starwars4life101 · 2 years
TBB Theory
Anyone else think Nolan might have worked with Krell during the war?? ✋✋✋
I’m telling you, they DEFINITELY were paired together
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
Why did I draw this last night 😭
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
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… vs the lineage that actually has their shit together
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
A Broken Dam, A Shattered Past
[Plotline: The negotiation on Jabiim, Reva’s POV]
9 BBY, Jabiim
Reva held up a hand to halt her forces before striding to the great stubborn gates of the rebel hideout. The atmosphere was tense, she sensed it. Inside the cave and out, there were soldiers bracing themselves for the worst. But Reva didn't care about them. She cared about Obi Wan. She wanted Obi Wan. Lord Vader expected her to bring back Obi Wan.
She stopped inches from the gates. "If this is you stalling for time, it won't work. Lord Vader will have you at any cost."
Surely the old man realized that. But Reva intended her words to intimidate regardless.
"You mean Anakin,"  Was his soft reply. "You knew who Vader was. Back on Daiyu, how did you know that? Vader would've kept that hidden, and you're too young to have known him."
He could be right. Reva was only in her early 20s.
"Unless..." Obi Wan whispered abruptly. Was he onto something? He seemed to be. "Unless you were there."
"It doesn't matter where I was," Reva retorted.
"The night of Order 66, you were a youngling!" Obi Wan deduced. " That's how you knew, you saw him."
Reva closed her eyes momentarily. "Stop."
But he wouldn't stop. "Anakin killed the others..."
"That's enough."
"He killed the other younglings-"
"But somehow you survived-"
"ENOUGH!" Reva couldn't take it anymore. The flashbacks... the memories... they came back to her like a flood of water breaching a broken dam. She had built up that dam, bolstered it, strengthened it, coated it with beskar, and it broke under the words of this old Jedi Master. The water engulfed her brain, and she fought the tears that were threatening to fall.
In that moment, she was a child again, watching with sheer terror as the fallen hero of the Republic stalked over to her and her friends before cutting one down like a knife through jogan fruit. She saw the clones; Anakin's menacing snarl illuminated by his glowing blue lightsaber. Words couldn't express the immense fear, hurt, and betrayal Reva had felt that night. "We thought he was there to help us. I tried to help them, but I couldn't... I was too weak. When he left, I played dead; hid with the bodies. Felt them go cold." A vivid image of her closest friend resurfaced to her mind; the clones had walked past her dead body. She had left the galaxy so young... without a chance to become a padawan, or get her own lightsaber. Reva's clan had been days away from leaving for Ilum. And that night, any chance of going there were obliterated. "They were the only family I knew... and he slaughtered them."
"You're not serving him, are you?" Obi Wan asked tentatively. "You're  hunting him. Let me help you."
"Why would I ever trust you?"
"Because we want the same thing."
"Do we, Obi Wan?!" Reva spat the question. "Do you really want Anakin dead? Where were you while he was killing my friends? He was your padawan. Why didn't you stop him?! Why didn't you save us?!"
Because he was weak. Because he had been a coward who had tried to save his own skin, that's what.
"I don't need your help," Reva vehemently declared. "I don't need anyone."
"You won't stop him alone," Obi Wan pointed out.
Reva's face hardened and she reached for her lightsaber. Who was he to tell her the odds? She wasn't afraid. "You have no idea what I've done alone."
She switched it on and cut through the barricade, hearing the thunk as it fell to the ground. Extending a hand, Reva forced open the gates.
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
You can never get rid of Anakin, Vader.
The idea that Vader knew Reva was a youngling from the temple and knowingly played along until he could get her with that “Youngling” jab?
That kind of unrivaled pettiness?
Yeah no, that’s definitely Anakin Skywalker under there.
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
When Disappointment is Not Disappointing
This is about Obi-Wan Kenobi, Episode 3:
When I first watched the fight, I was disappointed. It was clumsy. Awkward. Beautifully shot, but the fight was nothing compared to other light saber fights, and Darth Vader clearly letting Obi-Wan get away.
And then I suddenly smacked myself with the Clue Bat. Of course. That was the point.
Obi-Wan Kenobi has not wielded a light saber for maybe ten years. Both he and it have sat decaying in the desert. He doesn't sleep well, he has a mindless menial job where he must let cruelty happen on a daily basis, so he can go home where his only social interaction is being cheated by Jawas and emotionally flagellating himself by fixating on a ten-year-old boy that he can't even talk to.
He had to be asking himself -- what the hell am I even doing here. I told Bail I couldn't do this. I told him!
And then there's Darth Vader. He starts out killing innocents because that will make Obi-Wan come to him. Only it doesn't. What the hell is that? Then he draws his light saber and Obi-Wan runs. What the hell is this? He tried to provoke his old master with bullshit "I am what you made me" and "You should have killed me when you had the chance" and Obi-Wan doesn't lecture him about the Force. He doesn't say a single word! And then when they fight, he does it one-handed, and every ounce of Hayden Christensen's body language screams disappointment. What the hell is this?
Anakin Skywalker didn't spend ten years in the Imperial Brooding Chamber in his Castle Commemorating His Defeat on his Impressive Stone Throne of Angst, plotting his revenge like the Pettiest Most Dramatic Bitch in the Galaxy, for nothing.
This was supposed to be his Validation, and he ends up fighting a terrified hobo in a strip mine.
So, of course, he stops burning him. This isn't what he wanted at all. He lets Ben go, because maybe if he does so, the Force will stop yanking his chain and give him the round two he always wanted.
And the best part? It will. Deborah Chow has slowly, meticulously showed the re-emergence of General Kenobi, the best of the Jedi, poking through ten years of loneliness and mourning. It will come back, it will come out, but Darth Vader might not like the result.
"The Jedi Code is like an itch. He cannot help it!"
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
That’s a good point there...
The Jedi Code is like an itch.
Consider who the three main characters of Obi-Wan Kenobi are.
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Obi-Wan, Vader & Reva. What ties them all together?
They’re all trying really hard to NOT be Jedi… even though, deep down, that’s who they are. 
Because as the Grand Inquisitor puts it: the Jedi Code is like an itch; they cannot help it.
Take Obi-Wan, for instance:
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He's saying: “I’m not a Jedi anymore. That guy died the same day Anakin did. I’m just Ben.”
But it kills him that he can't help Nari, he can't help that dude who can't feed his family, he can't help those settlers on Mapuzo who were getting bullied by stormtroopers.
His character arc is the most obvious one: he is coming to terms with the idea that, yes, he still is a Jedi.
Because that’s who Leia needs him to be right now.
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And it’s who Luke will need in the future.
Also Vader:
We know Vader’s arc won’t conclude in this series.
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For years, Vader is always THIS close to going back to the Light, then always stomps his foot on the ground and doubles down, going “nu-uh, I’m evil deep down inside, I swear! Dark Side all the way! Look how I’m killing this guy! See what a monster I've become Obi-Wan?!”
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He keeps rejecting the Light and rationalizes his actions by saying the Jedi betrayed him, but deep down, he’s rejecting the Light because he thinks he deserves the pain that the Dark gives him. He’s a monster and he is where he belongs: in Hell.
But we know that, eventually, he lets go of the guilt, the anger, the fear, and does become that Jedi again, which George Lucas once described as “ultimate father figures”.
Because that’s what Luke needed when the Emperor was killing him: his father, the Jedi.
Now take Reva:
She's saying: “I’m not a Jedi. The Jedi abandoned me. I hate them and I’m gonna have my revenge!”
That whole speech she gives in Part I?
She’s not saying that to the Tatooine randos (who the Jedi never protected in the first place because they had no jurisdiction in the Outer Rim). She’s repeating that to herself.
Clearly, she was a youngling when Order 66 happened, she got taken in and made into a monster. But not really, right? ’Cause the other Inquisitors? Now those guys are full-on psychopaths. She’s cute compared to them. They tell her as much.
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She’s not as broken inside as they are.
And deep down, she knows it too. Which is why she screams, she pouts, she’s overly arrogant, reckless, mean and insistent, she’s overdoing it, she’s overcompensating.
“Look at my flips! Look at how I parkour! Would a Jedi be so badass?!”
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She’s doing exactly what Vader is doing.
Only she’s doing it louder, because the good in her isn’t buried as deeply as it is with him. She’s stomping her foot and doubling down and insisting that “no, I’m bad, I swear”.
Because the alternative is accepting that - unlike Vader who made his own choices - deep within Reva lies the truth that what happened to her wasn’t her fault. She’s a victim of a galaxy-wide genocide. And it's not her her fault. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people, and it's unfair.
Which is why Haja takes her by surprise.
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Why would this guy WILLINGLY say he's a Jedi? Is he crazy? Doesn't he realize what that comes with? The target it puts on your back?
Seeing him do that clearly hits her where it hurts.
Now, I don’t know if she eventually arcs and manages to become that Jedi once again… or if she’ll die trying… or if she does like Vader and rejects it for good.
There’s a reason Reva and Moses Ingram are positioned in the middle in all promotional pictures featuring the trio:
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My guess is that, aside from just aesthetic reasons, it's partially because while Kenobi is coming around to following the Way of the Jedi again, and Vader is just blazing trails in the opposite direction… Reva’s fate is unclear.
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
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That’s me waiting until Friday.
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
Ahsoka: You have the right to remain silent.
Maul: I choose to waive that right.
Maul: [starts screaming]
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
Cad Bane: I don't need a significant other. Just a significant income
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
Alpha-17: That’s it, you’re all grounded! Fox no Caf for you. No Rex for Cody. Gree, Bly, Ponds I’m taking your datapads. Wolffe uhhh is there anything you love?
Wolffe: Revenge
Alpha: No vengeance
Wolffe: I was going to say I’ll get you for this, but I guess that’s off the table
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
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Fanart of Depa Billaba :)
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
A Bad Batch short story
A/N: I figured I would try and write something on here, so here goes nothing...
[Plotline: Destruction of Kamino, from Rampart’s perspective]
[OC included]
19 BBY, Kamino
Bright blue lasers devastated the big floating buildings on the ocean planet of Kamino known as Tipoca City. Bits of debris fell into the sea, the flames around them extinguished by the water. Above it all, Vice Admiral Rampart watched the scene from the bridge of his Star Destroyer. Cold and expressionless as ever, he glanced down at his 2 year old daughter, who, thankfully, was too small to see beyond the lower rim of the windowsill. He could have left her with their nanny droid back on Coruscant. His wife, Admiral Delara Ivel was also busy serving the Empire elsewhere. But no, the nanny droid had to malfunction yesterday, leaving no one to watch the child. So for now, at least, she was stuck with him.
"Callista, move away from the windowsill," Rampart ordered, his voice soft enough as to not frighten the girl too much. He wouldn’t want to traumatize a mere toddler. Besides, that was only his “listen-while-I’m-nice” tone. Further disobedience would result in her mother’s discipline.
Callista immediately did as she was told. “Why are you shooting the building, Papa?”
Rampart scooped her up in order to prevent her from running off. “The Empire doesn’t need it anymore. It will build brand new things to replace it.”
“Are there people inside?” 
“No, no people. Only clones.”
Callista frowned. “But aren’t clones people too?”
“They are expendable, Callista.” Rampart gazed at the carnage outside. “As are everyone else in the galaxy. Eventually, you and I will outlive our usefulness, but we will have given much to our new Empire.”
“And when we outlive our usefulness…” Callista asked softly. “Will we end up like the clones?”
Rampart decided to dodge the question, instead looking back at an approaching trooper. “Status report.”
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starwars4life101 · 2 years
Let’s see.... *checks clone wars records* yeah, you kinda do :/
anakin: obi-wan once told me i have an obsession with revenge … we’ll see about that.
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starwars4life101 · 3 years
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This is Obi-Wan Kenobi: A phenomenal pilot who doesn’t like to fly. A devastating warrior who’d rather not fight. A negotiator without peer who frankly prefers to sit alone in a quiet cave and meditate.
“And you, Master. What does your heart tell you you’re meant for?” “Infinite sadness,” Obi-Wan said, even while smiling.
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starwars4life101 · 3 years
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starwars4life101 · 3 years
Hello! I love your art ngl. And congrats on the followers <3 Because I love Ryloth clones, can you do Keeli, Ponds, and Howzer in Phase 2 armor?
The Ryloth Roster!
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Captain Howzer, Captain Keeli, Commander Ponds in phase 2 clone armour.
Thank you!
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