somuchtowrite · 2 months
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somuchtowrite · 4 months
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Important ideas to consider when creating characters who are black and indigenous people of color. (x)
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somuchtowrite · 4 months
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somuchtowrite · 5 months
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About Gaza Funds
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somuchtowrite · 5 months
A scorpion, not knowing how to swim, asked a frog to carry it across the river. “Do I look like a fool?” said the frog. “You’d sting me if I let you on my back!”
“Be logical,” said the scorpion. “If I stung you I’d certainly drown myself.”
“That’s true,” the frog acknowledged. “Climb aboard, then!” But no sooner than they were halfway across the river, the scorpion stung the frog, and they both began to thrash and drown. “Why on earth did you do that?” the frog said morosely. “Now we’re both going to die.” 
“I can’t help it,” said the scorpion. “It’s my nature.”
…But no sooner than they were halfway across the river, the frog felt a subtle motion on its back, and in a panic dived deep beneath the rushing waters, leaving the scorpion to drown.
“It was going to sting me anyway,” muttered the frog, emerging on the other side of the river. “It was inevitable. You all knew it. Everyone knows what those scorpions are like. It was self-defense.”
…But no sooner had they cast off from the bank, the frog felt the tip of a stinger pressed lightly against the back of its neck. “What do you think you’re doing?” said the frog.
“Just a precaution,” said the scorpion. “I cannot sting you without drowning. And now, you cannot drown me without being stung. Fair’s fair, isn’t it?”
They swam in silence to the other end of the river, where the scorpion climbed off, leaving the frog fuming.
“After the kindness I showed you!” said the frog. “And you threatened to kill me in return?”
“Kindness?” said the scorpion. “To only invite me on your back after you knew I was defenseless, unable to use my tail without killing myself? My dear frog, I only treated you as I was treated. Your kindness was as poisoned as a scorpion’s sting.”
…“Just a precaution,” said the scorpion. “I cannot sting you without drowning. And now, you cannot drown me without being stung. Fair’s fair, isn’t it?”
“You have a point,” the frog acknowledged. “But once we get to dry land, couldn’t you sting me then without repercussion?”
“All I want is to cross the river safely,” said the scorpion. “Once I’m on the other side I would gladly let you be.”
“But I would have to trust you on that,” said the frog. “While you’re pressing a stinger to my neck. By ferrying you to land I’d be be giving up the one deterrent I hold over you.”
“But by the same logic, I can’t possibly withdraw my stinger while we’re still over water,” the scorpion protested.
The frog paused in the middle of the river, treading water. “So, I suppose we’re at an impasse.”
The river rushed around them. The scorpion’s stinger twitched against the frog’s unbroken skin. “I suppose so,” the scorpion said.
A scorpion, not knowing how to swim, asked a frog to carry it across the river. “Absolutely not!” said the frog, and dived beneath the waters, and so none of them learned anything.
A scorpion, being unable to swim, asked a turtle (as in the original Persian version of the fable) to carry it across the river. The turtle readily agreed, and allowed the scorpion aboard its shell. Halfway across, the scorpion gave in to its nature and stung, but failed to penetrate the turtle’s thick shell. The turtle, swimming placidly, failed to notice.
They reached the other side of the river, and parted ways as friends.
…Halfway across, the scorpion gave in to its nature and stung, but failed to penetrate the turtle’s thick shell.
The turtle, hearing the tap of the scorpion’s sting, was offended at the scorpion’s ungratefulness. Thankfully, having been granted the powers to both defend itself and to punish evil, the turtle sank beneath the waters and drowned the scorpion out of principle.
A scorpion, not knowing how to swim, asked a frog to carry it across the river. “Do I look like a fool?” sneered the frog. “You’d sting me if I let you on my back.”
The scorpion pleaded earnestly. “Do you think so little of me? Please, I must cross the river. What would I gain from stinging you? I would only end up drowning myself!”
“That’s true,” the frog acknowledged. “Even a scorpion knows to look out for its own skin. Climb aboard, then!”
But as they forged through the rushing waters, the scorpion grew worried. This frog thinks me a ruthless killer, it thought. Would it not be justified in throwing me off now and ridding the world of me? Why else would it agree to this? Every jostle made the scorpion more and more anxious, until the frog surged forward with a particularly large splash, and in panic the scorpion lashed out with its stinger.
“I knew it,” snarled the frog, as they both thrashed and drowned. “A scorpion cannot change its nature.”
A scorpion, not knowing how to swim, asked a frog to carry it across the river. The frog agreed, but no sooner than they were halfway across the scorpion stung the frog, and they both began to thrash and drown.
“I’ve only myself to blame,” sighed the frog, as they both sank beneath the waters. “You, you’re a scorpion, I couldn’t have expected anything better. But I knew better, and yet I went against my judgement! And now I’ve doomed us both!”
“You couldn’t help it,” said the scorpion mildly. “It’s your nature.” 
…“Why on earth did you do that?” the frog said morosely. “Now we’re both going to die.”
“Alas, I was of two natures,” said the scorpion. “One said to gratefully ride your back across the river, and the other said to sting you where you stood. And so both fought, and neither won.” It smiled wistfully. “Ah, it would be nice to be just one thing, wouldn’t it? Unadulterated in nature. Without the capacity for conflict or regret.”
“By the way,” said the frog, as they swam, “I’ve been meaning to ask: What’s on the other side of the river?”
“It’s the journey,” said the scorpion. “Not the destination.”
…“What’s on the other side of anything?” said the scorpion. “A new beginning.”
…”Another scorpion to mate with,” said the scorpion. “And more prey to kill, and more living bodies to poison, and a forthcoming lineage of cruelties that you will be culpable in.”
…”Nothing we will live to see, I fear,” said the scorpion. “Already the currents are growing stronger, and the river seems like it shall swallow us both. We surge forward, and the shoreline recedes. But does that mean our striving was in vain?”
“I love you,” said the scorpion.
The frog glanced upward. “Do you?”
“Absolutely. Can you imagine the fear of drowning? Of course not. You’re a frog. Might as well be scared of breathing air. And yet here I am, clinging to your back, as the waters rage around us. Isn’t that love? Isn’t that trust? Isn’t that necessity? I could not kill you without killing myself. Are we not inseparable in this?”
The frog swam on, the both of them silent.
“I’m so tired,” murmured the frog eventually. “How much further to the other side? I don’t know how long we’ve been swimming. I’ve been treading water. And it’s getting so very dark.”
“Shh,” the scorpion said. “Don’t be afraid.”
The frog’s legs kicked out weakly. “How long has it been? We’re lost. We’re lost! We’re doomed to be cast about the waters forever. There is no land. There’s nothing on the other side, don’t you see!”
“Shh, shh,” said the scorpion. “My venom is a hallucinogenic. Beneath its surface, the river is endlessly deep, its currents carrying many things.” 
“You - You’ve killed us both,” said the frog, and began to laugh deliriously. “Is this - is this what it’s like to drown?” 
“We’ve killed each other,” said the scorpion soothingly. “My venom in my glands now pulsing through your veins, the waters of your birthing pool suffusing my lungs. We are engulfing each other now, drowning in each other. I am breathless. Do you feel it? Do you feel my sting pierced through your heart?”
“What a foolish thing to do,” murmured the frog. “No logic. No logic to it at all.”
“We couldn’t help it,” whispered the scorpion. “It’s our natures. Why else does anything in the world happen? Because we were made for this from birth, darling, every moment inexplicable and inevitable. What a crazy thing it is to fall in love, and yet - It’s all our fault! We are both blameless. We’re together now, darling. It couldn’t have happened any other way.”
“It’s funny,” said the frog. “I can’t say that I trust you, really. Or that I even think very much of you and that nasty little stinger of yours to begin with. But I’m doing this for you regardless. It’s strange, isn’t it? It’s strange. Why would I do this? I want to help you, want to go out of my way to help you. I let you climb right onto my back! Now, whyever would I go and do a foolish thing like that?”
A scorpion, not knowing how to swim, asked a frog to carry it across the river. “Do I look like a fool?” said the frog. “You’d sting me if I let you on my back!”
“Be logical,” said the scorpion. “If I stung you I’d certainly drown myself.”  
“That’s true,” the frog acknowledged. “Come aboard, then!” But no sooner had the scorpion mounted the frog’s back than it began to sting, repeatedly, while still safely on the river’s bank.
The frog groaned, thrashing weakly as the venom coursed through its veins, beginning to liquefy its flesh. “Ah,” it muttered. “For some reason I never considered this possibility.”
“Because you were never scared of me,” the scorpion whispered in its ear. “You were never scared of dying. In a past life you wore a shell and sat in judgement. And then you were reborn: soft-skinned, swift, unburdened, as new and vulnerable as a child, moving anew through a world of children. How could anyone ever be cruel, you thought, seeing the precariousness of it all?” The scorpion bowed its head and drank. “How could anyone kill you without killing themselves?”
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somuchtowrite · 7 months
Hello my lovely followers!! I’m sure my absence hasn’t been noticed, but long story short, it’s down to the fact that, before Christmas, we found out my mum’s cancer (that she was first diagnosed with in 2017) had spread to her liver and pelvic bones and holy fuck was it a painful and stressful Christmas. But here we are in the middle of February and she’s still fighting strong. We’re raising money for her cancer treatments and any amount of money makes such a difference so I’m offering digitally drawn portraits of people’s OCs in exchange for a donation. I’ll be drawing them similar to the example below and you can pay anything from £10 and over (obviously it takes me a little extra of everything to draw nowadays because my time and energy is spent taking care of my mum and my disabled sister), so I think £10 as a starting point is reasonable, but if you wanted extras like shadows and lighting then that can be discussed- please DM me if you’re interested! All payments are taken via Ko-fi!
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somuchtowrite · 8 months
days keep happening to me. and nights also. no say in it whatsoever
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somuchtowrite · 11 months
I am not posting nanowrimo updates this year, but I'm still participating! I can't commit to a novel, so I decided to just write whatever I want - short stories, poems, journal entries, fanfic, essays (it's finals season and I'm an english major, so including my essays is mostly just a kindness to myself). all of it is stuff I want to keep to myself, hence the lack of updating on here.
it's called anything & everything, and i'll at the very least keep tabs on here for the sake of tradition! I wish everyone else participating good luck and I can't wait to see everyone's progress!
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somuchtowrite · 1 year
How to Bring Someone Back from the Dead
Make sure that it wasn’t their time to die. If it was, do not try to bring them back.
If you’re sure they weren’t meant to die, start preparing for your journey. It will be a long one.
You will need two coats, a quarter, a white rose, a blanket, a flashlight, extra batteries, lots of food and water, and an object of importance to the deceased (a necklace, a beloved book, etc).
Wait until late spring. You’ll want it to be warm out when you return.
Put on some good hiking boots. You’ll be walking for a while.
Enter any forest. The denser the better. Walk until the sun goes down.
Look to your left when it becomes too dark to see.
You will see a white glow in the distance. Walk towards it.
Be careful where you step. Some woods like to trip you.
Remember your loved one’s name.
Say aloud how much you missed them and why you want them back.
The glow will disappear once you reach it. When it does, turn on your flashlight and sit down.
Place the flashlight next to you and go to sleep. Do not be afraid. If you’ve made it this far, then the forest in on your side. It will not let you be harmed.
When you awake, the sun will be up.
Turn off your flashlight and put it back in your bag.
You will be standing just outside of a fairy ring. Do not enter it.
Take out your food and water. Eat some, but leave the rest at your feet.
Step into the ring and place the quarter on the ground, tails up.
Tell your loved one you are coming for them. They will not hear you.
The quarter will sink into the ground. You may now enter the Underworld.
Put on one of the coats. It will be very cold.
Close your eyes and imagine that you are sinking into the ground. Do not open them until you smell smoke.
When you open your eyes, you will be underground. A tunnel will stretch out before you.
Replace the batteries in your flashlight. It will get dark very soon
Follow the tunnel. You will feel cold. This is normal.
You will soon come across a small house. Knock on the door.
A dark-haired woman will open it. There is something wrong with her eyes. Do not stare.
She will ask you for something pretty. Give her the rose
She will smile at you and invite you in for something to eat. Enter the house, but politely refuse any food.
Talk to her for a while. She likes the company.
She’ll tell you a secret. Pretend that it doesn’t bother you.
Eventually, she will give you an item. I do not know what it will be. It’s different for everyone.
Thank her for being so kind. She wasn’t always like this.
Say goodbye and exit the house. Continue down the tunnel
You will be walking for a long time. If you need to sleep, do so. When you wake up, continue walking.
You will find food in your bag. Do not eat any of it.
You will get to a river guarded by the woman you met before. Do not ask her how she got here so fast.
Say hello and show her the item she gave to you. She will take it and give you your flower back.
You are now allowed to cross the river. Get in the boat. Don’t think about how it wasn’t there before.
Let the boat take you to the other shore. The fog will make it hard to see. Trust me that it’s better that way
When you get off the boat, the fog will be too dense to see clearly.
You will start to come across wandering souls. They will not care that you are here. They are too miserable.
The silence will be unbearable. Hum a song to yourself.
You’ll be wandering around for a while. Don’t give up hope. You’ll find them soon.
When you do, softly say hello.
They will not remember you. Don’t take this personally. They don’t remember themselves either.
Don’t touch them, not yet.
Their eyes will seem far away. It’s alright. They are listening.
Talk to them for a while. Don’t give your name and do not tell them theirs. They don’t trust you yet.
They’ll soon realize you are alive. When they do, answer their questions about the world above.
Ask them if they are cold. The answer will be yes.
Offer them the coat you are wearing. It will already be warm. You have body heat, they do not.
When they take it. Put on your other coat.
At this point, they will ask if you know them. Say yes and tell them their name.
They will like having an identity again. Try not to cry when they smile.
Hand them their item of importance. It will help them trust you.
Tell them your name and ask them if they want to leave.
If they say yes, take their hand. They will feel like a corpse. Try not to let this faze you.
Do not let go of their hand.
Walk back to the river. You will find it. The Keepers don’t like the Living in the Underworld.
The woman you met earlier will be there. Give her the rose again. She will give you back the item from her house.
Get in the boat.
When you reach the shore, exit the boat.
Your loved one will have some trouble keeping up. They are exhausted. The dead cannot eat or sleep, no matter how much they want to.
Keep walking. Try not to notice how hungry you are.
Do not eat the food in your bag.
While you walk, talk to your loved one. They don’t know it, but they’ve missed you.
They will trip and fall at some point. They are very tired.
They will start to cry. Don’t let this break your heart. Instead, tell them they will be able to rest soon.
For now, pick them up and carry them in your arms. Don’t worry, they will be very light.
Try not to notice that they aren’t breathing. It will only make you feel sick.
Keep talking. They will be too tired to respond, but they are listening.
When you see the woman’s house, tell your loved one that you’re almost there.
Keep walking and don’t turn around.
You’ll feel something watching you.
Don’t turn around. Please.
You’ll notice you’ve stopped talking. Start humming that song again. It will help stave off the fear.
Stop walking and place your loved one on the ground. Pull out the blanket and wrap them in it. Pick them up again and keep going. You’re almost there.
You’ll see a light up ahead. Feel the relief flooding through you and run towards it.
When you step out of the fairy ring, immediately place your loved one on the ground.
Encourage them to breathe. They will have forgotten how to.
When they start to breathe again, retrieve the food that you left on the ground earlier.
They’ll want to fall asleep. Make sure they eat and drink before they do so.
They will be very cold. Do whatever you can to keep them warm.
Thank whatever gods you believe in for letting you bring them back.
Go to sleep. Nothing will harm you here.
When you wake, do not disturb your loved one. They haven’t slept in so long. Wait until they wake up on their own.
Take them home. They will not remember you at first, but they will regain their memories soon.
Don’t tell them how they died. It’s best if they don’t know.
Spend time with them. Most people don’t get a second chance.
More guides
How to be a stranger
If your reflection is missing
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somuchtowrite · 1 year
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welcome femininegruntin! you and you alone can stay!
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somuchtowrite · 1 year
I love writing. Would love to do it again someday
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somuchtowrite · 1 year
She [slide whistle] on my [rooster crow] til I [boyoyoyoyoing]
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somuchtowrite · 1 year
just thought I’d jump in and say that on wednesday, 5th april 2023 I finished my nanowrimo project ….. from last year!! It’s a 51k middle grade novel, and was inspired by all the books I loved as a child: the saddle club, pony pals, nancy drew, trixie belden, that sort of thing. it’s basically a horsey-themed mystery with friendship and adventure on the side, which was my absolute favourite genre when I was a kid. 
I wrote this purely for fun, not with the intention of getting published, but I’m going to do one round of edits and then I’ll see how I feel about querying. 
anyway, long story short: I (finally) finished my nano project. better late than never! <:D
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somuchtowrite · 1 year
write your favourite non fiction book in the tags
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somuchtowrite · 2 years
Did I daydream this, or was there a website for writers with like. A ridiculous quantity of descriptive aid. Like I remember clicking on " inside a cinema " or something like that. Then, BAM. Here's a list of smell and sounds. I can't remember it for the life of me, but if someone else can, help a bitch out <3
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somuchtowrite · 2 years
AMAZING. literally will be making this my personality for the rest of my life <3
if anyone was wondering what lyra (from my nanowrimo project this past year) looked like, here she is!!
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for @somuchtowrite 🌙
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somuchtowrite · 2 years
this is so fun!! prince finian of wayward would be very offended if i didn’t post his introduction to twt, so here goes :)) (i wrote this bit years and years ago don’t judge LMAO)
“Hey, you!” someone called from behind him. Cyprus froze, recognizing the snotty voice and wishing he could retreat back into the servants’ corridor. “Great tricks,” he muttered under his breath. He turned with a forced smile. “Yes sir?” he asked, easily slipping into the servant persona he had been practicing for weeks. He couldn’t help but hold his breath as he took in the prince up close. The prince, to Cyprus’s delight, was shorter than expected in person, barely reaching the top of his chest, but he held himself like he was ten feet tall. His ginger curls were oily as if he had tried to tame them, but it clearly hadn’t worked. His square jaw was set in an authoritative scowl. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be off preparing for tonight?”
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