#!! since gil is here
gilbirda · 2 years
DPxDC Prompt: Wrong Number Jazz edition
Based on this amazing post I saw
"Danny, it's been a week. Sam said you took the phone with this number. Everything alright?"
"Please. It's been a month now. I just want to know if you are alive."
"I won't look for you. I know I promised. But you promised to check in."
"The funeral was today. They didn't attend, forgot what day it was."
"I miss you."
Jason came back from a Outlaw out-of-the-grid mission finding messages from an Unknown number. A quick check gave him a name and address, and also news about a missing little brother. The more he searched the fishier it all looked.
Good thing he didn't unpack his things yet.
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mewtwo24 · 1 year
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So like. Was anyone going to tell me THIS happened in Piofiore 1926 or was I just supposed to read through all the Alternativa routes on my own?????
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akhaste · 11 months
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Lee Yoon - Song of the Bandits Sketchs/ Studies 1920's & 1890's
Bonus: 1920's, but without the 'stache
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
During the show the tightrope breaks and Thena falls. Luckily Gil catches her but gets injured. The whole crew protects both of them when kro is very angry that Gil touches Thena. Some drama for the circus one
It felt as if it happened in slow motion. Thena was in the middle of the routine as usual, and things were going well. She and Angus were both strong and ready for the show.
But something wasn't right. Gil had watched as Thena froze on the tightrope, her whole body locking up on the spot. He had looked to where her eyes were anchored, running out from behind the scenes. Something was wrong with the joint where the line was attached.
Then it snapped.
"Thena!" He ran as fast as he could. There were no nets, as per a certain ringleader's demand (because it didn't instill the right excitement in the crowds). There was no protecting Thena from a bone shattering fall.
He plowed into her, just barely managing to catch her as they both rolled and skidded from his momentum. He somehow managed to keep a hold of her within his arms. His shoulder was most certainly jostled from where it was supposed to be, and he wouldn't be surprised if he had a number of bruises along his ribs and arms.
The crowd was up on its feet, women and children screaming. Kro was already trying to assure them and tell them there was no need to panic (no need to ask for their money back).
He opened his eyes, scared to look at what happened. But he grunted as Thena leaned over him, her hair pooling on his chest as he lay on his back. Her hand trailed over his cheek. "Are you okay?"
"Oh Gil," she whispered, her hand sliding down his cheek and neck and over his chest.
Gil looked around them. It was chaos, and this was definitely a worst case scenario. At least Thena wasn't hurt, but the repercussions would ripple through the whole crew. They had to check the equipment, they would have a meeting with everyone from every department. And Kro would be furious.
Gil saw from somewhat upside down as Kro caught sight of them. He didn't know why the guy was anywhere but by his wife's side, but he was too tired to think about that now. He watched as Kro began the process of storming over to them.
"Get your filthy hands off of her!"
Oh, he was talking to him. Gil blinked, feeling as if he were hearing everything underwater, and his head hurt something fierce. But Thena was unharmed, that was all that mattered to him.
"Gil," Thena whispered to him. There was a flurry of motion around them, the crew rushing to talk to Kro about what to do about the broken highwire. They would serve as a barricade for them. "Can you see me?"
He could only ever see her. He nodded, groaning as he tried to sit up.
"It's okay, easy," she cooed to him as she helped pull him up. "We're going to get you some help."
Gil tried to hold himself up, but damn it felt hard. He didn't think he was really this heavy, but he couldn't keep his feet straight. He was like a newborn colt trying to walk for the first time.
"Come on, big fella," some of his friends from the crew got on either side of him. Of course Thena couldn't be the one to help try to walk him to the medical tent. But she smelled nicer than these guys.
"Gil," she called to him again, dragging his eyes up to hers. "Just look at me. You can't fall asleep."
Why not? He was dead tired and he felt like he'd been wrestling with the elephants.
"Just keep looking at me," she whispered, leading him with the sweet lyricism of her voice. Like a damn angel, that woman.
Gil sighed as they finally got him to the medical tent and seated on a bale of hay. He really was ready to lie down, but he let Thena drag his head upright again. Although he did whine a little as she shined some kinda light in his eyes.
"You can't sleep like this," she sighed, and then put something cold on the top of his head. His eyes naturally rolled upward, not that he could see whatever it was. She smiled, "it's just from the icebox. We have to keep the swelling down."
Oh, it was his head. That made sense why his ears were ringing, at least. "Are you okay?"
Thena looked at him in a way that made his heart melt. She sat beside him, even letting her knees in her sparkly stockings brush against his in his regular, ratty old trousers. "Thanks to you."
Gil looked at her, now that the chaos from the main tent was behind them. She did look fine, which was a relief. "Couldn't just let you fall."
It was almost not within his control, that was to say. But Thena took his hand in hers. "I know you couldn't. But I owe my life to you, all the same."
His mind was a few steps behind his mouth as he blurted out, "where's your husband?"
Normally he wouldn't bring him up, even just so as to not upset the lady.
But Thena didn't even blink, rubbing her thumb against his, "don't worry about him, for now."
"I wish you didn't have to worry about him," Gil mumbled out. He really was saying whatever was on his mind, huh?
Thena sighed, though, looking at him with those stunning green eyes. "I know. I wish so, too."
Gil closed his eyes as she adjusted the cloth bundle of ice on top of his head. It did feel nice, but it also gave him the chills. "He's gonna blow his top if we can't get the highwire restrung."
"That man would blow his top at the sky if it were the only thing around."
Gil chuckled, although it made his head hurt something awful. He groaned.
"Sorry." Thena brushed the backs of her knuckles over his temple, soothing the ache from the outside in.
Gil looked at the cloth walls of the tent. It was just some canvas, and it was far from impenetrable. But he looked at Thena, feeling like he really did have this moment to keep just to themselves. "Thena...if he ever hurts you, I swear-"
His eyes slid closed as she leaned forward to kiss him. Her lips were as soft as the light of first dawn. If he never believed in heaven before, maybe he did now.
Thena leaned back, her thumbs on his cheeks, "don't worry about me, Gil."
But he did. Every second of every day, he thought of her.
He was painfully in love with someone else's wife. "But-"
She kissed him again, more softly, and more chastely too, leaning back even quicker. "No buts, just try to rest. I can handle Kro."
Gil tried to protest again but Thena stood, leaving him alone on his little hay bale island. He blinked as she exited the tent, the warm glow inside contrasting the cold, blue light outside.
"Is he in there?"
"He's resting. Leave him be, Kro."
"Like hell I will. Bastard thinks he can put his hands on my wife?!"
Gil tried to get to his feet, stumbling to his knees at first. He tried again as the crack of a palm against a cheek sliced through the air. "Th-Thena?"
"He saved my life! More than you've ever done, and if I see you bothering him, I'll give the crowd something that will really scare them away and right out of your greedy hands."
He had never heard Thena raise her voice. He had seen her stand her ground with Kro, and he had no doubt she was as tough as a lady got, even with that brute of a husband. Maybe because of that brute of a husband.
"Ungrateful little whore."
"Call me whatever you want. Gilgamesh is not to leave his own sleeper car until he's healed."
She only ever called him Gil when they were alone.
"Fine, but the show goes on, even if the vet starts bleeding from the eyes."
Gil tried to stand again. He had to say that he would be fine. He couldn't let Thena be left alone with that devil. He groaned, managing to stand and take a few steps.
He only made it out of the tent in time to see Kro all but dragging Thena away, probably to berate her for talking back to him in front of the crew like that. But she turned and waved to him, assuring him of her well being.
Gil stood there, watching the woman he loved get dragged away by her husband. He couldn't make out any of the words his fellow crewmen and friends were chattering at him. All he was thinking about was how Thena had kissed him, and in such a way that could only mean that she loved him too.
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sheshells-jrwi · 1 year
something something gillion using chips marriage as an excuse to distance himself from wanting to be with chip (romantically) so he doesnt have to explore and reflect on this part of himself
like you dont have to think “is it ok if i as the champion of the undersea want to kiss him?“ if you can immediately cut it of with “NO HES MARRIED!!!!! ANGRY FACE“ and not actually think about it
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
'i think Jang Hyun orabeoni will wake up soon... because he has Ryang Eum by his side.' *turns to Ryang Eum* 'the day that Jang Hyun orabeoni went to do business at the border a while back, you got into a fight with a customer while playing at the kibang and were injured. do you know he came by that night? after hearing that you were hurt, he gave up on 7000 silver nyang to come back. he only came to check that you were okay, and then he left. an unnie i know asked him, when she was serving him, why he is always talking about Ryang Eum, and he supposedly said to her that his pleasure in life is in seeing Ryang Eum enjoy his life. so he would never leave Ryang Eum alone and die.'
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misty-moth · 9 months
Just have to watch my rank for the next 40 minutes like a hawk 👀
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sesamenom · 6 months
trying to figure out Lomion's relationships for the reverse gondolin au - so far I have Rog as his mentor instead of Eol and Celegorm as his "uncle". he's not particularly close with Idril, but Turgon helps him with the politics/statecraft stuff. anyways I can't figure out a marriage candidate for him for heir-identification purposes so
#silm#silmarillion#reverse gondolin au#not art#lomion#i dont really have any ship/sexuality headcanons for lomion#so idk who to stick him with#but he is the high king after all and does need somewhere for the crown to go in the case of his likely demise#maedhros can get away with zero children because he has plenty of brothers & cousins#but sadly lomion is an only child (or at least the only surviving child...?)#and by his reign most of his family has been wiped out#idril still sails in the au so she cant inherit#i think celebrimbor is the only close friend/family he has living after the destruction of gondolin??#celebrimbor def would not *want* to be king but i could see him taking the crown in an emergency#so that sauron/morgoth/whoever would focus on him and give his family/people time to escape#the lomion/tyelpe idea actually happened bc i was thinking about if he should be obsessed with the opposite cousin the au#since idril is like 300some years younger than him and they didn't meet until much later#and anyways they're even more cousins-removed than russingon so it should be fine right? lol#the other main marriage option im considering is giving one of the other Lords a kid#maybe egalmoth can have a random daughter somewhere in there?#i don't want to make it too much of a 'random person + random heir kid' situation#so maybe he can just adopt a kid? but then if he dies early the kid is too young#(bc he doesnt have a kid when idril arrives)#also gil galad is younger here to make the timelines work#anyways and if he dies early and his kid is too young but he's also not married and has no siblings then idk who would be regent#bc by the end of the FA i'm aiming to have turgon & aredhel dead; elwing & earendil dead/departed; tuor dead; and idril sailed#and then that leaves like nobody alive family wise#aaagh help me i have no idea who inherits after him#like. does celebrimbor have to be king for a few hundred years? he probably would sooner dissolve the formal kingship than deal with that#or do i throw it back at gil galad? how does gil even get to gondolin?? where does he come from
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arwyd · 1 year
“the revolution will not be televised” and “we’re here and we’re ready to livestream the apocalypse” are two sides of the same coin in a way I cannot exactly fully explain
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danidrawsstuff · 2 years
Hello, I vagually remember reading on your Ask 19 century doctor prussia blog, that Gilbert calls Ludwig his Gnascherl (?). Where did you find that?
Because instinctually I would say it's Austrian. Do you maybe have a source or smth?
PS: I in no way do I want to come of as mean/arrogant just genuinely curious. I also really love how you characterise Gil
Hey there! I pulled that from the wikipedia article on the Low Prussian dialect, which you can find here! There's a section a little further down that talks about some words that are shared across other German dialects like Plautdietsch and Gnaschel is mentioned!
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And don't worry, you didn't come off as mean / arrogant at all! I am curious though that you thought it was Austrian 👀👀 I wonder if there's a similar term!
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teafiend · 3 months
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Revisiting the second-half Episode 5, and KGY’s relationship with Go-Sunbae is so heartwarming. 🥰🥹 I always learn so much about her from their interactions, and each “lack” in her life made me want to head canon something better for her post-canon. She makes my heart ache, and made me want to give her everything.
(GIFs from @Nungchae, Twitter/X)
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neriyon · 1 year
Okay done with raid and msq, I'll have to sit for a while and think what I want to say because huh, things sure happen.
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finmoryo · 1 year
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Fingon | Findekáno/Maedhros | Maitimo, Ereinion Gil-galad & Maedhros | Maitimo, Ereinion Gil-galad & Fingon | Findekáno, Elrond Peredhel & Maedhros | Maitimo, Elrond Peredhel & Ereinion Gil-galad Characters: Ereinion Gil-galad, Maedhros | Maitimo, Fingon | Findekáno, Sauron | Mairon, Elrond Peredhel Additional Tags: War of the Last Alliance, Time Skips, Canonical Character Death, fingon is trans but it's not really mentioned, Father-Son Relationship, Gil-galad Son of Plothole, Angst, Character Death, Gil-galad Russingonion, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary:
At the beginning of a new age, Maedhros reminisces.
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Would you do a Thenamesh soft moment with a forehead kiss? Whatever AU goes with it :)
Gil came out of his room with a yawn. It was some time late evening, it seemed. His sleep schedule still wasn't entirely back to normal with the heavy pain meds he was on for his injuries. But he would be in physiotherapy and on desk-duty at work soon enough.
Maybe it was insane to look forward to being back at work given that he had been shot and his collarbone was broken pretty badly. But what could he say?--he missed his job.
He missed Thena.
Although he was seeing more of her than ever, in his current state.
He smiled when he came into the living room, leaning on the wall with the soft glow of his lamp warming the room up. She really was beautiful.
Thena was stretched out on his couch. She kept saying she had to stop doing this, and yet every time he let out a yawn, she would tell him to go and lie down and she would tidy up and then head home. And then he would inevitably come back out to her asleep like this.
Thena had a real angelic look to her, despite the hardened Goddess of War image she presented. She was laid against the arm of the couch, a throw pillow behind her back and head, her hair splayed out behind her and reading glasses still on her nose.
Gil walked over (his limp was improving by the day). He took his time sitting down to look at her. He pulled her glasses off, pushing her hair back when it fell forward with them.
Thena moved faintly in her sleep, pushing the angle of her cheekbone up against his touch more with a sigh.
"Sh," he whispered reflexively, unwilling to give up the opportunity to gaze up on this wonder of beauty just yet. "It's just me."
Thena adjusted on the little set up she had on his couch. It couldn't have been good for her back, but he supposed she was getting pretty used to it. Her eyes fluttered, "Gil."
"Yeah, I'm here," he smiled, getting lost in letting his finger trail over her silken skin. She was so pale, and so blonde, but it really worked on her. Everything worked on her.
These were not the kind of thoughts to have about his boss.
Despite his efforts to lull her back into sleep, she was too alerted to his presence, her eyes fluttering open slowly but surely. She looked like a goddamn fairy tale princess, her eyes soft and green, her lips parting gently. She smiled, "hey."
"Hey," he whispered in the quiet of his living room at some godforsaken hour in the morning. He leaned his back against his coffee table, which Thena had files and papers spread over liberally.
Thena inhaled, trying to muster some energy as she turned over to face him more. "What time is it?"
"No idea," he shrugged. It was probably some time around 3 in the morning. He tilted his head at her, "you comfortable?"
Thena nodded, even though he could see the awkward bend of her spine in her current position. "I've got to stop doing this."
"I keep telling you I don't mind," he whispered in light admonishment of her insistence that she couldn't be falling asleep at his place. "If anything, I keep telling you to just let me set out real blankets and pillows for you."
"Oh, stop it," she sighed, turning herself again, twisting the blanket with her. "There's no need. I just dozed off looking over some things Kingo sent me."
She had done so pretty consistently since she started helping him around the house.
"Sure," he chuckled, ignoring her stubborn - cute - little pout as he reached up with his good hand and adjusted the blanket over her. "Well, feel free to doze off again--is all I'm saying."
"And what about you? Did you just get up?" she whispered, her eyes running over him in the faint light casting shadows all over the place. She automatically started rising up from the couch.
"Hey, take it easy, Boss," he whispered back, putting his hand on her shoulder to ease her back down to her pillow. Maybe he should get new ones--ones that would be more supportive of her neck and gentler on her hair. Since she was sleeping here so much.
Thena sighed, settling back on the pillow as directed. Her eyes travelled over him, and he felt exposed in his white t-shirt and dark sweatpants. He usually slept shirtless, but - again - felt too self-conscious doing so with Thena around.
"Are you in any pain?"
Gil smiled. She asked him that all the time now, since leaving the hospital. He knew she cared--more than she would ever really be able to put into words, knowing her. He tapped his thumb against her cheek, "I'm fine, Thena--really."
She didn't show any sign of response at first, searching him for signs that would contradict his statement. It seemed she was always doing this, lately.
"Thena," Gil said gently, leaning forward. He frowned, "I'm okay, you know. We're both okay."
Her brows knotted up even more, her eyes staring at his sling. "Gil, I'm-"
"No," he shook his head. "Nope, nu-uh--no more apologising. Thena-"
"Gil," she whispered, her voice becoming high and thin. She blinked, and he caught the glassiness in her shimmering green eyes. "You...because of-"
He moved his thumb from her cheek to press into her lips, without a better way of silencing her and her insistence that his injuries were somehow her responsibility. His eyes followed his thumb as he moved it across the plumpness of her bottom lip to the corner of it. "No more of that. It's no one's fault. And you were the one who pulled me out of there, if I have to remind you again."
Thena sighed, at least not arguing with him for the moment. She probably would at some other time, but he could handle that then. For now, she sank back into the couch.
Gil traced his thumb down her other cheek, following the natural slope of the hollow of it. "You are the reason I'm here, Thena. Never forget that."
Her eyes fluttered shut as he leaned all the way forward, pressing his lips to her forehead. It wasn't the first time he'd done this, and it most certainly wouldn't be the last. But this did feel...different.
She blinked at him a few times as he pulled back, solidifying the realisation that he had, in fact, actually done that. He gulped. "Uh-"
Thena reached her hand up to his cheek, pulling him back to her slowly and gently. Her lips pressed to his cheek, still close enough to brush against his skin as she whispered, "go back to sleep, Gil. I'll be here when you wake up."
These were not the things he needed to hear to not think about his boss like this.
Thena settled herself on the couch and throw pillow again, her eyes drooping. She blinked at him, "get some rest."
He just nodded, not trusting himself to speak intelligible words. He stood with the help of the coffee table supporting him, turning out the lamp.
Even without its warm, yellow light, Thena still glowed like a vision form a dream.
"Night, Boss," he whispered as he limped his way back to his room. Not that he was going to get any sleep. His heart was pounding and he was just going to be thinking about the feeling of Thena's lips against his cheek for the rest of the night. Forever.
That was why it was so important to keep calling her Boss--so he could remember that this was the woman he respected and worked with on a daily basis. Not at all the woman he was painfully in love with.
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omkookie · 29 days
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Make You Mine.
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⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Yandere themes
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A scenario in which Yandere!Gilbert thwarts the Reader's wedding. This idea was given to me by a lovely anon quite a long time ago and I just found the draft for it.
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He steps onto the venue, his cane loudly hitting the shiny floors beneath it with an audible 'tap' each step he takes. The guests all turn their heads towards the intruder and go pale when they see his face.
Gilbert von Obsidian.
There he stood- The devil of Obsidian himself, with a cane in hand accompanied with a sharp look in his crimson eyes. Despite his smiling face, some of the attendees of your wedding shivered in unease.
"Oho, The villain has come to steal the bride." He announces, looking right at you without sparing a single glance at your fiance.
"Prince Gilbert—" Your fiance says in disbelief, a frown etching itself upon his handsome face. You look at Gilbert with shock, your eyes as wide as saucers. "Gil?" You muttered in disbelief.
"Well, he sure made a bigger impression than any of my pranks could have." Clavis says bitterly, a frown of unease resting upon his face. Clavis studies Gilbert cautiously, not allowing himself to let his guard down for even a moment despite his carefree demeanor. "Hehe, You'd have to try harder. Maybe I'll help you pull some pranks." Gilbert's smile never falters as he replies to Clavis. He steps up to you and takes your hand into his, his black attire the complete opposite of yours.
"Gilbert. What are you doing here? You sure made quite the appearance by scaring most of my guests." You chided him lightly while pushing his hand away and trying to free yourself from his grip.
"I heard my little bunny has decided to marry one of my old friend Chevalier's cousins." He says in an exaggerated manner as he puts on a hurt expression, "You can do better you know. I can't believe you'd settle down for so little." He sighs.
"Especially when I'm here for you. It would bring your kingdom peace to marry me instead." He adds, causing a pit of unease to form in your stomach.
The guests all start whispering in a panic, Clavis glaring sharp daggers at Gilbert while Rio decided to interject since he's both the bridesmaid and best man.
"Excuse me Mister "Better option". Can't you tell you're crushing my dear MC's wedding right now? Such proposals are made before a bride gets married to her groom!!! NOT during the time she's getting married." Rio reprimanded Gilbert even though he looked heartbroken you were getting married.
Gilbert taps his cane, ignoring him.
"Listen here, Rhodolite. I'll make things quick." Gilbert states as he looks over at Chevalier, the new king of Rhodolite.
"Give me the little bunny or I'll destroy your country.", He looks over at you next, his voice sweet but dripping with venom as he looks at your wedding dress and says, "I'd do anything to make you mine"
Gunshots heard in the background further supported his statement as guards fell dead and guests panicked....
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M. List for more fiction
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
they took out my other daddy cop. rip you were hot while it lasted
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