softsoule · 19 days
Wide Awake
Cast: You & Jeong Gu-Won
Inspiration: Wide Awake by Katy Perry & Power by Isak Danielson
Trigger Warnings: Self Harm and Slight Religious Remarks
Scene Context: Your standing on a rooftop peering over a ledge.
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Demon. An evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell. 
Unfortunately for me, I met my own personal tormentor, and in the end I'll surely pay the price.
The one who poisoned my faith and led me to stray from God. 
Jeong Gu-Won. The man who cursed me for eternity. The man who corrupted my soul. The one I would run to at every beck and call.
During his first few appearances at the Covenant, I remained strong, my faith unbreakable. Whenever I would feel his presence, I would pray to my father for strength and to rid us of this evil.
Unfortunately, my prayers went unanswered, and my faith started to falter. The more he appeared, the more curious I became. He was a shadow at first, just a dark silhouette of a man. 
Until one day, he appeared before me in all his glory. His beauty is breathtaking and alluring. The church warns you about temptation but never tells you how to fight it when it's standing right in front of you. 
His beauty further ignited my curiosity. What is his name? Where did he come from? Why did he choose me? Questions I so desperately wanted answers too.
As he continued to visit, the more confidence I built to speak to him. The moment I heard his sweet, suckle voice, I was enchanted. The way he held my gaze as he spoke so confidently caused me to feel unspeakable emotions. 
His presence became like a drug, and I craved more of it. I was willing to do anything to have my fix, and he knew it too. Once he had me hooked, he would visit less often; eventually, he would begin enticing me to commit sins in order to see him more.
Do you think I was willing? You bet your bottom dollar I was. 
As I look back, I wonder if it was my faithfulness that drew him or my naivety. Maybe it was a test of faith from our father, but how faithful could I have been if I willingly fell into the hands of one of his sworn enemies children?
But maybe he knew that when he saw me.
If only I was aware of the damage this forbidden relationship would cause. Maybe I wouldn't have been lured by his beauty or seduced by his sweet words. So many innocent lives taken, so much blood shed, so much torment inflicted on others.
As I stand on this ledge, I wonder if any of his sweet whispers and love confessions were real. You chuckle at the idea of it. Probably not, but you'll be okay with the idea of them possibly being true even if the chances were severely slim.
The wind kisses your skin, breaking your train of thought—another chilly fall night just like when you first met him. You grab the ledge and put one leg over after the other; you peer down and watch as the street starts to empty. Internally grateful, you'll like to traumatize as few people as possible; selfish, you know it.
Filled with determination, you close your eyes as you let go of the ledge, mentally bracing yourself for impact, but the impact never comes; instead, it's replaced by a hand holding yours to desperately keep you from slipping. You open your eyes to see your former lover, Jeong Gu-Won, heavily breathing, shocked by your drastic actions. He calls your name as if to beg you to stay, to think about what you are doing—emotions in his eyes you have never seen before.
Fear. The sight of you jumping shook his body to the core; in all his years, he never thought he could feel such a human emotion. Death was like a game to him; humans were like cheese pieces for him; he could kick them off the board one by one, but the moment he saw you leap over the edge, he knew he didn't want to play.
The raw emotion on his face makes your heart twinge, yet you refuse to falter; your decision has been made; your love has caused too much turmoil for you to continually live peacefully on this earth. Your dreams haunted with the faces of the innocent lives who were slain for your one-sided "love.".
You smile and let go of his hand; you hear him scream your name as you descend towards the concrete. The feeling of peace overfills you; your mind is no longer clouded with thoughts of Jeong Gu-Won, the screaming innocent, or the broken promises you made to your father.
You close your eyes and let the peaceful feeling consume you—a bright light entrapping you—before you know it, you're wide awake.
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softsoule · 4 months
The Wolf and The Rabbit P3.
Warning: This is my first story I'm not a writer never wrote or published anything before but I thought I would make this story so please don't criticize me too much. I hope you all enjoy that do read this!
*Warning: Smut
*Pairing: Cha Hyun-Su x Reader Part One Part Two
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Your lips are numb from the rough kissing, and your tongue dances in his mouth, desperately fighting for dominance. You bite his lip, and it sends him into a frenzy.
He growls and lifts you up, his hands planted on your ass. His lips attack yours as he walks to the empty patient room. He roughly throws you on the nearest bed, and a wave of pain overcomes you.
His dick twitches at the sight of your discomfort; he craves to see it again. His blue eyes darken with passion, and his pants stiffen with lust.
You whine out in pain, and that's enough to send him over the edge. He rips off your clothes, leaving you in your tattered underwear. Before you can protest, he crashes his lips into yours, his hand now reaching dangerously close to your sweet spot. Tightly gripping your soaking wet baby pink panties, he destroys the piece of cloth.
You call out his name desperate from the teasing; he chuckles and gives you what you want. His hand leaves a slow, soft circle on your clitoral area while his mouth sucks and nibbles on your neck.
You moan out his name over and over as you grind against his hand. Almost reaching your peak, he pulls away. You whimper at the absence of his hand, but quickly it is replaced by his warm, wet mouth.
The pleasure of his tongue sends shivers through your body, and your toes curl as you cry out. He chuckles against your core at your reaction. He inserts a finger into your canal softly massaging your walls.
You pull and tug on his hair as he deliciously eats your box as if it were his last meal. He gently sucks and tugs on your clit while gently adding another finger.
You feel your clitoris pulsate, and your muscles tighten as if they were about to burst. "You better not" he warns.
His warning falls on deaf ears as his sweet licks hit your spot and you feel your body begin to release.
Almost instantly, Cha Hyun-Su lands a hard smack on your thigh, causing you to cry out. "Did I tell you to cum?" he growls.
His eyes darken, and his face is furious. He gave you a order and you disobeyed it. How bold of you; but every rule you break you must pay for it. He must teach you to obey him. He menacingly grins at the thought of it.
His eerie smile sends a shiver down your spine. "I-I'm S-orry" you stammer over your words, still breathless from your climax.
Your apology means nothing to him, and you know it. He'll be sure to spend the rest of the night teaching you what happens to disobedient girls.
"Let me show you what happens when you don't follow my orders little rabbit." he smirks.
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softsoule · 4 months
The Wolf and The Rabbit P2.
Warning: This is my first story I'm not a writer never wrote or published anything before but I thought I would make this story so please don't criticize me too much. I hope you all enjoy that do read this!
*Pairing: Cha Hyun-Su x Reader Part One Part Three
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"Not until the wolf has its snack." Those words were all your body needed to gain the strength to run.
You struggle to get to your feet, your legs wobble. He watches you in amusement. You bolt towards the door, going as fast as your feet can take you, but its not fast enough. He's hot on your trail, not breaking a sweat; it's almost as if he's not even trying.
The debris from the dilapidated building causes you to trip and fall. You try to get up, but your legs defy you. You scream out in frustration, and you begin to crawl forward, creating space between you and this wicked beast, but it's not enough.
You hear his laughter bounce off the walls; it echoes. This is fun for him—the game of wolf and rabbit. The game you so desperately don't want to play, but it's too late; you've already entered the devil's playground.
The monster is ascending upon you; he's unnervingly close.
"This is it. This is my end." you think to yourself.
"Where do you think you're going, little rabbit?" he asks.
He suddenly dashes towards you, and in a split second, you are lifted and slammed against the corridor wall. You scream in pain; you're almost sure he's broken something. The pain is unbearable. Your eyes sting with hot tears.
You wail and beg, "Please don't hurt me; it's me, Cha Hyun-Su. I know you're in there." you plead.
Your pleas fall on deaf ears. The monster eats it up; your sorrow, your desperation, and your fear makes him hungrier. He wants to hear you cry and suffer even more; he wants you to feel so hopeless that you beg him to put an end to your suffering. Your pleas and wails do something to him more than killing does. It fills a void he never knew he had.
He lays his head in the crook of your neck and almost purrs as he deeply inhales. Your scent, your fragrance of fear, is one unlike anything he's ever smelled. It smells so aromatic, like jasmine. You squirm and cry out, desperately pleading to be set free.
He wants to hear more of it; he wants to hear you beg him and plead for mercy. He wants you to worship him. He wants to own your body, mind, and soul. He wants you.
"Shh, little rabbit," he coos. His lips are now leaving tender kisses and nibbles on your neck.
"Please" you beg. "Please, what?" he asks.
Your body starts to tingle as he now starts to brush against your hips. "P-Please let me go," you stutter. He hums. "What does the wolf get if he lets the rabbit go?" he asks.
"What do you want?" you breathlessly ask. Your mind now clouded almost forgetting about the pain your in as his kisses and love bites now trail from your neck down to your chest. He suddenly stops releasing you from his trance.
He lowers his face to yours and whispers "You".
Overwhelmed by the multitude of emotions your feeling, you try to respond but your cut off by the force of his lips crashing into yours.
You squirm and struggle to break free from this devil of a man, but his lips are so enticing. The taste of him on your tongue so sweet like the forbidden fruit he is. Your body caves in falling victim to the monster you so desperately wanted to flee from.
Ignoring the pain in your side, you toss your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. He roughly sticks his tongue in your mouth, you pull him in further allowing him to dominate you.
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softsoule · 4 months
The Wolf and The Rabbit P1.
Warning: This is my first story I'm not a writer never wrote or published anything before but I thought I would make this story so please don't criticize me too much. I hope you all enjoy that do read this!
*Pairing: Cha Hyun-Su x Reader Part Two Part Three
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Where is he? I can’t lose him. Not Again. The thoughts chant over and over in your mind.
Fear. The all-too-familiar feeling is coursing through you. The fear of losing Cha Hyun-Su again. 
Your throat is dry and hoarse from constantly screaming his name, and your stomach turns from the anxiety of potentially losing him forever. You struggle to keep your breakfast down. Swallowing whatever comes up. Your throat burns from the acid.
Your bare feet ache as you continue to run across the asphalt. The rocks scrape and cut into your feet, but you can bear it for just one more glimpse of him. 
Dead End. Hospital. Could that have been where he went?
You quickly rush inside, disregarding the chance of monsters creeping around. 
No. That didn’t matter; you didn’t care about monsters, humans, or the world in any way. You just wanted him, and you’ll die trying to see him. 
As you continue through the hallways, a creek on the floor catches your attention. It’s coming from the operation room. 
This is it. Death or glory? The decision that determines your fate. Behind the door can be the monster who will put an end to your miserable suffering or the angel of a man you so desperately crave to be around.
You pray for the latter. 
You slowly enter the room. “Cha Hyun-Su,” you call out.
No response. Is he hiding? Is this the right place? I can't fail to find him again.
You search the building while hoarsely shouting his name again and again, almost like a chant. If he doesn't hear your calls, you will surely summon at least the nearby monsters.
Upon entering the last room, a decrepit, empty old patient room, the feeling of disappointment starts to settle in. Taking a seat on a dirty hospital bed, you loudly sign hopelessly, but then you hear it.
A laugh. maniacal laugh. From a voice that sounds so sweet like an angel, but from the mouth of the devil. 
You jump to your feet, shocked by the sudden outburst but relieved. There he is, in all his glory, standing at the entrance. Hair is rugged, clothes are torn, and skin is stained with blood and dirt. Your heart flutters at the sight of him, your sweet, innocent boy, the man who would rather run away from you than put you in harm's way.
You rush towards him, ready to embrace him with a loving hold. But then you notice it—the sly smirk, the blue eyes, those intense blue eyes. You stop midway; this isn't Cha Hyun-Su; this is his monster, the one he tries to protect you from. The reason he lurks in the shadows and steers clear of you.
As the severity of the situation starts to set in, you feel tremors of fear course through your body. Cha Hyun-Su would never hurt you, but his monster would, and he would for the fun of it.
The smell of fear is in the air, and it sends the monster into a frenzy. He loves to play games, and you just introduced the game of wolf and rabbit to him.
Your heart begins to pound, and the noise is so deafening that you clutch your chest. He chuckles, and from his demeanor, you know he hears it too.
Run. Escape. Flee. The words that are constantly replaying in your head. But there's nowhere to run; your only escape is blocked by his huge figure.
The atmosphere is too intense; it's as if you're suffocating, and you feel lightheaded. Clutching your chest, you fall to your knees with a loud thud. He hums in delight.
He breaks the silence. "Thinking of leaving, little rabbit?" he asks.
He stalks towards you eerily, slowly like a wolf closing in on its prey. He crouches in front of you; his blue eyes bore into yours. The ferocity of his gaze causes your breath to hitch up. His gaze was enchanting, like a forbidden fruit—dangerous but alluring.
"Not until the wolf has its snack" he sinisterly says.
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