shitpostcompulsion · 3 years
Every metaphysical question has two answers.
Yes and no simultaneously
I will not explain myself
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shitpostcompulsion · 3 years
BBC//Muons: 'Strong' evidence found for a new force of nature
I'm going to invent a new word, ready for this?
It basically means the same thing as quantum but only in the context of shitty sci-fi movies.
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shitpostcompulsion · 4 years
You are the universe pretending to be a person. Go forth and Larp
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shitpostcompulsion · 4 years
Man evolution is crazy
One minute i'm non sentient peace of matter next thing you know you're listening to funny vibration from the internet
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shitpostcompulsion · 4 years
The radio
A couple weeks ago i was reading this 300 page pdf ebook arguing many conspiracy theories are true . Primarily of which was that evolution is a myth and that life was planted on earth by Aliens to terraform the planet. Quite a good read so far. I'm like 200 pages in.
Yes well, a few weeks ago. I was reading this in bed and i was quite tired. On the verge of sleep, my eyes started to feel heavy yet my sense of hearing was increasing. I began to hear static. Like white noise but it was getting louder. It kept getting louder. But that sound wasn't solitary. I began to hear voices. Nasally. Aggressive. I could hear an argument. The language didn't sound terrestrial to me or at least it didn't sound like any language I've heard before. I wasn't very aware of what was happening since i was super tired. basically unconscious . I woke myself up from the verge of sleep after i began to realize how weird the sound i was hearing was. The noises stopped when i became aware again.
Interpret this how you want. Was it a product of my sleep deprivation. It is 2:15am as i write this now after all. Did aliens plant mini radio's in my ears. If so then why? Was i abducted. Anally probed. My experience and memories fabricated. Did aliens wipe my memories and leave me with the memories i felt that night. BULGARIANS? You decide.
Also i just found out terraform really isn't a 'normal' english word. It's straight out of science fiction. i could've sworn that was a normal english word but it's very modern actually. Mandela Effect anyone?
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shitpostcompulsion · 4 years
We don't see what we want to, we see what we subconsciously expect to
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shitpostcompulsion · 4 years
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I love the people in general but i wish they didn't steal my energy.
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shitpostcompulsion · 4 years
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For me this image means a lot. It represents that you are what you see yourself as. It's an abstract concept. Are you a Person with a name and a dream or are you a singular gear of a bigger picture. It's totally arbitrary. Even ideas like life and death can be meaningless if you choose them to be. Are you a divine being who can shape the world or the personification of the universe, incarnated from the depth of soup into a body of meat. But me... I see a frog smiling contently, not because i wish to be amphibious but because i choose to be content with myself, the fact it's a frog just makes it better. And that's the beauty of self
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shitpostcompulsion · 4 years
Pandora's box
I feel a sense of childish freedom running through me. Let me tell you about Pandora's box = my phone's memo app
I will list some thing i wrote down (probably at 3am)
"How do you spell advantages but said like advant ayy ges" (advantageous)
"How do blind people dream"
"A story where the villain understand comedy and uses it to manipulate society" (Like joker but people actually like him)
"A story about a shapeshifter, the last of his species, but he forgot what he looks like and must go on a journey of self discovery"
"Media should be reviewd by enjoyability/10 + Craftsmenship/10" It can be well made but boring and vice versea
"Ghosts should be naked"
"Andy Warhol said geting shot felt less real than watching tv, probably because there was no character arc and badass music to denote the mood. If someone shoots me he better play badass music"
"A game where you have to actually learn the language system to use magic, dragon language from skyrim isn't it. Grammar improves spells and stuff"
"Make a buzzfeed style quiz but in reality it's a poll to harvest information e.g What your tax bracket says about your personality " Unemployed , definitely infp
"If you get your tounge split in half (like the body modification) can you say letters that were previously impossible with the inferior flat mono tongue"
"A hero that's so unlucky that he has to come ridiculously prepared questing, like he's got a potion for everything and expect the worse thing to happen every time because he knows shit will happen."
"Rick roll but rick doesn't show up" I think this is actually a thing
New idea from the last quote, "Rick roll but it's actually pickle rick rolling off into the sewers.
"Story idea where... normal guy is the hero he seems op but everyone else is just incompetent "
"Story: A boy learns a martial art style from his dojo sensei and they have a wonderful father son relationship then the dojo master dies but before he dies he tells his student that the fighting style was made up. It was never used historically or is it very effective. But the boy strives to make it works and he then becomes the strongest fighter in the tournament through sheer determination and by making tweaks to the style. "
"Politician's need theme music that's super identifiable and relates to their character and values" i think i'm part of the problem
"Warfare should be quick and efficient"
"Just put AI in charge of government" Might be quite effective and might actually make communism somewhat viable
"What music do aliens listen to, would they like our music" probably
"Pod" good name for a character from modest upbringings
"Villain who keeps doing good on accident" Not very inspired now that i look at it.
"Funny 2 panel comic: 1.) Picture of the moon, beautiful 2,) Picture of the moon through my phones camera and it looks like a blurry golf ball"
"Moto Moto workout meme photoshop thumbnail" This is verbatim and to this day makes zero sense to me
"Your days of ... are coming to a middle (insult)" I plagiarized this don't think i'm original
"Story where Adolf Hitler realizes what he did was wrong and get isekai'd back in time where he decides to become a role model for young Hitler(himself). Young Hitler even get's a Jewish girlfriend with a phat ass. Old Hitler tries to get him into art school" Big yikes. I wonder what Hitler's theme song would be though
"Isekai hero where the main character has no powers in a world of very over powered magic, but he wins battles anyway because he doesn't fuck around with flashy magic and sticks to the conventional"
There's kind of more but these are the highlights
These tags make me feel very try hard, i swear i'm not. Will i get into trouble for misleading tags. I suppose we will find out
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shitpostcompulsion · 4 years
If tumblr works anything like reddit you probably need to reply to every post you see with affirmative nonsense to gain attention. Maybe i'll do that
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shitpostcompulsion · 4 years
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Your mistake was thinking we were more than extra chunky soup with abstract thought
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shitpostcompulsion · 4 years
Hello Tumblr
Someday one of you poor idiots will stumble upon my blog. You will think i am a poorly adjusted lunatic and right you’d be. I will sap the energy you call life whilst not gaining anything out of it other than the joy of knowing i’m not alone in my schizophrenia. I am here to post nonsense that hopefully will make you feel less adjusted
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