sweetmorpho · 5 years
them: “rika did nothing wrong, if anything she is a victim because-”
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sweetmorpho · 6 years
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hi, i fucking hate Tumblr now. thx 
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sweetmorpho · 6 years
Okay, I just HAD to make this headcanon before I forgot what to do for it... So hErE WE gO!! (It’s mainly going to be based on a fanfic I’ll be working on someday)
Theme: Bakugou, Shouto, Kirishima, and Izuku as models 
AU where there are no quirks and they’re adults
P.S: I only take requests with 3 characters maximum for HC’s but this one is an exception since these 4 are the main focus in my fan fiction. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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- DEFINITELY has a tongue piercing. His fanbase practically begged him to get one when he posted on his Twitter: “Thinking ab getting a tongue piercing... They seem pretty cool.”
- His fashion style is pretty... Revealing. If you catch him in public, you’ll almost always see him with a half-bare chest or arms out. Bystanders most certainly like to stare at his muscular biceps that are covered in black and white tattoos. 
- A lot of Playboy-type magazine companies offer him brand deals for certain toys since he is more on the sexual side of the fashion industry. 
- Fans constantly question whether Bakugou is gay or heterosexual since he is always spotted leaving a few fan-favorite models apartment, Midoriya Izuku, and Kirishima Eijirou. Though, he always denies he’s having an affair with them and just states they are high school friends he likes to visit from time to time. There is always a controversy over the topic because Bakugou is extremely confusing when he’s hanging out with guys and seems to be rather flirty to them, but also when he’s attached to girls arms and kissing their cheeks. His fanbase simply assumes he is bisexual at the moment until they wait for the exciting day when he comes out with his sexuality. 
- He seems to be the type of guy who’s yelling at interviewers or is the one who is disruptive during important meetings, but Katsuki is the complete opposite. He is always paying attention, adding in some of his thoughts on topics, and tries his very best to stay calm and rational even if an interviewer asks a rather personal or disturbing question. But, he’s still a total jackass to people and can get a little too cocky at times. Bakugou is NEVER rude to his fans and feels he is beholden to them. 
- He’s not too much of a fan of runway shows, but he has no other choice but to participate in them if he is asked to since it’s apart of the job description anyways. He believes they’re a bit embarrassing, though he always looks awfully sexy during the shows. All of the girls in the audience swoon over him whenever he does his classic “jacket swing over the shoulder” pose. Even some guys start feeling a little warm just looking at him. 
Todoroki Shouto
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- His fashion style is fancy/chic. He keeps it simple but is yet very handsome and stylish. 
- He’s hardly active on social media and rarely ever posts, though his management team is attempting to get him to at least post more Instagram pictures. His Instagram page is one of the most followed in Japan, not to mention he was also titled “Most Handsome Man of The Year!” 4 times in magazine covers. 
- Shouto is very well-known for his calm and aloof personality, so his fans are practically the same and never scream and cry over him like with Bakugou. Todoroki truly respects his fans and adores that they love him so much, mostly when they find his appearance unique and sexy. He never would’ve thought people would like his right side so much since he has grown to hate it, but over the time he has become accustomed to their views and begun to appreciate his father's side. 
- He secretly loves runways and get’s high off the feeling of strutting down the catwalk and posing. It would completely and utterly embarrass him if anyone found out that he worships the runway, so he tends to hide his excitement and keep on a straight face. 
- Shouto is constantly asking his assistant for a cup of black coffee with exactly 12 sugars; his poor assistant has started to not feel the blisters forming on the back of her feet from her short black heels after running to the closest Starbucks so many times. Because Todoroki is always spotted with a cup of black coffee, lots of fans have bought him coffee for free and just gave it to him whenever they got the chance. One time, a fan who became obsessed with black coffee after discovering Todoroki Shouto noticed him with no cup of coffee in hand, walking down the street. She didn’t hesitate to give her already drunken out of coffee. Thankfully, she didn’t have any sickness of the sort, so Shouto didn’t get a cold. He still remembers that girl to this day; he’s forever thankful. 
- Todoroki has been seen hanging out with Midoriya Izuku and getting a little touchy-feely numerous times, so fans believe they might have a little fling going on, but they have also both denied of the relationship. 
“We’re just close friends is all. There is nothing romantic going on between the two of us,” Shouto smiled, Midoriya quickly nodding in agreement as they continued to walk their way through the crowd of paparazzi. 
Kirishima Eijirou
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- Kirishima has a more sporty and of course manly style but manages to look in tune with the latest trends. He has also taken a liking to piercings after seeing Bakugou bravely getting a tongue piercing, as a result, he decided to get some holes punctured into his ears. More specifically, an industrial bar, a lobe, and upper lobe piercing on his right ear. Though, he only has a helix and lobe piercing on his left so that it wouldn’t look too tacky. 
- Kirishima’s favorite part about modeling is... well..... Everything really! He absolutely loves doing photo shoots (mostly for the free food) and runways are always amusing. He is constantly telling his fans that he loves them on all of his social platforms (i.e: Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat). Kirishima thinks that he should do some kind of huge event just for his fans since he has so much love for them. 
- On some occasions when he’s up for it, he’ll go out and do some more venereal photo shoots for magazine covers. The downside of doing these more R18 shoots is that he tends to get a little... Horny. He honestly can’t help it! Just thinking about how strangers are taking revealing pictures of him turns him on a bit.
- He is the truest and most real man out there in Japan, and maybe even the world! He tells his fans EVERYTHING. Literally! If they think he’s having an affair, he’ll quickly contest it with all honesty or confess that he was (as long as it doesn’t reveal the other person’s identity if they don’t consent to him revealing their affair). When they questioned his sexuality just to get to know him better, he happily answered them by announcing he was bisexual. His whole fanbase accepted him and he quite literally sobbed over how cute they are. 
- Kirishima does lots of brand deals for Nike, Adidas, and Puma. Almost anytime you see a magazine for any kind of sports clothing, he’ll probably be in there somewhere- anywhere between the cover to the special features or interviews. 
- Eijirou is seen out with his fellow model friends, Hanta Sero, Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, and Ashido Mina quite a lot at bars and clubs. His fans have come to notice how much he ardors giant, juicy, cheeseburgers with loads of ketchup, hot sauce, fried onions, and bacon. 
Midoriya Izuku
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- One word: gay
- It was honestly no surprise when Izuku came out to his fans on social media, they had all expected it but accepted him and continued to love him either way. He was terrified what people would think when he announced he was gay but was very relieved when everyone understood. Bakugou, however, didn’t take it very lightly... For a *cough* reason....
- His choice of fashion practically screamed: “I’m gay but too scared to admit it so I’ll just secretly come out of the closet... With clothes from my closet.” The fashion statement truly worked though; people admired it and started to go along with the trend themselves (mostly gay dudes).
- His anxiety would completely disappear when he walked onto the runway, the lights absorbing any anxiousness, the cameras flashing and critiques approval drowning out his doubts. He felt so safe and free when he strutted on the stage, just doing his own thing. Basically, he made modeling seem like a piece of cake.
- Izuku is constantly having affairs and he’s terrifyingly bad at hiding that fact. The only drama that goes on about Midoriya Izuku is that he’s sleeping with another- or possibly the same- stranger who nobody knows of. Izuku blushes like a total nerd whenever an interviewer questions his love life and he mentions a certain someone each time but never reveals who they are. Fans are DYING to know! 
- Midoriya’s fans suspect that he is suffering from depression since he takes a lot of breaks from social media. Izuku has denied his supposed “depression” and moves away from the topic, but his fanbase still worry. A group of Midoriya obsessed fans have come together and begun fishing out different pieces of evidence such as pictures, articles, interviews, etc. to prove if he is truly depressed or not (for the sake of his well-being oF CoUrsE). 
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sweetmorpho · 6 years
I came up with a little headcanon while listening to Stronger by Kanye West since it reminded me of the ride called Rip Ride Rock-It at Universal Studios, Orlando (my favorite theme park and ride). So... I, of course, thought: “I wonder what Katsuki, Izuku, and Shouto would do with (reader) at the theme park?”
Bakugou Katsuki
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- At first, when you practically beg him on all fours with adorable puppy dog eyes, he refuses and tells you to fuck off. But, you being you, you never give up. Eventually, after consistently pleading and crying, he shoves his hand in your face as a small blush creeps upon his cheeks. “Tch... Fine.”
- The urge to vomit rose to his throat when he saw you immediately run to all of the different stands for cotton candy and ice cream. He NEVER wanted to pay for you... But he was completely weak against your compelling, cute face as you begged him. 
- Getting your angry, blonde boyfriend to buy you all sorts of sweets certainly felt uplifting, considering he despised giving into you.
- When walking around the theme park, he throws his arm around your neck once he noticed a particularly sketchy man eyeing you. You smiled gleefully realizing how overprotective he was over you, leaning into his warm hand and letting his warmth spread across your now smushed cheek.
- All of the cutesy couple PDA stopped as soon as the two of you saw the tallest roller coaster in the entire vicinity of the park. You looked at each other with growing smirks and shuffled off to the seemingly neverending line. 
- At last, you reached the tippy top of the line where people were routinely getting off and on the ride. Both of your hearts hammered excitingly as you edged closer to finally riding the ride. Obviously, when the moment came when you got on, strapped in, and launching off to the very top, you both shouted a stream of very colorful curses; especially when you dropped, turned, and twisted on the roller coaster. 
- The ride finally ended, your hair and Bakugou’s were considerably... Fucked up, to say the least. 
- The day ended wonderfully, especially when you two kissed romantically at the top of the Ferris wheel. To ease your wild minds, no... The Ferris wheel didn’t break down, so you and Bakugou were completely safe and most certainly unharmed. 
Midoriya Izuku 
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- As soon as you brought up the idea about going to the festival nearby with tons of rides and delicious food, he complied surprisingly fast. 
- “I-I would do anything... A-and go anywhere just to spend time with you!” (you can’t forget the stutter my man)
- The moment you arrived at the lit up festival, you both “oo’ed and ah’ed” wonderuously. 
- You and Izuku ran to almost every stand that advertised warm hot dogs, buttery popcorn, and flavorful sweets. You shoved every last bite into your mouth, not noticing the way Izuku stared at you curiously with a heated blush visibly across his face. 
-The very second you threw away your trash and looked up at the spinning blur adjacent to you two, he gulped and let out a deep sigh, preparing himself for what he knew what you were going to ask. 
- “Can we pleaseeee, Izuku! I’ll give ya a smooch if you ride with me~”                  Izuku snatched your hand and rushed to the incredibly fast ride that continued to spin, making him go cross-eyed. 
- “Ready?” You ask. He nods his head hesitantly and reaches for the wheel that allows you to control how fast you spin. Your hands touch as you gripped onto the cold, metal wheel, both of you yelping and sitting opposite of each other so you wouldn’t touch. 
- You take the wheel and twist it as hard as you can, causing the poor boy to rush his hands over his mouth so he wouldn’t puke back up all of the food he had eaten with you. 
- After the ride came to an end and you two were struggling to find your balance, you fell over and accidentally bumped into the way wrong person of all people. The man yelled at you and caused a scene by picking you up only to shove you back into Izuku. 
- Midoriya wrapped his hands around your arms tightly to make sure you were able to stand, and assured you he would handle the situation. He walked up to the guy with a large teddy bear in his hand you assumed he had won, with a rather slutty girl wrapping her arms around his elbow. 
- “Don’t push her again...” Was all Izuku managed to say as his height difference from him and the man frightened him a bit. 
- “Oh yeah? Watchya gonna do little boy? Are ya gonna cry about it or sumn’?” The man laughed obnoxiously, the woman wrapped around him laughing alongside him. Izuku lifts his head up some more and shoves the man right back, giving him an awfully terrifying glare, noticing the bear that fell to the ground. “I’ll take this.” 
- The sun set ahead of you, a fresh bandage stuck onto your scruffed knee, and a gigantic, pink, teddy bear held in your arms. Both you and Izuku had an eventful day at the festival, topping the day off with a heart-throbbing stroll throughout the festival as the sun disappeared behind the horizon line and stars twinkled through the night sky. 
P.S. yes. Izuku did get that smooch you promised him.
Todoroki Shouto
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- “Wanna go to Disney?” 
“Disney...? I’ve never been.”
- You practically drag him to the park. You weren’t going to take “no” for an answer if your boyfriend hasn’t even been before. In fact, he’s never been to a single theme park in his whole life. 
- The emotionless facade he always played on his face seemed to lift when he saw all of the different rides and people walking happily together, shouting and pointing at the rides and entertainment of all sorts surrounding them. Though, he quickly returned to his normal look when you began to smirk into his curious little eyes. 
- “Shouto?”
“Can we take a picture by the castle, my prince?”
“Uh... Sure.”
- The two of you walked towards the large castle and patiently stood in line to take the picture by the professional photographer. 
“You have to wait in line to take a picture? How cruel...” Shouto thought aloud, causing a giggle to slide past your lips.
- Both of you finally made it to the front of the line after a few short minutes, the photographer smiling at you and the bicolor-haired boy, told you two to smile and do whatever pose you wanted to. So, Shouto took your hands and bent down on his knee, leaning his head towards your hands and kissing them softly. Multiple awe’s sounded around you as you stood there surprised, your wide eyes and illuminating smile creating a magical picture. 
- You had no idea why he would do such a thing, mostly because he wasn’t a big fan of PDA... Maybe it was just for the photo? Or perhaps it was because you called him a prince. The thought caused a lightbulb to go off in your head; the plan to tease your loving boyfriend all day was making your lips form into an evil smirk. 
- You pointed out all of the different princes and princesses walking about the theme park, his eyes squinting almost every time, making you laugh... Every time. Then, all of a sudden he walked up to one of the prince’s you had made noticeable to Shouto and proclaimed: “I shall fight you for the love of my princess!”
- The whole scene played out perfectly, booming laughs by people who passed by as Prince Eric and Shouto fought with foam swords, a bright smile spread across your face, a smile so large that your cheeks started to hurt. 
- In the end, Shouto won and Prince Eric awkwardly walked back to Ariel, who watched the whole entire performance. You nudged Shouto a bit in the arm and smiled, he begrudgingly smiled back. 
- The day ended with lots of Disney balloons and hoodies, not to mention the euphoric look on your boyfriend's face. He was happy, and that was all you could ever ask for. 
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sweetmorpho · 6 years
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Bonjour! Hola! Hello! こんにちは! Uhh... Hi! LOL
Welcome to my Tumblr; I’ll be accepting requests for Headcanons and Oneshots woot woot! I almost forgot about it, but I’ll also be doing a BNHA ship discussion. This is all so exciting and I really hope this account takes off! I’m still getting used to Tumblr and how everything works, so please be patient with me if things are a bit messy or if something doesn’t work just right, hehe. 
Updating here is probably going to be pretty active for the first few weeks or maybe months, but after that I might not be as active. I am an editor on Instagram and I have to stay active there and in the editing groups I’m in, so I apologize if I don’t post new HC’s or Oneshots here! At least you’ll know beforehand so that none of you have to ask where I’ve gone or anything. Although, if I do take a short hiatus for some reason, I’ll let you all know. 
Hmm... Since I can’t really think of what else to write here, I guess I will introduce myself by listing my name, age, interests, hobbies, etc!
- My name is Riley
- I’m currently 15 years old (surprised, are you?)
- My birthday is September 5th
- Some of my hobbies are drawing, writing, editing, and cosplaying
- I absolutely LOVE My Hero Academia and I’m forever thankful that I’ve been introduced to it... I’ve watched a fair share of anime but I would have to say my top favorites are (not in order): My Hero Academia, The Devil is a Part-Timer, Death Note, Naruto, Darling in the Franxx, Kakegurui, The Seven Deadly Sins, and Orange. 
- I honestly have the dirtiest mind a 15-year-old could ever have and I’m way too mature for my age, haha. I do have my moments where I’m really childish, but most of the time I’m a dirty bastard that constantly wishes for Bakugou to fu–
I hope those details are good enough for ya! Now you all know a bit about me so perhaps you can picture how I act or seem like. Now that this little introduction is making you yawn and your eyelids feel a little heavy, why don’t I conclude all of this? Great idea. 
– R
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sweetmorpho · 6 years
Article 13 is going into it’s final stages of voting. 
If this gets through, it will allow many, many companies to abuse and misuse this article to take down as many memes, fan works, and even other independent creators on sites like YouTube, Facebook, and other websites INCLUDING Tumblr. 
So here is what you need to do to drag this article down. 
1. Spread the word 
I can’t stress this enough. The more attention this gets the more people we can get to take this down. 
2. Make your own content 
Make your own content on the matter and make sure it is clear to others that Article 13 is bad for every internet user involved. 
3. If you live anywhere in Europe, contact your MEPs 
Ask them if they approve of the article and why. If they do approve of it, try to convince them in a clear, reasonable, and most sensible way possible that this law is BAD. 
The article itself is way to vague about what it’s conveying to its people. 
Saying that as long as the use of said internet memes or content is good as long as it’s in “good faith.” 
We cannot let some shoddy government tell us what we can and cannot post. 
Here’s a video on Article 13 that Film Theory made on the matter. It will explain things better than I can. 
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