social-in-security · 4 years
things only people with PANDAS disorder understand
so. much. bloodwork.
knowing how read a Strep A test better than the doctor does
vitamin D deficiency
antibiotics are your antidepressants
going from an honors student one day to barely even able to go to school in the first place the next day
misdiagnosed like 11 different times
Dr. Swedo/ Saving Sammy/ My Kid is NOT crazy!
getting in trouble in school/at home for tics/fears/obsessions you cannot control
years and years of therapy to get over the trauma associated with your flare ups
just casually having an infection that doesn’t go away for three years
allergies that don’t really make sense
feeling misunderstood because you haven’t met anyone else with PANDAS
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social-in-security · 4 years
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Mr Saturn wants you to wear a mask!
Get your Mr. Saturn mask here: https://www.redbubble.com/i/mask/Mr-Saturn-says-Wear-A-Mask-by-tension/53878619.9G0D8?asc=u 
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social-in-security · 4 years
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Mr Saturn believes in gay rights, zoom
buy stickers/other products here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/tension/shop?asc=u
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social-in-security · 4 years
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social-in-security · 4 years
me when i wake up: oh boy, i can't wait to think about that great dream i just had!
the memories of my dream:
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social-in-security · 4 years
please remove your hands from your skin. You are fine, your skin is fine. You don’t need to pick anything off. You don’t need to dig anything out. It’s okay. Breathe. It will heal. It will go away. Don’t let this illness control you. You control you. Okay?
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social-in-security · 4 years
what if it was gay boy advance. how would you feel then?
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social-in-security · 4 years
Nightmare Prevention Masterpost
Here’s a masterpost to help prevent nightmares, how to interpret them and how to deal with them.
Crystals: Agate, Amethyst, Angel Phantom Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Dream Quartz, Emerald, Fluorite, Lepidolite, Malachite, Smoky Quartz, any crystals that are black
Herbs: Anise, Ash, Bracken, Cayenne, Cedar, Flax, Garlic, *Hyacinth, *Kanna, Lady’s Slipper, Lemon Balm, *Mistletoe, *Morning Glory, Mullein, Mustard Seed, Purslane, Rosemary, Sage, Salt, Siberian Ginseng, *Skullcap, *Tobacco, Vervain, Wood Betony
*Herbs that can be or are toxic to ingest or burn, do research before handling these herbs
Incense: Cedar, Chamomile, Rosemary, Sage
Animals: Spiders (spiderwebs)
Metals: Silver
Simple Tips:
Make chamomile tea with moon water/gem elixir and drink before bed
Keep your bedding and pillows washed and clean
Cleanse your room before going to sleep
Take a bath or shower before bed to relax and cleanse yourself
Keep a bowl of salt near your bed
Sleep with crystals beneath your pillow or near your bed
Fill a bag or sachet with herbs to keep under your pillow or hang above your bed
Sleep with a stuffed animal or blanket that you feel comforted by
Try not to snack too close to bed time, indigestion can lead to nightmares
Stretch before bed
Do breathing exercises or meditate before bedtime
Crack your window slightly to bring in fresh air while you sleep
Avoid nicotine, alcohol or caffeine too close to bed
Listening to calming ambient sounds can help
Dealing with Nightmares
Nightmares can be very stressful and terrifying. Everyone has them and sometimes they are caused by your own subconscious thoughts and worries. 
Keep a notebook or dream journal with a pen near your bed. When you wake up from a nightmare, even if you are distressed, try to write down your emotions, thoughts and what you can remember about the nightmare down.
Come morning research the symbolism of the things that happened and appeared in your nightmare. Also consider what they may mean personally to you. Do you have any memories or experiences that relate to what happened in your dream?
Look it all over after you finished your research. What picture does it paint? Is something from your waking life affecting you? Stresses? Arguments? Relationship problems? If so perhaps it is time you try to resolve these problems.
After waking up from a nightmare you can still feel rather distressed. 
Take deep breaths, as scary and distressing as it is, it is still just a dream
Get some water
Stretch or walk around if you can, get the jitters and shakes out 
Cleanse your room if you can, spray some moon water about or bring in some salt, help remove the negativity you just felt
Read a book, it can help relax you again and make you feel sleepy, especially after such a stressful experience
After you wrote down what you remember from your nightmare, don’t dwell on it right now. You can worry about it later, for now find other things to do if you are not interested in going back to sleep
Listen to calming music or sounds
Watch calming images or videos if needed such as rain falling, ocean waves, changing clouds, looping gifs, etc
If someone is around and there to listen, you can talk it out with them. It can really help calm you
Drink some chamomile tea, it really helps
Wash your face
Cuddle, pet or speak with a pet
Hold your favorite stuffed animal or blanket for comfort
Make a crystal grid of calming stones and negativity removal stones 
If you do not plan on going back to sleep or if it is already morning, take a shower or bath
If you do not plan on going back to sleep, light some white and black candles to cleanse yourself and space of the negative energy brought by the nightmare. Do this with caution, make sure you are not too tired to do this. Fires are not fun or safe 
Calming Crystals: Amber, Amethyst, Astrophyllite, Blue Lace Agate, Calcite, Celestite, Danburite, Desert Rose, Dioptase, Dolomite, Dravite, Fire Agate, Fluorite, Galena, Goldstone, Hematite, Howlite, Infinite Stone, Magnesite, Milky Quartz, Pietersite, Rhodonite, Sodalite, Sugilite, Tiger’s Eye, Vauxite
Cleansing Crystals: Amber, Ametrine, Aquamarine, Calcite, Chlorite, Fluorite, Gyrolite, Blue Tourmaline, Milky Quartz, Salt, Serpentine, Sunstone, and Turquoise
Calming Herbs: Basil, Chamomile, Hops, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Passion Flower, Rosemary, Siberian Ginseng, St. John’s Wort
Cleansing Herbs: Anise, Bay, Birch, Boodroot, Cedar, Chamomile, Fennel, Horseradish, Hyssop, Iris, Lavender, Lemon, Lemon Verbena, Mimosa, Parsley, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Sagebrush, Shallot, Thyme, Tobacco, Turmeric, Vervain, Yucca
Research herbs to ensure they are safe before using them
Nightmare Prevention Spells:
Ghost Nebula Protection in Dreams Spell
IC 2118 Spell for Peaceful Dreams
*Nightmare Repellent
Nightmare Warding Stuffed Animal Spell
Sleep Protection Spell Jar
*Simple Nightmare Ward
*Spells that are not mine
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social-in-security · 4 years
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social-in-security · 4 years
y’all remember being 15? That was fucked up
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social-in-security · 4 years
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social-in-security · 4 years
At this point if you think the USA is an at all legitimate democracy you’re something far worse than a sucker.
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social-in-security · 4 years
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Love yourself : love yourself : love yourself
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social-in-security · 4 years
Small Candle Spells
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Not every witch has the means to collect tons of exotic ingredients.   Sometimes, all you have is a candle and a wish.  So, I have put together 10 small candle spells.  (The types of candles I am talking about are tea lights or small, tapered little fellas.  Relatively cheap and easy to use!)  Hope this becomes a resource for you all!  Let’s get started!  <3 Salt
BLACK CANDLE:  Protection
You will need:
One Black Candle
Sheet of Paper
Write down what it is you wish to protect, be it your home, your family, yourself, etc.
Light the candle.
Chant the following ten times:
By the time this black candle has waned, the blessing of protection be gained by all that fall beneath its wax be safely guarded from attack. Until the next waxing moon appears, protect all that I have written here.
Allow the candle to burn completely down and the wax to spread across the paper. 
Fold it and keep it until the next waxing moon.
Repeat as often as needed.
WHITE CANDLE:  Spirit Communication
You will need:
One White Candle
Photo of the Person you wish to speak to
Before bed, light the white candle and focus on the flame.  Let’s its warmth ignite the love you feel for the person you wish to communicate with.
Say their name allowed.  Speak of the memories you have with them.  Let the memory of them come to life in your mind.
When you are ready, recite the following spell:
Before I rest my head for the night, I ask that my heart’s call to you, (say their name), be answered. In dreams, let us be together again and share the embrace of love. I await your visit and, for it, you have my deepest thanks.
Blow out the candle and visualize their face in your mind’s eye.
Once the wax has cooled, place it and the picture together near your bed.  You are free to sleep.  Enjoy the visit!
You will need:
One Pink Candle
Piece of paper (cut into a heart shape)
Pencil or pen
On the heart paper, write down the positive aspects and assets you have.  It can be anything (from pretty eyes to being compassionate.)  Fill up the paper and fold it into a half heart.
Hold it in your hands and shut your eyes.  Deeply breathe, and focus on your pulse and the things you wrote.  Focus on yourself.
Recite the following incantation:
I am who I am flawed, challenging, human I am who I am soulful, in communion with the universe I am who I will be ever-changing and growing And I bow to the purpose that resides in me.
Light the heart paper on fire, allow it to turn to ash, and blow out the candle.
Anoint your forehead and the center of your chest with hearts made of ash.  Meditate on the self and what your purpose might me.
Anytime you feel the need to revisit self-love, use the ashes and light the candle again.
PURPLE CANDLE:  Accessing Gifts and Talents
You will need:
One Purple Candle
On the night of the New Moon, sit in a quiet, dark room.  Light your candle and concentrate on expelling all the static energy from your mind.  
Focus on your the gifts you would like to explore.  An example?  If you are drawn to Tarot, have your deck nearby and envision yourself shuffling the cards.
Repeat the following chant 13 times:
My mind is clear, my heart is too Reveal my gifts, deep and true
Open your eyes and stare into the flame.  Let the fire of inspiration illuminate the talent you want to access.
Invoke the gift by whispering:
On this night, and all nights to come, I will open myself to this ancient power and allow discovery of my true potential.
Blow out the candle and keep by your bedside.  When you practice a gift or talent, light it until there is no more wax.
ORANGE CANDLE:  Calling Your Inner Child
You will need:
One Orange Candle
Divinatory Tool (Suggest: Tarot or Oracle cards)
Light the orange candle and begin shuffling your cards.
When you feel that you have shuffled enough, hold the cards in your hand and focus on the flames.
Say the following spell:
Bring future to past with this candle’s light and provide for me childish insight. One card to tell me of my woes, another about the child within, a third cast to bring us together so that we may begin again.
Draw three cards.  The first will represent your position right now (who you are and what you have been going through); the second will represent your inner child and what insights they can provide through their innocence.  The third and final card will show you what will happen if you allow the present you and your inner child join together.
Light the candle whenever you need guidance from your inner child again.
LIGHT BLUE CANDLE:  Fortune and Glory
You will need:
One Light Blue Candle
Money (coins or paper money)
An Award or piece of Recognition (trophy, certificate, etc.)
Anytime on a Sunday (the day where workings for wealth, achievement, goals, and promotions correspond), place your candle between your representations of fortune and glory.
Put one hand on each item, and say:
I humbly ask for the Universe and all the powers within it to look upon these representations of fortune and glory.  I light this candle to honor you and ask for the following blessings…
Light your candle and return your hands to rest on your items.  Recite:  
By the light of this flame, sweet fortune I do claim.   Wealth and wisdom I do gain. By warmth of this flame, glory granted to my name. Recognition I do gain.
Allow the candle to burn until there is no more wax.  Collect what is left, store in a jar, and keep in a place you conduct business.
YELLOW CANDLE:  Invoking the Spirit of Air
You will need:
One Yellow Candle
At 3 PM, go outside and bathe in the light of the middle of the day.  Light your candle and place it in front of you.
Fisting your hands, place them on either side of the candle and say the following incantation:
Here and now, I call the element of Air.  Summer breeze and roaring wind, echoing melody and lifting wings, ever-dancing.  I call you forth to infuse my intention with your swirling fits of both song and silence.  Carry my will on your back and raise my purpose into your sky.  Breath and cloud, sound and song.  Air, I call you to me.
Open your fists and allow for the spirit of Air to translate through your palms and into your center.
Let the candle burn for five minutes and then blow it out, keeping it when you need it again.
GREEN CANDLE:  Invoking the Spirit of Earth
You will need:
One Green Candle
At night, go outside and bathe in the light of the moon.  Light your candle and place it in front of you.
Fisting your hands, place them on either side of the candle and say the following incantation:
Here and now, I call the element of Earth.  Soil of fertility and growth, fecund source of stability, stillness and health.  I call you forth to filter away all that is impure, and to stand rooted in this world.  Mountain and dust, footstep and stone.  Earth, I call you to me.
Open your fists and allow for the spirit of Earth to translate through your palms and into your center.
Let the candle burn for five minutes and then blow it out, keeping it when you need it again.
DARK BLUE CANDLE:  Invoking the Spirit of Water
You will need:
One Blue Candle
At twilight, go outside and bathe in the light of the fading sun.  Light your candle and place it in front of you.
Fisting your hands, place them on either side of the candle and say the following incantation:
Here and now, I call the element of Water.  Tranquil and powerful, rippling and deep, abundant resource of life.  I call you here to infuse my intention.  Wash my will in your flow, carry my purpose on your current.  Dewdrop and lake, clarity and storm.  Water, I call you to me.
Open your fists and allow for the spirit of Water to translate through your palms and into your center.
Let the candle burn for five minutes and then blow it out, keeping it when you need it again.
RED CANDLE:  Invoking the Spirit of Fire
You will need:
One Red Candle
At sunrise, go outside and bathe in the light of the new dawn.  Light your candle and place it in front of you.
Fisting your hands, place them on either side of the candle and say the following incantation:
Here and now, I call the element of Fire.  Heat and flame, passion and love, anger and wildfire.  I call you forth to burn away all that impedes my highest vision and to enact change in the world.  Lightning and hearth, heart and forge.  Fire, I call you to me.
Open your fists and allow for the spirit of fire to translate through your palms and into your center.
Let the candle burn for five minutes and then blow it out, keeping it when you need it again.
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social-in-security · 4 years
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social-in-security · 4 years
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social-in-security · 4 years
to everyone who is losing things like concerts and senior proms and commencements and brunches they’d had planned forever and literally anything they’ve been looking forward to i’m sorry. i really am. it sucks and i’m sure there will be people in your life who will tell you to get over it because others have it worse right now and while it may be true that others have it worse that doesn’t make your pain, disappointment, or sadness any less real or valid. keep your head up.
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