting more and more irritated by the millisecond. Junmyeon grabbed your hand and put the key into the lock, making you realize that you had been shaking.
When the door was unlocked, you felt yourself be lifted from the ground bridal style. Junmyeon kicked the door shut with his foot, making a large thumping sound. He set you down onto the couch, kneeling in front of you to take your shoes off, but you moved them away.
“I can take them off myself, just get ready for bed” you shook him off, prying off your shoes yourself, throwing them at near the front door, where your all of your other shoes were stationed. Junmyeon simply shook his head, leaning towards you to give you a kiss on the forehead before you heard an abrupt cough from the other side of the room.
You turned your head towards the voice in shock, almost hurting your neck with the sudden movement. Kyungsoo was sitting at the coffee table across the room, staring at you with an unreadable expression.  
Junmyeon stood up abruptly, angry that the man had made his way into your home without a welcome. You tugged him back as quickly as he stood, trying to contain the situation as best as you could. “I see the rumors were true, how scandalous” Kyungsoo crooned as he stood up, folding the paper that he had in his hand. His mouth twisted into a smile as he walked towards you both. It took a significant amount of strength and effort to hold Junmyeon back.
“What the fuck are you doing inside this house?” Junmyeon seethed at him
“I was invited and encouraged to wait here as long as possible, her mom gave me a key” he said smugly, irritating you in more ways than one.
“I appreciate your… diligence, but as you can see, me and Mr. Kim are preoccupied and I would appreciate your discretion, so could you please leave?” You said as professionally as you possibly could.
“And why would you possibly need me to keep my mouth shut? You’re both adults, nothing illegal here” He shrugged, maintaining his smug expression, as if he already knew.
“Shut up and go dude, it’s none of your business” Junmyeon snapped at him, but Kyungsoo was unfazed.
“Is it because your daddy wouldn’t like it? Or because you want to stay on the market a little longer?” He faced Junmyeon this time, ignoring his previous statement. His words stung. You would be lying if you said the thought hadn’t occurred to you. You had been dating for 5 years, and you were still his little secret. Sometimes you wondered if you were the aspect of his teenage rebellion that he just forgot to let go of. Even so, you tried to be understanding.  The hurt must have been clear on your face, since Junmyeon became very apprehensive, reaching out to your shoulder. You flinched away from his hand without realizing.
“I guess I hit a nerve” Kyungsoo chuckled, looking at your glossy eyes.
“You little sh-”
“Get out, both of you. This is my house, in case you forgot.” Kyungsoo strode to the door swiftly before turning back towards Junmyeon, who hadn’t left your side.  
“I recommend you sort yourself Mr. Kim, I have a feeling you won’t get to waste her time for much longer” His words felt like a punch to the stomach.  you watched him walk out of the front door silently. After he left, Junmyeon was in panic, ruffling his hair and pacing around your living room as if it was his own. The whole situation hurt your pride and you wanted nothing more than to run away at that moment.
“I thought I told you to leave.” Your words came out harsher than you expected. Junmyeon turned back to you, surprised at your tone.
“I want to be alone tonight, I’ll see you at work tomorrow” You shrugged, walking toward the stairs that lead to your bedroom. You were expecting Junmyeon to question you, but he left it alone. You heard the door slam shut as you walked up the stairs, letting you know that he was gone, and for once you were grateful for that.  
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
3 + baekhyun pls(:
Done and posted 💖💖
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Teary eyed// Byun Baekhyun
 Anon request :)
Prompt:  “I’m not crying it’s just my allergies”
Pairing: Baekhyun x reader (Oneshot)
Genre: fluff, angst (bc scarlet heart) 
Words: 1k 
Warnings: scarlet heart spoilers   
Every Monday and Tuesday and night for the past several weeks had been dedicated to watching Baekhyun’s drama. He had convinced you to watch it with him whenever a new episode came out. You had planned on binging watching it after all of the episodes had come out, but since your boyfriend was cast in the show, you were obligated to watch as it came out. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to watch the show, it was just that the cliff hangers would leave you on edge until you got to see the next episode.  However, in this circumstance, Baekhyun would be on edge until he saw your reaction.
At first, the show was fun, the main cast was full of actors that you loved and they all had great chemistry. But lately it had been extremely mentally taxing to watch, all of your favorite characters were dying off and you were unsure if there would be a happy ending. Baekhyun would watch carefully, even though he already knew what would happen, he didn’t want to ruin anything for you.  
This time though, you could tell that he was on edge from the way he was shaking his leg, waiting for the commercials to pass. You simply shifted your eyes from him to the tv, putting two and two together. You figured that something was going to happen and you tried to mentally prepare for it. A few characters had recently died of in a string of events, so you figured that the writers would hold off on the death for a few episodes. You were incredibly wrong, you found out as soon as the commercials ended. You felt Baekhyun's hand grasp yours, causing your anxiety to skyrocket.
“Oh my god, Baekhyun is something gonna happen to Hae soo? I swear if you don’t tell me right n-”  you were cut off by him shushing you loudly. Normally, you would be irritated by that, but you were too emotionally invested into the drama to be bothered. Baekhyun’s character, Prince Wang eun, came on screen with his love interest and wife Soondeok running away and trying to escape execution by the new king. The two were soon surrounded and fighting for their lives, but it was a losing battle. You felt tears fall down your face as Soondeok dove to save Wang Eun from an arrow, dying instead of him. Her efforts did not save him though, Wang eun was struck by multiple arrows. He was on the brink of death when his brother, Wang so made an effort to save him. Wang eun pled for Wang so to kill him because he believed Soondeok shouldn’t go alone. You were sobbing watching Baekhyun’s face say those words, even though you had long since separated wang eun from Baekhyun in your mind. Wang eun collapsed to the ground after his brother slashed him in the chest as he had asked.  
After watching wang eun’s body thrash to the ground, you hugged yourself to Baekhyun’s body not wanting to look at the screen any longer. Baekhyun simply rubbed your back as you cried about his characters death. You heard the commercials start again, putting you at ease for the moment. It took a few minutes before you looked up from Baekhyun’s chest, suddenly irritated. “Why didn’t you warn me! I really don’t understand why they had to kill of Wang eun, there was literally no reason.” Baekhyun only sighed in response,  “I swear i’m done with this show, all of my favorite characters are dead now besides Hae soo” you lightly slapped his chest as you spoke.
“I didn’t want to ruin it for you, it’s an important episode” His voice wavered and cracked, causing you to look up at his face. His eyes were glassy and red, still looking towards the screen.  He looked back down at you with sad eyes. Your mood picked up seeing his expression, the thought that he was emotional over his own fictional death was amusing.
A smile creeped across your face, “Are you-”
“I’m not crying, it’s just my allergies” he snapped before you could say anything. You chuckled loudly, wiping the small tear that had just dropped from his eye.  
“I wasn’t aware you were allergic to anything”  
“The pollen count is high today” he wiped his face roughly, trying not to show that he had gotten emotional. Your smile widened before you sat up on his lap facing him. You stroked his hair lightly, scanning over his face. The rotten feeling in your stomach dissipated as you scanned his face, noting that the man you saw die on television was alive and well in front of you.
“You did a good job on the scene, it really made me upset but I bet that was the point” you saw his eyes light up at your compliment. “It’s okay to cry you know, It’s an emotional show.”  
“I know, it just feels weird to be crying at my own death scene you know?” He shook his head, a smile threatening to emerge. you nodded in response, you couldnt understand fully since you weren’t an actor, but you could imagine that it’s weird seeing yourself die on television.  Before you could respond, you heard the familiar OST play, letting you know that the commercial break had ended.
You quickly hopped off of Baekhyun’s lap, grabbing the popcorn from the leg rest and fixing yourself into a more comfortable position. Baekhyun was shocked by your rushed movements. In a flash, you were laying on the end of the couch with your legs draped over Baekhyun’s lap. You hauled the comforter that you had brought from your bedroom over your body, and over Baekhyun by default. You zoned in on the screen while Baekhyun attempted to steal the bowl of popcorn from your grasp. You only hugged it closer to your chest, eventually resorting to holding it above your head, to keep him from reaching it. He eventually gave up, huffing out in frustration.  
“This is what you get for not telling me you were going to die” You quipped, pushing him lightly with your foot. You both ended the night being upset because of the sad nature of the episode, but you were glad that Baekhyun was comfortable crying around you now. If nothing else you had that going for you.
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
I’m working on a couple things to post soon but I’ve got SAT’s coming up so it’s taking longer than it usually would.
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Forever flame// Park chanyeol (Oneshot)
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Prompt:  “I mean, I’m his girlfriend but shoot your shot I guess”
Pairing: Chanyeol x reader
Genre: fluff 
You started dating Chanyeol in sophomore year of highschool after his friends started cheering every time he talked to you, being the ultimate sign that he liked you, and he had told them about it. You had developed a crush on him the year before so you were swift in asking him out when you knew he liked you back. You were the couple that everyone rooted for in high school. When you both were accepted and admitted into the same college, all of your friends were ecstatic, yelling about how you would probably grow old together because you already acted like an old married couple.
Now you were in your Junior year of college, all grown up, and you were still together. You acted the same as you always had, you never acted cheesy or romantic in public or engaged in any PDA whatsoever, even though Chanyeol often hinted that he wished you did. You and Chanyeol had been together since high school, but people could hardly tell that you were a couple unless you were shitfaced. To people who didn’t know you well, the relationship seemed completely platonic. Therefore making Chanyeol an open target for people to hit on him right in front of you, repeatedly. Usually you take it in stride, he always rejects them politely saying that he’s taken while you smugly turn back to whatever you were doing as Chanyeol shuffles awkwardly next to you.
You were cuddling with Chanyeol on the coach of your shared apartment when you got a text from your old roommate that your sorority was having a rager and it was already in full swing. You shot up off of Chanyeol’s lap with a sudden shock, since you had forgotten you were supposed to be there tonight, making sure that nobody goes home with a creep or drives drunk. Chanyeol hopped up soon after you, “Babe, what’s going on?” he said tilting his head to look at the message you were staring at and typing furiously. He groaned loudly seeing the words across the screen.
Since you were one of the only members of your friend group that was in a serious relationship, you were on babysitter duty. You sped off into the bedroom, raiding the closet for an acceptable outfit to wear, since all you were wearing was a pair of old exercise shorts that haven’t fit you properly since you were 16, and a sports bra. You loudly shouted for Chanyeol to come help you pick something out, but the grumble from behind you let you know that he followed you into the room. He reached around you and grabbed a pair of your jeans and one of his big t shirts for you to slip into. “You’ll probably want to stay comfortable, since Laura just got dumped and you’re her mom apparently” you groaned, realizing that your friend Laura was probably going to be a mess.  
“She’s gonna get trashed, leave with some frat boy, and get arrested if I don’t go” you said, causing Chanyeol to nod in recognition, remembering the last time you left her alone at a party.  You got dressed quickly, pulling your hair into a high ponytail as if you were getting ready for war.  
 “Were you like that when we broke up last year? Did you have a babysitter or were you your own?” his question caused you to raise your eyebrow as you slid on his shirt.
“Not really, i’m more of the ‘sit at home, eat junk food and watch rom coms type, plus we were broken up for like a week, I didn’t have that much time to get too unhinged” You said, hustling over to your shoes, cramming your feet into some blue running shoes without untying them.  
“You know we could do that instead, every time I show up at one of these things, Luke tries to set me up with someone as soon as you walk away. Do you know what it’s like having a girlfriend around those guys? They actively encourage me to cheat on you” Chanyeol rants, following you to your car and hoping in the passenger's side.
“I would tell you to stay home, but I need someone to help me haul Laura into the car later. But give them a break, they’re usually faded out of their minds so I doubt their even thinking about your relationship status.” you mentally prepared yourself for the loud music and gross smells that you were surely about to walk into. You could see the usual festivities as you approached the large sorority house. You parked by the curb and rushed passed a beer chugging contest to get into the house. Before you entered, you turned back to look at Chanyeol, who had been following closely behind.  
“You have your phone right? I might lose you in there” you scanned to see if his phone was in his pocket, knowing that he had the tendency to get lost and you didn’t want to have to hunt him down. He rolled his eyes and shook his phone in your face, passing you to walk into the party. Chanyeol’s energy skyrocketed when he saw Minseok, a senior that had mentored him the years before. You weren’t expecting him to be there, considering he didn’t usually show up to these sorts of things and was mostly invested in the academic parts of college. Chanyeol turned to you, seemingly much more upbeat than 10 seconds prior.
“Call me when you’re ready to leave, no rush though” he quickly gave you a kiss on the forehead and turned to join Minseok and his other friends that you didn’t recognize. With that, you left to find Laura, weaving through the crowd, asking people if they had seen her or knew where she was. Eventually you were pointed to a corner of the dance room, where she was making out with one of the RAs. She wasn’t actually doing anything disruptive or damaging yet, and it wasn’t any of your business who she chose to make out with so long as she wasn’t being taken advantage of, so you decided to leave her alone but keep her within eyesight. You saw one of the new freshman sitting alone near the bathroom just a few feet away, so you decided to give her some company.  
“Hey there! I gave you a tour of the engineering department earlier this month right? My name is Y/N if you don’t remember” you smiled brightly at her, holding out your hand to the clearly tipsy freshman. She smiled back at you sincerely, taking your hand with a strong grip.  
“I remember you, the tour was really helpful. My names Tess…” She trailed off and you could barely hear her over the music, causing you to be concerned for her health, before you felt a large hand on your shoulder, commanding your attention. You knew it was Chanyeol immediately when he massaged your shoulder with his thumb before letting go. “Oh hey, where’d Minseok go? I thought you’d be following him around for the rest of the night” you asked, as you turned around to look at him questioningly.  
“I was, but he had to go work on his thesis or something” He sighed, clearly pouting about not being able to hang out with his favorite person for the night. You laughed loudly at his expression, causing a few heads to turn your way, since the music had been turned off for the moment, not that too many people cared. You heard Tess clear her throat, you realized that she was still there listening to your conversation.  
“So Y/N… do you want to introduce me to your friend” She said, stepping towards Chanyeol seductively, anything but good intentions written on her face. You weren’t angry, mainly because you hadn’t made your relationship very clear, and she wasn’t exactly sober. The sight of her coming onto him caused you to chuckle. Chanyeol’s awkwardness was multiplied tenfold when she traced her finger down his chest, his eyes shifted to you in panic, as if asking what he should do in this situation.  
“I mean, I’m his girlfriend but shoot your shot I guess” you said, amused as you stared at the situation that was unfolding in front of you. Tess paused immediately, embarrassment showing on her face. She stepped away from Chanyeol quickly, looking at you apologetically, but you waved her off.  “It happens all the time, don’t even stress” You reassured her.
You started to rub Chanyeol’s back, since he was easily traumatized by things like this. Tess proceeded to ask you all about your relationship, and you answered happily, lovingly looking back on the things that made your relationship special. She may have just been gauging how serious you two were, but you didn’t really care.
After reconnecting with a few people and guarding Laura from dangerous situations, eventually you and Chanyeol hauled Laura into your car and dropped her off at her apartment and handing her over to her roommate. Once you arrived back to your place you were exhausted, you were eternally thankful for Chanyeol giving you his t shirt, since it made for a wonderful night gown. You peeled off your jeans, groaning loudly as you hit the bed, not caring to brush your teeth since you didn’t have any drinks and you ate about a thousand mints in the car. You wanted to cuddle with your boyfriend and fall asleep, but Chanyeol had other plans.  
He huffed loudly as he plopped next to you on your bed after changing into his pajamas, sitting while you lay on your back. The lord really wasn’t with you today.
“You know, when guys hit on you, I make sure to make them go away” he shifted to face you accusingly, you snorted in response.  
“Guys don’t hit on m-”
“That’s because I scare them away” You laughed as the words left his mouth, annoying him either further.
“You’re not very scary, Park Chanyeol” You smiled teasingly, sitting up to face him, since this might turn out to be a long conversation.
He sighed loudly, “Can’t you just act a little protective sometimes, I think it’d be cute, or hot, i’m not sure ‘cause you’ve never done it but I know it would be something” He rambled on about his frustration, you smiled at him again but you recognized how he felt. Since he had always been the touchy and sensitive type, you knew that he probably wished your relationship was more expressive and cliche, and you understood that. Ever since Chanyeol had changed his major to psychology, he had been reading into your actions toward him much more, and you needed to show that you cared for him, even if you had been together for a long time.  
You hugged him close, taking him by surprise, before he melted into your touch, “I’ll do that, i’ll be jealous and snippy when people hit on you, but not so much that it’s unreasonable, just enough to get your rocks off” He choked as you said the last part, but stayed still in your arms. “I��ll call you nicknames and hug you in front of your friends, i’ll be really lovey dovey” You begun to stroke his hair, something that you only tend to do when you’re drunk. “However, relationships are all about compromise,” you felt Chanyeol freeze, worried about what your side of the deal would be, “I get to drive your car to my family reunion next week, not you driving with me to it, it makes me look like your sugar baby. I want you to be the sugar baby this time” You smiled mischievously, thinking about his Audi with stars in your eyes. You felt Chanyeol relax after you said your piece.  
“That’s all? God, I thought you were going to make me do that weird sex ed for adults class your mom is always sharing with me on Facebook” He shuddered, laying down the bed as you let him go.  
“I’m not that cruel, Chan, but that is a hell of a lot better than the ‘future mothers seminar’ she actually made me attend” You laid back down next to him, draping your leg over his torso as you cuddled closer. Chanyeol looked at you horrified at the idea of going to such a seminar.
Your eyelids started to get heavy, and you heaved the large comforter over your body, situating into a more comfortable long term position. You stared at the back of Chanyeol’s head before saying words that you had told him before, but somehow had taken new meaning. You sat up slightly over his body, tapping him on the nose, causing him to open his eyes curiously.  “I love you”  
“I love you too, go to sleep” He grumbled roughly, though his smile was visible through his eyes. In that moment you realized how hopelessly in love you were, and how lucky you were to have loved him this long. No matter how long or how often you saw each other, he never got boring, never disappointed you or doubted you. He was a flame that never burned out or dulled even in the harshest winter.
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Scenario ideas
For whatever reason, i’ve been coming up with lots of one shot/ series concepts while listening to songs or looking at my prompts.  I might do them and I also might not. 
Here are some of the ideas that appeared into my mind, feel free to use them however you like (Just credit me for inspiration): 
Mechanic!Minseok and street racer!reader 
Thought this one up listening to vroom vroom, and since i don’t speak a lick of Korean, all I was hearing was the funky beat, “Friday night” and “Vroom Vroom Vroom”. So why not a spicy, race car centered au? 
Actor!Kyungsoo and Actress/actor !reader
Idk how I even thought this up, but I think we all know Kyungsoo is a great actor, he’s actually incredible. It’s also really hard to tell whats going on in that guys head. So what about a romance with his costar that’s not his love interest in the movie, but the antagonist? 
Ceo!Junmyeon and Chairman!reader 
Powerful leader Junmyeon is my favorite concept (fun fact: he’s my bias), but I think instead of having his love interest being someone that he can boss around and he technically employs (bc its a little overused and boss-employee relationships don’t always turn out the way you want), the love interest is his direct equivalent in his business, and could even fire him if they feel it’s necessary.  POWER COUPLE AU  
The balance of power between the CEO and the chairman varies widely from company to company. Because the CEO cannot make major moves without the board's assent, and his or her job security depends on their satisfaction, the chairman of the board is technically his or her superior. And an active chairman may use this power to effectively become the co-head--and ultimate boss--of the corporation. But most chairmen are not so involved, which leaves the CEO with considerable flexibility in running the company.   
How the power is distributed at the company in your scenario is completely up to you. 
Idol!Sehun and Model!reader
Sehun models a lot, sometimes with other models, therefore some people like to ship. I thought why not have an AU where Sehun is in a new casual relationship with a model that he’s been working with a lot (Not a super hot passionate fluffy “I love you so much” relationship, just a casual no pressure relationship where you still go to the movies and buy each other ice cream). But when his fans start to catch on, and start shipping the two together (or bashing the model, because i’m a realist), things get a little complex and it’s either all or nothing.  
Idol! (any member) and Idol!reader 
I’ve always wanted to a cheesy scenario where both characters are idols and one of the members confesses in their comeback song, but the other character couldn’t tell because most of their songs are centered around love and confession. 
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
I’ll be writing with one of my prompts tonight, not sure what member I’ll use. Maybe I’ll just watch an mv and just get inspired. No idea if it’ll be posted tonight but it might, I always seem to post things around midnight lmao
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Superstar// Byun Baekhyun part.3  
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: angst, a splash of fluff
Word count: 1,812
Summary: You haven’t been back home since your career took off and you had a huge breakup. After traveling around the world, you return home to see that your ex boyfriend has achieved his dreams.   
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
Baekhyun had never been confrontational, always gentle in his actions and careful with his words. You met him on the night you graduated college, you had finished significantly early so your friends at the time took you clubbing. You noticed him watching you dance from the bar, but he never came up to you, so you decided to go to him. He was clearly tipsy, looking at you like a star in the sky, but you surely looked the same. It took several minutes of your flirting for him to realize that you were coming onto him. That’s when you learned that he was the worst flirt ever, throwing cheesy pickup lines at you like no tomorrow.
“Do you have an inhaler? Because you took my breath away!” you visibly cringed, but you still found him charming. Eventually, you found it hard to chat in the loud club, and you both opted to talking over coffee at his place. However, you ended up just making out in a wendy’s parking lot when he decided to stop for a snack. Some slightly regrettable things happened in that parking lot, as you remember. It was an odd beginning to a relationship, but your relationship was odd in general.  
He made you spontaneous, sneaking around with you whenever you were both free. Discovering that he was training to be an idol was only slightly surprising, because he did seem like the type, but you knew that having a relationship would be difficult for him. It didn’t bother you though, loving him in private was enough for you.
Hating him in private however, was much more difficult as you discovered while continuing your lecture. You did your best to ignore Baekhyun’s piercing stare as you spoke, skipping over any audience participation questions in order to avoid the risk of hearing his voice. When the class was finished, you began packing up  your materials, not sparing Baekhyun a glance. You heard students asking him for autographs, so you figured that it would be a good opportunity to leave without speaking to him. You sped up your process, shoving your binder’s and computer into your bag, hustling to the door before you heard a familiar voice shout, causing you to freeze for a moment. “Professor, um can I talk to you for a moment?” you heard, before deciding to book it out of the building. If running in a pencil skirt and 6 inch heels was a sport, then you would’ve won the gold. Passing through the halls, thankful that there were only a few people left at this time of night. You panicked when you heard footsteps behind you, going fast and getting louder as they got closer to you. “Why are you running? I just want to talk!” you heard Baekhyun’s voice from behind you, causing you to shriek and run even faster. You eventually made it to the parking lot, you started searching for your car, slowing down to a jog as you got more and more tired and discombobulated. Your breathe had become ragged and you almost forgot why you were running. Suddenly, you felt a rough hand on your arm before getting tugged around to face the assailant. You were greeted by the angry face of the man you were running from.  
Baekhyun’s angry face wasn’t intimidating in the least, but his presence scared you. The fact that he was in front of you again made you want to run for the hills. You snatched your arm back roughly, staring back into his eyes daringly. You didn’t dare say a word as you tried to catch your breath, watching as Baekhyun searched around the parking garage to see if you had company. Suddenly thankful that he was rich and famous, you took this opportunity to turn around and head towards your car, opting to pretend he wasn’t there. You prayed that there was someone else in the garage so you could get out of the compromising situation.  
You nearly cried in relief when you saw your car at the top of the incline, half running and half digging through your bag for your key. You quickly unlocked your car and hopped into the driver's seat, relaxing into the wheel. The relief only lasted a moment before you heard the passenger’s side open and close, silently cursing yourself for not locking the door after you got in. “Get out of my car, creep” you said as you turned to look at him. Baekhyun didn’t seem to be as bothered by your insult as you would have hoped.
“Listen, I have something to say to you. I’ve been waiting to explain myself for three years, but you disappeared and I didn’t know what to do  and now you’re here again and I still don’t know what to do” He rambled on, feeling the pressure from your venomous stare. He started to stumble on his words before taking a deep breath, locking eyes with you. “Your family didn’t approve of me back then, they regularly let me know that. I was just a trainee and I had nothing I could promise you or contribute to the family if we got married. They told me to break up with you but I didn’t want to, so I think they had your sister plant her bra in my room to get you to dump me”
You scoffed loudly, erupting into a fit of bitter laughter. The absurdity of it all made you dizzy. “You expect me to believe that? You had four years to come up with an excuse and that’s what you came up with?” He was hurt by your words, but he understood why you felt the way you did.  
“ I’m not lying, please (Y/N), hear me out. I never touched her, i’m not even sure how she knew where I lived” he pleaded, grabbing at your hand before you snatched it away again.  
“So what? Even if that’s what happened, what changes? It’s been over for a long time, Baekhyun. You have a career and a bright future, i’m happy for you, find someone new and live your best life” you told him, trying to sound as calm as possible. You saw as the wheels turning in his head, thinking about everything you were saying.  
“Everything changes if you want it to. Do you have a boyfriend? A husband? Any kids?” He asked, causing you to wince at the idea. You considered lying and saying that you had a boyfriend but you decided against it, knowing that those type of lies crumbled easily. You shook your head no in response. Baekhyun smiled for the first time since seeing you again, “That’s good, because I still love you”  
The words stunned you. You begun to stutter out a response when he snatched your phone from your hand, unlocking it and tapping something into it with a mischievous smile plastered on his face. His phone dinged from his pocket, causing him to smile even wider. “I have to get back to my place before my manager gets worried, do you think you could give me a ride?” He asked while handing you your phone back.
You cleared your throat, simply saying yes before buckling your seat belt and starting the car. You were conflicted about your relationship, but you wouldn’t leave a pop star out on the street to get ambushed, or so you told yourself.  
“I forgot that you drive like a madman” He tightened his grip of the handle on the side of the door while you zoomed down the street. You followed the directions he gave you too his dorm to the best of your ability. “So, um, what brought you to my concert the other day?”  
“My roommate thought I should get out more so she brought me along, I didn’t know you were in the group” You answered honestly, pulling into the driveway of the complex. Baekhyun nodded in understanding as he opened up the car door.  
“I’ll call you and maybe you can treat me to coffee sometime” He smiled at you as he walked backwards from your car towards the door to the dorm.  You noted that he had gotten a lot smoother since last saw him.
You snickered, “Don’t bother” you spat, pulling out of the driveway and heading back to the apartment. His words replayed in your mind on your way home driving you halfway insane. Anger rose as you realized the weight of what just occurred, and the things he had said. It irritated you beyond belief that he thought you would believe his dumb excuse.
You spent the rest of the night venting to Areum about your day, avoiding details when it came to Baekhyun. “It seems like he really wants you back considering he waited this long, but you’re right, his story is a little stupid” she said, flicking through the channels on the tv. “Did your sister ever seem interested in him though? Like, were their signs?”   
“Not really, but it wouldn't be the first time she stole my boyfriend, sometimes she even did it on accident. She’s two years older than me so when we were in high school she was like the taller, hotter, more mature version of me” You chuckled lightly, leaning back onto the armrest. “She was always into more buff, manly men though. She avoided the flower boy types like the plague, one of the reasons that I was confused she went for Baek-” You cut yourself off, realizing your mistake.
Areum’s eyebrows rose in question “Baek what? You can say his name, it’s not like there’s a curse on it” she shrugged
“Baekhoon, his name is Kim Baekhoon” You said, averting your eyes. You concentrated on the game show that was playing on the TV, praying to any higher power that she wouldn’t press you anymore.  
“You don’t sound convinced” She said before taking a sip of the cheap wine you bought on your way home. Thankfully, she didn’t press you any further, opting to yell at the game show contestants for being stupid. The rest of the night was relaxing, you managed to keep Baekhyun off of your mind and be normal. Areum had spent the remainder of the night complaining about an annoying colleague she has in the department of physics and chemistry. She complained that he continually flirts with her even after she told him that she has a boyfriend, which was a lie, but she claimed that she  “doesn’t date physics nerds”.
It seemed that Areum’s antics were exactly what you needed in the situation you were in. Her lighthearted nature and considerateness at home was going to help you get through the eventful future that was sure to come with Byun Baekhyun being back in your life. Because Baekhyun was nothing if not persistent. 
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Working on part three of “superstar” because I’m sick and writing helps me through it. It’s hard though, I’ll start getting really into it and then I’ll start coughing out a lung and lose momentum
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Prompt list
Send me the number of the prompt that you want + a member and I will write a drabble or one shot for you. You can combine some of them as well 
1. “I really goofed that one up didn’t I?” 
2. “Don’t touch me, we’re fighting” 
3. “I’m not crying its just my allergies” 
4. “Honestly, this is your fault for trusting me with it” 
5. “we cant keep this up forever” 
6. “Thanks for wasting my time” 
7. “Are you flirting with me right now?” 
8. “Stop ignoring me” 
9. “Why would I? I’m cute as shit” 
10. “I plead the fifth” 
11. “I don’t remember” 
12. “You’re just mad that i’m prettier than you” 
13. “I’d kill you for 20 bucks and a six flags pass” 
14. “Did you just wink?”
15. “You’re a terrible liar” 
16. “Excuse me, I have to go make a scene” 
17. “I heard that!” “good.”  
18. “You should go to bed, you’re getting loopy” 
19. “How much do you think i’d get if I sold my sextape?” 
20. “I like my men like I like my coffee, far away from my crotch” 
21. “Jealousy is an ugly emotion” 
23.”Don’t lie to me” 
24. “I immediately regret my decision”  
25. “If this is what love is, I don’t want any part of it” 
26. “I mean, i’m his girlfriend but shoot your shot I guess” 
27. “Maybe I should get a sugar daddy” 
28. “Stop doing that. You’re not even scary” 
29. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that” 
30. “Oh, so this is what your mom meant when she said I was corrupting you. Damn.”
31. “There’s a pikachu over your head”
32. “Oh by the way I’m a fish”
33. “Why do I keep making a fool out of myself?”
34. “Bitch fucking try me”
35. “And do I look like Velma to you?”
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Superstar (Ongoing)-  
You haven’t been back home since your career took off and had a huge breakup. After traveling around the world, you return home to see that your ex boyfriend has achieved his dreams, and he’s not ready to give up on you yet. 
Part I | Part II | Part III  | Part IV
The traitor (in progress)-  mini masterlist 
Baekhyun lived a lonely life, and died a lonely death. Pain and regret defined his adult life. His death brought upon a rebirth, without his memories, he lives a new life, surrounded by those he hurt most.   
Teary eyed (writing prompt oneshot)~ fluff
The king  (in progress)- mini masterlist
A mighty ruler has many enemies, trust should be given with caution. Junmyeon’s life was exciting, full of twists and turns. He took orders from nobody, drunk off the power he held. His life was perfect in his eyes, before it came crumbling down. Upon his death he was reborn as a new man, without his memories, he lives a new life, surrounded by those he loved most 
Conflict of interest (Ongoing)- Part I | Part II
You’ve spent your whole life preparing to enter the business world. Through blood, sweat, tears, and a little bit of nepotism, you land the stable yet stressful job of Chairman of the board at a large technology company. Your career means everything to you, but its all put at risk in the hands of the love of your life, his father, and a greedy politician.  
Forever flame (writing prompt oneshot)~ fluff
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
“Superstar” sounds so intense! I love it so much😊
Thanks so much! It’s my first fanfic so I’m really glad you enjoy it.
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
I created this account in order write more and get out of my comfort zone artistically. One big part of this would be writing for other people’s requests. Writing prompts and general requests would be great! If you want to request something, send me a message or submit a post.
No smut
No abusive and/or non consensually sexual subjects
No underage idols or reader inserts
If a request makes me uncomfortable, I will not write it.
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Superstar// Byun Baekhyun part. 2
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: ??? angst ???
Word count: 1,716
Summary: You haven’t been back home since your career took off and a huge breakup. After traveling around the world, you return home to see that your ex boyfriend has achieved his dreams.  
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
You were a mess, at least on the inside. You wanted to scream and cry when you finally made it outside of the arena, but your common sense told you to hold it together until you got home. However, as you walked through the crowded parking lot, you noticed the stand selling merchandise for the concert. Seeing Baekhyun’s face plastered onto posters and fans set something off inside you. All sensibility left your body as you angrily marched to the front of the stand, slapping your credit card onto the table and pointing to the life size cardboard cutout of Baekhyun.
“How much is the cut out?” You asked through gritted teeth, staring the poor cashier down. He quickly told the price and rung you up, hesitantly handing you the large cut out, seemingly curious as to why you were so angry about your purchase. You text Areum telling her that a family emergency had come up and you decided to take the bus home so that she didn’t freak out when she realized that you were gone.
The bus ride was uncomfortable, seeing as you had hauled a cardboard cutout and it was taking up half of the isle. You knew that you were being irrational and childish when you decided to buy the cutout, but you figured that it would be a good object to take out your frustration on.  You stomped through the apartment building, avoiding the curious eyes of the nosy elderly couple that live next door. You could feel their judgement, but it didn’t bother you as much due to the amount of emotions you were dealing with.  
Areum had replied to your message and told you that she wouldn’t be home until late, so you soon found yourself on the couch watching exo performances with tub of ice cream, a stack of papers to grade, and a scowl on your face. You felt twenty-two  again while you were watching his performances on the tv, fist tightening on your spoon whenever the camera zoomed in on your ex. You formed a routine in order to distract yourself from thoughts of Baekhyun, deciding that one paper graded earned you one kick to cardboard Baekhyun. Eventually, cardboard Baekhyun had gotten pretty beaten up and you realized how immature you were acting.  He was allowed to succeed in life and move on from you, he was allowed to be happy. You chanted this to yourself as you picked up the trashed cutout and stuffed it into a large trash bag, putting it beside the trashcan in the kitchen for it to be taken out on trash day. You didn’t want to be bitter any longer, so you decided to work on the slides for your next lecture. Unfortunately, before you could get yourself completely together, Areum burst into the room with all her might, causing you to whip your head in her direction. You watched as she scoured the room, looking at you suspiciously. As she analyzed you, you realized that you probably looked extremely disheveled, since you just got done having a bit of a temper tantrum. She slammed her hands onto the arm of the couch, staring into your soul. Her eyes caused you to cower slightly, she was quite intimidating when she was serious.  “Would you like to explain to me what that was about? And why are you crying, weirdo” Her question was fair, seeing as she knew none of your family knew you number, or that you were even in the country, so there was no way that you would be aware of any family emergencies.
You exhaled loudly, letting a few more tears flow down your face, “I ran into my ex today” you spoke honestly. You had never cried in front of Areum before, but she didn’t respond awkwardly. All the irritation left her eyes as she pulled you into a hug, the sudden contact surprised you, but you leaned into her nonetheless.
“Oh my god, are you okay? They didn’t do anything to you right?” She watched you closely, searching for any sign of trauma. You shook your head furiously in response to her question, Baekhyun would never hurt you. Physically at least.
“No no, nothing like that, I just saw him for the first time since we broke up, we didn’t end on good terms.” She nodded in understanding, hugging you even closer. You didn’t want to tell her who he was because you knew it would probably get her fired up, but you still wanted to vent to someone. “It’s been some years since we split, but I was really in love with him, he said he loved me back but I guess my sister’s pretty lovable too” you chuckled bitterly at the end, thinking of your sister and how different she was from you. You looked similar in many ways, even your mannerisms matched each other, but that was where the similarities ended. Areum’s face contorted in disgust.
“You deserve better than that scumbag, don’t waste your tears on him” she sighed out as she rubbed your back, trying to console you. “You should probably get to bed, you have a long day tomorrow” she said, pushing you up towards your room. You looked at her in confusion “I looked at your schedule remember” She smiled down at you with a hint of sadness in her eyes. You didn’t want her pity, but you expected it regardless.  
Since seeing you in the crowd, Baekhyun had been distracted. He didn’t know what to do when he saw you, having the urge to grab your arm and pull you back before you stormed off but knew that it would produce bad results for both of you. His mind was elsewhere, wondering why you had come to his concert just to run away, and why you seemed so surprised that he was there. He did his best to mask his frustration through the rest of the show, faking his smiles and hoping that he was being convincing enough. He wasn't convincing at all, as he came to find out while looking through his phone, seeing that #cheer up baekhyun was trending on twitter. The other members had started to tiptoe around him, noticing that he was on edge, until Jongin had come up to him with a soft expression on his face. “Um, so I noticed that there was this girl in the crowd that looks alot like the one in that picture in your room. Are you alright?” He asked nervously, put off by Baekhyun’s oddly serious stare.
“Yeah” He answered shortly, walking off to change out of his stage outfit. He had lost all contact with you the day of your breakup, seeing as you had changed your phone number and disappeared from his life in one fell swoop, cutting him off and shutting him out immediately. He made an effort to keep up with how you were doing, he knew that you were touring the world lecturing and promoting your new book. He had even bought the book and promoted it on his instagram, hoping that you would see it and reach out. That only led him to finding out that your social media was handled by a publicist and not yourself after receiving a robotic direct message thanking him for the promotion. He attended one of your lectures when both of your tours had managed to sync and had you both in the same city, but the lecture hall was much too large for you to notice him through the sea of people. All of his attempts to re-enter your life had failed and he was lost in the smoke of a fire that he started himself. But now that he knew you were in Seoul, he wasn’t going to let this opportunity go to waste.
You woke with a start as your alarm went off loudly. You began to freak out, getting dressed rapidly because you usually wake up before the alarm. The alarm was to let you know it was time to leave. You quickly put your hair into a bun and did your makeup, doing your best to make yourself look put together. Your legs were sore from standing in line for hours and your eyes were tired from crying the night before. Today is going to be very long, you thought to yourself as you pulled out of the driveway and drove towards your first meeting  of the day.
You weren’t wrong about the day being long. You endured three different staff meetings, two lectures, and twenty students attempting to argue for their grade. For whatever reason, some students entered your class expecting for it to be an easy A, due to the interesting topics and open ended subject matter, but there is a right way to do things. You finally made it to your last class of the day and you were relieved, having fun with the lecture, as it was a more captivating subject, and you had a small amount of students. “One of the most difficult concepts that we’ll deal with this semester is the effect of mass media on personal behavior. How has media shaped our culture, and how it will continue to shape us. Who here has an Instagram account?” you paced as you spoke, switching slides as you went through your speech. Several hands raised at your question, causing you to smirk slightly. “The use of social media has become so widespread, that it has begun to shape and change our culture in ways that we would not have thought possible 50 years ago. It is only logical to wonder how this will change how we interact face to face with one another. Do any of y-”  you were cut off by the sound of the door creaking open slowly. The face that emerged from the door rendered you speechless as he walked through to an empty seat in the front, sickeningly confident. All eyes were on Baekhyun, when he sauntered in, you assumed all of your students must have recognized him, seeing that their jaws went slack. You must have looked angry, Baekhyun visibly shuddered when he made eye contact with you. This has been a very long day, you thought.
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sehunsmuabrows · 6 years
Superstar//Byun Baekhyun
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader 
Genre: ???angst??? 
Word count: 2,222 
Summary: You haven’t been back home since your career took off and a huge breakup. After traveling around the world, you return home to see that your ex boyfriend has achieved his dreams. 
I guess this is part one, it was supposed to be a one shot but it got too complicated 
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
You felt like hell trudging through the airport, hauling your heavy luggage with resentment. Your fifth cup of coffee only making you more on edge about the whole experience. Though you were partly glad knowing that this would be your last time traveling for a while. It had been years since you had been to your hometown, your parents made no effort to keep in contact with you as work got more demanding, other than to ask for money when they were tight on funds. So you decided that you didn’t need to go out of your way to spend time with them. The only reason you would have continued to visit home was no longer a part of the equation, so you dove into work without looking back.  
You finally arrived at the front of the airport, waiting for your ride to arrive at the front of the terminal. Your work friend, Areum, had promised to pick you up from the airport and let you stay at her place, seeing as you hadn’t found a place in Seoul yet. You perked up when you saw her bright red buggie roll to the curb in front of you. “Hey there Ms. Y/N, how was your flight?” Areum piped after getting out of her car and rushing to help you with your bags, energetic as ever. You tried to shake any sign of irritation or fatigue from your mannerisms as you replied smiling brightly at her,  “It was a little rough, but I get to fly business class and that’s always a treat”. You plopped into the front seat, groaning as if you had completely forgotten what it was like to sit in a chair.  
The ride to Areum’s apartment was quiet, as it was far too early in the morning to engage in a deep conversation. And as chatty as Areum is, she was aware that you were far too tired to entertain her. You watched out of the window as you passed the distantly familiar buildings. Seeing the city left an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach as you remembered the memories you made. All of the feelings and memories you had supressed while traveling the world started to drip back into your mind. Baekhyun’s smiling face reappeared in your mind as you thought of everything you left behind. You couldn’t help but think of your ex whenever you thought of seoul, and now you were here, completely and totally surrounded by it. You ran out of time to brood over your past when the car stopped in front of the apartment, it seemed like your body was running ahead of your mind as you glided through Areum’s apartment. She finally showed you to the room that you would be staying in and left you to unpack. As soon as she shut the door behind her, you collapsed onto the soft bed, falling asleep upon impact.
The next month or so was good and uneventful, you begun to a class at a nearby university and the pay was good, so you had no complaints. It wasn’t hard to find a new gig, as you had become well known for your sociology lectures and notorious among students for being a bit rigid. Your friendship with Areum had gotten stronger, you had even stopped referring to her as a “work friend”, and moved to considering her a regular friend. She had begun to try to get you to go to activities with her instead of just watching movies in her apartment, even trying to set you up with her guy friends. One day, she burst into your room with more energy than she had ever shown before, and that was saying something. She began thrashing around on the ground smiling and yelling words that you couldn’t quite make out. You didn’t have very much of a reaction to this type of behavior from her anymore, seeing as she has a tendency to get over excited. The happiness tantrum lasted about 5 minutes before she finally calmed down and explained what her episode was about. “I just got us tickets to see exo tomorrow! Front row and everything, my cousin gave them to me because she has a surgery that day, it’s sad but another man’s misfortune is another man’s miracle” she blurted out, jumping around like a madman. Seeing that you were overwhelmed by her enthusiasm, Areum stopped jumping and tried to level herself to your even temperament as she showed you the tickets.  
“First of all, you know that really isn’t my scene, screaming girls and loud bass isn’t really my ideal afternoon. Second of all, I have work.” You said, handing the tickets back to her. She huffed loudly, visibly frustrated by your refusal.
“I know you don’t really listen to music, but you have to get out there. It could help you with your lectures, it wouldn't hurt to loosen up just a little, don’t think I haven’t noticed how depressed you’ve been since you got here” She spit back, pushing the tickets back into your hand. “ Also, i checked your schedule and you don’t have any lectures or meetings that day, we’re going.” She said, leaving the room before you could say anything back. As usual, you were too exhausted to fight back and ended up following her plans. The rest of the night was spent planning outfits for the concert. Apparently, we needed to camp out at the venue several hours early so we decided to go for more comfortable clothing. Unfortunately you only owned business attire and pajamas, meaning you had to borrow Areum’s clothes. You ended up wearing baggy sweatpants and an oversized sweatshirt with the word  “CHEN” on it, which you assumed must be the name of someone in the group. The clothes were too big, as areum was significantly taller than you. Areum was wearing an identical sweatshirt with the name “SUHO”, which she was showing of proudly in the morning of the concert.  
You arrived at the venue several hours in advance, quickly jumping in line behind a group of girls who seemed as if they had slept there. It took you almost an hour of awkward second glances from girls in the line to realize that many of  them were in your class at the University nearby. You felt both embarrassed and confused when you heard one of the girls in front of you whisper to her friend “Dude look, my sociology professor is a Jongdae stan”. Areum was extremely entertained upon hearing the not-so-quiet exchange, explaining that Jongdae was the real name of the man whose stage name you had stamped on your shirt.  
The hours passed by slowly, as the line got longer and longer, you got more and more anxious. You considered, that if there was this much excitement for a performance, then it must be worth it. By the time the venue started letting people in, your legs were aching, you were leaning onto Areum for support. However, in contrast to you, Areum didn’t seem to be tired at all, though she was on edge waiting for the ticket scanner to get to the two of you. Once you both passed through into the venue, she grabbed your arm and started to drag you to the merchandise line to get lightsticks and banners. You managed to make it to the station before a long line accumulated, just standing behind a couple other people. The girl directly in front of you was tall and muscular, blocking your view of the merchandise table completely. Areum was annoyed by this and asked her to move over to the side so she could browse. You could only see the back of her jersey, which read the single word that had haunted and tormented you for years, Byun Baekhyun. You were instantly stunned after reading the word, your mind raced so fast that you barely noticed the lightstick being stuck into your hand. You followed areum to your spot in front of the stage. You looked around, noticing for the first time that the same word was plastered everywhere in the arena. Girls wearing it proudly across their chests, waving it in the air like flag, and painted across their face. Your mind finally flooded with thoughts of him, the way he sung to you when you couldn't sleep, the way his face scrunched up when you tried to flirt with him, the way he bragged about you to his friends. Your love was strong and didn’t seem like anything could go wrong, until your career got more demanding and Baekhyun got closer to debut. You started spending less and less time with him, you started earning more money and he was only a trainee at an entertainment company, you started to get distant and he was feeling neglected. Which is why you couldn't even bring yourself to cry when you found your sister’s bra in his bedroom, and he had no explanation. You blamed yourself for the relationship crumbling, no matter what your friends or your own teaching curriculum told you about crumbling relationships, you always felt responsible. You never even found the strength to confront your sister about Baekhyun in person, it always ended up in a series of drunk emails.
Areum noticed your loss of focus and tried to see what was wrong, but the lights had already dimmed and the crowd was deafeningly loud, so you just shrugged her off, promising to explain after the concert. Music started to play loudly, your heart started to pound hard as you anticipated the group’s approach, you hoped that you were mistaken, and it was actually a different Byun Baekhyun, so that you wouldn’t have to watch your ex boyfriend live out his glorious dream from the front row. It wasn't like the score was even either, showing up to your ex girlfriends lecture about class conflict and inequalities would be alot less dramatic than this.
The music got louder, as did the screams, when 9 men emerged from the bottom of the stage, swiftly beginning their first song. All hope was gone when the first line was sung, you would recognize his voice anywhere. The silky sound of his voice invaded your ears swiftly, entrancing you just as it always had. Thankfully, the group was still far enough upstage to be a sizeable distance from you, with any luck, you could get out of the concert without him seeing you. You couldn't help but enjoy the performance, if you hadn't been so caught up with Baekhyun’s presence, you may have even payed attention to all of the members. They had made it through half of their set before they came up stage and sang a ballad. You realized that this could possibly mean trouble, so you stood a little behind Areum for protection. She quickly noticed your actions and shoved you back forward to your previous spot, telling you to not be scared. Of course she knew nothing of your previous relationship, and probably wouldn’t believe you if you tried to tell her, so you didn't blame her for thinking you were just being timid.
You cursed yourself for not wearing a hat earlier in the morning, as it would’ve been a convenient device to hide your face in this situation. A member with the name KAI stamped onto the back of his jersey was closest to you, he had squat down to touch fans’ hands and wave. He slowly made his way to you and Areum, his smile was dazzling as he looked at the both of you, until he looked at you a little closer, causing his smile to falter, his face to express a bit of shock while trying to maintain a smile. The realization set in that Baekhyun might have shown his members a picture of me by chance-- or Kai took one of my classes-- i desperately hoped for the latter. He quickly moved on from you and Areum, standing up and joining the other members in throwing plushies at each other across stage. It was then you resumed your focus on Baekhyun, he took Kai’s place and started greeting fans as he sung, he got closer and closer to you slowly. You tried to figure out a way to hide and make it seem normal to the other fans in the crowd. Once again, you tried to hide behind Areum,that strategy was just as successful as it was the first time, as you were launched to the front once again, you felt the presence that you dreaded the most. You looked up to see the very face that you tried to forget for 4 years staring back at you, unwavering and full of emotion. You saw many things in his eyes that night, too many things to decipher. The look in his eyes was all it took for you to push your way out of the crowd, desperately looking for a way out of the arena. Throughout the years without him, you tried to forget him and move on to someone new, you thought that if you saw him again then all the feelings would be gone, wondering if it was ever love at all. But you were wrong, it would never go away. 
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