starsset-dawnrose · 5 months
*hacker voice* I'm in-
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
One sec you're beating the shit out of an enemy with friends the next you're all talking about how fucking awesome Kevin is and how long you've been following them and how you love them
God I love XIV buddies
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
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“You shouldn’t have to be thanking me for that, but, you’re welcome.”
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He accepted the pat, rather confused, but the prince let out a soft hum of acknowledgement. “I guess that does make some sense.”
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“Thank you for offering decency.” And he meant it sincerely.
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
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He accepted the pat, rather confused, but the prince let out a soft hum of acknowledgement. “I guess that does make some sense.”
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“It’s nothing? But like, decency?” He might be a little confused, but his heart is in the right place.
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“In my line of work, decency doesn’t come around too often.” He’ll just give the confused boy a pat on the head.
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
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“It’s nothing? But like, decency?” He might be a little confused, but his heart is in the right place.
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“Well, let me know when you do consider it?”
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“Ah, you’re a good lad.”
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
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“I’ve not thought that far ahead.”
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“Well, let me know when you do consider it?”
"Not everyone dislikes you, I hope you know that."
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“Are you coming to my defense, Noctis?”
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
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“And if I am, Ardyn?”
“Not everyone dislikes you, I hope you know that.”
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“Are you coming to my defense, Noctis?”
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
Novus spotted the blindfold in Noctis's hands which made the child blink before running over. "I wanna play Hide and Seek too!" the four-year-old chimed in excitedly already bouncing up and down before noticing the earplugs. "What're those though?"
The urge to smack himself in the face was hard to resist as his son hand over. The child was too young to understand properly, though Noctis could get that to work to his advantage. "It makes things harder to hear, would you like to try them on?"
Even if Noctis was scarred by his father, he could at least keep his son out of this.
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
@kingxlight​ replied to your post-
Puts a blindfold and some earplugs on his son. "Don't you have an apartment?"
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“What the hell-” Did his dad just really hand him what he did?
Gross. He scrunched his nose.
“I mean, yeah.” But still-
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
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He really doesn’t need to know that his dad and still- ‘Get it.’
Not that he’s happy for the old man, but also, ew.
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
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When you’re exhausted but you wanna write-
off to XIV-verse land I go-
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
i. i wish i could explain what led to this. but for whatever reason, you’re getting this post, and idk when i’ll remember to post it bc it’s very late and it’s very likely that i’ll draft it, but we’ll see how it goes! i hope you enjoy them, and DO NOT ADD TO THE LIST!!! i WILL edit or make a new list once i’m conscious and the vibes are returned! ( if you like these, i would love to direct u towards THIS POST bc it’s a very very very good meme made by an exceptionally talented meme-maker! )
[  MY PLACE  ]:          sender and receiver return to the sender’s home, where things proceed to get heated.
[  YOURS  ]:          sender and receiver return to the receiver’s home, where things proceed to get heated.
[  BACKSEAT  ]:          while parked safely, the sender and receiver, fuelled by mutual passions, climb into the backseat of the car together to have sex.
[  DRIVER  ]:          while parked safely, one of the muses climbs into the other muses lap, leading to an immediately intimate situation in the driver’s seat of the car.
[  BEDROOM  ]:           after things get heated between the two muses, they proceed to take things to the bedroom, where things get even friskier.
[  SOFA  ]:          too impatient to get to the bedroom, the two muses end up taking things to the next level on the sofa.
[  FLOOR  ]:           either by choice or by clumsy and painful accident, the two muses end up entangled on the floor, where they proceed to have sex.
[  KITCHEN  ]:          unable to resist, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex in the kitchen.
[  OFFICE  ]:           one of the muses has to work late and alone one night; the other decides to pay them a visit, and things immediately take a heated and intimate turn as they get frisky in the office.
[  OFFICE  DESK  ]:           after spontaneously sweeping the contents of the desk to the ground, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex on top of the desk.
[  WALL  ]:           pinning the other up against the wall, the two muses begin to have sex up against a wall.
[  WINDOW  ]:          while in a room with floor to ceiling windows, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex up against the window.
[  BATH  ]:          sender and receiver, while sharing a bath (either planned or spontaneously) proceed to have sex together while in it.
[  SHOWER  ]:          sender and receiver, while sharing a shower together (either planned or spontaneously) proceed to have sex together while in it.
[  PUBLIC  BATHROOM  ]:          while in a fancy restaurant or bar or hotel, the sender and receiver meet each other in a (clean) public bathroom with nobody else inside; they proceed to take advantage of this, and have sex in one of the cubicles.
[  LAKE  ]:          after going skinny-dipping together, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex in a tranquil, romantic, secluded lake.
[  WATERFALL  ]:          after taking a midnight swim together in a secluded lake, the sender and receiver notice a nearby waterfall, and things proceed to get frisky while they explore it and each other together.
[  STORAGE  CLOSET  ]:          when the mood strikes both the sender and receiver in a public setting, they both find a small storage closet together, and have sex inside.
[  LIBRARY  ]:          having found a guaranteed private part of a library, the sender and receiver begin to get frisky behind the bookshelves.
[  GYM  ]:          after a heated and energetic training session together, the sender and receiver, at the conclusion of the sparring match, proceed to have sex on the gymnasium floor.
[  CINEMA  ]:           while in the back of a largely unoccupied movie theatre, the sender and receiver proceed to get frisky in the back row.
[  MILE-HIGH  ]:          while on an airplane flight together, the sender and receiver decide to mark the occasion by having sex in the airplane bathroom.
[  DRESSING  ROOM  ]:           the sender and receiver proceed to have sex together in a dressing room.
[  TENT  ]:          in the middle of the night, one of the muse’s slips into the others tent, and they proceed to have sex together.
[  MOTEL  ROOM  ]:          sender and receiver end up having sex together in a motel room.
[  HOTEL  ROOM  ]:           sender and receiver end up having sex together in a hotel room. ( good for one-night-stand threads! )
[  WEDDING  ]:          while attending a wedding party, the sender and receiver decide to slip away from the celebrations and have sex in a more quiet part of the venue.
[  HONEYMOON  SUITE  ]:          after getting married, the sender and receiver slip away from the celebrations early and have sex together in the private luxury of their bridal suite.
[  TOWER  ]:            as they explore the abandoned ruins of a barely standing castle together, the sender and receiver proceed to get frisky in one of the strangely romantic, ivy-strewn towers.
[  FOREST  ]:          while wandering through a heavily wooded area together, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex in the midst of the wilderness.
[  PICNIC  ]:          after a romantic picnic in the countryside, the sender and receiver begin to get intimate, and have sex on the picnic blanket in the midst of the empty and beautiful nature.
[  BEACH  ]:          having found an isolated, untouched cove together, the sender and receiver begin to have sex on the shore of the idyllic beach.
[  BOAT  ]:           the sender and receiver proceed to have sex on a boat (either out at sea or still in the docks).
[  MEADOW  ]:          the sender and receiver begin to get frisky in a clear, untouched meadow.
[  NEW  HOUSE  ]:          having just purchased their first house together, the sender and receiver, so elated by their milestone, decide to celebrate by having sex in their new home before unpacking.
[  SWIMMING  POOL  ]:          as the pair go for a late-night swim in the local swimming pool, the sender and receiver begin to get frisky in the serene and empty pool.
[  SHELTER  ]:          rushing through the rain together to find shelter, the sender and receiver, both drenched to the skin in the downpour, find themselves getting frisky in the shelter of an isolated and empty garage.
[  CAROUSEL  ]:          when they visit a closed funfair in the middle of the night, the sender and receiver go on the carousel together, and in the isolated light of the carousel, they proceed to have sex in one of the wagons.
[  FERRIS  WHEEL  ]:          when visiting a closed funfair in the middle of the night, the sender and receiver stop the ferris wheel when they’re at the very top, and get frisky beneath the stars and above the world.
[  LOVE  TUNNEL  ]:          when visiting a closed funfair in the middle of the night, the sender and receiver slip into the love tunnel, and have sex in one of the carriages inside the tunnel.
[  SAFEHOUSE  ]:          the sender and receiver begin to have sex with each other  while hiding together in a safehouse.
[  CABIN  ]:          seeking warmth and shelter from a huge blizzard in the area, the sender and receiver find a cabin, and end up having sex in front of the fire as the storm rages on.
[  PARTY  ]:          while the sender and receiver attend a party that neither of them have much interest in attending, they slip away to a quiet part of the venue to have sex together.
[  LANDMARK  ]:           while exploring an area, the sender and receiver proceed to have sex in a renowned, but currently unoccupied landmark (e.g. the london eye, the statue of liberty etc– )
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
Valentine’s is over and I can breathe again!!
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
I choose Esti too and damn was it hot xD
For Real!!
The fact that he did it to avoid the twins had me snorting out loud
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
I just watched all the Returning Home night scenes on the Tube because I originally chose G’raha and ESTINIEN JUMPING OUT THE WINDOW GIVES ME LIFE
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
“Noo!” he whined thinking that he was going to be left alone. “I want you!” Novus’s eyes half opened as he clung to his dad’s shirt for fear of being placed down. Luna, meanwhile, heard the child’s yelling and poked her head outside one of the doors in confusion. “What’s all this?” she asked nearing the duo watching as the boy clung to his father. Right now Novus didn’t want Luna or a nap. He just wanted to be held like he was and upon seeing her, his body scrunched up. “I want Daddy!” The blonde merely looked at Noctis with an arched brow. “Is everything alright?”
“Hey now.” Noctis frowned, though his tone was soft as the man shifted Novus to a more comfortable position to take the toddler’s weight off his bad leg so he could rub gently at Novus’ back. “Who said I was going anywhere?”
“Hey Luna,” he greeted his wife with a little smile that wavered after Novus shouted. “Bud, you don’t have to shout. He’s not feeling too well, figured you’d know how to deal with it better than I can.”
"Tired." Was the only word out of his mouth once he was scooped up into the King's arms. A cough escaped him as Novus rested his head against Noctis’s chest. Probably something he’d picked up from daycare or a friend’s house. Who really knew with kids. The Prince was enjoying this moment though even though he felt crummy. 
“I don’t wanna feel icky.” the three year old sniffled rubbing his nose against the back of his sleeve as his eyes slowly began to close already intending to take a nap in place for as long as he possibly could. “I wanna be better...” 
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starsset-dawnrose · 3 years
My inability to stick around right now is torn between teaching my friend XIV, Valentine’s at work (I’m a grocery baker manager) and moving Tuesday.
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