sobyrt22 · 2 months
Our friend Erin was recently kicked out by her landlord and is facing homelessness with her 3 cats. She is currently receiving inpatient treatment for a severe mental health crisis after an incident with her abusive boyfriend. We are trying to raise $2200 to pay the deposit/fees on a rental apartment. This would enable to her and her cats to have a safe place to live and receive the healthcare they need.
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Since Erin is currently in hospital, we her friends are writing this post at her request. You can find her original twitter thread about this here. https://x.com/stiffening/status/1811568349798683052
You can donate via ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/erinshelley YouPay https://youpay.me/sinew/fund/moving-costs or direct via PayPal https://www.paypal.com/ at faunlet[at]live[dot]com.
You can also donate Amazon gift cards https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PCMWTSG/ref=s9_bw_cg_GCLPFFST_1a1_w?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-4&pf_rd_r=R69487D956H3FAWX0GYR&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=eedfdcee-0cec-4508-9a95-96b34e0d6ea4&pf_rd_i=117059571011 to faunlet[at]live[dot]com. Gift cards will be used to buy household necessities once she has moved. All these methods go directly to Erin and her cats. If you are not able to donate, please reblog this post to increase its visibility. For more information on Erin and her situation, please see below. Thank you for reading and for your donations.
Erin formerly lived with her violently abusive father but was finally able to leave in 2022. She moved to a new state which meant she no longer had her license, therapist, doctors etc. which exacerbated her disabilities. Unfortunately, the new living situation turned sour as her landlord became neglectful in his property upkeep which resulted in Erin receiving several injuries. He also became abusive and forbid her 3 cats from leaving her bedroom, as well as stealing food and toiletries from Erin. During this time, her cats developed health issues that require regular medication and monitoring (diabetes, urinary issues) and her own disabilities worsened due to lack of medical care.
The landlord announced his intention to kick her out in May 2024. Erin had applied for Section 8 housing and was attempting to move into a new place, but this fell through due to lack of funds. She had to move into her boyfriend’s apartment to avoid homelessness, however her boyfriend is abusive and neither she nor her cats are safe there.
Due to a severe mental health crisis in mid-July which resulted in a suicide attempt, Erin has now sought inpatient treatment at a local hospital. She has found another potential apartment to rent, however the deposit and fees are not covered by the Section 8 assistance and must be paid upfront. We are desperately hoping to raise this money so that she can secure this apartment and have a safe place to live. She cannot remain at her boyfriend’s because aside from his abuse, his landlord will not allow her and her cats to remain in the unit. She is unfortunately not able to live with any of us because we are internet friends spread worldwide.
Please donate if you can; if not, please reblog this post to increase its visibility. We are frantically trying to secure Erin a safe place to live so that she can be free from abuse and violence and can begin to recover. We really want to keep her and her cats together because we fear that, due to their age and health issues, they will be euthanised if surrendered to a shelter.
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Any updates will be added to this post. Thank you for reading and donating.
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sobyrt22 · 2 years
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sobyrt22 · 3 years
respectfully appreciating the thicc
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sobyrt22 · 3 years
i buried a sword my f*ther made in my back yard YEARS ago and i live on a large plot of land and i can’t for the fucking life of me remember where, is anyone out here psychic enough to point me in the right direction, i’m getting exhausted and can only dig so many fucking holes in a day. yes i’m being serious, i want the fucking sword back
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sobyrt22 · 3 years
NOOOOOO don't ignore the cute bunny pls 😭😭😭
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sobyrt22 · 3 years
NOOOOOO don't ignore the cute bunny pls 😭😭😭
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sobyrt22 · 3 years
He breaks my heart and then mends it together again
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sobyrt22 · 3 years
Would you like to take another look inside my brain? 🙃
🧠: he's ripped
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sobyrt22 · 3 years
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🌷💐Happy Birthday Jonghyun!🌸🌷
💐Our spring boy☺️💖🌷
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sobyrt22 · 3 years
To Jonghyun 🌙
A small collection of my Blue Night memories ✨
I remember setting a daily alarm every single morning to catch your Blue Night Radio. I didn't understand what you talked about but you were always such a source of comfort for me. Just hearing your voice was healing. It was a beautiful way to start my days. I miss it so much...
Afterwards, I would visit fan accounts like @cosmicsticks on twitter that would translate your words. Of course, because everything about you was poetry, I was always so impressed with you and the topics you discussed. Your point of view was always something that left me in awe of you. Always so kind, funny, passionate and loving. It was always the right thing I needed to hear.
I remember hearing Skeleton Flower be revealed for the first time on Blue Night and it taking me way too many seconds to realize it was YOU and not some other artist that sounded a lot like you lol. I didn't often hear you play your own songs so I wasn't expecting to hear one of them, especially one I didn't recognize. I found a soundcloud link that same day because I just had to listen to it again! (and again and again). To this day, Skeleton Flower is still one of my top 3 favorite songs from you 🌸
I remember on June 3rd, 2014, you played Jinki's OST "Moonlight" and at the time I thought "Aww cool! Random, but cool", only to find out 7 days later that on June 3rd, Jinki was having vocal cord surgery and you had played his song in solidarity. And of course tears ensued on my end lol
I remember when it was your last day as dj on Blue Night and it was a viewable radio. Those were always my favorite days. You were getting emotional like was to be expected since Blue Night meant a lot to you. As you were getting choked up, the one and only Choi Minho showed up, as he always did, to surprise you as a parting gift and surprise guest. Of course, your mood went from gloomy to super happy. Again, I cried (I'm good at that OTL).
I remember a lot of things and still not enough. I'm terrified of forgetting even one little detail. I guess I was probably half asleep most of the time though haha. I'm grateful to the shawol community who keeps "Jonghyun on this day" or "Jonghyun/SHINee archive" accounts going.
For shawols, you're our spring, our poet, our artist, our dj, our candle enthusiast, our vocal king, our musician, our Roo fan account, Taemin's fanclub president, our ACE plagarizer, our phone law expert, our internet troll fighter, our colorful Listerine suit guy, our shoe insole unfairness rep, our ambidextrous king, our inter-label collaborator, our tv show host roaster, our twitter guy, our equality activist, our author, our inspiration, our angel, our moon.
I want you to know that I think of you always. Your birth will always be celebrated.
Thank you for all the words you left behind.
"Because of you, my eternity is warm".
Happy birthday Kim Jonghyun 🤍
Reposted from my twitter
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sobyrt22 · 4 years
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sobyrt22 · 4 years
your honestly just an ugly nigger
omg guys! i literally just installed this thing where people who *think* they’re clicking on anon, aren’t. and well well well look what we have here
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what kind of extreme inbreeding teas! what kind of i live on a ranch and sneak into the barn every night and have sex with my brother and my horse teas?
and of course, you follow me. proof that in general, hate mail comes from fans who’s presence we are literally unaware of
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I mean I could go on but I’m literally beyond embarrassed on your behalf i hope your future employer at the gas station sees this and decides not to hire you you ugly squidward bitch
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sobyrt22 · 4 years
Watch "TAEMIN 태민 '2 KIDS' MV Teaser" on YouTube
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sobyrt22 · 4 years
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sobyrt22 · 4 years
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SHINee ot5  💕💕💕  Dream Concert 2015 Ending 
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sobyrt22 · 4 years
hey guys friendly reminder from your fave Canadian that esk*mo is a slur so please don’t use it!
I see it usually in the context of “esk*mo kisses” which may pop up when people talk about their ships and their headcanon, but it means “snow eaters” in cree and is a slur against Inuit people so please just don’t use it!
and I would appreciate if u reblogged this because people outside Canada don’t seem to know this for the most part
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sobyrt22 · 4 years
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SHINee ot5  💕💕💕  Dream Concert 2015 Ending 
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