spettrorecords · 4 years
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Ghobi | “Wollstonecraft / Stele” ( SR226 )
Type: mp3
Location: Italy
Date: 2020
Tracks: 10
Genre: postrock, world music, experimental, electroacoustic
Section: Ochre
Free download The "Wollstonecraft / Stele" project is a split within Ghobi itself, originating from works on improvisational and transversal material, where horn color most of the tracks creating atmospheres which can be dark and then turn into airier stanzas. The project is the result of transversal listenings that inevitably had a significant impact on the sounds and structures of the tracks. The recording is rather lo-fi by choice, bringing out the specific and living atmospheres of the parts which recorded live, and this would have otherwise meant losing its true nature. The project is divided ideologically into two parts: Wollstonecraft (more airy) and Stele (darker). We can't forget to mention the vocal contribution on some occasions (on the tracks Julian date, Volgo, Eleven Days...) by Anna with whom we have active a collaborative project/ensemble named Wollstonecraft Air.
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spettrorecords · 4 years
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Nosebleed | "The Nosebleed Section - 7 Traxxx Demo” SR225
Date: 2020 Location: U.S. Genre: grindcore, cybergrind Tracks: 7 Section: Gray
Free download
Play them in order and play it loud.
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spettrorecords · 4 years
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Demetrio Cecchitelli | "Empty Spaces” SR224
Type: mp3 Location: Rimini, Italy Date: September 16, 2020 Tracks: 2 Genre: ambient, minimalia, electronic Section: White
Free download
"In the process of "Empty Spaces" the evolution of the musical message is given by the use of multi-layered sounds, found sounds and digital processing. The main characteristic is the use of the repetition and looping techniques, both from live electronics and prepared material. Sounds passes from ambient music influences to post-drone atmospheres, by inserting passages of melodramatic and melancholic feelings, all with a soft touch of transported restlessness."
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spettrorecords · 4 years
This metal comp, with over 2 million views (yes, 2 million!), features awesome artists on Spettro such as Dyslexic Fudgicle, Your Marginally Talented Photographer Girlfriend, TxSxBx, Proctophobic and others!
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spettrorecords · 4 years
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Salomè Lego Playset’s “F A I L U R E S” on a 10 copy limited edition vinyl, out now on Spettro Records.
Failures is also for free download.
Featuring John Duncan on vocals, artwork by Giancarlo Morieri and Davide Landi, mixing and mastering by Fabio Iaci, artwork direction by Matteo Linari.
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spettrorecords · 4 years
Listen/purchase: Grey worlds fill empty words by Asylum Connection
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spettrorecords · 4 years
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Asylum Connection, "Grey Worlds Fill Empty Words" (SR223)
For free download @
Location: Bologna, Italy Date: 2020 Track: 5 Genre: noise, doom, dark ambient Section: red
"Everything you will hear is a part of me I have carefully hidden or crushed for many years. It kept coming back to me and I would rather hurt myself struggling against it than accept it. This project was born when I stopped that vicious circle. That day, not without shame, I tore apart the taboo I had for noise and for my own most violent and uncompromising instincts. This sound was always inside of me. I mainly used contact microphones, objects and guitar pedals, but I try not to set any limit. I am grateful for my wife’s patience/trust/encouragement, Nicola and Omar, Teresa, Federico & Adonai, Irene, RecycledFab and Mai12 for their inspiration."
Asylum Connection is:
"A long time to fight the self-destructive spirit. And then one day I put myself aside and I left him free, free to express himself, to move objects, to bring sounds where he wanted. Not me against myself, but me together with the most intolerant part of my spirit. Together we create these sounds and visions."
Credits: all music by Asylum Connection (of A Distant Shore, Shadow Echo Canyon, and many more)
Artwork by: Akis Karanos
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spettrorecords · 4 years
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È con grandissimo piacere e orgoglio che annunciamo l'uscita dell'album "Old Memories" dell'artista giapponese Yuichiro Fujimoto, per l’associazione culturale e circolo Ikigai Room, in download gratuito e in audiocassetta in edizione limitata di 50 copie soltanto.
Bandcamp link: https://ikigairoom.bandcamp.com/releases
L'associazione Ikigai non è scomparsa ma ha soltanto dovuto interrompere parte delle proprie attività per cause ormai ben note. Tuttavia non ci siamo mai fermati in questi mesi, con workshop gratuiti online, garantendo il proseguimento dei corsi di lingua giapponese e coreana (sempre online), aggiornando il blog con nuovi contenuti, e finalmente pubblicando questa audiocassetta per noi molto importante. A settembre torneremo finalmente nella nostra sede di via Nosadella 15 A, riaprendo ai soci e riprendendo, nel limite delle possibilità, con le attività che hanno contraddistinto la vita della nostra associazione.
Pubblicare un disco, raro ormai, di Yuichiro, è un privilegio. Per chi non ne conoscesse il lavoro, la sua musica è fatta di poche note, timide eppure essenziali, paesaggi pieni di vita, vita che si afferma pienamente nei suoni da lui registrati: passi, il fruscio di foglie, risate lontane di bambini, un cane che abbaia o la pioggia sul finestrino di un'auto. Pochissimi elementi essenziali l'uno per l'altro che comunicano in un linguaggio fatto di silenzi, ombre, le note di un pianoforte o una chitarra da pochi soldi. Nessuna canzone, nessuna struttura, soltanto istanti sonori rubati allo scorrere inesorabile del tempo.
In "Old Memories" Yuichiro raccoglie registrazioni ormai dimenticate di gioventù. Sua nonna che canta enka e un giovanissimo Yuichiro che strimpella una chitarra. Una tastiera usata e la fantasia di adolescente di comporre come Aphex Twin.
Erano anni che non pubblicava nulla, o almeno non in occidente (da qualche parte sembrano esserci nuove registrazioni, ma Yuichiro si apre al mondo solamente con una pagina Tumblr dove non c'è alcuna musica o parole ma soltanto brevi scatti fotografici, nessun social, nessuna autopromozione), ma è bastato scrivergli e chieder se aveva ancora qualcosa da condividere. Old Memories è proprio questo. Una raccolta intima, delicata, fragile, tenera quanto un ricordo.
La versione digitale gratuita è disponibile sulla nostra pagina Bandcamp. Per chi fosse interessato ad una copia dell'audiocassetta, è possibile acquistarla sul medesimo sito oppure scrivendoci e cercheremo di consegnarvela a mano se in zona di Bologna. Altrimenti sarà ovviamente disponibile presso la sede di via Nosadella a partire da settembre.
Per chi volesse conoscere meglio la musica di Yuichiro, rimandiamo a questo articolo sul blog di Ikigai: https://www.ikigairoom.it/yuichiro-fujimoto-old-memories/
Buon ascolto!
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spettrorecords · 4 years
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spettrorecords · 4 years
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spettrorecords · 4 years
I wrote this article on Ikigai Room blog about what the “Hello Damage Tokyo Tour Guide” meant for the young me back in my first trip to Japan in 2006 and to further ones I did. 
Turns out I wasn’t the only one following this incredibly detailed pre-social networks guide to the underground fringe Tokyo, its music, art, sleaze, and most of all, people. Those places, and getting there, are part of me, and now that the website is gone but partially preserved thanks to the Wayback Machine, I thought it was time to thank schultzzz.
You can even email him directly to ask him about his crazy Tokyo days and whatever adventures he’s embarked on now!
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spettrorecords · 4 years
ALESSANDRO DINETTI, Be b1, Spettro Records 10th Year Anniversary – Volume I (Spettro Records) MINAMO & MOSKITOO, Palm Fable, Superstition (12k) JULIANNA BARWICK, Inspirit, Healing Is A Miracle (Ninja Tune) ARCA, Time, KiCk (XL Recordings) PARK HYE JIN, Like This, How Can I (Ninja Tune) KELEKETLA!, Future Toyi Toyi (Gqom Version), Keleketla! (Ahead Of Our Time) TENESHA THE WORDSMITH, I Dream So Loud (feat. Daniel B Summerhill), JOSEY REBELLE – Josey In Space (Beats In Space) MAKOTO KAWABATA, RICHARD PINHAS, MANONGO MUJICA, JUAN LUIS PEREIRA & HIROSHI HIGASHI, Campanas, Alturas (Buh Records) ROWLAND S HOWARD, She Cried, Teenage Snuff Film (Mute) DERADOORIAN, It Was Me, Find The Sun (Anti-) SQUID, Broadcaster, Sludge / Broadcaster (Warp) GREG FOX, Ill Being, Contact (RVNG Intl.) SUSAN ALCORN, Broken Obelisk, The Heart Sutra (Arranged by Janel Leppin) (Ideologic Organ) KASSEL JAEGER JIM O’ROURKE, in cobalt aura sleeps, in cobalt aura sleeps 2 (Editions Mego)
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spettrorecords · 4 years
Featuring Nickk Dropkick’s contribution to Spettro Records’ 2020 10th Anniversary Compilation
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spettrorecords · 4 years
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spettrorecords · 4 years
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Spettro Records 10th Year Anniversary - Volume I & II
For Free Download
Volume I:
Volume II:
It's been 10 full years since May 13th 2010, when Spettro was first launched with a live concert by our late friend and pioneer Z'EV together Stefano Pilia, and Salomè Lego Playset opening, at the now defunct and very much missed Xm24 squat in Bologna, Italy. Spettro has always been active online and offline ever since with over 200 free releases and live shows from artists coming from Italy, USA, Canada, Japan, France, Greece, Indonesia, Turkey, Mexico, Spain, Finland, Luxembourg, Argentina, Sweden, Holland, Portugal and more. 10 years is a long time, and the fact that we're still at it might be both positive and sad. Haven't you outgrown it you might ask? Things have changed a lot in the meantime, sure, but Spettro has not given up on the idea of open and free culture and sharing, especially in times of streaming, astroturfing, sponsored content and constant crisis. Spettro has also brought artists from all over the world together, enabling collaborations and new music and sometimes friendships, and has evolved in an actual brick and mortar venue, Ikigai Room, which at this time is sadly closed due to the Covid-19 emergency but which we hope will be soon back on track. Spettro, and the world of netlabels, still has a lot to say, and won't be giving up any time soon, at least not before releasing this massive compilation featuring some musicians who have been with Spettro since day 1. For free download, on www.spettrorec.com Artwork by Fabiana Teodonno www.facebook.com/fabianateodonno/
Artists involved:
Volume I:
1 - A distant shore (Bologna, Italy) adistantshore.bandcamp.com 2 -Alessandro Dinetti (Italy) soundcloud.com/alessandro-dinetti 3 - Nickk Dropkick (Canada) soundcloud.com/nickk-ropkick 4 - WHΛLTHISИEY (Portugal) walthisney.bandcamp.com 5 - Fecalove (Bologna, Italy) fecalove.bandcamp.com 6 - Stefano Bertoli (Genova, Italy) soundcloud.com/khn 7 - Fabio Iaci (Bologna, Italy) fabioiaci.bandcamp.com 8 - Naoki Ishida (Kyoto, Japan) soundcloud.com/ishidanaoki 9 - Filtro (Lodi, Italy) www.facebook.com/filtroband/ 10 - Shadow Echo Canyon (Bologna, Italy) shadowechocanyon.bandcamp.com 11 - アロキン (Bologna, Italy) arokin.bandcamp.com 12 - Meavy Boy (Bologna, Italy) actraiser1.bandcamp.com 13 - DBPIT (Rome, Italy) dbpitxxena.bandcamp.com/album/isolaction 14 - Monkeeastronaut (Bologna, Italy) monkeeastronaut.bandcamp.com 15 - Silent Carrion (Trento, Italy) silentcarrion.bandcamp.com 16 - F-zer0 (Rome, Italy) 17 - Bohrer (Italy) bohrer.bandcamp.com 18 - 111VVVøøøVVV111 (London, UK) 19 - Kοκκαλα (Athens, Greece) kokkala.bandcamp.com/releases Volume II:
1 - Krasue (Bologna, Italy) krasue666.bandcamp.com/releases 2 - Keith Doom and The Wrecking Crew (Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada) keithdoomandthewreckingcrew.bandcamp.com 3 - Fabiana Cowinguro (Bologna, Italy) soundcloud.com/fabianacowinguro 4 - Brain Fog (Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada) brainfog420.bandcamp.com 5 - Angelo Bignamini (Castiglione d'Adda, Italy) soundcloud.com/angelo-bignamini 6 - Pistol Jazz (Muroto, Japan) soundcloud.com/pistoljazz 7 - Salomè Lego Playset (Bologna, Italy) salomelegoplayset.bandcamp.com 8 - Vacuum Templi (Italy) soundcloud.com/vacuum-templi 9 - First Catatonic Ensemble (Bologna, Italy) firstcatatonicensemble.bandcamp.com 10 - Blasting Rod (Nagoya, Japan) soundcloud.com/blasting-rod 11 - uragano/orqan_remix (Sanremo, Italy) uragano.bandcamp.com/album/- orqan.bandcamp.com 12 - Geisterchor (Trentino-Alto Adige/South Tyrol, Italy) geisterchor.bandcamp.com/album/requiem 13 - Junichi Usui (Japan/Vietnam) www.junichi-usui.com/english/ 14 - 有涯 (Muroto, Japan) 15 - Corpseweed (Massachusetts, United States) soundcloud.com/valjimnujesus/ 16 - SLP (Bologna, Italy) slpmusic.bandcamp.com 17 - Les Laplaciens (Italy/Osaka, Japan) www.facebook.com/bissomultimedia
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spettrorecords · 4 years
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Spettro Records is celebrating 10 years of activity with a free download compilation featuring some of the best artists that have ever crossed paths with Spettro. The compilation will be made available for free download on www.spettrorec.com, The Internet Archive (https://archive.org/details/spettrorec) and Bandcamp (https://spettrorecords.bandcamp.com/) on May 13th, the very same day Spettro was officially launched with a live concert by our late friend and pioneer Z'EV together Stefano Pilia, and Salomè Lego Playset, at the now defunct and vert much missed Xm24 squat in Bologna, Italy.
It's been 10 full years, and Spettro has always been active online and offline with over 200 free releases and live shows from artists coming from Italy, USA, Canada, Japan, France, Greece, Indonesia, Turkey, Mexico, Spain, Finland, Luxembourg, Argentina, Sweden, Holland, Portugal and more.
10 years is a long time, and the fact that we're still at it might be both positive and sad. Things have changed a lot in the meantime, but Spettro has not given up on the idea of open and free culture, especially in times of streaming, astroturfing, sponsored content and constant crisis.
Spettro has also brought artists from all over the world together, enabling collaborations and new music and sometimes friendships, and has evolved in an actual brick and mortar venue, Ikigai Room Bologna, which at the time is sadly closed due to the Covid emergency but which we hope will be soon back on track.
Spettro, and the world of netlabels, still has a lot to say, and won't be giving up any time soon, at least not before releasing this massive compilation featuring some musicians who have been with Spettro since day 1. Submissions are welcome until May 1, so for any info write to [email protected]
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spettrorecords · 4 years
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SR221 - DBPIT : "isolaCtion"
For Free Download :
Gatto Alieno label
Flavio Derbekannte has been making experimental / industrial music over the past 20 years or so under different monikers (first DBPIT, then DBPIT & XXENA and NOISE CLUSTER with his spouse Arianna); The isolation brought about by the Covid pandemic allowed him to sort out and complete a bunch of tracks he had had in the pipeline since forever: here comes 'IsolaCtion', a collection of seven electronic tracks with an industrial 'hue' to dance the quarantine away.
IsolaCtion - DBPIT, 2020 netlabel: Spettro Records SR221 GattoAlieno GA17
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