somnusvincitomnia · 5 years
//catch Noct decorating e v e r y t h i n g with seashells now. Gladio and Ignis get seashell charms for their birthdays. Regis gets seashell covered picture frame for Father's day. And he and Xion probably feed the fish together and read books about caring for fish bc they're NERDS
//xion can sell him as many seashells as they like but he’s going to pay for all of them with fish he just caught at the beach, so… fair trade?
there’s now a tank of fishes in their room… xion probably couldn’t bear to cook em a;soeij
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somnusvincitomnia · 5 years
surprise, fellow kids. I bet you thought you’d seen the last of somnusvincitomnia
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somnusvincitomnia · 5 years
The day I started posting about #fishing was the best day of my life.
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somnusvincitomnia · 5 years
//xion can sell him as many seashells as they like but he's going to pay for all of them with fish he just caught at the beach, so... fair trade?
Sally sells #somnusvincitomnia by the sea shore.
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
Hello, loves
I wish this was a happier post coming out of the blue, but unfortunately it looks like this blog may be going on a possibly-indefinite hiatus.
I've had a TON of fun here, met some of the best people and still have a ton of adoration for and muse for Noctis. What I don't have, at the moment, is time and energy to devote to the task of well thought out writing, juggling threads, maintaining a blog and all that comes with it.
Life got pretty hectic the last few months and I've just failed to bounce back into the routine of checking this blog every day, adding to threads, or working on my drafts. I miss the social space and the people I play with, but since the main people I made this blog to play with- my Iggy and my Gladio- are going through the same life events, since we're irl connected, none of us really has time and I have a hard time playing without them by my side.
Likewise, Tumblr has felt like a bit of a ghost town since December, and a lot of the people I've played with have their own life events or just haven't been happy with the platform.
I won't be deleting this blog! The truth is there's no rp platform I like as much as tumblr, and it's possible I may want to soft-reset and start up fresh one of these days, even if my old drafts may not come back. Likewise, I want to be able to go read my old threads and/or contact people as needed.
If we aren't friends on Discord yet and we're friends on here, please IM me or send me an ask! Likewise, my personal can be found on twitter as @Mr13eyond and I'm on Instagram as mister13eyond.
Lastly, thank you! And I hope to be back eventually. I adore Noctis and FFXV and everything I've gotten to play here <3
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
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Noctis and Xion doodles as thanks to @somnusvincitomnia for letting me gush about these two and AUs with him! Xion (and Roxas) being MT clones,, but also Xion being a Lucis Caelum and bonding with big bro Noct!! the two are also pretty similar in features, personality and,, fate ;3; im very emotional about these two ok
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
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Do you hate daemons? Do you like burning people alive? Do you think Ardyn is a big ol’ delusional sap and Somnus is definitely 100% right in every decision he makes? Well, have I got the blog for you!
@somnumfortis, at your service. Official Chosen King and charmer extraordinaire. Follow for guaranteed life improvement and 100% less daemons.
…he’s not a total dick. Promise.
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
"Noct. I don't think you're *ready*... for this jelly."
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“Are you kidding? I’m so ready for this jelly. I was born ready. You thought I was raised to be king? Nope, spent every waking moment preparing to get my hands... On this jelly.”He’s grinning like an idiot. And making grabby hands towards Prompto. What does he plan to do to Prompto, or in Prompto’s general direction? No one knows.
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
Reblog if your muse is polyamorous
whether you’re a single ship blog or a multiship blog, your muse is still polyamorous!
Reblog this link if your muse is monogamous
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
And it’s hard to write about being happy ‘Cause the older I get I find that happiness is an extremely uneventful subject And there will be no grand choirs to sing No chorus could come in About two people sitting doing nothing But I must confess I did it all for myself I gathered you here to hide from some vast unnameable fear But the loneliness never left me I always took it with me But I can put it down in the pleasure of your company And there will be no grand choirs to sing No chorus will come in And no ballad will be written It will be entirely forgotten And if tomorrow it’s all over At least we had it for a moment Oh, darling, things seem so unstable But for a moment we were able to be still And there will be no grand choirs to sing No chorus will come in No ballad will be written This will be entirely forgotten
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
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at least we had it
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
⌚ + What weapon do you favour the most?
Noct has been trained with versatility in mind; from the get-go, he’s been taught that a jack of all (weapons) trades is better than a master of none. From firearms to polearms to broadswords to daggers, he’s been taught to master their weight in his hands, their strengths and idiosyncrasies. 
Still, in the end he hasn’t been immune to favorites. He draws his Engine blade from the space of the armiger, the shatter of light like glass as its weight settles into his hand. 
“Maybe cause it’s custom made for me. Maybe cause... it was from Dad. But I always come back to the Engine Blade.”
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
⌚ Did you have a theory about how your dear advisor lost his sight?
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It’s just one more attempt to get under his skin; one more attempt to twist the knife in a wound, one more attempt to find something, some scab to pick, some splinter to drive under his nail bed. 
But the nature of magic, of a bond drawn in blood and light and dark, doesn’t leave space for anything but the truth. And perhaps, here and now, he feels it deserved. 
“I.... suspected. If not the method- if not the magic- that it was because of me.” 
And, oh, of course Ardyn will take that. Take Noct’s guilt, and take Noct’s admission, and run and run with it. So be it. “I was so.... wrapped up. In myself. In Luna. In what I had lost. I didn’t dare let myself entertain notions that even more could be on my account; that any more could be my fault.” He shrugs, daring the Accursed to try and say something of it. “He’s more worthy of wearing this ring than either of us, in the end.”
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
⌚ + Did you take any satisfaction in killing Ardyn?
“N-”The lie burns his tongue; tastes bitter, sparks harsh down his throat. Noct squeezes his eyes shut, waiting for it to pass before he tries to speak again. 
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“.... To some extent, I felt a lot for Ardyn. Once I knew how this started..... By the end, I just wanted to put him to rest. He’d been alone so long, in a world he could share with no one.” 
Not that the truth will let him leave it at that. 
“... But after Luna. After Dad. Prompto in Zegnautus, and Iggy’s eyes. Ravus. All those people in Insomnia. All of it.” Noct huffs; something like a breathless little laugh, humorless and chilly. “I can’t say it didn’t feel good.” 
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somnusvincitomnia · 6 years
⌚+ Do you wonder about me like I wonder about you? Do you wonder if there is an us in another universe? Do you think we could ever have a chance in our world, in another lifetime altogether... Do you think a story abut me and a story about you— could ever become a story about us?
Noct turns the paper over in his hands, then over again, worrying it with his thumbs. He reads it; when it bounces around his head like echolalia, he reads it again. 
It’s a hungry ache that throbs behind his sternum; a grasping thing reaching between his ribs, stretching to try and reach and reach and reach and never touch. There’s no signature on the letter. No trace of its writer’s hand, just this. 
Does it matter? Noctis isn’t sure a name would help; not when the feeling is both profound and familiar. 
The number of times he’s daydreamed of other worlds, of other lives. Of other universes, where things could be simple- where he could say the words that hover just at the back of his throat, feel what he feels without hesitation. The tiny things he could whisper to the pulse of someone’s wrist, to their ear in a crowded room, to the soft tangle of their hair. The things he might be, were it not for the weight of all this. The things others might be, if not for their duty bound to him. If not for honor, and propriety, and Lucis, and the Crown, and the Six.
He doesn’t realize he’s crinkling the paper until the sound jolts him out of his fugue; when he sees it he immediately tries to smooth it out, folding it carefully into quarters so he doesn’t look at the words any longer. 
“Yeah.” He’s speaking to a letter; he’s really lost it. But what else is there to say? Who else is there to speak to? 
“Yeah, gods. I gotta... hope.”
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