#& they let him write an ep a season for that lmfao
fatefuldoe · 1 year
I Have No Good Omens Blog But I Must Scream (About Good Omens)
i think the end of ep 6 was fully in character and a great dramatic turn and exciting cliffhanger... even though i can’t help but feel somebody watched OFMD and saw the fan reactions and went “ooh, let’s do that too, the suffering will be delightful”
honestly i think my reaction to that part was so positive because it immediately confirmed to me that there HAS to be a season 3! although i am so mad that i’ll have to wait another 2+ years for it and i honestly wish i hadn’t binged so quickly. maybe i should just watch it over again? i’ve watched season 1 three times already...
although i was fairly certain neil wouldn’t let us down, i was still a bit worried up until it happened that they would chicken out of showing a kiss, or that it would be a comedic “accidental” sort of moment. i’m glad it happened! and it was such a GOOD kiss! but oh man... the reason it happened... and the aftermath...
usually when i ship a “bad guy x good guy” type pairing, i get mad when people woobify the “bad guy” and try to make him less bad--especially when i catch myself doing it! but crowley actually IS “good” when it counts and i actually really love that about him. the whole thing with job’s children (and the goats!! 😭♥) was so wonderful!
well except that bit with ty tennant that made me weirdly uncomfortable!! stop flirting with your dad’s bestie lmfao esp when you still look like a baby
loved that they let david go full scottish, though the laudanum scene felt a bit... tonally weird to me
is it just me or were there a lot of doctor who references this season? some were obvious but others were more subtle to the point that i’m not sure they were intentional
i assumed that nina was supposed to be a “reincarnation” of her previous character but based on what neil has said so far, i guess they just really liked the actress and wanted to keep her on? i kept waiting for some shoe to drop regarding her identity, though! can’t help but feel they should’ve addressed it somehow, even if just briefly
overall i wouldn’t say this season was better than 1 because some of the writing and the pacing felt a little off to me, but it was SO MUCH FUN and i’m thrilled we’re getting a third season, whether it’s filmed or audio
OH i almost forgot
so do we think jon hamm had a butt double or was that his real entire ass?
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Season 1 Episode 9 - The Writing Room
this ep was so genuinely traumatizing for little 14 year old me
tw: canon csa
The letter from julia :’( the whole thing hurts so much
“Fillory is always deciding” ok but ur not in fillory. Penny is just a mild asshole /aff
“Idk what ur yapping about, as usual” PENNY INVENTOR OF THE YAP
Mans is just smoking a j in the classroom like a homie
Q’s little hand movements. That man is so autistic (i would know)
It's crazy how much julias wardrobe changes in season 1
The fire cgi was so bad lmfao
The julia plotline being the light in the dark tunnel of this episode is so insane to think about
Quentin u massive massive fanboy
Idk why but i just got so reminded that they do in fact lose a major part of their schooling due to the whole fillory nonsense and then like the school being shut down and all. They couldve been much better magicians than what they were if they had stayed like a single year longer (esp for margo and eliot who only had a year left)
“I feel like it never really fixes. It just works better now, in its own screwed up way,” diagnoses you diagnoses you diagnoses you (yes i know he has diagnosed stuff already but i’m diagnosing him more)
Garden variety haunting teehee
“I’m a super villain” YEA U ARE BABY
“What if it's just one big party trick that never adds up to anything” i swear that's not the first time we hear this but i cannot remember for the life of me when else it’s said
Diversity win, the disabled girl you mind warped and then killed off 20 min later is a lesbian
“Chase this” mm maybe not this specific one
Mm yes number 1 way to ensure we get creepy vibes: creepy ass dolls
Penny and sunderland <3
I've never understood the placement of the handprints on the wall of the quiet place
Richard always has the hardest lines its crazyyyy
HE TOOK THOSE PICTURES IN MEDIUM FORMAT???? NASTYYY splurging extra on child porn is rancid
Ok ik that only i would notice this bc im a stupid photography nerd but he’s using the camera correctly… anyways back to the trauma
God this fucking episode destroys me
“Lets go dig up a dead body” smash cut to kiera eating an ice cream in her mind palace
ALSO WAIT the foreshadowing lowkey to eliots mind palace and like establishing that thats a thing? Idk maybe a stretch
The kids in the window is brutal
The way penny goes “period” sassy man apocalypse never misses w him
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Derry Girls Live Blogging
Been meaning to watch this for so long. I've seen so many clips and videos on the internet of this, especially about the nun and the lesbian
Season 1
Ep 1 (Mar 24)
I do love horrid but funny family dynamics
please "I'm not going to be an individual on my own"
lol I've seen so many of this nun sister's moments on like tiktok, she's funny
lmfao a dead nun?!
that was very fun
Ep 2 (Mar 24)
the trust funds T.T
stealing a whole notice job board and so having to work for free pls
pls T.T this ep was so T.T
Ep 3 (Mar 24)
this English guy lmfao hated on for being English, presumed to be gay, and the grandpa being like hm he could be a rapist
plsss not the dog pee as tears of Mary
oh the lesbian not being in awe of the priest while all the other girls are
the priest is hoping for proof of God through these girls being led to the chapel and seeing a weeping statue, I'm dead
Ep 4 (Mar 24)
pls I'm actually dying at the way these Irish people are treating the Ukeranians from Chernobyl like some little dolls T.T reminds me of Claire with her African Kamal obsession in ep 1 but at least he wasn't here for her to lead him around T.T
T.T why is Erin so worried about James' virginity
please these people are so T.T the sisters so unwelcoming to their father's new gf (their mother's been dead a decade) and, in the words of Katya, Erin is a "racist, patronizing bitch" T.T
Ep 5 (Mar 24)
maybe I would've enjoyed this more if I knew about about like Irish history and whatever was going on with Emmett
Ep 6 (Mar 24)
ah poor Clare they're all publishing her journal submission even though they're claiming it's for support
omg the "Let's talk about sex, baby. Let's talk about you and me" song
also the song Girls & Boys by Blur I think? at like 16 mins? the instrumental
oh yeah it is Girls & Boys hehe
poor Clare who has her writing all spread across the school but the person who insisted on publishing it for the scandal and buzz reacted poorly to her coming out
that was an interesting ending, I guess the show was showing the mundane and silly lives of people even amidst the tragedies going on in Ireland at the time
This was pretty fun overall since I haven't watched much media focusing on Ireland nor do I know many Irish people, so it was fun to get to peek into the culture and vibe of the 1990s Ireland through this.
Also, the girls are all so different and also terrible in many ways; I do love it when characters are people I'd hate it real life and I don't think I'd be able to stand any of these people (maybe Clare, maybe James), so it's fun to see them go around wreaking havoc. My favourite characters so far are Clare and I think Michelle; also Katya even though she was only there for 1 ep
Rating: 7/10
Season 2
Binged a season yesterday, let's see if I'll do another one today
Ep 1 (Mar 25)
please the protestants and catholics
i love the bit about James being a girl and Orla being a boy
Ep 2 (Mar 25)
this new teacher is very attractive
Ep 3 (Mar 25)
oh yeah I've seen this on twitter or something the whole thing with the nun in the bus and vodka suitcase
Ep 4 (Mar 25)
Ep 5 (Mar 25)
the "there are no height restrictions... as far as I'm aware" moment
lmfao the white friends being like <3 asian girlie in our group <3 and the asian girl being like foh until she realizes one of them is a lesbian and she's like wait i did want a gay friend even though it'd be ideally a gay fella
IRA cease fire
Ep 6 (Mar 25)
naurr James is leaving for London? pls him saying he's developed Stolkohm Syndrome
omg James Derry Girl at heart
naurrrr why is this so randomly emotional? I don't want James to go away and maybe be let down by his mother in the future
yesss okay I was like I want James to like being a girl the way Orla likes being a boy and now he's happily claiming he's a Derry Girl
Still very fun, though there were some that weren't as good/funny in the middle. Liked the little emotional moment with James at the end. Love Orla being a girl who's a boy and James being a boy who's a girl (and this time he agrees to being a Derry Girl rather than them slagging him for being a girl/gay).
Rating: 6.5/10
Season 3
Ep 1 (Mar 26)
T.T not them helping thieves and robbers burgle the school
and getting arrested
lol for a sec there I was wondering if the dad and grandpa are gonna end up getting accused
Ep 2 (Mar 26)
okay lmfao the "you've seen my driving instructor pick me up at school a dozen times" "i thought he was just a creep" "and yet you didn't intervene?" "you seemed happy enough" <- me about some of these BL boys
Ep 3 (Mar 26)
Ep 4 (Mar 26)
naurrr I got nervous that there'd be a romance subplot when James and Erin went to prom together but I thought we escaped it, so I wish James didn't apparently like Erin and now they're kissing agh
oh yeah the incest clip lmfao
Ep 5 (Mar 26)
lol that's cute the mothers in 1977
Ep 6 (Mar 26)
a Halloween episode? I thought ep 4 was the spooky episode
lesbianism hehe
AN ANEURYSM?! and death?!
Ep 7 (Mar 26)
this ep is twice as long as others. this is the series finale right, no season 4?
oh dang everything's changed so much
Clare lives 20 minutes away, there's some sort of agreement about peace and governing ability and letting people out of prisons, Michelle's brother had killed someone and gone to prison and so she has a vested interest in getting this to pass whereas Erin doesn't think he or others should get out
oh is the nun making sure she stays in the school
they're all voting for Yes the good Friday agreement. i suppose i should search it up
I don't know how to feel about the ending - it was touching but certainly a different tone than the other episodes, but it still had enough of the same vibes. It was good season but I'm not yearning for more.
Rating: 6.5/10
0 notes
rigginsstreet · 2 years
Okay I'm sorry for dropping into your mail on an almost daily basis. Re-watching New Girl, and having a major brain blowout
But listen. Steve and Billy are in love. They get together, break up, attempt at staying friends but it's impossible ofc (very complicated). Until one day the Harringtons put pressure on Steve, and he caves, and he's about to marry a girl he doesn't love (could be a whole story, but let's leave it at that).
So there's this posh wedding, hundreds of guests, the whole shebang. And Steve is standing near the altar, heart torn because he understands it's a huge mistake, but he can't back out at this point, and he's watching his bride, who he doesn't love, walk down the aisle when suddenly
"Where did you come from,
where did you go?
Where did you come from,
cotton-eyed Joe?"
comes blasting and everyone's like wtf
Boom, sabotage!
And Steve sees Billy standing in the back (guess who his accomplice dj is. MadMax) smiling like a devil looking insanely fit in a suit
So Steve makes the rightest decision of his life
So sorry, I'll stop)
No please do not feel bad about coming into my inbox I need joy now more than ever lmfao
Fandom needs to start writing max as a dj named madmax I will not be accepting criticism
I too am in the midst of a new girl rewatch and the last ep I watched was season 2 Halloween so to go off of this lmao:
Steve dating some nerd and billy just constantly roasting him but acting like it’s friendly banter. And for Halloween he plans his costume to match with whatever Steve’s going as and acting like it’s a total coincidence when Steve’s date brings it up and Steve’s SO fed up
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jugheadsenigma · 2 years
Rewatching Riverdale to prepare myself for season 7. I haven't watched a single new ep past the first episode of Rivervale and have just been keeping up through Tumblr.
A couple things I noticed while re-binging /liked/disliked.
- the way the original couples got together was a sweet buildup of episodes despite what B*rchies like to claim.
Eg: Archie courting then dating Val and Veronica getting jealous, Ronnie making Archie face his fear and helping him feel safe, their sweet moments at the party, multiple stolen kisses and tiptoing to avoid hurting Betty. Over multiple episodes.
Eg 2: Jughead flirting with Betty and Betty's little "Juggie"'s, Jughead getting jealous of Betty going on a "date", them sleuthing Jason's room, sharing snacks, and Jughead comforting/protecting Betty only to ultimately and finally round up the courage to kiss her. Once again, over multiple episodes.
- A fault: They really did have these couples break up like every 3rd episode. I know that there's supposedly weeks in , but the timeline feels so messy and the makeup-breakup plot is tiring. If at least 2 out of the major 3 (BugVarChoni) were happy, that third was fucked over by something so petty or right out of left field. The first couple breakups from each party made sense, They were done to protect the other from getting hurt each time. But the rest feels like lazy writing. You can have couples fight and not just throw in the towel.
- You can't tell me that Riverdale doesn't have any magic in it. Not only did CAOS take place in RiverDALE at one point, but when Archie and Jughead go to deliver drugs in Greendale, Archie comes across a dead deer walking. Not to mention Cheryl's magic powers that show up later, but that's for another post.
- The whole "we have a gang but we are going to be lawful and awesome" thing is very cringe lmfao. They also mention the Hells Angel's once or twice about what they do for children around christmas. This is true. I'm a Canadian in Alberta and my uncles were all in the Hells Angel's when they were younger, however they also weren't some perfectly wholesome gang. They do heavy shit. The way they removed all the adults except for FP was also a weird choice, but it's probably because there's no way 40-50 year old gang bangers are going to let a 17 year old kid run the show.
- I'm in the midst of season 3 and I'm reminded at how much I hated the farm plot. The whole "Alice was working with Charles the whole time" thing feels just as thrown together rewatching it as it did when I first watched the twist.
Not to mention the hell that is sitting through Veggie Tales.
However I do wanna point out some plots I really loved to rewatch.
- Serpent!Alice Cooper/Smith. In love. The way she redeemed herself and every time was wearing snake skin was gorgeous and they look amazing on her.
- The midnight club was a great episode and plot. It was cheesy, sure, but it was interesting and made people invested in the parents for once.
- Falice felt very Romeo and Juliet. They honestly kind of remind me of Bughead now. Once incredibly in love, moved on with secrets, things left unsaid, and now no one knows their fate. They for sure would have been endgame is S.U. didn't leave the show.
- Betty's time at The Sisters of Quiet Mercy. I wasn't a fan of the gang not noticing/thinking she was at the farm, however I enjoyed it.
- Bughead and Varchie at Lodge Lodge. I want more that.
-Cheryl's coming out story. It made sense, and actually didn't really feel rushed at all. Cheryl never acted out of love or feelings until she met Toni. She tried to get something out of all the men she kissed on the show. There was never any indication that she genuinely liked any of them.
ANYWHO thats my thoughts so far without making this a million pages long.
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pinkhysteria · 3 years
especially if they are gonna bring in mlm rep as soon as the main character who is half of a sapphic r/ship leaves.
okay then, what explanation do you have for someone who loved the tvdu, and who loved her character so much to suddenly w/ no warning and no resolution to their storyline that has nothing to do with a hostile work environment... i dont think youre anything like joss whedon or jmargs im just pointing out that they both drove actors who played beloved actors out and the latter essentially tried to gaslight the audience abt it, especially with former crew members saying shit like 'there will be 1/
justice. escaping was enough for me' maybe the other actors are having fun but i dont think omono chris courtney or quincy would have been near matt that much and jenny and danielle are not marginalised in the same way that kaylee is. i dont know why youre so wrapped up in your hatred of a fictional character that you are willing to defend the honour of brett matthews and matt davis anyway. especially since josie is a queer woman but also just in general.
first of all, i do need you to drastically lower the condescension when speaking on marginalization and the understanding of it - when you are very much white as fuck and i very much am not!
i dont think youre anything like joss whedon or jmargs
yeah, well, you should probably not address me as them, let alone on anon. that’s incredibly fucking weird. and you should stop going around bothering everyone on anon repeating the same things period, idk what your problem is.
thirdly, the point is it’s fucking insane that - AGAIN - you guys have enjoyed watching the show with matt on it knowing he’s racist. and conveniently are only up and arms now that content for your ship/fave has dried up. why were you content to watch knowing how he spoke about kat and bonnie fans? why were you content watching when peyton/raf, a lead character, was being sidelined? why were you even content starting legacies in the first place with the history tvd/to has with characters of color?
your fandom has also been begging julie “black women will save us uwu because white women are too fragile to do it!” plec to come back and play showrunner again, all because she’s easier bullied. but y’all are just sooo concerned about racism, lmfao.
these are all things that AREN’T speculation being pulled out of my ass, these are tangible realities, and none of them earned you lot throwing tantrums about cancelling the show. how convenient.
it's very simple. if matt's transgressions are so cancel-the-show worthy, why were you all not campaigning for that while kaylee was still on the show?
and if landon disintegrated after sex w/ hope and they only announced that aria was leaving the show right after the ep aired i think most handons would be pissed
yeah... and your side of the fandom would be mass cheering? one of the main twitter accounts currently advocating for the show to be cancelled literally was involved in the petition to have him taken off the show. no is buying y'alls "uwu if it was another chr :(" bullshit, because we have dealt with your side of the fandom being incredibly nasty about everything unrelated to that ship.
especially if they are gonna bring in mlm rep as soon as the main character who is half of a sapphic r/ship leaves.
this would imply kaylee leaving wasn’t an absolute last minute decision then, because the casting call for that person was earlier... in which case kaylee was not abruptly driven off?? ‘bad writing’ is not kaylee/josie specific. most of the people whining don’t give a damn about ‘half of a sapphic ship leaving’ either, because they’ve been wanting finch dead for two seasons now?
but i dont think omono chris courtney or quincy would have been near matt that much
i know it may be difficult for you guys to acknowledge anyone other than the one who has played a white girl for years, but kaylee was not in fact the only cast member of color who has had plotlines with matt. chris/kaleb HAS had numerous scenes with alaric/matt, what the fuck are you talking about? aria is literally stuck with him right now. does that mean the experiences can’t be different? no.
but as you idiots are failing to grasp, you guys do not get to write - yes - fanfiction about things you know nothing about and demand everyone fall in line and coddle it. you all are presenting speculation as fact and, as you did re: y'alls ridiculous show theories, attacking anyone who has the nerve to not bow down and agree with you.
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petekaos · 4 years
What did you think about the last episode!!
hi hi! so uhhh... this is going to get long and i’ve combined like 10 other asks i want to address, so your ask may be answered here! if you want Rahul’s Take On The 2gether Finale, then brace yourself.
...I didn't really like the last episode, I feel like it could've been a lot better/more emotional
I dunno if it's because I didn't like the last 2 episodes but even though the show literally finished I'm not emotional? The last episode I felt actually really happy watching was ep 9 but now I'm just 'ok, that show finished.' I'm sad bc I thought I would have a stronger reaction to the ending and them getting back together but I'm just meh :/
Really don't want to sound like those annoying people but damn really no kiss scene
I liked the ending, it was okay I guess but gmmtv better prepare for a shitstorm bc so many people didn't lololol
Honestly the best and well written episodes were ones where they still weren't a couple, like 8 and 9 were amazing
Although the finale was good, I feel llke in the future when I want to rewatch my favorite moments from this series, I will go for the first 10 or so episodes more often than not. It kinda feels like 2gether peaked around episodes 7-10, which is perfectly fine!! It was all in all a great series that did what it wanted to do and I’ll always cherish it but, I probably won’t rewatch much of the last two episodes
They made pam even worse!! Before she had her talk with tine anyway!!
My thoughts on the finale: could've been a lot better, could've been a lot worse
2Gether really felt like a giant inflatable castle that was carefully blown up for the past 12 weeks only to let it rapidly and poorly deflate in the end
The ending was fine and was expected but for me it's underwhelming in the sense that the past episodes, especially 4, 8 and 9 were really written in comparison so the finale is kinda meh bc I knew there was gonna be a happy ending. But still the YouTube comments and what some people on tumblr are saying is ridiculous, I don't want to even think about Twitter but imo I don't think any of gmmtvs other shows can top dbks ending like that ending was perfect,
i honestly love that 2gether focused so much on the story and the emotion and became so successful without all the usual fan service. i hope the whole industry takes something away from that! but i still felt like the finale was a little emotionally stunted when it came to tine/sarawat. i just wanted a big YES, I CHOOSE YOU moment, and tine's reappearance and the bracelet scene just didn't do it for me. you know what would have, though? a kiss. or a hug, or holding hands, or something sweet
okay, my friends! here is my opinion on the 2gether finale first, and then i’m gonna address what i personally hold of the more negative response the fandom has shown. i generally thought the finale had... a solid ending. i went into it with absolutely no expectations apart from sarawat’s song and a happy ending, because i knew it would be messy and not as good as ep 4 or 9 etc, considering the sheer amount of open storylines that were left to be resolved in one episode. i knew it would polarise the fandom--but i personally thought the ending was fine! a bit cliche, a bit rushed, but it was okay and it was a good enough ending for me to put 2gether behind me, the first season at least. the bracelet scenes and shots were amazing, the song was incredible (although i wish they would have had sarawat sing a bit more), the conversation pam and tine had was solid as well! there were a lot of things i liked about the finale and bright and win killed their solo acting as always. however, there are some things i wanna get into more detail about that i feel could have been done better, not only as a finale but as a show itself.
time allocated for the storylines. or: plotlines in general. this has been my bone to pick ever since episode 10. not gonna lie, this wasn’t good, especially from ep 10 onwards. there were so many storylines and plotlines that were dragged out further than necessary, and so many plotlines that should have started earlier. best example for this is mil and phukong, the mil redemption storyline should have started in ep 10 and should have had him be sincere for once, and the mil/phukong storyline should have actually made sense from the beginning and started in ep 11 at the latest. the mantype storyline should have also started a bit earlier than that and given us an explanation as to why type was crying at the retreat. however, mantype did pull it off!
writing! this ties in with the first point. the writing felt a bit inconsistent in the last two episodes and it’s a pity, really, that this is one of the downfalls :/ all the actors in this series, from the mains (bright, win, mike, toptap, frank, drake) to the side characters (gunsmile, love, gigie, film, etc.) are such good actors and it’s unfortunate that the last three episodes were a bit :// in terms of writing and plotlines. they all did the best they could with what was written and that... yeah.
conflict. this has to do with the first two points. the finale felt rushed. that’s something that i don’t think anyone really can argue? and i expected that, so i wasn’t too disappointed by it or anything. obviously it would have felt rushed considering the fact that they had to wrap up 3 or 4 episodes’ worth of storylines in one episode, which was a blunder on the writers’ part. the conflict fell flat, then. if they had had pam come in earlier and had tine and sarawat spend more time away from each other, we would have gotten an explosive reaction. i really do think that after they got together for real, the writers struggled to find conflict to keep the story going, jumping from tine’s insecurities to mil to pam for no reason whatever. i think it would have been much better done if we had mil as an antagonist wrapped up and on the road to redemption in ep 10 and had pam come in there, with tine’s insecurities as a b plot. i feel that would have been a bit more gripping. but, hey, guess that’s just me!
order of filming. this has to do with people saying that brightwin’s chemistry was off in the finale. i don’t think it was off, per se, but it was definitely lacking when we compare it to their chemistry in ep 4 or 9 or 10, y’know? that’s because i believe the finale was filmed earlier, when bright and win were still getting to know each other and figuring out how well they could improv. and they can improv, from what we’ve seen! so there really is nothing i can say apart from the fact that it’s a bit disappointing that they decided to film such a pivotal scene at the beginning. if it had been filmed in the end, it would have definitely been better!
flashbacks. the finale needed all the time it was gonna get, and i am disappointed by the amount of flashbacks they used, honestly. i would have cut down on the number of sarawatine flashbacks and used them sparingly when they reunited, because that just... makes sense and evokes emotion in the viewer, you know? the only flashbacks that served well were type’s view of everything and phukong and mil, because they were new. it just... felt a bit inauthentic.
pam. or: the girls in general. there is nothing i can do here but SCREAM. pam should have come in way earlier and replaced mil as the centre point of conflict for ep 11 and 12 to have been as good as the rest of the show, or ep 4 and 9 at least. her character fell so flat and the conflict she brought with her fell so flat as well, honestly. the girls should have been done better--more of earn and sarawat! more of pear! they could have tied into the plot effortlessly!
mil and phukong x mil. yeah this is a... whole ass bulletpoint, unfortunately. call me a clown all you want for expecting him to have at least a half assed redemption arc in the finale but goddamn was that... not good. really bitter over the fact phukong was straight up okay with being a “replacement” for tine even though... that doesn’t even make sense. i just... yeah, this wasn’t good. i feel super bad for frank and drake because they deserve a well written show or at the very least a well written storyline for all of their chemistry and work they put in, considering the fact that they are so so young. i could go on about a good mil arc for ages but i just... yeah i’m writing a fic, so y’all will see.
the reunion. this stems from the flat conflict and the rushed-ness of it all, but yeah. it wasn’t particularly hard-hitting, but i still enjoyed it because it’s sarawat and tine. this has to do with when they filmed as well, and just... because the angst didn’t start early enough for it to hit home. and i really do wish we’d had a scene after that with the both of them, alone. a lot of their things happen with a lot of people around them... and nah.
one year later. bro. bro. bro. the music club thing was cute! but i would have just... loved to see them alone, y’know? a scene of them being alone and intimate, just sitting next to each other on the couch or at a football game or sarawat continuing bringing the cheerleaders snacks, even a year later. them going to another concert. anything where they were just... alone. i wanted to see them together! we got that with mantype and we even got that fucking... scene on the roof where mil and phukong were just fuckin around? yeah? i would have loved to see that with sarawat and tine so much. (also btw pretty sure the rooftop scenes with mil and phukong is also where drake and frank took this photo and it made me so happy dhsndh like... the shot where mil took his hand off phukong’s eyes? i called it immediately and my partner was like ???)
intimacy. chemistry. the biggest thing everyone is talking about. now comes the part that y’all all wanted to know if you’ve been reading this far lmfao, my take on the fact that was no kiss in the finale! and my take is... i expected there to be no kiss in the finale somewhere deep within, and honestly i’m fine with not having a kiss. my only problems with all of this are first of all, that we didn’t get a proper kiss in the entire series and had sarawat kissing tine one-sidedly. secondly, i would have loved verbal intimacy as well! an i love you, or y’know, some hand holding, anything! this is also due to the fact that i believe the series was filmed relatively early on. i just wish... again, that they would have been alone one year later and we could have just seen them being domestic, as we have already seen them!
so those are some of my thoughts on the finale. considering the fandom’s response... i can see why people are upset or disappointed but i don’t think it’s, like, that justified to throw the whole show away as well. yeah, the ending wasn’t perfect, but if you’ve enjoyed the show as a whole... maybe it’s okay, y’know? like, personally, i don’t think i’m ever going to rewatch the finale. but i do love the earlier episodes and i am gonna watch them back at some point, probably! it’s all well and good and valid to criticise the lack of intimacy and kissing in the finale i guess, but if you’re a straight girl then maybe... watch your words. 2gether has portrayed a wonderful love story between two men and to see straight people throw it away as “bromance” or say it’s the “straightest bl of all time” or whatever because of the lack of kisses is kind of hurtful. i am completely open to discussing this with lgbt people, mlm specifically, and you can come talk to me about your thoughts if you’re a straight woman as well. all i’m asking for is that you maybe show a little bit of empathy and respect, y’know? i also do think 2gether peaked around episode 9/10 and i’m fine with that! it gave me so much more than characters and relationships--it gave me the fandom and everyone here and words cannot express how grateful i am for all of you. maybe the last few episodes were poorly written and the finale wasn’t everything y’all hoped for... but i did and do love this show. i cannot wait to see where brightwin go next.
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cassierobinsons · 3 years
i’m starting s5 in a few days so lemme get this post out of the way 
4x20/The Rapture was one of the episodes i caught on tv back in 2009! it gave me brainworms. 
one thing i didn’t remember is how achingly real the jimmy-amelia interactions are after he turns up on her doorstep. amelia isn’t instantly ecstatic and eager to welcome him back into their home, she’s understandably very wary and initially doesn’t even let jimmy see claire until he can come up with a suitable explanation. tonally it feels more like a sombre family drama than a CW show. 
sam’s behaviour becoming increasingly erratic yessss i love drama i love sam being a cunt!
dean’s COMPLETE lack of chemistry with jimmy is so funny lmfao
cas: i serve heaven not man. and i certainly don’t serve you. *2 eps later* cas, with dean: me and the bestie <3
good fucking sam ep! the scene between him & bb sam broke my heart! “we were never gonna be normal. we were never gonna get away. grow up.” s4 IS the secret good spn!
i appreciated that hallucination!dean pointed out that like. he’s there. he’s back from hell. sam’s priorities shifted enough that eventually his quest to kill lilith stopped being about avenging dean and became about wanting to prove himself as the Most Special Boy. only sam can do this! even a hallucination of his mother tells him dean is too weak and only he can do it 💀
dean’s behaviour during s4 and in this ep especially has frequently been frustrating but honestly... this season’s been so good with maintaining an emotional throughline with him to the point where i could probably detail out where he is emotionally on an episode-by-episode basis so i get it. no matter what he does, it makes sense as a product of his hell trauma + plus existing unaddressed issues.
it’s the logical conclusion of all the fucked up messy shit that’s been happening all season. it feels kinda prestige drama-y in that NO ONE is likeable and NO ONE is making the right decisions but EVERYTHING everyone does makes sense and can be empathised with because it feels like a logical extension of their trauma and upbringings not to mention the dire straits they’re in.
i mean, cas opened the panic room door! he snitched on anna! sam & dean beat the absolute shit out of each other! christ!
4x22/Lucifer Rising is the BEST finale it is so sexy it’s insane. all the azazel scenes, dean+bobby, deancas in the beautiful room, sam going COMPLETELY off the deep end, FUCK YESSSSSSS. if i saw this as it was airing i would’ve lost my mind lmfao
cas really abandoned heaven for dick. gay icon!
“we’re making it up as we go” is in an insane line to write about two of your characters if you never intended for them to be read as romantic. once again: ERIC YOU CHOSE-
another female character dead. i was starting to believe spn had forgotten its roots!
okay obligatory horny comment. i watched a few youtube reaction vids to the finale and i shit you not at least two people said that when cas cut his arm they thought he was gonna make dean drink his blood and i swear i’m now so angry they didn’t do that. how dare they not give me sexy deancas blood drinking.
and that’s a wrap for s4! i cannot believe i’ve gotten this far. if my teenage self could see me now!
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costellos · 4 years
LOL A 401K IM DEAD but honestly...... tru
all that tax stuff, retirement plans.... nanami’s got it covered. and then there’s gojo, committing tax fraud 🤧 i’d compare gojo to salt as a seasoning but that’s kinda mean, he does have some flavor. like, sugar probably suits him better?? sweet, can be addicting, but bad for you if have too much of it 🙈 AND THEN NANAMI. man’s the whole spice rack, he wouldn’t have it anything less since he loves food so much 😤 he is, as we say, umami personified 🤌
yeah, it’s unfortunate lmfao but oh well. i do occasionally have them in a smoothie though, like you said!
alsjfhsha it’s def time consuming.... like i’d be sitting down w my family and when i’m finally done picking it all out, they’ve finished eating welp 😭 and yeah, the rational part of me knows that, but i’m that person someone has to go up the service worker for and be like “excuse me she asked for no pickles” (except i didn’t 🙈) i’m much better in restaurants bc the language barrier isn’t as intimidating so i will tell them to leave out an ingredient if it’s something i can’t easily take out
mmmmm i can see that! he’d be the guy who’d eat pizza with a fork and knife wouldn’t he lol. and dab all the excess oil off w a napkin. he probably only goes to the Legit pizza places too haha but i think if he likes you enough he can be convinced to eat almost anywhere
ofc!! ask games are more fun if it goes both ways 😌 and ooooo tsumu! interesting...... 👀 those are honestly such good date ideas w a guy like atsumu! that’d rly be smth he’d enjoy and ngl the moment i read ‘something physical’ i immediately imagined y’all racing LMAO. he’s a prime example of how competition can be good for you w the right person, so i can see you filling in the space osamu left after he decided to focus more on his food aspirations. like imagine making cute lil bets w him and the loser having to do what the winner wanted hehe. omg a double date w the miya twins would be sm fun tho??? from my impression of you so far, i definitely trust you to keep tsumu in line lmfao so catch me there. me and osamu are the ones spectating and judging your guys’ competitions and cheering you on to beat atsumu like we’re olympic commentators or smth LOL
aaaaa i’m honestly p shy but if anything can get me to come off anon, it’d be nanamin 😂 (it’s like we’re todo and yuji bonding over their shared type but w nanami skdjfjsjsjs) let me know if you prefer to keep it here or on discord and i’ll give you my account, whichever platform you like better! also congrats on 1k! much deserved!! 🎉
cut for length!
A;LDSKJ GOJO WOULD COMMIT TAX FRAUD. lmao salt is a lil mean!! sugar is more fitting <3 sugar is also used for more fun foods, and I feel like it matches him bc of his sweet tooth. but Nanami........ o lawd. definitely the whole spice rack yes. 100% agree. pls I would use him in everything. wait was that a weird thing to say?
ah I totally understand! well, u got this friend. the next time u go out for Mexican food, I’ll be there cheering for u in spirit!!
and yes.... ugh... I don’t think he’s particularly picky, he’ll try anything. he just doesn’t like foods that are excessive, if that makes sense? like what you were saying with the grease. I think he’s more the type to like subtle flavors. an obnoxious meat lover’s pizza from The Hut would be a no go, but he’s down for a, quote, Legit Pizza Place. the kind of Italian restaurant that’s authentic! but let’s admit it, by that point it wouldn’t even technically be “pizza.” authenticity comes with a price :’)
ty friend you’re far too kind 🥺 AND PLS YOU’RE MAKING ME BLUSH OVER MY LAPTOP HHHHHHH. I would love nothing more than to fill the Osamu-shaped hole in his heart once they both go into their separate careers. and god..... don’t encourage him. or me. I would definitely make bets w him. and I would win. but thank you sweet anon, I would do my best to keep him from annoying the shit out of you!! it would be an honor to have you and Osamu comment on our tomfoolery. 👉👈
MY GOD I WAS ABOUT TO KEYBOARD MASH AGAIN. we’re definitely Todo and Yuji.... u like Nanami and so now I’m obligated to imagine a whole life we coulda had together in high school together. even tho I graduated five years ago. and I’m assuming you did some time ago too since you mentioned you’re old...... lordt. anyway! thank you for the congrats!! I would love to discuss more headcanons and such w you over Discord! dm me and I’ll add you so that we can sob over Nanami’s absence in the anime <33
nanamin date anon said: me, rewatching eps 9-13 on replay until the new episode comes out: hahaha i love all the jjk characters equally! nanamin and *looks at smudged writing on hand* the extras
lol i love them all rly, it’s just super refreshing to have an adult like nanami in a shounen
haha yeah, i’m definitely glad i’m not the oldest (bc that’s way too much responsibility for me, idk how they do it) so being player 2 as a younger sibling isn’t too bad, especially since it’s the story that i’m usually more interested in rather than the gameplay itself. i don’t have to worry about remembering which buttons to press in a fight when i can just watch the plot play out lol. (it’s definitely a good game, i just suck at the controls 😅 my brother let me play a bit and i couldn’t get the web swinging down i was struggling so bad aslfjjfsjak) what sort of games are you into? 👀
even if it’s boring to some ppl, watching is a good way to experience the game for yourself as well, esp if it’s a single player game! ofc i do tend to prefer multiplayer games, but it’s not too dissimilar to watching someone play a sport tbh. AND NO KENMA IM PRO-SIDEQUEST LIVE OUT YOUR COMPLETIONIST DREAMS. if we gotta fetch that dude a super rare item to unlock his backstory we MUST do it ok
YEAH! mikorin is also voiced by noya’s va! it’s honestly a shame gsnk didn’t get a second season, it’s so good 😔
me: lol does that mean kuroo’s your tomoda
kenma: ok this date is over
LMFAOOOOO not my fault the popular choices are the ones that get you the good end 😤 and it’s all good, i’m also guilty of replaying to see how the other choices impact the story haha. if there’s no save system tho, i’d make him switch out w me every time we replay bc i’d zone out at all the repeat stuff (bless games that have a skip option 🙏)
UGH TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! ok so I love the other charas too but.... Nanami’s so good. so good. iono about you, anon, but I went back and rewatched his episodes from the dub and it made me Feel Things. and I agree, it is refreshing to see an adult like him in shounen. esp since he treats the kids like kids. and he makes it clear that their being kids is never a bad thing. I will reiterate: he’s so good.
ahhh friend that’s so nice!. your brother sounds really chill. plus it sounds like a good balance: you get to watch the story, and he gets to dick around!! win-win. and as for my fav games, I’m up for anything! I try to avoid co-op games like Overwatch bc I get too competitive and I’m a sore loser lmao (but they are fun!). the last games I played were the Last of Us 2 and Persona 5, two very different games, but stuff that’s a good time nonetheless. tbh as long as I can immerse myself in the story and there’s tons to explore, I’m down. what about you?? you’d kind of mentioned otome games and Animal Crossing, but I’m curious!
hm. interesting. that’s a nice way to look at it. I guess if it’s a really good game, it’s no different from an interactive movie! also Kenma would love that omg you’re going to save so many villages in the rpgs he plays w you.... gotta max out EVERYTHING. every side quest! every mundane task!! collect literally every feather!!! but I feel like he would pass the time by making idle conversation. like some dumb shit Lev had mentioned earlier that day. such a nice way to unwind at the end of the day, shit talking Lev w his fav person 😌
anyway! going back to completionist stuff: Kenma would have such a blast going back and replaying games w you! and yes bless games w a skip option hhh. thankfully he’d remember all your previous choices together, so he can help navigate where to go next. he has no qualms handing the controller over, I think he’d love to curl up next to you and analyze how you play! but I also feel like he’d be giving unwarranted suggestions....... thanks, Kenma.
also, about Mikorin’s va: WHAT. OH MY GOD. so many things to learn..... pls. indulge me w your trivia.
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goldtips · 5 years
okay so ya girl is back at it again. this was originally going to be a reply to someone but well. it got out of hand. i shat all over babylon the anime a while ago and honestly kind of feel bad. there are definitely things that the show does that makes it stand out, esp as a seasonal anime bc you dont expect dir. to spend much time on them!!!! like if we’re comparing this to shows like fanservice anime or any .. mediocre seasonal isekai then ofc this show is better lmfao. the only reason i shit on it is because i expected this anime to be Better ;;;;;;;
mind, i’m not rescinding my statement - as far as i’m concerned, babylon is still a hella frustrating anime because it tries to showcase humans as nihilistic, utilitarian robots that don’t seem to consider the topic of suicide emotionally even though thats supposedly humanity’s defining trait ??? and it deals with the topic of suicide with the care of elephants gallivanting in the fucking savanna :))) the whole show has also been pretty lacklustre in terms of characterization, trying way too hard to be intellectual and feed edgy plot points instead of giving any development - the plot feels reactionary overall and placid rather than exciting. also, the fact that the anime started as a mystery / politico-legal sort of show just makes the transition from that to abstract theory even more forced...........
HOWEVER im promised im going to stop shitting on babylon so lets talk about what the anime does right shall we. more specifically,,, the biblical imagery!!! is great !!!! : D
the show is called babylon. in the old testament (ot), babylon is humanized as a “brutal, callous and proud” woman who “believed that she would reign over the earth forever.” in the new testatment the phrase “she who is at babylon” refers to the new world culture currently at war with the covenant community. in such that rome, as a mistress or whore of the new world, is seeking to seduce and subvert people of god, enticing men to fall “drunk with the wine of her fornication.”
yes,,,, a whore who uses sex to entice innocent men into complying with new culture? who believes herself to be akin to god and also in this context, above the law and morality - im gonna say its not too far a stretch to say that magase was intended to symbolise the whore of babylon.
however, that’s not all - links can be made between the enactment of the suicide laws and the seduction of new culture. who exactly is leading the front? kaika itsuki ( 齋 開化 ), who’s name literally means culture. that aint a coincidence. also, that weirdly-placed reference to roman law / norms during the suicide debate as a way to convince the masses to revert / adopt roman ideology??? also not a coincidence. :))))
in addition, there are two other major biblical events related to babylon:
the book of revelations; and
the tower of babel.
its safe to say that both narratives are being pushed atm.
in revelation 17, the spirit of babylon decends upon earth through the whore. she arrives on the back of a beast with 7 heads, “arrayed in purple and scarlet”, “drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” “seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” the revelations also prophesizes that she will be defeated by a beast, but it is unclear as to which. there are two beasts in book of revelations. the first beast comes "out of the sea" given authority and power by the dragon/serpent. the second beast comes "out of the earth" directing people to worship the first beast, a "false prophet".
in a similar vein, nomaru had secretly vouched for itsuki’s, providing itsuki with the necessary resources for him to rise up in ranks and become the new mayor. the kanji for ryuichiro nomaru ( 野丸 龍一郎 ) contains both the kanji 野 and 龙 which respectively mean field (i.e. earth) and dragon. they are key references to the beasts of revelation
plus according to nomaru, it was also purely because of magase that the political struggle turned out the way that it did, meaning that she is ultimately the one controlling the entire operation. this mirrors the way she is sitting on the heads of the beast (i.e. the proverbial brains of the campaign that itsuki is heading) 
we also see that when magase uses her powers her eyes and hair glow in a sort of purple/burgundy color to support the imagery as well! 
the book of revelations is the final chapter of nt. it is merely an allegory of struggle between good and evil and doesnt refer to actual people or events. kinda like the show huh. nyyy way, we see that the protag john the apostle writes down what is revealed to him through visions to send it to the 7 churches :))
kinda like how zen keeps on seeing magase through visions and has to document !! his findings and report back to admin? ik this isnt exact but there’s a bit where he has to write down her confession and it really struck me as weird until this bit popped up, maybe that was included to as a way of tying in :))
according to the myth, there were plans to build a city and tower high enough to reach heaven - god who observes this confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other. why? because “now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.”
while not entirely similar, we see recurring themes in babylon that deal with miscommunication and new ideology. the conflict mirrors the myth in that unity of language (or ideology in this case) and its subsequent discordance once differentiated. 
the interrogation scene in ep 4 deals with reconciling differences. magase asks whether those with different values should be accepted, despite them being contrary to norm. all this time, society has been developing an ideal set of norms - the entire country shares the same values and priorities with no deviation. growth has stagnated. in similar fashion to how god commands for many languages to be created, magase sows the seeds of doubt towards long-standing assumptions and moral values in order to create discordance and push japan into a state of new development
in the new campaign, itsuki proposes to apportion shiniki city from japan and instill new values. this confounds the population and sends them into disarray - the tower that they have created is crumbling, in similar likeness to the parable of babel.
SO TL;DR this show has a really cool starting concept i cant lie?????  i for one am not shitting on its supernatural elements (even though the flow was a little inorganic) in hindsight there’s no point in expecting a show called babylon not to delve into supernatural/biblical elements lol :)))
as a right hoe for imagery and philosophy/ethics, this gave me high hopes but the execution of everything else was way below average. why bring in a discussion about suicide that’s poorly researched + try to be edgy abt it and have the citizens to have support it so easily???? ruins the immersion so much
if the anime really wanted to focus on philosophy there should be some mention of ethical theory to justify his point. like, being aimlessly philosophical only ends up being flowery and pseudo-bullshit lmao. one of hte reasons why i was so frustrated with magase and zen’s discussion in the interrogation room. like woman what was your fucking point. its only wasting screentime if you don’t get anything from the conversation. the philosophy was so fucking unnecessary - babylon could have been executed as an in-depth political/psychological anime instead. WITHOUT THE SUICIDE.
this and the lack of good characters really bummed me out. i think that the show was expecting me to connect to some of the characters before they were fucking killed off but i didn’t end up giving a single shit about any of them so. :) the whole show feels more about the shock factor and gore than about interesting plot.
concept 10/10, execution 1/10
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40, 47, 59, 62, 76
lmao hell yeah thanks for All this support i love it!! quastions
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
really idk i feel like even our schools’s Antics were pretty par for the course and i was just sitting in the corner reading the whole time basically......trying to think if anything wild happened in college but even then it was p similar. well you know what, whatever donors covered the majority of the cost of the school’s black box theater being renovated apparently Stipulated that every other year a rodgers and hammerstein production be put on. absolute freaks. my roommate/friend and their then-boyfriend, the one mormon i have Knowingly Known in my life, were in pirates of penzance (sic?) together. hilarious
47. favorite type of cheese?
i like cheddar and like, parmesan, smoked gouda.....let’s get that shit Sharp!!! and hard lmao
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
idk i’d be like an npc just doing their weird thing on their own. i’ve never played pokemons unless you count pokemons Go but i think about the famed “i like shorts they’re comfy and easy to wear” npc kid. like, yeah. i feel the same. and would say similar bullshit nobody asked about
62. seven characters you relate to?
oh god.........recognizing the self through the relatable characters :|
well let’s just talk about the wrol roles right off b/c the characters that Most occupy my gay thoughts (which is to say: my general thoughts) will inevitably get priority when it comes to Remembering things
1) whom among us doesn’t relate to jared kleinman........will roland emerging from relative obscurity and coming for our entire fucking lives like the goddamn legend he is. it’s tough b/c it’s like, oh well alana is relatable too, so is evan unfortunately sorry evan, and in ways i might ~usually act~ like one of those two more than jared but. no. it is Jared who wins the relatability contest, and we all get to be beautifully haunted by it forever
2) leaning hard into winston even with the few glimpses of him b/c somehow will Cannot play an allistic cishet. and this is even More of a case where maybe i don’t much have winston’s demeanor.......even without winston being a beacon of confidence, he has more confidence lmao. and he has that ability to just Be Himself in a situation which, i wish i had that moxie lmao. i am a lot more [usually trying to be accommodating wayyyy harder than i should], booo......even though he’s clearly not great at conflict considering how it doesn’t take Too much to put him out, it’d be pretty impossible for me to be all “called them hacks and lame” or carry out a very irritated monologue in front of four people in the first place lmao. but who knows. and it’s more in the details of like, oh no winston’s the odd one out even though he hasn’t really Done Anything, but we all ~understand~ why he Deserves it.........his expectation / treating it basically as Fact that he will disappoint people.......the [weird] [offputting] behaviors and his way of speaking in What he Says and How He Says It seeming wrong to people.......like it’s only 15-ish min of content that we have here and we don’t have the least info about will’s own thoughts on the character but it’s like. how is this such an iconic Gay Autistic Quant b/c these vibes are so rare. and i appreciate that he can be ~difficult~ lmao. same with jared though i didn’t mention it. i can be difficult!! love it for us...
3) briony atkins from murder of bindy mackenzie as a character who Does act more like how i Usually Act Like lmao.....god we’re only on three i forgot there was seven of these. and yet i know there’s probably at least 2 dozen characters who could make this list and i just won’t think of most of them unless directly reminded......but anyways yeah i mean in person i mostly do Not want attention unless i feel comfortable enough / in my element or whatever. especially if it’d be some situation like “sitting in a group of randos” lol. i mean it depends b/c i also can sometimes be ~on~ in terms of Masking and trying to be like Haha I’m Social I’m Regular and i def engage in Nervous Chatter sometimes, but like, very often it’s like god don’t talk to me and i don’t want to talk either.....and then yeah people Will be surprised that like, idk, i’m opinionated as shit and idk that i Enjoy Things / Have Thoughts And Feelings coz the assumption i guess is that you must simply have nothing to say. so the dismissal of this person who seemingly has nothing to contribute and must be Boring rings true lmfao.....but then of course it’s also important that her personality Under that is the one getting mistaken for emily’s lol cuz yeah At Heart i am sure of that dramatic / intense / excitable type Sometimes. but it takes some excavation before i am like “oh i can engage in my actual self” and like weeks and months to get comfortable w/ people and i’m always suspicious that anyone actually would enjoy it and i’m not too much......i am a motormouth actually and have something to say about any and everything and like to Have Fun Here but like. idk i come off as boring and can be Notably Quiet lmao
4) oscar martinez from the office is weirdly [Haha Same] sometimes lmfao. sort of keeps to himself but also has to pipe up with Opinions and Pedantry and the kind of Drama of a restrained theatre gay. some deleted scene from an episode where during an interview clip of Jimothy in a theater lobby and you have oscar call from across the group in that [wearied Ugh God] way of ‘jim, they’re remaking ___’ while jim just kind of gives a cursory “wow gosh” or whatever and like, i sure don’t have lots of Theatre Opinions but that “oh jeez i have a Take on this and have to share it with someone” vibe is like hahaha yeah.....it’s funny in the “the gang goes to the ice rink for a third of the ep” bit where you just catch oscar doing [ice skating turn] with some solemn intensity.......the “here’s a question nobody’s asking: is this worth it” quote.........way at the end where there’s a whole deal with one of the indoor plants and he’s like “why is it a He” @ the collective gendering of the houseplant lmfao.......i love the one thing where he and pam and uhh toby right? have the Finer Things book club or whatever and jim wants to join just like ~ironically~ and pam has to tell him that oscar doesn’t want him to join b/c he’s not going to take it seriously and use it as a Jokes Vehicle. and then you get the scene at the end where jim Is basically doing that and they’re just like taking it out of him and oscar’s all very seriously like “did you get it all out of your system” lmfao like yeah, earnest members only lmao.....the thing where he gets mad at angela’s like Jazz Musician Posed Babies posters all “it’s kitsch it Destroys art” lmaoooo and in a totally different season all “this is the problem with debate” over the completely inconsequential “is [whichever actress, i forget] Hot” “”””debate””””.......the whole tendency to get involved and always have a take to get across.....opinionated-sometimes-to-the-point-of-petty central. also that he’s the canon gay, are there even any others? anyways and as the us office’s spiritual successor i’ll add on to this by uh what’s the name of billy eichner’s character on parks and rec? it’s craig right. that Self-Powered Intensity is very #me as well.
5) augh god........im like lmfao shit who represents my Hater Club side. hmmm. oh no wait you know what. totally different but i love Prof Beatrice Hotchkiss in the trt nancy drew pc game. she’s holed up in her room writing all the time and just is weird when you try to talk to her all like no i won’t open the door, bring me food, do this Research, bring me my Ski Boots i guess......and then when you do meet her it’s all at like post-midnight in the lounge and she’s all like, encouraging you as a Night Owl and your investigative curiosity and all and i’m like oh word yeah being up in the dead of night is the shit. she’s just weird and passionate and this is another character i might not Act hardly at all like but who i vibe with lmfao. hotchkiss was the supportive adult in my life
6) remembering how hotchkiss is a historian made me think of academia which made me think of like, once again with “these vibes are So So Rare” i really ought to put the wrol role of Nato on the list cuz like. that essential representation of “gets gr8 grades but isn’t really ~academic~ / doesn’t care about that and really just cares about Hanging W Friends and [real specific interests]” is like wow damn that’s the Mood. coz like to an extent i can always Relate to the ~overachiever~ types a la the [nerd character gets all-A’s and other nerd shit] deal, but there’s eventually the issue of like.....those characters like bindy mackenzies and alana becks Care about their achievements (not exclusively as some ppl would have it 9_9) and are Studious whereas i always hated school and was a godawful student in terms of Habits and always got good grades b/c the devil was with me or something and like people will think i must have tried real hard and dedicated myself to Academics and stuff and it’s like.........no................not at all hardly, sure i did my hw every night but at like 11:29 pm or studied for a midterm at lunch right before the class lol or flipped through a lil bit of the sat study guide the night prior.........the “low-effort dumbass who Academically Excels Anyhow” representation is so crucial like!! i run into a wall when it’s the Good Grades nerd character who is real studious and focused and stuff like. couldn’t be me. meanwhile the “naturally weird + probably some ‘deliberate’ weirdness” and “likes animals” and “most likely to just wanna Roll With It” and “shitty focus lol” and “non sequiturs” and “without [activity] i do nothing” is all like....ahahahohoho..........nato rly got to make this list. and honorable mention for Wrol Jeremy. again: whom doesn’t relate!!!!!!!!
7) damnit i know there’s So many answers to [characters i relate to] and whom cover like, more particular Facets here but i’m struggling lmao. Uh. like i’m like, who’s the Hot Mess / continually evolving disaster characters i vibe with......who’s the peak despresso detached Haters rep......who embodies the solo production lifestyle........dammit you know what lol i tend to Feel for like, the background ~nobodies~ who might just get like totally destroyed in some movie with life or death stakes just to like, show how much danger our heroes / Important Complex Protags are. same w/ jeremy not feeling like the Hero / the one who the story’s about / the cool guy / player 1 / etc etc etc i’m like oo i’d be the npc who doesn’t really do anything, i’d be the rando getting blown away in the background of someone else’s story. on a totally different note another shoutout / honorable mention to wybie from the coraline lmfao one of the best characters invented from thin air for an adaptation......tangentially relevant b/c he’s entirely here to support the protag / not his story at all, just here to help and prompt interactions / exposition really.......but love that [weird loner kid who’s best friend is a cat and annoys the other kid and doesn’t Get it and has specific interests and entertains himself and just is doing weird shit around here tf dude lmao killing it] like, #mood. #lifestyle. less dismal to relate to than the bg person who dies......his counterpart who totally dies is somewhat fleshed out / given Investment so it doesnt Really count as [background Nobody who’s really just fodder for “defining the stakes / threat level”] Character Concept
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
latkes maybe......Yummy
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yiqiie · 6 years
every week, i’ll sit down and watch the newest episode of Idol Producer Season 2 《青春有你》and write down all my thoughts. nothing get’s left out so get ready for a bunch of memes, shit posts and rants as we get through another season of our fave survival show 
feel free to send me any questions to my inbox and i’ll answer them asap!
a/n: I AM READY i’ve been so hyped after the previews i’m finally feeling a bit of the excitement i got from last season again 
start time: 7:32 am
my wifi has been pretty good lately so i’m praying i won’t have to take all day to watch this ep again 
wait omfg yaochi’s mum 
zyx you’re a little shit ahahahahaha 
also i love your dimple uwu 
no one in A class ;;;;
wait i got too caught up i forgot to write something
but like what he said is true 
you’ve got people who are already such all-rounded people compared to people who are maybe only good at singing so it’s gonna be harder for some people than it will be for others 
i love jolin so much guys she’s teaching them move by move 
i think the mentoring is so much better than last season though 
i think they focused way too much on like being strict last time but this time they’re actually doing move by move teaching 
it might have something to do with experience tbh 
but once again jolin is the cutest human and she’s my number 1 pick lmao 
hu chunyang uwu he’s so shy 
i love li ronghao teaching though 
the poor thing but look at how hardworking 
they’re so nervous though poor babes 
so baby pick-a me! 
i remember when he was teaching mask and all of the boys were doing zyx neck exercises and it WAS THE FUNNIEST THING 
i’m sorry i’m supposed to be focussed on the trainees but i’m mesmerised by zyx lmfao 
dude that is some pretty crazy workout 
they’re asking pd hard questions ahahahhahahaha
li wenhan teaching uwu what an aesthetic 
yaochi’s smile is so adorable 
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yao mingming is so cute honestly 
oh no baby ;;; 
he forgot some of his lines 
please tell me they’re going to A 
i will cry 
pls pls pls i’m begging 
i really have to get better at names 
wait someone got to A 
since when 
what who is it???
only 7 people went up from F ;;; 
please tell me someone went up to A 
no baby don’t cry no no no 
oh shit i’m crying 
okay i’m sobbing i can’t even see my keyboard 
[break while i get a tissue box] 
lol the subtitles aren’t matching the sound 
now there aren’t subtitles 
wait no they’re back 
wang jiayi you’re so hardworking i believe in you gorgeous 
well we already know wenhan is in A 
guan yue my number one pick baby 
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istg if zyx makes another trainee cry
oof his vocal power though 
‘hold me i’m going to faint’ 
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jia yi is holding the fcking yoghurt milk drink and practising 
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honestly my heart hurts so much for these boys they work so hard 
sorry lin mo crying for his teammates is making cry 
wtf jia yi those vocals holy shit 
lian huawei is such a meme i can’t believe this boy 
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sorry this is turning into a guan yue fangirl rant 
back to the topic 
damn that’s a lot of people in A 
sorry HE’S SO CUTE 
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also did jia yi change his hair colour?????
zyx has his proud face on 
casper’s ‘YOU GOIN A MAN’ 
xu fangzhou’s visuals though omg 
honestly the improvement over three days is so much obvious this season then last year 
you can really see how much they put in and how much they’ve improved 
no babes don’t cry no no 
‘my killing part is really weak’ 
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lmfao no one wanting to perform first ahahaha 
guan yue’s smile IS HONESTLY 
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he forgot the moves because he kept smiling AHAHAHA
i’m saying it again 
i’m finally loving the new song 
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jia yi don’t smile at me like that 
you know i can’t handle it 
[brb getting my tissue box] 
okay no one crying so far 
we good 
wait someone’s mum is brushing their teeth AHAHA
okay this is just really cute 
this is hilarious omfg 
‘it doesn’t matter if i can see you on weibo or not’ 
oh guan yue ;;; 
i’ve seen people on weibo saying that they don’t want them to show this bit and that people shouldn’t make a big deal out of it so i won’t talk much 
oh fuck where are my tissues 
no baby don’t cry you’re making them so proud 
lin mo pretending that there’s a bad signal so his mum doesn’t hear him cry 
perhaps my heart is breaking 
so is it gonna be this way producer team 
you’re gonna make me laugh and now you’re giving me all of this emotional stuff 
no li wenhan nope no no no 
i can’t even see my screen 
[break while i get water] 
ooooo group performances!! 
what are the songs this time 
pls don’t tell me there’s gonna be a PPAP level song 
wait like ‘dream’ as in the season one dream???
that was god-tier 
no one’s gonna beat zyx though just saying
ooooo we have a ballad!
it isn’t idol producer without some good old voting 
who’s number one pick 
li wenhan?
i bet it is 
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pls pick a good song though 
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he thought he was gonna be able to chose his song 
but he’s become li wenhan team’s competitor 
no one wants to be chosen anymore because li wenhan AHAHAHHAHAA
wait my wifi cut off how did we get here again 
oh wait three As in the other team 
now we’re onto the next song 
oh the poor baby’s face ;;;; 
before everyone wanted to be the next on picked 
but now no one wants to be picked anymore 
one team per song can’t perform on stage at all 
what the hell 
what’s the point of live voting then?????
5 vocals and there are 4 rap parts AHAHHAHAH 
i love how there isn’t even competing in their team they just kinda force chunyang to be leader lmfao 
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‘whoever has muscles, let them be centre’ AHAHAHHAHA 
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this is so funny i can’t believe this omg 
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wait they’re just kinda spoiling who’s gonna be able to go on stage 
not gonna lie though isn’t that kind of unfair?
oooo these groups look really fcking good 
wait li wenhan group’s outfits are low-key ugly lmao 
they literally just revealed who’s performing ahahaha 
honestly this is really unfair to the people who don’t get to perform 
finish time: 11:03am 
that’s all folks; tune in next week for another episode of mai’s shitposting whilst we suffer through another survival show together!
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0tivez · 3 years
Hello hello! :D
I promise you did not make me feel like a poser! Its a me thing that I have to work in bc I get insecure very easily, so don't worry :D You don't have to apologise for hyper fixating, I do that as well lmfao and your opinions are awesome! I love spoiling myself stuff bc im not patient enough :p ig I did get a bit intimidated?? I think its the first convo in which I've talked about jjk more in depth (like character writing and plot lines, etc) compared to "haha Gojo is hot" WHICH IS FINE bc I do find him attractive and I'm not trying to shame anyone who only talks about JJK bc the characters are attractive that bc I do it too, way too often, to be fair 😅
I feel like im being insanely oblivious right now, but leave aot of what controversial classification?? did you mean the Yaoi ship exploitation or...? TT
Yaoi cafes- I- I totally agree w/ what you're saying. I think there's a lot of fetishisation and tokenization (I hope this is an appropiate term) of mlm relationships.
"haikyuu is very much shipped cause the male friendships in there are so strong and healthy" I absolutely agree with this point. I think that's the part that bothered me the most when discussing shipping ig?? I've seen a lot of arguments to defend/explain people's ships and they kinda never made sense to me bc I saw a clear double standard between the friendship perceived between men and women. Like saying people like each other bc they "trust" each other and are honest with each other about their feelings its kinda absurd imo. I do understand that most shippers are pretty chill and most of the time their ships don't hurt anybody!
No, bc now that you mention tuskkishima/yamaguchi pairing I can actually kinda it. Mainly from Yamaguchi's perspective tho, tho I've only watched 7 eps of the first season and im sorry for saying this but I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE HIM IM SO SORRY I CANT- I find him to be annoying and just there during the first part of S1
Its probably bc he reminds me of myself growing up/right now :,) does that imply that I don't like myself?? Maybe! But that's not the point :D The way Yamaguchi was with Tsukki was kinda the same way I acted around my best friend back then and it was,, messy to say the least LMFAO. I have bnha tag blocked on Tumblr TT but I can see where you're coming from, I've heard a bit about the fandom but not much. I hate the way teenage girls are demonised for liking anything lol. It made me weary of the people around me.
I haven't watched YoI, are we even surprised TT, but I did watch clips of the skating routines when I was a bit more into ice skating! I really enjoyed them; I have the song of Yuri's routine saved on Spotify lol. I never thought of the concept of something not being openly canon but still canon?? I like the way you said it! but I understand why it is frustrating, specially when you know the people who write/direct/create the story are trying to appeal/please to another demographic so their work is more accepted.
Opening twitter is so dangerous no matter where you are.
One time I remember my phone automatically connected to the bluetooth in my dad's car while I was watching stuff. The sound of the video went off for like 5 seconds until I realised that it automatically connected and freaked out. I was also playing with the volume levels bc why did the video shut up???? I was so stupid TT luckily my dad didn't question me lol
I WANNA WATCH THE MOVIE SO BADLY FUCK. I think the first anime movie release we got was Koe no Katachi/a silent voice a while ago but only one theatre was playing it. It was very far from my house and in a dangerous area so my dad wouldn't have let me go TT I know watching the movie is gonna hurt like a bitch but im so prepared for crying my eyes out. Tho knowing im impatient as shit id probably watch the shaky-camera-poor-quality-cinema recording-thats-filmed-at-a-weird-angle-with-the-audience's-heads-in-frame version. I did that with Spiderman no way home bc I couldn't find tickets FOR WEEKS
Why does Gojo smelling like nothing not surprise me at all?? I imagine it being in the same way cats smell like nothing. Sandalwood and incense <3 watch me spritz that fragrance on all my clothes now. I am, in fact, a delulu fan :)
Junji Ito is gonna be the death of me. There's a book store close to me that sells a huge Junji Ito book and I want it so badly bc I wanna read his stuff but its so expensive TT He's drawings are terrifyingly amazing tho, do you have any recs??
NOT CUM LMFAO I got so excited explaining the meaning of csm ngl
My feed has also been flooded (in a positive way) with Yuzuru again, I missed him :,) I will personally sue the hole on the ice, idc what anyone says. At least his 4 axel got approved by the judges! I think he is the first male skater with a certified 4 axel now :D I WATCHED THAT VIDEO AS WELL!!!! It was very interesting and fairly easy to understand if you don't know a lot of ice skating terminology! (like me :p). I didn't know Yuzuru went to college until I watched that video as well, I don't know why I didn't see that coming. Anyway, he's such a sweetheart </3 I will not leave this earth without watching him live at least once. I refuse TT he skates without so much elegance and passion and his "stage" presence (is it still called stage presence in this case??) is amazing, one of a kind, incomparable, unique, stunning, breath-taking-
Everyone hates mappa <3 Just today I was thinking how Tokyo Revengers would've been better (in general) if it was animated by mappa...even though I've only watched clips and the op ;p I do wanna read the manga at some point, I just have to organise myself :,)
YES!!! You won't regret catching up I swear, its so good so far and the cinematography is beautiful!
BARKING AT THE GETO TIKTOK YOU SENT AAAAA WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO MANIFEST IRL HIM TT and no pls bc I fall for Toji thirst traps all the time, and its specifically toji thirsttraps no less LOL I saw one of a girl cosplaying him and Jesus Christ- ✋ I can try to find it but it was a bit a god :,)
Thank you so much, you're gonna make me blush TT I hope you take care of yourself as well!!
Have a good night/day :D
haha yeah i get that too! i used to get that feeling a lot in middle school cause it was popular to call everyone a poser lol glad i got to overcome that. i'm still connected to toxic fandoms and shit but just don't care lmaoo i'm glad i am my own cringe, mainstream self <3
aah you'll love r/jujutsushi then! it's a pretty supporting subreddit where people discuss the manga in depth, it's so fun to read! the haha gojo sexy discussions are fun, i hate how toxic people on tw and shit call those people "cringe" or "posers that read it only to simp" those two can corelate??? thats a whole another vent conversation
aah no i knew i couldn't explain it lol i think i meant it as in your opinions aren't barely there it's just that i support the controversial opinions so mine are just too out there??? i think???
omg let me tell you about this one time, like the day after ch139, a couple people and i tried to explain this dude how eren is finally free and he just... didn't understand it. at all. there we were, 3 people telling the same stuff over and over again, explaining it to him like he was 5, and him being like "okay but why" needless to say, i left the server
i mean i haven't watched much of season 2 yet and i can tell you yamaguchi is still just there lol at least he's cute and he tries <3 man i keep forgetting these are real children lamoo well i mean i kinda relate to tsukki so that means we can be best friends too <3
aah it's so dramatic but so fun kdscflawkvm i don't really like herohei but the bnha videos make me chuckle a lil bit. unsupervised internet at best
yoi is so fun! it's like eating cotton candy. it's pretty short too, 3 episodes are up on youtube! it's so lighthearted. they are VERY canon btw, i would tell you why but it would be a spoiler sooo you should really watch it 👀 but also victor is extremely sexy
bestie..... what were you watching...........
i will absolutely watch the shaky version or maybe even the crunchyroll version if it gets released online before it does here. i want to watch in cinemas too, the action scenes seem incredible
aah it's been such a long time since i got to read manga tbh. i saw uzumaki 3 in a second hand bookstore in my hometown for cheap and got so excited, i couldnt buy it since they didnt have 1 and 2 :(
i taught csm to my spanish speaking friend and she said she had never heard of it before lol so two birds with one stone
yuzuru truly is an artist. wait i found another tiktokwlsaemflswkdmfclsmfr gurl same
i would DIE if mappa reanimates tokyo ghoul like the fans are asking them to, tho i want them to BREATHE for a bit. i enjoy the fast content but cmon man let the animators rest </3
nah cause i don't even feel bad for eating those thirst traps. you should see my fyp. im not even embarrassed anymore. i don't really like cosplays unless hakken does them but man you can't go wrong with toji cosplays (you can but yknow)
have a good one babe, talk to you later <3
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medievalcat · 6 years
caught up on harlots s2
-I don’t like this season as much as the last one but then again it’s not even half done so I;m reserving judgment and it’s still good. I like the new characters
I have a feeling that Fallon not only is trying to get Lucy to be a part of the killings (calling her “Persephone”).....he’s doing it  in part so he has a fall guy when/if he gets caught. Hate. she went from the creep ass Reptons to this guy... :/
I feel like there’s going to be some kind of reveal with Rasselas somewhere down the line but idk. I’m getting Energy
lmfao at the Charlotte is Isabella’s daughter theory
I have........a VERY bad feeling this season ends w Margaret being executed for the death of George especially bc Samantha Morton just got casted in the Walking Dead as a regular, the finale screencaps being leaked of Mags in jail and Charlotte standing outside the house the way Margaret did....idk I think I can see Margaret pursuing justice extensively with Hunt can have the potential to backfire on her, especially because a lot of the other higher justices seem to be on Lydia’s side. Maybe Lydia will be taken down somehow this season but that increasingly to me seems like it will come at the cost of Margaret’s life. I hope at least if this happens Mags and William can work things out before...which seems..not unlikely.. (also didn’t those caps have Nancy locked up again? :O)
I think Blayne is going to be the archon of the Spartans and that’s like the main endgame of that particular storyline. There’s something I’m just not Into in how it;s all written (ie Isabella, etc). I’m not sure how to articulate it  esp bc we’re only 4 eps in but as much as I don’t dislike the writers or want to ~drag them~ I think nowadays there’s this “all representation is good representation” belief that leads people to write about other groups without necessarily putting a lot of care into how they’re doing it. Not that I am trying to speak for other groups and all but you know. Aside from that Blayne and Isabella are scarily close to how I imagined Ramsay and Girl Domeric....
where are Marie Louise, Daniel, etc?? like...what’s going on? it seems weird that the show seems to have just dropped  them. Is there going to be a reveal ? (Daniel was alluded to so it’s not like everyone who isnt here rn is retconned....) I still think Daniel might have deserted and is doing a Don Draper/Dick Whitman false identity thing
I’m really glad that there’s more William this season. I wasn’t sure about where his plotline was going in the beginning but I think it’s interesting he seems to be coming up with his new idea
Please Protect Jacob and let the series end with him as an adult being the best couturier in London
I was kind of like. ....... “I really hope there won’t be some weird affair thing between Violet and Hunt, also, let Violet leave there asap” but I was wrong, but close, bc it now seems like Hunt is proposing to...Amelia....
I like Florence and Mags growing bond
I’d like to see more of Noah & Mags’ new girls. Also I had no idea what the Seven Years’ War was so it would be interesting to see Noah’s perspective on experiencing that
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 5 episode 11
Notes by me
- unnecessary close up of a man smoking
- Russians???
- this would a whole lot better if I knew what they were saying!! Subtitles would be gr8
- gonna put in my own dialogue
Russian guy #1: my god fellow Russian you are looking ravishing today
Russian guy #2: why thank you other Russian guy! As much I appreciate the flattery I still cannot let u and ur shitty truck pass my gate for....reasons
Russian guy #1: ah shit that sucks. What if I said please?
Russian #2: no dice. Heres a piece of paper. Enjoy
Russian #1: gee man ive always wanted a piece of paper thank u :)
*russian #1 goes back to shitty truck to put piece of paper in glove box for safe keeping <3*
Russian #2 randomly for some reason:
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- violence never solved anything lads
- oh they wanted the jaffa
- Sam in civilian clothes I mean shes sexy and hot and I'm gonna faint
- ok!!!!! Free candy van just kidnapped my stargate babe
- "ninjas!!"
- jack being so concerned I'm gonna snap
- "I was in Nam!"
"Oh yeah?? What company?"
Super helpful mister homeless man thank you for your contribution
- hes been telling the cops about ninjas for years and they still wont listen?? The gall, the audacity
- We're asking MAYBOURNE for help now??? Sunk real low in this ep huh
- Sam fighting the drugs and shit like a champ. Boss ass bitch
- "dont turn around" why the fuck not. Its not like he doesnt know what you look like
- ur a bastard and I hate u
- "I could always find anyone anywhere but they could never find me"
"Because they didnt WANT to"
Savage. Went for the jugular. Cut his legs right out from under him. Jack 1 maybourne 0
- ah! The NID is resorting to hiring ninjas now
- "we're talking about carter here"
"I know. I'm sorry jack"
Oh???? Jack is so obvious even maybourne can see it
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- kinsey: how could u possibly mistrust me I am perfect god bless america
Jack: it would bring me so much pleasure to watch you die
- maybourne gave carter up for money?? Disowned. For shame. No longer the weird uncle
- fiber optic host channel adapters FOHCA it says fucka lmfao
- why would maybourne be investigating her kidnapping if he was the one that was a part of it?
- hes not threatening at all lmao
- when Jack comes up behind him and grabs him 👀 aloha cowboy
- "I just want to say how much of a thrill this is for me" oh totally shes having the time of her life too cant u tell by her face
- Deep Space Radar Telemetry™
- Diana you liar!!!! Ur in charge of this whole thing!!! Alexa play diana by one direction
- A WORM!!!!!!!!!!
- zeditron like the robot?
- "that overwhelming desire to shoot you is coming back"
- fraiser where the FUCK have u been. I'm disappointed in u young lady
- Sam escaping like a badass shes wife
- oh just shoot him. They never shoot the guy when they need to
- I cant believe she got that far that was great
- why are cismen so fucking dumb. Especially ones with money. "Great men in history got where we are today by breaking the rules!!" Or the rules were put into place bc those men did some stupid fucked up stuff
- "can I have my gun back"
" NO "
- when she says the doctors can go ahead and kill Sam and they get so excited. U deserve to die
- Daniel faking electrocution is actually something that is so personal-
- jack really just cruising thru life at this point like whatever about everything
- adrian: let me go I prommy I wont strangle you and chop you up into bits and pieces :)
- diana I thought you were smart. One direction did not write a whole song about you for you to be this stupid
- "you alright?"
"Yeah. Very dramatic thank you"
"You bet"
I ahte them I hate them I love them I hate them
- surprise! The goauld is evil which literally everyone saw coming
- bets on who finds him. Moneys on Jack
- maybourne decided to bail at a CONVENIENT time
- FUCK YOU KINSEY. his mouth bugs the shit out of me
- altho I must thank him for giving me some Jack whump *tips my hat*
- well now theres a random goauld on earth. Loose!! Like rats from a lab
Jack oniell whump: Jack shot in shoulder, passed out, blood, hospital scene
Sam carter whump: kidnapped, restrained to bed, forced drugs, gunpoint, manhandled
Listening to 🎶Diana by One Direction🎶 bc obviously
Listening to 🎶Not Over You by Gavin DeGraw🎶 bc Jack is so not over sam!!!! He was so worried!!!! He was distraught and sunk so low to ask maybourne for help. Hes in love
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valeriemperez · 7 years
Hi Tati! I was about to ask you about KL but instead read the asks and your answers and it saddens me. We are at a lost. I feel like they aren't ready yet to incorporate him in the show. Would you agree? Or is there something else you sense? Re the SG fandom, I read they're sending hate to Caity? Why? What happened? I feel like that show is not only a hot bed of problematic writing, but of crazy fans. Weird.
I definitely agree they don’t know how to incorporate him, or else they’d have a big story for him when they do have him. The way they’re doing with Cynthia whenever Jessica is available. But I don’t think that’s why he’s missing entire episodes... That’s definitely something else entirely.
As for Caity? The SG fans have caught wind of the supposed Alex/Sara hook up during the crossover and are dragging over disrespect to S*nvers. Caity and Chyler made an instagram live video to remind people they are not responsible for the writing, and in fact the writers wouldn’t be doing this if Floriana wanted to stay.
@la-petite-fadette said:
i'm always @_@??? at people who think barry and eddie were friends. barry was NOT here for eddie, him dating iris made him impossible to like eddie. do i think barry hated eddie and wished for his earth? NO. but barry did not like eddie (i mean he still feel some kind of way about iris/eddie despite her marrying HIM and eddie being dead for 3 yrs lmfao loved that scene). as for eddie, i think he tried to be friends w/ barry bc iris made it clear that barry was ALWAYS going 2 b part of her life.
Right, Eddie wanted to be friends with Barry. Barry may have tried because he’s a nice guy, but I think it’s clear that they were never going to really see eye to eye on anything other than “Iris is #1″... which was also exactly their point of contention lol.
Do you know how much screen time Candice got in S2?
Here you go. 153 minutes total.
Iris West isn't a brainless sheep or a "Yes Woman". That's what bothers these misogynists and silly fangirls. She has a mind of her own and will check you if you cross her. And look fabulous while doing so.
100% accurate. They want her to be silent and submissive, but that’s not happening and Barry doesn’t want it to either.
I also think it's weird that KL is the only younger actor not going, and the only other actor outside of Jesse, to that con in Nov in Vancouver. Something is def up. Perhaps he negotiated for a much more lax contract? I hope they will address it after next week's episode. Also, fair warning the ratings for the next ep may be lower or on par with last week. I think the World Series starts the same day! IDC about sports, but I know that many people do.
Someone definitely negotiated for something. And yes, next week is the perfect time to address where Keiy/Wally is off to and why. As for the ratings, sports was also the reason is was lower last week so I hope it stays steady.
And the lady that wrote the article, then say "No. He's the Flash. You're the annoying girlfriend that wears high heels though I'd imagine you would have blisters" fails at comprehension skills. I'm more convinced someone told her how to write that article, because she was just a complainer.
I think I’m missing part of your ask, but yes. DC Comics told that girl she had to write an article about how amazing WA are, and I’m cackling about how she must have felt.
I will say that the editing of the first episode is partially to blame for this reaction. In one of the commercials before the season began, Iris said to Cisco that Barry "asked for us to keep running, not save him". Ultimately, that line was cut, and I don't know why. It would have helped to show that he really didn't discuss anything with her, just left. If he had actually spoken to her, she could've asked him if he ever wanted to come back or if he wanted to stay in the SF for good.
I don’t remember that line from the commercials, but yes it would have been nice if she got to explain herself further in the first episode. However, I am going to place the blame squarely on misogynoir because if it had been Harry or Caitlin saying stuff like this, they wouldn’t have received this kind of vitriol.
I think im the only iris fan who doesnt like her as team leader and wants her to be an ace reporter so badly. Like, i don't mind it but for me, i wish we got to see her on her own away from barry and team flash with her own storyline as well as also helping team flash with the info she finds out as a journalist, i want some separation from barry..i don't like them being together ALL the time. idk if this sounds stupid or dumb but that's just my opinion & should still be advocating for it. 🙄
I doubt you’re alone in this, plenty of fans still wish we could focus on her journalism instead. I think the reason people have kind of stopped is that the writers have made it pretty clear they heard us and DGAF. This was their response to us advocating for more journalism, so what should we do now? You should still let them know you want it, though.
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