stephanie-black-swan · 4 months
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This is me trying
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stephanie-black-swan · 6 months
Hello to you, who will read these few lines 🙂 I don't think Taylor Swift will read my message here, but rather to a member of her team? Anyway hello!
I am writing this somewhat special message today to ask a question. I know my post will be just one of 1000, but maybe someone will read it anyway.
I am Stephanie, and I live in France. I have my ticket for the Eras Tour. For me it will be in LYON at the GROUPAMA STADIUM N2 on June 3, 2024. I have a VIP FOSSE OR LEFT ticket with early access.
Here, we do not have postal or email addresses that we can use to contact our favorite international artists (or their teams). So I am trying my luck on this address, hoping that someone is interested in what I write here. And even better, that someone reads my message to the end.
I am 28 years old. Apparently, I am an adult. I think? In any case, I never stopped writing and dreaming. If this makes me a child, if this is the price to pay, I accept it! Maybe I have a slight Peter Pan syndrome.
Despite everything, I am a fairly introverted and reasonable person. I am very rational, I like to analyze everything, and I hate being noticed. As a result, I have never been a “fan” as people tend to say. I have never gone after an autograph or a photo with a public figure. Besides, most of the time, I don't care if a person is famous or not. I myself would absolutely hate being famous. I also never claim that you can truly know a public figure solely through their image and the marketing around them. Above all, stars are not Gods, just people like the rest of us. They also have their fears, their joys, and their demons. But all this rationality does not, sometimes, prevent us from admiring a person. Not because she is famous, but because she shakes our emotions and our thoughts through her art.
Since childhood, I have been very socially awkward. I was teased and harassed most of my schooling. For what? Oh, just because I was already 5' 11" tall at the very beginning of middle school, and I often sat in my corner scribbling poems and stories on my sheets of paper. I was listening to music in my ears non-stop, and I was in my own world. And besides, I haven't changed that much. Maybe it's also because I have autism, that's what the psychiatrist told me haha. Words and music have, are and always will be my only escape in this sometimes brutal and dark world. I still write, whenever my emotions need to be expressed. Because I never express them as well as with words. After my father died of cancer when I was 18, words and music were kind of the only thing in the world I still had. And that's what kept me going.
You now see very well where I was going with this: yes, during this period, I discovered and listened to the music of Taylor Alison Swift. So obviously not only that, I've listened to thousands of different artists, and there are a lot of them that I love. But no other artist has touched me like Taylor Swift has. Apparently people say she's a witch? No, she is a magician with words. The poetic magician of the 21st century.
I read everywhere that at a concert, people were chosen to interact with her during the song "22", and others to meet her before and/or after the concert. But also that these people were often chosen based on their super stylish outfit, their screams, their dedication on the internet. But I have neither the time nor the energy to create "fan pages" on social networks (besides I don't particularly like social networks), I don't have the means nor the desire to spending fortunes on merchandising or "cosplay" clothing to attend the concert, and above all I don't have the "thing" to scream and move in all directions. As I said, I am not a fan per se, and Taylor is a human being. Besides, I don't care about autographs, even photos. I don't want visibility on the internet, that's not what I'm looking for. I don't want any gifts. I don't need all these things.
But that doesn't stop me from dreaming of one day having the opportunity to shake the hand of an inspiring artist. Look her in the eyes and simply say “thank you, for your music, for your words, for everything”. Yes, I dream of that. And I admit, in my life I am often saddened by the fact that I never had luck. Please note: I am not complaining. I have a wonderful mom who I am very close with, I have a wonderful boyfriend who I love with all my heart, and they are the most precious things in the world. But regarding the little extra thing, the bonus, the little dream moment: I always watched others have it. I know for a fact that many others are like me, and that I am not a special person compared to others. And most of the time I don't care if they get lucky and I don't, I don't need it. But for this time, just for this, I would really like to have a joker and be able to say "hey, this time I'm the lucky one today!". But no matter what, this Joker would never happen alone. Luck provokes itself, it decides. This is why I sent this message, to try to induce luck. For the rest... Fingers crossed!
For the person reading these lines (IF someone read this), and if they have made it this far: thank you from the bottom of my heart, and have a wonderful day :)
@taylornation @taylorswift
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stephanie-black-swan · 7 months
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Testing my new photo camera • Test de mon nouvel appareil photo
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stephanie-black-swan · 7 months
Hey! Wait! Before we go any further, you need to know something.
You may have hoped that I would provide you answers, but (surprise-surprise) it will actually be a text of questions. That is probably not what you wanted to hear. Most people do not like questions and prefer to get answers. If the answer is not simple enough or quick enough, they lose interest in the problem. They start to dream of something else. Fine sand, cupcakes, good porn... In short, you say to yourself "more questions? Pff... What's the point?". It is still the time to put this text aside and go back and watch any "The Angels of Stupid Reality TV." This is your last chance...!
No matter how you look at it, life is weird. Very weird. For example, it is indisputable that we are all made of the same atoms as the tallest mountains on this planet or the brightest stars in the galaxy. This is of course just as true for potatoes, snails or pâté. Perhaps this is why a number of aspects of life have no meaning. In the first place, why are we so impressed by the biggest achievements, when it is actually the smallest things that come together to make the biggest projects possible? Why try to create a small world for ourselves, with the illusion of control, when we know full well that this is not the case? Why do we believe that individuality is the essence of who we are, yet accept a degrading level of conformity in virtually every aspect of our lives? Why do children believe in fairy tales and adults do not? And why are we so stuck in our positions, when it is the differences that make life interesting? Why do we feel like we belong to a group, but we build so many barriers around our inner feelings that we can never truly be close to anyone? Maybe the problems come from the fact that life is not always what it seems...?
We all have filters in front of our eyes, and we only see what we want to see. By removing these filters, we can observe ourselves and ask ourselves the real questions about our own place in the universe. In other words, questioning the meaning of life. What is the meaning of life? It is often said that existence is a journey. Okay, but a trip to where, exactly...? It is also said that the purpose of life is to acquire wisdom. If this is true, why do mathematicians always dress so poorly...? And then there are those who say that life has no meaning, that it “is”, that is all. Finally, there remain those who are only there to start a family. Why not, after all the desperate need to prolong ourselves is written in our genetic map. Now I am going to let you in on a little secret...
The only idea that surpasses all theories relating to existence is the one of love. Love, even in its most fragile forms, is the only force that gives true meaning to our lives. I am not talking about love between two beings, even if this is something very powerful. I am talking about the love that burns in us all, of this inner fire that prevents our soul from freezing in moments of despair; love of life itself. It is the voice that screams at us: “go ahead, idiot, go for it!”. The voice of passion which makes us understand that we must live to die. This love of life makes us helpful, simply because it feels good to do good. For example: why are we here, really? What do we really like? People who never ask these questions go through life wondering why it is not more enjoyable. The truth is, we are often so absorbed in what we are doing that we no longer know where we are going. And what do we actually do? The modern world is full of questionable distractions, priorities and deadlines. Day and night merge. We are swept up in a whirlwind that takes us into a race that we cannot win, because in reality, there are never winners or losers. No matter, we run, fast, fast, until we reach the goal we had set for ourselves. After that? It is like driving all the way to the cinema, park the car, going to the box office, and not even knowing what movie you want to see.
Many of us dream of a wonderful life, both free and wild. But reality is generally very far from this dream. Unfortunately, we discover this too late: we don't have the opportunity to start again. In life, certain feelings can sink us lower than the earth. Regrets are there. But of all these regrets that knot your stomach, the worst would be to tell yourself that you could have done what you really wanted and that you missed your chance. A refusal, an agreement, a wait, whatever: not getting started causes the worst regrets. So what is your great passion? What purpose are you on Earth for? The answer to these questions is the key to the mystery of life. Or at least, the key to the mystery of your own life. Some tips to get you on the right track:
- No one will help you. It is like when you have a big booger on the edge of your nose, you have to notice it yourself. - It is highly unlikely that you will one day be enveloped in light and that your life will take a turn following a divine revelation. - And you certainly will not find any answers on television.
But the simplest thing is to take some time to isolate yourself and meditate. There is nothing complicated about it. It is just about being honest with yourself. It is as easy as: "Raise your hand if you think you can get more out of your existence." The trick is to get straight to the heart of the problem. For some people, this meditation will bring to the surface the most beautiful moments of their life. Others will feel like they are staring into an abyss. But if you ask yourself the real questions, and listen carefully to your inner voice, you will eventually hear the call of destiny. This little voice - whether you call it your conscience, grandma, your inner self, or your inner mother-in-law - will always tell you the truth if you are ready to hear it. At first, you will discover that your life is a dead end. Then you will discover what you really want, but cannot obtain it. And suddenly it will hit you, right between the eyes, like when you suddenly remember halfway to the supermarket that you forgot the iron. As soon as you know, or even think you know, what you need to do with your life, then go for it! There is not a single damn second to lose!
Our existence is much more fragile than we think. Place your hand on your chest to feel your heartbeat, and tell yourself that it is the timer of your life, counting down the time you have left on this Earth. One day, whether as it should be or in a violent and brutal way, it will stop. It is guaranteed and there is nothing you can do about it. This is unfair, indeed. But that is how it is. That is why you can not afford to waste a single second. Go after your dreams with passion. Because if you waste your time sitting on the barrier, you will eventually run out of time (not to mention the risk of splinters in your a*s). As the saying goes, “you don’t cross an abyss in two small leaps.”. It takes courage, heart and will to dare to live your dreams.
The truth is, we are all born with the potential to overcome and with the possibility to rise. But alas, we are often too lazy, too worried about what people will say or too afraid of change to dare to spread our wings and fly. It is essential to do what you want, what makes you happy (even if it is just knowing how to roll Tacos or becoming the official Taylor Swift lookalike). Keep in mind that no matter what you do, mistakes are a part of life. So do not waste your time blaming yourself for the past. Do not stress out constantly wondering if you made the right choice. Deep in your heart you know you are right.
When you decide to take the plunge and make your dreams come true, lots of people (including sometimes those you love very much) will try to hold you back, to distract you. On this planet, many pessimists who have given up on their dreams will tell you that you are wasting your time and that you will never succeed. You may be surrounded by people who hope to see you fail, so they can feel less mediocre themselves. Like everyone, you will have your good days, and your bad days. Sometimes it will seem to you that everything is turning into a complete disaster. People will look at you strangely when you tell them about your plans. And as you listen to your critics, you will begin to doubt yourself. “damn, why didn’t I keep this job selling socks?!”. But whatever happens, hold on! Remember that everyone has to fight, one day or another. But if you follow your dreams, at least you will exhaust yourself for a good reason. You might say to yourself that it actually does not amount to much, but that is not true, believe me. When you live your life at the fullest, when you savor every moment of it, everything that touches you goes from ordinary to extraordinary. When you do what you love, you wake up joyfully in the morning to start a new day, doing what you love. And your good humor is contagious. Just burst out laughing, and someone else will start laughing with you, and so on. Better still, you will make others want to get started too. And that will be your way of making the world a better place!
You know what? Even if you are wrong, even if you are completely wrong, you will still have lived an incredible, funny and daring existence. You will go to bed at night telling yourself that you did your best. And you will wake up every morning contemplating a future as beautiful and exciting as the one you dreamed of.
And I would even say:
If you let your heart speak and use your head, you can never go wrong.
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stephanie-black-swan · 8 months
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Pictured: The Chairman of THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT making Swifties spiral just before winning her 13th GRAMMY, announcing a brand new album, and bringing home Album of the Year for Midnights. What will she do next? 😳
📸: Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for The Recording Academy
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stephanie-black-swan · 8 months
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All’s fair in love and poetry… New album THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT. Out April 19 🤍
📷: Beth Garrabrant
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stephanie-black-swan · 8 months
Pas parfait • Not perfect
Nothing is ever perfect, otherwise I think it would be known… Right?
All relationships of any type experience ups and downs, misunderstandings and doubts. But it is precisely there, in the storm, that the most beautiful and solid stories are created. When distances bring us closer and the winds give way to the sun.
Love is only proven in trials.
Rien n'est jamais toujours parfait, sinon je pense que cela se saurait… Non ?
Toutes les relations de tout type connaissent des hauts et des bas, des incompréhensions et des doutes. Mais c'est justement là, dans la tempête, que se créent les plus belles et solides histoires. Lorsque les distances nous rapprochent et que les vents laissent place au soleil.
L'amour n'a de preuves que dans l'épreuve.
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stephanie-black-swan · 8 months
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stephanie-black-swan · 8 months
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GRAMMYs, we’re here on your doorstep. Can’t wait for Sunday! 🥳
📸: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for The Recording Academy
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