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A true Christian-Filipino is Spirit-Oriented.
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A Christian-Filipino means being a Family-oriented.
Filipinos are known to their predominant traits of being a family-oriented which means it centered and family is one of the most important, that can make us who we are as a Filipino. Family is a home, it is something that is always their for you. No matter how small or big the problem you have cause, a family will always accept you. 
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Study Habits
1. Get Organized. Between homework, tests and extracurricular activities, it’s all too easy for things to slip through the cracks. A planner can help your child keep everything organized and students should write down assignments, appointments, and to-do lists. Ask him or her to review items in the planner at both the beginning and end of the day to stay on track.
 2. Know the Expectations. Students shouldn’t have any surprises when it comes to how and what they will be graded on. By middle school and high school, most teachers will provide a course outline or syllabus, which can serve as a guide for the semester. If expectations aren’t clear, don’t wait until a bad report card comes in the mail. Your student should feel comfortable approaching teachers with questions about grading and assignments at any time. If this is not the case, it may be time for you as a parent to step in. 
 3. Designate a Study Area. Yes, studying at the local coffee shop may seem like a good idea but not if there are constantly people interrupting or other disruptions. Even at home, studying in front of the TV won’t be the best use of your son or daughter’s time. Help your child by providing a quiet, well-lit, low-traffic space for study time. Take it one step further and institute a “communications blackout” policy with no cell phones or instant messaging allowed until schoolwork is done. 
 4. Develop a Study Plan. First things first: students need to know when a test will take place, the types of questions that will be included and the topics that will be covered. From there, your student should create a study plan and allow ample time to prepare – there’s nothing worse than cramming the night before an exam. You can help by buying a wall calendar and asking him or her to assign topics and tasks for each day leading up to a due date or exam. Setting goals for each session is also key to success.
 5. Think Positively. Being in the right mindset can make all the difference. Encourage your child to think positively when studying or heading into an exam and by all means, avoid catastrophic thinking. Help him or her turn negative statements like “I’ll never have enough time to get a good grade on this exam” into positive ones like “I began preparing later than I should have but I put together a comprehensive study plan and will be able to get through the material prior to the exam.”
 6. Create a Study Group. Working in groups can help students when they’re struggling to understand a concept and can enable them to complete assignments more quickly than when working alone. Keep groups small and structured to ensure the maximum benefit to participants and reduce distractions. 
 7. Practice Active Listening. It’s important for students to concentrate and avoid distractions when an instructor is presenting. Some tips to share with your child include: try concentrating on the main points being made, think about what the speaker is saying and pay attention to how things are said (gestures, tone of voice, etc.). They should avoid talking or thinking about problems when listening. If a teacher says “This is important” or “I’ll write this on the board,” there’s a good chance students will see the concept on an exam. 
 8. Review Test-Taking Strategies. It is normal for your son or daughter to feel stressed when taking an exam. However, there are certain strategies that will help him or her manage the stress and do his or her best on the exam. First, make sure that your child arrives on time and tries to stay relaxed. Students should be sure to read all of the directions on the exam and pace themselves so as not to feel rushed. You can let your child know that it’s OK to skip around on a test, if allowed, as he or she may be more comfortable with certain topics than others. 
 9. Read Actively. It’s all too easy for students to skim over an assigned book chapter and not know the main points of what they just read. Help your student to practice active reading by asking him or her to note the main idea of each passage and look up unfamiliar words or concepts. Make an outline of the chapter or create flow charts and diagrams that help map out the concept at hand. After each section, have students write a summary in their own words and come up with possible exam questions. 
 10. Look to the Future. For some students, college and may seem like an intangible event in the very distant future, but in reality, these aren’t so far off. Starting early can be an immense help in navigating the college admissions process. Be sure to get organized, set goals with your child and have regular check-ins to assess progress.
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Dear Chris...
to Dear Chris,
       Hi! I’m Jez and I am writing in the hopes that you can help me of my problem.
      I am a senior high school student and I have chosen the STEM strand. For I was thinking that maybe it will help me for my chosen career in the future. I’m having a trouble understanding our math lesson’s because of my lose of focus and doubts that maybe what I might be doing is wrong. I find it hard to loosen my grip on the problems I am facing that I sometimes tend to trouble my student life. I’m questioning myself sometimes if what am I doing is still right and does it really help me achieve my career.
What can I do to separate my studies and problems? How could I manage to do it?
Dear Jez,
         It’s good that you  wrote as early as now. I just want to tell you that always keep your mind set to the finish line like your studies and the career you’ve chose. Don’t stress yourself out too much, stress is everywhere, don’t let it pull you down. It’s how you take it personally or how you react to it. Just face it with a smile on your face and keep that positive mindset all the time. 
       All of us faces different kind of problems, It’s a matter of how you look at it and face it. Believe in the strength that you had, and use it to conquer all those boundaries that hinder you from achieving what you want to achieve.
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The Emotion Challenge 
Emotions are the most present, pressing and sometimes painful force in our lives. We are driven day by day by our emotions. We take chances because we’re excited for new prospects. We cry because we’ve been hurt and we make sacrifices because we love. Without a doubt, our emotions dictate our thoughts, intentions and actions with superior authority to our rational minds. But when we act on our emotions too quickly, or we act on the wrong kinds of emotions, we often make decisions that we later lament.
Our feelings can alter between dangerous extremes. Veer too far to the left and you’re bordering on rage. Steer too much to the right and you’re in a state of euphoria. As with many other aspects of life, emotions are best met with a sense of moderation and logical perspective. This is not to say that we should stop ourselves from falling in love or jumping for joy after great news. These truly are the finer things in life. It is negative emotions that must be handled with extreme care.
So how can we avoid operating on the wrong types of feelings and master our emotions under the harshest of circumstances? 
here are the six steps to control your emotions and regain rationality in any challenging situation:
Don’t react right away. Reacting immediately to emotional triggers can be an immense mistake. It is guaranteed that you’ll say or do something you’ll later regret. Before refuting the trigger with your emotional argument, take a deep breath and stabilize the overwhelming impulse. Continue to breathe deeply for five minutes, feeling as your muscles untense and your heart rate returns to normal. As you become calmer, affirm to yourself that this is only temporary.
Ask for divine guidance. Faith is our saving grace in our darkest moments. No matter your creed, developing a healthy relationship with the divine world will help you surmount your obstacles more easily. This is because when you believe in a higher force, you also believe in the power of divine intervention to show you what you must do, teach you why something is happening or even save you from a certain unwanted situation. When burdened with emotion, close your eyes, envision a positive solution to your problem, and ask the universe to illuminate the best path forward.
Find a healthy outlet. Now that you’ve managed your emotion, you’ll need to release it in a healthy way. Emotions should never be bottled up. Call or go see someone you trust and recount to them what happened. Hearing an opinion other than your own broadens your awareness. Keep a journal and transfer your emotions from your inner self onto the paper. Many people find it helpful to engage in aggressive exercises, such as kickboxing or martial arts, to discharge their feelings. Others meditate and chant to return to a tranquil state of being. Perform whatever activity is best-suited to you in order to liberate your being from pent-up sentiments.
See the bigger picture. Every happening of our lives, whether good or bad, serves a higher purpose. Wisdom means being able to see past the moment and discern the greater meaning of any given situation. You may not understand it in the beginning, but as time goes by, you’ll begin to see the bigger picture falling into perfect order. Even in the midst of an emotionally upsetting moment, trust that there exists an ultimate purpose which you will come to comprehend soon.
Replace your thoughts. Negative emotions bind us to recurring negative thoughts, creating cycles of downright negative patterns. Whenever you are confronted with an emotion which is making you feel or think something bad, force it out of your mind and replace it with a different thought. Imagine the ideal resolution to your problem playing out, think about someone who makes you happy or remember an event that makes you smile.
Forgive your emotional triggers. Your emotional triggers may be your best friend, your family members, yourself or all of the above. You may feel a sudden wave of anger when your friend “does that thing she does,” or a stab of self-loathing when you remember something you could have done differently. But when you forgive, you detach. You detach from the resentment, the jealousy or the fury lingering within you. You allow people to be who they are without the need for escalating emotions. As you forgive, you will find yourself disassociating from the harsh feelings attached to your being.
We must not just focus on one’s self, for we must consider the emotion of those people around us. It’s a matter of understanding on another but it must begin within you. Knowing on how to control your emotion could help you gain a better understanding of what is around you.
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My Genogram
It's no stretch to say that a person has a serious advantage in life if they come from a loving, supportive home. Many people still succeed though they come from less-than-ideal family situations, but having our basic needs met, knowing that our parents love us and learning life lessons at home make all the challenges of day-to-day living that much easier to face. Likely, as an adult you want a happy home for your family.
This is no coincidence. God organizes us into families so that we can grow up in happiness and safety, and so that we can learn to love others selflessly—the key to true joy. Within the family is the best place to learn to love others the way Heavenly Father loves each one of us.
My family is just like other families out there, simple yet adequate. Families stay together even through storms and hail. No matter how big the problem that you have done, your family will still accept you. Each of us holds a special role in our family. Treasure one’s family for it is your home and something that you could boast about. 
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1. A good leader is Hardworking 2. Honest to one’self and to others 3. Focused and Devoted 4. Reliable, Respectful and Patient 5. Loyal, Courageous and Optimist   6. Open-mind 7. Remarkable
As a student we could already be leaders. In group activities and such in school, we could show the leadership lying beneath us. Don’t be afraid to show others that you are a leader. 
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This Works for Me!
I’m that type of person who gets easily stressed by just simple things in life. As a student, I need to have a focus mind so that I could easily understand the lesson and do the task’s well in class. Every time I get stressed I always tend to find a peaceful place wherein I could relax and think mindfully. I also listen to music’s that could help me ease whats going on inside my mind. The beauty of the surrounding makes me forget all the problems inside my mind, and I tend to be attracted to it. 
Feeling the peace around me, makes me fall to sleep while listening to a music. A perfect combination to ease the war that is going on me, mentally and physically. This are just some of what I do to keep me calm and away from all the stress. Having a harmonious time with myself gives me a time to think and replenish things that makes me stress. In this way I could easily think of a way to counter my stress. Also to do something that keeps me away from it.
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My Kind of Love
My kind of love...
It’s like a seed that has fallen, Through storms and sunny weather she grows.
She takes time as she pleases, Wanders and bring sheds to those hasty.
Though it brings peculiar estrangement, It offers new things and new beginnings.
She makes us reminiscent, That gives us lesson to cherish and learn from.
She is not something we could see, Not even our senses could tell where she is from. She always come out of nowhere, A meaning to our life that She should be she as She is. Accept all of her misery and distress, For that is not all she is. Love is not all about suffering and despair for simple things that brings smiles to our face is already called love. It may be small but don’t forget that every big things start with a small one. Our friends and Families are already bringing spark like fireworks in our hearts. 
For love is like an art,  it takes time to reflect and ride with the adventure it brings within.
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A Mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relation to infinity, extending beyond and within our bodies and minds.
The mandala appears to us in all aspects of life, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and more obviously the circles of life encompassing friends, family and communities.
Mandalas are circular designs symbolizing the notion that life is never ending. Many mandalas have spiritual significance to an individual or group of individuals.
As this mandala has an significance in my life, and somewhat tells a part of me. I created this mandala as what my mind is thinking and what i have seen in books. The bird represents the free will that I’ve been longing for ever since i got to high school. I lost my will to think about myself and many things since I got to high school, because ever since, I’ve lost my sense upon myself and it felt like I don’t know who I am anymore. Question become to ponder out of nowhere and it’s chasing me down.
Behind those dark shades of color, there is always a shine inside of it. The dark colors represents the dark times in our life, while the light colors represent the happy moments. This tells us that no matter hard the situation we are into, there is always a hope inside of it that will shine through. Life is hard for all of us but its not hard all the times. Remember we have friends, families and teachers by our side always that brings shine and meaning to our lives.
“Don’t ever give up on life no matter how hard it is. Fly through the skies and pass through your limits.”
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A Letter for my Self
Morale Booster:
Life comes with up and downs, and you are there, standing firm like a big stone. Many challenges had come to break you apart, but you remained standing, like a diamond never can be broken. You are a strong person, cause in every problem, you did not forget to laugh. Yes, you cried, and that only means that you are strong enough, to accept that you are tired,and you need rest. Rest doesn’t mean that you’re weak, it means you meed to pause to move again when you’re ready. Your parents have many expectations for you, and you needed it to meet those. Stop, but never give up. Cry but never fails. A failure doesn’t mean that you are loser all the time. Cause, a beginning, starts with a failure. Learn to accept your mistakes. Be you and always be you. Life can be complicated, but it contains many ways. Forgive yourself as you forgive others. Never hide to those monsters of challenges, never escape to those threat of problems. You are not alone, and you are always not.
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“Bro! Keep Striving for Greatness everyday!” -Dave
“There’s nothing much to say from me, because you can do everything as long as you strive for it.” -Alcor
“Just don’t give up and give in. Just try everything. JUST DO IT.” -James
Dear Jez, You are talented and gifted. I know you could reach your goals. You just have to apply hard work and avoid laziness. God bless you. -JPM
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Mirror upon realization…
Ever since we were a child we are expected by our parents to do well and perform. We have already been expected by people around us not just by those who are closed to us but also those who are not even close to you or doesn’t know you. Being faced into reality is a harsh thing for almost all of us in your in life. It’s never been easy to faced reality, especially if you’ve been living into virtual reality. In which you can do what you want to do and be what you want to be.
We tend to give up every time we faced hardships, but this song tells us that we should not stop burning. The flame still dance for us, a new day is a new beginning for us to reclaim our self and be renewed. We just need to strive for the best and no matter how hard it is we should not give up. Reality is harsh and people are full of expectations from us but aside from all of this we must always remember that we are who we are. No one can define who we are except for ourselves.
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Don’t stop dreaming...
We all have a dream on what we want to be in the future, ever since we we’re a child. But some of us stopped dreaming on what they want to be, just because they have seen how sturdy the road is towards it. Where can we find a clear path towards our dream? Some just change their dreams on what they have become as they grew up.
As for me, it remains the same. What I’ve been dreaming since I was a child until this very day is the same. I’ve been inspired by my father in this dream of mine, I don’t know why but I find it interesting. Traveling overseas and venturing lands sounds fun to me. Yes, you have guess it right maybe? I’ve been dreaming on becoming a Seaman, I just find it cool traveling in the seas, going to different places and even communicating with them.
I’m not even sure if the strand I’m on is the right strand for my dream, but since it involves math on it, I guess I am right about the choice I have made. We all know that basic education is very essential in achieving our dreams that is why I am doing the best I could do, to pass this basic education. Cause I know it also helps us to decide on what coarse to take and to assure if we are really sure on the coarse that we will be taking.
But of course we should not limit our dreams on what we want to be in the future. We should also dream on what we will do with our life to make it more lively and entertaining in a good way. Dreams are limitless so don’t be afraid to dream and give it your all to achieve it. It’s you who have the authority on your dream so be imaginative and despicable.
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This is me...
I am Chris Jezreel D. Lariba. I am 16 years old and I’ll be turning 17 this December 24. I am quite doing in my academics but I am more on sports and games that involves thinking strategies such us board games. I love listening musics when I want to relax and cool myself. I am also into games and such, just to waste some time to think about some stuff. I like watching movies that are actions and horror, a movie that is more on killing.
I am a person who likes to be alone and does not like to spend much time in an crowded place. Some says that I’m a sadist and talks sarcastically a lot. But I say I’m just a sort of a morbid person. People around me are always telling me that I’m smart but is wasting it, since I am a lazy person. Its just that I can’t do any work when there is someone accompanying me. I like to work alone but can’t work without anyone guiding me what to do or giving me ideas what to do.
Behind all of this is the most important person in our life, and that is GOD. Without Him, there will be no me in this world. I would not be here in this world and may not accomplish anything. My life wouldn't be as interesting and wonderful as what I have in my life right now. Just believe in Him and in yourself, there would be no boundaries you cant pass as long as you believe.
Thank you for spending time in reading my post. May God bless you always.
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