staybystray · 5 years
None of the links to the admin blogs work, so I was just wondering who runs this blog?
Hello! I’m admin Lis, awhile ago admin Lia deleted her account with no prior warning. Since then I have not been able to contact her. My main is @seungmination now but I’m not very active anymore, hope this cleared up things!
0 notes
staybystray · 5 years
Shifter’s trust :: Stray Kids Supernatural AU
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Summary: Shifters (animal hybrid that can change into their spirit animal at will) are hunted by hunters and experimented on by the government. Now, the government is really desperate to find the remaining shifters. Jeongin discovers all his friends are also shifters and they have to work to escape the government together.
Part: 3/?
Part 1
Part 2
Words for this part: 898
Genre: Angst, fluff
Warnings: mentions abusive relationships, kidnapping more to come?
Of course, it would've been nicer if it wasn't the day immediately after Junhui's "attack" that everything went to hell.
Jeongin was woken up with a loud bang that sounded awfully like their front door breaking down. He found himself unconsciously shifting into fox form, which was rather annoying as he was still lying on his back in bed.
Shifting back, Jeongin hurriedly typed a text to his friends. "Help," it read.
He turned his phone on silent because a sudden stream of questions flooded his phone. He didn't want whoever had just broken in to know his immediate location by tracking the buzzing of his phone. He didn't question why everyone single one of his friends appeared to be awake at 2am, instead only replying "ggovenrmtn". His fingers were too shaky to type something properly.
It was true that this might not even be the government at all. But, at any rate, someone had broken into their house and Jeongin was sure gonna put up a fight. Their mother would be useless, since she'd passed out from drinking earlier. Not an uncommon occurance, sadly.
Jeongin was shifted back into his fox form, this time consciously. His fox form had better reactions, better sense of smell, better eyesight. It was pretty much better in every sense. The only downside of being in a shifted form was that he couldn't speak to anyone.
Jeongin was too busy trying to be quiet while he trotted down the stairs - yes, maybe paws weren't the best or use on wooden stairs - that he didn't realise exactly how slow he was actually moving. He hears a scream from his brother's bedroom downstairs, and knows immediately what happened.
Forgetting stealth, Jeongin runs downstairs just in time to see two men run out of their house, an unmoving Junhui slumped over one of the man’s shoulders like a sack of potatoes. Had his brother not just been kidnapped, Jeongin would’ve found their strength impressive.
His moment of indecision cost him, because by the time Jeongin finally leaped forward as fast as his fox legs could move him, Junhui and his kidnappers were already at the black van parked in the driveway. However Jeongin hadn’t heard the van pull up, he had no idea.
He reached the car just before it sped away. Clearly the men knew that they were in pursuit, because they screeched away, way faster than Jeongin could ever run, even as a fox.
Jeongin felt the fight go out of him. Sure, he was the younger brother, but he'd failed to protect his brother. He had no one else in his family to save. He almost wished that he'd been taken with Junhui. After all, it wouldn't be too much longer before they took him, too. It was pretty obvious by now that another shifted lived in the Yang family's house.
Feeling absolutely useless, Jeongin flopped onto the front step as he switched back to his human form. He was too tired to even go outside.
Jeongin must've fallen asleep, because the next thing he knows is that Chan is shaking his shoulder lightly.
“Jeongin?” Chan looked down at him worriedly.
it should have comforted Jeongin to see all of his friend standing or crouching before him, clearly concerned. However, it only made him feel a bit stupid. He wasn’t hurt, there was no need for such concern. Some men had just come and-
Taken Junhui. Jeongin sprang to his feet. “They took Junhui!” His eyes were watering to the point that he couldn’t see anything (fair enough, it was very early morning, too, and the only light came from the moon and stars. Apparently the street light had broken). He collapsed into the nearest person’s arms, who happened to be Seungmin.
No one said anything for a while, realising that Jeongin just needed his time to process the situation. They all only had an inkling of how much Junhui had meant to him. His older brother was the only light he found at home, his protector. And now he was gone.
Collecting himself, Jeongin turned to his friends. “I can’t stay here.”
They gave him confused looks and Jeongin remembered that he’s never told any of them about his problems at home; his mother’s drinking problems. Now wasn’t exactly, so Jeongin quickly expanded, “We need to find Junhui.”
His friends nodded.
“How do you suppose we do that?” Seungmin asked and he massaged Jeongin’s shoulders. He was immensely thankful for the massage; he was stressed and tight everywhere.
“I know their number plate.” At least, Jeongin hoped he remembered it correctly. After all, he’d only looked at the car for about two seconds and he’d only seen the number plate for half a second when the moon had shone on it.
“Any of you know how to hack security cameras?” There was a silence, but then both Jisung and Felix stepped forward. “We’ve only hacked games, but it can’t be much different,” Jisung said, smiling at him.
Jeongin squealed, forgetting that it wasn’t even dawn yet and he was supposed to be quiet. He ran forward and enveloped both of his friends in a massive hug. “I love you! Thank you!”
Jisung made struggling sounds so he let go. “Except you could’ve helped me hack level 97 of Miroh before, you know how long I’ve been stuck on that.”
-Admin Lia
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staybystray · 5 years
Shifter’s Trust :: Stray Kids Supernatural AU
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Summary: Shifters (animal hybrid that can change into their spirit animal at will) are hunted by hunters and experimented on by the government. Now, the government is really desperate to find the remaining shifters. Jeongin discovers all his friends are also shifters and they have to work to escape the government together.
Part: 2/?
Part 1
Part 3
Words for this part: 1218
Genre: Angst, fluff
Warnings: mentions abusive relationships, (bRIEF) mentions of blood, more to come?
Surprisingly, nothing much changed in District 9 during the next week. Sure, disappearances in District 9 had increased about tenfold, but other than that, life continued almost exactly as it had been before the government started to “dish out threats” to the shifters.
Almost everyone had stopped discussing shifters, too; when there was no information to gossip about, you couldn’t gossip. For this, Jeongin was immensely thankful. He was getting increasingly annoyed each time someone came up to him and asked he was a shifter. Everyone was asking everyone this, but it was still annoying and rather frustrating the amount of times that he was forced to lie.
Of course, good things (if you called living in constant fear of something bad happening a good thing) weren’t meant to last. The moment that Jeongin had worked out that he was a shifter, he had known that somewhere along the line, he’d be in deep shit.
He just hadn’t expected everything to go to hell so quickly.
Jeongin’s older brother, Junhui, had asked him to go and buy some tissues from the corner shop because they were all out and he thought he was getting a cold. Jeongin had happily agreed, not wanting to do the pile of work that he should’ve handed in yesterday.
He wasn’t a student at school as such; the government had abolished proper schooling several years ago. Instead, everyone was to learn either their mother and fathers’ work. If you didn’t want to follow your parents footsteps, you fad to go through some complicated paperwork and several years of training with one of the District officials.
So, Jeongin found it slightly funny that he was supposed to be learning to be a District Spy, like his mother (but then again, it was kind of funny that his mother had managed to keep that rather high-up role in the government system, since after all, it wasn’t exactly a secret that she was a drinker). As a “trainee Spy”, he was supposed to work out who the criminals were in the district, who had the shifting ability, who was dangerous and the like and then report that back to the government. At least the training he was receiving made it easier for him to hide the fact that he was a shifter; if he were learning to recognise shifters, he simply knew how he couldn’t act around people.
However, when Jeongin returned home, box of tissues in his hand, he received the worst shock he’d ever gotten in his life. Someone was screaming inside of his house. And it sounded awfully like Junhui.
Jeongin bolted inside, practically ripping the door off its hinges. “What the fu-” he began, but stopped himself, for two reasons; one, that he never, under any circumstances, swore. Two, was that swearing, or making any noise at all, didn’t seem very appropriate right now.
Two men held Junhui against the wall. One man held a knife his brother’s throat, while the other pinned him down. His brother had a small trickle of blood running down from his neck. Thankfully, other than that, he seemed to be unharmed.
“Just tell us that you’re a shifter and we’ll stop hurting you,” the man with the knife tormented, his voice low and gravelly. Jeongin gulped. What was he going to do? He had to help his brother.
Jeongin took a step forward and the floorboard creaked. He gulped again. Why couldn’t they just have carpeted floors? It would make sneaking around the house when his mother was drunk much easier, too.
The man with the knife turned around, the second man still pinning his brother. Something sparked in Jeongin as the man whipped around. Before he knew it, he was considerably shorter and on four legs. He’d shifted. Around shifter…catchers? He was in some deep trouble.
He prayed that neither man had seen was he looked like before he shifted, else he’d be in even more shit. A quick report back to the government, and he’d be hunted down for the rest of his increasingly short life. Not that they wouldn’t piece together who this shifter was pretty quickly; only family or friends would be in Junhui’s house.
At least that man had stopped holding his knife to his brother’s throat, Jeongin thought. He leaped towards the two men, not aiming to harm either, but instead to disarm them.
Apparently neither man were very well trained, because the one who’d been pinning Junhui to the wall immediately ran past Jeongin in his fox form, while the other dropped his knife. “We’ll be coming back!” the man shouted as he ran away, and Jeongin let out chuckle. It turned into more of a growl because, after all, he was in a fox form. It just was kinda of funny seeing a man so arrogant run away at the slightest whisp of danger.
The remaining man glared at Jeongin with his brilliant green eyes. He lunged for the knife he’d dropped. Jeongin, being a fox, was much quicker and reached the knife first. He grabbed it with his teeth and tossed it to the side of the room with a shake of his head.
Sensing that he’s lost, the other man ran out of their house.
Jeongin, still in his fox form, trotted over to the window to witness the two men running away, one speaking furiously into his phone. When he was satisfied that both men had gone, Jeongin shifted out of his fox form and turned to face his brother.
Junhui, who had slid down the wall and was now sitting cross-legged on the floor, looked rather pale.
“Now they know you’re a shifter, too,” Junhui muttered.  
“Well at least they didn’t take you,” Jeongin replied nonchalantly. He wasn’t in the mood to be told off for saving someone’s life. “I don’t regret my decision to shift, don’t lecture me.” Jeongin stormed off to his room to contemplate.
He might as well tell his friends now that he’s a shifter, right? Jeongin opened his phone and was typing out a message when he realised what the previous messages were.
I am your father Chan did u guys see the news the government is allowing hunters 2 kill us now theyre no longer illegal they’re actually hiring hunters now
Jeongin immediately closed his phone. This was bad. Previously, hunters had been illegal because killing a shifter had been considered murder. Previously, hunters were only suposed to catch shifters and hand them into the government. If this were true, he’d rather hide his identity as a shifter for a little longer. There was no need to be in any more danger than he already was in.  He deleted his message and typed a new one.
Jeongin Haha sucks to be you guys
Jeongin knew that message was a bit insensitive, but at this point, his day was already shitty. If his friends decided to ditch him, it wouldn’t make much difference. They’d all be dead pretty soon, by the looks of things.
It was a small relief that his friends decided not to take offense to his message.
Seungminnie Yeah it would suck to be Changbin
Jeongin snorted and closed his phone yet again. Well, at least everything was fine for now.
He knew it wouldn’t last.
~Admin Lia
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staybystray · 5 years
Shifter’s trust :: Stray Kids Supernatural AU
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Summary: Shifters (animal hybrid that can change into their spirit animal at will) are hunted by hunters and experimented on by the government. Now, the government is really desperate to find the remaining shifters. Jeongin discovers all his friends are also shifters and they have to work to escape the government together.
Part: 1/?
Part 2
Part 3
Words for this part: 1213
Genre: Angst, fluff
Warnings: mentions abusive relationships, more to come?
Jeongin never had any qualms about being a shifter. It was rare, he knew that. Less than one in ten thousand people had the ability. It was somewhat hereditary - someone in your blood line must have been a shifter when they were first accidentally created. But the gene could skip five generations or more; as far as Jeongin knew, the last person in his bloodline that was a shifter had lived about two hundred years ago.
He knew shifters were hunted and killed by people afraid of them. He knew that shifters were used by the government for missions so inhumane and extreme that they would break even the strongest person’s mind. That is why he'd never told anyone of his shifting ability. He was safe.
Or at least, until the government started ordering every citizen of District 9 to sit a test that would reveal who were the shifters in their society, by searching for the shifting gene. He was watching the news with his mother when he'd seen that announcement.
"About fucking time, too," his mother muttered while Jeongin bit his lip. "Those shifters are just animals with a human face."
Jeongin wanted to scream at her, but he knew that wouldn't be appropriate and would only result in a) a thorough questioning or b) a whipping. Yes, his mother was drunk because she was rejoicing in the fact that shifters would now be easily recognised.
There was no was Jeongin was ever telling her that he was a shifter, too. She’d most likely hand him over to the police, drunk or not.
"If you ask me, the goverment should hire the hunters and clear the scum out of this country." Her words were slurred so Jeongin paid no attention. Instead, he focused on moving upstairs without his mother noticing. Unfortunately, they had creaky stairs.
He was at the second top step when they creaked. Jeongin held his breath. A moment passed, and another, before it became apparent that his mother was too drunk and the TV's volume was too high for her to have heard him. He let out a large sigh of relief once he'd gotten to the top of the stairs.
Thank god. Mission one achieved: Avoid the obstacle of the drunk mother. Now, he just needed to find out his friends' opinion on the whole business. Knowing who Jeongin could trust would pretty much be essential to his survival.
As soon as he opened his phone, Jeongin was relieved to see that his friends had already began discussing shifters. He was even more grateful that all of them appeared to be annoyed that shifters weren't allowed their privacy anymore.
I am your father Chan i mean its rlly rude not everyone likes to be experimented on shifters are not animals they keep a human mind even when theyre shifted any reliable source says that smh
Jeongin felt his heart lift at Chan's comment. It was almost as if he understood what being a shifter was like.
Minhohoho yeah ik dude can we all have a sleepover soon
Changbeanie yes please its been too long since i last kissed Felix
Freckle friend Felix eye- it was 3am stop bringing that up
Jeongin haha u r unloved
Changbeanie whatever its a yes from me for the sleepover
All eight of Jeongin's friends quickly agreed to the sleepover and decided that tonight wasn't too soon.
Jeongin opened his window and climbed down the brick wall. A while ago he'd gorged small foot holds into it so he could walk up to his room and down again without his mother ever knowing. He shivered, not having put a coat on before he climbed down. It had recently snowed and the air was absolutely freezing, even though it was only mid afternoon.
Whatever. He'd be at Minho's soon enough.
Sure, it only took ten minutes to walk to Minho's, but he was absolutely numb and had trouble ringing the doorbell once he was there. Woojin answered the door and looked absolutely astounded by Jeongin's lack of clothing. He quite literally dragged him into the living room where the rest of his group was and threw three blankets over the poor boy.
"Oh, you missed me saying that I'm a shifter," Jisung stated nonchalantly, as if he didn't just give away pretty much his whole life's worth to eight people.
"Really?" Jeongin asked, trying not to sound too interested.
Jisung's face fell. "I thought you were okay with-"
Jeongin shook his head hurriedly to show that he was not, in fact, shifter-phobic. "What animal are you?" He asked, staring at his friend.
Jisung grinned. Before anyone could question the devil, there was a soft pop and Jisung's seat was replaced with a squirrel.
"Oh my god, he's so cute!" Felix beside him gushed, reaching out to touch the small animal. Jisung was apparently displeased by this and opted to bite Felix's hand before shifting back to a human with another pop.
Felix just looked offended as now he hand was clamped around by Jisung's teeth. Jisung quickly stopped biting and continued as if nothing happened.
"I'm kinda scared that they're gonna find me," the brown-haired admitted, curling up to Minho beside him. "The government, I mean. Like, my parents know and all, so they could just dob me in.”
"Same." Seungmin's voice rang out clear through the silence. When everyone turned around at him, expecting him to shift, he shrugged. "It's embarrassing what I am. No way am I showing you guys. You're just gonna make fun of me."
Seungmin pouts and Jeongin can't help but laugh. They go around in a circle and state whether or not they are a shifter. To Jeongin's surprise, everyone is.
Some of them refused to shift, but somehow Jeongin wasn’t surprised when Woojin revealed himself as a fluffy polar bear and when Minho shifted to a cat. It just suited their personalities. And Minho did spend more time with cats that actual humans.
Jeongin didn’t think that it was smart sharing their deepest secrets with each other. When it's his go to share, he shrugs. "Kinda sorry to ruin the trend here, but I'm just human," he lies. "I think it's super cool that you guys can all shift, though!" he adds enthusiastically, really trying to give across the idea that he fully supports the human-animal hybrids.
he doesn’t want to share not because he doesn’t trust his friends, but because he knows that if the government catches one of them, they’ve pretty much caught them all. Nothing that a good torture can’t reveal, Jeongin grudgingly recalls.
Before his mother started drinking, she worked as a spy in the government. She had taken pride in torturing information out of shifters. Jeongin took pride in saying that he was nothing like his mother.
His friends just nod at him. "You're cute enough just as a human, anyway!" Hyunjin says immediately after he stops being a llama.
Jeongin had never wanted to switch into his fox form more and growl when Hyunjin attempted to pinch his cheeks. He resisted the urge and instead ducked out of the way. It was always best to play safe.
Even if that meant his best friends all thought he was human.
~Admin Lia
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staybystray · 5 years
true love sings
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Description: y/n hates singing and opposes the idea of lessons until Seungmin reveals who exactly is going to be the singing tutor.
Genre: Fluff
Relationships: fem!reader x Woojin & fem!reader x Seungmin (platonically)
Parts (2 in total): Part Two (Part One here)
Word Count (this part): 1758
Author: Admin Lia
It had been a month since that first day you'd met with Woojin. You still hadn't had any official lessons - you'd only been to one, and that time you'd gone to give him money he'd looked at you funny. He claimed it was a "trial" lesson. You had shrugged and happily kept your money to yourself. However, you'd said that it was fine for him to be your singing teacher and that next time you'd definitely be paying.
You don't know what had changed your stubborn mind about singing. When Seungmin had questioned your grin after your first lesson, you'd muttered some half-assed excuse about liking the song Woojin was teaching you. However, you knew it was more to do with the teacher than with the song. Not that you'd ever admit it; he was just a singing instructor, after all. A very attractive singing instructor, at that.
Today was your second lesson. To say that you were excited would be the understatement of the century. Much to your annoyance, the only thing you had been able to think of the previous night was a specific blonde hair's melodic voice.
You were still confused about your mind's preoccupation when you opened the door to Woojin's office. He was actually with some entertainment company and trained the idols that the company produced, but taught other people in his spare time. You figured it must be a very busy life.
"Ah! Y/n!" Woojin greeted, sounding cheerful.
"Hi," you said, waving back. You weren't really a social butterfly. More of an introvert, your mother had told you.
"I was wondering if you were coming," Woojin said, sounding off-hand. You checked the clock in his room, noting that you were most certainly on time. You tilted your head, conveying your confusion to Woojin.
"You were very... unenthusiastic your first week here." That much was true, you supposed. Although last time you'd definitely still thought Woojin was cute - no, handsome - you were still furious with Seungmin for dragging your ass to some place that you only partially wanted to go to.
"Sorry," you blushed. "It's just that no one's really commented on my voice before, and never have I received a compliment for it."
"I'll have you know I've never heard such timbre from someone so unpracticed before," Woojin replied, turning around to grab a the same sheet of music you two had been discussing last week.
"My voice is nothing compared to yours," you stated truthfully. Woojin snorted, but you couldn't tell whether he agreed or not since he was still facing away from you.
The whole lesson went like that, with you getting flustered every time Woojin congratulated you. You were somewhat thankful when he finally announced that your lesson was over.
You stepped outside his office and took a huge breath of relief. As much as you'd love to stay wit Woojin, you didn't want to stay with him when all you were doing was being a foolish mess.
Woojin greeted another girl who'd been waiting outside his room, probably for a singing lesson also.He didn't noticed when she shot a dirty look at you for absolutely no reason.
You left the building, feeling somewhat down. What had you done to deserve an icy glare? However, you told yourself you wouldn't let that darken your day
For some reason, you started a discussion through text about singing before Seungmin asked you how it went. You rolled your eyes when he responded immediately with a keyboard smash and an all-caps text saying "SEE I KNEW YOU LIKED SINGING!" You sent back an emoji ticking its tongue out. You didn't necessarily like singing...not yet, anyway. You just liked your instructor. You weren't even going to deny that fact anymore - not to yourself, anyway.
Your next lesson was another week later. This time, Woojin started by singing a piece he'd created himself. It was exactly as you would have expected; soft, sweet. His voice swept over you as if it were honey, or silk. You thought you'd be able to listen to it all day. He sung a song about being surrounded by people, yet feeling so alone. When he was finished, you found yourself wiping away a small tear. His song was beautiful, but honestly, you weren't sure if you were crying because of the song or because of his voice.
It only took you are few more lessons for you to realize that Woojin was the work of an angel. He was always kind and never got frustrated, even if you had to repeat the same few bars over and over because you couldn't quite hit that one high note.
He'd ask you how your day was and you'd even have small conversations about difficulties in each other's lives. It was mostly you complaining about your flatmate who never would shut the front door after they went out, but still. You felt like you were possibly  moving into Woojin's "friend" zone.
After your first month of lessons with Woojin, you met for the first time outside his office. You'd called him and asked him to meet you at a nearby cafe to check through a song you'd randomly made at 4am the last night. You wouldn't admit it to Seungmin, but you'd actually somewhat developed a passion for music. And it wasn't entirely because of Woojin, either. You genuinely enjoyed how it could influence one's emotions so well.
Although you might admit that you liked your singing tutor and that he was hot, you definitely wouldn't say that you liked him as in a crush-like, even though you were well aware that that had certainly developed over the month. And because you weren't admitting that, you definitely did not describe this coffee-shop date as a date to Woojin. You were conscious of the fact that that's pretty much what it was, though - a coffee shop date.
Apparently Woojin knew that too. There was an awkward moment when you'd both received your coffees and Woojin said, "Thanks for paying for the date." He'd corrected himself immediately, saying, "I mean, for the food today. That vanilla cake was really good."
You smiled but couldn't help wonder if he liked the idea that this was a date. However, you didn't have the courage to ask him that. "I know. I come here a lot. The eclairs are better, though," you said instead.
It was what Woojin said next that really shocked you. "I'd be willing to share one with you next time."
You sat there for a good ten seconds, you mouth open, trying to form a word but your brain failing to put together a sentence that made logical sense and wasn't embarrassing as hell.
"I mean, if you want a next time," Woojin said, looking uncomfortable.
"Yes! Yes I do!" You said that a little too excitedly and people in the adjacent tables looked at you funny.
"Haha, well we've still yet to listen to that song of yours," Woojin commented, tapping the laptop in the spare seat next to you. You pulled out the computer and typed in your password. You'd forgotten that you'd been listening to music with headphones in before, so a random song blasted out.
You quickly shoved headphones into the slot and turned the offending music off, flipping to your music app. Sure, it had cost you a good twenty dollars, but you were certainly putting it to good use. Who would've guessed that you'd become this obsessed with music in just a month?
Woojin's face was thoughtful as he listened to your song. It was slightly lame, you realised. It was about love, but not the romantic kind. It was about lacking physical touch. Really, it was just your way of saying "I WANT CUDDLES MY FLATMATE HATES ME". Your flatmate was the only person who you saw on a daily basis, yet they were cold towards you. Sure, you were best friends with Seungmin and you guys talked a lot, but you were just missing that bit more. You were missing someone to cuddle up with when a movie was playing.
When Woojin asked you what the song was about once it had stopped playing, you explained this to him. "I'd be willing to be the flatmate substitute," Woojin had joked after. Or at least, you think he was joking.
"Please? I'd love a cuddle." You pouted and Woojin laughed. Suddenly you wondered how this had happened; Woojin was your singing instructor, not your boyfriend. He shouldn't be sitting in this coffee shop with you, heavily hinting that he'd enjoy a movie date with you.
"Y/N? What's wrong?" Woojin had immediately noticed your mood change.
"Ah..nothing..." An awkward moment followed and you gave up, choking on the mouthful of vanilla cake you'd been inhaling. Yes, you were sharing the vanilla cake. Woojin claimed he'd had a big lunch and couldn't bear the thought of eating a whole slic eof cake by himself. Really, it was cute.
"Do you think it's proper for us to hang out like this?" you asked. "I mean, you're just my tutor, and as much as I enjoy this...I dunno." You frowned.
"Why wouldn't it be?" Woojin asked, holding your hand and allowing his warmth to envelop you. "It's not like I'm your teacher at school or anything, we're both legal-"
That had you frowning at him. You'd meant "is it proper for a tutor to be friends with their students", but if Woojin was going to take it the way meaning "is it proper for a tutor to be boyfriend to a student", then sure.
"So you'd like to do this with me more often?"
"Y/N-ah, get to the part where you ask me out."
"Hey! You don't know I was going to do that!" You persisted on being annoying in situations like these.
"Fine." He pouted cutely.
"Well okay, maybe I was going to ask you ifyouwouldliketogotothemovieswithmenextsunday?"
"Y/N, you're stubborn but you're also funny and never fail to make my day every time you come to my lessons, yes I'd love to."
You looked into Woojin's shining eyes and knew he wasn't lying. His eyes, they were shining because you'd made them shine. And you couldn't wait to make them shine every day from there onwards.
"Wait, what the hELL?" That was Seungmin's reaction later that day. He'd barged into your flat ten minutes later, demanding answers.
"I love Kim fucking Woojin," was the only explanation you'd provided, flopping happily onto the bed behind you.
~Admin Lia
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staybystray · 5 years
true love sings
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Description: y/n hates singing and opposes the idea of lessons until Seungmin reveals who exactly is going to be the singing tutor.
Genre: Fluff
Relationships: fem!reader x Woojin & fem!reader x Seungmin (platonically)
Parts (2 in total): Part One
Word Count (this part): 1497
Author: Admin Lia
"There's no way I'm getting singing lessons," you announced to your best friend, Seungmin. Singing was not your forte and there was absolutely no way you were getting lesson. You weren't really musically inclined at all. However, Seungmin was possibly one of the most enthusiatic singers you'd ever met, and apparently he wasn't going to be satisfied until you'd agree to at leastgive his passion a go.
"I could always teach you..." he began, while you shook your head. No way in the world where you going to get singing lessons from your best friend; he'd never shut up about how bad you were once he actually heard you open your mouth. "...but you're too dumb and wouldn't listen to me..." he continued.
You rolled your eyes at the typical Seungmin comment but inwardly released a thankful sigh.
"Don't think you're getting out of this though," Seungmin said, when he noticed that you were turning back to the huge pile of notes that you had yet to study for the upcoming university exams.
"I so am..." you muttered, turning the page. Seungmin ignored your comment and took out his phone.
"Hang on...I know a guy..."
"No-" you began, but it was too late. Seungmin was already dialing a number.
You dropped the book on the table, screeching, and lunged for Seungmin's phone. Maybe you were really overreacting, but you really didn't want those singing lessons. No one deserved to hear the cacophony of sounds that would come form your lungs if this situation was allowed to continue.
Seungmin simply dodged out of your way. "Woojin? Is it possible that you have a free lesson this Sunday? My friend's interested in singing but I think she just wants to try it out."
"No I DON'T want to try it," You fumed, still grabbing for the phone.
"Huh? You've got what time?" Seungmin motioned for you to shut up. Clearly he was having troule hearing whatever this Woojin guy was saying down the phone because of the racket you were making. You didn't particularly care that this Woojin guy could hear you at the other end; after all, you were never going to meet him.
A second later, Seungmin hung up. "He's got no free lessons soon," he admitted tartly.
"Good," you muttered, and continued to study your notes.
Seungmin frowned at your hard-working attitude. "You'd better pass, the amount of ties you've studied that same dumb page," he said.
At least he was right; the next week, you'd finished all your exams and was fairly certain you'd passed them all. You were doing a diploma of accounting degree, but not because you wanted to. Your family wanted you to be a accountant for their clothing brand rather than find an actual job in a field that you were interested in, like law.
"No, don't sleep-" You didn't even have the energy to ask why Seungmin was in your flat. Sure, he had the key, but he never actually came there unless you were home too. Unless he was the one eating all the chocolates. It had suddenly disappeared and you knew you hadn't eaten it.
"Shut up, I can do what I want," you murmured, collapsing on the sofa. "Don't you know I just finished my last exam?"
"Yeah, and that's exactly why we're going out. To celebrate." You shook your heard, but Seungmin proceeded to tug your arm.
"Don't hurt me- fine, I'll go."
So that was how you'd ended up, half an hour later, sitting in a comfy cushioned chair facing a man a similar age to you.It was clear now that Seungmin had been lying about taking you out to celebrate for your exams; he'd clealy been waitingfor this day for weeks.
"I'm Woojin." Unwillingly, you shook hands with the guy. He was quite handsome, you had to admit that. You didn't want to seem rude, o you offered your name and a short introduction.
"I'm y/n. I don't exactly sing, but I would't mind seeing if I had potential," you said. For some reason, a smile appeared on your face halfway through your second sentence.You quickly established a neutral expression once more, not wanting to give the impression that you were actually enthusiastic about singing.
"That's fine!" Apparently Woojin was no someone to be fazed by another's lack of interested. "If you want to uh, sing me a song - it can be anything - I'll tell you what I think and whether I think you'd benefit from lessons with me."
You turned around to glare at Seungmin, who was still in the room. For "emotional support", as he'd said. You think the real reason he was in there was because he genuinely wanted to hear you sing. You'd always refused in the past when he'd asked. There was no way you were ever going to share you cat-noises with anyone, you'd decided. Unfortunately, you were going to have to break that vow now.
"Um..." you had no idea what to sing, every song you'd ever heard in the past suddenly disappearing from your heard.
"I can give you a song if you want?" Woojin suggested after a moment.
"Please." Please no, you thought. You had no idea why you were being so nice to Woojin. Usually when you hated something, you were very straight-forward about it. Maybe it was something about the honey voice that the male had. It was soothing. Definitely a voice of a singer.
The page that Woojin handed to you contained familiar lyrics, and you had to stop yourself from smiling. Well, at least you knew the song - it was one of the songs you'd loved as a a child. You and your mother would often sing it while cooking. Okay, you definitely smiling at the memories.
"You know it?" Woojin asked, noting your expression. You nodded you hand and opened your mouth, half-determined to sing to awfully that the guy had no choice but to say that you had no talent whatsoever and a dying mosquito would be a better singer than you.
However, as soon as you opened your mouth, that resolve left you. You were singing along to the memory of your mother's voice, you voice echoing the soft texture that she'd sung with.
Half-way through the song, you unknowingly closed your eyes and stopped looking at the lyrics. You hadn't needed them in the first place, once Woojin had chosen the song for you.
Closing your eyes somehow made you performance more exceptional, because both Woojin and Seungmin started clapping after you'd finished.
"What the hell, y/n? Why didn't you tell me you sung that well?" Seungmin asked, thumping you on the back. You cringed form his force and laughed, despite yourself. Apparently you'd forgotten that you were supposed to be acting uninterested.
Woojin waited for Seungmin to stop ranting about how he should've gotten you to sing earlier before offering his compliments. "That was actually pretty good! Your voice sounds raw, which suggests you don't sing much, but I can definitely help you, if you'd like."
"I-" you began. You were about to say "thank you, but I'm really not interested", but something made you pause. Maybe it was the hopeful look Seungmin wore, or maybe it was the sparkle in Woojin's eye that had appeared when you'd opened your mouth, but whatever it was, it was enough to stop you mid-sentence.
"That sounds good!"
After organizing a few details like payment and lesson times, both you and Seungmin walked out the door of Woojin's cosy room.
"See? That wasn't so bad," Seungmin said, nudging you gently.
"Hmm," was all you could offer.
"That Woojin guy is kinda hot though." You two had walked in silence to the car and Seungmin almost tripped on nothing when you broke the silence. "And I'm not?"
"Not even in the slightest?"
"Okay. Maybe. But we're talking about Woojin here. How did you meet this guy? Actually, that's not important. How likely is he to date someone right now?" God knows where that question came from. You hadn't even decided if you liked the guy 's personality yet; all you'd managed to work out is that your singing tutor was most definitely your definition of "hot".
"He's single, but don't think he'd date you. Too much salt doesn't go well with sweet."
"I don't think I'm being the salty one right now," you pointed out, bumping your arm with Seungmin's.
"Heh. First time ever," you best friend said, opening his car's door and sitting down on the driver's side. You rolled your eyes. Sure, you might be a bit salty at time, but he was the definition of salt. And annoying. And many other adjectives with not-so-positive connotations.
But no - Woojin's honey voice had certainly got stuck in your mind. As you lay in bed that night you couldn't help but think what it would sound like when the male sung. Maybe you had a small crush.
~ Admin Lia
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staybystray · 5 years
Stray Kids as your older brother
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The sweetest!!
Would comfort you if you ever needed it
You would tell him your darkest secrets and he would tell you his
Would buy you the moon if you asked for it
If you guys ever did get into an argument he would immediately feel bad and would try to compromise on whatever you guys were arguing about
When you guys were little he would say that is was just you and him against the world
Was and still is your role model
if it was either of your guys’ birthday you guys would always make an effort to see each other, no matter how far apart
Always tries to help you in anyway he can and you do the same for him
Always has your best interest at heart
Would give you life lessons
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Has your back 24/7
Always makes sure you’re okay in anyway he can
Loves to give you hugs
You two have the fondest memories of each other
Would overreact if you got the smallest of injuries
Would take you to the hospital because you fell and scrapped your knee if you hadn’t talked him out of it
Shares all his dreams with you and when you share your dreams with him he always supports them
If you guys got into an argument he would go to you and apologize while trying to see your side, expects you to do the same
Will forever see you as this smol bean, he will treat you like a child
Would teach you guitar
He :) is :) the :) best :) treasure :) him
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You guys had adopted your (and his) first a cat together when you guys were little
Always fights you for the cat, you wonder if he loves the cat more that you
If you ever share your insecurities with him he would try his hardest to make you laugh and get your mind off of whatever you were talking about
“I told you so” would be said by him everyday if you made the slightest mistake when he told you to do otherwise
Teaches you the choreography for Skz’s songs
“When am I ever going to need to know this, Minho?”
“Shh, don’t question it, just learn it”
You honestly don’t even mind because you love spending time with him
Wouldn’t tell you but that’s the reason that he makes you learn the choreography, to spend time with you.
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Always runs lyrics by you whenever he writes them
“No but I feel like it’s too- too”
“Too what? Changbin, it’s really good”
When you guys have arguments he would be the bigger person and give in, only after he’s had plenty of time on his own to think about the situation
Takes you on hikes or some kind of physical activity
Feels challenged by ever little thing you do
“Oh, you think you can eat more strawberries than I can?”
“No, Changbin, I was just eating strawberries. I’m not implying anything”
Always puts you before him but you do the same for him so it’s a weird dynamic
Steals your food
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Moodboards but irl
So like he’ll take a bunch of photos for you and will give that to you for any special occasion
Always says things like “yeah well I had to put up with you our entire childhood so I win” in an argument
Taught you everything you know
How to properly take a photo?
How to cook?
How to dance?
He taught them all
Play fights for days
He’ll be working on the choreo for a comeback and will ask you for advice
If you have a pupper/cat/any pet really, you guys would have play dates with him and Kkami
He’s always saying that Kkami is better
Would be your travel buddy
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You always question if he’s the younger brother and your parents have been lying to you guys this entire time
You swear that’s what happened bc you act much more mature than he does
“Why’re you hitting yourself? Why’re you hitting yourself?”
“Really, Jisung? We’re not five anymore”
Shrugs it off and continues what he was doing
Really sweet tho
Wants to see you succeed in anything you want
“I’ll be with you every step of the way if you need me to”
Your #1 supporter
Aegyo’s his way out of any argument
“Mom says it’s my turn to use the laptop” or smth like that would be a common phrase of his during childhood
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“Hurry up! You’re taking too long”
Is something you’d say if you guys were ever going out someplace together or with you parents
Teaches you fortnite dances even if you say you don’t want to learn them
Never, never likes seeing you sad so he’ll always be smiley around you in hopes of raising/keeping up your spirits
When you guys have arguments he’ll cry because he doesn’t want to be the reason anyone gets hurt
Sees the best in you & always gives you the benefit of doubt bc he really really trusts you
He’d go to you if he was ever having self-doubts bc he did that all the time when you guys were younger and you always made him feel better
Loves going to the beach/pool with you because he gets to splash you like you guys did when you guys were younger
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Teases you all the time but if someone were to say the things he said about you he’d throw hands
Sings to you if you’re ever feeling down
Arguments would end up in you two both reflecting on it for a day or two but completely forgetting you two were upset in the first place the next time you guys talked to each other
If you guys were having a family outing or smth he’d be the type to hurry everyone along
Childhood memories would be you two running around in a park and play-fighting
Overly dramatic if he got hurt while rough-housing
“I can’t believe you’ve done this”
While lying on the floor like he’s dead
Still is dramatic tbh
Like you could say you were busy and couldn’t hang out and he’d be all
“Wow, okay. I see how it is” and he hangs up the phone call
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You guys were best friends when you guys were young and still are
You guys were inseparable when you were younger
Would actually cry if he ever saw you crying
“I don’t know what’s wrong but I want you to know that I’m here for you and you can tell me anything”
He’s always there for you and you’re always there for him
If you guys had an argument it would end quickly because one of you two would give in immediately for the sake of not hurting the other
You have this memory when you broke smth (Idk the blender? A lamp?) and he took the blame for it
Would be sad when you guys weren’t going to the same school because of the grade difference
You two still play video games together
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staybystray · 5 years
This time, I won't let go (epilogue / update #10)
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Description: Chan and Y/N were in a happy relationship, that is until Chan left to start his life as an idol. Leaving everything behind, including Y/N, Chan leaves without a word. Years later Y/N visits South Korea without knowing her lost love was there… what’ll happen once they meet again?
Genres: Fluff, angst, crack
Characters: Chan; Main lead, Felix; as Y/N’s friend, and the rest of Stray kids as side characters
This is a collaboration between the two admins, Admin Lia and Admin Lis
It had been a month since y/n and Chan had started dating again.
In that month, y/n had passed a university exam after long hours spent studying and revising notes from Australia. It wasn't much fun, but at least the hours had paid off. It was with both happiness and pride that y/n had announced the results of the university exam to Chan. Happiness, because now y/n could finish the degree in South Korea and spend more time with Chan in the meantime. And pride? Well, that was obvious.
In that previous month, although much of it had veen spent studying, y/n had grown closer to the other members of Chan's group. Y/n had grown to love Jeongin's smile. Listening to Seungmin practice his singing was always a highlight. Telling Felix to shut up was also a common counterpart of y/n's life - though, that wasn't exactly new. Y/n recalled saying that to the boy on a daily basis back in Australia.
Y/n had grown close to Jisung over nights with him and Felix playing video games. Surprising, even Minho had opened up when y/n stated that y/n loved cats at random on day.
And of course, Woojin loved y/n the moment he'd realised who'd paid for chicken one afternoon after the group's dance practice. Y/n wasn't quite sure what made y/n close to Changbin or Hyunjin, but they were also "fine friends".
Although these friendships were amazing and y/n greatly treasured them, it was the time with Chan that was treasured the most. In fact, y/n was on the way to the movies right now to see one with Chan. It was to be their "one month" date.
Cuddling up to Chan in the cinema, y/n couldn't help but peck him on the cheek in the middle of the film and whisper a small "thank you", referring not only to the date but to the fact that he'd given y/n a second chance at the entire dating thing.
Y/n was hoping that it wouldn't end the same way as the first time - rather, y/n preferred hoping that their wouldn't be an end this time.
"Thank you," came Chan's reply. He didn't need to explain that he was thanking y/n for allowing them to take a second stab at the relationship business.
"I love you," y/n said a minute later, swiping popcorn from the bucket on Chan's lap. Chan grumbled a response, only slightly annoyed that y/n had interrupted the movie.
He slung an arm around y/n so y/n knew he wasn't really annoyed. That was the advantage of paying extra for couple seats; he could put his arm around y/n comfortably.
Y/n stole the popcorn bucket from him in order to get him to repeat his muttered response.
"I love you too," Chan said, wanting the popcorn back. Y/n gave it back with a smile, knowing that Chan truly meant it - even if he did want popcorn too.
And it was true - their love could even conquer a seven-year hole.
~Admin Lia
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staybystray · 5 years
This Time, I Won’t Let Go Update #9
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Description: Chan and Y/N were in a happy relationship, that is until Chan left to start his life as an idol. Leaving everything behind, including Y/N, Chan leaves without a word. Years later Y/N visits South Korea without knowing her lost love was there... what’ll happen once they meet again?
Genres: Fluff, angst, crack
Characters: Chan; Main lead, Felix; as Y/N’s friend, and the rest of Stray kids as side characters
This is a collaboration between the two admins, Admin Lia and Admin Lis
“I, um, I” Y/n stuttered nervously as Felix gave y/n a look that practically said “hurry up and tell him” “sorry Felix, I can’t” y/n said, quickly walking out of the room past Chan. Chan felt the need to go after y/n but resisted after Felix tugged on his arm and shook his head. “So what was that about?” Chan asked, his head still turned to the door “Well, um, you might want to sit down for this one” Felix said as he lead Chan to the bed in Felix’s room. “So, it’s been seven years right? Since you’ve last seen each other?” “Yeah, we lost contact after I stupidly moved without telling y/n a thing” Chan replied. “Well, throughout those seven years, y/n has tried hard to forget about you, during high school y/n would talk about this boy that she wished would come back, I’m assuming that was you” Felix explained “Where are you going with this, Felix?” Chan asked “Well, I guess what I’m trying to say is that after spending some time with you, even if it was just three hours, those feelings that y/n struggled to compress, have come back” Felix said slowly. “So what you’re saying is that... y/n’s feelings for me returned?” “Yeah, I’m fairly certain” Felix responded “I’m gonna go” Chan said, Felix nodded his head.
While that conversation was going on, y/n had decided to go for a short walk to figure out what to do. After the walk, y/n headed back to the dorm where Chan waited anxiously. As soon as the door opened to reveal y/n Chan took y/n’s hand and walked out of the dorm. “Chan, what are you do-“ Chan interrupted y/n with a kiss, y/n returned the kiss until Chan pulled away to say “Sorry, that was probably unexpected” y/n only replied with a smile “So Felix told me, about the way you’ve been feeling?” “Yeah, I kind of assumed” y/n said. “What do you say, y/n, should we give it another try?” Chan asked softly, “I promise I won’t disappear on you again, I promise that this time, I won’t let go” Chan said with a smile, “As long as you keep those promises, I would love to give our relationship another try” y/n said. “Sorry, about everything. You know, cutting contact with you, leaving without a word, but then again it wasn’t easy on me either, you know” Chan apologized as he hugged y/n “Yeah, well at least you knew what happened!” Y/n yelled, pulling away from the hug “Why’d you have to ruin a perfectly good moment?!” Chan whined, “oh well, they’ll be more moments in the future so it’s fine” y/n shrugged. “Speaking of which, how much longer are you going to be staying in Korea?” Chan asked “Well, I was thinking, since you’re here, I could finish college in a nearby university?” Y/n replied “No way, y/n!! That’d be great” Chan exclaimed “Well, it would be, if I got accepted to a university here but we’ll have to wait and see” “I’ll make sure you get accepted!” Chan enthusiastically said. “I don’t think you have a say in that” y/n said “I’ll find a way, you know what they say, when there’s a will, there’s a way. And my will for you to study here by my side is very very strong” “If you say so, Chan” y/n said, giving Chan a peck on his cheek.
“Let’s go back inside, I’m sure Lix is dying to know what’s going on” y/n said. Sure enough, Felix was right by the door trying to listen to the conversation that was going on outside of the dorms. “Ow!” Felix said as Chan opened the door and pushed Felix back so he fell to the floor “and that, ladies and gentleman, is what happens when somebody is nosy” y/n said laughing at Felix while helping him get up. “Y/n’s sleeping in my room from now on, Felix” Chan said as he lead y/n to his room. Y/n waved at Felix and smiled cheekily, “wait- but, you-you can’t just do that! Y/n was my friend first!” Felix yelled at Chan as the door to Chan’s room closed “great, now my best friend has been taken away and I’ll probably have to go back to hanging out with Jisung and Seungmin” Felix mumbled to himself grumpily as he sat down on the couch. “Move over” Seungmin commanded as he pushed Felix out of the way to sit down as well. All Felix could answer with was a sigh.
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staybystray · 5 years
This Time, I won’t let go: Update #8
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Description: Chan and Y/N were in a happy relationship, that is until Chan left to start his life as an idol. Leaving everything behind, including Y/N, Chan leaves without a word. Years later Y/N visits South Korea without knowing her lost love was there… what’ll happen once they meet again?
Genres: Fluff, angst, crack
Characters: Chan; Main lead, Felix; as Y/N’s friend, and the rest of Stray kids as side characters
This is a collaboration between the two admins, Admin Lia and Admin Lis
“So what was that all about?” Felix asks immediately once y/n had been pulled inside his room. Y/n assumes he’s referring to the friendly manner in which you and Chan had been communicating in upon your return to the dorm.
“Nothing,” Y/n replies cheekily, blinking innocently.
“Come on, even I’m not that dumb.” Y/n laughs. It was their joke that Felix was the “dumb blonde” friend. “Though I will admit, putting salt in coffee is a dumb idea. Salty and bitter…” Felix shudders and y/n laughs again. Yes, Felix really had tried that once back in Australia. His reaction to the salty, bitter mixture was a priceless one that y/n would never forget.
“No, seriously. Explain.” Y/n sighed, realizing that Felix wasn’t going to give up.
“I had a good three hours with Chan,” y/n says, deciding not to lie, but to omit part of the truth. The truth, which was that y/n was falling for Chan again.
“They must’ve been a really good three hours,” Felix comments, staring at you up and down. “I’ve never seen you look that happy. At least, not since last Christmas when you opened that ice-cream maker I bought for you.”
Y/n shrugs again. What else can you expect? Ice-cream was one of y/n’s favorite treats. Along with fried chicken, popcorn, and several other less-than-healthy foods.
Felix leaned in and whispered in y/n’s ear. “You know, I’m pretty sure he feels the same way.” Y/n jumps. You weren’t expecting Felix to be that straight forward, although you had thought that this might be the reason he’d pulled you away from Chan the moment you two had returned from the mall. 
Without thinking, y/n shouts, “well how am I supposed to know?!“ Y/n starts to pace around the room suddenly, hoping that Felix hasn’t mistaken that outburst for a declaration of love to Chan.
Apparently he has.
"Go and ask him yourself,” Felix says, shrugging as if that’s a simple idea. Y/n gapes at him.
“Felix, it’s been seven years. Sure, we both had a good time together today, but he probably doesn’t return my feelings." 
There is no way Felix can mistake that for anything but a declaration of Y/n’s crush on Chan. Y/n doesn’t even know if it can be called a crush, considering they had previously dated and they’d literally only spent one day together. 
"It can’t hurt to try,” he says with a grin.
“Try what?” Y/n asks, about to say that if he’s going to try and set them up to date, then he should stop his thought right there. Y/n only receives a wicked look in return.
“Felix-” Whatever he’s about to do, y/n knows it can’t be good.
“CHAN!” Felix screams loudly. Y/n is pretty sure the whole dorm heard him. Y/n throws a random pillow from one of the beds at him to shut him up.
It’s too late though; Chan has already opened the bedroom door inquisitively. Y/n is blushing furiously. “What did you want, Felix?” Chan asks.
“Actually, Y/n has something to say.”
Y/n wants to scream and push Felix across the room, but that would be a poor impression to give Chan. Instead, y/n takes a deep breath.
~Admin Lia
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staybystray · 5 years
An Hour and a Half, Love
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Pairing: Hyunjin x reader
Genre: Fluff with a dash of social media au
Summary: As an idol, Hyunjin can’t have dates with y/n in broad daylight, so they go stargazing together in a mountain Hyunjin used to go to.
Word count: 1074
Author: Admin Lis
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“So are you going to come out of your room or am I going to continue to have to comment on your tweet?” Hyunjin asked from outside of the door, “Yeah,” y/n responded, “I’m coming”. “The real question is where are we headed, though” y/n asked “Well, since it’s nighttime and no one will notice us if we go where there are no city lights, I was thinking we could go stargazing in the mountains?” Hyunjin suggested. “Okay, just let me grab some blankets!” Y/n said excitingly. “Alright” Hyunjin replied with a smile on his face. “Come on, let’s go” Y/n said, grabbing onto Hyunjin’s hand.
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“Anyways, ignore him and give me attention!” Hyunjin said, taking y/n’s phone. “Hmm, let me think about it” y/n said, pretending to be deep in thought about it, “okay” y/n said, shrugging. “Good enough for me!” Hyunjin said as he kissed y/n. As he pulled away from the kiss he grabbed y/n’s hand and began running, “Hyunjin! Hyunjin! Where are we going?” Y/n asked. “You’ll see” was all Hyunjin said. When they stopped running they were met with a beautiful view of the city below them, they were on a mountain so high it appeared as though the city was merely a toy town.
“It’s lovely” y/n said, still breathing heavily from the run. “Was the run worth it? it’s a little off trail” Hyunjin said “it’s a little off trail and I don’t know why, look at this view, the whole world should see it!” Y/n replied. “The world really should know, but the majority of the world doesn’t so we’ll be alone most of the time when we come here” Hyunjin smiled. “If the majority of the world doesn’t know about it then how did you find this place?” Y/n asked “Funny story, actually. I got lost when I was little and hiking with my dad” Hyunjin said with a bit of embarrassment.
“He was so scared of the fact that he lost me, the fact that my mother would rage if there was so much a scratch on my face” Hyunjin laughed. “Yeah, I know how your mother can be” y/n laughed along. “Y/n, you know the song I sang to you not too long ago?” “Yeah, what about it?” Y/n responded, “Do you want to hear another song?” Hyunjin asked “Your voice is like honey, Hyunjin, how could I ever reject listening to it?” Y/n said “Well, I’m hearing a yes so here it goes.
The stars are beautifully scattered around the sky, I’d be a fool to make you cry
So instead I’ll take you here everyday
If you were ever to shed tears
I’ll wipe away them and your fears
Because in the end, I love you
And I’d do anything for your love too
Hyunjin sang the rest of the song “I love that song! Let me search up the lyrics, I need to know the name of it” Y/n said excitedly “Hate to break it to you, love, but you’re not going to find that song online, I wrote it for you!” “Oh, well in that case I’ll gladly give you my love” y/n replied “Yes, give me all of your love, all of it” Hyunjin playfully said as he hugged y/n.
“I love you, a lot, you can’t even imagine it, it’s like the stars, you could try to count them but you’d be wasting your time because there are too many stars, there’s too much of my love for you” Hyunjin quietly said, “Okay, two things. One: I could never have “too much love” from you and second: when did you become such a poet, I mean don’t get me wrong, I love it but you’ve never done anything like this before” y/n pointed out. “I don’t know, my passion is music and singing, what better way to use that passion than for the love of my life?” Hyunjin replied. “There you go again! The romancist!” Y/n playfully said. “I’m just trying to give you love, that’s all. Anyways, it’s getting late, y/n, we should probably start heading back.” Hyunjin suggested “Let’s stay here a little longer, yeah?” Y/n asked “Yeah, we could do that but we should get going soon.” “Yeah, absolutely” y/n said, holding Hyunjin’s hand.
After a few moments of silence of the two hugging Hyunjin suggested “We should go to a convenience store and buy some ice cream or something” “In the middle of the night? I don’t know, Hyunjin” y/n replied with “Come on, I’ll pay” Hyunjin insisted “Hmm, okay, let’s go then” y/n said.
“Don’t forget this!” Y/n said as Hyunjin was about to step out of the car. Hyunjin put on the face mask that y/n had given him and said, “thank you, I almost forgot it, you too, put on yours” Hyunjin responded with “I don’t need to, remember, unlike you, I couldn’t be recognized” y/n remarked. “Still, what if someone recognizes me, then they’ll know what you look like. You know what Chan says all the time, don’t do someth-“ “Yes, yes don’t do something stupid and get caught, I’ll put it on” y/n said “Thank you, love” Hyunjin said as he kissed y/n’s forehead.
They walked in hand-in-hand, bought the tub of ice cream and quickly headed out. “Should we go to your place?” Hyunjin asked “Yeah, sure, why not?” “Alright, to your place we go!” Hyunjin declared “Wait! Hyunjin!” Y/n said abruptly, “Yes?! What happened?!” Hyunjin said, startled. “Nothing happened, you just look really cute, don’t move, I need a picture.” Y/n said. “What? No” Hyunjin said “we’re heading to your place right now” “Okay, but I already got your photo, also when do you not like taking photos, that’s a first” y/n said with a playful grin. “You’re so, so” “So what?” Y/n said, slightly pouting “so, adorable” Hyunjin completes his sentence as he pinched y/n’s cheek. “You know what I just realized? It’s been a little over an hour since I left the dorms, I should probably head back soon.” “No, why?” Y/n replied “Sorry, love, let’s just eat the ice cream here, I’ll drop you off at your apartment, okay?” Hyunjin offered, “Okay” y/n said.
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staybystray · 5 years
This Time, I Won’t Let Go (Chan x Reader)
Update #1 -Admin Lis
Update #2 -Admin Lia
Update #3 -Admin Lis
Update #4 -Admin Lia
Update #5 -Admin Lis
Update #6 -Admin Lia
Update #7 -Admin Lis
Update #8 -Admin Lia
Admin Lia
Minho (Lee Know)
Jisung (Han)
Two Years (Jisung x Reader)
Jeongin (I.N)
Admin Lis
♡ Angst
♥ Fluff
# social media au
Scenarios (whole group)
Stray Kids as your older brother
Minho (Lee Know)
An Hour and a Half, Love (Hyunjin x Reader)  ♥ #
Jisung (Han)
Jeongin (I.N)
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staybystray · 5 years
two years · han jisung
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Pairing: Han Jisung x reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You run into your ex-boyfriend Jisung at a cafe shop. It starts raining so you can’t go anywhere, meaning you’re stuck with nothing to do but to talk to the guy.
Word Count: 2900
Author: Admin Lia
You stare at the bucketing rain outside and groan. It had been a long day, and having vocal lessons in the afternoon hadn't made it any shorter. You thought that stopping at a cafe near your apartment to get a caffeine boost would provide that motivation you needed to finish your science assignment for university. It had, and you'd cherished the bitter taste of the coffee.
However, immediately once you'd decided that you'd get up and leave to actually do your assignment, it had started to rain.
Now all there was to do was wait until the rain passed. If it had just been a slight drizzle, you would've ran home. However, it was pouring, and you were pretty sure that you'd just heard a rumble of thunder. This wasn't really the type of weather you wanted to walk home in.
With the decision in mind to stay at the coffee shop until it closed or the rain passed, you opened up your bag and turned on your laptop. There may not be an accessible wifi connection where you are right now, but at least you could edit what you had written the previous night.
When you'd had enough of correcting the same few paragraph again and again, you shut your laptop and returned to staring at the rain through the small windows in the cafe. The cafe was empty, because  other customers had been smart enough to bring umbrellas with them when they'd seen that the sky was an ugly grey color that day.
Of course thinking ahead had never been your sort of thing.
You were unexpectedly interrupted form your thoughts when someone tapped you on the shoulder. You spun around in your seat, and immediately saw the same blue shirt that everyone who worked at the cafe wore.
"Oh, I'm sorry. You must be closing. That's fine, I'll-" You weren't even looking at who you were talking too, instead staring down at your watch. It read 7:08pm. No wonder this employee wanted you to leave - you saw a sign outside before that said they closed over half an hour ago.
"Actually, I was going to suggest you had a coffee with me. Since, I can get us a free one, y'know."
Those words properly jolted you from your mental stupor.
You looked up and almost died - internally -  when you realized who you were talking to. It was your ex-boyfriend, Jisung. You hadn't noticed him working when you'd come in and ordered your coffee. If you had been more observant, you most certainly would not be sitting in this cafe. You would've skipped the coffee and braved the rain. You’d honestly rather do anything  than to talk to Jisung.
"No thanks, I'll pass." It takes all your effort not to spit in his face.
You see, you and Jisung hadn't ended on very good terms.
When you’d been together, it had only taken a year for him to start considering proposing to you. Well, at least that's what you'd assumed when jewelry brochures suddenly appeared in the house that you'd shared.
However, just when your relationship was at peak, Jisung had received and opportunity to extend his rapping career over in the United States. It would be temporary, and he'd only be away from Korea for a year, tops. You'd both agreed that a long-distance relationship could work, but if it didn't, you should both keep in contact through text anyway. As friends.
But of course, all those good plans had gone down the drain when you'd seen a news article in English. You couldn't read English very well, but it had the words "J.One" in its title. J.One was Jisung's rapper name.  You'd clicked it, hoping to find out how well your boyfriend was doing over in the States,  from an outsider's perspective. All Jisung told you through text was that "it's very hard" and "i swear i barely get any sleep these days" and "such and such on the street asked for a signature, i'm really shocked that someone recognized me!"
While getting this news was great, it wasn't really much of an insight into your boyfriend's new life. You weren't one of those super-stalking girlfriends who needed to know your boyfriend's ever move, but you literally knew nothing of what he was doing. You'd stopped texting regularly and he'd only once sent a photo of the States. If you called sending a picture of his breakfast by accident a photo. Hell, you didn’t even know if he was producing an album.
So yes, you'd been keen enough to find about Jisung’s life and you were prepared to read the article, even if it meant translating the whole page through google translating and reading the poor Korean that would come as a result.  
However, you hadn't even needed to translate past the title. For underneath of it was a photo with a girl who you'd never seen in your life before. She was locked by the lips to the other figure in the photo - Jisung.
You'd been furious immediately, but had continued translating the rest of the article.
Apparently Jisung had gotten quite big over in the States, and he'd picked up a girlfriend. The article stated that they'd started dating just over two weeks ago. Two weeks, and you'd heard nothing of this from Jisung. In fact, he'd only texted you twice in the last two weeks. His new girlfriend was probably why, you realized now.  
Apparently he'd forgotten about you, the heartbroken girlfriend over in Korea.
You'd immediately sent him the link to the article and he'd left you on read.
And that was how you'd broken up.
So you hadn't really broken up, but you had. This had been two years ago, in your first year of university (you'd met during high school and started dating then). You couldn't believe that Jisung had the guts to casually come up to you in a cafe shop and ask you out for coffee after all that time of being left on "read". You also wondered what happened to his rapping career - why was he suddenly back in Korea, working in a cafe shop?
True, his one-year contract in the States was up. But people didn’t simply start working in cafe shops after such a promotion.
But really, after all that your heart had suffered, you thought Jisung deserved to be spat at. Luckily for him, you were a nice person and had some self-control.
"Come on!" Jisung whined.
Despite yourself, you smiled. Jisung would often whine to woo you into doing some you didn't want to do. It wasn't going to work, this time, though. Not after two years.
"I'll give you a free cake with that."
You shook your head. Wasn't there some rule set by the boss of this cafe to not give away free coffees and food? Even if it was after hours, you didn't think Jisung's boss would be very impressed.
"Don't you get it? I don't want to talk to you." You opened your laptop up again, not intended to use it but hoping that Jisung would get the cue and leave you alone until the rain passed. If he didn't, then you were prepared to run outside in the rain all the way home.
"Look, I'm sorry about-"
Oh. So now Jisung was going to apologise. Pity, he was only two years late. You didn't want to hear his excuses, so you spoke to him in the coolest voice you could muster.
"Don't try to be nice to me. Whatever your feeble explanation you have for destroying my heart is not going to be enough, ever."
You could see that you'd hurt Jisung; emotional pain shone through his eyes. However, you didn't particularly care.
You grab your laptop and shove it in your bag. "Fuck you, Jisung," you said as you head towards the cafe shop's door. It was still raining, but you didn't care about much today.
Much to your annoyance, Jisung blocks the path to the door.
"Don't you want to hear, at least?"
"No. And since you're the last worker here, I think you should probably wipe down the benches."
"Fuck the benches, they can stay crumby tonight."
You sigh. You remember that Jisung was always difficult like this. You really don’t want to talk to him, but you knew he wouldn’t give up until he got what he wanted.
"I hate you, but because you're not going to leave me alone until I listen to you, I'm going to give you exactly one minute."
"Thank you." Jisung sounds sincere, and so you sit opposite to him at a circular table.
"Wait. I said I'd get you coffee and cake." Jisung gets up and you roll your eyes. You know this is his way to ensure that he can spend more time with you. You know you shouldn't find his attempts endearing, but you do. You still hate him, though.
"So first of all, I wasn't dating that girl in the article."
"Huh. Sure looked like it, lip-to-lip."
"Yeah, we kissed. That doesn't mean we were dating - that was entirely the media's little story."
You don't see how this changes anything. One, he's not providing any proof with his statement. Two, he still kissed that girl. He cheated on you.
"I was drunk when that photo was taken, when I kissed that girl." Jisung hands a small box to you. You assume he's put your cake in it.
"I know you like strawberry mousse," Jisung smiles. You're shocked that he remembers your cake preferences, but then again, you remember his as clear as day, too. Chocolate sponge with jam and cream filling and chocolate icing.
"Why were you drunk?" You open the box and grin happily when you discover that Jisung really did just give you free strawberry mousse. You’re careful to immediately wipe off the smile, though. You still hate him - free cake doesn’t change anything.
Though if he had been drunk, and that girl wasn't his girlfriend, then you supposed the story was changed a bit. You sigh again. You don't want less reasons to hate Jisung; life was easier just hating him.
"Well, being a rapper is stressful. Chan invited me to a party and I wanted to see what all the fuss was with parties about, so I went. And I was really stressed at the time - this was during promotions for our group.”
Chan? You'd never heard the name before. And you'd never heard before that Jisung was in a group.
Maybe you were a bad girlfriend, you realize. You hadn't even known that Jisung's rapping career wasn't solo. Perhaps you should've been more curious about his life over in America, rather than just waited for his replies. Jisung was terrible at replying to messages unless they were via game chat.
"Okay, so you were stressed, got drunk, kissed a girl, the media blew it up. Understandable. Why didn't you just text me back and explain this through text? You do realize that two years have passed, right?"
"Yeah." Jisung twists his fingers nervously. "I spent a long time wondering how to reply, to start with..."
You raise your eyebrows. You hope he realizes that two years is not an acceptable length of time.
"And then I thought that calling you would be better." You nod. You didn’t realize Jisung owned common sense, but apparently he did. Calling you would've been better than a text, especially a text never sent.
"So it took me two days to work out what to say to you because I knew you'd be mad and I didn't really want to face a mad you."
You frown, wanting Jisung to hurry up. He's finished making the coffee by now, and has returned to sitting next to you. You notice the rain outside has stopped. If he doesn't hurry up soon, you're going to have finished the cake and you're going to walk out of the door with the coffee.
"Anyway, basically I pressed the "delete contact" button instead of the call button and..."
Jisung sighs loudly. You can see sadness from behind his eyes.
"Oh my gosh." You don't know what to say. You chose eat sip your coffee loudly. The hot liquid provides brain power and you're able to shout your next words out.
"I can't believe you didn't know my phone number!"
"I can't believe you didn't text me once sometime later to demand an explanation!"
You both stare at each other, and then laugh. You still think it's mostly Jisung's stupid fault, but the long separation was partially your doing, as well.
Suddenly it feels like the tension has broken. For some reason, you're no longer completely mad with Jisung.
"Why didn't you contact anyone else for my phone number?" you demand.
Apparently Jisung didn't have the two braincells it took to think to ask Minho, or Seungmin, or someone. Sometimes, you didn't know what to do with Jisung.
"I'm barely in touch with either of those two, anyway," Jisung continued as if that justified the two-year separation between you an him.
You were starting to realize that you had missed Jisung's company. Mostly, you missed the free strawberry mousse you'd get when he took you out on a date.
"Whatever." You pick up your bag again.
"Aren't you going to spend some time with me?" Jisung asks, his eyes going wide in an attempt to make his squirrel face cuter.
"Jisung, it's now quarter past seven. I've given you eight whole minutes. Appreciate the extra seven." You didn't mean to sound rude, just matter-of-fact. Plus, it was getting late, and you did need to do that science assignment.
"So do you forgive me?" You shake your head. Although he had provided a good excuse...
No. Two years' worth of heartbreak was not going to change in one night.
"Not even somewhat?"
"Nope." This time, you're joking. Jisung can tell, and his face is suddenly alight with hope.
"Before you ask, we are not friends. Not even close."
The spark of hope in his face doesn't die. "For now."
It soon became clear that Jisung wasn't going to leave you alone. The next day, you were walking past the cafe shop on your way to the bus stop so you could go to university, and Jisung was staring at you from the counter. You couldn't help but laugh, wondering how he'd managed to finish anyone's order, what with looking up every two seconds to search for you.
Jisung waves you over. You're annoyed when your feet move by themselves and you find yourself walking towards the cafe - but only slightly.
"Good morning!" Jisung chirps at you while he adds tea leaves to the teapot he's holding and sets in down on a tray. You slide up to the counter so the whole cafe can't hear you.
'I'm just here for my morning coffee," you tell him, though that wasn't true. You weren't planning on having a coffee this morning, but you'd seen Jisung and here you were. Like a swooning idiot. No way in hell you were going to say that you were here to see him, though. He didn't need another reason to inflate that already-massive head of his.
"Sure." Jisung hands you some change from the money you'd just forced into his hand. You notice he's over-changed you but you're pretty sure he did that on purpose, so you say nothing.
"Will I have the pleasure of seeing you this afternoon?" Jisung asks as he busies himself with your order.
You want to say no, but you really do want to see Jisung again. And know exactly how he went from being a rapper to working in a cafe shop.
"Is that a subtle way to ask me out on a date?" You ask, joking. You're not expecting the blush that comes over his face, following your remark. Interesting. Maybe he does have a soft spot for me, after all this time, you think.
"Are we enemies?"
You pretend to expend a lot of thought into answering him. "No," you manage. It's true, though; somehow, you don't hate him anymore. You hate it that somehow, he has indeed, grabbed your forgiveness. You hope he hasn't grabbed your heart again, too.
"Well if we're not enemies, and you said yesterday we're not friends..."
You see where his train of thought was heading.
"No," you say, although you're internally screaming yes. Two years was a long time, after all. But why waste more time?
"Do you wanna go on a date this afternoon?" he asks, persistent.
"Fine, whatever." You can't deny that going on a date with Jisung again isn’t an appealing idea. you want. His laugh, his smile, his cheeky sense of humor; you miss it all, and you want to grab this opportunity and never let it go again.
"...then we're girlfriend and boyfriend," Jisung stated, continuing his previous sentence.
"We never really did break up," you point out.
You don't show it, but you're joyous. For two years, you've dreamed of Jisung's voice, his cuddles. Now, maybe, they won't just be in a dream.
When you leave the coffee shop ten minutes later, having finished your coffee and late for the bus, you're extremely content.
Jisung returned to you.
~Admin Lia
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staybystray · 5 years
This time, I won’t let go: Update #7
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Description: Chan and Y/N were in a happy relationship, that is until Chan left to start his life as an idol. Leaving everything behind, including Y/N, Chan leaves without a word. Years later Y/N visits South Korea without knowing her lost love was there... what’ll happen once they meet again?
Genres: Fluff, angst, crack
Characters: Chan; Main lead, Felix; as Y/N’s friend, and the rest of Stray kids as side characters
This is a collaboration between the two admins, Admin Lia and Admin Lis
A/N: sorry for the late + short update, I had writer’s block T.T
As the two silently walked back home they were both still thinking about their past together. Y/N was thinking about how Chan used to say he wanted to be a singer, how he sometimes dedicated songs to y/n. “It all makes sense now” y/n whispered, “did you say something?” Chan asked. “Hm? Oh, no” y/n replied “it all makes sense now? What does that mean” Chan thought as he did hear y/n just not very clearly. He always wanted to make music, I guess that’s what he was up to this entire time. At least he fulfilled his dream, even if he had to leave me behind to do it y/n thought, small beads of water forming in y/n’s eyes, y/n wiped them off before Chan noticed.
Chan took a bit of his ice cream on his finger and swiped it on y/n’s cheek “What was that for!?” Y/n demanded. As he laughed Chan replied with “What? You don’t like remembering when I used to do that?” Memories flooded y/n’s head, laughter and playful teasing, “You say I haven’t changed but look at you!” y/n responded, wiping off the ice cream and putting it on Chan’s cheek. Chan smiled and took the ice cream off his cheek and whipped it on the napkin that came with his ice cream.
As soon as Chan and y/n stepped into the dorm they were greeted with Felix saying “y/n! I missed you!” as he hugged y/n. “We were gone for three hours Felix” y/n replied returning Felix’s hug. “Remember why you’re here, y/n. You came here to visit me, not Chan” he said, pulling back from the hug. “Don’t look at me, it’s not my fault y/n wants to spend time with me” Chan said. Felix rolled his eyes. “Anyways y/n, here’s your clothes” Chan said, handing y/n the two bags of clothes. “Thank you, I’ll pay you back as soon as possible” y/n replied “Don’t worry about it, as much as I’d like that money back, just spend time with me, that’s good enough for me” Chan said and looked and y/n sweetly. Felix fake gagged, “I’m getting sick hearing this, y/n, let’s go to my room” Felix said, pushing y/n to his room.
-Admin Lis
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staybystray · 5 years
This Time, I won’t let go: Update #6
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Description: Chan and Y/N were in a happy relationship, that is until Chan left to start his life as an idol. Leaving everything behind, including Y/N, Chan leaves without a word. Years later Y/N visits South Korea without knowing her lost love was there... what’ll happen once they meet again?
Genres: Fluff, angst, crack
Characters: Chan; Main lead, Felix; as Y/N’s friend, and the rest of Stray kids as side characters
This is a collaboration between the two admins, Admin Lia and Admin Lis
The walk to the mall was awkward, but not unpleasant. The atmosphere was just filled with the tension of two that hadn’t seen each other for years.
Y/N passed many shops that were unfamiliar to her - lots of the stores she had grown used to seeing in Australia simply didn’t exist in Korea.
“You don’t happen to know any stores that stock good quality, cheap clothes around my size?” Y/N eventually asking, after spinning around on the spot for so long attempting to find and familiar names.
“What?” Chan yelled at Y/N, failing to hear over the noise of the crowd even though they were barely a foot apart.
The closest they’d been in many years, Y/N thought with no small amount of nostalgia. Y/N wasn’t about to relive memories in the middle of a busy mall, though, and shouted back at Chan about shops.Chan simply shrugged before spinning around and pointing at a random store.
“Fashion, especially girl’s- ladies,” Chan corrected himself, looking up and down at Y/N who had grown quite a bit over the years, “is not one of my good departments.”
“You have good ‘departments?’” Y/N mock asked, putting air quotes around department because it was a strange use of an English word.
“Of course I do,” Chan retorted, pretending to be put out. “Like rapping, composing, leading, eating, not sleeping-”
“Ah, so nothing worthwhile,” Y/N joked. Chan was about to retaliate but Y/N had pulled out a shirt from the rack.
“Now that would look hot,” he said absentmindedly.
“Excuse me?” Y/N blushed even though years seperated their relationship.
“Uh, like-” Chan tried to cover up his mistake and Y/N decided to forgive him.
“Of course it will look hot, it’ll be on me,” Y/N laughed, earning a playful shove from Chan.
Y/N sighed, remembering when they used to tease each other on a daily basis like that.
Y/N tried the shirt on but found the sizing was different to what she was used to. The next size down seemed to fit perfectly, though. It was a simple, well-fitted black top with half-sleeves that outlined Y/N’s figure.
“Well?” Y/N asked impatiently.
Chan snapped out of his daze. He hadn’t been expecting Y/N to look that hot, even if it was a nice top. Y/N had also chosen some simple denim jeans to wear that came to mid-thigh, revealing Y/N’s legs that were previously hidden by long trousers.
“I mean, it looks good,” Chan muttered distractedly.
“Well I’m glad you think so, because I’m not paying.”
“Felix dragged you here and you have no money, yeah, I get it,” Chan said, rolling his eyes. He didn’t really mind buying Y/N’s clothes since they looked that good.
“I promise I’ll get some money from my parents soon,” Y/N said, knowing that relying on your ex-boyfriend’s wallet wasn’t the greatest idea.
Soon, Y/N and Chan had their arms filled with a few more changes of clothes for Y/N. Chan had grudgingly agreed to buying everything as long as it wasn’t too expensive and that Y/N payed it back later. It was fine with paying Chan back because Y/N would’ve felt a bit guilty if she’d destroyed Chan’s credit card. Just a little.
“Ice cream?” Chan asked.
Soon, both of them were happily licking their cones on their way back to the dorm. Y/N had gone with strawberry, something which hadn’t gone unnoticed by Chan.
“You really are the same,” he said, pointing to the pink icecream. Y/N shrugged, content with making sure the icecream didn’t spill on the clothes they just bought. That would be so uncool on their first not-date for years.
But Chan’s head was racing - exactly how much had Y/N changed?
~ Admin Lia
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staybystray · 5 years
This Time, I won’t let go Update #5
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Description: Chan and Y/N were in a happy relationship, that is until Chan left to start his life as an idol. Leaving everything behind, including Y/N, Chan leaves without a word. Years later Y/N visits South Korea without knowing her lost love was there... what’ll happen once they meet again?
Genres: Fluff, angst, crack
Characters: Chan; Main lead, Felix; as Y/N’s friend, and the rest of Stray kids as side characters
This is a collaboration between the two admins, Admin Lia and Admin Lis
“Y/N WAKE UP!!!” “Y/N!!!!” “Felix, shut up” replied Y/N sleepily. “Y/N there’s a fire” Felix whispered, “WHAT??!” Y/N replied, falling off the bed from the shock, Felix had landed on the floor as well, but for a different reason, from laughter. “Y/N you should’ve seen the look on your face, hilarious” Felix said in between breaths. “Felix that wasn’t funny!” “It was to me, anyways what I was going to tell you is that Chan wants to talk to you outside” Felix replied “What? Me?” Y/N questioned, “No, y/n because that’s not what I just said” Felix said sarcastically. “It’s called a rhetorical question, Felix” y/n mocked.
“Wait, before you leave, I have to ask...” Felix stopped y/n from leaving the room “Ask what?” “Well... I just wanted to know, what’s the deal with you and Chan?” Felix said hesitantly, “Like Chan said before, we were young and... stupid” “So you guys did date?” Felix asked “We did, yes” y/n answered “Why’d it end?”.
At this point in their conversation Felix and y/n were both on the bed sitting next to each other, “Chan moved away, he changed his phone number, he didn’t even mention that he was moving... to South Korea apparently, he just left without a trace. I hung out with him two days before he left... then suddenly, he was gone. I was heartbroken... to say the least.” Y/n said, wiping a tear off, “It still hurts... when you think back to that time in your life?” Felix said, wrapping his arm around y/n’s shoulder in a comforting way, “It hurts, but that doesn’t mean I want to be with him again... it’s just painful to think about how hurt I was back then” y/n said.
“um... anyways, you said Chan wanted to talk to me, didn’t you?” Y/n said, not wanting to cry in front of Felix any longer. “Right, kind of forgot about that, you should definitely get going” Felix said with a smile. “I’ll see you in a bit, Lix” y/n said while leaving the room. “Well, time to go use the same wake-up trick on the members” Felix said to himself with a smile.
Y/n began walking out of the room and into the living room, where Chan was anxiously waiting. “Chan, there you are,” y/n said. “Y/n, hello” Chan remembered all the good times they had together, new times he wishes they could make together, like they did before. “Um... you wanna go for a walk?” Chan asked, “Sure, just let me get changed I’ll be right there” y/n began walking back to the room before realizing, “Right, I didn’t bring any extra clothes because Felix dragged me here without notice...” y/n said.
“THAT SOUNDS LIKE HIM!” Seungmin said from the other room. Y/n and Chan began to laugh quietly, “Anyways, in which case, do you want to go to the mall to get new clothing?” Chan suggested “Okay, just let me go demand Felix to give me money, it’s his fault after all,” y/n said. “You haven’t changed since we were 14, have you?” Chan asked, “Not a chance” Y/N replied.
-Admin Lis ^^
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staybystray · 5 years
This Time, I Won’t Let Go Update # 4
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Description: Chan and Y/N were in a happy relationship, that is until Chan left to start his life as an idol. Leaving everything behind, including Y/N, Chan leaves without a word. Years later Y/N visits South Korea without knowing her lost love was there... what’ll happen once they meet again?
Genres: Fluff, angst, crack
Characters: Chan; Main lead, Felix; as Y/N’s friend, and the rest of Stray kids as side characters
This is a collaboration between the two admins, Admin Lia and Admin Lis
"Y/N?" Chan stared. Y/N 's heart started racing. It had been years, how had he recognised-? And with the face mask, too?
Y/N didn't know how to act.
"Do you guys know each other?" Felix asked, realising the awkwardness in the room was not the usual awkwardness that came with meeting new people.
"I suppose you could say that," Y/N said slowly, unable to look at Chan.
"It was a long time ago," Chan said slowly when he realised Y/N wasn't going to spill the tea for the rest of the band. Y/N hadn't met any of them besides Felix before and wasn't willing to share life stories quite yet.
Chan sensed that and chose not to say the details of their relationship. "We were together in Australia," he explained.
"What? Seven years ago?" Hyunjin exclaimed.
"Like he said, we were young. And it was a long time ago," Y/N muttered.
"And then I moved to Korea to train for the agency," Chan shrugged as if that hadn't broken Y/N's heart.
The rest of the band nodded their heads as if understanding the situation. Y/N wished they wouldn't pretend to understand.
"Story time over, what am I doing here?" Y/N demanded for the millionth time. Chan was the only one who didn't laugh at Y/N's demanding manner.
"So you didn't come to see me," he said, pouting.
Y/N would've once called him a big head but didn't know if informal language was appropriate seeing they weren't together anymore and they hadn't contacted each other for seven years.
"Of course not," Y/N said, pretending to scoff. Then, thinking that may have sounded rude, Y/N added, "I didn't even know I was coming until Felix pushed me onto a plane at midnight."
Y/N yawned to prove that indeed, last night's sleep could've been better.
"That sounds like him," the one who'd introduced himself as Seungmin interjected.
"What's that meant to mean?" Felix looked around and Y/N felt like he was looking for something to throw.
If that was the case, informal language should be fine, Y/N figured.
"Still don't know what I'm doing here," Y/N said while Woojin took a mario figurine from Felix's hand. Y/N wondered why adult males would want mario figurines in their studio but didn't say anything. If Y/N wasn't rude, maybe one of them would offer a room. Y/N certainly hadn't brought enough to pay for many nights of accommodation.
"Doesn't matter," Chan said with a wink. "You're welcome here any time."
"Cool," Y/N yawned again.
"I'm tired, and Y/N looks much the same," Jeongin said. He had messy black hair that Y/N liked.
"You can stay in Felix's dorm," Chan offered, hoping Y/N would accept. It had been a long time since he'd seen Y/N and he didn't want their catch-up to end so quickly.
"Thanks," Y/N smiled and followed the rest of the group outside to a nearby building.
Once inside, Y/N's head hit the pillow immediately. It had been a long and complicated day.
Y/N woke the next morning to Felix's voice, yelling at everyone to get up.
-Admin Lia
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