An important announcement
I have been thinking about it since yesterday, and decided that this blog will go on a small hiatus for the time being.
For one I need to rest a bit from all the discourse and drama and try to focus on other issues to take my mind off the unpleasantries.
Secondly I wanna rework and restructure the blog a bit: I have already deleted certain posts from the inviduals that have been, in large part, behind all this nastiness.
The reason behind it being that this blog has been concieved as the place of love and acceptance and a sanctuary to ALL the LGBTQIA+ people within the fandom, and therefore I want to make them feel as comfortable and welcome as possible. And this includes avoiding possible association (even if it is just by reblogging) with people of bigoted views.
On a similar note if I see any of my followers see make any remarks that are aphobic in nature or any mentions of the, so-called, “compulsory heterosexuality”, they will be getting blocked ASAP.
The first one I believe requires no explanation. The second one is because, as a person who for many years dealt with internalized biphobia and self-esteem issues, as well as experienced biphobic attacks from other LGBT members first hand, I find the term to be incredibly problematic and discriminatory towards myself as well as people of other orientations who have dealt with similar issues.
And yes, I do realize that this term was originally created to bring attention to lesbian erasure and to condemn the sexist and misoginstic tendencies within relationships. However I have recently observed that the term has been used largely to shame and invalidate bisexual and pansexual people who are in heterosexual relationships, therefore any mentions of it in that context will not be tolerated.
Plus the term itself was originally coined by a TERF so…
Either way, I’m taking a short break from this blog, but I will return it someday.
Thank you all for the love and support.
Hope you all Live Long and Prosper. 🖖💚
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Nothing to see here… its just two Starfleet gals being totally gay pals. *wink* *wink*
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Nothing to see here… its just two Starfleet gals being totally gay pals. *wink* *wink*
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on dream daddy
i’m going to preface this by saying i haven’t played the game, and i don’t plan to. therefore most of my knowledge about the game is second hand, so i apologize if i get anything wrong.
the game immediately turned me off because of it’s heavy involvement w/ the game grumps. the game grumps are homophobic, transphobic and racist. i’m not going to argue that point. the choice to involve people who are known for being homophobic and transphobic on a game about gay (and I think at least one trans dude?) people sends 100% the wrong message. it automatically alienates lgbt people. on the other hand, i think both of the developers are some form of lgbt themselves… but they still chose to work w known racists/homophobes/transphobes so how you feel about that may vary.
as the game was released recently, it was promptly datamined and people found a very disturbing, homophobic ending which cast the entire game in a very ugly light. apparently the ending isn’t in the actual game proper and is just rough code, so it either was cut or is for upcoming (presumably halloween themed) dlc. again feelings may vary on this but i feel that seeing as it isn’t actually IN the game, it’s not a huge bother to me.
the game itself seems nice enough from what i’ve seen and heard. i can get why people are playing it and enjoying it. however straight people playing a gay dating sim can definitely be a little voyeuristic, and already some of the lets plays done by straight people are Uncomfortable. this by itself wouldn’t be the game’s fault if they hadn’t involved the game grumps which imo makes the game seem like a gay game for straight people. that’s just my hot take but others may disagree.
if a sga person plays it, especially mlm (because ostensibly the game should be for mlm) and enjoys it, good. as a gay dude i know how starved ppl are for good Gay Games, especially sfw gay games/dating sims. so if people who should be the intended audience can enjoy it, good. that doesn’t mean that they can handwave the game grump’s involvement tho. they should never have been involved in the project and do not deserve defending. 
tl;dr if you’re gay and enjoy it I Get It, but be aware and don’t support the game grumps. i’m not going to send people on a letter writing campaign but try and let the devs hear your discomfort with the game grumps and why. make a fucking stink. 
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This is important hello (x)
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Baby Trekkies need to be told as soon as possible that Gene Roddenberry was like The Worst, because there is such a cult of personality around him and he gets talked up in the most overblown way. He did do some really good things with Star Trek and it’s okay to celebrate them without acting like he was a visionary who could do no wrong. 
Because really… he was this horny old philandering misogynist who had to be talked out of Deanna Troi having four breasts and among many other things he grabbed one of the guest actor’s breasts because her costume had a boob-window and said “are these real?” Also his really transparently fetishistic fascination with an Orientalist fantasy version of Middle Eastern women left an indelible mark on Star Trek that we really need to do a better job of owning up to because like the “lol sexy green space babes” thing reaaally did not pop into existence out of a vacuum. 
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The term “gay culture” was inwented in Russia.
Pavel Andreievich Chekov most likely (via star-trek-is-gay-culture)
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when ur daydreams are about gay things: gaydreaming 
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If you’re pan, as far as I’m concerned you’re pantastic. 
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lore and the crystalline entity are mlm/wlw solidarity
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The term “gay culture” was inwented in Russia.
Pavel Andreievich Chekov most likely
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This blog will not tolerate any disrespect for Carrie Fisher
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Lal with Spot, plus a bonus - Lal with one of Spot’s litters:
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