slasherbozo · 1 year
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My delightful dream Ghost isn’t the type to show emotions, and he clearly doesn’t wanna show you any, And that just wears you off. You learn soon the reason of that, and the reason of it is very interesting.
warning’s ; gender-neutral reader, angst ( not heavy angst, I think !? ) reader gets confused if it’s love or nah, jealous for awhile ghost, fluff at the end with both reader and ghost being cringe but free <3 Soap being silly ( me slipping free Soapghost content ).
A/N ; a tad bit OOC but whatever i’m trying to get work done okay >:(
masterlist ♡
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You really hated it when Ghost goes back to being sentimental, you told yourself you should’ve been used to it by now. After all, him being a man in the army tells much about how his personality could be. But you can’t help but to feel a little ‘ burdened ‘ being the one who always made the most effort in your friendship, and made sure that it stayed afloat till now.
Ghost, or Simon you wouldn’t dare call him that. You can’t get an easy read on how he feels most of the time, because he always had his mask on anytime he could, and even if he had his mask off he probably kept on a stoic expression. And every time you thought you had finally cracked a bit of his shell, it hits you again that it was all in your imagination.
Ghost seemingly rather’s the company of Soap over yours, and it’s very noticeable to you. You hear him crack few jokes then and there with him, you see him come to talk to Soap himself. You always had to approach Ghost so you both can speak, or else you would go on days and even months probably without speaking. And even if you did manage to open up a conversation with this man, he always stayed rather quiet, it never interested him. 
Soap was seemingly the only close person to Ghost, the only person who made him worry, the only person whom Ghost talks so positively of. The only person Ghost would give all his attention to, the only person who.. ghost probably prefers over anyone else any day and all day.
And it made you mad.
In fact, so mad you finally made the logical decision to just ignore his existence entirely. As much as it also did hurt you to be the one who ends it without saying anything, you decided it was for the best. After all, all this trying to please a man who didn’t seemingly care just made you very exhausted. Maybe a meaningful connection was never meant to be, and so you let it go.
So when one day the squad hits their usual to go to pub, you never gave this man an ounce of attention, neither did you even bother saying ‘ hello’s to him ‘, it’s as if his existence was deleted to you, you felt this petty. 
When you came to sit on the chairs of the bar, you did a swift walk to the end and sat the empty chair by Soap. 
“ What ya got on yer mind’ there ? ”
You hear the man beside you tell after downing his drink, you gave him a side look.
“ Soap. Nothing really. ”
You say that with a sigh afterwards, Soap seems to notice that. And he calls for the bartender to give you a drink, but he asks you first.
“ wha ye like ta drink’ ”
You look at the man with confused eyes, and he doesn’t repeat his words but rather nods towards the bartender. You then get what he meant, and began to lightly tap your fingers against the wooden table.
“ tequila. ”
You said, and you raised an immediate eyebrow when you witnessed the way the man’s face twisted in a rather disgusted matter. You took it personal, your arms crossing defensively against your chest.
“ What. ”
The man just shakes his head off, and you listen as a chuckle rumbles out of his chest.
“ ye like drinking dogs piss? ”
You get convinced that this man just has no taste, and drown your tequila immediately after it was served to you. With a bit of alcohol in your system, the stupid courage to ask this question comes to you. Which will probably make him punch you for thinking he is something he isn’t, it could be even something worst but you won’t know it till you try it.
“ Are you and Ghost dating ? ”
You witness the man cough and struggle with the drink in his hand, as you said. But rather than him punching you he was immediately taken off by the question, you see him turn to look at you with serious eyes. 
“ How did you know..! ”
When you heard him say that you helplessly felt one of your heart strings clench, but you managed to keep a well unbothered expression.
“ am jus’ messing with ye’ ”
He snorts out, and takes a sip of his drink before looking back at you again this time rather concerned. It was very interesting how Soap immediately switched emotions like it was a game to him, you can’t help but to feel jealous.
“ Why tha’ sudden question tho-? ”
He slurs out confusingly, and you hold your glass in your fist. If you tighten your grip more it would probably break in your hands, and blood would flow like a river. You didn’t know why you were feeling this, this jealously towards soap when you had no ‘ right ‘ to. 
“ I mean.. it’s very.. interesting the kind of relationship you and Ghost have.. Ghost seems to very much like you.. like.. you’re the only person he would ever be with.. ”
The man started humming to himself, seemingly thinking before answering the question. He finally puts his glass down, and his answer sends you into a spiral.
“ Rest up kid, me and Simon- ”
The first name bases made you unconsciously bang your glass against the table, and turn to look at him with full wide eyes. Soap looks around first to see if anyone noticed you slamming your glass against the table, before looking back at you with a startled expression.
“ what’s going on with you ?! ”
“ You’re on first name terms and i’m- I- just don’t know.. I’m sorry.. I’m just very frustrated with him.. and I shouldn’t let me being upset bother you.. ”
The man sighs closing his eyes momentarily, he then lets a hand go up and on your shoulder. Squeezing, you probably now realized how a little sore your shoulders were from being all tensed up.
“ o’kay listen here kid.. whatever’s goin’ on with you and Simon should stay between ye both, I don’t know what kind of.. feelings Simon has for me, but what I’m sure we have is a rather brotherly relationship.. and we both have mutual respect for each other.. if you want to find out ask the man himself. ”
His hand disappears from your shoulder, and he revolves back to ask the bartender to fill his empty glass again. You look down at your own hands, and sigh disappointed with yourself, and embarrassed by how you made this situation come down to that.
“ Ay’ by the way Ghost been starin’ across the bar.. you might wanna go talk to him. ”
Ghost ? You forgot he came here too, courtesy of you being so ‘ I’m gonna delete this man from my life ‘ an hour ago, but to confirm Soap’s statement you look to where he was looking behind his back just right now.
And to your luck, he was sitting at one of the tables with Price, Gaz at both his sides. And he was in fact looking your way, or maybe at soap you still weren’t really sure, because you wouldn’t want to be delusional and be disappointed later then. 
The man who saw you both turn, suddenly stood up. Both the men at the table gaze at him, seeking answer for why the man stood up. You couldn’t hear what he said to them of course, but both men continued their conversation and Ghost just walked off to the door.
“ You- if- why are you sitting here alone when they- ”
Soap also watched Ghost leave with you, and just shrugged his shoulders, you can see him thinking a little before saying what he had in his pretty little head.
“ me and my ‘ boyfriend ‘ had a little disagreement, and I’m being a lil shi’ queen just sitting over here until he apologizes.. but I won’t get my apology because he left now. ”
You roll your eyes at his sarcastic tone, but before you could give the smart pant’s attitude back he immediately hushed you and waved you off too in fact.
“ go after him, what the hell ye waiting for ? ”
You bite your lip, can you even have the courage to go after him anyway. And what would you say to him, he literally left when you just looked back at him. What would he do if you chased after him out too? Would he be pissed off with you?
“ Ok.. okay.. ”
You stand up from your seat, and rush to get to the door quickly so you can get to Ghost before he leaves for good, You hear soap call you out with all these chitchat surrounding you.
“ Oi ! The bill- ”
But you leave without turning back.
The air is chilly around you, and you can’t help but to feel the cold shivering your bones even with the warm clothes you’re wearing. You don’t stop jogging though after the man, you continue until you see the silhouette of his well framed back.
“ Ghost ! ” 
You call his name too loudly, thankfully there were no passerby’s whom would spare you odd looks thinking you’re crazy. However seemingly being loud stops the man right on his tracks, and he turns around to see his caller.
You see him cradling his hands into the pocket of his hoodie, he probably felt cold but if you questioned him he won’t admit it. You walk closer to him, and he just stayed quiet the whole time.
“ we need to talk. ”
The man just continues to stare at you, his head leaning to the side a little bit. 
“ speak. ”
You slip your hands underneath your armpits trying to get a bit of warmth, while you think of what you could say to him now that he is in front of you. 
“ I- I just want to know if you.. if you actually hate me.. ”
With the man’s face covered there were no expression there to witness, but his eyes. You could see his eyes widen a little. Or maybe it was your imagination playing tricks, but whatever it was maybe you could figure the emotions showing in them. 
“ I.. hate you.. is this what you want to speak about ? ”
You nod your head his way, and then silence just fills the air for too long. Your heart betrays you by beating fast, was it really the reason.. the reason he gets quiet with you all the time and just leaves whenever he is with you in a room.. because he hates you. 
“ don’t worry I get it.. I’ll stay out of your way then.. ”
You say with a stutter, a stutter you tried to not do because now all of the sudden the world feels like it’s tightening around you. And tears threaten to push from your eyes, you get scared, so scared you walk off immediately before you could get an answer from him. 
You disappear, leaving the man behind.
What you didn’t know.
He was calling for you, or tried to. His voice choked up inside of him, scared too.
“ You- come back- ”
On the early next day, you head to the base, and get greeted first thing in the morning by non other than soap himself. This time you weren’t feeling up to talking to him, and so you just told him good morning and continued to walk. Soap seemingly feeling insulted by you doing that, just followed behind you in pursuit even calling your name too.
“ Ey-! Are ye okay ? ”
You stop dead on track, and turn towards him ready to call him off again. But you held yourself back because you had no right to release your pent up frustration on the same man again when he was clearly worried, Soap’s hands find their way towards your shoulders and grab just like yesterday.
“ What happened between ye both ? Did something go wrong.. if you tell me I can knock Ghost out cold for ye.. don’t worry about him being a tad bit taller I’ll straight up sock- ”
“ knock out who ? ”
Ghost suddenly comes out of nowhere and It startles you but Soap rather looks fine, as if used to a big man creeping around quietly. 
And Ghost stands there quietly and well from yesterday’s encounter, unlike you who almost cried all night feeling horrible from being hated by one person.
“ Ah, L.t. never expected you to be a heart breaker. ”
Soap does a ‘Tsk ’ sound, and glances at him disappointedly, he even shakes his head at him like a mother. You witness how Soap doesn’t get his ass beaten by the stoic man, it’s all well until Ghost speaks.
“ I need to talk to them sergeant so get your ass elsewhere for awhile. ”
Soap gasps dramatically at the statement, and takes a two step back adding a huff too. 
“ You hurt me L.t, but fine. ”
You turn to look at Soap with desperation in your eyes to not be left alone in a situation where all will be awkward, and he just sends both a smirk and a quirked eyebrow your way and a muttered ‘ sorry, ye will be fine. ‘ before leaving for good.
You take a deep breath and your eyes roam around the room, you can do this. You remind yourself that you’re in duty, and personal matters should be set aside. He probably wants to discuss work matter with you, and then leave you alone to it right?
“ What would you need from me sir ? ”
Ghost was seemingly doing the same thing as you, his eyes were looking around the room. And once he had his fair share of scanning the area his eyes would land back at you again, his same honeyed brown eyes.. you always admired.
Admired ? 
“ About yesterday- “
You were quick to jump on his throat, to stop him right then and there.
“ What happened yesterday sir should stay outside our work, however so I do understand what happened and I’ll gladly follow on my word outside duty. ”
You managed to make the man be taken aback.
It’s what he surly wants to hear.
“ It’s not.. not that. Listens to me sergeant.. there is something I need to tell you. ”
You were surprised, no. You were absolutely flabbergasted when you heard a stutter coming out from the man, the same man who was all so cold and emotionless in all horrible situations he was in.
“ Then.. tell me.. ”
The man just looks down, and you can’t help but to wonder what could it be his reason of wanting to talk that it’s taking him so much to spit it out ! He was Ghost for gods sake ! What could be worrying him ?
“ sergeant.. I.. I like you. ”
Your jaw dropped.
Not metaphorically but rather realistically, your jaw went real slack, and you blinked so quickly you gave yourself a real headache.
“ Sir ! I must call the medic- have you possibly hit your head anywhere near the morning  ?! ”
The man just shakes his head, a hand on his temple. 
“ I- I didn’t hit my head at all. ”
You take a deep breath again inhaling all the oxygen possible around you, trying to calm yourself down from the sudden rock of a statement dropped on your head. 
“ So- what you said- it’s true- if you did like me then what the hell was the treatment you gave me before huh ?! ”
You shouted loudly, and the man had to shush you down before anyone can eavesdrop on your drama, you quickly quiet down to a whisper after saying ‘ sorry ‘ and inch closer towards him until there is barely space between both of you. 
“ I didn’t treat you like this because I hated you.. the space between us I created it because I had enough respect for you sergeant.. ”
His explanation only made you mad, respect ? What kind of respect comes from creating distance ? This whole time of trying to impress a man who was only pushing you away because of respect ? All this worry was for nothing. 
“ are you fucking kidding me? "
The man sighs, he daringly does so, you wanted to totally punch him right now but you amazingly manage to keep your cool.
“ I understand If you don’t feel- ”
” you call this ‘ space ‘ respect ? you’re telling me this whole time I spent stressing over countless reason it could be that you were.. ignoring me and leaving whenever am around.. is just because you like me ? This isn’t respect ! It’s just you running from your emotions like a scaredy cat ! ”
Your anger was reaching a boiling point, it was building up like an erupting volcano soon to consume all its surrounding. 
But the man interrupts it before it could.
“ You think If I easily could’ve done so.. I wouldn’t do it ? The way I like you no.. the way I love you, it’s not as simple as that.. but I’m in no position to fall in love with you sergeant.. our worlds they are different and far apart.. ”
This man seems to easily play you like a fiddle, letting your emotions show like an idiot. You shake your head at him, you’re just getting more and more confused by his words, you don’t know if he was playing with you or not.
“ I’m.. then at the bar ! Why did you leave when you knew I was there- ! ”
You take a step back, dazed. You look down your feet, biting your lips real hard.
But the man takes a step forward, entering your space simply so. His hands, they reach for you but go back to his side too quickly you notice.
“ I was.. mad at myself, mad at.. I just know that when I looked at the way Johnny spoke to you so freely and at ease.. it made me mad.. and when his hand were on your shoulders.. It only made me.. jealous.. I’ve never felt this way about anybody.. never, and sergeant you’re the first person I’ve ever felt such emotions towards.. look at me please. ”
You do as he says and look up, your anger just melts away so easily. Your eyes catches his brown ones, and what you feared happened because you get so lost in them forgetting everything that happened until now. 
“ Whenever I look at you.. I go crazy, I feel like I lose control of my own body and it makes me scared.. I find it amusing so, I’ve lived almost my whole life in such solitary, these walls surrounding my heart I made them so strong I was sure no one could ever break it.. and now you come.. and these walls they break.. and oh.. ”
Your eyes were tensely locked with his, no one breaking the eye contact. His hands come again, begging to clasp yours. And you let them with no questions, his hands cold in yours and callouses, but you know it fit well into yours ‘ made to be ‘. 
“ I love you sergeant, I love you.. I love you.. ? I love you.. can I kiss you ? ”
The man’s chest seem to relax, but yours don’t. Because you still couldn’t believe that this was Ghost, Ghost who was repeating the sentence ‘ I love you ‘ like a heavenly melody. 
“ Are you serious-”
You stutter out clicking your tongue, your cheeks they feel warm. And the hand in yours it feels cold and nice to touch, and everything around you just begins to feel.. better. 
“ Come on sergeant, this feels awkward for the both of us.. ”
“ Because it is ! You just made this poetic act out of blue air how am I supposed to react ?! I just- just kiss me you stupid motherfucker. ”
And so you let your free hand grab his chin aggressively, you pull him close towards you. Your lips crashing against of what you could assume was his lips, courtesy of the balaclava he had on. Your kiss probably knocked out his whole front teeth, you hope not, after the kiss the man takes a few steps backwards. And you cross your arms, staring at him with your lips in a thin line. 
“ Well.. now that you admitted to liking me- I must give you my response right- so I-! I do actually like you too-! Kind of.. at first I just thought you were a very interesting man and It would have been enough to me if I could just be your friend, but since you took a lot of steps forward with your speech I must say I accept these feelings of yours.. ” 
Ghost escapes the trance he was put in and he looks around him, before whispering.
“ what are we now.. that I said this and that..  ”
You take a hold of the hand that fell to his side, and intertwine your fingers together. The man looks at the hand than you, and for the first time you flash him a real genuine smile.
“ We’ll take our time and figure it out, the way we both like it. ”
The man sighs with ease, you don’t know for sure but you can see his eyes brighten ever so beautifully, before you could admire them more the sudden entry of a man makes you both pull away from each other.
“ Saw that, ya ain’t slick enough L.t. ”
The man who entered was non other than Soap himself, and your fast beating heart calms down. He had a really wide smirk on his face, in fact too wide you were worried his face muscles might strain with pain.
“ Thought you needed to talk, doesn’t seem like talking’  to me ”
Ghost just rushes forward towards Soap, and pushes him gently towards the door he came in from. Soap just looks at him with lightened eyes and satisfied expression, all while he stumbles by the push.
“ You need to be less nosy Johnny, go bother somebody else. ”
You hear Soap whine, his brows furrowing in a cute way actually.
“ Thought’ ya liked me bothering ye, but I guess you finally found another bothersome hm ? Is they prettier than me ? ”
Soap was gone, or was behind of the door. Either way you couldn’t hear him, at all but you knew he was probably thinking of ways to milk whatever he saw between you and Ghost. 
and you thought you should be worried that Soap might be a snitcher, and will go around running telling everybody about what he saw. But somehow you were at ease, that a word won’t leave from him.
Ghost was still there though, by the door holding it open while his other was busy with handful of Soap’s shoulder, He finally turns and looks at you.
“ talk later ? ”
You hear his gruff voice say so gently, and you nod your head his way, a smile still overtaking your face.
“ Yes, see ya ghost. ”
He nods back to you.
“ Simon. Call me that. ”
And leaves closing the door behind him, you immediately find a chair to sit on, your heart oh it was like a drumming thunder. If you told anyone at the base about Simon telling you to call him by his real name, they probably would call you a real big liar.
But now..
“ Simon. ”
You whisper his name deliriously, a name you don’t think you will ever have enough by saying it all the time. 
You cant help but to feel excited at your next interaction.
Time had passed, and you see your relationship with Simon growing rather delightfully. While Simon still struggled with some aspects in your relationship and his, he seemed to be willing to fix them. 
He learns he doesn’t have to keep on his strong lone wolf facade, and you learn whatever wise comes from this man.
“ Really ? Is this your idea of a good morning ? ”
You snicker as Simon hand’s you a real warm cup of tea, and sits beside you in the empty chair. While Soap sits on the other one, he looks disappointedly at you both when he doesn’t get his own cup.
“ Not your cup ? ”
Simon says, and you roll your eye at him before saying something jokingly under your breath.
“ Fucking brits’ ”
Soap leans forward in his chair to intervene.
“ I said that.. whatever I’ll get me a nice cup of coffee, no’ tryin’ to sleep soon. ”
He emphasizes the last sentence with his whole chest, standing up and going to leave, you shout out to him. 
“ Get me one too, I need the illusion of being awake. ”
Soap raises a hand and says with a swift voice.
“ Yes your majesty !, one cup of guttin’ misery coming soon ! ” 
he leaves the both of you alone, and you turn to look at Simon who was in fact looking at you with wide eyes already.
“ Geez- just your gaze gives me shivers.. why are you looking at me like that. ”
Simon leans forward to you, his eyes now focused on the cup in your hand.
“ you don’t like it ? ”
You suspire, taking a sip from the cup in your hand to show at least a bit of care for the man who bothered to get you this.
“ I don’t like tea, but I like the thought behind it. ”
You say with a smile, and Simon slackens. 
“ You’re very picky. ”
You chortle, letting your hand rest on the man’s thigh. Running circles on the well formed muscles rippling underneath his pants, Simon puts his own up on yours.
” Only when it comes to what I drink, and eat, and basically everything else I get a choice in. ”
Simon looks away from you, but you were quick to catch a chuckle coming deep down from him.
“ did I make the great Ghost chuckle his cute ass ? ”
The man didn’t bother replying, instead he pulls the balaclava up revealing his mouth and nose to you. Getting closer, by pulling your chair, his chapped lip now against yours. The kiss so sweet it melts your heart and beyond, then he pulls away, but before you let him push down his balaclava you stop his hand.
bending over towards him, planting countless kisses on the scar by his lips, on his cheek. On his stubbled jaw, whatever skin that showed you prepped it with kisses.
“ You look good with a stubble. ”
Simon just looks at you, and exhales, his head tilts on your chest. You hoped he wouldn’t hear how hard your heart was racing, he probably could but you wrapped your arms around him anyway.
” So this is how it feels to be loved.. it feels.. good.. ”
You’re happy, he’s happy. And you feel like nothing in the world could ever go wrong, finally for a moment.
The world quiets down again.
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slasherbozo · 1 year
how can the enthusiasm I had wanting to write suddenly go away after writing two, four sentences just- GIVE ME MY MOTIVATION BACK SO I CAN FINISH MY SHIT.
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slasherbozo · 1 year
Henlo can u pls write könig secretly using his s/o's fragrant shampoo, soap, ye the whole nine yards, while theyre away?
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Sweet-scented König gets separation anxiety whenever you’re gone, to fix this he finds comfort in whatever smells just like you.
warning’s ; gender-neutral reader, not much warning tho just reader being in love with a cute spine breaker, kissing a little there and there.
A/N ; it’s a lil short fic, sorry for that but I do hope you enjoy <3 German phrases stolen from our own mighty god google translator <333
masterlist ♡
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König using your shampoo and soap is both silly and flattering to you, its obvious that he’s trying to hide the fact that he is using them. But you’re no idiot to his doings, so when you come home one day after being gone for awhile, his scent hits you. And you realize he identically smells just like you, at first you said nothing, since of course he was your lovely partner and you didn’t mind that your partner uses your own hygiene products from time to time. It also meant the scent was to his liking, and that was even better.
But once your shampoo and soap just began to basically run out, and his stay the same you realized you had to say something about it or else you’ll have to continue buying more and more, and these products aren’t this cheap to begin with. 
You cornered the man once you caught glimpses of him, the man seemingly sensing your reason of approach, cowered away and you sweetly called out his name.
“ Ko. ”
He looked at you, his eyes locking with yours for few seconds before looking away, he spoke with a stutter. And you hardly could contain an amused smile, he was too darn adorable for you, you almost forgot the reasoning of approach. 
“ Ja, mein Liebling? ”
// “ yes, my darling? ” //
You stepped forward, further intruding any personal space this man has, and used your nose to smell the waft of scent adoring the skin of his exposed neck. He smelled absolutely delicious, you preferred the scent on him than on you any day, the ambrosial taste of a man who’s appearance begs to differ. 
At the top floats a note of honeyed sweetness, spread among low irresistible nuanced notes a smell that tickled your brain just right when you were at the store picking and choosing. 
“ what- what do you think you’re doing ? ”
The man asked bringing you back to reality, your lips quickly quiver into a slay smirk.
“ You smell.. wonderful I wonder what soap you’ve been using lately.. ”
The comment seemingly catches him off guard, and you chuckle at his reaction when his eyebrows furrowed in response. You bring a hand close to his cheek, your thumb moving in an up and down motion against it. You try your best not to kiss that frown off his face, but first you ease his worried expression.
“ it’s alright I don’t mind you using my shampoo and.. soap, if you find the smell nice, but I do mind greatly when they’re gone for good by the end of the weekend.. ”
The man lets out a stifled whine, and you knew he was going to quickly explain himself. He lets his strong arms wrap around your body, and he leans to let his head rest against your shoulders.
“ Oh.. meine liebe.. I’m sorry I wouldn’t use it just because.. I use it because it reminds me of your scent.. ”
//“ my love ”//
He explained himself in a rather quiet tone than his usual, you knew this man was a little insecure of his image and probably being caught using a ‘ fragrant ‘ soap belonging to his partner doesn’t make it all well to his ‘ masculinity’. Even though you always made sure to assure him every time he felt anything in such way, this time you just pretended to not hear any word of his sentence, because you rather he say it confidently.
“ come again ? ”
The man looks at you with widen eyes, but he then again looks anywhere else than your own face. And you felt a little frustrated with how much eye contact breaking he’s doing these days, you knew your job wasn’t nice to both of you, demanding your attendance for hours then days then months on occasions. 
Which meant he was left to do some self love on his own, while probably brooding about certain people working with you who were certainly taking your ‘ attention ‘ while doing your job. You always came back home feeling regretful for neglecting the thought of nurturing your relationship further more, would that be possible though with how much time you both don’t rightfully have?
“ Come on.. what did you say hm? ”
Your hand would gently run against the scar adoring your lovers cheek, he swiftly took a hold of your hand into his. And he would lay his lips flat against your palm planting a chaste kiss before snuggling further into it, he then took a deep breath, before releasing a heavy sigh too. 
“ Scheiß-.. I miss you.. everyday I miss you so much, mein Engel.. without you here or your scent I just go crazy.. ” 
//“ shit ” // // “ My angle. ” //
He said with such urgency, and you would lie if you said you weren’t a little surprised with every word coming from his mouth. But he continues before you could say something yourself, his words even demanding much more from you than you could give.
“ mein Ein und Alles, even if I use whatever soap or perfume you put on I can’t seem to forget the distance that leaves me separated whenever you’re not here with me.. ”
You couldn’t grasp how forlorn and desperate this man sounded to you, and you take a little moment to analyze his words, his eyes now look at you with such force it pulls your breath right from your lungs. Such man could love so much he feels empty when you’re not around him, it’s simply a rare thing to be witnessed.
“ I didn’t know you.. felt that.. ”
What you couldn’t manage to muster up with words you did with actions, you took his whole face into your hands pulling him close till you could feel his warm breath fan over your face. You let your lips press against his, his lips warm but not soft, and parted so slightly. You could feel his heart hammer against your chest so loudly, once you pull a way you hear him say with such sway in his tone.
“ Ich liebe dich.. ”
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slasherbozo · 1 year
Please give me prompts to write for any of Cod characters ( expect graves fucking hate that guy ), so I can write as my ‘ comeback ‘, you can be horny as long as it’s legal 💪
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slasherbozo · 1 year
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ( 𝐧 + 𝐬 );
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ.。◟੭* “ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 ‘ 𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟  ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ’ ”.
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ𝘊𝘰𝘥 𝘮𝘸𝘧2 ;
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ – to be filled.ㅤ
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫’𝐬 ;
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ – First kiss with bubba ♡
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ – Otis Driftwood x gentle F!reader ♡
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ – Vincent Sinclair x Insecure F!reader ♡
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Rules for request. ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Request in here. ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Requests ( closed at the moment ).
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slasherbozo · 4 years
Hello love♡
Could I please request Vincent Sinclair with a reader who's overly gentle and shy but is very insecure about her chubby body? Thank you ♡
Yes of course !, and you're very welcomed, I hope this satisfies your liking, have a great day. ♡
Vincent Sinclair x A gentle / shy chubby s / o.
You and Vincent are the perfect match, after all he is gentle in his own nature and so were you, he always was the one to shy away from people and so were you, lastly you both held insecurities that seemed unnecessary but not to you both.
Vincent had the canvas and you were the art, Vincent tried to approach your insecurity in an artistic form without of course trying to have you notice, whenever you both are off the hook and had Bo off your asses he’ll come to ask you to be the model for his work.
And whenever you showed any sign of apprehensive because of his suggestion he’ll chuck the idea away, he’ll never want to make you uncomfortable.
So instead he decided to paint your portrait by his imagination, the exquisite picture he saved of you in his mind, he made sure to study every beautiful curve.
He ends up drawing many different portraits of you, how you know ? They’re proudly shown off by being put all over his work place, there is even one up home, just hope that Bo doesn’t throw it out, he usually showcases his wax figures only but this, this was an exception.
He wants to show you that he adores every part of you not out of petty because you are almost close to his persona, and not that he loved you cause you had an insecurity, no it was much more, his strong love for you, and the need to prove a point.
Vincent absolutely adores having you wrapped into his embrace, you were soft and sweet the first person that showed him endless love and non stop affection, even thought he found it a little stressing to take at first, he got used to it by time, you reminded him of a teddy bear if you hug and feel that soft fur you could never get enough.
When he finishes his job and gets back up he knows the first thing to do, and it’s looking for you to cuddle out both the tiresome and stress he got from the victim / work he had to hunt / do, he’ll just straight up look down at your figure and pick you up into his large embrace.
By the days passing, Vincent grows more and more confident, he’ll always be the first one to hold you, usually plant kisses on you, and etc,,, the shyness you feel began to feel cornered and cornered.
Vincent cherished you very much, he loved the way you speak up to him with the softest tone, the way you touch him tenderly as if he was the purest thing you ever seen, a thing that’s so easy to break, even though he’s ruthlessly evil, he doesn’t deserve you.
Vincent is pretty protective of you, out of ‘ nature ‘ again he just had to always make sure you were safe both mentally and physically, he’ll even stand up to Bo if Bo tries to speak you down and you were to shy to back yourself up, he’ll end retreating though after being insulted by him, you still appreciate that even though they were both twins, Bo hardly shows any brotherly affection like Vincent does but if he let him keep you around, maybe, maybe.
One day a group of victims came to town, as in of course the need to have their cars fixed nothing new, but it was about that one female that strode from the car, she had the longest skinniest legs, the ‘ perfect ‘ waist, and the prettiest wrist.
Lester has finished his part and now it was your job to lure the bait with Bo, and this day was the longest one you ever had, you were feeling anxious, you kept looking at the model like girl non stop, bashing your own mindset you wished you had at least even the bits of what she had, she was pretty.
When the victims were finally hunted down, half of them killed and the last one probably tied up in the chair where Bo did his dirty work.
You returned home in the need of resting after being Bo’s pretty doll for the day, attracting the attention with how ‘ sugar sweet ‘ you were as he said.
You were now up in the room where you, and usually Vincent sleep in. Standing in front a stand mirror lifting up your shirts and just checking your frame with a upset face, maybe, maybe if you try.
You were startled when Vincent’s frame suddenly appeared by your side, you turned to be met with even a much more upset expression.
He pointed at the mirror questioning, ‘ again ? ‘ you couldn’t help but to answer nervously, and nod just a little.
After that, he never lets go of you, you were both huddled against each other, he never spoke a word to you yet, he only gave you a kiss he insisted, but from his actions you understood, he wants you to realize, you can feel your nerves calm down, the idea of being good enough for him, could be enough you decided.
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slasherbozo · 4 years
Hi dear! Just stumbled upon your page. Could I request a gentle female reader with Otis?
Hello yourself ! And welcome to my humble little blog, yes, thank you for giving me a chance to write you something ! I’ll try my best, please take care of yourself and stay hydrated ♡
Otis Driftwood x Gentle female reader ( HC ).
To his eyes, you are the sweetest thing, sweeter than any candy combined together, he’ll think that even with the simplest thing you do, he love that.
You were delicate so gentle, you fooled his senses immediately at first sight, he was so charmed by you.
He scored good and well when you became his pretty fish, and he rubs this on every victim he lands on and even family members.
Even with knowing your gentle side, Otis never forgot to teach you how to trap and protect yourself from the victims, and how to use a weapon, you’ll need this if you’re going to be part of this family.
The whole family knows Otis has a super soft side for you, from the way he steals glances at you, and it was exposed all when you both got ill drunk and he went all on and on about how much of feminine flower you were, and grabbing you to have the sloppiest make out session, yet he  still stubbornly doesn’t admit it sober, he loved to show you off his gentle flower, but not show off how soft he was.
he felt the need to always treat you right, he’s not good but he still tries which is great, he wants to be good for you like how you are so good for him, but it’s also his own nature.
He always enjoys the making out session you have together, whenever you kiss him your eyes, hands, lips gave in vulnerability and he sucked that all in, you weren’t weak, nor you were scared of him he knew that, but that’s just how your nature was, gentle, for him ? He always pushes for more, sucking and bitting till your lips turn all puff and red, that suits you well.
Even in bedroom you still show that side of you, and when you do Otis would barley contain himself from the idea of banging you into the next morning till you turn into a wobbling mess.
Man handling you with roughness, he does that with you a lot, you walk around the lounge meanwhile he’s sitting he’ll drag you by the wrist to sit down his lap, you’re standing close to a wall ??!! he’ll heft you up and trap, never letting you go till he’s satisfied, you’re sitting alone not even bothering a fly ? He’ll still carry you not forgetting to add anything weirdly  kinky for a good measure, and you just gotta get used to it, after all your aura was begging for his attention.
He once had a female victim that was all tied up have their bra peak out of their garment, when he took the clothes out of it body a velvety lingerie came to his view, it’s was soft and smooth against his hand, and he knew he had to now feel them on you, he’ll make sure to hand this nice gift soon.
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slasherbozo · 4 years
I'd love to see headcanons or a oneshot about Bubba having his first kiss with the (preferably gender neutral) reader!
Of course love ! And thank you, since this is my first time I’ll try my best to put up the best response, hope you like it, lastly please take care of yourself and stay hydrated ♡ 
 First kiss with Bubba Sawyer, ( gender neutral reader ).
you know this relationship would’ve not gone forward if you haven’t tried to step up.
It’s not that Bubba wasn’t that much of a great lover that you couldn’t hardly move this relationship with him, the problem is he was a little shy, the fear of you being disgusted by him trying to kiss you with that mask on consumed him, so the idea was just chilling on a boat, waiting.
Not until one day, you really knew you wanted to finally move things forward with the man even if it was taking little steps till you both are feeling comfortable, after all your heart truly loved him.
You were both nestled against each other on a couch huddled even though the heat was killing, you fit perfectly into the man’s arms like a glove, and this made his heart all soft and bubbly.
“ Bubba, sweetheart can you turn your head around for a second ? ” you lifted your head asking with the most gentle voice you can manage, the large man moved his head almost immediately leaning it down to yours almost, almost brushing your noses together.
His colossal hands were wrapped around your waist balancing you against his chest carefully as he turned to a more comfortable position.With those hard working hands it was almost questionable how he managed to still hold you in the tenderest way possible.
You let a moment slip between you before you pressed forward planting your lips against his covered face, the man was taken back he was mumbling out clearly flustered nonsense, he anxiously looked into your eyes babbling even more non understandable apologies.
You gave a nod of reassurance to him and even more you gently stroked the wet locks on the back of his head, letting him know, you really wanted this, and maybe, if he wasn’t into this now, you could always try this out later no harm done, but instead.
 Bubba eagerly responded by pulling you close and smashing your lips together, it’s was messy, clumsy at most, but with all that. He made it up by the love and eagerness he was trying to put into it effortlessly, and you of course kissed him back guiding him throughout.
You really wished you was kissing his ‘ lips ‘ but still this was totally worth it.
When you both pulled breathlessly, bubba was mumbling out loud the happiest noises you ever heard, he gladly enveloped you into a hug, a really tight one, if he even pressed further he would’ve crushed your bones.
it didn’t take time for the family to notice, of course, Bubba was much more energetic, and feisty with work wanting to hurry up and finish soon to get some time with you.
 And you, you were practically stumbling closer and closer to him, openly showing your affection towards him with no worry and so was he, so it was easy to predict the shift in your relationship.
you couldn’t help but to smoother him with kisses every-time you saw him around, either the basement, where he worked, so casually when he’s mumbling non sense to his brothers, on the dinner table, he was just way too handsome for his own good.
Bubba didn’t mind to return those kisses you gave even if he gets all shy about it.
His brothers were.. teasing him all about it, but soon they became neutral to you being all lovely and dovey as you adjusted into the family.
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