stud-hard · 5 years
10 Things I Wish I Knew Before University
You are going to feel like dropping out. I would say to stick it out for the first year and sit for finals. If you get a good grade for your finals, that could really give your confidence a boost and motivate you to keep going. And then, if you still feel like dropping out or changing majors, you should do as much research as possible.
Feeling pressured to do more things. During my first year, I said yes to everything–even things that I didn’t feel like doing. I felt like if I didn’t, I’d be missing out on something really important or fun. FOMO, basically. However, more often than not, I wasn’t missing much and these opportunities will arise again very soon.
Buying too many unnecessary things. I bought so many stationery and notebooks before I started uni in hopes that they would motivate me to study. I ended up not using even half of them my first year. At least, I’d be set for supplies until I graduate.
Revising in uni is not the same as revising in high school. I used to think I could study last minute for a test, like I did in high school. I learned the hard way that that wasn’t the case at all. Now, I review the topics after every lecture. The key is to keep up because all those lectures are going to pile up really fast.
Past papers are your new best friend. I find that professors have their favourite questions that they like to give out. During finals, they might even use the same exact questions as they did in tests!
Failing/Getting a low grade in a test isn’t going to ruin your life. I once got so caught up on that one test. But luckily during finals, I snapped out of it and just tried my best. My final grade wasn’t too bad. You live and you learn.
Wear whatever you want (as long as it doesn’t get you in trouble). When I wear a hoodie and sweatpants, I get comments that I look like I just rolled out of bed (which I did, duh). And when I have really nice makeup on and do my hair, I’m trying to impress someone. I think people just like to run their mouth and it’s nothing personal, so you shouldn’t care what they say anyway. 
Keep in touch with friends outside your university. It can really come in handy during times when you really have to vent about someone in your classes. They can also help you keep grounded and have a different perspective.
You don’t have to love the library. I’m the kind of girl who studies lying on her stomach on the bed with papers and books surrounding me and my cat stepping on them occasionally. I think the library is too quiet and public for me. And if you’re the same way and prefer the cafe or elsewhere, then that’s okay too. The goal here is that you get your studying done.
Stay healthy. Whenever it’s near finals, I would abandon every other responsibility except studying. I would stop eating healthy and quit exercising, all in the name of making time to study. But they should go hand-in-hand with studying and not one or the other. I find that the better I take care of myself, the better my grades are. You should also get enough sleep–this, I never fail to do.
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stud-hard · 5 years
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I’ve never read such a perfect encapsulation of what it feels to be abandoned. I seethed with your monster’s rage. I lusted for his revenge. Because it was my own. I wonder how many souls will sympathize with your creature’s torments? More than should, I expect.
MARY SHELLEY (2017) dir. Haifaa Al-Mansour
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stud-hard · 5 years
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cuushe — airy me
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stud-hard · 6 years
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The Church of St Barbara, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic
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stud-hard · 6 years
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100 days of productivity: (4/100)
December 17, 2018
Just been reading my math book for next semester. Watched some Pretty Little Liars and napped and cleaned and journaled.
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stud-hard · 6 years
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6/100 Days of productivity
Finally! I’m well! Glory to spicy herbal tea!
During the yesterday evening night I started preparing for Lin. Algebra writing test. But it will be tomorrow ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) That is why I am extremely fast (but accurately) doing couple english tests now to release eng class (pretty simple ones & that’s cause why i procrastinate tomorrow morning learning a bunch of english words and expressions for scientific purposes on Quizly) 
//How many excuses, Alina, not good
Summing up yesterday:
✔️had been preparing for Lin. Algebra test
✔️ cleaned up the room
✔️ helped bf hanging a coat hanger
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stud-hard · 6 years
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Excited for Christmas and I’m getting my head down as mocks are around the corner!
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stud-hard · 6 years
5/100 Days of productivity
Well, I’ve found the cause of my unproductiveness, I’m just sick ._.  So everything that i’ve done besides sleeping & drinking hot tea with honey is ✔️ starting do mathematical analysis assignment 
Today I feel much better and I’m going to finish that assignment and prepare for tomorrow linear algebra test. And maybe will go for christmas tree :з
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stud-hard · 6 years
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a little gif I just made ♡ 
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stud-hard · 6 years
just something i felt i needed to share
so about 10 mins ago, my parents came in and kind of lectured me. and upon some self reflection i felt that i should share this because it really holds close to my heart.
since i was young, i had the habit of “labelling” myself. and by that i mean psyching and convincing myself that i was “lazy” or “dumb” or simply not deserving of any nice treatment. i don’t know why i did that but it so happened and till today, i still use those labels to justify my actions. for example, if i don’t do well in exams, i’ll use the excuse that “i’m just stupid” to make myself feel better. but that’s not how it works. furthermore, labelling myself led to a lack of self-awareness and self-confidence that anyone should have. when people don’t treat me right, i just tolerate and swallow it. i didn’t have any idea to step up for myself and think “hey, this is not how i want to be treated”, until now. my mother told me that i was basically a “self-fulfilling prophecy” by labelling myself and limiting my life to such boundaries.
and i feel that this is so important. you should never ever label yourself as insignificant or not worthy. YOU ARE YOU, NOT THE LABELS YOU GIVE YOURSELF. yes, life may sometimes throw stones at us and make us feel really bad, but that doesn’t mean we should succumb to excuses to avoid our responsibilities. this is just cowardly. not only will labelling yourself lead to a lack of self-esteem, it will also lead to a lack of self-awareness. and this is especially horrible if combined by the fact that you are addicted to your phone. when we are forever staring down, we don’t notice the things and people around us, and how they interact. as a result, we become numb to anything the world throws at us, thinking that it’s fine when it’s actually not. this labelling does no benefit to you. and in today’s world, i feel that this may be a problem among teens today, even if you don’t realise it you may be subtly labelling yourself for things that you really are not.
you are worthy of everyone’s respect, no matter what anyone says. you are worthy of self-confidence and self-love. don’t let these labels stop you from doing what’s best for you. don’t let these labels take away your responsibilities. responsibilities are there for a reason. and you are definitely worthy of handling these responsibilities. don’t let labels restrict you from unleashing your potential. don’t let these labels become your excuse.
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stud-hard · 6 years
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stud-hard · 6 years
japanese money & shopping
えん 円 (e•n) - the official currency of japan, the yen (¥)
おかね お金 (o•ka•ne) - money
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there are currently four types of bills in circulation: ¥1,000, ¥2,000 (but these are very rare), ¥5,000, and ¥10,000.
there are currently six types of coins in circulation: ¥1, ¥5, ¥10, ¥50, ¥100, and ¥500.
all the bills and coins differ in size!
although many stores in japan take credit cards, cash is the most common method of payment.
places to shop
おみせ お店 (o•mi•se) - store
デパート (de•pa•a•to) - department store
スーパー (su•u•pa•a) - supermarket
ショッピングモール (sho•ppi•n•gu•ma•a•ru) - shopping mall
ほんや 本屋 (ho•n•ya) - bookstore
buying things
かいものをする 買い物をする (ka•i•mo•no•o•su•ru) - to shop [lit. to do shopping]
いくら 幾ら (i•ku•ra) - how much
たかい 高い (ta•ka•i) - expensive
やすい 安い (ya•su•i) - cheap
some useful shopping expressions
これはいくらですか。 = How much is this?
それは...円です。 = This is … yen.
...をください。 = Please give me…
used for concrete items (i.e. when buying or ordering an item)
...をおねがいします。 = Please give me…
however, the above is used for favors and requests rather than concrete items.
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stud-hard · 6 years
honestly I’ve seen massive improvement in school, sport, music etc. when I stopped working because of the reception I would get. When I stopped working for external validation and started working for ME! when I realised that I had to work just as hard when no one was looking, when no one was there to congratulate me. When I stopped seeking external validation and worked on providing that to myself. When I realised that my own pride and recognition was enough. When I started believing in myself without needing others to, that’s when I saw improvement, this is also important for general wellbeing. 
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stud-hard · 6 years
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Where the sky and sea meet plus some photos of our trip. We went to a resort during my semester break and it was such a relaxing place and I bought my journal with me.
instagram: applefroyo
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stud-hard · 6 years
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another productive day
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stud-hard · 6 years
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12.1.2018 | 019 of 100
Today I managed to get out of bed early and go to the grocery store. Admittedly, I went to the store that is closer but more expensive so… my wallet hurts a little bit more than it could have. However, a lot of what I bought is going to last me quite a long time so I’m telling myself it’s okay that I spent most of my food budget.
Anyway, I came home and made a casserole that is going to feed me for at least the next week. And if you guys could see my kitchen, you would know just how much of a challenge it is to cook anything including a frozen pizza.
I finished my presentation slides, as well! And then decided to conclude my night by making my spread for next week and I am honestly in love with this. Lavender and Halsey? What could be wrong with that?
Drinking: Water
Watching: Once Upon a Time
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stud-hard · 6 years
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Lorenzo Bartolini 1777 - 1850
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