sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
love your stuff,, please keep writing! đŸ€
thank you so much love <3 i will :D
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
any tips on how to start writing/getting requests?
personally i started by posting a prompt list and just tagging it with tags sidemen fans would look for so they could easily find it and request anything if they’d want to!
it might take a bit before you get any requests so you could start by writing and posting something without it being requested. this could attract more people to request because they get a taste of what you have in store for them.
hope this helps you in any way and if you have any more questions don’t be afraid to ask because i’d be happy to help :)
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
Wondering if you were doing requests
yes!! i’ll still be taking requests although there’s an overwhelming amount in there already and it’ll probably take ages to write you can always request :D
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
not active anymore? :((((((((((
i am!!! i’ll post again very soon :)))))
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
hey i saw your not writing smut post & thats 100% reasonably & i respect you fully ! but are you still writing ? đŸ„ș
thank you!!! đŸ„ș i am planning on writing again so yes :) sorry to keep you all waiting !
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
are u active???
hi long time no see! i was inactive for a while but plan on posting again soon :)
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
hi guys!
i’ve been getting quite a few requests regarding writing smut and i just wanted to clear this up.
i will not be writing smut because 1. it makes me feel uncomfortable and 2. i feel like it might come across as disrespectful and weird towards the guys. like i don’t want them to ever stumble across my blog and read about how i describe them putting their pp’s in someone’s hole you know?
what i will do and have done previously is hint at smut. kissing and things getting heated and stuff is fine by me, but if you really want it to go further i guess i can’t stop you from using your own imagination.
also 3. vik is literally a babie i cannot imagine him like that for the life of me so don’t ever expect that sorta stuff on this blog thank you very much.
finally, i would like to say that this blog & all its posts are for entertainment purposes only. i want to work on my writing by using characters that i am familiar with, but that is all they are: characters. i could literally give them a different name and it would still be the same story except for the then out of place mannerisms i try to include sometimes. i just don’t want anyone to take my work out of context and certainly don’t want to be seen as someone who simply sexualises a group of youtubers. recap: i only use their characters to create a fictional story in order to entertain and improve my writing.
that’ll be all for now, keep sending in your requests and i’ll try to get back to some more soon!
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
Hey can you do number 40 with Simon?â˜ș
hello anon! thank you for this request, i had a lot of fun (and got quite carried away) writing it so i hope you enjoy reading it too! it’s a bit longer than my usual posts too. you can find your request here :)
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
and they were roommates - simon minter
requested: yes - “Hey can you do number 40 with Simon?â˜ș”
prompt: 40. “stop saying things that make me want to kiss you”
summary: you barely know your new roommate simon. what happens when the tension between you keeps rising after multiple inconvenient run-ins?
wordcount: 3500
you got linked up with simon through your mutual friend vik after he found out that the both of you were looking for a roommate in london. you couldn’t contain your excitement and immediately agreed to live with this unknown man. he’s a friend of vik’s so he must be nice. you’ll probably get along just fine... right?
you’ve been texting him back and forth about certain aspects of your new home, such as who gets which room, who brings which piece of furniture et cetera, but you haven’t really had the chance to get to know each other. guess that’ll have to wait until the day you actually meet.
it’s the day of moving into your new flat and you and your parents are the first ones to arrive. simon texted you earlier that he still needs to figure some stuff out before he can move in. and so box after box filled with your belongings and pieces of furniture fill the room. you sigh when you’re finally done bringing them all in. you thank your parents and say your goodbyes before you sit down on the floor for a few minutes and take in your surroundings. finally, your own place.
you put on some music and spend the next few hours unpacking. you start with your bedroom, making sure your bed is all set up so you don’t have to sleep on the floor tonight. you continue by setting up different pieces of furniture around the living room, making sure that there’s still enough room for simon’s stuff.
at around 9pm you realise you’ve been working the entire day and still haven’t eaten any food. you decide to quickly order some chinese before continuing the unpacking process.
at around 10pm you’ve finished your takeout meal and you decide it’s time to get some rest. you want to take a shower, but are simply too exhausted to do so. instead, you simply jump into bed and fall asleep soon after.
your alarm goes off at 8am, reminding you that you still have a lot of work to do. before you start though, you decide it’s time to go take a shower first.
grabbing a towel and some shower gel, you walk into the bathroom and get out of your clothes. you put on some music you can sing along to and figure out how the shower works before jumping in.
whilst washing your hair, you receive a notification on your phone, but you decide to ignore it. about 15 minutes later, you turn off the shower and get out.
you grab your towel and dry yourself off before realising you need to grab some clean clothes. you put your hair up in a quick bun, ready to walk to your room, before the bathroom door suddenly opens. “oh my god!” you scream loudly when the man who opened the door looks at your naked body in shock and quickly turns around.
you slam the door shut and start breathing heavily. you grab your phone, thinking of calling the police, when you notice a text message from simon on your homescreen: ‘surprise! almost here. finished up packing everything last night. can’t wait to meet you.’ you quickly wrap your body in a towel and call out “simon?”
when you don’t get a response, you open the bathroom door slightly and peek around the corner to see simon’s back facing you. you realise your music is still blaring loudly through your phone’s speakers and you turn it off completely before trying again, “simon?”
this time, he turns around slowly and you’re met with a smug face. “that’ll be me. nice to meet you, roomie,” he extends his hand and you awkwardly shake it through the small gap.
you let out a small laugh when he lets go of your hand. “hey, you wouldn’t be willing to grab me some clothes, would you?”
he smirks and answers coolly, “not a problem. where can i find them?” you step out of the bathroom slightly to point towards your bedroom door and he follows your finger with his eyes. “that room, box next to the wardrobe. you can pick out something nice,” you smile. he nods and looks back over to your face, suddenly making you realise how close the two of you are actually standing. you meet his eyes, lick your lips and look down to the floor, only looking up again when you can’t feel the heat of his body next to yours anymore.
“so how do i look?” you ask simon when you’re finally done getting ready in the bathroom.
after looking up from his phone, he looks you up and down from the couch and nods. “you look great.”
you nod and can’t help but feel flustered when you remember he didn’t just see you naked a few minutes ago, but also picked out your underwear for you. talk about a first impression.
you join him on the couch and try to start a conversation. “so, simon, tell me about yourself,” you smile at him as he puts his phone away and sighs. “well i’m simon, but you already knew that. i do youtube, just like vik. did i ever mention i have like nearly 9 million subscribers? it’s no big deal. but you probably already knew that though, right?” he asks for confirmation and you nod slowly, feeling weirded out by his big ego. you didn’t catch that vibe through his text messages.
“oh by the way, because of that, don’t get confused when i have some people over and throw parties here from time to time. that won’t be a problem, right?” he stares you down with confidence, seemingly trying to intimidate you. “as long as there aren’t too many people, it should be fine,” you answer skeptically and smile, trying to hide how uncomfortable you feel. “good. well what else do you want to know about me?”
you cringe slightly at his tone and think of how to phrase your next question without sounding too rude. “where did you get that arrogance from?” you perk up one eyebrow and watch his jaw tense, your own lips curving into a smile. he quickly readjusts his demeanour as he once again looks you up and down. he narrows his eyes at you and tilts his head to the side slightly, poking his tongue in his cheek before a sarcastic smile settles upon his lips. “where did you get your feistiness from?”
“i asked you first,” you shoot back, quick-witted. “and i asked you second,” he smiles sweetly.
the two of you stare each other down for a few seconds before you sigh and look away, making him puff out a chuckle and say something under his breath, “that’s what i thought.”
the rest of the morning was spent pretty much avoiding each other. you went back to your room and continued unpacking the boxes whilst he worked on the living room. you didn’t do any bonding, getting to know each other or even much more talking except for when you asked simon if he wanted anything to eat during lunchtime. he declined and kept on installing your new tv whilst you sat in the kitchen, munching on some leftover takeout from last night.
you watch him struggle with several cables for a while from the kitchen island, minding your own business until he groans out of frustration. you let out a snort and see his head snap up to you in anger, “what‘s so funny?”
you chuckle softly and smile it off, “nothing, please continue putting those cables in the wrong places, i’m quite entertained.”
after a few seconds of silence you look up from playing with your food to see him staring at you. “oh, so you think you can do this better?” he answers, nostrils flaring in anger. you nod cockily, jumping off of your barstool and joining him in front of the tv.
you grab the instructions out of his hands and feel his breath on your neck when he towers over you to read where you’re pointing on the paper. “see, you keep putting them in this,” you point at a real plug-in, “but you should be putting them in here,” you hold the paper next to the right plug-in post to compare the two.
you look up to see his jaw tense up once again as he nods at you stiffly. “i guess you’re right. how do you even know this stuff?” he mumbles, earning a victorious smile from you. “i studied cinematography for 4 years. i also learned how to install cables there. see, i would’ve told you earlier if you had asked. but you were too busy bragging about all your 9 million subscribers or whatever. anyway, i’ll be in my room if you need me.”
it’s 7pm when you hear a knock on your bedroom door. you look up from the box you were digging through and towards the door and answer, “you can come in.”
the door opens slightly to reveal simon holding a bag of more takeout. “so i noticed you eating chinese during lunch and didn’t know what other kind of food you liked so i just ordered us some takeout.” you laugh, making him look at you confusedly. “why did you order me chinese?”
he blinks, taken aback, “oh, uhm, i can just order us something else if that’s what you want. if you’d rather have, like, i don’t know, pizza? or anything, i don’t mind ordering-“
“that’s not what i meant, simon,” you look at him sternly and let him think over your words for a few seconds, watching the realisation hit him through his facial expression.
“right. i just wanted to say thank you for helping me earlier and sorry for accidentally walking in on you as well, i guess,” he answers awkwardly.
“and?” you smirk, liking the fact that you’re in control of the situation now. he sighs, “and sorry for pretty much being a dick the entire day without reason.”
“i accept your apology, roomie. now, let’s go eat before the food gets cold.”
about a week after moving in, your new apartment is almost fully finished and you and simon both agree on throwing a housewarming party. the two of you have had time to get to know each other better over the past few days and you’ve realised that a kind heart lies behind that stupid smirk of his. you just gotta make him feel guilty for being an absolute pain in the ass to reveal his sweeter side.
you’ve also learned that the two of you have loads of stuff in common and you seem to be hitting it off pretty well. except for the unexplainable tension the two of you have from time to time. you brush it off and blame it on your similar personalities clashing and competing for the title of the alpha in the house.
you snap out of your thoughts when you hear the front door open and simon yell “honey, i’m home!” you let out a giggle and get up from the couch to help him unpack the groceries for the party tonight.
“that’s... a lot of alcohol,” you laugh as he puts down several bags full of bottles onto the kitchen island.
he looks you in the eye and smiles, “there are going to be quite a few guests, remember? better too much than too little!”
you help him put the stuff away in silence for a few minutes before you attempt to start some small talk, “so how are you when you’re drunk?”
“i get really horny,” he answers within a heartbeat. instead of bursting out into laughter, you can feel your cheeks heat up and so you quickly turn your back to him, pretending to be putting something in one of the cupboards to hide your red face.
“oh, i-“ your breath catches in your throat and you can feel your blood stream through your veins when you suddenly feel simon’s presence right behind you. you turn around, biting your lip when you see him tower over you. he innocently smiles down at you, “well? are you going to move out of the way so i can put these chips away or what?”
you quickly close your mouth when you realise you were gaping up at him and move away from the cupboard when he gives you the space to do so.
“sorry about that. uhm, is it just me or is it getting hot in here? i think i’m just going to check the thermostat real quick,” you stutter out an excuse to leave the room, still feeling the blood pulse through your body in certain places.
you lock yourself in the bathroom and try to catch your breath. you can’t believe that just happened. you can’t believe you’re feeling this way about your roommate after meeting him just a week ago. you want this feeling to stop so you don’t ruin the small beginnings of the friendship you’ve only just started to create.
so you decide then and there that you’re going to shut him out. at least, in that way. you’re just going to ignore the sudden attraction you feel towards him. well, you’re going to try to.
it’s around 11pm when the first people start showing up. you and simon entertain your guests with tours of the house, beer pong, music playing loudly on the dance floor created in the living room and enough booze in the kitchen to pass out from. you don’t hold back on the alcohol yourself either.
“vik! oh my gosh i cannot thank you enough for messaging us about this place. this truly is all thanks to you,” you greet him with a tight hug and kiss on the cheek. he smiles at you brightly, “no thanks needed! i just felt like you and simon would be a perfect fit!” he grins and you try to shake off the stupid smile forming on your lips. “thank you again vik, please help yourself to something to drink in the kitchen! i’ll try to catch up with you later.”
after the next hour of greeting guests your house is fully loaded with people and it’s going to be a lot harder to move around in. abandoning your hosting duties at the front door, you go to grab yourself another drink in the kitchen when you bump into an old friend. “harry! hey! when did you get here?”
you can tell just by the look on his face that he has been here for a while: he looks absolutely shit-faced. “i don’t remember, to be quite honest,” he slurs out his answer, making you giggle a little. “what are you doing here? i didn’t know you knew simon,” he asks and you raise your brows. “i’m literally living with simon. this is our housewarming party!” harry seems to be in thought for a moment before it all clicks, “oh! you’re the hot bird he said he was living with, it all makes sense now. hey, wanna dance?” he practically drags you over towards the dance floor when not only your vision, but also your thoughts get a little cloudy.
your mind wanders over all the reasons why simon could’ve said that to harry. what else did simon tell him about you? does he usually describe his girl friends as ‘hot birds’? does this mean he is as attracted to you as you are to him? lost in your thoughts about simon, you barely even realise the fact that you’re grinding against harry.
when you open your eyes the room is spinning. you blink a few times until you can see clear. only now you notice simon standing across the room looking at you, jaw tensed as always, nostrils flaring and steam practically leaving his ears. still oblivious to your close proximity to harry, you eye him with a frown on your face.
you can see simon roll his eyes and disappear into the crowd so you decide to just ignore him, like you promised yourself you’d do. you continue dancing to the blaring music, swaying your hips dangerously from left to right. you finally remember harry dancing behind you when he grabs your sides and pulls you even closer. you lean into his touch, your head pretty much on his shoulder. you close your eyes, letting yourself get lost in the music.
after a while, you can feel yourself get tired and tell harry you’re going to get yourself another drink, leaving him on the dance floor.
suddenly getting overwhelmed by the huge crowd in your living room, you make a beeline for your bedroom instead. you close the door behind you, still feeling the bass of the music in your body but only hearing muffled lyrics being sung.
you sigh and make your way over to the bed to lie down for a second. you’re so intoxicated and don’t know what to do with yourself. that is, until someone barges into the room.
you sit up straight and see simon at the door, looking at you angrily. “what the hell are you doing in my room?” your eyes widen when you take in your surroundings. “shit, i thought- thought this was my room,” you stammer and stand up quickly, a little to quickly: your knees give in and you stumble to the floor. “fuck,” you groan, simon immediately coming over to help you up. “how many have you had to drink? christ, you can barely stand up,” he shakes his head in disappointment.
“i don’t- don’t remember. what about you? are you horny yet?” you ask him in a sudden boost of confidence.
he once again shakes his head in disappointment, biting his lip at but ignoring your comment. “we should probably send everyone home now, i think the party is over.”
you sit back down on his bed and pout. “you’re no fun! it’s only- it’s barely 1 am! right?” you slur out, looking at the blurry numbers of the alarm clock on his bedside table.
“it’s 3 am. i think it’s best if we send everyone home-“ you cut him off, “but harry is- he’s still waiting for me out there. i- i told him i’d be back.”
this immediately gets a reaction from simon: tensed jaw, narrowed eyes and crossed arms. “you’re not getting back out there. especially not to dance with harry,” he spits out his name in disgust, making you giggle, “hey, hey what’s up with that? i thought you were friends?”
simon rolls his eyes while he runs his hand through his hair in frustration. “i don’t want to talk about harry right now. just- stay here for a sec and i’ll-“ he is about to open the door when you cut him off. “wait wait wait! did i just hear... jealousy? in your voice?” you bat your eyelashes at him innocently while he grits his teeth.
“no, i-“ he tries, but you cut him off once again, standing up when you speak. “it sure sounds like jealousy to me! what, you didn’t like it when i was dancing with harry, huh?” you slowly make your way over to him, continuing your innocent act.
“is that it? you’d rather have been the one who was dancing with me? the ‘hot bird’ you’re living with? right? harry told me that’s what you called me. i bet you still think about that first time you saw me-“
“shut up! we’re not having this conversation right now. you’re- you’re not able to think straight right now,” he frowns, yet his cheeks still redden when you get close to him. you smirk and touch his chest with both of your hands.
“maybe not, but jealous you is like... really turning me on right now,” you bite your lip coyly and look up at him through your lashes.
you leave him breathless for a second as he rolls his head back for a second, slightly gasping for air. “you know what you’re doing to me, don’t you? you’re making it very hard for me to control myself right now,” he licks his lips and his eyes flicker between your eyes and your mouth.
“then stop trying to fight it, simon. i want you,” you drag out your words slowly. at this, he switches positions with you and pins you down against the door, foreheads touching.
“stop saying things that make me want to kiss you,” he mutters to you, breathing heavily.
you finally close the space between you and kiss him harshly. after a few seconds, you gasp for air and he leaves your lips to work his way around your neck, locking the door whilst doing so. “simon,” you moan, throwing your head back as he trails kisses down your neck. once again, you feel your blood and the bass from the music pulse through your body. “fuck,” you trail off as his hands roam your body. you meet his lips again in one of many heated kisses that’ll follow that night.
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
Could you write #2 with Ethan?
thank you for requesting anon! you can read it here ! :)
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
secret - ethan payne
requested: yes - “Could you write #2 with Ethan?”
prompt: 2. “they didn’t just find out, they already knew!”
summary: ethan and you decided to keep your relationship secret for a while, but what happens when people notice how close the two of you actually are?
wordcount: 942
you knew all seven boys. all seven boys knew you. however, what six of them didn’t know, is that one of their best friends was dating you.
and that’s because you wanted to keep it hidden. just for a little while, until the two of you were sure about your feelings and ready to tell everyone.
so now, pulling up to their shared house, you know what you need to do: act normal. be kind, but not too kind. and pretend like he’s just one of your friends.
‘i’m here’, you text ethan, and get out of your car.
a minute passes as you wait in front of the door. you bite your nails, checking your phone again. you breathe out softly when you notice ethan’s typing. ‘on my way angel’.
you can hear ethan’s muffled voice yell out “she’s here!” and footsteps approaching the door. once it’s opened, ethan looks you up and down and gives you a grin, which you return. “you look stunning as always,” ethan whispers in your ear as the two of you embrace for a second.
you can feel a blush creeping up on your cheeks and let out a giggle, pushing him away slowly. he looks behind him, and closes the door, joining you on the porch for your usual quick make out session.
he makes his way from your lips to your neck and you mumble “ethan, they’ll notice you’ve gone missing in a second. we need to stop.”
he sighs and lets go of you, nodding at you understandingly. “let’s get inside then, shall we?”
you follow him inside and are met with the other boys in the living room. they all greet you kindly whilst ethan offers to get you some water from the kitchen.
“so what have you been up to? seeing any boys?” simon asks you, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. you roll your eyes at him. “nope, my love life is practically nonexistent.”
“you’re not lying to us, are you?” simon continues, and your cheeks redden. what are they on about? “no? i’m literally never around boys except you guys! stop acting like my dad you’re freaking me out,” you laugh it off awkwardly.
“alright then, so that means you sucked a hickey in your own neck?” jj smirks and points towards the place just below your jawline. your eyes widen and you quickly grab your phone and open the camera to see that there is indeed a huge bruise in your neck.
“i- uh-“ you stutter and get cut off by jj “so who did it?” your mind wanders to ethan who just sucked on your neck outside a few minutes ago.
as if on cue, he walks into the living room with your glass of water, silence filling the room. “here you go,” he hands you the glass with a soft smile and sits down next to you. you open your mouth to say something but close it instead. you look at ethan, feeling the heat of the other boys’ eyes on the two of you. ethan, oblivious to the current situation, looks up from his phone for a second to meet your eye, looks away, and back up again, clearly confused.
“what’s going on?” he breaks eye contact with you and looks around the room to the other boys.
“we were just asking her how she got that hickey,” tobi grins.
with your eyes still on ethan, you see his facial expression change from confusion to realisation.
instead of giving them an answer, he plays along. “you have a hickey? where’d you get it?”
“i- ethan- i don’t-“ you try, but he doesn’t give in. “no no no, tell us, c’mon, we’re your best friends! you don’t have to hide anything from us.” you sigh.
finally you decide to tell the truth. well, without mentioning a name. “okay fine. i give in. there’s this guy i have been seeing for a few months now. i didn’t want to tell you all about him because i wasn’t ready. i wasn’t sure where it was going at first but what i do know now is that i really, really like him. i hope he feels the same way but i’m not sure. hence why i didn’t tell-“
“you really like me?” ethan interrupts your little speech and your eyes widen before you meet his gaze. you notice a glisten in his eyes you hadn’t seen there before. the other boys gasp at the confession and you chuckle, looking down at your lap.
“of course i do ethan. i have for so long, i just thought that maybe you only wanted a no strings attached relationship. which i’m fine with, by the way, it’s just-“
“will you be my girlfriend?”
your breath catches in your throat as you see the boys on the edge of their seats, waiting for your answer in anticipation.
your smile widens as you nod, “i’d love to.”
“finally!” “it really took you guys this long!” “oh my god it actually happened!” you hear from around you as you wrap ethan in a tight hug.
you pull away in confusion, letting their words sink in. “they didn’t just find out, they already knew!”
“of course we did. the tension between the two of you has always been quite obvious, really. oh and we also saw you and ethan making out in the parking lot the other day,” simon explains quickly, making you laugh.
“we’re really no good at keeping secrets, huh?” ethan smiles at you.
“i guess it’s only good that we don’t have to keep it a secret anymore then,” you smile back.
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
not a request- you seem to really enjoy writing and i love it ! keep it up
hi anon, thank you so so much :) truly appreciate all the support and glad to see so many people enjoying it !
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sidemenimaginesss · 4 years
I don’t remember if I requested anything... can you?
hey! your request came through, don’t worry about it :) i’ll try to get back to it whenever i have the time <3
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sidemenimaginesss · 5 years
hello :) can you do number 40 on the requests with Harry? And could you do it where they are not already in a relationship? Love your stuff!!
thank you so much anon! <3 you can find your requested imagine here, i hope you like it :)
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sidemenimaginesss · 5 years
Hi! May I request Harry with 31, 40, and 41. Or...whichever of the three lol. Make it whatever genre you want! Have a great day!
thank you for requesting anon and sorry for the long wait! you can find the imagine here :) i hope you have a great day too!
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sidemenimaginesss · 5 years
one dare - harry lewis
requested: yes - “Hi! May I request Harry with 31, 40, and 41. Or...whichever of the three lol. Make it whatever genre you want! Have a great day!”
“hello :) can you do number 40 on the requests with Harry? And could you do it where they are not already in a relationship? Love your stuff!!”
prompt 31: “how long have you been standing there?”
prompt 40: “stop saying things that make me want to kiss you”
prompt 41: “oh my god! you’re in love!”
summary: you have liked your best friend harry for a long time now, but is the feeling mutual?
wordcount: 2417
it was only the beginning of something great, and all it took was one dare.
it all started when you and your friends were all hanging out together. the boys had invited everyone to come around to their house and just chill for a bit.
everyone was gathered around in the living room at 8 pm, scattered along the couches and chairs in front of the tv, which played some random sports game in the background.
sitting next to your friends simon and his girlfriend talia, you felt a bit left out and like a third weel, but you went with it nonetheless.
you were quite bored, not being in conversation with anybody, and every so often you’d sneak a glance at harry, who was sitting across from you. he was wearing some black sweatpants paired with an oversized pink hoodie, which made him look very soft and comfortable. he was in conversation with cal, and every time his face brightened in response to whatever cal was telling him, your own smile grew slightly. you knew you liked harry, but you had always brushed it off as just a crush. you had known him for a long time and wouldn’t want to ruin the friendship anyway, so you just kept it to yourself, hidden from everyone else.
well, that was, until simon poked your cheek and winked at you. you frowned at him in confusion and looked over to talia who had abandoned him and was excitedly talking to freya - josh’s girlfriend and another one of your friends - leaving simon to observe the room on his own.
“what is it?” you asked, when he kept staring at you in a weird way, moving his eyebrows up and down. “oh you know, just saw one of my friends checking out one of my other friends, no big deal,” he smirked, and your eyes widened.
“uh, simon, what are you talking about?” you tried to play it coy, but you’ve always been a bad liar, and your cheeks reddening said enough. you got caught.
his eyes turned to slits and you rolled your eyes back at him. abruptly, he stood up and pushed his chair back with a loud noise, making everyone in the room turn their heads to the two of you. “we’re just gonna go get some snacks,” simon shrugged the stares off and everyone continued their conversations. simon grabbed your hand and pulled you with him whilst you caught harry’s eye, who quickly averted his gaze.
against your will, you followed simon to the kitchen where he sat you down at the table whilst he rummaged through some cupboards.
“okay, so please explain to me how long this has been going on for and why you never told me!” he exclaimed, and you immediately hushed him, reminding him of everyone’s presence nearby.
you sighed, “i’ve just always thought he was cute and i guess i have had a little crush on him for a while now... but you cannot tell him!”
“i’m not going to, but you have to tell him! it’s not like you’re in love with him or anything,” simon said and turned back around to face you. you sheepishly grinned at him before closing your eyes and bringing your hands to your temples, giving him a little time to process your silent answer.
“oh my god! you’re in love!” simon happily concluded and you cringed in return. you were about to speak up when you saw simon’s face turning pale, his eyes full of shock, staring behind you. you turned around in your chair, following his gaze towards the door opening, revealing harry standing against the doorpost. your heart faltered but you quickly composed yourself, giving him a tight lipped smile.
“hey guys, uh, i was just checking if everything was okay?” harry asked concerned. “how long have you been standing there?” you asked in reply, and he looked to the ground before meeting your eyes again.
“like, 2 seconds. are you okay? you look a little pale,” harry walked over towards you and sat down next to you, your heart speeding up immediately.
”yeah! no totally. we were just getting some snacks. want any?” you shoved a bag of crisps in front of his face, quickly shooting simon a silent ‘help’.
harry’s giggle made you turn back to face him, whilst he pushed the crisps out of his face. “i’m good, thank you,” he smiled at you. a few seconds passed of the two of you just fondly looking at each other when simon accidentally opened up a bag of crisps a bit too loud, ruining the moment. well, the moment your mind was tricking you into happening, because you were just friends with harry, nothing else.
you opened your mouth to say something and closed it again, breaking eye contact with harry and standing up to open some random cupboards (which simon definitely already checked whilst you were in conversation a second ago). “uh, well we’ll just be back in a second then harry, if you don’t mind,” you said, your back facing him.
a second passed and you heard an almost unnoticeable sigh escape his lips when he stood up from his chair and answered, “alright, in a bit.”
you made sure to stay faced away from him until you heard the door click and turned around to look at simon angrily. “that was way too close. thanks for that, loser. i hate you so much,” you jokingly frowned at him, making him laugh out loud.
after bringing back some food to the rest of your friends, the night continued just like it had before. except, this time, you weren’t the only one who knew you liked harry. and simon was getting on your nerves.
he was trying to convince you harry liked you back, but you weren’t going to fall for that. you didn’t want to get your hopes up for nothing anyway.
“you have to tell him! i never realised it, but i’m like ninety nine percent sure he’s into you too. everything just makes sense now. his body language and everything-“ simon said and you rolled your eyes, cutting him off, “okay doctor phil you’re taking this too far now. can we please stop talking about this?”
before simon could tell you no, your conversation luckily got cut off shortly. “hey guys can we play like some drinking game? truth or dare? i’m bored,” cal suddenly groaned out in frustration, and everyone else shrugged in response, down for whatever he had in mind.
“i’ll get the booze, can someone put on some music? no one’s watching tv anyway,” josh answered, and tobi went over to control the speakers.
once everyone’s cups were filled, everyone sat down in a circle, and you somehow ended up in between harry and simon (how’s that happened then?). who wants to start us off?” vik asked, and simon jumped in from your right, “i’ll ask someone first,” he grinned, and looked you in the eye, “truth or dare?”
your nervously wiped your sweaty hands onto your jeans and answered, mentally preparing yourself for whatever simon was planning on doing. “i’ll go with a truth.” “have you ever had a crush on anyone in this room?” simon smirked, and you felt your cheeks heat up in response. “i- uhm- yeah,” you answered softly, and everyone erupted in ‘oooohs’. you made sure not to meet harry’s eye and sent daggers to simon instead. “who was it then?” ethan asked, and you shook your head, “only one question allowed! so, moving on,” you grinned, gaining confidence again. “ethan, truth or dare?”
a few more rounds went by and people - including you - were getting more drunk by the second. simon had just told you harry had been sneaking glances at you the entire night, even though you had been avoiding looking him into the eye. his presence alone made your knees weak. so you downed your drink, even though you hadn’t been dared to do so or whatever. you needed this right now.
and that’s when things got interesting. “harry, if you were to kiss anyone in this room, who would it be and why?” vik asked harry and your head snapped up to look at simon who met your eyes at the exact same time.
“oh, i- uh i don’t know if i wanna answer that, you know,” you slowly turned to your left and looked at harry’s rosy cheeks. harry met your eye for an unnoticeable split second, looked away, and quickly downed his entire drink.
the circle once again erupted in ‘ooohs’ and ‘what are you hiding?’. harry shook his head, “i just- no. moving on, please!” he said with a sloppy, drunk grin on his face.
he put his arm around your shoulder and said, “i feel like you have barely even been asked any truth or dares! so, what’s it gonna be?” he smiled.
you could feel your heart beating in your chest just by his friendly touch. “let’s go for a dare,” you gulped under his intriguing gaze. he seemed to be in deep thought for a second and snapped out of it by saying “i can’t think of anything, guys help me out please.”
you sipped on your drink and looked over to jj, who suggested you give someone a lap dance, which you absolutely refused to do. “i’d rather do the stupid childish seven minutes in heaven than that!” you said, and immediately regretted it, when simon winked at you. “seven minutes in heaven it is!” simon giggled, “any volunteers?”
when no one answered, simon picked jj, and you looked at him with wide eyes. the two of you stood up when harry suddenly stopped jj, “i’ll go instead, if that’s okay with you?” he searched your eyes for an answer, and you nodded shyly. “alright, see you in seven minutes, have fun!” jj suggestively yelled after the two of you.
maybe it was the large amount of alcohol in your system or the way harry was looking at you, but you felt your heart beating in your chest ten times faster than usual. the two of you were stood close inside the smallest room of the house in which you could still hear tobi’s music playing softly. both of you were feeling dizzy and warm inside.
you decided to break the silence by asking him the question that was on your mind ever since you stood up, “why did you volunteer after all?”
harry met your eyes, grinned, and nervously looked to the floor, “i just don’t want you in here with jide, you know how he can be.”
“jj and i are friends, he’s always just joking around and would never do anything i wouldn’t want him to do, you know that right?” you frowned at him, making him look up to you.
he sighed and brushed a hand through his hair, making it look even messier than before. “i guess i just couldn’t imagine anyone else in this room with you other than me.”
the dim light in the room was the only thing lighting up the features on both of your faces, but it was enough to help you realise harry wasn’t lying. “harry?” you breathed out carefully. you remained silent, admiring all his features from up close, your eyes looking at his lips and back to his eyes.
in response he raised his chin and studied your face. somehow, he ended up inching even closer towards you, noses almost touching. “hi,” you croaked out softly.
harry smirked and answered, “hey. have i ever told you how pretty you are?” you rolled your eyes and laughed in return. “stop saying things that make me want to kiss you,” you said, your eyes widening after you realised what you had just said.
harry’s breath audibly got stuck in his throat, his eyes searching your face, and eventually locking onto your lips. he moved a piece of your hair behind your ear and softly grabbed your jaw, moving your lips onto his.
your heart was racing and your hands found their way into harry’s hair, kissing him back like your life depended on it. never in a million years did you expect this to happen.
you pulled away after a minute to take a fresh breath of air. still panting, you looked at harry and smiled, whilst he smiled right back at you.
“you’re drunk,” you told him. “so are you,” he answered. “you’re the only one who will regret this in the morning though,” you frowned.
his whole face became soft, and he shook his head, “if you hadn’t noticed before, i’ve been in love with you for ages. i just thought you secretly liked simon or whatever, uh, yeah. i thought i never stood a chance with you anyway. you’re out of my league, too!”
you kissed him again in response, and pulled away only to answer, “i didn’t want to ruin our friendship, and i was so sure you weren’t interested. simon found out tonight and we were talking about you when you walked into the kitchen. i can’t believe this is happening.”
“neither can i, but i am glad it finally is,” he smiled at you, sparkle in his eyes, and went back to kissing you softly.
the two of you forgot about everything whilst being in each other’s presence, the seven minutes passing by quicker than any of you wanted, and soon enough the door to the room you were in opened, revealing jj. you pulled away from harry quickly, giving jj a sincere but awkward smile. harry ruffled his messy hair and looked jj up and down. “time is up! looks like you had fun,” he grinned.
none of you answered, and you bit your lip, awkwardly waiting for someone to say something. “so should we get back or...?” jj asked impatiently, and you looked at harry, who nodded at him.
harry grabbed your hand and gave you a quick smile, following jj back to the party.
the rest of the night, you remained next to harry’s side, giving each other soft and genuine smiles. everyone noticed how close the two of you were (and how both of your lips were red and plump), but no one decided to comment on it. and neither did you. after all, it was only the beginning of something great, and all it took was one dare.
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sidemenimaginesss · 5 years
Are you just going to bang out a couple of sidemen posts at a time? I didn’t realize it’ll be this long before we see more sidemen posts.
hey! sorry for the super long wait i’m super busy / lazy when it comes to writing all these requests but i’ve been stuck on finishing one for a while now :( i will try to get it out as soon as possible, so thank you for your patience!
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