#&&. look I get it
howboutsleep · 5 months
i love tma/tmp fandom so much yall get a grotesque painful and gory metamorphosis described with clinical level of detail, narrator being the patient, the doctor and the desease. and your first reaction is like man i want that sounds kinda chill
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STOP bragging about how much you're overworking yourself. STOP making it a competition how little sleep you get each night. STOP trying to be worse off than anyone else in the room when it comes to health, work, relationships, school, or anything like that. you're not helping yourself, you're not helping anyone.
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yukisdomain · 5 months
Jjk chapter 248: here's more about Yuuji and what he brings to the table - even Sukuna acknowledges him
Fandom: *completely ignoring the long awaited and ACTUAL progress of the fight* omg, so these dead guys-
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Okay, I hate cheating storylines, always have always will. So I don’t like the direction that Eddie is tackling this - but, I get the root of the storyline.
According to Ryan, the root of the storyline is that he is still hung up on Shannon. None of his other relationships have worked out because he couldn’t let them get close enough because he was still holding a torch for her. She’s been hanging around, following him from Ana to Marisol.
A lot of Eddie’s therapy has seemed to be around the loss of his army friends, his PTSD, and the potential of Chris losing him, etc. But as far as we can tell he’s never focused on the loss of his wife in therapy. Which has definitely been needed. She was his best friend, regardless of their hardships. He loved her, deeply in whatever way that is, and even after all this time he hasn’t recovered.
If Eddie is going to move forward with anyone - for the buddie shipper in me, hopefully it all be Buck, but you never know - he has to finally let go of Shannon. This storyline will help him get there.
Is he going to crash and burn dramatically? Oh fuck yeah. Is everyone going to be shocked and appalled when they find out? Most definitely. Is Marisol going to dump him? Probably - and oh plot fucking twist that is from all my theories.
Do I like how we are getting there? Oh hell to the no. Could this have been handled another way where cheating wasn’t included? 1000%. Is it going to help Eddie grow as a character? Yes… yes it is.
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awakefor48hours · 5 months
If we're going to get more What If...? episodes centered around Peggy, the only one I want to see is "What if... Natasha and Peggy dated?" and that's it.
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marvelousmop · 7 months
I think my favourite thing about Doctor Who celebrating its 60th anniversary as if that's a normal thing to do is all the articles doing their "Top 60" Doctor Who episodes as though that's also normal and not a very odd cutoff point.
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tiny-chubby-bird · 8 months
Tumblr media
ouch. like, fair, but ouch.
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lucys-chen · 7 months
hey here’s your friendly reminder to stop telling people to read the books just because they have an opinion from the movie you don’t like.
some people can’t read books. some people can’t listen to audio books. some people the only way they can consume that media is from the movies and that is okay.
it is okay to have a different opinion. it’s f i n e.
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bunnymacjones · 1 month
"Yeah, yeah. This is the playlist to my favorite character. I'm actually just like them."
"Oh, sure, lemme look at it."
*first four tracks are mother mother or lemon demon*
"...T-This...This character is from the fucking 80s-"
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the-overanalyzer · 2 years
Regarding the game’s take on Talia, I just need to say that I support women’s rights, but not as much as I support women’s wrongs.
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rat-rosemary · 9 months
What's this? That wretched little ball of hope from deep inside my chest?
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woundlingus · 6 months
Gotta learn to gif so many scenes I want to be feral in the tags of and no gifs provided for me to be feral under :(
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sbd-laytall · 1 year
If I'm not supposed to want Alina and Zoya to have a thing together in the show, why do they have Zoya wink at her TWICE?
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puddlejumper38 · 1 year
I don't know this author, haven't read (or listened to!) any of his stuff. But this article is important and I'm glad Brandon Sanderson's hosted it on his website.
Please. I say this as a reader and aspiring writer: Don't Use Amazon. Find an alternative. Any company, local to you or not.
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heycalamityyy · 2 years
Tumblr Live Thoughts
Ok so I just had to make a lil post because I am truly intrigued by this. I have loved Tumblr for a long time. A LONG time. This account is new but BAYBEE the amount of abandoned fanboi accounts I lost the passwords to over the years.
I know a lot of people are averse to the change and I get it. I hope they don't "force" people to interact with it if they don't want to (UI-wise). But to me, this looks like an opportunity for the people of Tumblr to create more community and could be a great alternative to Twitch. Like I don't even care of it gets "as big as Twitch", if they're more fair and work better with their creators (regardless of size) and my community is willing, I would happily switch to Tumblr Live as my streaming platform.
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scratching92 · 1 year
Tumblr media
The spirit of the Millenium Ring shows his true TTRPG prowess by demonstrating his uncanny talent of knowing how to read a d100.
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