stray-teen · 3 years
{ Rogue princess | skz }
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l.felix x f!reader
Genre: ??? fluff, angst ig, royalty au, princess!reader, star child!felix, idk u tell me
Warnings: a bit angsty, bad relationships at the beginning, issues with parents, vague mention of past death, mention of animals, mentions of running away
((If anything needs to be added to warnings, lmk! I’ll fix it asap))
Word Count: 5.2k
Note: did I write this literally to comfort myself today? Yes. Have fun reading this reallllyyy self indulgent fic lolz. Hope anyone reading this has a good day! Ily
A throne made of gold and satin-like velvet, all tyrian purple. Too large this seat felt, as did the hall full of people standing under gilded light filtering through the large stained glass window. Here you sat, next to your father in an even more ornate throne, in front of a crowd of people who knew your name, your face, but nothing of your soul.
They couldn’t name that green was your favorite color because of the trees you would catch glimpses of through the windows of your tutors room, ever strong through the seasons never having to carry the weight of a kingdom. They would never be able to name why ships made you weary and claustrophobic or that your favorite flowers of springtime are those that bloom away from the castles gardens when eyes aren’t watching. They couldn’t guess your favorite piece of music, the one you never heard at those god forsaken balls. They never could place that instead your favorite would be the one that came ever so gracefully from under your mother’s fingertips at the piano that used to spark so much joy in the hearts of the people, but now sat lonely collecting dust. They didn’t know you longed to reach the stars someday, yearning for their delicate freedom in the inky black sky. They couldn’t tell that you wondered if they felt out of place too.
Keep reading
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stray-teen · 6 years
Genre : Angst... JUST ANGST OKAY. LET ME DO WHAT I WANT- Pairing : Reader (Female) x Felix Ft. Stray Kids Warning : Swearing
A/N : I have no idea why I write this kind of shit- This is something I’ve experienced... sort of but not entirely the same so yeah that’s where the idea came from. I hope you enjoy reading!
“Come on, Y/N. Forgive the kid. He’s been sulking for two weeks now!” Chan has been trying to convince you ever since you started giving Felix the cold shoulders.
“He hesitated Chan! He fucking hesitated! And if he really were sorry, he should come convince me by himself. He never even tried!” You tell Chan for the hundredth time.
Here’s what happened a few weeks ago. 
Felix had come all the way back to Australia from Korea during his break and you were supposed to spend time together. You had not seen him for almost 3 years. You missed your best friend. And yeah, ouch, you’re just best friends. Maybe you felt that he was more than a best friend... but of course he would never know.
The problem with spending time together was that he was always on his phone. When he was sleeping over, when you were having meals together or when you were walking down the streets together. He almost ended up hospitalized because he wasn’t paying attention to where he was going!
“Felix, the food’s getting cold...” You looked at him as you were chowing on your own plate of food.
“Alright, mom.” He said jokingly and put his phone down.
That same night.
“Okay, bye, love!” He finally ended his 5 hour FaceTime session.
“Love? Who was that?” You look at him from your side of the room.
“Just a friend.” He answered.
“Same friend that you’re always on the phone with?” You ask again, this time sounding more stern.
He didn’t answer. He kind of knew what you were getting at.
“Sounds like she’s on the same piece of land that we’re on. Why don’t you hang out with her instead.” You turn away from him, hiding yourself under your blanket.
Again. No answer. 
“I’m serious Felix. You’re always on your phone. You never take time to even glance at me or whatever’s around you. You smile at your phone more than you do at me.” Tears were brimming your eyes at this point.
You can hear his bed creak a little as he gets off of his bed to go towards you. It wasn’t long when you feel his hand on the blanket, prying it off. You held onto the blanket tightly.
“Y/N, what’s wron-”
“What’s wrong?” You ask, voice a little louder than earlier. He stops trying to pull the blanket away.
You soften your grip on the blanket and sniffles could be heard.
“Felix. Are you seriously asking me that? I just told you everything that was wrong.” 
He went back to being silent.
“Felix...” You remove the blanket to reveal your head,still not facing him. 
“Me or her?” 
1 second...
2 seconds...
3... 4... 5...
“You of course!” He finally answers you.
5 seconds. It took him five fucking seconds.
“I’m going to sleep. Goodnight.” You pull the blanket back up.
The next morning you immediately went over to Chan’s place before Felix even woke up. And that was the last time you talked to Felix.
You’d see him sometimes because Chan’s still really close friends with him. But when you see him, you just avert your gaze and leave the room as fast as possible. 
At first, he’d try to get to you but soon chose to give up.
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stray-teen · 6 years
Taking Time Pt. 2
Genre : Fluff & Angst Pairing : Bang Chan x Reader (Female) Ft. Stray Kids & JYP Artists
A/N : Hello reader! If you have not read part 1 yet, go read it! This might be a little long as well, so please bear with me!
So you and Chan start hanging out a lot
And I mean
A  L O T
It’s literally like you two are dating or something
But of course you’re not not yet at least
You guys are pretty chill too when you can’t hang out
It’s not like you guys HAVE to hang out
You guys just make do with whatever you get
JYP still has not put you in any groups for training 
And Chan is kinda getting pissed off about it
He’s worried for you
He doesn’t want you to go through what he went through
Plus you’d be old by the time you train as much as he did but that’s not the point
He just felt bad for you and thought you deserved better
But you’re pretty chill
Because if Chan had to go through hardships, you should too
Ain’t that sweet aww
So you’re hanging out in the JYP cafe with Tzuyu one day I’m sorry I had to pick her I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST HER
And she starts asking about your debut 
And she’s all like “I don’t get why you haven’t been put in a group yet, training for so long... isn’t it tiring?”
Btw you two have conversations in Mandarin, gotta mention this, it’s important
“I mean-” 
“It’s pretty exhausting and why train for so long anyways...” She goes on and on
Making it sound like it’s a bad thing
Did I mention it’s been 3 years since you entered the company- Of course I didn’t
So you kinda snapped a little 
“Not everyone is the same as you. Just because you trained along with the rest of Twice and debuted in a short period of time, doesn’t mean I can do it too!” You immediately cover your mouth with your hand when you realized you lashed out a lil’ 
Oh come on you call that lashing out
And like
People are staring but they don’t understand since it was in Mandarin but you obviously sounded upset
You apologize immediately and excuse yourself
Where do you go?
To the producing room duh 
So you sit in the room with your earphones in as you scroll through your phone
As well as reflect on why you did what you did just now
Someone tugs on one of your earphones 
You turn and see that it’s the one and only
He puts the earphone near his ear to hear what you were listening to
“Nothings on though?” He says
“What are you doing here?”
“To check up on you, stupid.” He flicks your forehead lightly
“And why would I need you to check up on me?”
“ I saw you lash out earlier.”
You stay quiet
“You can talk to me about it you know...”
“I just... I don’t know why I did that either...”
Silence fills the room for a while 
“Let’s go.”
“To where?”
“Less talking, more walking.” He grabs your wrist and you’re literally forced to walk because HE’S STRONG OKAY, YOU’RE WEAK
That’s how you end up standing in the middle of the freezing cold on the rooftop
“Chan, it’s literally winter and it’s night time. What the heck.” You’re hugging yourself to warm up as much as you can
“That gives me an excuse to do this then.”
You’re so glad that he’s behind you because YOU ARE BLUSHING LIKE MAD
“Did you maybe lash out on her because you thought about what I had to go through?”
“I don’t know... And how’d you know what we talked about?”
“I asked her, dummy.”
You stay quiet for a bit
“ I mean... it took you 7 years...not that you were the only one of course! Jihyo also took 10 years and Jeongyeon and Nayeon trained for a long time too...”
“I see...” He waddles around and so do you 
I mean
“We really should go back in now, otherwise we’ll both get frostbite...”
He can’t really say anything to that since it’s really the dead of winter 
Days pass by and you’re still not sure why you did what you did
You’re also not sure why Chan did what he did
You’re just really confused at this point
And you did apologize to Tzuyu again when you saw her
She understood why you did what you did so really it’s nothing much
You also realize how you haven’t been seeing Chan much 
You weren’t avoiding him 
You were literally looking for him
But everywhere you look
He’s just not there???
You did ask the members but they’re like dodging the question or giving you lies 
You could tell because they were so bad at lying
“Hey, can I go to your guys dorm?” You ask them suddenly in the middle of lunch
“W-why?” Felix asks
“You guys have been to mine before so why not?”
They exchange looks and all
“What? Chan doesn’t want to see me anymore? Is that it?” Ngl you felt your heart clench a little when you said that
“I get it. He could have at least told me...” You look down at your plate, tears threatening to fall
“I need to go now. I have vocal lessons.” You take your leave
They’re all like super concerned
They’ve never seen you like this before
You were literally going to cry 
So they did the obvious and called Chan to let him know
And Chan is like torn
He doesn’t know whether or not you would even want to see him now
But he hates himself so much now because he hurt you
So he runs back to the company to look for you
You’re not in any of the rooms though like what the heck
He’s starting to get really worried now
What if you did something stupid
And no one has seen you around either
He finally finds you sitting at the rooftop and he runs to find a thick blanket before running back to you
“Y/N what the heck?! It’s freezing out here!!!” He yells at you
“Just like your heart apparently...” Tbh I find this so funny but it’s meant to be hurtful to Chan
“Y/N, I-”
“Did I do something wrong Chan?” Your eyes were red from crying a little earlier 
And his eyes had prominent dark circles from the sleepless nights for the past few nights
“Let’s go inside first...”
So you both go inside and he makes hot cocoa for the both of you 
It was getting too quiet so you decide to speak up
“I’m sorry-” You two speak up at the same time, the same exact words
“I shouldn’t have avoided you... and made you cry...”
“And I shouldn’t have made you worried...”
“And please don’t be mad at the others... I told them that I didn’t want you to see me.”
“I’m not mad... I just... I missed you a lot. And I couldn’t do anything right when you weren’t here. I kept forgetting choreographs, I couldn’t come up with lyrics, I accidentally deleted a track I was working on. I was upset... and lost...”
He hugs you again, just like last time and it made you a little scared 
Was he gonna disappear again this time? 
That was what you were afraid of, so you held onto his arms Idk how but you just do okay
“I... really really like you Y/N. I didn’t know what to do. That’s why I avoided you, I’m scared you’ll think I’m weird and leave me. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
He was scared of what you’d say
It’s kinda dark in the restaurant and he can’t see your face since he’s back hugging you
“Chan... I can’t return those feelings...” He felt his heart sink a little
“Not now at least... I don’t hate you... But can you give me some time?” You turn to face him with a small smile
“Really?” His expression brightens up, though his dark circles were still very prominent and worrying for you
“Yes, really and go back and sleep. Those dark circles are very concerning... When was the last time you slept?”
“A week ago? But I want to stay here, like this, a little longer...”
“Yeah, no. Go back and sleep otherwise I’ll never love you.”
A/N : I... have no idea what I just did but I did what I did and I’m taking my leave now. Goodbye and thank you for reading this. IT WAS VERY LONG I KNOW. I’M SORRY.
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stray-teen · 6 years
Taking Time Pt. 1
Genre : Fluffy Fluff Fluff FLOOFFF-
Pairing : Bang Chan x Reader (Female) Ft. Stray Kids & JYP Artists
A/N : This is super long I’m so sorry. I would have written this in like paragraphs BUT I like using bullet point so WHAT YOU GONN’ DO ‘BOUT IT HUH- Anyways enjoy and feel free to skip the front few points since it’s basically how you get scouted blah blah blah- 
I also think I kind of strayed from what I was supposed to write so there might be a part 2 with more content related to what I was supposed to write-
So like you’re a new trainee at JYPE
You were scouted in a cafe because the staff thought you looked like you had talent and all
Okay, imagine it, when they scouted you it was basically like this
You were sitting there, headphones on minding your own business while scrolling through social media and someone just shoves a business card between you and your phone
You look at the person and can only see that their mouth is moving but obviously you can’t hear since your music is blasting like damn 
And well, you take the card anyways without question
And you only realize that it was a JYPE business card when they leave
TBH you wonder why they even scouted you when you didn’t even listen to the staff speak
Okay actually you weren’t that ecstatic about it because you know being a trainee is really difficult
And even though you knew, you still went for the audition 
Actually you went to decline the offer but let’s just say they somehow convinced you 
I mean the restaurant and cafe were good bribes okay
But look, you aren’t perfect, you could barely do anything, you could sing and rap (sort of)
Did I mention you could only speak some languages other than Korean 
But okay you didn’t mind since you had just graduated and had nothing to do with life so trainee it is
You were a fast learner but a slow perfector(???) 
You made slow progress basically
You would see some of your seniors time to time since they were all busy 
You never really talked to them
You talked to Jimin a lot tho
And DAY6 members, they were all the ones that helped you with your Korean and producing
While Jimin and the other trainees helped with almost EVERYTHING-
So yeah you’ve met Twice, GOT7, DAY6 and all but you never really see Stray Kids members around since they are always busy because they just debuted
You kinda use random rooms to practice and make music and all
So one day you were in one of the producing rooms
You know
Producing duh
And you hear the door open behind you 
So of course you whip your head around but the person who opened the door was fast enough to escape before you could see them 
Ngl all you saw was a black figure???
They were probably wearing black so you didn’t really question much
You did get up from your seat to go check if they were possibly still outside
But they weren’t
This continued for like a couple of months
Maybe 2-5 times a month
And the both of you did the same thing every time
And then it stopped and you weren’t exactly happy that it stopped because you still wanted to know who it was
So about a year has passed since the last time they came by and you switched to a new producing room too 
You were producing again as usual when you realize that you left something behind at THAT producing room so you go back to look for it
When you opened the door you quickly shut it and hide outside
Now you’re confused like should you go in or leave
Suddenly the door opens and you look to see the person that was inside was the one and only leader of Stray Kids veryunnecessaryintroductionIknow
So now you know who the person that always came and left was and he also now knew
He’d never seen you before though so you know him but he doesn’t know you
“Oh- Uh- Good evening, I’m sorry, I didn’t know that the room was taken-” You were stumbling over your words because your Korean was still shit
“You’re a trainee?” You nod duh but it’s not really surprising that he’d ask since you weren’t one of those really popular and talented trainees
You were just a trainee in the shadows going at your own pace, it’s less stressful this way
“Oh- Did you want to use the room? I’m almost done for tonight so you can use it if you want!!!” 
“W-wait hold on- I was just here to get something I left behind when moving rooms...” This time you spoke in English because OBVIOUSLY YOU CAN’T KOREAN WELL-
And he’s shooketh because you didn’t seem like you’d speak English
“Sorry, my Korean still needs polishing...”
He tells you it’s fine and you go in and get your stuff and leave
So now you both know about each other
But oops he never asked for your name 
So he asked around within his group about you but no one knows you duh they are like a flock of birds, always flying together-
But when he asked Jimin he finally got answers and t e a s i n g yeet
But he doesn’t really react to the teasing ‘cause he’s just curious about who you areee
Finds out your name, how long you’ve been here, what you usually do and where you usually do what you do 
SKZ is busy and so are you with training so you two don’t see each other for a long time again
You’re in the dance practice room again one day, sitting in the corner, tired from practicing and all
And you hear a bunch of people walking by
Yeah, that’s where you’re wrong
They weren’t walking by
You only knew that they were coming to this room when the door opened
They didn’t see you since you were not in the open lmao
“The lights are on, is someone in here?” 
“ Nah, I don’t see anyo-”
When they finally see you sitting in the corner
They’re so shooketh like have these kids never seen another human before
You immediately stand up and greet them, this time remembering to introduce yourself properly
When you were introducing yourself, you do notice that Chan isn’t there
“Hey, what are you guys doing?” You hear a familiar voice coming from outside
“Hyung, there’s someone using the room already.” One of the guys say
Chan makes his way to the front and sees you
“Oh.” Is all he says when he sees you again
“We’ll change rooms then-” Chan says
“Um... I’m done with practice so...” You start packing your stuff up
“Do you know her, hyung?” They start throwing questions at Chan since it seems to them that he knows you
“I’ll uh, get going now. Sorry for being in the way of your training.” You bow 
“Actually, we’re not really here to practice, we’re kind of here to chill.” Chan says 
“And you’re telling me this why?” You asked, super confused
“Do you wanna stick around?” 
You look at the group of guys behind him and then back at him before smiling 
“Thanks but I promised to meet up with Jimin.”
With that, you leave and he gets teased by the members again uwu
He’s kinda sad that you had to leave again 
He just wants to sit and talk with you
And tbh he can just look for you since he knows where you could be but he’s shy 
So the members help him out even though he didn’t ask for the help
The first one to help out was actually Jeongin
He saw you at the restaurant and decided to talk to you
You don’t usually talk to people other than Jimin and DAY6 members but Jeongin is such a cute kid how can you not
Then occasionally you’d get vocal lessons with Woojin and Seungmin, not sure why but if your manager says that, you gotta do that
You’re not complaining though, they’re fun to practice with
Dance practices and choreographing with Minho, Hyunjin and Felix is fun too
And then there’s rap lessons and writing lyrics with Changbin and Han
It seemed so weird to you
Because they are busy and yet they’re training you?????
You have actual trainers though so why?????
So you get pretty close to the members since you keep having schedules(???) with them???
One of the days you kinda just wanted to stay in the producing room and produce so you go back to the one where you met Chan
Trying to escape from dance practice with dance line oomf
You go to the room
And Chan is in there
He doesn’t notice you come in since he had headphones on and was focused on the screen
You didn’t want to leave though
So you go ahead and tap on his shoulder and he turns around to see you
“Y/N?” He takes off the headphones
“Can I stay here for a bit? Hyunjin, Minho and Felix are hunting me down for another dance practice...”
“You’re practicing with them???”
“Yeah... not sure why though. I’ve been with the rest of SKZ a lot lately. It kinda tires me out sometimes. They’re all so... energetic.”
“They are, yeah, sorry ‘bout that.”
“No no no. It’s fine!!! Lightens up the mood. But I don’t have that much energy to keep up.”
So you grab a chair and sit down beside Chan
Initially you were just watching him produce
But then he starts talking to you as he does his work
Then you pitch in to help him with producing
And thus a wonderful friendship blooms between you two 
Until dance line finally finds you and drags you off
“Bye, Chan!!! I’ll talk to you later!!!” You gave him a wide grin as the dragged you off 
Chan was shooketh that you actually called his name and smiled so brightly for the first time in front of him
And maybe
Just maybe
He thinks you’re special
At least that’s what his brain says 
But his heart?
Beating like there’s no tomorrow
A/N : This is the end of part 1! I’ll see y’all in part 2! I hope you guys liked this!
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stray-teen · 6 years
Angst - 💔
Bulletpoint - 🔹
Fluff - 💕
Text - 💬
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Seventeen :
Hip Hop Team :
Performance Team :
Vocal Team :
Choi Seungcheol :
Yoon Jeonghan :
Hong Jisoo :
Wen Junhui :
Kwon Soonyoung :
Jeon Wonwoo :
Lee Jihoon :
Lee  Seokmin :
Kim Mingyu :
Xu Minghao :
Boo Seungkwan :
Hansol Vernon Chwe :
Lee Chan :
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Stray Kids :
Kim Woojin :
Bang Chan : Taking Time - Pt. 1 , Pt. 2 [ 🔹💕 💔 ]
Lee Minho :
Seo Changbin :
Hwang Hyunjin : 
Han Jisung :
Felix Lee :  Choose [ 💔 ]
Kim Seungmin :
Yang Jeongin :
0 notes
stray-teen · 6 years
Hello! I’m the one and only admin of this blog! I don’t have a name to go by yet but I’ll come up with one eventually! 
I’m assuming no one is going to want to sit through a long paragraph so let’s just get to stating the basics!
ABOUT : Admin : Carat, Stay, Goldenness, NCTzen, etc...  Created on : 15th October 2018 Logo : The logo that I made is the Stray Kids Logo but there are also the colours rose quartz and serenity because why not- It’s temporary though so no worries!!! Purpose : To gather multi-fandom fans through my writes (Not sure if that makes sense)
REQUESTS : Genre : Everything is allowed EXCEPT SMUT Group : I’ll only write for groups that I personally stan because I don’t want to ruin your faves for you!!! Type : Bullet point, imagine, one shot etc...
Feel free to message / ask / request !!!
That’s all for now! Byezzz ~
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