shoppersuggestions · 5 years
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
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Baked Chocolate Cake Doughnuts
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
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Game of Thrones S8 - Last Day On Set (pt.3 | pt.2 | pt.1) (requested)
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
Social media anxiety: eating dinner and looking and your phone and seeing your friends are eating better food 
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
needs these for sure 
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This is what was missing in the scissors market
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
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Jumanji (1995)
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
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Quebec City, Canada | Photographer: Maxime Legare-Vezina
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
sounds like me, sounds like me, you know I’m fun at a party 
Comparisons I've made while talking to people that upon looking back at the situation , I don't know what the fuck I was thinking at the time :
- " It's like ripping ass at a thrift store and blaming it on the clothes . "
- " It's like when you go to someone's house and smell wet dog but they don't have a dog. "
- " It's kinda like being a bigot in public, only people will like you for it. "
- " It's kinda like getting a hard - on while you're taking a monster shit. "
...I have a way with words , sometimes apparently .
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
cuteness! This is food art for sure
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
Are you happy in your work?
I'm in the bread isle, almost done with my run when an older gentleman comes up to me and goes "how are you?" "Good, how are you?" I reply. In a funny made up accent, he goes "are you happy in your work?" I say "yes,having lots of fun." Then he asks me if I've seen a film called The Bridge on the River Kwai and explains the whole plot of this film that is about three and a half hours long, he explains that it is about British prisoners of war during World War II, they are being held prisoner and forced to build this bridge. The prisoners are pretty rundown and the commander goes "today we rest, tomorrow we work. we will be happy in our work”. He explains that Alec Guinness, Sir Alec Guinness is in it, and I tell him, “well if it’s got Obi Wan Kenobi in it, I'll check it out”, he just gives me a funny look, not getting the Star Wars reference and says “If have have the time, it’s a classic movie” and walks away.  
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
Toys, Toys, Toys,
When you order toys for in store pick-up you know the boys will be testing them out for you. I had to pick out two Black Panther claws and I was setting them on the desk in the back room when one the other shoppers picks up one the claws and puts it on, I tell him there is another one, him and one of the other boys start acting out scenes from the movie. Can’t blame them, it’s a good movie. Yep, my team mates make this job fun.   
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
Sometimes adulting is learning there is worse things you can do than spill milk, even if it’s a whole gallon of milk, when your helping load up someone’s car and instead of being helpful you drop the gallon and milk goes all over.
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
Adulting: Coming home after 10 plus hours of shopping for a living and making burritos for dinner then discovering that you have no sour scream, which you can’t eat burritos without, then searching your fridge for that new container of sour scream that you are sure you bought the other day, not finding it and giving up , so you just start eating straight of the can of frosting you find in the fridge instead.  
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shoppersuggestions · 5 years
Hello Buttercup, whats up?
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