shesconfidence · 4 years
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Love at First Sight ? I walked into the party in a very good mood and I instantly started moving my hips to the beat.
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shesconfidence · 5 years
I Think You Should Kiss Me...
I Think You Should Kiss Me…
There was something about him. I felt drawn to him.He had such a calming spirit. In the beginning, I tend to say things or do things to test people’s patience. I’m very straightforward and I say whatever I’m thinking.It didn’t seem to deter him at all.
He was consistently there over the first few days, giving compliments and making it very clear that he was interested in getting to know me. He…
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shesconfidence · 6 years
Resilient Heart
I’ve been through so much pain, heartache and emotional turmoil that I wonder how I’m still standing. I’ve been misled, used and taken for granted countless times. How is it that every day, I wake up hopeful that true love will find me?
Where do I get the strength to continue to be receptive no matter how many times I’ve opened up to the wrong person? Sometimes, I wonder what my metaphorical…
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shesconfidence · 6 years
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Atlanta (s1e04)
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shesconfidence · 6 years
How Does It Feel?
How Does It Feel?
How does it feel to wake up every day with a purpose? To work in a field that you love or to have a career that you’re proud of?
How does it feel to have faith? To be absolutely certain that God is on your side and that no matter what, he will not let you down?
How does it feel to be in love? To know in your heart that you are loved and that you have found the person that you want to build a…
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shesconfidence · 6 years
My Broken Existence
Do you ever wish that you could cease to exist? I’m not referring to suicide.
I never want to harm myself but what if I could erase my existence?
What if I could disappear without a trace, as if I never existed?
I often look at my life and search deep down for a sense of purpose but I find nothing.
I usually  try not to share this because I feel that the immediate reaction is to tell me that I…
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shesconfidence · 6 years
The Set-up
He entered the room and immediately felt nervous. He was specifically told to arrive an hour early. Jordan was  trying to set him up with a woman that she met at work a few months ago. She had been trying to introduce them for weeks but he always managed to avoid it.  Tonight was Jordan and Kayla’s house warming and he had no choice but to attend. They thought that he was unhappy being single…
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shesconfidence · 6 years
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shesconfidence · 6 years
Life Doesn't Make Sense
Life Doesn’t Make Sense
As you grow up, there are a few things that you learn that you should be doing. You learn to conform to certain gender roles and expectations. You learn that you have to go to school to get an education so you can get a good job. Sometimes you even learn to follow specific strict religious rules in order to save your soul. In theory, you know what to do to live a successful life. You understand…
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shesconfidence · 6 years
I’m surrounded by my amazing friends and family. I got lucky with my parents and my brother. I did not choose them, I was handed them on a silver platter. I did choose my friends. I did not exactly orchestrate the timeline of the friendships but I nurtured and worked hard to maintain them. When I look at the people around me, I realize that I admire so much in each and every one of them and I…
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shesconfidence · 6 years
moanafeels.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #blog #blogger #montreal #montrealblogger #montrealblog #relationshipgoals #writersofinstagram #writters #blackfemaleblogger #haitianbloggger #haitian #love #relationships #lovequotes #heartbreak #editor
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shesconfidence · 6 years
But Why Are You Really Hurt?
But Why Are You Really Hurt?
She called me. As soon as I saw her name on the caller ID, I knew something happened because we both dislike talking on the phone.
I picked up and said right away, ” What’s wrong ? ”
She starts with her usual ” Soooooooo ,”  followed by a long pause letting me  know that she wants to reveal something to me but she does not now where to start. I wait for her to finish, ” I went to see him,” She…
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shesconfidence · 6 years
What I Am Afraid To Admit
What I Am Afraid To Admit
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  I want a love that erases all my fears about whether or not I’m worthy of love.
I want to be able to freely talk about and discuss our love with others without fear of being embarrassed.
I want to feel like we are working towards a promising future together.
I want to be able to express my sexuality without fear of being rejected, ridiculed or ignored.
I want to feel that I am enough for him.
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shesconfidence · 6 years
The F*ck Friend (part 1)
The F*ck Friend (part 1)
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A few years ago, I made a conscious decision to avoid my emotions. I was always a very emotional person but I decided that I would not let it lead my life or my interactions with the opposite sex. Once in a while, I would download a dating app, try it for a few days, remember why I hate them and delete it  ( I always wondered if anybody else does this).  This time , I started talking to a guy who…
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shesconfidence · 7 years
Erik Killmonger vs T’challa (Black Panther, 2018)
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shesconfidence · 7 years
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shesconfidence · 7 years
Me: “I don’t need sex”
My hormones: “first of all .. you’re horny asf, stop lying”
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