#poor kariya :(((
inairebun · 9 months
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Team groceries: Amagai, Sangoku, Nishiki, Tsurugi, Shindou
Team cooking: Kirino, Hayami, Ichino, Taiyou
Team seasoning: Fei, Tenma, Hikaru, Kurumada, Hamano
Team eating: Kariya, Aoyama, Torb, Shinsuke, Kurama
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strawberry-barista · 4 months
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⚅— @lollipopsandgunshots asked: —⚅ ⚅— Incoming text for Hanekoma, from Kariya.
[text] Hey, Coffee Man. Thanks for treating mom and Izumi the way you did. It means a hell of a lot to them, and to me and Uzuki. I'm sure she'll be sending her thanks soon. [text] Izumi said you were wanting to go get some of her and Uzuki's things? That would be amazing. It would mean the world to them if you could actually pull it off. And to me, because it would make them so happy. [text] And if you wanna give the guy some hell for what he did to Uzuki... Go for it. It wouldn't upset either of them, but they're not the type to ask you to do something like that. But I have no problems with it. ;) [text] And if you ever happen to find my piece of shit father too, kick his ass for me. Just a suggestion. —⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Hanekoma certainly wasn't expecting to receive anything further than the pleasant conversation he'd had with Izumi and Natsuki after his little Mother's Day gifts, but he was happy to hear from Kariya anyway. He moved to his couch and collapsed into it as he read the messages, lighting up as he reached the latter portions. He had really already given up on the idea of being able to help them in any way, but now he was being given a new chance and, in addition, a chance to handle Kariya's father as well. It made his blood boil to think about what they had all gone through with the respective men in their lives. To finally be given permission to do something about it was exactly the perfect end to his day. And so he began typing out a response to Kariya, feeling light:
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I'm glad they enjoyed it, it was really my pleasure. And I will be more than happy to do what I can to retrieve their belongings. I just didn't want to step onto any turf I didn't have the right to. And as for your old man, you give me a name and I'll be on it. You think you can help me out with planning any of this, I'd be happy to accept your assistance, too. I just want to make sure they get what they deserve for treating those poor girls the way they did. And I don't intend of giving anyone the privilege of a game. We're going to do some real-time diving, if I get the chance, and I'll just take their souls on a ride into the noise plane for a bit. You know. If violence is on the table, that is.
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scramble-crossing · 8 months
2 3 10 12 13 for the ask game!
2. A headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like! Ok this is hard to answer because I forget what's canon and what's intricately-woven-into-my-brain headcanon but I'll say the "Kariya was an Angel" theory! I never disliked it, but I never liked it more than the simpler explanation of "Oh he's just been around the block a couple of times, that's why he knows more than the average Reaper but still couldn't pick out Joshua as the Composer-that stuff's above his paygrade." Even now it's not "canon to me" level of headcanon, but I can see the appeal and really I appreciate anything that inspires people to look a littler closer at characters like Kariya or Uzuki. Also it's really good when played for comedy. His ass is showing up at the Angel convention, stealing as many appetizers as he can, and bouncing before anyone can point out that he got fired 30 years ago for skipping meetings to go play Tin Pin with random Wall Reapers.
3. A character that fandom has helped you appreciate It's too easy to say Coco so Beat! It's embarrassing to admit but I kinda had a bone to pick with him when I was first getting into the series for sorta "replacing Sho" in neo. I didn't think he was as interesting (and to be fair he really isn't in neo until you take his relation to Rindo's arc into consideration; he works wonderfully as a back for Rindo to hide behind even if his own story was very much concluded by the end of the first game. Then there's also his dynamic with Neku, which is very very good, but he didn't need to be a player character for that. Anyways). Beat analysis posting made me actually pay attention to him while replaying the games and realize how much I'd missed skimming over him in W2 (the poor guy's really gotta try to compete with fan darling Joshua and Sho, aka the loudest fucking man alive, for screen time). His stint as a Reaper is incredibly fascinating. I forget who, but I always distinctly remember someone talking about Beat getting prepped to try and deaden his heart and become as brutal and merciless as a Reaper is supposed to be before ultimately choosing kindness in both his siding with Neku and sparing Kariya and Uzuki in W3 and man.....yeah. He's just such a good guy. He's easily in the top 10 favs now, if not the top 5
10. A blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter Well....yknow....
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There are a LOT of others and I'm too shy to tag but goldensunset (incredible analysis) playtwewy (fav fics ever) sho-minamimoto (awesome art + sho headcanons) dj-of-the-coven (made me love beat) purplelea (also incredible analysis) bitternami (very kind and wow I read a fic of yours once and it blew me away...I will remember to find it and leave a comment soon) leonvilasi (always leaves fun and interesting comments in my notes) off the top of my head and a whole bunch of people who aren't as active in the twewy fandom anymore or whose art I love and the people I always see leaving funny tags in my notes you're all awesome <3
12. Compliment someone else in your fandom AUGH HELL ON EARTH!!! dandelion2302 I absolutely adore the way you draw Sho your art is amazing.................
13. Your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc) Yknow I've never actually done any fandom events before twewy! I had a blast during the twewybang and while I probably won't participate again for a while (I'd rather finish the fic I wrote for the 23 one first) it was a wonderful first experience with this sort of thing :]
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marmolao · 1 year
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inatober but its just kariya and hikaru and it will have all the designs i did for them starting for felines and they are all made in ms paint with mouse I TOOK THE TROPICAL FRUITS THEME BECAUSE NO ONE CARED ABOUT IT and i care about it because it was weird. why tropical fruits. i am poor so i dont know about tropical fruits.
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purplelea · 2 years
did anybody give you the obligatory twewy ask yet?
THANK YOU!!! Nope, the only two asks I got were from my kh mutuals, so they didn't ask me that XD
Neku 100%. CALL ME BASIC ALL YOU WANT, BUT NEKU FUCKING RULES OKAY?? He's everything to me. He's just a guy. He got shot thrice. He's a fashion disaster. He tried to kill the person who is now his best friend. He's a mom friend. He's so powerful he can one-shot Minamimoto. He's a walking stick. He's friends with the local divine being. I love him.
Neku "best character development ever seen in a video game" Sakuraba. Also he's a bi icon.
She's. sooooo shaped. The girl ever. Almost gets killed and then goes "whoops my bad it was my fault anyway hehe". Her self-esteem is lower than the Mariana Trench. She's so obsessed with details and clothing that she forces a guy she met 4 days before to strip in the middle of the street. Her stuffed cat will make you eat your words if you talk shit about her. Scolds Neku like a preschool student when he tries to fight the final boss without her and Beat. Calls him a chicken when he runs away too much from fights. Absolute Queen.
and... BEAT!!!
I had to put my boy somewhere. And he's so shaped too so. That works. Fun fact: He's actually the most consistent character alongside Kariya and Uzuki in the twewy franchise. These three really go together, I love them. ANYWAY. I love Beat. If you don't, get out of my house. In this blog we love and support Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito, proud owner of zero (0) braincells because he gave them all to his sister when she was born, and of a heart of pure gold. And a really cool skateboard. Never forget the skateboard.
Beat is just the sweetest guy ever. He also gives the best hugs and that's a canon fact because I said so.
Scrimblo bimbo
Also called "the tin pin guy" by anyone who doesn't even remember his nickname. The number of people who actually know his real name could be counted in one hand I think. Anyway! I love him!! He's so cool!!! He's just there and he wants to play Beyblade with everyone!! He's 10 years old and he can't draw to save his life! He's super dedicated and always looking to improve! He's also a really good and fair player and accepts his defeat without contesting it- which is something super important and really cool to see especially considering his young age.
Glup Shitto
ERI. THE FASHION QUEEN. Do you guys have ANY IDEA how MAD I am because we didn't see her in neo??? "It was to avoid spoilers about Shiki in the first gam-" FUCK YOU. GIVE ME THE GIRL. She's so great. We saw her for like 5 dialogues in the og, 4 scenes in the anime but I will never ever stop talking about her. She envied Shiki just as much as Shiki envied her. She loves Shiki just as much as Shiki loves her. She met Shiki and saw her as the most talented girl she ever met. And then Shiki died, and Eri was ready to give up on her dream because it didn't have any sense now that Shiki was gone. She went to put flowers on Shiki's grave everyday because she didn't want her best friend to be lonely. She probably pushed Shiki to make Mr Mew the face of their brand- and it worked! The bestie ever.
Poor little meow meow
Haha. This is the tricky question. Previous ones were easy to guess, but this one? Man how alone I feel in this fandom... AS A HAZUKI STAN >< yep. Hazuki Mikagi, a well known mass murderer, famous for wearing crocs and for his excessive use of the word "friend" as punctuation in too many sentences and with people that are absolutely not his friend. People hate him for killing people, which, in all honesty, is absolutely fair and understandable, but I love him for his character development. "What character development are you fucking talking about Léa" well dear reader, may I offer you this link that will take you to my little character study of my favourite mass murderer so you may understand more what I meant. Enjoy~
Horse Plinko
Here I will put Joshua, because it's always fun to torture Joshua (the whole fandom can agree on this) and also because I've always been too nice with him in my fics (with one exception hehehe) So yeah. Get in the plinko twink <3
Eeby Deeby
I actually can't remember who I meant to put in here. I think he was a Player? No, a Reaper... Urg, why can't I remember? Oh well, I'm pretty sure you see who I mean.
Ask game: give me any fandom!
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voicefromthecorner · 2 years
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Aha! The classic “How can I rule the world if there is no world to rule?” motivation that gets a villain to team up with the heroes. In MY TWEWY? It’s more likely than you think, apparently!
Honestly, I love seeing Sho in this situation. The last game had him be this fairly neutral self-serving agent of chaos in an Anti-Villain role and this game really has him be the exact same thing but in more of an Anti-Hero role. It’s not a massive departure nor is it too similar to what he was like last time. I’m still holding out hope that he could grow in other ways, but for now, this is just cool!
Poor Fret is only now finding out that his champion is actually set on taking over the city. Don’t worry pal, when it comes to the dark hooded jacket man who bailed you out of danger during your introduction to a deadly life-or-death afterlife contest while spewing out complicated maths terms for a whole week before abandoning you for over a week, following that, to pursue his own ambitions that led to him briefly turning into a monster that nearly killed one of your friends and then finally stepping in to help you at the last second against a wave of monsters in a context that revealed his intentions to take over the city, I think we can safely say we’ve all been there.
Also like Kariya just greeting him as casually as one would an old co-worker who saw you for the first time post-makeover.
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eldritch-composer · 6 months
They're going through their normal arcs except in a way worse game.
Kariya and Uzuki have taken on gamemaster to tty and keep things decent but eri and sho keep overruling everything.
Sanae is still producer he's just not associating with the disaster duo. He's from tryna put Josh back on top because his goal is to keep watch of the game and nobody likes the current one.
Forgot to mention Shiki is getting special treatment and she's confused like nothing else. Her bestie dies and then she dies and now she's being given millions of yen like girlie is out of it.
noooo beat and rhyme HELP rhyme gets eaten & hanekoma shows up looking like he hasn't slept in months to help out and no one even has the slightest fucking clue whats going on rn. they're just like "wtf is this normal"
POOR UZUKI AND KARIYA things have to be so bad for kariya to actively be trying. and they're not even letting him. so mean to my guy </3
makes sense for hanekoma tho. he's gotta have a headache from hell 😔
SHIKI...yeah okay. thats really funny she's just like. if i wasn't a ghost myself i'd assume i'm being haunted 🤔 which ig is not far off but i'm just imagining her reaching into her pocket for a sewing kit or something and theres just wadded up high denomination yen bills in there. not even yen pins just actual cash manifesting...
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otame · 2 years
This is kinda going off the last question you answered. Is there anyone specific who gets chased by Kirino or she just chases after whoever just happens to annoy her?
Yes, there are some people who Kirino will chase after.
Kariya(that's explanatory) and surprisingly, Shindou.
Why Shindou?
Because Shindou is also one of the perpetrators of the REC Raimon's shenanigans, such as arsoning an old barn and three tall trees in the said farm, and because Kirino's always the poor target of Shindou's feather tail slaps whenever the peacock hybrid opens his tail.
Yes, everyone in REC Raimon is a chaos magnet, even Haruna and Endou.
The only sane ones(or close to sane) are Tenma, Gouenji, Kidou, and Sangoku, for reasons I'll explain later.
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Days of eating soil (book review) ... Tsutomu Mizugami's "food" essay
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earthen pizza (just kidding)
Mr. Tsutomu Mizugami(勉 水上) (1919-2004) died recently, but he has an excellent book on "food". That is "every day eating soil, my devotion 12 months". (Although it seems to be read as "Minakami Tsutomu", he called it "Mizugami".)
When I used to read the manga "Oishinbo: a eater delicious foods", the main character, Shiro Yamaoka, when he said, "Among the cooking-related books that are full of street now,  it's only worth reading ..." I had an intuition, and that's right, Shiro mentioned this book. The only such (= worth reading) book is "days of eating soil". I knew this book about 30 years ago.
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Days of eating soil-Twelve months of my devotion (Shincho Bunko)
• Author: Tsutomu Minakami
• Publisher / Manufacturer: Shinchosha
• Release Date: 08/27/1982
• Media: Bunko
However, if I get a little mischievous, "If only" the days of eating soil "are worth reading, then" Oishinbo "will also be" a book not worth reading ", and it will be praised for its worthless book. "Days of eating soil" also invites the paradox that "it is not worth reading". Well, it's the rashness of Tetsu Kariya, the author of "Oishinbo". "Oishinbo" should have been excluded.
Coupled with the appearance of this "Oishinbo" and "children who refuse to eat the food in front of them because they are too annoying with the ingredients", it was a work with greater merit and demerit.
By the way, Tsutomu Mizugami was born in a poor lumberjack's house in the Wakasa region of Fukui prefecture. Was sent to a Zen temple). There he learns the basics of Vegetarian food, but at the end he leaves the temple, experiences various jobs, and is recognized as a writer for his work "Frying Pan Song". Then He had became a Naoki Prize writer.
In this book, if you read it in anticipation of a "cooking recipe", you will be wrong. Well, there is a way to pickle Umeboshi in the upper reaches of the water, but this book is a book that describes the "heart of cooking". Of course, Mr. Mizukami's culinary spirit shines when he encounters various ingredients.
At the time of writing this book, Mr. Mizugamiami lived in Karuizawa Town, Nagano Prefecture. Therefore, he develops the topic of vegetables and fruits that he can make, receive, and buy by himself. One of them, the part where Dogen Zenzi's(道元禅師) words were chewed upstream of the water:
When cooking and preparing all items, do not look at them with the eyes of ordinary people. Don't think in the mind of a mediocre person. You have to pick up a piece of grass and build a big temple and go into something like a fine dust to do the Buddhist sermon. Even when making poor vegetable cuisine, you shouldn't be disgusted or poor. Even if you're making a good meal with milk, don't be overjoyed. You should hold back your bouncing heart. You must not be obsessed with anything. Why is there a way to dislike poor things? Why don't we try to be good without being lazy even if it is poor? Never let your heart move by being caught up in the goodness of goods. Changing the mind with things and changing the language with people is not something that is bodhicitta.
This word is the fundamental thesis of "every day eating soil". For example, with regard to radish, while despising an actor who cannot sell as a "radish actor", he says, "There are no ingredients that are as grateful as radish that can be obtained anytime, anywhere." , I think that it is a good radish with enough "spiciness".
Also, from the description in the chapter in July, myoga (Japanese ginger) is called "stupid" by the greengrocers. Shurihandoku(One of disciples of Buddha )has a weak memory by nature, often forgets his name, walks with his name tag down, and myoga grows from his dead grave. I followed him around. Here is a word from Mr. Mizugami: "For me, myoga is like a summer vegetable that I want to do a medal, but what do readers think? I don't know the vegetables that have the amazing flavor). "
A word of the day: Winter, when you eat only dry foods without blue vegetables, spring April and edible wild plants, bamboo shoots in May, plum making in June, Japanese ginger in July, and so on. Seasonal ingredients will appear naturally, and you will be able to see each ingredient and the dishes made with it. Please take a look at this work, which is like a gem that treats those ingredients without distinction.
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beatsfacemask · 2 years
look. listen. have some hcs. beat/neku/josh, twisters coming soon
beat fully fell for neku week 3 but didn't say anything/realized the second coco shot neku and has regretted it for three years
neku meanwhile has basically took the time to really think about himself and his feelings (with the entire population of Shinjuku, coco, and occasionally that bitch josh but y'know)
that's why he's so chill in neo he sorted out his coping mechanisms and figured out who he was (also pure calm brought on by trauma, he absolutely needed a few days to Readjust and Breathe)
neku has two hands and hes determined to, after a good couple of punches to god, hold both joshua and beats
beat is easy, .5 seconds after shiki is done with her hug it's beat's turn and the man is so full of love and relief he kisses neku right there in front of hachiko and everyone (including eri who takes one look at neku mixing their brand with another and is Not Impressed)
shiki, eri, and rhyme think its hilarious that beat went from supportive friend to scaring off someone trying and failing to flirt with rhyme to kissing someone he's been emo about for three years. beat cant bring himself to care. he's got neku back. neku kissed him back.
neku is half embarrassed, half overjoyed bc everyones okay and hes home. (the embarrassment is from eri's judgement. a powerful force.)
neku is taken in by beat, who moved out when he turned 18, and gets a job at gatto, eri quickly deciding even though he's useless with fashion, he's pretty good at getting customers to come into the store with that face plus neku's grafitti art goes awesome w some of their peices. the collab line is a hit and since neku hates the spotlight, all the attention is on gatto
(shiki: are you okay with the fact that we're using your bf for a thirst trap in our store? beat, staring at neku: huh shiki: great talk buddy)
neku still has...dreams though. nightmares? he can't tell. it's nothing concrete, only feelings. powerful ones. a melancholy song, a lone instrument. he keeps reaching out, only to find whatever it is just out of reach. he doesn't feel much like getting up those days, everything too overwhelming, emotions and memories paralyzing him
meanwhile after josh does nothing sees everyone again, he avoids everyone except uzuki and kariya bc the poor girl cant run this place alone, even with kariya actually helping, because most of the other reapers were murdered, josh, you dipshit
-mr h from angel jail, shaming him into working
he wants to go check on neku. he does. he really really wants to bc shinjuku was his fault. he sent him there and then couldnt get him back for a long time bc the higher beings were jackasses
(mr h: no excuse for abandoning your city, j josh: shut up i was rebelling)
then, on the eve of neku's first birthday alive, coco materializes in his office and threatens him to show himself to neku or her and tsugumi were going to kick his ass.
joshua isnt scared of two teenage reapers but he says he will to get her out of his hair (hes absolutely scared, both of them teamed up might actually kill him and he could not let them be in charge of shibuya. coco esp.)
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ultraericthered · 1 year
Anime Update V2 46
Hunter x Hunter - With Team Genthru now possessing 96 types of restricted slot cards, Gon, Killua, and Bisky are invited to form a team with other players aware of the danger in order to prevent Genthru from beating the game. They head to Soufrabi to monopolize a card Genthru’s missing, but will have to deal with Razor in the next event.
Fruits Basket - Lots more revelations regarding Haru and Rin, why they broke up, how they feel about each other, and where Yuki fits into all that. Poor Tohru also had an emotional breakdown about her dead parents and ailing grandfather, as Kyo manages to calm her down before they go back home. Shigure continues to be shady AF.
Date A Live S4 - Best Girl Kurumi is back, baby! And it seems she’s finally decided to give Shido a chance to seal her own powers, but with the condition that if he falls for her rather than the other way around, she’ll take his Spirit powers, which will kill him. And if that’s not enough of a threat to Shido’s life, Ike Westcott orders Ellen and Artemisia to assassinate him, even creating an army of artificial Spirits called Nibelcolle, to help them. Thankfully Mana is there to fend them off, and she even gets help from Kurumi and her doubles. Nia finally reveals that Kurumi had visited her for information on how to kill the Spirit of Origin, and the episode just kind of stops as Shido and Kurumi begin their date by playing around with some stray cats.
Fate Zero - Got to see the remaining two episodes of the series and wow, one helluva finale it was. So much pain and tragedy in the final outcome of this Holy Grail War, but in way that made total sense given all the set-up for it and aligns with everything that had been established in Fate/Stay Night, retroactively strengthening that show. Saber is left broken and jaded by the lack of triumph or closure after her master seemingly betrayed her and she’d slain Lancelot for nothing, Irisveil dies with the Grail and Ilya is left orphaned, Kariya meets a depressingly miserable end, Kirei fully embraces what an evil man he truly is and stays in alignment with Gilgamesh, and Kiritsugu pays a heavier price than expected for his vision. The parts that got to me was seeing Kiritsugu’s emotional response to saving at least one person, the young Shirou, from the fire he’d started, and the conclusion for Waver’s arc being the sole purely positive one.
Re:ZERO - So at last, the Shaman who cursed Subaru and has legions of beasts out to kill the villagers has been revealed, and their identity is something so bananas that at first I was wondering if it was a fake out, but no...the stray puppy dog in the village is the Shaman! He curses Subaru by biting him every time he goes down there and plays around with the kids! So Subaru has Rem accompany him to fight this threat, and we get to see Rem as she truly is on the inside: a demon. An absolute feral menace. But one with a heart and senses when it really matters, which is what’s needed for a fight like this.
Symphogear G - The tipping point in the story has transpired. Miku’s still alive, rescued by Maria right before the explosion, but now she’s being held captive by the F.I.S and by the end has been brainwashed by Dr. Ver into fighting for their side. Maria seems fully intent on committing to the self righteous terrorist path she’s been on and gives Dr. Ver full control over the group’s activities, while Kirika and Shirabe are questioning their part in this and whether one of them may be the true heir to Fine’s power. Hibiki, Tsubasa, and Chris are now in for a showdown with not just their enemies, but with Miku!
MAR - Alviss VS Hamelin in the next match. Not much more to say except that obviously, Alviss won and clinched another win for MAR.
Gintama - Skipped over the beach episode and instead watched the silly paranormal haunting episode where the Shinsengumi yet again has to work together with Odd Jobs Gin in order to find out if there really is a ghost haunting them and how they might exorcise it. While Gin and Hijikata’s interactions were easily the highlight, I also loved the continued clashing between Kagura and Okita, and some jokes like the ‘gorilla’ bit and Hijikata’s obsessive need for mayonaise. And the “ghost” turning out to be a mosquito alien was...sure a choice.
Talentless Nana - Finally continued with the episode to bring a temporary halt to the conflict Nana had with Jin, though he’s still around and following his own agenda, and got more adorable bits with Michiru and Nana being actual girlfriends, with Nana clearly having very genuine fondness for Michiru even as she tries to stay in denial and not get too attached to an “enemy of humanity.” I have to call bullshit on Nana’s backstory since I’m sure it didn’t happen exactly the way she described it, and the constant references to Yuuka Sasaki bother me ‘cause they almost position her as the more important character she wasn’t allowed to be. A really intriguing point to end it on, though - that Jin’s words about Nana’s murders drawing out a true psychopath among the students who also murders others seems to have come true. Both Nana and Kyouya are clueless now!
Don’t Toy With Me Miss Nagatoro: 2nd Attack - Finished the season and have to give my closing thoughts, which are...meh, it was just fine and there were episodes and character moments that were enjoyable, but on the whole, Season 1 was better and will stick with me more. I feel like the first half of this season had a lot of tepid material and weak plots that were done no service by the show opting to drop the “two stories per episode” format, but at least the main characters relationship was still endearing and their antics amusing. I think only episode 3 and episode 5 really worked for me. Then the second half had a lot more improved material, but the issue was, shockingly, with the two leads. I’ve said before that I’ve never felt any need for their dynamic and thus the whole series and its narrative to go blatantly romantic, but goddammit they went there and it just wasn’t landing for me. I don’t buy that Nagatoro and Senpai have been through enough to make a strong romantic loving connection with each other yet. Also, while the final episode ends on a really beautiful, heartwarming final scene, it kind of doesn’t fit with the rest of that episode and thus feels unearned and out of nowhere compared to the end of Season 1. I’m glad that 2nd Attack happened since I don’t think it’d be fair to leave Nagatoro-San as a footnote anime, but it’s more dime-a-dozen RomCom than what came before.
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goldensunset · 2 years
uzuki and kariya team battle first try on hard mode, synced the beat drop of the music to their exact moment of defeat, feelsgoodman
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sprxngsxng · 2 years
@otherworldly-healer​​ entangle event starter 💜
It’s with nervous footsteps that Sakura paces the house’s front yard. The estate felt so empty, with most of it’s residents being dead or away. It was rare she got a moment to herself, and it was fueling her anxiety. What could she do right now? There had to be something she could do to help. Maybe if she got someone else, they could...
But what could she do? Would anyone even listen, if she told them what horrors lurked in the Matou residence’s basement? She could hardly believe it herself, still.
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She pauses in place, turning to look at the window of her uncle’s bedroom. He was up there, in far too much pain for her to comprehend. If her own training was bad, his must be so much worse.
“... M... Maybe if I find a doctor, he can rest...”
She mutters to herself, trailing off into her thoughts.
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scramble-crossing · 5 months
Loner Phase
Chapter 1: Sho
Rating: M
Characters: Sho Minamimoto, Koki Kariya
Pairings: Sho Minamimoto & Koki Kariya
Warnings: N/A
Summary: For as long as he can remember, Sho Minamimoto has been able to see things that others cannot. From childhood to the cusp of adulthood, through life, and through death, he exists between spaces and he does so alone. Will a transformation be possible? Can he ever break out of this phase?
Did you hear that? A knock at the door Could that be death? Knocking at my doorstep -Reaper, No Vacation
The first of ah...many, many chapters in my longfic: Loner Phase, a mostly faithful-to-canon retelling of events through the eyes of Shibuya's most infamous Reaper. Despite all he'll one day become, for now he's only a small, lonely child sick with visions of a strange world that only he can perceive...or so he thinks. There's someone else in this city who can see what he sees, someone who just might be willing to take pity on the poor kid.
Read on Ao3
(Preview Under the Cut)
Sho Minamimoto could not remember the first time he saw what he was never supposed to see, reached out to touch a world not meant for the pulse in his fingertips.
But there was one day, in memory retained, where that first click of understanding stirred within him a sense that something was…wrong? No, different. Though it’s all the same to a child. Barely six years old, he sat with his feet dangling above a slim pasting of linoleum tile, wrapped in stark white-and-blue walls breathing chilly air all over him. He was cold. He was always cold those days, in a way that spread over his skin like netting, binding him and sinking in deeply enough to press into the spaces between his insides. 
To his left, an overcast sky made the window seem like a pad of empty paper. To his right, a receptionist kept herself busy behind the curve of a moon-shaped desk. Her glasses blew her eyes as wide as a cat’s. She was his only company, after his mother had bent across her desk so that her short-cropped hair masked her mouth and filtered her words out in low mutterings. They were barely sensical by the time they reached him.
“Could you watch him for a moment? I’d like to speak with Dr. Takamoto in private.”
Then a whisper, very, very quiet,
“I don’t want him to hear…anything he doesn’t have to.”
Sho hadn’t thought much of it. He was busy with the water in his lungs. His mother had promised there was no such thing, but when he breathed he never felt satisfied, like all the air was doing was pushing the water up as he did when he climbed into the bathtub. He tried to cough it out. He hacked until wet, raw streaks seared his throat and splattered across the sleeve of his shirt, but nothing brought him relief with the weight of an ocean bearing down on his chest.
He shook his head to clear away the riptide. On the other side of the room, two voices scuffled with each other behind a closed door. He recognized his mother’s, a thin twitter wrapped around the soothing low of the doctor’s, pulling anxiously taunt until it threatened to snap entirely. She’d used the same tone with him when she told him to stay where he was,
“Be good, okay? I won’t be very long.”
And he was. He sat like stagnant water in a creek.
…But what was that at the window?
A sudden colour caught Sho’s eye, a burst of clementine, the strike of bold, pink lightning. It filled the glass like chalky lines of crayon, prickling the sensitive hairs along the back of his neck.
What was that? Somehow, he sensed it was waiting for him If I’m quick, Mom won’t even notice I’m gone…
He eased onto his feet, wincing at the sourness that roiled in his stomach and the dream-like sensation of jelly in his muscles. Stepping carefully, he pressed himself into the shadow of late afternoon as it slid across the opposite wall, hardly daring to breathe as he passed by the doctor’s door. He feared his mother would hear him. She didn’t. 
But he heard her. 
“I just don’t understand….” Her voice stopped him in his tracks. It was wrung, guttural.  He would’ve called it a sob if the thought didn’t terrify him. “How could you find nothing? I swear to you, my son is not making this up.”
“I would never suggest that he is,” the doctor replied. “But there was nothing abnormal in his blood tests, or in the radiograph of his chest. If any serious issue was present we would have found it. I know this may be difficult to believe, Ms. Minamimoto, but your son may simply be sensitive. This could very well be a phase that he grows out of.”
Silence. Then, a rising fierceness Sho had never before heard from her.
“But what if this takes him before he gets the chance to grow at all?”
Standing in that doctor’s office, covered in cold and his mother’s light weepings, he felt a sense of understanding lap expectantly at his heels. It surrounded him, engulfed him, waves crested over his head and swirled with the thoughts in his mind, whispering in his ear words that may as well have been of a different tongue. He grasped for the surface. Tasted seafoam. Touched the open mouth of air…
Sho drowned
The window grew into a giant before him. If he stretched he could push his chin over the ledge. Balancing on his tip-toes, he pressed his nose to the glass and filled his eyes with the colour bursting, spinning, dancing all around him…
Guiltily, he slumped back down on his heels. His mother was smiling as she watched him from the doorway, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. They looked red. Must’ve been a trick of the light.
“It’s time to go. Say thank-you to Mrs. Chiba.”
Sho didn’t know who Mrs. Chiba was until the lady at the desk waved to him. Shades of peach and gold danced in the sheen of her glasses, and he brightened to think that, tall as she was, she must be able to see whatever lay beyond the window.
“What’s that?” he asked her.
She pursed her lips in a slight frown. “What’s what, dear?”
“The lights outside! Is it like fireworks?” He remembered them from the summer before, his mother petting his head as he wailed with fright at the snapping, crackling firebursts. Once he was finished sobbing furiously enough to wash the snow cone syrup from his cheeks he’d flopped, exhausted, onto the cool, green grass, and somewhere in-between the roman candles and the cherry bombs he realized that they couldn’t hurt him. He liked them after that. Maybe other people liked them so much that they just couldn’t wait, and set a bundle alight even though it was barely March.
Mrs. Chiba’s frown deepened. She glanced from him, to the window, to his mother, who met her with the same look of mild confusion. “I don’t see any fireworks,” she began, her words laden with a slow, careful drawl, the kind that always made his skin crawl with annoyance. As if he was too stupid to put them together! “If they were being set off in the street we would’ve heard. Loud, nasty things they are.”
“But what about the colours?” 
“It’s all pink outside! And orange!” 
A sensation close to panic bubbled up in Sho’s stomach. It felt like he’d swallowed gravel. He ran to his mother and grasped her by the hand, forcing strength into his legs as he dragged her towards the window.  He thought he felt her give. It was barely a moment, then she steadied herself and tugged on his arm, gentle, but firm enough to tow him into line. 
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” she said. Her head was angled to him, but it sounded more like she was talking to Mrs. Chiba. “Remember what we promised? If you’re a good boy at the doctor’s office I’ll get you a treat when we stop by the grocery store on the way home.”
Sho opened his mouth to argue. Nothing came out. He stood between his mother and the window, so close together and yet he was filled with the sense that he could never bring them to meet. That he would never see the whites of her eyes painted with the same colours as his.
Maybe she was right. Maybe he saw nothing, nothing at all.
He followed his mother out of the doctor’s office with his hand in hers, but he held it just a little bit looser.
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realruney · 6 years
Kariya: *being cute*
Kirino: You make me consider marrying you.
Shindou: You make me consider throwing up
42 notes · View notes
m-r-arts · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tsurugi STOP
I am sorry if it has been done
I drew Tsurugi pretty ugly sry
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