#+ 1260.
rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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Radio City Music Hall, “Showplace of the Nation”, opened in New York City on December 27, 1932.  
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redline-the-skyline · 18 days
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wonderful-prompts · 8 months
Prompt #1260
“I cannot be reasonably expected to disembowel someone on such short notice. We don’t even have blades!”
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huh-1260 · 2 days
*politely breaks into your inbox*
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Can I hold one of the Sky gremlins???? (They’re adorable and look very holdable lol)
Sorry im late for this ask but please blame my brain. But originally I was going to just draw you holding gremlin Sky, but my brain said, "Nah, Sleepy gets swarmed."
So it took me a few days, to draw these goobers, and you
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I blame my past art skills of only drawing women, now I keep drawing people slightly more feminine than what they should be, i apologize if your oc is too feminine
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sinni-ok-sessi · 6 months
Would love to hear any thoughts on the codification of the poet-persona over time? 👀
Ok so in the spirit of the ask game, I am not checking any citations on this whatsoever, but if you want those lmk (though they uh. largely do not exist for rímur-poets specifically, because only me and Hans Kuhn have ever cared).
This is going to require some context because, as established, the number of living people who know and care about medieval rímur can be counted on my two hands. Probably without thumbs. So, rímur are a poetic form that developed in 14th cen Iceland, which look kind of ballad-y, in that they often use four-line stanzas with ABAB end-rhyme, though actually the ballad tradition in Iceland is quite distinct (on which, see Vésteinn Ólason, The Ballads of Iceland). End-rhyme was very exciting for Icelandic poets because it was only previously a thing in some uncommon types of skaldic metres, but rímur (as their name suggests) have end-rhyme as a defining feature and rapidly become The dominant form of poetry in Iceland until well into the 19th cen.
There are two very distinctive things about rímur, other than their metres: 1) they almost never tell 'new' stories; almost all rímur narratives are attested earlier in other forms, usually in prose, which can sometimes lead to the fun cycle of saga -> rímur cycle -> old saga is lost, new version is written based on the rímur -> more rímur are written based on the new saga -> repeat until the heat death of the universe; 2) as the form develops, it acquires introductory stanzas known as mansöngvar, a term which elsewhere usually means 'love poetry', although that's not really what they're doing here.
Mansöngvar are verses, sometimes in a different metre to the rest of the canto they're attached to, in which the poet speaks directly to the audience. In the medieval period, they're pretty short and often don't say more than 'look, I made you some poetry', but as time goes on, they get more and more elaborate, and the character of the poet begins to develop some quite distinctive traits. What's interesting here is that rímur were (certainly in the medieval period; less certainly later on) performed aloud, presumably by the poet, so there's definitely some questions to be asked about how accurate the poets' self-descriptions are when presumably the audience could go 'you're not pining away for love, Jón Jónsson, I've met your wife!'
So anyway, these mansöngvar are often linked to the medieval German Minnesänger tradition (er. The actual German word might be slightly different because I still don't speak German despite my PhD supervisor's pointed remarks), which is more overtly love poetry and which sometimes features the poet as an abject and despised lover of some cruel lady. This is something rímur-poets from the later medieval period and onwards have an incredibly good time with. You may be familiar with the story of Þórr wrestling with Elli, the personification of old age in the form of an old woman. There are at least two medieval rímur poets who have a whole extended passage about 'oh alas, when I was young I was a terrible flirt but now I'm old and no women like me, except oh no, I am being courted by this ugly old giant lady; Elli is the only ladyfriend for me now, wah'. it's very playful, it's very fun, it's drawing on this general sense that the poets put forward that they're poetically gifted, but romantically unlucky, which is kind of a Thing for poets across a lot of European literature (and probably more broadly, but I don't know much about that), and is especially pronounced in the earlier Icelandic sagas about poets, which usually feature poets failing to win the love of their life for various reasons (sudden attack of Christianity; sudden attack of magic seals; sudden attack of Other Guy With Sword; etc). So in evoking this, rímur-poets are situating themselves in this existing Image of the Ideal Poet, but doing so in a way that ties them into the specifics of the Norse literary/mythological tradition as well. Poets are also frequently old and tired (same, bro), and a statistically improbably number of them are also blind (although that might just be two guys we know about who were really prolific; most rímur are anonymous so it's hard to say. But it is perhaps convenient that this also links them to A Great Poet of Old, namely Homer).
The other thing that rímur-poets really like to bring up in their mansöngvar is the myth of the mead of poetry, which I will not recount here except to say that Óðinn nicked it from a giant, and also that some dwarves used it to buy safe passage off a skerry once, so it's poetically termed 'ship of the dwarves' because it's the thing that brought them safely across the sea. Every single medieval mansöngur, if one exists at all, refers to this myth in some way, even if it's just by having the 'I made you some poetry' bit use a kenning for 'poetry' that references the myth.* And poets have a lot of fun with this too! Iceland's a coastal community, they know about boats, so you get these extended metaphors about poets trying to board a boat to sample the mead of poetry and finding only the dregs because other, better poets got there first. Or they will describe the process of poetic composition in terms of ship-building: 'Here I nail together Suðri's [a dwarf name] boat'; 'Norðri's ship sets out from the harbour [= I'm about to start reciting the main bit now]'; 'the fine vessel has now been wrecked on the rocks [=I'm going to stop reciting now]'. They'll also speak of poetry as smíð, which means a work of craftsmanship, usually physical craftsmanship (obviously cognate with smithing in English), and of brewing the ale of Óðinn, so they're really into metaphors of physical craft when it comes to the intellectual craft of poetry, which I think is really neat.
*kennings = poetic circumlocutions, e.g. 'snake of the belt' is a sword because swords are vaguely snake-shaped and hang from a belt. Common poetry kennings are '[drink/liquid/ale/wine/mead] of [any of Óðinn's literally dozens of names]' e.g. 'Berlingr's wine', and the aforementioned 'ship of the dwarves' - poetic Icelandic has literally dozens of words for different kinds of ships and also literally dozens of dwarf names, so you can get a long way without repeating yourself.
So all these things that I've mentioned that poets like to bring up - old age, unluckiness in love, poets as craftsmen - become more and more tropified as time goes on, which in turn leads to these imaginative and extended reworkings of the metaphor. No longer can you just say 'I'm old and no one fancies me', no, it's 'My only assignations now are with Elli, wink wink, here's a long description of our date'. So you end up with this very codified image of The Ideal Rímur-Poet as an old man,* ideally blind, ideally unmarried, incredibly self-deprecating about his poetry, and because that's how everyone else talks, it's self-reinforcing.
*there is one (1) known female rímur-poet from the medieval period, the poet of Landrés rímur, who unfortunately didn't write many mansöngur stanzas but is doing her best with the 'unlucky in love' bit, although her lover (male) seems to have died rather than ditched her, which is a novelty.
Anyway, it's cool and weird and fun and as I say, only me and Hans Kuhn care, academically speaking.
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steddieficfind · 6 days
Hi I'm looking for a fic that I read on AO3, I think earlier this year? The party thinks they've defeated vecna but a time traveler comes to ask for help and tells them that they didn't actually defeat him. The time traveller is actually steve and eddie's daughter (she doesnt tell them) and later it is revealed that she isn't from their future but a parallel universe where her parents and everyone else died fighting vecna. El sent her to this time line b/c it was the closest to hers
Request 1260! Send us an ask if you recognize this fic!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 6 days
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The Gremlin child wanted to say hi. Gremlin Sky was curious on this side of Tumblr
LOL Hello sweet Gremlin Sky!
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zarvasace · 4 days
Yayyyyy I hit 10k words during the torch relay event in a writing group that started Friday morning! :D
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he does this so often rei ain’t even fazed lol
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 8 months
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Levels Above: Our Tribal Chief Roman Reigns 👑 ☝🏾
Gunther has no issue with the number of defenses Roman Reigns has under his belt.
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ranticore · 4 months
ngl i got so frustrated with putting together these time loops that i went and did something less difficult (breaking ground on my book 3 document finally)
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callmecreative · 23 hours
*sneaks into your inbox*
I heard the ask for a Gremlin?
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OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Radio City Music Hall, “Showplace of the Nation”, opened in New York City on December 27, 1932.    
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huh-1260 · 7 days
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Could I hold gremlin sky???? I promise I’ll give him some more of my magic if he lets me hold him! :D
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He says he wants uppies
I sadly cannot give my weird son him uppies right now for he ate a pumpkin and my weak stick arms are no match for a full stomach gremlins weight
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nikolamga · 10 months
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calekinnieplus · 11 months
Before he could consider what to say, the brass eyes hidden in the shadows emitted another voice:
“Your fate has intersected Amanises, Leodero, Adam, Amon, Herabergen, Aucuses, Medici, Ouroboros, as well as ‘Him’…”
With regards to the true names that the brass eyes had mentioned, Colin Iliad, Derrick, and Lovia were no strangers to the names. They knew that the first was the Evernight Goddess, followed by seven of the eight Kings of Angels. Furthermore, there was no lack of Sequence 0 true deities in the present day. This left them somewhat stunned. They couldn’t believe that Gehrman Sparrow would’ve crossed fates with so many high-level existences who exceeded Sequence 1.
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