songasold · 6 years
Alright so after a lot of thinking I moved this account to my primary blog @peaky-shelby so go and follow me there for my imagines and other writings and ofc I'll follow back if I don't already, much love xx
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songasold · 6 years
Judge: How do you plead?
Finn: *looks at Michael*
Michael: *mouths not guilty*
Finn: Hot milky
Michael: Oh for fucks sake, just lock him up
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songasold · 6 years
Polly: Finn said a bad word to the priest today! Got in big trouble for it!
Arthur: where the fuck did he learn that from?
John: what the fuck did he say?
Tommy: are you fucking serious?
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songasold · 6 years
Michael Gray or John Shelby
Are you trying to break my heart?! Alright alright I can do this. Well john is a babe and so freaking hot and oh lord I MISS HIM. 😭😭 and Michael is my little cupcake and I love him with all my heart so this is really hard for me but idk I think I'd have to choose ....... Michael? Idk my heart is just screaming his name to me I LOVE HIM!
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songasold · 6 years
Give me two fictional characters and I'll tell you which I'd rather date.
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songasold · 6 years
Linda: I’ve just had a thought.
Polly: Congratulations.
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songasold · 6 years
Did you know Alicia Vikander is married to an abuser? Google Michael Fassbender domestic violence. Poor girl I hope she ends the relationship soon.
Idk that Michael was an abuser, I hope the rumors are not true but if they are I hope she gets out of it Quickly. She is the sweetest and I love her with all my heart 💓💓❤
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songasold · 6 years
Hiiii!! To everyone that follows me I just wanted to make sure you knew that I actually do follow most of you back on my primary blog and ily all so much 💓💓
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songasold · 6 years
Me when I remember that my finals are coming up and I'm probably going to fail
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songasold · 6 years
Alright but this scene ruined me
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it’s cursed, tommy.
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songasold · 6 years
Clock don’t stop | Tommy Shelby Imagine.
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Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Characters: tommy x reader
Requested: yes
Summary: after your first fight you storm out of the house in anger and things take a wrong turn after that.
Warnings: angst, blood and its peaky blinders so lots of cursing
Author’s note: i had these two requests and I thought that I’d be fun to combine them sooooo here we goooo
Words: 1400
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“Well if you weren’t such a fucking idiot maybe then it wouldn’t have came to thie!„ you spat out. Your voice loud and sharp.
As always tommy was trying to control you. He kept saying that it was for your own protection, because he didn’t want what happen to grace happen to you to. All you wanted was have fun with friends on the Garrison and then there storms Tommy, dragging you by the hand out the pub. You were always reacting when he’d treat you like this but you weren’t strong enough to push him off, so as much as it annoyed you, you kept walking with him.
He’d keep telling you that it’s just not safe for you these days with the Italians out there but in reality you knew that the true reason is that he was utterly jealous of your best friend. He’d always look at him like he wanted to kill and it was pissing you off.
“Watch your tongue!„ he warned you, raising his finger at you.
“Or what Thomas? Or fucking what? You’ll hit? Shout? Push me against a wall? Lock me in my room? Fucking ground me?!„ your tone was getting louder with every question and you were getting closer to him, pushing him at the end with your hands “you don’t don’t fucking me own me Shelby! Alright? I’ve been trying to go along with your little play for the last few months because I didn’t want this to happen but I’m fed up with it tom!„
It was true, as many times as you’d show your annoyance this was the very first time you were actually fighting like this. First time you were shouting and making threats at each other. You weren’t used to this.
“Where are you going?„ he shouted, when you took your distance from him and walked to the front door “(Y/N) come back here! It’s fucking cold out there!„ he said while following you. He tried to grab for your hand again and out of full instinct you Quickly moved your arm away from his and then in a swift movement slapped him. You knew that it was a strong enough slap because you heard it and because you felt it in your palm.
You left before he had time to raise his head and look at you. You had no idea where you were going but you know you needed some time for yourself. Tommy’s mansion was a little farther away from the city so really your were walking in empty streets. It got kinda eerie after a few minutes of walking in the dark but you weren’t going back to that house again, that was certain.
Suddenly the dark path was lighted by car lights. You only hoped that whoever was drying was going to ignore the woman that was alone in the street. As the car passed by you, you turned your head a little to the right, see who was in it.
You could swear that you had seen that face again. You didn’t know where but you knew it was familiar. ‘This was a mistake’ you thought. The man looked at you as well and you say his eyes. Green. Scary.
“Oh no..„ you whispered to yourself. You hoped that he hadn’t recognized you but your prayers went unanswered. You heard the car stop and the door open behind you. You started running before the Italian, Luca, could get you. It was so dark that you almost fell with your face on the grounds various times. There was nowhere to hide. Your chances of surging were slim.
After you slapped him tommy went back to the house. He was so angry he didn’t even think about the coincidences of leaving you alone in the dark. He went immediately for the booze. Put a glass of whiskey for himself and thought about what he should do. He knew that if he went after you, you’d most likely slap him again. Maybe he had cross the line by embarrassing you in front of your friends but he’d never admit it of course.
He made up his mind to go find you and get you back home. As angry as he was with you for hitting him and reacting the way you did and shouting, there was this part of him that was worried something might happen to you in the dark of the night. He got in his car and started driving on the path he saw you walk in. He’d look around for you but there was no one. Suddenly he saw your bag on the dirt. He got out of the car to see if it was really yours and then panic followed. He started shouting for your name on the top of his lungs but there was no answer.
The blinders were notified about it in seconds, Tommy went to their houses told them to get up and look for you. Demanded that they were not to stop looking until they actually found you. Tommy himself was looking for you all night. He was his brother Arthur when instead of finding you, he found one Italian. Tommy grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him against a wall, he groaned in pain but tom didn’t mind at all.
“WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE? AY?!„ there was fear in his voice but the anger came out louder. Tommy threw the Italian on the ground and started kicking him while he kept screaming for him to speak. When given the information, he and Arthur went to get you.
Following behind were all the blinders, family members and soldiers. The Italians that were there to protect you were outnumbered and although Luca wasn’t there for tommy to put a bullet in his head all he wanted to do was find you.
You heard it. It wasn’t as loud because it was coming from farther away but you were sure it was him. You started shouting for him. Calling out his name, hoping that he’d hear you. You were in a small room down the long hall. With you there was man and he got off his feet immediately. You stopped shouting. You knew that if tommy found you, he’d die.
“Keep shouting you silly girl!„ demanded the Italian but you started silent. “I’ll kill you if you don’t!„ he warned but your lips didn’t move. That’s when he got out his gun and shot you in the leg. You couldn’t keep the need to scream inside your chest.
Thomas heard it. He ran to you. Kicked the door open and then there was a bang and you closed your eyes. You prayed that the one who got shot wasn’t the man you loved. You hoped that it was the Italian. You didn’t want to open your eyes because you knew you wouldn’t be able to handle it if you saw tommy dead. You wouldn’t be able to handle the picture of him bleeding in front of you.
You felt a light touch on your skin and out of instinct you pushed whoever was next to you away. He got close to you again and started saying stuff that you couldn’t hear due to your loud screams. You felt him holding you still and then his voice silenced yours. It was him. He had kneeled across you.
“It’s ok! It’s ok! I’m here! I’m here!„ he started repeating the words Quickly. You opened your eyes and there was a comforting smile on his lips. His eyes looked so tired, he looked exhausted but he still had strength to smile, just so he could make you feel better. You fell in his arms and he held you tightly. Tears stormed down your eyes endlessly, he heard you breaking apart and held you tighter.
“Tommy my leg„ you said in between the tears. He pulled away to look at it, ran a head down his face in relief that it wasn’t anything to serious. He put his hands on your cheeks and looked deep in your eyes. “It’s alright! It’s gonna be fine! Ok? I’ll take you to the doctor!„
You leaned your forehead on his and he kissed you again and again as if he was kissing you for the first time, he couldn’t get enough of it. You would always be his addiction and he’d die if he lost you.
Well I hope you all liked this and send me more requests if you feel like it haha. I love you all 🐾
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songasold · 6 years
First big fight w tommy imagine
Done, I just posted it❤
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songasold · 6 years
OooOooo reader is kidnapped and tommy reacts?
I just posted it💓
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songasold · 6 years
Hey. I'm new to the peaky blinders fandom but Thomas has already stolen my heart. So can you do an imagine where he upsets the reader and says he'll do anything to make it up to her. So she says she wants him to kneel before her and he does. Sorry if its a little too specific.
ofc, this probably wont be very long but here we gooo:
On His Knees –– Tommy Shelby
Normally you trusted Tommy, you had been dating for roughly two years. But lately, it seemed as if he was more distant; unattached. Of course, you were worried but he constantly had women around him and it didn’t feel like he was going to be faithful. You knew about his tendencies before he was with you: a new woman every week.
Alfie was your best friend, you had known him for many years. He was the one who had tipped you on Tommy’s recent actions, he also paid for a driver to come get you. You were really hurt by the fact Tommy had been seeing this woman behind your back, who wouldn’t be? So, you were planning to confront him. 
“Hello, love. You ready for this?” Alfie asked you, hooking his arm with yours. You definitely weren’t, but you had to get it over with if this were to be the end.
“No, but I have to do it nevertheless.” You sighed. Taking one last breath of fresh air, Alfie took you inside. The people talked among themselves––until they saw Aflie, then you. The women’s eyes raked over your figure with judgment, only boosting your confidence. You did dress well on purpose.
Then Tommy saw––god he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You looked so damn good, those trousers sinched high up on your waist––and the collared shirt tucked below. You were wearing his fur coat, the one Pol bought him as a joke, but it was no joke on you––hanging off your shoulders and tickling your calves.
“What the fuck,” Tommy growled, pointedly at Alfie who was on your arm. Everyone knew that you were Tommy’s and not Alfie’s. Anyone could sense there was about to be a scuffle. Whoever the woman was, she was quickly abandoned as Tommy walked towards the two of you. 
“Ey, mate.” Alfie drawled, somewhat amused.
“Get the fuck off her, Solomons.” 
You smiled sarcastically at Tommy, “Lovely night, innit Thomas?” 
“Don’t call me that. What are you doing here?” Tommy tried to intimidate you, but in these heels, you knew this routine.
“Enjoying the party, Thomas, maybe visiting my boyfriend. But it seems he’s busy with someone else.” You kept your cool well, but there was a seething quality in your voice. The champagne was shouting for you, walking towards it Tommy followed you. 
“It really isn’t what it looks like. I’m working,” He grumbled, “You shouldn’t be here.”
“I’m not your dog Thomas, sometimes I wonder if you realize that.” You said, leaning on the bar. He rubbed his face with his hands before looking back up at you.
“What do you want? Why are you really here?” Tommy asked, this time raising his voice. Taking a swig of your champagne and setting it down, you removed your coat. 
“Why am I here?” You had stood up, right in front of him and raised your voice to match his, “I’m here because I get word my boyfriend is fuckin’ off with other women. I’m not gonna sit at the shop and do work for you to have you disregard me! That’s why I’m here, you fuck.”
“Calm down, please. You’re attracting attention.” Tommy sighed, defeated. He knew you were going to fight back––hard. He knew he had taken advantage of your trust. 
“I’m here because for the past two months you’ve barely spoken to me. I’m here because I wanted to convince myself you actually loved me. I’m standing right fucking in front of you because I thought you were better than this.” You had seen enough, Tommy invalidating you was enough. You picked up the coat and angrily began towards the door. Tommy knew damn well if he didn’t try, he would lose you.
His hand was on your wrist, his other on your waist. “Don’t do this. Don’t leave, I’ll do anything––anything.” 
“Yeah right, your fucking ego is too big.” You snapped and turned away, only for him to turn you back around. 
“You want me to beg? Get on my knees?” You didn’t have to reply for him to do it. There he was the mighty Thomas Shelby, on his knees, begging you to stay. You watched his eyes get glassy as he whispered one thing, “You’re the only one––I swear on my mother’s grave.”
You had been broken, “Get up,” He stayed down, “Get up!”
Tommy looked at you, relieved, “I know what you want, but this will have to do for now.”
You were still angry, no doubt about that. But you did watch as Tommy slipped his gold band off his finger and onto yours. Alfie was the one to break the silence.
“Fuck off, the lot of ya! Show’s over.”
this was in fact longer than i expected,, kinda sucks but o well
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songasold · 6 years
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Tommy, when a pikey walks in with hair like that, you’ve gotta ask yourself “Have I made a mistake?”.
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songasold · 6 years
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songasold · 6 years
bless us all with a headcanon about the soft things about dating Michael please maybe add some me smut too please
Dating Michael Gray would include:
in the beginning, he came on really strong, mostly because he was insecure
but then he got really sappy and cuddly
always visiting him in the betting shop while he works
when it’s just the two of you left after hours things get interesting ;)
no actually once you played a really intense game of hide and seek
michael takes you to dinner a lot
there are always cute flower vases and really good food
he loves talking to you about your dreams and aspirations
back hugs––lots of them
eskimo kisses
he loves to play with your waist
you always call him ‘mikey’ or ‘champ’
he loves it when you call him ‘champ’ it really turns him on
he then continues to pull you down onto his lap
he’ll press his face into your neck and breathes ever so softly, sending your body into a fit of shivers
michael is inexperienced but, boy he knows how to tease you
whenever you get intimate with michael, he is really gently unless you tell him to not be
his aftercare routine is the sweetest thing, he always gets you water and blankets you fall asleep cuddling
uhh so many makeout sessions?? anywhere and everywhere
he likes it when you wear his clothes, he always gives you one of his suit jackets to wear over your outfit
yall have promise rings with each other's initials on them 
as soon as michael turned 18 you got your own house together
its super cute and decorated with little colorful trinkets
he also buys you a dog as a two-year anniversary gift (its a doberman named bubba)
michael is really soft though
he is very defensive of you and will throw hands if someone lays a hand on you
you’d do the same for him
michael is a great boyfriend i definitely recommend
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