#&; ( answered )
canisalbus · 1 day
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So when you showed us crumpled napkin Machete I instantly was reminded of this (but then forgot because I am distractible).
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barcaatthemoon · 3 days
Can you do Alexia for “It’s… different. With them, I spent most of my time longing for something that wasn’t even accessible. With you, I simply feel alive.”
I love your little blurbs❤️ They’re how I reward myself for completing tasks at work!
thank you, i've honestly had a lot of fun writing them. it's nice to have something small to get the fic momentum going.
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different || alexia putellas x reader ||
it was the simplest things that always caused your feelings to hit you like a truck. alexia hadn't so much as looked your way once she had started to kick the ball around with the children. you knew how important it was for her to bring something worthy back to her hometown. she wanted to make things better and help in every way she could think to.
"i don't think i have ever been so proud of her," eli said, breaking your focus on alexia. you nodded in agreement. this meant the world to alexia. "i know that you do not feel like it, but i am proud of you too. you helped her more than you know, mija."
you had never been good at taking praise, and now was no different. your cheeks heated up with a mix of embarrassment and shame. truthfully, you didn't feel like you had done anything for alexia. this was all her, you had just been her girlfriend for the most part.
"gracias eli." you bowed your head towards alexia's mother.
"i mean it, talk to her. have the big conversations that you are afraid of, nothing bad can come of it. your love is special." it was hard, but you did take eli's advice that night. alexia had brought you back to her childhood home for the night, even if her bed was far too cramped for the two of you to get comfortable.
"you did good today, ale. everybody is so proud of you for this, it's going to be amazing," you told her. alexia smiled as she turned just enough to stare at you in the light coming from her tv. "i wish that i could do something special to help people. sometimes i feel like nothing. i mean, you've had a pretty impressive string of girlfriends."
"you are nothing like any of them, you're different."
"ale, that's not exactly comforting," you chuckled. you knew that alexia didn't mean it like that, so you couldn't help tease her.
"it's... different. with them, i spent most of my time longing for something that wasn't accessible. i didn't know what it was until you came alone. with you, i simply feel alive. all of this, i did it because i felt like i could with you supporting me. don't ever feel like nothing because to me, you are everything mi amor." alexia cupped your cheeks and leaned in to kiss your forehead. you scrunched your face up a bit, only to relax it again after alexia gave you a proper kiss. "now, let's get some rest. i promised the girls i would come to the park bright and early for a pick up game."
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pseudophan · 18 hours
ok so i don’t even go here but i have know OF dan and phil forever and i need to make it clear, i have never actually watched their videos but i do know that they came out a few years back. so today on a whim i decided to watch that birthday stream and holy shit i always thought y’all were just delusional freaks (no offense) but like they’re like actually in love. ive been making fun of y’all for YEARSSSSSS for being delusional i am so sorry 😭 i am also sorry that i had to sit through that weird ass homo erotic catholic role play….is that a normal occurrence from them orrrr??????
LMFAOOOOOOO see this is exactly the thing, i am fully aware that from the outside we do look fucking insane like that's honestly fair cause we sure do act like it but if you look into it it's... they're a lot... i will admit today was over the top even for them, like the catholic roleplay is new (except for this masterpiece) and i'm not quite sure what to do about it
but as for the in love part they're just like that always. it's actually exhausting. the third wheeling i experience during every video is intense, especially since they came out cause while they're still pretending to pretend like they're Just Besties (kind of an in-joke at this point) they generally don't give a fuck and so we get to see just the sweetest interactions imaginable and it's great and horrible at the same time
don't get me wrong we're still freaks, just not delusional ones
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daily-ethoslab · 2 days
etho sandwiched between two slabs. etho slabbed.
Etho Slabwich
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hinamie · 2 days
Yuuji: Bye, im going to the fire nation!
Sukuna: Not dressed like you aren't.
Proceeds to give Yuuji a boob window in his clothes
ngl anon i took this bit way too seriously n got carried away thinking abt what yuuji's fire nation alternate fit would look like ,, then after figuring it out I thought well now I /have/ to draw air as well ....
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jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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exilethegame · 2 days
mx pheo 🧍‍♂️ I have, a question 🙏 in chapter 3, when mc can ask vethna "what are we?" and vethna says "what do you want us to be?" how come they look saddened if choosing the option "something, I think"? if it's not spoilers ofc! I was just so fascinated by the reaction, it made me curious
B/c they also want to be something with MC and now that MC’s confirmed it, it just further pushes into Vethna’s face what they can’t have 🤭
It's sort of an “it would’ve been better if you didn’t like me because then I wouldn’t have to mourn what we could be, if not for (insert x, y, z)" situation.
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dailymakotonaegi · 2 days
You should have him do a mr beast pose one of these days
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You have to agree that this has to be some sort of ndrv3 canon. Anyways.
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missterious-figure · 3 days
I feel like Blood and feathers moon would bring body parts as a gift like a cat bring dead animals to it's owner-
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Poor y/n, having to deal with all Moon's shit...
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As a fellow trans person, do you by chance have an up to date map of "safe states" in the US? bc as someone who lives in florida and is getting Very Concerned about my health and safety, i can't seem to find any that are more recent, and i don't trust trying to google that shit rn.
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This is up to date as of April 2.
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milomumbles · 1 year
Opinions on cum
do people even say hello anymore
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canisalbus · 3 days
You know your art has had an impact when you got me looking at these defuser sticks and thinking ‘Vasco’ while I brush my teeth.
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barcaatthemoon · 3 days
“you’re hugging me too tight!” for grace clinton please 🩵your last one was amazing your so good at stories :)
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hugger || grace clinton x reader ||
the first person you saw at the airport was grace. you smiled to yourself as you watched her scanning the arrivals for you. georgia pushed past you to get to leah and keira, who immediately scooped her into a hug. you stood back for a moment to watch the interaction, ignoring the way that lucy opened her arms for you as well. a hug from the older player sounded nice, but grace would have killed her if she stole your first hug back.
"lovey!" grace shouted as she sprinted towards you. you turned just in time to see her as she scooped you up into her arms. behind her, some of your english teammates were shaking their heads and muttering among themselves. "i missed you so much."
"grace, i love you, but you're hugging me too tight." almost immediately, grace let up a bit, but refused to let go of you. "how's the hotel? do you know who i'm rooming with?"
"beth, who has strict orders from leah about not switching. i've asked around, but it's not happening," grace said sadly. she looked so dejected, and you could tell that she had spent the past three days trying to get a room with you.
"it's fine gracie, i know that you tried," you told her. still, grace held her head down against your shoulder. "if you're up to it, you can come back home with me a bit. my parents are out on holiday, and you know that i hate to be alone."
"really?" grace asked hopefully. you were barely finished nodding when grace tightened her hold on you as she picked you up off the ground. the hug was a bit tight for your comfort, but you didn't say anything to grace, knowing that she kind of couldn't help it.
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pseudophan · 2 days
yk what's messed up is that when I was fourteen my younger cousin was born and I asked that he be named dan....and he was and i always look at my aunt and think do you know your son is named after a youtuber or do you actually think I got the name off of a dictionary
please this is so funny. naming your kid after dan and phil is already hilarious but naming someone else's kid after them is iconic
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capnsoapy · 1 year
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theminecraftbee · 2 months
vr life series call that Real Life
listen they can't call it Real Life unless scar gets to use his off-road wheelchair to run people over. it is important to me that he gets that one absurd advantage (having a wheelchair that moves at speeds that, if i remember the video correctly, can be measured in miles per hour) against all these floppy gamer men.
(or, well, i CALL THEM floppy gamer men, we DO know half of them at least all go skiing together periodically so they have to be semi-in-shape. this probably does not stand up to the power of having a Motor though. scar should be allowed to kill irl it's enrichment.)
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zivazivc · 4 months
reblog for bigger sample size i guess
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