starkissedhighlight · 4 years
I wish Our brains had a reset button. I would love to use that right now.
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starkissedhighlight · 4 years
Baby. What did I do wrong to deserve this. Did I not love you enough ? You watched me pour my entire soul into a cup and watched you drink my sweet nectar and licked the rim.
No matter how sweet I tasted, it was never enough :( I was never enough
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starkissedhighlight · 4 years
You took my breath away
Then you killed me.
I’ll never heal from this.
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starkissedhighlight · 4 years
Have you ever had someone that actually
Loved you ?
Yeah. Me neither
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starkissedhighlight · 4 years
I never thought that no matter how hard you work to prove your love and loyalty to someone...it’ll never be enough.
Im tired...
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starkissedhighlight · 4 years
I feel like I’ll never be worthy for authentic love.
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starkissedhighlight · 5 years
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2-25-2020 @ 19:37
The day you destroyed my world and watched me fall
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starkissedhighlight · 5 years
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If I had a dollar for how many times my heart has been broken, I would buy love. Just for it to shatter because you can’t buy love
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starkissedhighlight · 5 years
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Just because it won’t come easily, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try :’(
~Bruno Major
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starkissedhighlight · 5 years
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I won’t stop loving you
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starkissedhighlight · 5 years
No one will ever understand the feeling of wanting to die. What it's like when there is no more light, when everything seems pointless. When there is no joy because nothing can cover the pain inside of you.
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starkissedhighlight · 5 years
You will love again.
You might now think it now, but you will. You will go through a dark depressing stage and lose all hope of ever finding that feeling again, but you will grow from it. You will meet someone that you connect with better then you ever have before. You’ll find someone who truly is like another half of you. Everything you thought you used to have will mean nothing anymore and you’ll realize that it was never right for you to be there to begin with.
I’ve been talking to this boy and he’s sweet, he’s caring, we like the same things. It doesn’t feel weird when we hangout, it just feels right.
I’m happy and never thought I’d find that again.
My ex dumping me is honestly one of the greatest things to ever happen to me because it brought me to someone who wants to be there. It brought me to someone with a soul.
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starkissedhighlight · 5 years
I am not okay :(
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starkissedhighlight · 5 years
I wish I could just disappear
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starkissedhighlight · 5 years
I feel like I’m dying. You were my only source of life.
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starkissedhighlight · 5 years
You made me feel like everything was fine. Now you make me feel like Ive burned everything I touched
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starkissedhighlight · 5 years
You took all I had. Now I am hollow...knowing I could possibly never fill that space back with what you took from me.
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