stix-visuals · 8 years
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Poster and visual concept for yet another Trashold evening. All done in Blender, visuals study in 3d enviroment to achieve traditional graphic looks.
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stix-visuals · 8 years
I entered first gamejam in Bratislava:
http://bratislavagamejam.sk/ theme was Education game - Language I was pretty happy with our concept, we got  honorable mention for "visuals and philosophical approach" team Kodtraktory: me / art, gamedesign, code chaosdroid / writer / decipherer of Bliss memb / sound microdee / code support Theme:  Blissymbolics
Blissymbols or Blissymbolics was conceived as an ideographic writing system called Semantography consisting of several hundred basic symbols, each representing a concept, which can be composed together to generate new symbols that represent new concepts. Blissymbols differ from most of the world's major writing systems in that the characters do not correspond at all to the sounds of any spoken language. 
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Author of the language aimed for utopistic dream of language that can be clear for all people so ideology cant twist it. It would be much harder to use it for ill conceived means nad clearer to extract true meaning. He did not accomplished this dream, but the language helped speech impaired children, which started to pick it up because of its visual structure.
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some more info: http://www.blissym.com/ - great pdf with overview of the language http://www.radiolab.org/story/257194-man-became-bliss/ Main game mechanic is all about teaching player understanding the language. The more player knows - the farther he can get by deciphering langue from enviroment, solving puzzles and interacting with characters, who will show him the meaning of words by action
I managed to forge playeble demo, but its far from release to public, when i finish with other project i plan to get back to this.
Please contact me in case of any questions regarding this game project. 
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stix-visuals · 9 years
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Instalation done witch cooperation with Zuzana Sabova for Nuit Blanche in Bratislava. Location is Fuga, the best of bestest of underground scene in Slovakia.
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stix-visuals · 10 years
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Workshop Invisible Stiavnica vvvv, pd, unity3D, processing, blender, kinect, x360 gamepad, ...
First two weeks of August living in hostel 6 in Banska Štiavnica, Slovakia http://www.hostel6.sk/ in case you will got selected, you will need to stay in BS for 9-10 days at least
I will lead the workshop - http://stix-visuals.tumblr.com/
this is an open call for participants, i am looking for people that are experienced in at least one of the software written above, and have general experience in interactivity or game design, projections, etc.
In case you will get selected, you will have to get on your own to stiavnica, here you will have accomodation, and technical equipment to enjoy
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.548625521869988.1073741830.357938174272058&type=1 photos from last year
if you want to know more before applying, you can write me: [email protected]
applications for workshop send to: [email protected]
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stix-visuals · 10 years
Entropy - short guide to human condition
Entropy is a constant that creeped into my inner voice, disrupting my view on world and existence. Even if it all started in purely philosophical discussion inside of me, it seeped into my everyday life. I no longer see a sun, but rather a huge motor that fueled all life around me, even oil in the ground is just extension of sun, relics of long dead flora that gathered its energy from the sunlight. Every little fault around me balled into solid presence of entropy in my life, it fed this metaphor of omnipotent decay that takes place everywhere around you.
 Whole concept in english -10 pages
This slowly transformed into philosophical debate inside of me, about my place in a world. You can call every life a story, and I was thinking about my story. I always refused to believe in any kind of divine fate, idea of being a pawn scares me much more than responsibility for my own life. But if my life is a story, what if I am not sure about path that I’m set on? This story is bound to be written and finished. So how to come in terms with my own future? How to keep my aspirations and goals in life, how to choose what they actually are and what is important. Culture contains itself with stories, they are reflection of our collective being and so all my aspirations are just part of this reflection - so does this create dispute in extension of my free will?
As our culture is used to carry itself in stories, everyone viewed in their context, and often we are looking at ourselves as a stories in our minds, but truly, thats just our invention and evolution (which may still be in hard process and this may become a history in it). We are expecting to follow lines, we have expectations from life, we are pursuing great exciting adventures and expecting fulfilling meaningful endings from books, movies, games and lives. But really, all you can expect is just plain and simple ending, often without any reason, apart from its own beginning. Entropy is arrow of time, it is what makes a beginning and end, it is what separates breaking glass apart from self assembling cup. Stories are product of entropy, and my resolution is that even great black dark void is capable of creating a story, even story of everything around us, so it is the end that defines us, not the beginning. I dont think there is any cure for this case, an entropy residing in a mind of individual, and only way is to embrace it.
As for technical realisation, in future i would like to focus more on telling story through mechanics - non verbal communication seems to be much interesting point in game design. Creation of interactive story is very close to creating a movie, and I think interactive art should perceive mechanics that are unique for it.
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stix-visuals · 11 years
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Inspired by the hitherto unclarified case of the strange death by double agent, priest Coufal in 1981, the authors of the latest production at the SkRAT Theatre are studying the mechanisms which enabled, within the secret police ŠtB, the building up of a parallel power structure and mutual checking of individual members of staff including colleagues at all levels of this organisation. Mechanisms which could be functional even after the dissolution of the ŠtB.
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stix-visuals · 11 years
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Somaticae + me @ a.live festival
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stix-visuals · 11 years
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Official video for the title track of Bad Mojo's new EP, forthcoming Meanbucket Music. Postapocalyptic nocturnal visions. Music by Bad Mojo : https://soundcloud.com/bad-mojo https://www.facebook.com/mojoisbad Video made by Boris Vitázek / Stix : https://www.youtube.com/user/StixSk https://vimeo.com/stixo http://stix-visuals.tumblr.com/ http://www.mixcloud.com/Stixo/ Tidal Waves EP will be released on Meanbucket Music :
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stix-visuals · 11 years
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error generation
A series of photos based on “stocks” I create to use as screen effects. I used dust on sensor of DSLR as base for posters or screen effects to give live rendered visuals more natural look. Our culture is used to consume image through lenses and screens. Errors of lenses and sensor are giving us feeling of reality, but paradoxically at the same time, very similar effects are massively used on services like instagram to make uninteresting images look more appealing. Even photographers that work with analog sometimes abuse these errors to give interesting look to photos with low content. 
By recreating these errors with photoshop and rendering in VVVV i took them away from content of photography,  approaching uncanny valley of photography image.
This series contain:
1 x A1 - PS - photo that is based on dust on sensor
2 x A2 - PS - based on viewer of camera and analog paper nad film dust
5 x A5 - vvvv - Patch that randomly generates these error photos, based just on geometry, math and pixel effects
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stix-visuals · 11 years
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stix-visuals · 11 years
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Trashold XIV.
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stix-visuals · 11 years
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Excerpt from a docummentation for my work exhibitit with my class in Bratislava.
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stix-visuals · 11 years
Live visuals - home
this world is made in vvvv and blender, its live visuals i use for music the most now, its controlled with x360 controller
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stix-visuals · 11 years
Proces procesu procesom - SKrat theater cooperation
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stix-visuals · 11 years
Trashold XIII - 1984 Satanic ritual abuse - poster
event I organised in Subclub
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stix-visuals · 11 years
Zeleny Antoin - cover for album
cover i made for friend of mine
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stix-visuals · 11 years
In this piece I was working with cablegate materials, I searched for diplomatic texts that was about Slovakia, and randomly assigned pieces of these text to people that were reading concept of my work
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