soullessdemondean · 7 years
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1. Follow my tumblr: jessethereader.tumblr.com 2. Reblog this post.  3. BAM YOU’RE ENTERED. 
giveaway ends: 12/1 
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soullessdemondean · 7 years
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I can see the difference.. can you?
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soullessdemondean · 7 years
It is our duty as feminists to protect and respect women in Hijabs
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soullessdemondean · 7 years
wow another misinformed person who thinks that straight aces and aros are lgbt. why am i not surprised. not every one belongs everywhere. you can accept straight aces and aros, but do not tell them that they are lgbt because they 100% are not. lgbt spaces are for lgbt people case closed. maybe you should brush up on lgbt issues before you invite straight people to be a part of our community.
Please take a step back and listen to how you just conducted that sentence. I’m not quite sure where you’re coming from in life, but it sounds like you’ve been through quite a bit with your identity. So have I. And when I found myself a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I finally found a huge group of people who accepted me and supported me. I hope the same happened for you. And if not, I hope it happens soon, because everyone deserves that.
Consider people who observe no sexual or romantic attraction, which are legitimate identities, who feel wrong for one way or another. They’re asexual and/or aromantic, regardless of gay or straight, and that still falls under the A in the acronym, but I keep hearing that one half’s not different enough. Not oppressed enough. I would first say, none of us know everyone’s story, and there’s no way we will, so we don’t know what everyone has gone through with their identity. And second, when did this community become solely about how oppressed we are? [EDIT: Upon reviewing this, I should specify it is important to note the group was founded because of systemic oppression, and that is VERY important. I mean that we are also a group of support and lifting ourselves up and being proud of who we are as a diverse community, as well as continuing to fight the systemic oppression that faces many of us]. If we, as a group, achieve what I hope we can achieve idealistically and not be oppressed, are we still not a group to be proud of? Why wouldn’t we want this group to be an absolute celebration of all legitimate varieties? A celebration of all our unique experiences and struggles? They’re all different and valid.
Is this demographic of people with a legitimate sexual and/or romantic identity to make their own little group? To be made to feel like outcasts in the real world as well as in this group? I feel that this just furthers the negative, unfriendly attitude that already greatly exists in this world and I don’t wanna promote that. I just would think something like excluding would be for those who make us feel unsafe and that would only be on a case-by-case basis, not for a whole demographic who feel out of place and just want to belong, right? I don’t wanna be that way to people the way the world was to me. They’re not lgbt, but they are A, and that’s part of the LGBTQIA+ community, right? And of course I can’t change what you believe. And you’re right, I can accept them! I shall, because acceptance in this community is what inspired me and helped me when I felt lost, and I want to be that for others. [EDIT: I also want to stress that, the bottom line here is that all I’d like is for us to take time, ALL of us, asexuals and aromantics included, to educate ourselves, try to understand and respect each other’s individual struggles/experiences/stories, because they ARE all different. Empathy and trust is key because this line of distrust does not seem to be going in a positive direction. It seems to be leading to negativity, divisiveness, and name-calling and I don’t like seeing that. That’s not what I think many of us are trying to achieve. Sorry for typing so much haha]
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soullessdemondean · 7 years
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Every time Dean called him “Castiel” not “Cas” [seasons 4-12]. Because I love the way he says it and I wish he’d do this just a little more often.
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soullessdemondean · 7 years
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soullessdemondean · 7 years
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soullessdemondean · 7 years
Alright, guys. 
THIS ISN’T a bromance: 
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THIS IS a bromance:
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THIS IS a bromance:
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THIS IS a bromance: 
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soullessdemondean · 7 years
Okay, I see a lot of my fellow Cas girls having emotional breakdowns, so repeat after me:
Misha is a regular for season thirteen.
Not recurring:  a regular.
There is virtually no way Cas will permanently stay dead, and he will probably be resurrected very, very early into the next season.
So take heart, dry your tears, and feel free to pretend this ep didn’t happen until the hellatus is over.   
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soullessdemondean · 8 years
I definitely agree with you. It was great. Mycroft was great. Moriarty was great. Molly was great. And the ending won't haunt us for years of waiting. It was really creative and tied all the previous Easter eggs together. Of course there were a few problems, but there are very few shows without at least a few. It wasn't the Reichenbach Fall or anything but overall, it was a good episode.
Why is everyone so upset by the Sherlock episode?
*also spoilers maybe?*
*yeah deffo spoilers*
Genuinely can some explain this to me I really enjoyed it, like sure it may have had its flaws and what not but I didn’t notice them, I followed the story and the emotions they all went through and enjoyed it cause I’ve been waiting SO LONG for it. Think of the positives. - Sherlock saying John is family - Molly Hooper being her. - MORIARTY - Rosie being raised by John and Sherlock - How soft and calm Sherlock was being with the girl on the plane -MyCroft being a caring brother
And loads more, think about it there are so many positives being overlooked.
But yeah if someone could tell me what they didn’t like (or did like !!) about the episode I’d really appreciate it as I’m curious?
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soullessdemondean · 8 years
Mrs Hudson - the voice of reason in the TLD
Staying calm, telling people what to do, how to do it and when to do it.  The hero and badass we need.
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soullessdemondean · 8 years
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Anyone but you.
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soullessdemondean · 8 years
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Me: Hoe don’t do it
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Me: Omg
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soullessdemondean · 8 years
my anxiety has a loophole that if somebody is else is equally or more uncomfortable I develop the sudden ability to Do The Thing
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soullessdemondean · 8 years
christmas is in 3 days what the fuck? what the fuck?? what the fuck??????????????
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soullessdemondean · 8 years
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soullessdemondean · 8 years
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This needs to be said more often.
Also, I don’t usually gif Thomas but this video really hit me. I think it was much needed in times like these, I really needed it. So, props to him and all the amazing people who worked on it! :D
(from “If You Need a Reason to Smile | Thomas Sanders”)
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