primpotato-blog · 8 years
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“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.
A leader can be defined in many ways, yet true leadership is beyond mere definition. A leader for me is someone who is the foundation of your team, the one who motivates you to do your job well. A considerate person who understands the lapses but points it out in order for you to know where you overlooked something. Great leader creates more leaders, not followers. If you don’t have that many followers because you are not that popular, it’s okay. Leadership is not defined by how many followers you have, because I know that deep in my heart that quality is greater than quantity. You don’t have to find that many followers, you just need a few right ones who will be there for you.
What Makes a Good Leader
1. Takes responsibility.      - A good is someone who is not afraid to take responsibility. 
2. Serves wholeheartedly      - A good leader works genuinely and not just for show. You prioritize your follower’s welfare more than what makes you happy
3. Open to suggestions      - Sometimes you are followed because they admire your ideas, but it doesn’t mean that you will neglect their ideas, tell them that you are open to suggestions because their suggestions may give you more idea and can change the current situation.
4. Creates more leaders      - A good leader is someone who inspires and motivates other to become a leader themselves. They are willing to share their best advice on how to be a great leader through their actions, and ideas.
A follower is someone who follows the person they admire, the one who changed their lives due to their ideas and shine can. A follower even apply it for themselves in order to lead others, and that’s the purpose of our leaders to create more leaders by inspiring followers to become leaders themselves because I believe that each and everyone of us are natural leaders though we still have to go through the process of being a clueless follower that is then molded by other people whom we followed. 
What makes a Good Follower
1. Suggests Ideas       - A good follower is willing to give ideas in order to help the team, because giving ideas is very important in order for the group to know your opinions that can be later used for your works.
2. Willing to work with the team       - A good follower collaborate with the team, doing what should be done and offer help to those who are in need.
3. Aware        - A good follower should be aware of their surrounding. Being observant is a very important aspect in our daily routine.
Being a leader and follower can go both ways, because nothing is permanent and everything will change. You just have to accept the fact about the changes in you lives but you have to be okay with it. To conclude, a leader should also be a follower at some point and a follower should take up the responsibility in order to become a leader, because for a follower, that’s just the first step in becoming the a great leader in the future and as a leader, you have to follow because this will be your eye opener in order for you to see what you overlooked before. Following others at some point will help you to connect with other people, thus refining your being leader because you are showered by ideas that are useful in our day to day life. If there’s some whom I truly admired, it would be Jesus, because He is a servant-leader who is true to His duty and responsibility.
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pizzamentality-blog · 8 years
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sarahpabericio-blog · 8 years
Dear Ate Sar
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rokkunsempai-blog · 8 years
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The Genogram
My Father’s family is on the left side he has 2 siblings 1 is his older brother and younger sister.My Mother’s Family is on the right and yes those are her siblings there were 9 of them before but since unfortunately one of them passed away there are now 8 of them healthy and living. Then my Mom and Dad met and you know made us I have an older and a younger sister. Thats pretty much it :D
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elleque178 · 8 years
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As you can observe in the picture it's very complex since I have plenty of relatives both  from my mother and father sides. Our relationship with them is good. During family reunions, we use to talk more and eat together. But it doesn't mean that only in some occasions we see and talk to each other. In fact, we still have constant communication. However, we can't prevent conflicts between our families. Yet we easily settle the problems through pointing out the concerns, admitting one's mistake and giving each other's apologies. The bond we have is dynamic. It stays strong and in compact.
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luziiing-blog · 8 years
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My Kind Of Love My kind of love, I was looking for a love that is ever lasting. That even though how many times you failed them, and how many times you broke their trust by doing bad things, but yet they still choose to love you.  A love that even though how many time you hurt them and give them many reasons to give up on you they will just hug you and say “It’s okay, I will always love you unconditionally”. Person which accepts all your flaws and still thinks that it’s cute. A person who will take care of you when you are sick, a person that won’t get tired of loving you even though how mad they are to you but yet still thinks about you. A person that accepts who you are and what you are. When you are together you feel so secure and comfortable. A love that what you feel when you’re together with you family. That is what kind of love I was looking for.
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Study Habits
1. Get Organized. Between homework, tests and extracurricular activities, it’s all too easy for things to slip through the cracks. A planner can help your child keep everything organized and students should write down assignments, appointments, and to-do lists. Ask him or her to review items in the planner at both the beginning and end of the day to stay on track.
 2. Know the Expectations. Students shouldn’t have any surprises when it comes to how and what they will be graded on. By middle school and high school, most teachers will provide a course outline or syllabus, which can serve as a guide for the semester. If expectations aren’t clear, don’t wait until a bad report card comes in the mail. Your student should feel comfortable approaching teachers with questions about grading and assignments at any time. If this is not the case, it may be time for you as a parent to step in. 
 3. Designate a Study Area. Yes, studying at the local coffee shop may seem like a good idea but not if there are constantly people interrupting or other disruptions. Even at home, studying in front of the TV won’t be the best use of your son or daughter’s time. Help your child by providing a quiet, well-lit, low-traffic space for study time. Take it one step further and institute a “communications blackout” policy with no cell phones or instant messaging allowed until schoolwork is done. 
 4. Develop a Study Plan. First things first: students need to know when a test will take place, the types of questions that will be included and the topics that will be covered. From there, your student should create a study plan and allow ample time to prepare – there’s nothing worse than cramming the night before an exam. You can help by buying a wall calendar and asking him or her to assign topics and tasks for each day leading up to a due date or exam. Setting goals for each session is also key to success.
 5. Think Positively. Being in the right mindset can make all the difference. Encourage your child to think positively when studying or heading into an exam and by all means, avoid catastrophic thinking. Help him or her turn negative statements like “I’ll never have enough time to get a good grade on this exam” into positive ones like “I began preparing later than I should have but I put together a comprehensive study plan and will be able to get through the material prior to the exam.”
 6. Create a Study Group. Working in groups can help students when they’re struggling to understand a concept and can enable them to complete assignments more quickly than when working alone. Keep groups small and structured to ensure the maximum benefit to participants and reduce distractions. 
 7. Practice Active Listening. It’s important for students to concentrate and avoid distractions when an instructor is presenting. Some tips to share with your child include: try concentrating on the main points being made, think about what the speaker is saying and pay attention to how things are said (gestures, tone of voice, etc.). They should avoid talking or thinking about problems when listening. If a teacher says “This is important” or “I’ll write this on the board,” there’s a good chance students will see the concept on an exam. 
 8. Review Test-Taking Strategies. It is normal for your son or daughter to feel stressed when taking an exam. However, there are certain strategies that will help him or her manage the stress and do his or her best on the exam. First, make sure that your child arrives on time and tries to stay relaxed. Students should be sure to read all of the directions on the exam and pace themselves so as not to feel rushed. You can let your child know that it’s OK to skip around on a test, if allowed, as he or she may be more comfortable with certain topics than others. 
 9. Read Actively. It’s all too easy for students to skim over an assigned book chapter and not know the main points of what they just read. Help your student to practice active reading by asking him or her to note the main idea of each passage and look up unfamiliar words or concepts. Make an outline of the chapter or create flow charts and diagrams that help map out the concept at hand. After each section, have students write a summary in their own words and come up with possible exam questions. 
 10. Look to the Future. For some students, college and may seem like an intangible event in the very distant future, but in reality, these aren’t so far off. Starting early can be an immense help in navigating the college admissions process. Be sure to get organized, set goals with your child and have regular check-ins to assess progress.
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tata-jose-blog · 8 years
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“The Genogram”
A genogram of the Pangilinan Family. :D
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airakng · 8 years
Dear Ate/Kuya
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Dear love,
I do not know where to start.. I have been studying in my school for more than 10 years now and I never experienced having a different environment. My mother and father told me the other day that they have finally decided to transfer me to Manila and continue my studies there. I’m devastated. I don’t know what to do or what to feel. Just the thought of leaving all of the memories I have here behind makes me sick to my stomach. God, what do I do? I don’t want to start fresh. I don’t need new friends. I don’t need a big city or a big school campus. I don’t want huge malls, tall buildings and sossy circle of people around me. I just want a simple and peaceful life together with my family and high school friends. My life here is not much but I’ve learned to love and appreciate what this city gave me - Unforgettable memories, love, family and true friendship. I don’t know if I can say good bye to all of these. I’m not ready to get that “homesick” feeling. I will never be ready to go home just for a couple of weeks then be back again in Manila. I have few months left. I can’t do this. 
~ Aira
Dear Aira, 
 There are few months left before you transfer to a different school. Make the most out of it. I regret those days not being with you, not hanging out with you and was not able to help you with your needs as your “brother.” It’s a really scary feeling to leave the people who know you best. When you have super close friends, it’s like they’re a part of you. You’ll probably feel super sad for a bit, but then you’ll be able to adjust. Knowing you as my "sister”, I know that you’ll able to adapt to your new environment easily. Just remember the reason why you’re transferring to that school, and that is to start your journey to your dream, to become a doctor. You will start feeling comfortable after you meet new friends. I want you to remember that your family is always there supporting you on your plans for your future. If you ever feel sad, I am just one call away. As a saying goes, “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”
~ Love
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primpotato-blog · 8 years
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Emotional Management
               There are a lot of ways to handle one’s emotions, however not all of these ways are effective to all (or everyone) of us. Because each of these techniques’ effectiveness may vary on the given situation and how a certain person perceives each way. For me, these are the ways which are effective when I am handling with my own emotions.
1.       Try understanding yourself.
-          Because who else will, right? Firstly if you don’t recognize what you’re feeling then you will not be able to share it with other people who may understand you and can possibly help you. It is a great way in order for us to release the burden in our chest. It is also a great way to connect with other people who understand.
2.       Keep your cool
-          It is the best way in dealing with your emotion because how on earth are you going to solve what you are feeling if you don’t know how to calm yourself down. Instead of solving it, it may worsen the current situation since you are not able to completely control yourself. There are also tendencies that you make foolish decisions because you are swallowed by your own emotion. There’s also a saying that “don’t make any decision when you are angry or too happy because you’ll eventually regret it after” because I believe that when you are on top of your emotion, you don’t thoroughly think about your decisions anymore, you only tend to utter the words without proper comprehension. Whoa
3.       Talk to someone.
-          This way can be extremely difficult to do because you are not sure if you are to be judged by the person you are opening up. You really have to talk to the right person or else you will feel worse than before, because sometimes they can utter words that are extremely insensitive at some point. If you are able to find that one person, treasure them and never take them for granted.
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photo source(s):  Google Images
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pizzamentality-blog · 8 years
Lead and Follow
To be a great leader, one should be committed and dedicated in fulfilling his/her duties and responsibilities. He/she should have the will to lead.The common thing that should be found in both the leader and follower is the sense of friendship and trust. If it is not built on this two factors, two things are likely to happen: a dictatorship or a revolution. Both of them must have a bond, a brotherhood, or a connection of camaraderie for them to work out their goals.
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sarahpabericio-blog · 8 years
My Kind of Love
My first love and forever love. He’s the one that let me enter this world and blessed me with a family whom I love. His love for me is eternal and cannot measured. He loved me for who I am and what I’ve done to fail Him but He accepted me with all of my sins and flaws. He is enough for me. His love is all I need. He scarified His own son for me to be sin-free but all i did was to be a stubborn kid. Yet, He still love me. I won’t ever replace anything for His love. His love endures forever and shall do I. 
He’s my Father, the God Almighty and my first and forever love.
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rokkunsempai-blog · 8 years
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elleque178 · 8 years
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Actually, I find difficult to study before, since I am so unorganized and lazy. But what motivates me are my parents. I study not for my personal gain but for them and even for others. My studying techniques just evolve in my high school years because during these times loads of homework are needed to be done and exams are quite harder. Studying is one of my hobbies. It becomes my routine to learn every day a new concept not necessarily academics but it can be anything. When I study I use to enter a new world wherein I act as a player, dreamer and especially a learner. I hope that my studying techniques could also be effective to you.
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luziiing-blog · 8 years
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Dear Kristine Unnie...
Dear Kristine Unnie, Good day! I am Kang Ji Woon, I would like to seek for an advice to solve my problem. As time goes by I tend to always focus on the negative side of everything. I want to be optimistic at all things but something in my mind keeps telling me things that turns out to be a negative one, which leads me to have low self-esteem and such. This happens to me a lot, I don’t even know why I can’t just control my mind and just see the positive side. I don’t want to overthink things, but i can’t help it. Please help me to overcome this.                                                                                     Sincerely,                                                                                   Kang Ji Woon                                                                                       ~o~o~o~o~o~o~ Dear Kang Ji Woon, Being pessimistic won’t bring you any good. I know sometimes you can’t help but to think negative or to focus on the negative ones, I’ve also been there, even now. all you just have to do in order to stop that being pessimistic is to always believe in yourself. Always focus on the possibilities and not on the impossibilities. Keep on reading inspiring stories in order for you to feel motivated in everything you do. Next is to get rid of negative words in your mind, and just like what I’ve said, always see the positive side of things, and speak about hope and possibilities. Open your mind for unexpected ways, one reason people becomes pessimist is they see all the possible ways in their mind closed. Since they can no longer see any open door, they become pessimistic. But things don’t have to go the way you want it for you to succeed. The solution can come in unpredictable ways that never occur to you before. do this things and you’ll slowly get rid the negative side of you. Take care as always!                                                                                    Sincerely,                                                                                   Kristine Unnie
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