Masky: It's not just the makeup. It's you-! You look like a, a-!
Harley: What? I look like a what?
Toby: Whoa, you look like a hooker.
Harley: Ya think?
Masky: That is not a compliment, Harley.
Harley: From Toby? Totally is.
Toby: Hookers are hot~!
Harley: See?
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[Harley and Toby are arguing. Aspen is watching, concerned]
Harley: Usnavi, all night, you barely even danced with me-!
Toby: Don't make me laugh, I've been trying all night. You've been shaking your ass for like half of the Heights.
Harley: real nice.
Toby: You barely gave me a chance all evening!
Harley: What?
Toby: Do I get another dance?
Harley: I'm leaving-!
Toby: Vanessa-!
Aspen: Mom, Dad, pls don't fight...
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[Scratch and Harley getting into an argument]
Scratch: What did you ever sacrifice?
Harley: I gave everything. I gave my whole life.
Scratch, scoffing: you died in a hedonistic bender!
Harley: I'm not talking about my death, I'm talking about my life!
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ao3 is not instagram, and it’s not embarrassing to comment on a story that’s old. we understand that you just happened to come across it now; writing is magical in that you often come across the right story at just the time you need to read it.
also, authors will literally cry over their keyboard if you comment on the stuff they write.
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Toby: Aspen, you take care of Jeff!
Aspen: Oooo-kay! [aims his gun at Jeff's head and Toby realizes what he's doing]
Toby: Nonono, don't shoot Jeff, just literally take care of him. 
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Hello! And welcome to my new blog!
This is a creepypasta blog, featuring the proxies primarily.
Now, a piece of lore is that Proxies have to die (or, nearly die) in order to be claimed by a boss. So, they typically either stay the age they died at, or choose an age they feel comfortable at.
While there will be cameos of others in any writing I may post, the characters listed below will be the main focus of the blog.
Scratch - she/her, born 1967. Physically around 42.
Masky - he/him, born 1973. Physically 35.
Hoodie - he/him, born 1974. Physically 33.
Harley - she/her, born 1984. Physically 21.
Toby - he/him, born 1990. Physically 27.
Aspen - he/it, born 2000. Physically 14.
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