spiritualgemini · 3 years
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Handmade abalone shell necklaces ❣
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spiritualgemini · 3 years
⭐ collective message ⭐
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Some of you may be coming into partnership with someone or are dealing with a soulmate connection, I see a lot of momentum building in this and a lot of looking ahead at the future of this connection.
You and/or this person are feeling extremely greatful for the love and happiness created around you and are getting reading for the next stages in this connection.
I see you creating great foundations for this relationship and there may be a love offer coming in soon for some of you.
Make sure you keep balance in your life and don't center your whole way of living around this connection and give it time to flourish and grow without such pressure to put a name on how you feel towards eachother.
This is your sign that something is coming in for you whether that be with someone you're already connected to or someone you'll be meeting in the near future ❣
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spiritualgemini · 3 years
💙 water signs weekly reading 💙
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I see a lot of you overanalyzing a situation at the moment, trying to avoid doing something that could be risky. I see a life event coming soon for a lot of you. Some of you may be leaving home, or making a decision on something. I see a lot of you doubting your own abilities and confidence. You are doubting yourself and the decisions you are making in your near future. Some of you may feel inadequate to your peers and find yourself comparing your position in life with others around you, perhaps even others on social media. 
Relying on old coping mechanisms may not be serving you anymore, it's time to be practical, create a form of structure in your life and focus on what it is you are needing to decide upon. It's time to take control of what you are going to do, or what you are not going to do. No more sitting on the fence and just pondering what might happen. Time to decide what you will be doing and be disciplined in that approach.
Perhaps talking to people around you about what you are thinking about and the decisions you are pondering. I see family and/or friends being extremely important in this decision and the road to you moving forward. 
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spiritualgemini · 3 years
🌿 earth signs weekly reading 🌿
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You might feel quite trapped in routine lately, feeling powerless to change up what you are doing. I see you feeling quite restricted within something, wishing you could take control of the situation a bit more. Things may seem quite monotonous and boring at the moment but remember that many things are all part of the bigger picture, try to be optimistic about where this will lead you, take control of the things you have the ability to change. Perhaps work feels like it is taking you nowhere, in your time off use the space for some introspection and self-reflection and you may find some answers within that. 
What is really for your greater good, what can you do to align your values into your daily life. Where are the areas causing you stress, how can you combat this? Perhaps talk with someone you are close with and open yourself up to some constructive criticism, ask honestly within yourself what you can be working on to improve the life you live.
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spiritualgemini · 3 years
🔥 fire signs weekly reading 🔥
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I see a lot of you being quite impatient and being unmotivated based on lack of results lately, something you are working at may not be showing a lot of progress as fast as you would like and it is pushing you to feel pessimistic in your pursuits. But I see you having a breakthrough, a new idea that will enhance your vision and help you focus on your goals. You must be forceful in your attempts to not give up, do not fall into that procrastination and stagnancy. 
Perhaps working with someone else or having another perspective will help bring forth this breakthrough, try bouncing ideas off other people and asking for input from your peers. 
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spiritualgemini · 3 years
🌸 Air signs weekly reading 🌸
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You might feel a lot of hopelessness within something lately, finding it hard to draw inspiration and defaulting to negativity. But you must remain grounded and loyal to achieving your dreams, have your goals in sight and work out a clear plan on how to achieve them. 
Ensure you are having adequate days of rest so that you can think clearly throughout the rest of the week. Maybe some changes in your cycle need to be made to keep things fresh and help you find that needed motivation in your endeavours. 
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spiritualgemini · 4 years
🌸 capricorn weekly reading 🌸
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You may feel a lack of purpose at the moment and feel wishful in the hopes that one day you will find something that clicks and falls into place as your true purpose in life. You may daydream a lot about a certain situation you are facing. Trying to make a choice and find clarity on how to proceed. 
However you possess so much skill and talent in many areas of your life, and the idea of you not having some higher purpose may simply just be an illusion you have built for yourself. I see manifestations being extremely powerful in your pursuit for clarity on something important to you. Allow yourself to receive insight on the obstacle to help you make the important choice you are pondering on.
Remember to be sensible with your ambition, do not manifest anything unsafe. Be kind to yourself and those around you, but protect yourself from people who may like to take your kindness for granted. I see the outcome of this situation that you are pondering being extremely prosperous and successful. Have trust in yourself to make the right moves.
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spiritualgemini · 4 years
🌸 virgo weekly reading 🌸
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You may be struggling with an addiction, obsession or codependency at the present moment. Finding it hard to find your own independence or have control over something important to you. You may feel powerless in this situation, like there is nothing you can do to improve it.
However you have a sharp mind, the fact you are aware of this problem in the first place shows that you have a grasp on the truth of the situation. I see a breakthrough happening allowing you to find clarity and the ability to focus on a clear way to handle the situation.
The two of cups points to you confiding in someone close to you to help you figure out what is best to do in this situation. Offering a different perspective on a circumstance can help you view things in a way you wouldn't have seen on your own. Allow yourself to talk openly with others about what you are struggling with, you do not have to face ever burden alone.
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spiritualgemini · 4 years
🌸 Taurus weekly reading 🌸
You may have taken on some responsibilities recently that have left you feeling burnt out, or on the brink of exhaustion. You may feel like you are only carrying on out of obligation and it's causing you to view the situation as a burden.
But your action card calls for you to see the fulfilment that can be achieved via this period of stress, perhaps you need to take some time to balance your happiness and this additional stress you have taken on. I see there being a beautiful outcome from this but you are forgetting about the reason you took on the task in the first place. The burden and struggle has clouded your view of the destination. You see only the termutious journey to get there. 
Find some sorely needed middle ground, do not push yourself into a place of hurt and pain, but do not give up altogether, some pursuits need perseverance and a tactful approach to achieve the outcome you are working for. Take some time for self care, mediate the responsibilities and manage the time in which you spend actively taking on this extra responsibility and taking time to care for you!!
It does not have to be all or nothing, middle ground can be found in this hardship. 
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spiritualgemini · 4 years
❣ Raw citrine wire wrapped necklace ❣
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spiritualgemini · 4 years
🌸 scorpio tarot reading 🌸
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A lot of you may be ignoring your inner voice and intuition lately. Pushing away things you don't want to deal with right now. I see some of you asking for signs on what to do but then turning away when they present themselves. I don't think this is a conscious effort to disregard these things but perhaps happening subconsciously to avoid some hard truths.
By not listening to yourself and acting on the advice around you, you are perpetuating this cycle of struggle. Work on listening to yourself, even if the answer is not what you want to hear. Don't be afraid of changes that will come, by repeating these negative patterns you are just further pushing yourself into the sadness and uncomfortable feelings. 
By resisting change you are allowing yourself to sit in stagnancy and not progressing how you would like to. Spend some time connecting with your inner self and learning to listen to your intuition. All the answers you need are within you.
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spiritualgemini · 4 years
🌸 pisces weekly reading 🌸
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You might be having to leave something behind, or perhaps you are trying to avoid having to leave something in the past. This may bring back a lot of memories and hard emotions to deal with, thinking about all the different ways in which this situation could have worked out.
However I see that leaving this part of life behind and making the decision you have, or need to make will bring forth a better outcome than if you had remained in the previous situation. I see a lot of you had to put your pride to the side to make this decision, but in this you will receive victory through this tribulation. 
This may seem like it happened really fast and so many sudden changes and decisions were made at the click of a finger, but use this momentum to create a situation for yourself to thrive. Allow this to be something exciting rather than something scary. Everything is working out for the best, even if at times it may seem to be for the worse.
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spiritualgemini · 4 years
🌸 weekly gemini reading 🌸
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You may be too generous at the moment, you may be finding it hard to withhold spending, or perhaps spending too much time on other people. You may be finding it hard to hold back on impulses and keep a handle on your emotions.
Remind yourself that you can love people without giving too much of yourself, you don't have to be the person to solve everyone else's problems. Find balance and a middle path between giving too much and too little. Draw needed boundaries and remember that you must also look after yourself. Avoid swinging from the extreme of over giving then under giving. 
You have a lesson to learn in this important balance. Friendship and community will be around you and you do not need to cling to them for dear life. Being available at the drop of a pin for the people who need you may on the surface seem like a good trait, but ultimately you fall at the hand of others. You must allow decisions to be made for your own benefit and not always for the benefit of others.
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spiritualgemini · 4 years
🌸 aquarius weekly reading 🌸
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You may be feeling great amounts of anxiety at the moment, i see you carrying a lot of weight in silence. Some of you have been having some nightmares lately. I think those who may be in a period of isolation due to the current climate are finding it hard to spend so much time alone. 
It can be hard to feel as if you don't have an outlet to express the feelings you have, a lot of you are holding a lot of feelings in, and aren't willing to face them, or ask for help. You feel as if to talk about how you feel would be burdensome to those around you but they are there to help. 
Reaching out will help you overcome these struggles, I see some optimism on the horizon, the tables will be turning for you all soon. Don't be scared to take control of your life and face those difficult emotions. 
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spiritualgemini · 4 years
🌸 libra weekly reading 🌸
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Some of you may be finding it hard to heal from something traumatic in the past. I see for some of you it may be family issues, or maybe some of you are just finding it hard to not think back into the past. Dwelling a lot on things that have happened. 
By refusing to let yourself sit in the present and being trapped in the past you are delaying the growth and vital healing you need to do. You may feel helpless and stuck to keep sitting in these uncomfortable emotions but you must be resourceful and proactive in your pursuit for betterment.
Sitting around dwelling on the past will only leave you in the past, whereas looking to the future and treasuring the present will allow you to slowly start feeling more grounded and in control of the things that ail you.
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spiritualgemini · 4 years
🌸 Leo weekly reading 🌸
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You may be finding it hard to find some direction at the moment. Your brain may feel scattered as it is hard to plan for the future not knowing what will be happening in the coming months. There is a lot of uncertainty about what is going to happen that may be stressing you out currently. 
However do not let the idea of being unsure intimidate you, don't stress over the idea that nothing is certain. As easy as it is to say to just relax and stop stressing, that isn't as easy in practice. But allow some balance to come fourth in this time. Some stress is good for forward thinking and future planning, but falling down the rabbit hole into overthinking the subject can further block any ideas you may have and make your attitude even worse.
Practice some mindfulness and meditation and allow some calmness into your daily life
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spiritualgemini · 4 years
🌸 aries weekly reading 🌸
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You might be finding yourself in a lot of arguments and disputes lately, I feel a lot of hostility in the air surrounding you. Perhaps you are finally starting to stand up for yourself. This constant fight however is leaving you without much rest. I see a lot of fatigue, finding it hard to sleep and/or not getting enough sleep. For some of you it may be sleeping in too late.
 But the 9 of wands calls for you to have some perseverance and resilience right now, you are extremely close to success and you will come into some stability soon. I see a celebration on the horizon. Maybe a lot of you have been studying a lot, and trying really hard to push yourself to succeed. 
Keep at whatever it is you are doing as the end is in sight. You will receive the praise and belonging that you seek for sticking with this.
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