#+ over the face?? feels so refreshing oml
autism-corner · 1 year
gender dysphoria is actually helping me shower bc my hair after& during gives so much euphoria oml
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tamabbyboi · 4 years
Your Pain- Shouto Todoroki
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Pairing: Shouto Todoroki x reader
Synopsis: Soulmate au! You could feel your soulmate's pain your entire life, and when you met Todoroki you immediately recognized the scar on his face and it's alignment with the searing pain you once felt from your soulmate.
Based off of and a continuation of my soulmate au headcanons which also include Tamaki and Kaminari! One-shot based off of Tamaki's.
Quirk: Teleportation quirk!
Word Count: 1.51k
A/N: Hello! I loved writing this one oml the dialogue section isn't long but I never really write dialogue so it's kinda refreshing. This took way too long for me to write for how long it is but ADHD brain go brr. Also the title makes this sound very angsty but I literally could not think of a title without the word pain in it so here we are. Anyways I hope you enjoy!
As always if you want to request from me feel free just read my rules first! For more of my work check out my masterlist!
Warnings: Todoroki's childhood I wanna fistfight Endeavor let me fistfight Endeavor
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You were never one of those people who doubted the existence of their soulmate, never having felt their pain. In fact, you counted those people as lucky, your situation was much worse. You had been feeling your soulmate's pain your entire life. You've lived in constant worry for them as long as you can remember, feeling the scrapes, bruises, and sometimes even burns that your soulmate endured, the nature of which lead you to believe they were undergoing harsh training.
It was when you were 5 that you knew their situation was truly terrible. You were woken up screaming from the searing pain around your left eye, feeling as though boiling water was poured onto your face. It was the worst pain you had ever experienced, and you knew your soulmate was experiencing it much worse.
It was then and there, at the ripe age of 5, that you decided you were going to do everything within your power to help your soulmate, and others like them. It was then and there that you decided to become a hero.
You waited through years of feeling their pain, years of their training, years of concern for them, to finally get to UA. You had undergone a bit of training yourself in order to strengthen your teleportation quirk, swearing to be quick enough to avoid injury, not wanting to add even more to your soulmate's pain.
When you walked into class on the first day and saw Todoroki, the first thing you noticed was the placement of his scar. Not the scar itself, but the fact that it was in the exact place that you felt the excruciating burn as a child. You had always assumed that it would have left a scar, and though you couldn't be sure that your new classmate was your soulmate, something clicked when you first locked eyes. It just felt right. You knew this had to be it.
Although, his father is the number 2 hero. What kind of a hero would do that to their own child? Though sick, it would explain the training, and possibly even the slight unease you had always felt with Endeavor, as if your instincts knew exactly what he was doing behind closed doors.
You decided not to immediately confront the situation, Todoroki didn't exactly seem like one for social interaction, more like someone who needs to warm up to people over time. You had bigger things to worry about on your first day of hero school anyways.
Despite choosing to prioritize other things, your suspicions were confirmed when training began. Todoroki was one of the most powerful in the class, and it took a little while to see him actually get hurt in class training, but when you did and felt it as well you weren't exactly surprised. What really broke your heart was when you felt the evidence that he was still training outside of school.
You made an effort to befriend Todoroki, you hadn't known him for very long but you could tell that you should wait to tell him how exactly you two were connected, you barely knew each other. He was terribly stoic, no doubt a result of the childhood you knew had to have been rough, and didn't seem to make friends easily.
You, however, managed to break through his barriers and over time became closer and closer to him. You found yourself slowly falling for your soulmate, though you still didn't know how to breech the subject with him.
The nature of your quirk made it easy to avoid injury, you could teleport away from anything coming at you. Your training made you able to do it quickly and you had built up your stamina as well. It wasn't like you never got hurt during training, but it wasn't exactly a common occurrence.
Todoroki hadn't personally seen you get hurt, thus never making the connection that you were his soulmate. You felt slightly guilty that you knew all this time without telling him, but couldn't bring yourself to have that conversation. You were scared of ruining the relationship the two of you already had.
It wasn't until almost halfway through the year that you finally sustained an injury in front of Todoroki. You were paired up against Bakugou for a training exercise and he had you teleporting around until you were near fainting. This fight was one of the longest you'd ever fought, and with the amount of times you had to jump around it was really testing your stamina.
You began to grow weaker and weaker throughout the battle, your reaction time slowing down to the point where an explosion managed to scathe your arm, leaving a painful mark on your skin.
Todoroki, who was watching your fight, froze when he registered that the pain he's now feeling on his arm was in the exact same place he just saw you get hurt. He almost never felt any pain coming from his soulmate, he would've suspected that he didn't have one if it weren't for the occasional papercut or bruise.
Over these past months of getting to know you and get close to you Todoroki found himself developing a bit of a crush. He knew in a world of soulmates having a crush was useless, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. He secretly dreamed about you being his soulmate, hoping that luck was on his side and the one he was destined to be with was the one he admired so.
Finding out you were his soulmate was quite possibly the best thing that's ever happened to him, the realization that his dreams have come true was euphoric. He was watching your fight continue with wide eyes and an extreme adoration for his newfound soulmate.
He was so distracted that he almost didn't notice you finally collapse to the ground in an unconscious heap. Almost.
Worry pulsed through his veins as he not only saw, but felt you hit the ground. He barely registered Bakugou being declared the winner as he watched you being carried to Recovery Girl. He stayed frozen a few more moments before rushing to the infirmary to be there when you regained consciousness.
As he sat in a chair by your bed waiting for you to wake up he pondered the situation at hand. He remembered all the times he'd gotten hurt throughout his life, swearing to himself that he would apologize for putting you through that as soon as you woke up.
He was sure you'd seen him get hurt before, and on top of that he had evidence of the worst injury of his life right on his face, you had to have noticed, you had to have known. But if you knew why didn't you say anything? Did you not want your soulmate to be him? Did you resent him for all the pain you felt from him?
It took quite a while for you to awaken, unsurprising considering how exhausted you were before you passed out. When you did wake up the sun was starting to set outside the tall window to your right and you noticed Todoroki asleep in a chair beside the bed you were laying in. A soft smile appeared on your face as you admired your peacefully slumbering soulmate.
In order to let him sleep as long as possible you got up to seek recovery girl and get dismissed to the dorms. She let you know you were free to go before leaving herself, trusting you and Todoroki to get yourselves back to Heights Alliance on your own.
You walked back over to where he was sat and gently shook him awake. When his eyes opened and landed on you they immediately widened before he sprung up and wrapped you in a bear hug, arms tight around you.
"You knew didn't you?" He mumbled into your shoulder.
You stiffened, and it didn't go unnoticed by your soulmate. "Knew what?"
He chose to ignore your question, taking your stiffening as a sign that you knew exactly what he was talking about, "Why didn't you tell me?"
You wrapped your arms back around him with a sigh. "I figured it out within the first week of school when we barely even know each other. Then once we became close I didn't want to ruin it."
He seemed to breathe a sigh of relief before pulling back to look at you. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" You asked, your brow knit in confusion.
"For causing you all that pain."
Your expression softened and you unwrapped one of your arms from him to reach up and caress his cheek. "Don't apologize for things that aren't your fault." your voice was barely a whisper.
He pressed his forehead against yours. "Can I kiss you?" You gave a slight nod before feeling soft lips press against yours in a gentle kiss. The both of you smiled into the kiss, happy that out of all the people in the world, the universe paired you with each other.
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Tags: @sofylatte @luluwiie
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emperor-palpaminty · 3 years
i will most defs do that for you love! am glad you've enjoyed it! I don't remember the exact dialogue so I just... Made it up???? Whoops
Part one is here!
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You felt Rex's attention shift to you but you stood your ground, eyes pinned on Krell, the brilliant green shifting against the ever-present darkness rolling around your former master. You could feel it now- the haze of evil, the fog of the Dark Side rolling around him like a mist in a wood.
The captian's blasters were out in his hands and he stood even with you, voice calm but authoritative. "General Krell," He said, calmly. "You're under arrest."
Krell took in the sight of it all- you with your saber resting easily in your hands, Rex standing next to you with his guns drawn, the soldiers moving around you. "Under what charges?"
"Treason against the Republic." Rex moved closer to you, and you shifted your saber, feeling the comforting hum in your fingers.
The men closed in, eyes only on the traitor. Krell's lips pressed into a sneer, and his fingers flexed. "I feared you would say that-" You heard the Force stir before you felt it. "Clone."
The men tumbled back, Krell's sabers whipping out, pushing troopers away. The clone closest to the window crashed through, shattering the glass, and tumbled out, screaming.
You grounded yourself, skidding backwards as the pressure of the force pushed you back. Your head lifted long enough to catch Krell jumping out the shattered window. You stood, running to the ledge and glancing down, Rex behind you. "Kriff," You breathed, starting down. "I'll go directly after him. You take the elevator-"
"Hey," Rex reached out, bumping your arm with his fingers. You turned at looked at his visor, trying to discern some expression, some emotion from that emotionless helmet.
Instead, he drew his hand back, nodding. "Turn on your comm. The second you see him, tell me and wait-"
"No more of your brothers are dying today, Rex." You exhaled, moving back towards the ledge. "Not under my watch." Your breath caught, and you jumped back, tumbling, feeling the air whiz past your ears. You landed heavy, ankles screaming, the impact absorbed by the Force that dwelled around you.
You stood and ran, activating your lightsaber. "Men!" You yelled at a group of 212th troopers. "With me! Don't leave my sights."
You led them into the forest, thick with fog, the plants casting a dim glow on the breath of the twilight. You led the mem, stepping slow, your senses muffled by ringlets of the force around you. "Rex," You said, softly to your comm. "He's close. I can feel him."
"Hang on, General. We're close to you."
You exhaled, softening your voice. "I'll take care of your men. Just get here quick." You tugged your wrist away, saber humming with life.
A man screamed in the distance. You turned, eyes scanning for the familiar haze of blue and green. The sabers moved in violent arcs, aggressive, just as terribly powerful as you remembered him being when you were his padawan.
You ran ahead of the men, who were close to your tail, and you lept upwards, feet planting against foreign fauna, saber swinging. You struck down, just as violent as you had been taught, and two blades rose to meet you.
He swung, the duo of blades moving brilliantly, and you danced between them, twisting and rolling. The clones were yelling at one another in the comms, debating to fire or not, to shoot or not, in lieu of hitting the Jedi that they didn't want to hit.
You tumbled back, your blade still humming, and you glanced up at him, the grey dirt coating your vision. You stood, shakey, hands readjusting.
"My Padawan," Krell sighed, moving towards you. The words suffocated you, and you exhaled, feeling in the force for him- that betrayal earlier, your Captain, was replaced with worry. "You could have been a great service to the dark side." He walked towards you in an arc, and you mimicked it, circling each other slowly. "Instead, you chose some lab-created flesh droid with a hive mind. Does he even feel? Does he know the... Love?" Krell laughed, the sound grating your ribs. "You love him? My padawan is stupid. How unfortunate."
You spun the saber, stopping mid-circle. You began approaching him, head-on, each step a pump of your heart for him, his brothers- Rex. Fives. Jesse. Hardcase. Tup.
You sprinted, hearing Rex's voice in your comms, but the wind rushed past you and blocked his words. Your sabers clashed, and you snarled. "And my master has forgotten one thing-" The presence of Rex closened, pulsed, the fear filling as he heard your blades, your voices.
"And what is that?" Krell leaned in, his blades locked against yours.
You smiled as Rex and his men pushed into the clearing, their voices talking about the many aggressive living plants around the two of you. Your boot hit the rubbery root, and you stepped on it harder, feeling the hiss of the plant under you. "You taught me everything I know."
You shut off your saber and ducked, rolling away from him, and the vines rushing to meet you caught Krell's leg and yanked him up.
The men shot, firing, as you moved back, watching the Krell seeing wildly. You moved back towards Rex, watching him especially, and you get the fear transition to pride, admiration, even, as the General's sabers fell and he hit the ground, unconscious.
"Brilliant, General," Rex exhaled to you, watching his men hurry to cuff Krell.
You nodded, knees shaking, and you deactivated your saber, hand pressing to your thigh. A slow groan escaped your throat, a subtle burn spreading. "Rex-" You hissed, collapsing.
Rex turned instantly, body stiffening as you fell. He ran to you, rolling you over and looking at your thigh. "Kriff." He hissed. "Medic!" The pain in his voice was physical, wet, thick, more so than the pain in your body.
You felt him tug your head onto his arm. "Rex," You mumbled, the pain coursing rapidly in your muscles. "I think- when I-"
"Shh. You're going to be okay- Medic!" Rex stood, tucking you to him, and running to the straggling group of clones. "She's been hit."
Your leg stung, and your head lulled back, eyes catching the blue blurs of Rex's helmet before darkness consumed you.
When you came to, you had a very strong craving for tea. Your body felt sticky, thick, and you groaned and sat up. You glanced around at the pristine setting- the medical ward, you presumed, still on Umbara.
You kicked your legs over the aide of the bed and grimaced, knees popping at the use. Your upper leg felt mended, but the sutures were bruising your skin. You settled weight on it and emitted a hiss, shuffling towards the shower.
"You're up," Kix called. You turned, glancing back at the irritated medic. "If the Captain knew you were up-"
"Kix," you whined, leaning heavily on the closest bed frame. "I'm fine."
He gave an irritable grunt, holding out a folded pile of clothes. "You'd better be. Go shower. Do not-" He tugged the fabrics from your hands and you hummed, reaching for them. "I repeat, do not pull at the bacta pad or get it soaked. Damp is fine. Wet is not. Good?"
"Loud and clear." You snatched the clothes away.
"I'd better tell the boys you're up. They've been anxious. Especially-" The medic stopped, stumbling on his words
Your feet bumped into the doorframe of the refresher. "Especially... Who?"
Kid glanced up at you, eyes almost mirroring the Captian you hoped for, and he said, gently, with a grin on his lips, "I think you already know who."
When you emerged from the refresher, toweling off your hair, you heard a sharp intake of breath. "You're awake."
Your eyes snapped up, towel abandoned in your hands. "I am." Rex's voice held the same tenderness that had planted in your heard since the most recent tea ritual, rubbing your heart raw with the coarse affection that was running you over, again and again. "Are you alright?
Rex started towards you, eyes blazing with a compassionate intensity. "You need to be in bed."
You smiled gently, raising your hands in mock surrender, fighting to keep the searing pain of your wound at bay. "I'm getting there."
Rex met you halfway. He stooped and scooped you up, gently, far in less of a rush than he had been when you were openly injured and walked you towards your bed. "You know better, general." He scolded, softly. You didn't complain, opting to wind your fingers behind the nape of his neck and press your face softly against his jaw.
The captain exhaled a shaky breath. His hold tightened momentarily as he stopped by your cramped cot, turning his head and lowering his cheek against your skin. Your fingers intertwined and you pulled back, looking up at his face. The rolling surprise spread on his lips, his eyes, as he turned his head more against you, sitting down on the cot, simply cradling you.
You threw your arms around him entirely and allowed Rex to hold you- you shook, quietly, sobbing softly. "I'm so sorry, Rex, if I had sensed Krell-"
"No, no," Rex squeezed you gently, rocking now, smoothing a hand in your still-damp hair. "The Jedi Council didn't sense it. General Skywalker or General Kenobi didn't sense it, either. You can't blame yourself." The hand in your tendrils of hair moved to your cheek, the gloved fingers smoothing over the war-roughened skin. "You have done-" A crack in the foundation of his words, and his shoulders heaved. "More. More than I could ever ask anyone."
You bumped your forehead to him, holding his jaw in both your hands. "And I would do more." Especially for you.
Rex nodded, his hold tightening as he pulled you in again. The two of you sobbed- perhaps because of the losses, the shame of that responsibility, or perhaps you realized the unconditional depths of your love for the other, and it was something- even worse, someone- you could never truly have.
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DAY 7🎄
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SUMMARY - You get invited to a Christmas masquerade. What happens when you catch the young lord’s eye?
GENRE - fluff
WARNINGS - mentions of blood, assault, one swearword.
A/N - Oml, this is the longest piece that I have ever written. Enjoy. 
P.S. I’m super proud of how it turned out :))
Y/N - your name
Y/L -your last name
F/C - favorite color
H/C -  hair color
It was a snowy evening, and you were sat in your carriage - all dolled up and ready to attend a ball. As soon as your lovely parents heard that there was going to be a ball in Basilwether Hall, they jumped at the chance to show off their breathtaking daughter, even tho you would have to wear a mask the entire time.
You were an antisocial person by nature - you preferred to stay out of sight or take off to a field with a book in hand. Your favorite place in the whole mansion? The library. It was quiet and always peaceful, and it let you experience every story you read in silence.
But when you were required to, you were quite good at making small talk and even wooing a few gentlemen, but nothing ever went further than a little bit of flirting.
At this moment, you were wearing an F/C dress, a bit too revealing for your liking, but it would suffice for this night. While in the carriage, you wondered what the ball would be like - would the music be slow and calm or energetic and lively, would there be food or only drinks? 
These were the thoughts that kept your mind busy while your parents held a discussion of their own. From a young age, you were taught that eavesdropping was rude, so you decided to let your mind wander even further.
''We're here!’’ Yelled your dad, opening the vehicle door for himself and then helping your mother out. Still, deep in thought, you silently followed after your guardians to your destination.
''Darling, your mask,'' said your mother, fixing your matching F/C mask, which had started to fall off slowly. Your father ushered you inside, letting you know that they had business of their own.
When you entered the big hall, the first thing you noticed was the grand Chandelier, it held at least a hundred candles, which were all lit, and was decorated with the silver drops of the Moon.
The music was slow but energetic, nothing like you had imagined, and there were even a few servants carrying around both refreshments and bites.
But what caught your attention was a boy. No, not just any boy. He was standing in a corner, uninterested in any girl that came to talk to him. Instead, he was reading a book. 
You walked down the grand stairs, till you were met with a cling that your delightful shoes made when they touched the cold tiles of the ballroom. 
No-one you would know was there, and what made it even more difficult to see if you knew anyone were the various masks - small, big, bird-like, animal-like, even fish-like. You silently chuckled to yourself and headed to find a quiet library or where the refreshments were - you weren't quite sure which one you wanted more. This was a ball after all. 
Remembering the last argument you had with your mother and father about leaving a social event, you decided to stay in the corner and observe the guests. What you saw nearly instantly was a group of girls who were fawning over some boy, that didn't even seem interested in any of them.
Alternatively, he was heading your way.
Oh no
You thought. Talking to a cocky boy was definitely on the bottom of your list of the things you wanted to do that night. How did you know it would go horribly? You knew what type of boy he was - the opposite of a gentleman, egoistic, only interested in looks and stupid.
While making his way through the large room, he managed to trip, but somehow, he made it look like an accident, at least to the girls that he winked at. 
Yep, definitely dumb.
You thought, rolling your eyes. He ran the rest of the way and then put his hand on the wall, next to your head. He was too close for your fondness, so you scooted away, and he followed.
''Hello, angel,'' he started, already making you gag on the inside, ''Why aren't you dancing, is this not a lovely ball?'' ''No, the ball is indeed lovely, but the people aren't,'' you said, letting him know that the last part was about him.
But instead of going away, he leaned even closer. At any given moment, would he choose to kiss you or grab you, you were readying your dagger. Yes, it was considered odd for a lady to own a dagger, but your mother insisted on it.
The boy in front of you had no thought of leaving you alone, rather he kept moving even closer to you. You took a look around the room, someone would surely have found this strange, wouldn't they? 
Before you had walked in, Tewkesbury had been enjoying a book, instead of socializing with someone. He hated small talk, he thought it was meaningless. But then, you walked in, and suddenly, he didn't hate the idea of talking. 
You looked stunning in your F/C dress, like a flower - unique yet delicate. Your H/C hair was tied in a neat bun, making the necklace you wore more noticeable. From the moment Tewkesbury saw you, he couldn't take his eyes off of you, only when you looked his way.
So he continued to observe, not moving from his spot in the corner of his own ballroom. Only when you started backing away, he started growing worried. What was going on?
While Tewkesbury proceeded to examine the situation, trying to decide if he should intervene, the arrogant guy was getting closer and closer to your face. 
''Come on, doll. Let's abandon this boring party,'' he said, and grabbed your upper arm, trying to drag you away from prying eyes. ''No, thank you. I'm good,'' you said while trying to get his hand off your arm. That only seemed to make him angrier because he started pulling stronger, making you groan in pain. 
That's when Tewkesbury decided that enough was enough. He put his book about herbs down on a nearby table and started walking over to you to help.
You were seconds away from pulling out your weapon and slicing his hand. It was only self-defense, at least that's what mother had told you.
''Hey,'' said a voice you didn't recognize at all, ''why don't you let her go? You're clearly hurting her.'' When you turned your head to look at the source of the noise, you were met with the most beautiful pair of eyes that you had ever seen in your life. They were a stunning hazel with a slight tint of dark brown.
''No, she's coming with me,'' the guy stubbornly said and pulled you harshly into him, making you gasp and grow cross, but he proceeded to speak mockingly, ''Besides, what are you going to do about it? Throw a book at me?''
That comment seemed to anger not only you but Tewkesbury too. He sucked in a breath, trying to calm his rage, and calmly responded: ''No, I'm not. Instead, I'm going to call the guards that you can see in that corner over there, and have them throw you out.''
At that moment, the arrogant guy knew he wasn't speaking to a regular boy, but the lord of Basilwether Hall and the host of this dance. (At that moment he knew, he'd fucked up🤣 )
You, growing impatient, took out your dagger, finally sliced his hand, making a little bit of blood pool out, kicked him in the knee, and stamped out of the room, into the garden to calm down and get some fresh air.
To say that Tewkesbury was smitten by you, was an understatement. Ignoring the cries of the guy, who was clutching his hand and knee, he ran after you. 
It took him only a few moments to find you. You were sat on a bench, looking up at the Moon. Not sure of what to say, he walked towards you until he was standing next to the cool stone bench. 
''The stars are looking particularly beautiful tonight, don't you think so?'' you said dreamily, without looking at him. Tewkesbury sat down and looked up at the night sky. ''I suppose so,'' he said, still unsure what to say. ''I'm fine if that's what you wanted to know. This isn't the first time that something like that has happened,'' you answered, almost reading his mind.
 ''Oh? I'm sorry, I,'' Tewkesbury was trying to form coherent sentences and words in his head to reply to the ones you had spoken. ''Don't worry. I can handle myself. You saw, didn't you?'' you said, worried that if you'll look, you won't be able to take your eyes off of him. 
You and Tewkesbury sat there. Outside in the snowy garden, looking up at constellations until he blurted out something he had intended to keep to himself. ''They're really breathtaking and fair,'' he whispered, not thinking about what he was going to say next, ''just like you are.'' 
Oh, that was the last thing you thought he'd say. You sharply turned your head in his direction, only to see him hide his face behind his hands in embarrassment.
Not listening to your mind, you turned your body, so you were fully facing him and slowly pulled his hands away from his face. In confusion, the brown-haired boy looked at you, only to find you smiling gently. Just your smile made him feel warm inside, and butterflies take flight in his stomach. 
You opened your mouth to say something, but instead, you heard your parents call for you:'' Y/N, darling, we're going home! Where are you? A Y/L never stays too long.'' Tewkesbury looked at you in a slight panic. Clearly, he was not ready for this night to end, and truthfully, neither were you. But you had no choice, so you got up and started walking their way, but stopped in your tracks when you heard him call out to you. ''Wait, please,'' he cried out desperately, ''Will I ever see you again?''
You didn't know how to answer that question, so you ran back to him and kissed him on the cheek, making his cheeks turn scarlet. He was frozen, there, at the moment, that he didn't even notice you run to your parents.
Tewkesbury slowly brought up his hand to the place where you had kissed him. He blushed, again, at the thought. He felt the envelope that you had managed to slip into his hand. 
Upon taking a closer look at it, he noticed that it displayed his mother's name and his address, and the name ''Oswald Y/L'' and what he thought was your address.
''Wow,'' Tewkesbury whispered to no one in particular, repeating that night's events in his head.
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Christmas Masterlist
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hotchnersbiitch · 4 years
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A/N: I hope you beautiful babes are having a good day. I know the GIF doesn't really go with the theme of the imagine but he’s just so cute oml
Request: No 
Paring: Spencer Reid x reader 
Category: fluff and angst 
Warning: crying and self deprecation 
Word count: 1,131 ~ 4min 31 sec  -
College is hard, everyone knows that, especially when you're going back to school to get your Master’s Degree. You were eager to get your test grade back on an exam you took earlier in the week, it was taking your professor longer than usual to get the grades in. You weren’t too worried, you're a great student all A’s, but still, you always wanted to go above and beyond so anything under an A was unacceptable for you. You held your self at high standards, you needed to have everything perfect and you wanted to excel at everything you did. I mean, who doesn't? You didn’t have any classes today so you just worked on some assignments and did you and your fiancés' laundry. You were in the laundry room folding up the clothes from the dryer when you heard the front door handle jiggle then open, you knew it was Spencer coming home from a paperwork day. 
“Hi Spence, I’m in the laundry room,” you call out as you folded a pair of Spencer's dress pants. You smiled when you saw your handsome fianc�� in front of you, you set the now folded pants in the hamper before waking over placing a kiss on Spencer's pink lips. 
“How was work my love?” You ask wrapping your arms around him for a hug, he smiled and kissed the top of your head. 
“Good, I’m just glad to be home with my lady. How was your day?” he asked as you pulled away from the hug and went back to folding the laundry. 
“Good, I worked on some assignments for a few of my classes and just have been tidying up and knocking out some laundry.” You explained, Spencer leaned against the washer watching you as you folded clothes. He smiled softly to himself, how did he ever get so lucky? 
“That's good, I’ll make dinner tonight what do y-” he was cut off by your phone dinging. You perked up and grabbed your phone off the top of the dryer looking to see what it was, it was an alert from the grade book. You had your grade book hooked up onto your phone so whenever a grade got put in you would be alerted, you unlocked your phone as Spencer continued. 
“Anyways, what do you want for dinner tonight?” he asked, you ignored his question and your face dropped when you saw the C- on your screen. Spencer immediately noticed. 
“What's wrong? What is it?” he asked standing up straight, walking over to you. Your vision clouded with tears as you refreshed the page hoping the C- would go away. There's no way that right, right? 
“That can't be right Spencer, it cant.” You mumble as he looked at your phone screen, he just sighs softly placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. 
“It's just a C- hun, it's not that bad, it's okay,” he says softly kissing your head knowing you were upset. You locked your phone before setting it down and bursting out into tears. 
“Spencer its not okay! This is bad, I get A’s on everything! you know that I can't have C- I work too hard to get a C- on a test.” you say crying and walked to the couch to sit down, Spencer following suit. 
“Y/N it is okay, you can’t be so hard on yourself, its just one bad test score,” he explains wrapping an arm around you. 
“That's easy for you to say! You're a genius I know for a fact you got good grades on everything when you were in school,” you say, spencer takes in a deep breath and tilts your chin up so you are looking at him. 
“This isn't about me. This is about you and how you feel. One average test score isn't going to ruin your total grade baby.” 
“How could I be so stupid, Spencer” You mumble looking up at him. 
“I'm supposed to be smart, I can't believe this. I study so hard, I work my ass off. I must be a fucking idiot.” you cry looking back down tears dripping onto your black leggings. Spencer huffed and forced you to look at him again. 
“Don’t you say that you are so so intelligent. I admire how hard you work, you're doing everything right. One bad grade doesn't define your intelligence. Besides, a C- is just average. You'll come back from it honey, college is hard. You're taking honor classes which makes it even harder. You should be proud of yourself because I bet a lot of other students weren't as lucky to get a C- on a test.” he says pulling you into his lap, he hated hearing you talk down to yourself like this, it broke his heart. 
“I don't want to be average, I want to be the best I can possibly be,” you say calming your self down as you lay your head on spencer's shoulder. 
“You are not average. You are amazing, you're at the top of your class. You work so hard, everyone has a bad test grade once in a while. Its only human, you can’t hold your self at such high standards. Because sometimes you won't reach them and that's okay, you can't let it bring you down like this, it's not healthy.” Spencer says in a calm voice as he rubs circle on you back. You sniffle and wipe your eyes with the back of your hand before lifting your head off his shoulder. He looked at you with a small smile and caressed your cheek with his thumb. 
“You okay now? I don’t like it when you talk bad about yourself. To me you are perfect, I want you to see yourself how I see you.” He says softly and you nuzzle your cheek into his touch and nod. 
“I know. I'm sorry, I just got so worked up, I know its not the end of the world,” you said softly placing a kiss on his lips. 
“Whenever you get your test back I’ll go over it with you and we will see where you went wrong okay? But right now how about we cuddle, order some Chinese food, and watch a movie.” He suggests and you smile and nod. 
“I like the sound of that,” you say getting off his lap to grab the remote, he moves so he is laying on the couch. You come back and hand him the remote before getting in between his legs and laying your head on his chest. Spencer smiles draping his free arm over you as he turned on a movie for both of you. You were so grateful you had someone like Spencer to be there for you and reassure that everything will be okay. 
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milktyama · 4 years
karasuno boys on first dates pt.2
part 1
a/n: idk about yall but this pandemic making me feel extra lonely </3 LIKE I CAN’T EVEN HUG MY OWN FRIENDS FFFFFF. sucks being a physical person during this time. i’m also procrastinating from math homework, words make more sense than numbers
genre: fluff, lighthearted, g!n s/o, kinda?? cliche??
includes: tanaka, sugawara, asahi, daichi
wc: 1489
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tanaka ryunosuke
he is the type to bring you to a movie date
classic and simple
he wants to recreate that oh so romantic moment of casually laying his arm over your shoulder and bring you slightly closer together
maybe if he wants to get a little spicy have you lay your head on his shoulder
but let’s move a few steps back to the asking out part
oh dear god
this man, although he is a mad gentleman, cannot handle feelings for the life of him
and in all honesty, probably took him a little far too long to ask you out
he had this whole scenario out of a movie in his head, all the vibes of a protagonist; boy meets girls moment
and the second he musters his courage and walk up to you during the end of the day, he freezes up
needed ennoshita to give you that sweet insight so you made the first move yourself or it would’ve taken a solid month or two before he could manage to greet you and start some small talk
he does not deal with feelings too well
fast forward to the date
he suggests a a rather romantic movie since he is kinda that type of guy
but you were feeling rather active today and suggests an action movie
and honestly he couldn’t thank you more because although he’s a hopeless romantic, probably could not stand a 2 hour romance movie
he doesn’t like to be called out by a movie </3
anyways, remember that movie scenario in his head? yea that’s out of the question
for one, you two were too hype during the movie; something about superheroes kicking ass is just oh so exciting
secondly, he was wimping out a little
at the end of the movie, you just, shine the brightest smile he has ever seen on you
and oh baby does he feel so HONOURED to be the cause of that smile
but the next thing you do absolutely makes his heart swell
you ask him for a second date
we did it gamers
quite ironically you guys go on a arcade game for your second date, and this mans does not give you an easy time, but you just love that competitiveness in him
sugawara koushi
starting at the beginning, he asks you out
he keeps it simple and straightforward
calls you out right before you exit school buildings, and asks you if you wanna watch practice because he’s obviously trying to woo you a little before his nerve wrecking question
and you gladly agree
i mean who can say no to mr. refreshing sugawara koushi
when he walks through the gym doors and the members seeing you walk right behind him, they would totally kinda misread the situation
i mean no questions asked when it comes to the boys having some insight to the setter’s feelings, however they were just a few steps too forward
saddest part it was DAICHI himself who went “woahh suga you already asked her out? good job man!”
his soul never left his body as fast as that time
like his boys really ruined that one time he wanted to go perfect
but it’s fine
because although you two were in a little of a blushing mess, you lightly grip his sleeve and murmured the cutest “i’m free on saturday afternoon”
saying that he short circuited is honestly an understatement
saturday rolls around and you two unanimously agreed to baking class date
it’s just a really fun and interactive date idea and suga is so in for activity dates
even though you two knew it was gonna get a little messy, yall SIMPS still put on some of your fav outfits
it was so worth it though ‘cause suga’s reaction to your outfit was just all you needed in the world
the date is really fun and playful
totally not at you two flouring each other haha nooo....
he walks you home just before you two part ways, his bold little butt places his hand on top of your head, pecks your forehead and gives you the widest smile
“pottery painting next?”
azumane asahi
asahi is a simple and shy man
i’m pretty sure that’s the obvious
and he would def opt for a simple, at home date
of course only if the other party is comfortable enough for that
don’t get me started at how he asked you
asahi is such a baby and probably has so much trouble with expressing his emotions on the whim/real time
he’ll probably go for a love letter (damn cheesey) just in case he messes up his wording and turns into a blabbering mess trying to make up for the previous mistake
i can imagine his love lever being just the most aesthetically pleasing
like homeboy pulled one of those scrapbooking, journaling people on instagram
plus points he did a wax seal thing (so fancy oml)
most likely put in your locker and then just RAN out of the place like usain bolt
and for the cherry on top, you would return a letter with the same amount of effort (probably not as pretty as his tho LMFAO) accepting his little date uwu
when the date comes, he would set up and clean his house to the tip top utmost cleanliness it could be
at his house, you two would probably watch some movies, play some board games, bake a little and so on
but the highlight of the date is when while watching your like 3rd movie, you doze off into asahi’s shoulder and boy you should’ve seen his FACE
so read and so cute
*insert pleading eyes emoji x2000*
he would gently stroke your hair, careful trying not to wake you up
but unfortunately for him you are a light sleeper
so you would wake up but allow him to run his fingers through your hair
and then when you decide to wake wake up, you tell him that when he strokes your head feels so nice and makes you feel safe AIJFSOLDKRG
and you ask him if you can do the same to him or try styling his hair
and how could he say no to you?
you two spend hours playing with each other’s hair (or only his if you have short hair)
oh and you took so any adorable pictures of him
he got so flustered but it was fine if it was you
sawamura daichi
as a man with the biggest appetite in the series, no surprise that daichi would bring you to a local restaurant for a little date
daichi is also a confident man
so he would puff his chest and put the effort to approach you
though as confident as i make him out to be, there’s still light pink dusted on the apples of his cheeks and hand awkwardly scratching the back of his neck as he makes eye contact with you
he’ll have you watch their practice and right after you two would make your to his favorite local restaurant for dinner
also during practice the third and second years would NOT give their captain a break while the first years are probably either too confused or don’t care (COUGH COUGH TSUKISHIMA)
anyways after practice and walking to the place is literally so perfect because sun in setting and the atmosphere is so romantic
you two probably walk right beside each other and making small talk when daichi is hinting that he wants to hold you hand by brushes that back of your hands together often
n e ways
knowing daichi, he probably goes to this restaurant very often and knows the menu like the back of his hand
so he would ask you for your preferences and then give you his recommendations based on that
he just wants to make sure you will enjoy your meal to the fullest
as a regular, he is also well acquainted with the restaurant owner
so like when mr. restaurant owner sees daichi walk in with another person while sporting a very clear blush on his face, he KNOWS something is up
while serving your orders, he was being sNEAKY by giving yall a freebie
and it turns out to be like the couple special
like those very pretty sparkly milkshakes with one of those straws that has two sides to it branching out
and like he refuse to serve yall other drinks FAGKFHJADH so you two had to with the milkshake and like oopsie moment when you two decide to go for it at the same time
the restaurant owner DEF took a pick of that exact moment and gave it to daichi as a gift AHAHAH
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love-ama · 5 years
lifetane part 2✌
hiiii and sorry for the long wait ahah, i hope the quality of this update compensates for the long wait oml anyways i'm gonna stop talking ty
characters: lifeline | ajay, octane | octavio, gibraltar | makoa
Lifeline hadn’t been in his squad for a good few games, and he knew the bun-wearing combat medic still participated in the Apex Games. The absence of Ajay by his side made Octavio a little jittery. If she was participating right now, he hoped he wouldn't bump into her any time sooner. Hopefully she was watching him on TV in the comfort of her own home. Safe and away from the bloody event that has become a sport for the Outlands.
His gaze extended through the cluster of trees, sight cut off by the darkness of the forest stretched out around them. It was only him and Makoa, with the shielded fortress rotating a couple of fish over a dimly-lit campfire. They had set up camp for the night, not a word being said about the new teammate they lost to a random triad a few hours back. Any death was just as serious, whether it occurred in the games or not, yet the remaining members of the squad couldn’t do much but loot and move on. 
A silence lingered in between the two, Octavio taking a light jog around the campsite a few times, trying to clear his mind a little. “So, what seems to be on your mind, brother?”
“Ah, no! Nothing at all, amigo.” Octavio bluffed, clearing his throat. He almost tripped over a stone being caught off guard. Octane stumbled to a stop, digging his heels in the ground before snapping his gaze back out into the darkness. “Yeah, I’m all good.”
“As someone who tried to avoid his own feelings, I’m pre-tty good at detecting others.” A hearty laugh escaped Makoa’s lips. “So. What’s the matter with you, son?” A comforting smile stretched over his mouth, the wrinkles of his face carved into his features. The welcoming expression left a warmth lingering in Octavio’s chest, and he felt obliged to confide in the armoured giant. His legs moved on their own, and soon he found himself sitting a good few feet from the small fire.
“I just had a falling out with a friend,” Octavio rested his elbows on his lap, eyeing the dancing flames. He was still struggling to piece his words together, not sure how he was going to project his issue onto his squadmate. Makoa is great for emotional support, and Octavio wanted to reach out to him. “Ajay. I guess I said some stuff that worried her too much, and she hasn’t talked to me in a few months. I mean, stuff like this has happened before, but we’d be talking after I left her to cool off for a couple of days. She’s my hermana, and has been there for me through everything. I guess I was a bit too careless with what I said this time.”
Silence filled the air for a good few moments. Octavio used this time to reflect on the conversation between him and Ajay.
“You have a lot of apologising to do,” he spoke with a humorous tone, “you have to tell her how much she means to you. Judging from what I hear, you don’t do enough of it. Ajay is one of the most realest friends you’ll ever come across, so it’s important to keep her close to you. She helped you through things that may have costed her something else.”
Gesturing to Octane’s legs, Makoa continued. “And as tough as she may seem, she might need a bit of a reminder from you to reassure her of the friendship between you.”
Octavio mulled over his piece of advice. He never really came across a time where he properly appreciated Ajay’s efforts being there for him. Sure, he threw a few “you’re a great friend”’s here and there, but they were lighthearted and usually exchanged when he was saved after pulling off a dumb stunt that the medic told him to not do. He really loved Ajay like a sister, and he started to coin the possibility that maybe he hasn’t been the best friend Ajay has had beside her.
“Oh, and try not to be too careless with the things you say to her. Stick to what you promise her, and try not to pull yourself into too much trouble now.”
The rest of the night was filled with conversations about various things over the cooked fish Makoa prepared for the two. They took shifts to guard the campsite during the night before waking up in the morning to pack up their belongings. Octavio felt refreshed and optimistic. He had just gained a new friend over the course of one night. The two exchanged smiles before continuing their journey to the zone.
Upon their trek, Gibraltar held a hand up to signal for Octavio to stop. The two listened silently to catch the quiet sounds of gunfire coming from the north-east direction in Containment.
“Maybe we should rush in, take ‘em by surprise!” Octavio gesticulated some extreme scenarios to support his suggestion. Makoa took a moment to respond in an attempt to reason with Octane’s suggestion.
But before Makoa could even open his mouth, Octavio was already sprinting in the direction of the firefight, determined to go along with his unsolicited plan. The large man could barely keep up with Octane, the gear on his outfit slowing him down as he kept a steady pace after the daredevil. "Hey-- wait!"
Bang! Bang!
Octane turned around just in time to see Gibraltar's torso ripped open from a barrage of bullets flying through his form. The shielded fortress stumbled forward before falling onto his knees, tugging at his weakly holstered weapon before another shot was fired to his head, tearing into the back of his skull and leaving him to lie in a pool of his own blood.
Octane froze, but only until his eyes met the murderer of his newfound friend. They raised their weapon towards the junkie, and that's when his feet started to move on their own again.
He darted behind a boulder, unholstering his r-99 before standing up to rest his elbows on the coarse surface of the rock. Two enemies were in sight, yet he took his aim at the more animated one, squeezing the trigger as if trying to rid himself of anguish from the loss of his friend.
He's not really dead.
Octavio pressed his eyes shut as a scream escaped his lips.
But I lost him too.
In the darkness behind his eyelids, the loud, repetitive sounds of bullets dulled. Once he realised he emptied his magazine, he opened his eyes to throw the empty weapon at the other enemy, pulling out a peacekeeper before squeezing the trigger out of haste. The shells were forced into their skull and they dropped limp to the ground.
Octavio heaved above the two bodies. His eyes were growing hot and his vision started to become blurry. The daredevil clenched his teeth as his hand grasped tightly around the barrel of the peacekeeper. He elicited a short, frustrated scream as he sent a forceful kick into the side of his most recent victim. Tears started to fall and stain his cheeks as he collapsed to his knees, quiet sobs barely audible to hear from all the thoughts racing in his mind.
The crumbling of earth accompanied by rustling sounded from behind Octavio, and he made the prompt to stand and twirl around, raising the peacekeeper up to the face of his attacker. But once he caught the familiar face of his intruder, his muscles froze and he found himself unable to move.
Brown eyes stared back at him, wide with shock and curiosity as Ajay too found herself frozen in place. Her gun was lowered, yet she looked as if she was searching for something. Judging by her solo appearance, Octavio could guess that it was her teammates he must've taken out.
He lowered the shotgun. The atmosphere between them was awkward and filled with a thick silence. His breathing was even as he tried to make himself as still as he could, but only because he was too afraid to make the wrong move in case he would scare her enough to bust a cap in his head.
Just tell her you're sorry.
Shock dominated her features, then it was anger - but then? Worry, concern, regret. She held herself back from saying anything, trying to read the expression behind Octavio's mask. A few seconds of silence felt like hours before the medic slowly back away from Octavio, weapon raised towards him until she was far enough to turn around and sprint out of his sight.
Octavio only watched her until she was gone from his view. By then, he started to follow her footsteps, increasing his speed by a little the more he followed her. He wasn't sure why he was following her, but something was pulling him towards Ajay. A mixture of feelings were brewing in the pit of his stomach and running after her seemed to be the only way to control the emotional jumble.
"Wait, Ajay." He desperately called, "Aja-"
as u can tell I suck at action and can't write it for poop - most of the scenes for this fic with be taken out of apex games for this reason :""") rip gibby the thickie even tho he isn't really dead but writing a scene that kills him off made me sad:"""0 i'll never do that to u again bb i promise
might upload this to ao3 if u guys want buuut i haven't decided yet ajsjfbs hope u guys enjoyed the read!
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kachuwritings · 6 years
Stray Kids reaction to an older s/o
anonymous asked: Can I request a stray kids reaction to their s/o being older than them? Like three years older than whatever the legal age is for both parties to date
a/n: I'm sorry I took so long with this ;-; I hope you enjoy it!! I just realized I always felt so old yet I'm not even 3 years older than Jeongin :')
- gender neutral -
Since Woojin is the oldest and like a dad or even grandpa oops to the others except for Chan he would first need to get used to having an older s/o. He's used to being the one taking care of his younger brothers and being the oldest so this would be new for him. However, he'd see it as a refreshing experience and would come to really like not being the oldest for once. He'd feel so comfortable and cared for in your presence, feeling like you would protect him just as much as he'd protect you. Would always giggle at you being cute but don't tell the others about that shhhh.
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Bang Chan:
Chan is an overworked and tired bean and as the leader of Stray Kids he is used to being the one in charge, so with you being older than him, he had found a safe haven in you where he could let loose and be a child for once. With all the burdens and responsibilities on his shoulders, you'd help him feel relaxed since whenever you were with him, he didn't have to be responsible anymore since you gladly took over to take care of him. He'd be really happy about that, though I could see him still wanting to be the one in charge when it came to the bedroom I didn't just say this shhhh.
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Lee Know/Minho:
For some reason I feel like Minho would find it sexy having an older s/o. He strikes me as being somewhat bratty and he could view you being older as a challenge to be in charge. I do feel like Minho would like being in charge usually and in the bedroom as well but on the other side I could also see him turn extremely soft at you being older. He would view you as someone he could lean on and go to for advice, someone who's more knowledgeable than him. I could also see him thinking highly of you and feeling proud for having pursued someone older than him.
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Changbin is someone I feel like who would enjoy a significant other no matter whether they are older or younger than him. But believe me, you being older than him would bring out Baby Changbin so much more often than he already does let him get unleashed. He would just be such a sucker for you babying my phone seriously autocorrect "babying" to "banging" oml him and would do aegyo for you all. the. time. I think he'd really love surprising you with sudden outbursts of aegyo and go like "noonaaaa/hyuuuung~♡" or something like that. In general, you being older would bring out the baby in Changbin even more and he'd love every second of it since let's be real, this boy loves acting cute and being a softie.
yes, I had to use him in Jeongin's outfit to emphasize baby Changbin even more
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Do you know these moments when Hyunjin acts all pouty and sulky and is just so incredibly adorable and cute? That's exactly how I view him with an older significant other. I feel like he'd always get sulky or pouty if you reminded him of being older than him or make a joke about him being younger. He'd want to make you see him as a man instead of a boy but all that sulking would only make you find him even cuter, which would be the exact opposite result as Hyunjin would want. Though he'd also really enjoy you being older for various reasons and one being, him acting cute for you and having you treat him to food or coffee/milkshakes. Mostly, you'd end up smiling and shaking your head in a joking "disappointed but not surprised" manner and give in to his wishes since let's be real; who could say "no" to him?
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Anyone getting reminded of 3racha's wow here? Just me? Okay. Somehow I could see Jisung becoming even more clingy and affectionate than he already is with an older significant other. He'd totally enjoy you being older than him and he'd look up to as a person and admire you. Whenever he had a problem, he'd always come to you to talk about it and he'd love how you always knew what to say and how to comfort him. He'd appreciate your wisdom and I could see him love having long conversations with you. Jisung is another one, like Minho, I could see feeling proud for having been able to pursue an older significant other though I feel like he'd also try to prove his maturity to you, wanting you to see him as a man and not as a young boy. He'd definitely want to impress you with his deep thinking skills and maturity.
don't blame me for attacking you with this gif
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When it comes to Felix I feel like he would just get so soft for you and would look at you as his anchor that kept him from drowning. He is a shy boy and with you being older and more experienced than him, he'd feel comforted and like he's in someone's hands that knows what they're doing. Whenever he was insecure he knew he could always talk to you and you'd make him feel more confident again. Like Hyunjin, I think he would also be one of those who'd pout when you made jokes about being older than him but sometimes he'd want to prove his manliness to you and leave you shocked, making you realize that he is indeed not a young boy no more.
and yup, he would succeed in doing that just look at the gif hehehehehehe
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Seungmin is a puppy and he would get even more puppy-like when he was with you. You being older than him would just bring out his inner child and he'd love to just lay with you and feel your comforting hug that made him feel safe. Like a puppy that begs for a treat is how I'd imagine Seungmin to be like; he'd always be excited to see you, talk to you and spend time with you. He'd love hearing your opinions since he viewed you as very knowledgeable and/or wise. On the other hand though, Seungmin is also a bratty boy. He would definitely make jokes about you being older and calling you a grandparent just for fun and giggles and to see your offended face.
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When it comes to The Baby™ I feel like he would totally relish in his maknae role. Jeongin is used to being the youngest, being teased and babied, so I feel like he wouldn't feel hesitant into entering this relationship since he knew he could just be himself like always. He would love having you take care of him, treat him, and baby him in every way possible. He'd cutely whine for his noona/hyung to take care of him or even go as far as begging for you to feed him just because. Though I must say there's also a part of Jeongin that tells me he'd be low-key rebellious and would like to be able and take charge for once since that would give him a huge ego boost due to the age gap between you two.
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disclaimer: I do not mean to say that someone younger than them couldn't possess the traits I talked about or wouldn't be able to take care of them. I just tried to view this from their point of view, since age and showing respect is much more of an issue in Korea than what we're used to in the Western world. According to the research I've done, people being older are usually the ones taking care of the younger ones and being viewed as more knowledgeable, so therefore they are in charge and I've read that it can be quite an issue for the person that is younger sometimes. However, I don't know if everything is true since I only read about it and haven't made the experiences myself.
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undinefin · 7 years
Love Post (fuck you guys)
ok! SO! since some people decided to show me up and do extra long paragraphs and make me a friggin playlist, obviously I had to do something too!!!  this is going to be a long post, so there is heavy scrolling involved. I'm sorry.
also, i'd like to apologize to the people that i wasn't able to write stories for, be it I haven't known you enough, or im just a horrible friend (im sorry ood i will write u all the sanic fanfic) im really really sorry!!! 
tbh you dont even have to read the stories if you dont want to??
PLEASE READ THIS: this is the authors note where i essentially justify the mess (or messes if you decide to read all of them) that you are about to lay ya eyes on. i wrote most of these in a non-lucid state, fuelled only by anger and lack of sleep. they aren't the most amazing things. akire, you have another note before yours bc reasons. also im on the computer there will be no emojis sorry im lazy
the story order goes!: Boo CP Fath Nom Kiki Akire ^^ roughly based on story length. 
first however, i'm gonna get other mutuals their love posts!!!
@fooderaser​ : Ch!! The gc misses you so much aahhh i haven't talked to you in so long :(((( i'm sorry i didn't write you a story, and honestly the whole "haven't talked to you enough" is a poor excuse but really, if and when you're available i'll write you all the stories!!! you are so kind, and whenever we are blessed by your presence in the gc it's so nice! you bring this energy in that's so refreshing, and i've seen that post!! You're so beautiful!! I hope to be able to talk to you more! <3 
@sambashua​: Mir, I haven't known you for a long time, but you seem really nice!! I'm glad i have another friend to yell about Haikyuu!! with. SEEAASON FOUR BETTER COME OUT AND WHEN IT DOES WE SHALL Y E L L. im also glad to be a fellow cheermander, and will continue to work on the fy-charmander blog! hope we can talk more!!
@coralinfluencershark​: AUD MY DOD WHO HAS A GREAT BOD (i just thought of that today are you proud) i love you sosososoossoososos much words cant even describe it. again, i'm sorry i didnt write you the sanic x peach x dobby fanfic that i know you are dying to read. YOU ARE SO SWEET AND NICE AND CARE ABOUT ISSUES AND ITS GREAT and you are a lil strange (please, if you have to, BUY a verbal filter) but you are very loved. i love spending time with you, and you never fail to make me laugh. you'RE SO COOL ADN YOU CAN SKATE and are so much smarter than you think you are. im excited for bnha season 3, so on that note, i leave you with this (i sent it to u but idk if u watched it)
@juliaplatinumerr: JU CHAAAAN !!! i love you a lot a lot we have known each other for so long and thANK YOU for still keeping in contact with me it's honestly so magical. IM SORRY I DIDNT WRITE YOU ANYTHING I HAVE NO GOOD EXCUSE i can only offer my presence (aka we should hang out sometime??) and i might go back to japan so if u want anything hmu!! really you're so nice, and reliable, and i love that i can still talk to you and help you!! really really, I love you a lot!!
alrighty now we can move onto the stories!!! i'm so sorry this is a mess. love you all. btw the love paragraphs are arguably gonna be shorter...maybe.
Truthfully, I had no idea where I was going with any of these, and the writing is mediocre at best (because I know I can do better but…haahhhh) so yeah. If anything think of them as like….random little scenarios that I wrote up in which I am not-so-discreetly complimenting y’all in about 1000-2000 words. I don’t think there’s any romance??? Like if there is its like pure n shit but im still not the most comfortable with writing self insert also age! Anyways, apologies in advance. I wasn’t lucid during the making of any of these.
paragraphs look so fugly in tumblr oml.
@caramelmacch1ato​: BOOOOOOO!!! I actually love you sosos much i cant even start to describe it. You're so sweet and so smart wtf please teach me. i love reading your goodnight posts that i think you've sent nearly every night??? thats impressive damn. YOU ARE IMPRESSIVE I AM IMPRESSED BY YOU. i hope you enjoy the story i have no idea whats happening. love youuu <333
Boo had been to tons of concerts before, she’d been lucky enough to even get Meet n’ Greet tickets for Day6, where she met her bias Jae. He was funny, and strange, but also beautiful and amazing. There were still so many groups she wanted to see live, like Seventeen and Astro, but when Day6 was hosting their second live in America, she was definitely going.
Getting tickets was always a hassle, and even if Day6 didn’t have 4 billion followers (though they deserved it) you had to be clicking ‘check out’ the second the tickets were released to get Fansign tickers. Though, Boo always managed to pull through.
Fast forward about three weeks and Boo was once again lining up with a large poster board outside of the Day6 concert venue. It was a little chilly, as they were performing in February, but it was a birthday gift for Boo, so the cold didn’t bother her too much.
The anticipation killed her, “I Wait,” yeah, she sure as hell did. It took another fifteen minutes for the venue to dim, and the five members of Day6 ran onstage. Screams filled the theatre, and they didn’t stop for the next two hours. Boo’s Korean had improved since the last concert, and during the times where they would MC, she was able to pick up some words. 
Her poster was a light-up one, with nine pictures of the Day6 members, and a neon title spelling out “According to this mood board, how are you feeling today?” During one of their songs, she could have sworn Jae pointed at it and laughed. 
Jae had easily captured her heart, and he played a large part as to why Day6 was her bias group. He was funny, attractive, and had a beautiful voice. The fact that he spoke English was also helpful, in that she could sometimes understand him (“sometimes” because let’s face it, half of what he said was meme garbage).
The boys were doing a game section, in which they had to name their songs by the intro music as fast as they could. Whoever got the most right would draw from a lottery, and the lucky person would come up on stage to receive a prize. YoungK was winning, with Jae at a close second. Dowoon was surprisingly third, and Wonpil and Sungjin were tied for last place.
Familiar music filled the room, and the fans were shouting out the answers arguably faster than any of the boys. Jae hit his buzzer. “그렇더라고요!” he shouted eagerly. With this he was tied with Younghyun. “Or, When You Love Someone,” he followed up, remembering that the audience was English.
“I LOVE YOU JAE,” Boo screamed, her voice was hoarse from the fanchants, and general shouting, but she wasn’t fazed. Some other fans in the audience added on, and Jae bore a proud look. YoungK rolled his eyes but laughed, and Dowoon mumbled something about how he should’ve guessed that, since those were his drums.
Boo, able to pick up his worry due to her knowledge and proximity to the stage followed up with a, “YOU’RE PERFECT DOWOON.” Dowoon perked up, and others also shouted words of encouragement to him, as well as the other members.
The concert slipped away all too soon, and many were upset that their time with Day6 was over. The Hi-touch ticket holders went to give the members a quick high-five before leaving, practically worshipping their hands.
Boo got in line for the Jae Meet n’ Greet, which was very long. She was one of the last people to join, and the other lines were beginning to fill up as well. Boo watched the other people meet the members, some cried, others laughed, and a few even gave them gifts! The MyDays were very respectful though, and Boo was proud to be a part of them.
The minutes ticked by, and her poster felt heavier by the second. Boo checked her makeup to ensure she didn’t look like a total wreck. Jumping up and down, and singing along to songs was a lot more work than it seemed. Her makeup looked clean though, and there was one zit that she couldn’t cover up, but she could hide it with her hair.
“Hi there!” Jae smiled. Boo smiled back shyly, as always, he was even more beautiful in person! His smile was radiant, and despite how tired he was from performing, his face still looked energetic, like a puppy. “I’m number eight by the way,” he mentioned.
“Number eight?” Boo repeated, confused. 
Jae pointed to her poster, “Yeah on your mood board! Feeling totally pumped today, I also look especially fabulous in that photo! But number two, Sungjin eating…. that’s a close one.”
Boo laughed, “I think I’m also eight. Seeing you guys really gets me excited, I love your music a lot.”
Jae grinned, “That’s good, but I’m the main reason, right? My looks are so attractive that it compelled you to buy a ticket! 
“Of course,” Boo agreed jokingly.
“That laugh…you’re the ‘Okie Dokie Artichokie’ girl, aren’t you? I say it all the time to piss off Brian, he says I say it stupidly.”
Jae remembered her laugh, Jae remembered her.
“That’s because you do!” YoungK hissed. The girl that was meeting with him laughed as well.
Jae pulled his face into a strange expression, with his eyes looking upwards and a frown upon his lips. “OkIE doKiE, ArticHOkie,” he jested. His voice sounded like Goofy from Mickey Mouse, and Jae couldn’t stop himself from laughing at the end. He added finger guns that pointed at Boo.
“I’m proud,” Boo wiped an invisible tear from her eye.
“You should be, how have I never known this before?” Jae agreed seriously.
“Such ignorance for a wonderful phrase, I’m glad I was at least able to teach it to you, even though it was late.”
“As your follower in the religion of mood boards, and random phrases, I appreciate the important lesson.” The two of them continued back and forth, as their scenario grew more and more outrageous. It was when aliens were brought into the conversation that the two broke out into laughter.
 “That was fun, you’re fun,” Jae exclaimed. “You’re funny too, and nice! An ideal Myday, but most importantly, you stan me! Which makes you the most ideal Kpop fan of all!”
“Well…you are my ultimate bias,” Boo admitted.
“ULTIMATE!?” Jae guffawed. He turned to Younghyun, “Hear that? I’m her ultimate bias.” Jae bore a proud look on his face. He turned back to Boo, “Well, I’m just so handsome and talented that it’d be hard not to have me as an ultimate bias! Though everyone is starting to appreciate the other members’ individual looks, which is nice. Your looks could rival even mine!”
Boo blushed at that. As much as Jae joked(?) about how godly his face was, no one could actually deny it. He was very attractive after all, and being compared to that by the man himself, Boo was half certain she was dreaming.
“Thank you, I tried hard for you tonight,” Boo smiled.
“Ah see, that’s a killer smile right there. The makings of an idol! All you have to do now is learn some Korean and it’ll be smooth sailing from there. With all your charisma and caring-ness, the companies will be fighting over you!” Jae gleamed at her.
Jae noticed the time was ticking by, and the other girls in line were still waiting. “Alright Ms. Artichokie, is there a better name I can call you?”
Jae grinned and held out his hand. “Alright Boo, I hope you come to lots of concerts, and if you DO sign under a label be sure to tell me,” he winked at her, “Till then, I’ll remember you, Boo.”
@howcaniwait: CP overlord, you are truly the glue that sticks this mess of a gc together. i love you so much its actually so overwhelming for ma lil heart. you are so sweet, and you have evolved so much!! to love kpop!!!!! you're so beautiful thoSE EYEBROWS MAN and you're so easy to talk to and get along with and wE LIKE P!ATD YAAY. really you're actually one of the smartest people i know and i know sometimes it gets overwhelming but you're so smart i know you are!! again, i hope the story does some justice??? its kinda lame but whATEVER
Five Minutes 
The chances that you’d meet someone famous were quite slim, and it seemed that if you were a fan of said celebrity, the chances would be even slimmer. Taken that CP didn’t live in a largely visited country for artists, to even perform in, her chances were slimmer.
But CP loved the artists that she did nonetheless. Maybe a year ago she was wary of them, and she even made fun of the people that liked them! But slowly, very slowly, she began to have a change of heart. Day6 was something different compared to the other ones she had heard of at the time. Their music was magic, and the people who made that music were beyond skilled. She fell in love with them fast, and the one who caught her eye was none other than Kang Younghyun.
He had remained her ultimate bias for a year of Kpop adventures, which involved spending a lot of time online staring at pretty boys singing, dancing, and talking. Despite all the amazing idols she had seen, nothing could top her love for YoungK of Day6.
“You hear that CP?” A hand waved in front of her face. Kiki and L were sitting in front of her, at a restaurant in Korea Town. “They don’t have any more Bibimbap,” Kiki recapped. After tons and tons of pestering from her friends, and saving up, as well as a generous Christmas gift, CP was able to meet her friends in the place where YoungK had studied, Toronto.
“Ah, then I’ll have the….” CP quickly looked at the menu, “Tteok-bokki.” It was the cheapest option.
The three had energetic conversations about Kpop stars, as all avid fans of the music. It ranged from trying to discern the song that was playing in the restaurant, to showing Kiki various images in hopes that her alter ego would come out.
“Stop!” Kiki whined, the last picture of Bambam was starting to push her off the edge.
L nodded, “Yeah, please stop we don’t need that in this nice restaurant.”
“I can’t help it! You guys are the ones showing me the images!” Kiki argued.
“In this Good Christian Restaurant?” CP ignored her friend. “Control yourself,” she gave Kiki a stern look, despite being the one showing her the images. Kiki mumbled something under her breath.
The food in the restaurant was good, and CP thought that the Tteok-bokki was actually pretty delicious. Half way through the meal L sighed loudly.
“The damn subways are closed, I have to take the bus home. I hate taking the bus,” she informed the others. Kiki laughed, she could walk home from their location. CP was getting picked up by her parents, so it wasn’t a big deal for her too. “I’m probably going to have to leave early.”
The plan was that they’d eat, then go to a Kpop store with a good stock of albums. After another fifteen minutes, L apologized before setting down some money for her portion of the meal and then leaving to catch the bus. 
“That sucks,” Kiki sighed. “We can still go though, that’s fine, right?” CP nodded. They finished paying and then left for the store. The remaining snow on the ground was mostly slush, and even though the sun was out, a chill still remained in the air. CP was glad she wore her boots.
The store clerks greeted them nicely, and Kiki showed her to the Day6 section of the store, before going to buy another album to add to her collection. With the remaining $25, CP decided to buy Daydream.
“Maybe I should buy a BTR album in Toronto too…” CP wondered aloud, purposely saying it so that Kiki could hear 
Kiki’s enraged expression was hardly fake, “Don’t you dare mention that name within my sanctuary of Kpop albums!”
CP laughed, “It was a joke, a joke.” Kiki grumbled, unconvinced. The two of them left the store, that they admittedly spent far too long in. Kiki managed to find a poster of an Astro member, and the searching alone took around ten minutes.
“You want me to wait with you?” Kiki asked.
“It’s fine, don’t worry,” she assured her friend. Kiki lingered for a bit, before the cold air started getting to her. She said her goodbye, and promised to meet again.
CP had around five minutes until her parents would pick her up, those five minutes would possibly be the most fantastical five minutes of her life thus far. It started with her taking out her new Day6 album, because damnit they didn’t put their music on any platforms. CP quickly cracked it open, curious to see her photo card. She wouldn’t risk opening it anymore, lest she drop it in the slush. A picture of Wonpil staring into the camera at the beach was inside. She took it out to admire the photo. Even if he wasn’t her bias, CP was a good Kpop stan who appreciated all the members.
CP looked up for the briefest moment. She noticed someone rather tall, asking various people for something. Though, through the bustle of the streets no one seemed to stop and reply to him. CP looked closer, there was something so painfully familiar about him, and maybe it was the shock, or the sunglasses, but CP couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
“Excuse me, miss?” the man had come up to her. He had a slight accent, but his words were still clear. 
“Oh! Yes?” CP responded, somewhat startled.
The man sighed, “Finally. Do you have any toonies, or tokens? The subway is closed down, and I need to take the bus. It’s been a while…I’m still not completely familiar with this section of Toronto. 
CP didn’t say anything, but rummaged through a bag she had brought. She was still racking her brain, trying to think of who it was. But…it couldn’t be him. There was no way, this would have to be some shitty story that was written to the ideals of mere humans.
She handed him a token that her mother had given her just in case. “Thank you, you’re very kind,” he smiled at her.
CP knew that smile, almost as much as she knew the music that it went with. “You…you’re YoungK, right?”
Younghyun hummed. Normally he’d deny it, not cause a fuss, because even if people didn’t know you, they’d still try to take pictures just so they could say ‘I met YoungK.’ But something felt different, maybe it was her kindness, or the Wonpil picture she held between her fingers, or just a feeling, but something was different.
“I am,” he smiled again. He saw her face light up. Contrasting to all the dreary slush, and grey air, her smile and eyes were shining brightly. Her eyes were soft, but still looking at him in awe, and her smile was beautiful, big, and loving. “Would you like a signature?” Younghyun offered.
CP opened her mouth, though nothing audible came out. Instead she nodded, and held out the new album. Her heart was beating faster than it ever had before. Thousands of thoughts, questions, and horrible conversation starters were floundering around her head, but none of them were spoken. 
“Thank you,” she finally said. “Thank you so much. You…your music, your voice, everything is so amazing! You know I wasn’t a huge fan of Kpop, but I listened to you guys, and it was like a whole new sky had opened up for me.” Her voice was filled with amazement, as if she was singing praises, she practically was. CP was thoroughly grateful.
YoungK handed back the album. “Thank you,” his voice was firm. “Thank you for supporting us. Day6 would be nothing without our fans. I would just be a guy with a nice voice. You’ve given us something amazing, more than any of us could comprehend.” His eyes focused on her. “I’m glad that our fans are kind ones like you, and I’m glad I was able to change your heart. Can I call you something?”
CP was still in shock that the Kang Younghyun was talking to her, was complimenting her! “Uh…I’m known as Charlie by my friends…” she mumbled.
“Okay, Charlie, maybe we’ll meet again. Thank you so much!” he began to back away.
CP quickly sprung to action. “Wait!” she called. “Could I…could I get a picture? Is that okay? 
YoungK laughed, “Sure. Really, you’re so considerate, even just asking for a picture.”
Five minutes. It had been five minutes, and her parents pulled up. CP was still going through the scenario in her head over and over again. She had met YoungK.
Just as Younghyun had met Charlie.
@lollipopp3725: FATTHHHH!!!!!! oh gods when you were added to the chat and i found out we couLD YELL ABOUT UTAITE AND HAIKYUU you saw me i was literally having a breakdown i was so happy. so thank you for putting up with all my rants about them! you're so sweet!! i loved the story you wrote, jesus that angst man. you're so nice, and so energetic aND YOUR PUNS ARE TOP QUALITY. good puns, you could call them...aJUN nice. i know you had like a few other people that you heavily biased but here's jun!
Fath was growing a little impatient.
Weeks ago, somehow, miraculously, she had been able to buy a Seventeen album from a store and her parents were not aware of exactly what she had purchased. Fath knew that Seventeen was in Singapore for a tour, but when she opened her album to find a ballot to the fansign, she almost had a heart attack.
Fath knew that having one ballot was nothing, and there was nearly no chance of her getting into the event, but she couldn’t risk buying the album again. Even so, Fath filled out the ballot, because “nearly no chance” was better than no chance at all. Despite that, she still had little faith in the ballot. People would buy ten albums, twenty, or even fifty just to get into the fansign. It was a groundless dream.
So, when Fath received the news that she was accepted into the fansign, she went into shock for a good few minutes before muffling her cries into a pillow. Fath’s heart wouldn’t calm down – she swore it was working harder than when she did physical activity – and she kicked at the air, trying to contain her excitement.
There was only one problem now. Her parents.
They weren’t fans of music to begin with, finding it distracting, especially what they classified as “teenager music.” Kpop was worse. They disregarded anything Kpop, and Fath had remained a closeted fan in the presence of her parents.
The most Fath could do was tell them she was going out with a friend, and hope they wouldn’t question her too much. If they asked why there was a strange bulk in her bag, maybe she could say it was a book and hope they weren’t suspicious. Fath thought herself an okay liar, so she could get by. The fansign shouldn’t take more than an hour after all.
Fath only got a few, “When will you be back” and “Tell us if anything changes” before getting the approval to go out. She texted a friend to tell them about the plan, just in case her parents asked about it later.
The location of the fansign was a little far out, but it would only be a half our train ride, then a short walk. There were only a few delays on the train, which in turn resulted in an extra ten minute ride, but Fath still had around fifteen minutes before the fansign started. The air was crisp, and the sky was especially clear. Fath quickened her pace.
The building was one of the smaller ones on the block, only going up to about three stories high. The e-mail said to go downstairs, and the staff members would help guide you to the fansign location.
Fath luckily only took one wrong turn, and was quickly redirected into the proper room. About a hundred other girls were there, all bustling with excitement. It was loud, and everyone seemed to be talking to everyone. Before Fath could join into any conversation of “who’s your bias,” or “which album do you like best,” a middle-aged man stood at the front to gather everyone’s attention.
“Alright everyone, please listen carefully,” the feedback from the microphone whined, sending out a sound a little too high for humans to comprehend, but low enough just to pierce their eardrums. The man apologized, and proceeded to explain how the fansign would work.
Essentially, after Seventeen answered questions from the post-it notes, everyone would line up under who they had slotted, and they’d have a short time to chat, only about a minute. The members would sign a poster, and you could give gifts. The fansign wasn’t too strict, despite the band being Seventeen.
And that brought Fath to the present, where she was getting impatient. She had the Jun fansign slot, and was currently waiting in line to meet him. She was fine with that; the waiting was fine. What was annoying her was that she had been waiting for nearly forty minutes, and Fath was finally at the front of the line, but the girl in front of her was taking a long time. They were only supposed to have a minute when the fansign part started, but Fath was certain this girl had been clinging to Jun for nearly two minutes now. She was the last person in line, and a lot of the other lines were almost done too.
There was a sudden cry. Fath turned to see a burst of water sailing through the air. A pipe had sprung loose in the building, and the girls near it, as well as Dino were getting sprayed with water.
Chaos ensued. The water was getting more intense, as other breaks in the pipes were slowly forming. Both the fans, staff members, and Seventeen hastily ran away from the scene. After a few moments of ensuring no one was hurt, the middle-aged man stood up again.
“The fansign is now closed. We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but this is both the allocated time of closing, and considering the problem, we have to close it down anyways. If you were unable to receive the posters, please pick them up at the front,” he announced.
Most of the girls didn’t mind, they had already met with one of the members. Fath however, did mind. She didn’t care about the posters (well she did but not as much as) she cared about meeting Jun. In the crowd, she couldn’t even see him. Like the other members, he was probably already being escorted away.
Fath felt like screaming, or crying. Either were fine. She thought that maybe, just maybe she’d be able to meet her bias. She’d be able to talk to them. But it was ruined because what? A broken pipe and some insensitive girl who took too long. It was unfair. Fath was the last girl in line to talk to Jun. It was frustrating if anything, but a small part of her said “What do you expect?” All that risk with her parents for nothing.
Most of the girls had already left the room, trying to avoid the growing puddle of water. Fath followed, trudging along, when someone tapped her shoulder.
Truthfully, Fath wasn’t in the mood to talk to someone. She wanted to grab her poster and go, but the voice that spoke certainly wasn’t a fan.
“You are…l…last?” 
The voice was too deep to be a girl’s, and the accent and broken English was all Fath needed to turn around to see who was talking to her.
It was Jun. He turned around to face Vernon, who mouthed him something else. “I am…sorry,” he said robotically. Fath felt like crying again, but for another reason. Jun was talking to her, Jun wanted to speak to her.
“Thank you,” she breathed.
Jun smiled at the recognizable words, “You’re welcome.” He stared a while, seeming to be thinking before opening his mouth again. “You like…something? Hand?” Jun held out his hand low enough to be a handshake, but high enough to go for a high five.
Fath noticed the other members walking out another exit. “Thank you so much! You probably have to go but…can I have a hug?”
Fath felt awkward, he wasn’t too clear on what a hug was. “You…you know…arms around each other,” she lifted her arms as if pretending to go into the hug. Jun nodded and made a sound before raising his arm and hugging Fath.
It was a good hug. Jun was warm, which made Fath feel warm, and protected too. Jun lingred in the position, staying as they were for just a bit longer. Fath lightly rested her head against him, mumbling another thank you. The idol looked at her and smiled. His smile was cute, beautiful. Fath could’ve melted right then and there.
Jun pulled away, giving Fath one last smile before leaving. Maybe she didn’t officially have her fansign, but who cares because she just got to hug Jun.
@achuu-nice: nomiTH NOM NOOMMOFSNDK! i love you. you are the bestest mom i could think of anD YOU ARE SO SO SWEET!!! MUCH CARE!!! thank you for also suffering through the haikyuu angst fic, come to me and yell when you are done. no but seriously you are so nice and kind and even though i am the hype woman u give me lots of hype. so nice. I HOPE YOU ENJOY JEONGHAN. i loveeee you!!!
I’m sorry, this got out of hand
~A magical world in which nom and hannie can understand each other~
Nom was always the mother of the group. She was responsible, and always cared for her friends, regardless of whether they were actually younger than her or not. It fit, Nom the mom, Mom, and she truly loved all those dubbed as her children. But other than her name, what was it exactly that attracted people to her mom-ness? As well, would Nom ever know how it feels to be mommed? Truly, such questions were ones that could hardly ever be answered.
It was one fateful day, Nom was innocently listening to Teen, Age as she walked to buy more bird feed. Flower was booming in her earbuds, and when Jeonghan’s voice came on at exactly 2:42, she completely forgot her surroundings.
The bike came out of nowhere. She could hardly hear the bike bell over the sound of the music. She looked up to see the bike speeding towards her, and the person riding it screaming something. 
It happened in an instant. Nom’s vision went fuzzy, and an incessant ringing was going off in her ears. There was a bright light, and then a warm voice.
The voice was soft, and Nom could have sworn there was a slight echo to it. The voice was not clear, was she unconscious?
Nom…wake up…
It sounded very familiar…but something was different. If it was really that voice, then there would be an accent, and that was even assuming he could speak English. But this voice…it spoke in perfect English with practically no accent. The white light was still there, and Nom was fairly certain she was still awake.
Open your eyes…child…
Child? Did the voice call her child? When was she ever the child? Nom tried to “open her eyes,” but nothing changed. Her eyes were definitely open, and for whatever reason nothing actually hurt, despite being hit by the bike. Speaking of which, was not there. Where was the bike? Nom looked down, where was the road? She was in some strange white plane, with mist floating around everywhere. 
Nom opened her mouth, seeing if she could at least talk, “My…my eyes are open. Maybe you could turn down the brightness?” Her suggestion was earnest. A soft Oh could be heard and slowly the bright light disappeared, leaving what Nom could only describe as an angel.
He had beautiful feathers, they were sleek but still fluffy that were folded to covered his body. Some of them protruded from the main structure of the wings, and others had fallen to his feet. The wings encircled his body, and a halo of light rested lightly above his long, light brown hair.
With a flurry of feathers, the angel unfurled his wings to reveal his full body. The hair was pulled into a loose braid that ended just past his shoulders. His skin was smooth, so perfect that Nom was nearly convinced what she was seeing was an actual angel. He was clad in a loose white button-up shirt, with the last two buttons not done up, and fitted black jeans. He wore white running shoes of a brand that Nom didn’t recognize, and a silver bracelet.
“Jeonghan?” Nom said hesitantly.
‘Jeonghan’ smiled at her, “So you know my name, I’m glad.” His smile seemed to literally glow.
Gathering her thoughts and courage, Nom began to ask her questions, “Are you really him? There’s no way, right? Hannie speaks Korean, he lives in Korea, in fact, if you are him you should be in Korea now.” 
“Well…I suppose I am him? But not at the same time, it can be complicated. Simply put, think of me as like an astral projection of your Jeonghan, though you aren’t physically meeting, this plane and circumstance has allowed our minds to connect. Should you ever meet for real, both of you would remember this meeting and each other,” the angel Jeonghan replied.
Nom cocked her head to the side, “Circumstance? Oh…Oh yeah! Wasn’t I like, hit by a bike? Am I unconscious? Aren’t you just a figment of my imagination?” Though, if he was, Nom gave her imagination a large pat on the back, because Angel Jeonghan was masterfully thought up.
A bittersweet expression crossed Jeonghan’s face, “I’m sure you’re wondering about the wings.”
“I am.” 
“Well…like I said, this plane that is invisible to normal humans is what is allowing us to meet. The wings and halo are uh…part of the job I suppose,” Jeonghan started. “Do you believe in guardian angels, Nom?”
Nom thought, “I suppose they’d be nice, but I don’t really pray to my guardian angel or anything like that." 
“Well, I’m your guardian angel!” Jeonghan exclaimed. He seemed very excited, and his wings flapped, emulating his emotions. A few feathers around his feet flew up from the sudden wind.
Nom could only stare, gaping. A small laugh escaped her, though she quickly apologized.
“I suppose that’s hard to believe, after all, there are many other instances in which I could have saved you,” Jeonghan reached out to ruffle her hair. “The truth is, certain qualifications have to be met, if everyone was being saved by their guardian angel, the world would be thrown off balance, would it not?”
“Sorry, I’m still trying to wrap my head around that fact that Jeonghan is my guardian angel. I mean…I suppose him being an angel isn’t that far off but…my angel?” Nom felt truly blessed, and if this was her imagination, it was both the best and cruelest scenario it could think up.
“I really am! And you…you far exceed the qualifications needed. I’m actually the guardian angel for many people, I represent…well aside from all the major religious stuff, generally caring about others, and being a good person,” Jeonghan finished. Nom could believe that. Jeonghan was certainly caring, and he loved his members a lot. He enjoyed helping them and listening to their problems.
“So I had to be…a good mom?” Nom asked.
Jeonghan laughed, maybe it was the whole angelic thing, but it truly sounded like a bell. “You could call it that. Nom you are more than kind. You care so much for your friends, and take the time to talk to them.”
“Wait you can see the stuff I do!?” Nom’s voice was anxious.
Jeonghan grinned, “Only the stuff relevant to the whole angel thing.” Nom let out a sigh of relief. “You’re sweet, and are so nice to your friends, and try to stay mature when needed. And speaking from Jeonghan the Kpop Star, you’re a wonderful fan! You appreciate the members, and respect other fans. Truly, it’s your acts of kindness and being so sweet that allowed me to help you!”
“Oh! So you brought me to this plane because…I wouldn’t be hurt by the bike?” 
“Exactly!” Jeonghan reached out to pat her on the head. “Would you like a hug? I’m very good at hugging people.”
Nom nodded, and leaned into the angel. It was warm, and a loose feather tickled her nose. Jeonghan hummed happily. “I think our time is up. I’ll do my best to watch over you, as your angel.”
@maetaamong: oghetjdfkv kiki i actually love you so much there aren't any words. gahh you picked me up at swim and was the one that allowed me to meet everyone here, and for that i am so grateful. you're so fun to be around and you cARE so much and i love you for that. thank you for putting up with my idiocy, and thank you for teaching me all~~ about kpop. i'll work hard!! i believe in your situations and i really love you sososo much !!! FIGHTING!!!
Urs are the only universe in which you personally know the idol bc u are a spoiled brat love u also somehow u can understand each other??? You probably learned Korean or smt. U like…can choose if ya in a relationship or just friends idc man there’s no kissy kissy so . also u are older
“Kiki! Look! Look at this one!” The tall boy happily bounced towards the blonde, with a book in hand. The cover was two shades of blue, and obnoxious text that looked like it was an early 2007 meme. The title was Does God Ever Speak Through Cats? and Minhyuk seemed very excited about this question.
“I know it sounds stupid, but! He brings up some really good points? Don’t you think Bay acts strangely sometimes? It has to be the work of God!” he declared, which earned a few nasty stares from other patrons.
Kiki sighed and apologized to the startled customers, “Min, you do realize we are at a public library, and you’re being very loud?”
Minhyuk’s face fell, and he pouted innocently, “Sorry…should we go somewhere else?” His voice sounded remorseful, and even though he was taller than Kiki, she resisted the urge to pat him on the head. She could practically see the dog ears flapping over in guilt.
“It’s fine, you just have to be quiet. I just want to find a good book,” Kiki said softly.
“Okay, sorry, I know how much you like to read. Whatever you buy, I’ll pay,” he offered.
Kiki turned to him, with an incredulous look on her face, “Min, this is the public library. I have a library card, there’s no need for you to pay.”
Minhyuk, slightly annoyed by this fact, just mumbled in response and went back to browse the shelves for another strange book. He wasn’t a huge fan of reading, finding that he definitely didn’t have enough patience for it, and that reading words off a page simply weren’t exciting enough for him 
Though, the boy’s moodiness disappeared almost completely when he wordlessly handed Kiki another book. Teach Your Wife to be a Widow was a rather old looking book.
Kiki couldn’t hold back her laughter, “Is…is this supposed to be romantic or threatening? Calling me your wife…that’s sweet but this certainly isn’t how I thought it would go.”
Minhyuk giggled in response, “It’s both!” Another “shhh” was directed at him, to which he hastily apologized and trailed after Kiki, who disappeared into the ‘Fantasy’ section. She skimmed through the books, thumbing the spines of the ones that interested her from purely the title and art.
She had read a few of them, some didn’t catch her interest, while others had storylines far too similar to books already done. A book caught her eye. It had a bright blue cover, with the words Shatter Me written in blue and white font. Kiki pulled it out of the shelf. The cover had an eye on it. That was a good sign. Books with eyes on them usually had some cool theme going on. A quick skim of the summery told her that it was indeed a dystopian novel – her favourite genre – and that people had powers.
“What’s that? You gonna get it?” Minhyuk appeared out of nowhere. Kiki decided not to mention that even without him literally shouting out a stupid statement, his voice was still loud.
“Might,” she replied. Minhyuk sighed loudly, and finally one of the workers came up to him and asked him politely to “shut up or get out.” Minhyuk placed a hand over his mouth and actually kept this there as Kiki signed out the book. The pair could’ve sworn that people breathed a sigh of relief as they left the library.
As soon as they stepped out Minhyuk’s loud voice returned, “When we get to your room, I can be as loud as I want, right?”
“Of course,” Kiki laughed. Her apartment was a few blocks away from the library, both of which were on a beautiful promenade. They arrived at her apartment, which was a simple red brick building with white highlights around the windows, and a black roof. They climbed up three flights of stairs and walked to her room. 
Kiki set down her keys and took off her shoes. “Want anything to drink?”
Minhyuk didn’t skip a beat, “Green tea please. I’ll put on the water.” He filled up the kettle with water and waited for it to heat up. Kiki decided to drink some too, and took out a tea pot. 
“Are we really gonna read? On my precious day off?” Minhyuk whined. Kiki wanted to say that it was him just poking fun at her, but she knew very well that he wasn’t too excited.
“Only a bit, then we can do something more interesting. Maybe you’ll like the story.”
“Aww c’mon it won’t be that bad. Just the first few pages. Really, thank you for spending your ‘precious day off’ with me– geez that expression, you’re so cute. I promise reading isn’t the only thing we’ll do.”
Minhyuk couldn’t hold back a smile, “Thanks for letting me spend it with you. You’re nice, and fun, and caring. But I wish you would stop calling me cute. I’m not cute!”
Kiki stared at his flustered face, “I beg to differ.” The kettle began to whistle and they each poured themselves a cup of tea.
They spent the first twenty pages just sitting next to each other on Kiki’s bed. “You’re going too fast,” Minhyuk would say. Kiki would wait after finishing a page for Minhyuk to nod. After a while Minhyuk started to complain about how the position hurt his neck, and his posture was bad.
“Well, how should we sit?” Kiki asked. Minhyuk had a devilish grin on his face, and grabbed Kiki by her waist. She shrieked from the sudden contact, and Minhyuk pulled her into him. He bended his legs and Kiki was now sitting in front of him, between his legs. Minhyuk’s back was warm, and his arms were unconsciously-consciously wrapped around the girl.
“Won’t this hurt your neck more?”
“I’m taller than you so it’s fine.” Kiki decided to let him do what he wanted.
Another few minutes passed before Minhyuk spoke up again, “This girl is stupid.”
“Annoying,” Kiki agreed. “And this guy they’ve brought in…he’s just supposed to be the guard. I mean it’s kind of cute?”
“He’s too moody, too stiff,” Minhyuk said into Kiki’s ear. “He should be more like me." 
“Well they are in a prison,” Kiki pointed out. Minhyuk only clicked his tongue in response. Bored, he reached over to turn on her fairy lights.
Another thirty pages passed, and the love triangle of the story finally started to show up. Though the second contestant seemed a lot less desirable. “You know…” Minhyuk said for the first time in a while. “Even though we’re reading, it’s kind of fun I guess.”
“See, I knew you’d like it!" 
“No, it’s not the book. The book kinda sucks.” Kiki’s face slightly fell, but she had to agree. “Your presence is nice. It’s calming. We could be doing anything and I think I’d still like it,” Minhyuk mumbled. Kiki noticed his cheeks flushing and his head was turned away. 
Minhyuk finally met Kiki’s eye, “Cuz it’s you.”
Kiki was lonely. Cuddle-horny as she called it. Desperate for some attention, she relayed this feeling to her group chat, though they responded predictably.
awww kiki if I could id comfort youuuuu
Sighing, her hand hovered over another contact, but Kiki quickly dismissed the idea. Hoon would be busy with his work. She couldn’t trouble him just because she wanted a good hug. Letting out a long sigh, Kiki threw herself against her bed.
Ten minutes went by, to the girl, ten long minutes of no human comfort. Damn French Guy. Her phone buzzed, a part of her thought it was the group chat, lamenting over their forever-single state but the name ‘Hoon’ was on the notification.
Want to come over? Got the afternoon off bc yoon got sick and now we can’t focus on learning the new song.
Kiki didn’t waste a second replying, throwing on a jacket, and booting it to Hoon’s house. She arrived soon enough and was greeted by an enthusiastic Haute. Kiki gladly gave him all the belly rubs, and Hoon soon appeared. He wore a loose white shirt with a random logo on it, and black sweatpants.
“Glad you could make it,” he walked closer to pick up Haute.
“Me too,” Kiki mumbled under her breath. “Got…any plans?”
Hoon scratched the back of his neck, “Ah not really. I was just thinking we could hang out, catch up. I’ve been busy, we haven’t seen each other in a while.”
Kiki grinned, “That’s perfectly fine.” She could use the conversation, the human contact. “Can we just sit on the couch or something?”
Hoon grabbed some drinks and Kiki sat on the couch, putting the TV to a random channel that they wouldn’t watch anyways. Hoon sat next to her.
“Is Yoon okay? What happened?” Kiki asked.
Hoon took a sip of his drink before answering. “He got laryngitis. We tried to go over the music, but he really wasn’t feeling well so he went home for the rest of the day. We got let off too because none of us could focus.”
“Is he resting here?”
“Nope, I meant home, home. He’s with his parents. They got pretty worried and asked if he could come home for a bit. I think they also didn’t want me to catch it too,” Hoon replied.
Kiki nodded, “That makes sense. It would be super unfortunate if you both got it.”
The two found themselves inching closer until Kiki was leaning into Hoon’s broad chest, and Hoon had nearly all of his limbs wrapped around her. Kiki found that they were breathing in sync and even though no words were said, it was still so engaging.
They conversed through contact, and a few hums here and there. Hoon was warm, and his hold on Kiki was tight. Kiki buried her face into the crook of his neck, feeling as if she could fall asleep. Haute came to join them, wedging into a space between their stomachs.
Cuddling with Hoon really felt nice, his limbs, while lanky, were perfect for wrapping around Kiki. He was considerate if something felt uncomfortable, and every so often they’d whisper about something, and he’d laugh. His laugh lit up his entire face, and his smile was permanently stuck. It was a quiet laugh, but somehow his entire body would jerk with every little sound.
Hoon felt the same way, because Kiki became really happy when they cuddled. She’d snuggle close and trace little patterns on the nearest available surface. In all of her beauty she seemed so at peace, and so graceful just in his arms like this. 
“Thank you.”  
@red-dyed-sarumane: A K IR E SENPAI! im sorry if this is sudden, but! i couldn't leave you out, and i definitely didn't live vicariously through your story and that ISNT the reason why it's the longest nope haahhaahhhaha. really, thank you for putting up with me and my rants or whatever, and letting me talk to you a ton! i'm glad i was also able to meet so many new utaites. ageyuki hell here i comeeee. you're so kind and explain lots of things in detail which i appreciate. i hope we're able to talk even more in the new year! thank you so much. 
If u don't understand some of the jap (tho u are vv smort so I bet u will) or if I made mistakes (bc I definitely did fuCK particles man) pls tell me. Also I used ur mom sorrrryyyyy. AGAIN I HAD NO IDEA WHERE I WAS GOING WITH THIS JUST RELISH IN THE FACT THAT U SAW MAFFU
It was agreed upon the international Utaite fans that they suffered. Just barely grasping onto the blessed, but few, translators of their twitters, videos, and songs. Paying more for shipping than the actual product, and looking desperately into screens, unable to see their true face. Concerts were a dream, because going to Japan at the right time, and even buying a ticket would be difficult. Few people had the money, time, or permission to do it. Livestreams were almost never when they were awake, and even if they were, it’s not like there were subs to explain anything.
The salvation were the compilations the singers did of their concerts, with blurred out faces and some clips of them singing on stage as the audience held out their light sticks. Many tried to learn at least a little bit of Japanese, but they talked quite fast, and a few (*coughs* mafu) didn’t annunciate properly.
They were fighters really, being a fan for a long time, willing to burn holes through their pocket just to get an album, and loving the Utaites, even if they didn’t understand most of what was going on.
“You don’t know what they’re saying!”
“You’ve never seen their face!”
The fans heard those kinds of phrases far too often. It irked them, because music was so much more than the words, and pretty faces didn’t mean you couldn’t appreciate their abilities.
Akire was one such fan. She was smart, and worked hard to understand even a little bit of what the Utaite’s were saying. And, if there was anything worse than being a fan of an Utaite, it was being a fan of multiple Utaite. It was album after album being released, and live and live happening, and all the international fans could do was watch and wish.
It was one fateful day, when her mother, and told Akire the news.
“Well, it’s been a while since we’ve traveled, and I’ve been wanting to see the cherry blossoms in bloom for a while now!” she said through the phone. “So, we’re going to Japan! You like those Jpop guys, right?” Akire resisted the urge to correct her. “If there’s any concerts that are cheap, why not try to get tickets?”
Akire thought her heart would stop right there. They were going to Japan. She’d be surrounded by the culture of which so many things she treasured came from. Her mom would let her go to a concert. SHE COULD GO TO A CONCERT. Akire hastily opened Twitter and checked for any news of a concert over the spring break.
Yukimi and @gain were still relatively new and low key, so there was no word of a concert from them. Sou was working on an album, though no lives were being planned during the time. XYZ was having concerts, but they were just after Akire would be in Japan.
Akire would feel so unfulfilled if she didn’t go to a single Utaite concert when she had the opportunity. She scrolled mindlessly through Twitter, hoping that maybe someone would be hosting something she could attend.
A notification popped up. Akire clicked on it, half expecting the stupid ‘in case you missed it’ thing that Twitter did. It was from Mafumafu, and Akire didn’t even have to open the tweet fully to see the mass of exclamation marks.
It only took a quick skim to realize that Mafumafu was hosting a live. Akire quickly opened up the picture to check the dates. The 2nd of March, and the 7th, 12th, and 15th.
Fumbling to open her phone, Akire quickly texted her mother, When do we get to Japan?
Six painful minutes went by before her phone buzzed. She checked it the instant the screen lit up. Night of the 12th.
Akire checked the information again, she could make the last show! Crap, when did the tickets go on sale. She combed through the characters of Mafu’s tweet, trying to pick out the relevant ones, though there were still some she didn’t know. A quick Google Translate confirmed that tickets indeed went on sale at 8 o’clock a.m. Japan time. Which was, with the help of Google once again, in twelve minutes.  
Practically throwing her laptop across her room, Akire went to fetch her wallet which was left in a coat pocket. She sent a text explaining the tickets to her mom, and hopped she could read through the typos.
Dashing back upstairs, Akire clicked on the link provided. It took her to a website in complete Japanese. Akire just barely navigated through it, and occasionally had to look up various details, because business kanji was definitely not her forte. She was old enough to go alone (and she hopped her parents agreed with her because she was going to this live) and the tickets were at a mere 4500¥, which was around $40 US.
Praying to the Wifi Gods, Akire paid as fast as she could, she didn't even have time to check where the seats were, other information could be researched later. All that mattered was getting the tickets before they sold out or something.
And then Akire breathed, because she was going to see Mafumafu live.
In the previous month Akire had practiced Japanese much more intensely. Though the show would likely consist of mostly music, he would still MC a lot, and she wanted to understand as much as possible.
The venue wasn’t the biggest (it seemed they saved big venues for AtR concerts) but it still held around 2,000 seats and from what Akire could see, it was full. Her seat was relatively close to the stage, maybe six or so rows back.
Akire was excited; seeing Mafumafu live, she would see his face! The entire experience seemed surreal, and her appearance stood out a lot compared to the other fans. But her appearance didn’t matter when the lights went down and vibrant music started to play. Akire knew this song like the back of her hand, of course he’d sing すーぱーぬこになりたいfirst.
Some of the people had actually memorized his little spiel at the beginning, and said it to speed, which Akire found very impressive. Some artists sounded strange live, because their voice in a microphone was different compared to a studio, with mixing done. Though Mafumafu certainly couldn’t replicate any of the heavily engineered parts of his songs, somehow his voice sounded better live. It was clear, and there was raw emotion within his voice. The high notes were so much more intense, and just seeing the music come out of his mouth was amazing. 
He wore white cat ears, but simple black jeans and a loose sweater. After the song ended, Mafu quickly introduced himself, “はあいまふまふですー!じゃみんなさん!楽しみにして?” The crowd cheered in response. “みんなさんも歌ってよ!僕が嬉しいになって!”
ドラマツルギー began to play, and Mafu said something a little too fast for Akire to pick up. She got the feeling it was something about “wanting to sing this song, but never recorded it.”
The night felt like a blur, the light sticks that bounced in front of her, with the stage lights going crazy especially during 罰ゲーム and ゴーストルール. The show was only two hours, but it felt like a long, blissful eternity. The music that always remained through the screen, orin her ears was finally live. It was finally there.
Akire could see his face, his full face. Even with all the live-action videos, or the strange DVD’s he released, seeing him like this felt it was the definite proof that Mafumafu wasn’t just some singer on the internet. He was real, and he was talented. His voice shook the theatre, even when covering the softer songs on an acoustic guitar, like いかないで or 水彩銀河のクロニクル somehow his voice just enveloped the theatre.
It felt like a dream. Mafu bounced around the stage, and answered a few questions from Twitter. Akire could make out most of the details.
“What inspired you to start singing?”
“At the time, there were just so many talented people online. They were singing and people really liked them. Soraru-san and many others were uploading at the time, and I enjoyed music. I guess I wanted to be a part of that.”
“What time do you wake up in the morning?”
“Well it depends, sometimes it's a good time like 8:00, but sometimes it’s super early like 6:00 – I THINK 6:00 IS EARLY, YOU GUYS ARE WEIRD – or sometimes it’s late like 12:00.”
“Where do you live?”
“Within my dreams.”
“What do you think about love?” 
“This question is kind of deep…don’t you think? I mean, there’s familial love, and I love my family a lot. To think they’d support me having this kind of job, it’s really amazing. And I love my friends, Amatsuki-kun, and Soraru-san, and Luz-kun, Urata-san, and Sakatan too. They’re precious. Of course, I love you guys as well! There would be no Mafumafu without you guys. Thank you so much for being here, for liking my voice and music enough to see me live! Please continue to support me!”
A staff member off to the side laughed, and encouraged the audience to ask about romantic love. Akire joined in the chant of “恋!教えて!恋!” in which Mafu only replied with a finger over his lips and cuing the next song.
Mafumafu ran through a few more songs before announcing the next one would be the final one. The music to ねこがまるくなったcame on, and it was undoubtedly the most energetic performance of the night. Mafumafu starting and ending with a cat song, how classic. Akire sang along, knowing every word, maybe not hitting every note perfectly but still doing her best.
The confetti at the end showered the audience, and Akire found that she was smack in the center of its trajectory. Accepting that she’d be pulling pieces of paper out of her hair later on, she cheered as Mafumafu thanked everyone for coming, and exited the stage. Akire thought she was dreaming, that this was something her mind had made up because she so desperately wanted to see this singer in real life. Though, the free pin that she was given on the way out, signed by Mafumafu himself, seemed to solidify the experience.
She had seen Mafumafu live.
alllright~~ this motherload of a post is FINALLY done i should've worked on school projects during this time but fuck that who carES (i care) 
honestly, thank you guys so much! i cant believe that I was able to meet all of you, it's really been a ride. i hope you found the story/stories amusing!! i'm sorry for any typos, incorrect facts or anything seemingly out of character(?? u guys arent characters) but hopefully no hard feeling are taken. 
I hope next year will be even better!
with love,
P.S. honestly fuck you guys i cant believe i actually wrote all of this
16 notes · View notes
history-rover · 7 years
Fic Writers Week (Day One): Words of Validation
Day 1: Words Of Validation - Fic Readers, take some time to leave new comments / Fic Writers, share some of the comments that stuck with you the most.
First and foremost, every single comment that has ever been left behind on any one of my fics means a great deal to me, and I can’t even describe how happy they all make me! Seriously, you all make my day! I’d like to put every single one of them into this post, but I don’t want to clog up peoples’ dashes, so even if you don’t see your comment here, just know that it is in this post in spirit.
One Available Copy
aaaaaaAAAAAAAA this is amazing??? i love this so so much asdfghjkl. Your characterization was on point and I literally laughed out loud a bunch of times. Thank you so much for sharing with us!! 
This was so lovely, sweet, funny and i can't really cope right now :D Your characterisation was spot on and this au in general was so good! And the thought of Kirishima and Bakugou sharing their assigned reading is doing funny things to my heart! 
This is so so so so cute!! I just love the progression of their relationship from emailed library notifications to post its to face to face talking and texts.... it's just so so adorable. Plus the idea itself is genius! And I've never seen a college AY that talks about library stuff like this and it's just a really cool concept and a really good idea...!Also, all the tiny details you wove into this really made it as good as it was: the inclusion of so many characters, Tsuyu's livestreams, Endeavor and Monoma's humiliation, the humour, the tododeku making out between the shelves and literally not giving a single fuck.... everything was funny and cute and the ENDING!! The ending was super well executed and wonderful and cute and I absolutely loved it. All of it. Thank you so much for writing this because it's seriously hecking amazing <3 Oh my gosh this is my favorite college AU fic! I really love everything about it. Your characterization of Bakugou especially was on point, very good, A+ LOVED IT 
Oh my goodness this was so freaking cute? Bakugou's attempts at flirting going right over kirishima's head is so in line with these two boys I'm yellinggggg thank u sm for writing this fic!!! u really made their college feel like a real living breathing place especially with the addition of all the meme pages!! 
I wrote One Available Copy (OAC) with the goal of making people laugh and smile, and to hear that I had done that made more happy than I could have imagined! I’m always second-guessing myself on characterisation as well, so these comments meant a lot to me, and I can’t thank people enough for them! Also, to hear that I had made the world feel alive and real...thank you all so much!
I am so excited for this AU omg?? I love that they're in an established relationship already and omg the playfulness? Flirting?? YES, MY BOYS, GO OFF AND START A SCANDAL. I AM ROOTING FOR YOU!
And magic!! Oh my gosh I love the incorporation of magic in this era and the fighting--the fighting. It's amazing. Intense. I love it.
Thank you as well for the superb attention to detail. I can tell a lot of research went into representing the era accurately and it makes your world all the more vivid and fascinating! (the sweets, i am remembering the sweets hahahaha)
I'm definitely looking forward to more of this AU! Great job!!!
Special shoutout first of all to @todorokishouts for this giant comment, after having to deal with my sobbing of research woes for this fic, and cheering me on through it, and consistently being the first person to comment on every new update along with @dystopiansushi! And yes, never forget #sweetgate2k17
I really loved how many cool elements of the time you included, it shows such an amazing deal of research!
Holy shit I'm loving this fic already!! Their established relationship is so playful and sweet, I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes next in their schemes!Also, your attention to detail in the setting while still managing to seamlessly infuse magical elements is really impressive! You've got me wanting to learn more about this world :DI hope to see more soon!! Thank you so much for this great fic :DD
Wow this is great so far! :D. I thinks it's really cool how much research you've done too, the accuracy of everything is awesome :0. Can't wait for the next chapter
I already love this and I can't wait to read more! I love how much research and knowledge you put into this au because it just shows how much you care about writing and the characters. A truly incredible first chapter with all the romance, humour and action any good story has. I loved it!
Did I mention that Wedlock is the most research-intensive fic that I’ve ever done? I swear I did the same amount of research (and still am doing research) for this story, as I did for my thesis, and to know that it wasn’t for nothing, and that people appreciated it, made me weep with joy. 
So this is fantastic. Like, excellent start. Established Tododeku? Awesome magical period romance? Actual Magic Frog Tsuyu? Appearances from numerous lovable minor characters? You are on a roll, my good sir. So I've noticed this trend in most fantasy and royalty AUs that feature Tododeku, and that is the trend of Commoner/Servant!Izuku being shipped with Royalty!Shouto. In light of that, can i just say that it is SO refreshing to see a story where they don't have to get around a weird societal imbalance of power in order to properly fall in love? It's beautiful and wonderfully uncomplicated, while still having the court politics that make stories like these so delightfully intriguing.But yeah, you've started really strong and I went back through your stuff to realize that I also read and loved your college AU, so needless to say, I'm super excited for this fic! Izuku and Shouto's dynamic is so wonderful in this, and I can't wait to see where it goes!
PitViperofDoom messaged me yesterday with a link and one word- "READ"And boy howdy am I glad I did! This was fantastic! I love the historical aspect of it mixed with magic and quirks and the romance was just. So good. I died with the cord thing very nice 11/10, perfection! I think you really stayed true to characters while giving them interesting influence from the setting and your writing skills are just amazing. I could really see every moment playing out. And the plot! Scheming boys and scandals, oh my! Great job. I can't wait to read more!
These three comment made me collectively die of happiness on the spot, to the point where my mother actually ran into my room asking me what I was screaming about. I think that pretty much sums up why these comment stood out to me.
Path of the Wind
I love this. I'm so happy I got to be the first to read through it; I love the premise, I love your Izuku, I love your Inko and your cryptid All Might, I think the whole thing is a fantastic and original idea and I absolutely can't wait to see how you continue it <3
None of this would have been possible without my beta reader @dystopiansushi, so thank you so much!
All aboard the hype train - whoop whoop! I'm an absolute sucker for fantasy/mystery/supernatural-esque AU content, with a side serving of Tododeku, so here I am! I'm excited to see how this plays out!
I’ve never written anything in the realm of the supernatural/fantast type before PotW, so to hear this was a big boost in confidence for me!
Whoah, I love your attention to detail here. The potholes especially caught my attention. It's something people think about, but most wouldn't think to describe distance like that. I'm excited for this!
I’ve always been a sucker for big detailed scenes, and I was so happy to find out that people enjoyed them as well, and that they didn’t take away from the story like I had been worried about.
Todo sure left an impression, poor boy Also I'm SO ON for how supportative and cute momma Inko is? Fuck, I love everything about your writring and I don't know how to describe what I like more and susbsusbsjs You're amazing
holy shit i cannot get enough of this story. it’s so well written, and extremely intriguing.i love how amazing the characters are?? just their mannerisms, midoriya’s mumbling, kirishima’s touchiness, and todoroki’s bluntness are so on-spot. also your Iida is perfect i love him!!im hardcore relating to midoriya right now, just itching to know the town’s secrets haha (as well as todoroki’s cause damn that kid is mysterious)
This is such a good update! You have such a soft way to write, I like it so, so much 
*crying emoji* thank you so much for complimenting my writing, and my writing style, and for validating me!
My Neighbour Totoro? I think you mean My Neighbour Todoroki (I'll walk myself out). Hums loudly at the mention of glinting eyes watching Midoriya enter Yuuei Academy. Who could that have been? All Might isn't really size appropriate to be slinking around there after all. And just what is Todoroki up to? Midoriya has a lot of interesting questions, thats for sure. I hope he gets the answers to all of them, because they're making me wonder too. Having the Todoroki's as the fire department will certainly link Shouto to finding the necessary evidence Midoriya's searching for in regards to the old Yuuei fires where All might was spotted, and I bet Endeavour has a huge role to play in that too. I wouldn't be surprised if the fire was instigated in an attempt to successfully lure All might out, although I may be stretching the theory bar a little on that one. I just hope Endeavour hasn't forced Todoroki the impossible task for trying to track All Might down once and for all. But, he seems genuinely scared of Midoriya's "haunted" place, or maybe he's just scared of Midoriya? What's going on Todoroki, communicate with us here. I hope Midoriya doesn't get lost trying to track shouto home. Good luck boys! Until next time!
'Somewhere in the distance, there's the sharp trill of birdsong, followed closely by the frantic flapping of wings, the sounds a concert accompanied by the occasional whisper of a breeze rattling the leaves and branches of the forest, and his own discrete pants for air.' Okay just gotta say that line is absolutely gorgeous and I can picture it perfectly in my head. There are so many descriptions throughout this chapter that are just SO PRETTY!!! FIRST CONTACT WITH THE CRYPTID AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! This was adorable?!?! All Might is a sweetheart through and through! And Izuku fanboying? Oh my dear boy. (Izuku concerned for Shouto? oh my aching heart. BUT IZUKU THINKING ABOUT HOW PRETTY SHOUTO IS IS THE BEST THING EVER OKAY) Inko! Please take care;;;;;; don't worry your mother too much Izuku!Now, onto Aizawa. He cares a lot about his students, yeah........ but is that all? Hmmm? Do you know more than you let on, Aizawa? *eyes emoji* Could there be more teachers behind the scenes, helping All Might out? The plot thickens.
That would require finding said clearing, Shouto, and all things considered that sounds like quite the challenge. People often don’t remember directions well when rushing around.I wonder why Shouto wants to meet All Might so badly. Is his home life anywhere near as bad as it is in canon? Perhaps hopes All Might will help rescue his mom from wherever Enji stashed her.
AND TOTORO MAKES HIS APPEARANCE - i mean All Might. He's like the local friendly bigfoot. Bless him and his accident-selfie. Midoriya had such a rough tumble - it sounded both super painful and really dangerous - I'm glad he got saved in time. Todoroki ironically lead Midoriya to the clearing by running away from him to begin with - I see you trying to benefit yourself and your goals in this invitation. I worry Midoriya won't be able to find the clearing since he woke up there and was carried away from there - without a definitive route. Todoroki might not be as patient when he realises Midoriya can't find it for him. Aizawa's behaviour concerns me. Is he in contact/affiliation with All might? I feel like he knows. Until next time!
I honestly did not expect to get this initial comment, much less speculation about PotW, so I was absolutely floored, when the speculation began to come in with later chapters, and I must say that it gave me so so much motivation to keep on writing!
Man so much of this is so Ghibli; Izuku leaning out of the window, the tiny house on the edge of a giant forest, Shouto appearing in the dusk to give an ominous message, only to retreat to his mansion home across the moor (okay the moor is Gothic lit but STILL WHAT A MOOD). He has the biggest combo of San & Haku going on and I dig it so hard.
You write EXACTLY as a Ghibli movie is animated and just Wow It’s gorgeous
This is absolutely gorgeous. You capture the atmosphere so well. I’ve always wanted a regular high school au for these kids and while it isn’t the main focus, I really enjoy that aspect of the story. The plot so far is amazing, just the right combination of Ghibli and BNHA that it creates a new story entirely its own. I love every moment of this and am excited to see how Todoroki and Midoriya’s relationship evolves.
Studio Ghibli is one of the biggest influences in my life in terms of media, and I desperately wanted to do justice to it through PotW, so these comments literally made me cry from happiness.
Wow, this got really really long, and I wholeheartedly apologise to anyone reading this on mobile, and I just wanted to say once again, to everyone who has ever read my fics, to everyone who has ever read my fics and commented, thank you so so much! Your comments, reblogs, and supports give me so much motivation, and sometimes they’re the only things that get me through a tough time!
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fionnmeetsharry · 7 years
Artist & Actor••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Word count: 1690••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••“Tom sit still for goodness sakes, I swear you are worse than a dog”.
This was the 5th time you had scolded Tom in the last 30 minutes, he was severely sea sick so you were doing your best to add some color to his face.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I forget that you’re doing my makeup and well sometimes you just have to move”.
You stop what you’re doing to look at the only other person in the trailer with you and Tom. He’s a boy about your age with dark hair and soft looking pale skin. He had been staring at the two of you since you finally got Tom to sit in your chair. Tom didn’t understand why you had to “cake on” so much “stuff” as he put it.
“Tom, I’m almost done with your foundation then all I have to do is contour you”.
Toms eyes got big at the word he didn’t know, plus the fact that he had to sit in your chair for a bit longer. He was beginning to pout like a little boy.
“But Y/N, you’ve been doing this for hours”.
He said dramatically as your rolled your eyes and grabbed the bronzer.
“It’s been 35 minutes”. You said dryly now applying highlighter.
“Ok you’re done you can go”.
Tom quickly jumped out of the chair quickly running past you and slapping the brown haired boy on the butt as he passed.
Laughing the boy turned and faced you standing up a bit straighter, turning shy.
“Umm… you are Y/N, right?”
He must be one of yours, you were assigned to 3 people’s hair, makeup, and costumes. There were a total of 6 makeup, hair, and costume assistants on set, two of them being assigned to the main cast along with you and the other three all had to handle the extras.
“Uh yea, and what might your name be?”
Shyly smiling at you a small dimple popped in his cheek, making him impossibly cuter than before. You knew this was your job and you had to keep things professional, but it was getting difficult with how attractive the cast was.
“It’s Fionn, I think Um…I think I’m one of yours”.
Ok the whole cast was attractive, but this one, you already knew it would be hard to stay away from this one.
“Yes you are, along with Harry and Tom, but don’t let Tom scare you away from me, I’m not as bad as he made me out to be a few moments ago, he just really can’t sit still. It’s nice to meet you by the way Fionn”.
You held your hand out to shake his, the boy stretched his arm out to meet your hand, but his eyes were looking everywhere but at you.
“Well let’s get started shall we. Today I’m just going to apply some basic foundation and that’s all … looks like you have pretty good skin so you don’t need much”.
Fionn took a seat in your chair while you pulled out a new clean beauty blender and the foundation. You placed about a nickel size drop into your metal bowl and wet your beauty blender before dipping it in, then lightly bouncing the sponge off of his soft skin, making sure to get full coverage. “Actually looks like you have Freckles, they fit well with your features, I like them, especially with your dark hair and hazel eyes”.
You didn’t know why you were telling him this, but it was like you couldn’t stop yourself. It was true though, and he was beautiful.
“You know you don’t talk nearly as much as Tom does, kinda refreshing actually, although you do have a nice voice, calm and deep”.
You suddenly stop applying the makeup. Had you really said that? It was true but he didn’t need to know how you felt about the voice you’ve only heard twice or his skin.
You can see his cheeks have turned bright red, bright enough to show through your work. Great, now you were both flustered. As the heat in your cheeks remained you quickly cleared your throat and started on his hair.
“So…um, I’ll just be adding a bit of Oil to your hair, to give it the effect that it hasn’t been washed in a while and then you’re done”. Please, please, please don’t let him have soft hair too or you may melt into a puddle right there. Sliding your fingers through his dark hair you had to bite your tongue, because just as suspected, it was indeed soft, perfect actually.
His eyes met yours in the mirror,
“Already? But, it took you at least 45 minutes on Tom”.
Fionn looked back at the ground like he previously was. He didn’t mean to make it seem like he wanted to be in there with you longer than necessary, but he did.
“Well that’s because you’re good and sit in you’re seat while I work. You don’t wiggle the whole time and ask if I’m done yet like you’re 5”.
He chuckled, it was true though, Ton did do all of those things, Fionn should know he was standing there.
Fionn ended up in the makeup trailer 45 minutes early because he was mesmerized by the gorgeous girl he had seen on set previously that day. She had the most beautiful and unique look about her from her hair to her skin.
Fionn hadn’t even realized that you had finished his hair because he was so caught up in daydreaming. He was staring the whole time, but you were too busy to notice.
“Alright, you’re done for now but I will be with you, Harry, and Tom throughout the day for touch ups”.
Fionn smirked at you, fiddling with the shirt tail of his uniform.
“You mean I have to share you…can’t just have you all to myself?”
“No unfortunately not. Trust me, you’re the best out of the bunch, would much rather just have you”.
“Ay love, that’s not very nice”.
Harry entered the trailer with only half his uniform on and a goofy but charming smirk.
“Harry what happened to your two shirts and your jacket?”
“Ummm well, the first shirt you see I accidentally got it caught on something when I fell and it tore, and the second, I’m not sure really. Honestly I was just tired of wearing a shirt, took it off somewhere, but I don’t remember where”.
Rolling you’re eyes, you feel like you’re babysitting with the way Harry loses things, and Tim can’t sit still.
“Ok…ok, I’ll go find you some new shirts, but when I get back your butt had better be in that chair and ready for me to cover your tattoos and do your hair”.
“Yes ma’am”.
Harry saluted you as he sat down swiftly. Walking off to the back to retrieve him more clothes, you began to massage your temples, mumbling to yourself,
“God this is going to be a long month”.
But you couldn’t help to think that maybe Fionn would make it just a little more bearable.
“Ay mate I see you came back here to make a move after this morning. Let me guess, love at first sight”.
Fionn was just about done tying his shoes as Harry asked the question. Harry and Fionn were close, they’re always together on set, so of course Harry knows of the gorgeous girl from this morning.
“Shut up Harry she could hear you”.
Harry sat up a bit more in his chair, surprised that Fionn hadn’t made a move yet.
“C’mon mate, you have to do something, can’t just sit around all bloody month just staring. At least make conversation with her, compliment her or something”.
You arrived back in the room with two new shirts for Harry.
“Here, and try to be less clumsy and forgetful please, were running out of your size”.
Harry playfully rolled his eyes at you and kicked Fionn, signaling him to make a move.
“Uh so Y/N, how long have you been doing this?”
You were a bit stunned at the random question, but he asked it so sweetly and with his lovely voice that you didn’t question it.
Harry on the other hand, looked up at Fionn with disgust at his terrible attempt at flirting, laying his head in his hand.
“ This is actually my first movie, but I’ve been doing makeup since I was 13”.
“Me too! I…I mean this is my first movie too, not that I have been doing make up since I was 13… cause I haven't… done makeup, ever actually”.
You could see how flustered he was getting. God he was cute when he was flustered.
This whole conversation pained Harry even more than before, but he could tell you liked Fionn too. You were smiling and being too polite. You were flirting.
“Yea I knew what you meant”.
The two of you laughed while you began pulling out what you needed for Harry.
“Well I guess I better head to set, it was nice meeting you Y/N”.
After Fionn was gone Harry just kept staring at you like he knew something you didn��t.
“Oh nothing, just that you two are going to end up married with children and I get to say that I witnessed your relationship from the beginning”.
Was it that obvious that you liked him? It doesn’t matter because this is a job, and you already promised yourself you would keep this professional.
“Y/N, it’s ok, I know about your stupid professional rule, but I think love is worth breaking rules over”.
You were now working on covering his many tattoos, and also trying to avoid eye contact. Harry was right, but it didn’t help that he was your best friend and knew everything yuh were thinking.
“So what, it’s just a crush, I’ll get over it”.
“S’not just a crush love, he’s got feelings too, and im going to get the two of you together so I can add some more godchildren to my list”.
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Can you do a scenario where Pidge is working on some device and her s/o just comes up from behind, starts hugging and kissing her saying "babe u gotta get some sleep"???? I love Pidge so much oml.
Hmm I also live on a five hour sleep schedule and still wake up refreshed. Maybe Pidge suffers more than me -_-’’ ~Mod Saffron
Your laughter died down after a few minutes of clutching your stomach from Lance’s jokes. Hunk wasn’t exactly cackling since the joke was on him, but your friendly laughter made him chuckle. 
Wiping a tear from your eye, you sniffed and looked around. “Hey, boys, have you seen Pidge?”
Hunk shrugged as he opened the Altean ovens, a wispy aroma steaming from the opening. “Mm, dunno ‘bout that. Last time I saw her, she was tinkering on some new robot.”
Lance bounced around Hunk’s round figure, trying to get a whiff of the steaming cookies from the pan Hunk was holding carefully. “Yeah, Tinker Bell hasn’t been getting too much sleep nowadays. Like, what does that crazy robot even do?”
He cautiously thrust out his hand, but had it slapped away by Hunk’s oven mittens. “No touchy.”
You scoffed at the pair’s antics and shook your head. You got off of the counter with a slight push of your hands and waddled your way over to the doors leading to the command room. “Alright, you two. I’m gonna find that nerd and drag her off to bed. Thanks for the company.”
“Night!” Lance called cheekily. A yell from Hunk told you that he succeeded in snatching a cookie for his greedy stomach and you fought the urge to snort. Sometimes, those two acted like a married couple.
Your footsteps padded through the halls softly. Coran had set the nighttime mode in the castle well. The candles that illuminated the halls dimmed slightly, giving the castle ship an eerie feeling to it. Almost as if the castle was half-asleep itself.
Indeed, most of its residents were asleep, catching up on hours of lost slumber, due to Zarkon’s attacks. Shiro and Keith knocked out after training together for hours, and the Princess retired to her chambers for the night. Hunk and Lance were still in the kitchen, but they wouldn’t be there for long.
Only one didn’t sleep: Pidge.
You found her in her usual corner. Her back hunched over, concentrating intensely as she typed furiously into a computer analyzer. Wires stuck in and out of her limbs and her hair frizzed around. The soft clicking of keyboard pieces almost lulled you to sleep, but you knew better.
You came up behind her and dropped to your knees, slinging your arms around her neck. Pidge stiffened with a small yelp, but once she caught a whiff of your damp hair, she relaxed with a melodramatic sigh.
“(Name), you shouldn’t scare me like that.” The clicking resumed. “You know how that makes me feel.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You buried your head in her neck, lips pressing onto the soft skin there. Pidge’s shoulders loosened and the typing slowed to occasional clicks. Another deep sigh from her chest told you that she was beyond the definition of exhausted.
“Katie,” You whispered, pressing light kisses to her neck and cheek. “Come to bed, baby, you’re tired.”
Pidge let her head fall back onto your shoulder and looked up at the ceiling. You caught a quick glimpse at her face and noticed the deep bags under her eyes, hidden by the foggy glasses.
“Yep, you’re exhausted.” You began to stand up, tugging her forearm. “Come on, you need sleep.”
A muffled groan sounded against closed lips as Pidge loosened her hold on you and slumped like a rag doll. You exhaled. It was way too late for you to put up with her child-like actions. 
You swooped her into your arms, carrying her bridal style. She was a bit heavy and bony, but sleep was sleep and it was needed. “Bed, babe.”
“But my device...”
“Will be worked on with fresh energy tomorrow.”
“Love you, too.”
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survivormoheli · 6 years
Episode #1 - “I had to unblock two people in my tribe” - Tara
Tumblr media
The cast is revealed: https://survivormoheli.tumblr.com/tagged/reveal In addition, it is revealed that there are no idols in this game, instead a system of twists: https://survivormoheli.tumblr.com/post/171711080313/idol-system The buffs are also revealed: https://survivormoheli.tumblr.com/post/171739691688/premerge-buffs
Immunity: https://survivormoheli.tumblr.com/post/171711113378/tribal-immunity-1-duolingo During the immunity challenge, the Ouani tribe quickly dominates, with Raffy and Bryan each having extremely high scores very early on. Sima, having a native French speaker in Eric K, also finds quick success despite having a few players with very low scores. In addition, Raffy discover's Jay's method of assigning usernames, and tracks the scores of the other tribes to remain dominant.
Results: https://survivormoheli.tumblr.com/post/171745790728/duolingo-results After immunity, Bryan, having earned the highest score, got to choose a member of the losing tribe to recieve an extra vote. He chose Becca, and she decided to cast two votes against Phoenix to try to keep herself in the game. Matt, having the lowest score, seems to be an early target, but manages to twist the votes against BEcca by working with Phoenix and Richie. Back on Ouani, Tara, Raffy, JG, and Bryan bond and form an early alliance. At tribal council, Becca goes home in a 5-2 vote.
Tribal: https://survivormoheli.tumblr.com/post/171778863148/tribal-council-1-moya
Eric A
I am really nervous to start out this season. I did really poorly on my last season and I am scared I will do poorly a second time. I just have to play a more social game than I ever had before, and hope for a better result. But I know that as long as I try, I will be proud of myself.
omg hi i'm tara and i'm rly excited to b playing with BRYAN!!!!!! i had to unblock two people in my tribe p exciting but i'm excited to see the cast reveal!! 
HOLY HELLLL!!!! LETS GOOOOO! 3 Tribes of 6? OMG SHOOKETH TO THE CORE! I am in all caps but I am literally shaking. This is a chance for redemption with me and Tara. Then there is Rafael who I voted out in Kuang Si as well as Andreas, in actuality those two were the ones who tried to flip the vote the vote me on me during Kuang Si when I was almost tribe swap f*cked. Don't know the other two but that can change, this should be really interesting! BryanOMG FUCKING WOOH TO THE MAX! IM SO HAPPY TARA IS IN THIS GAME! I was so sad when i met her and she said she wasn’t gonna play another org. BUT HERE SHE IS IN ANOTHER ORG! We are gonna slay. And Oml Ratfy is here. It’s very scary. BUT ITS OK CUZ WE ARE FRIENDS! I’ve never met the other people on my tribe tho. IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS GAME! Tara is amazing. Lav her. 
Eric A
5 minutes in and Akito forgot the series name. Ok Akito, ok.
Show me support I'm so anxious!
This is gonna be outdated in like a few months but. "My FBI Agent watching me play in another ORG
Matt J
Survivor time! I am so excited to be playing, my tribe seems really cool and I’m definitely looking forward to getting to know them better.
So the first challenge was posted and we have to learn French. I’m definitely shaking in my boots a little because I couldn’t learn Spanish and am bad enough at English! My tribe mates have already started the challenge so I guess it’s time to step it up or go home.
Immediately I see a lot of familiar faces. Bryan is refreshing as we tend to work well together. I would love to work with him. Tara is a blessing and an angel on Earth. She's so sweet and I would give arm and limb for her to work with me. Like that's someone I want to honestly work with the entire game. But her personality is liable to other people wanting the same. JG is someone who I've only known through him voting me out. But I've gotten over it. We can probably be a strong duo that no one would see coming. Andreas.... I don't know. He's not someone I had a real connection with and is definitely an outsider to me. Then there's Elliot. He's a newbie, so maybe easy to control? The thing about him is that he has not been online yet. He does live in the UK so he's probably sleeping, but I hope he will do the challenge in the morning.
After a lengthy call, my relationships are definitely tight with JG, Bryan, and Tara. Bryan and I still have a strong friendship going on. All four of us talked a lot through the night, and Tara even brought up the possibility of forming an alliance. It was in jest, but it seems like everyone was really digging the idea. It ended up being JG and I as the last members on call. He expressed a desire in working with me throughout the game as a power duo and I am here for it! This is exactly what I wanted! I'm very excited to work with him. He also talked about working with Tara and using Bryan since he saw how close he and I were. JG's insight could be beneficial to my game as I tend to be a very delusional and oblivious person at times. I am already putting myself in a good position so I cannot wait to see what happens! This tribe is definitely drinking the Raffy Kool-Aid. Time to just utilize them to further my position. 
I'm speaking to Andreas right now. He brings up a very interesting point that I have noticed about the games I have been in. People are scared of me. They are scared of how I play the game. In this community, to those who know me, I'm considered a "dangerous" player. I'm honored to hold that status, but it's also annoying at the same time. Like I never really get the chance to play differently if I wanted to. I always have to stay the social player to stay. People need to want to keep me for my personality. They already see me as a threat. Note to self: need to cool it on the strategizing for now
Why is Tara such an angel? Like she literally just spent time playing 20 questions with me. We just talked about ourselves and got to know each other more. This girl is sweet! But also playing an amazing social game currently. I can see her being a threat later down the line, but I want to keep her around. Plus I don't think people would go for someone like her this early in the game.
What's up Mohelians. It's Day 1 and oh boy, my Tribe is lit! Have you ever ordered something at a restaurant, waited for an uncomfortably long time whilst growing hungry, ONLY TO RECEIVE SOMETHING YOU DIDN'T ORDER? Yeah? That's my tribe. I've played with Raffy and JG in my very first ORG and we were in a very awkward situation where naive, inexperienced me betrayed Raffy, heavily blindsiding him, only to be eventually be blindsided by JG myself. But that's okay. I hope to get a chance at a fresh start with Raffy. As for JG, we'll see. I know he's a really fun guy, but I don't really trust him game-wise. As for the other people: Bryan and Elliott haven't replied. And I've spent a good few hours talking with Tara about <everything>. Game-wise, idk if I can trust her just yet, but she's very easy and a lot of fun to talk to and I reveal everything about me, because that's a wise strategic move, right? Anyway, Day 1 tl;dr: I wanna work together with Raffy and Tara. But let's see what happens. :)
Eric A
So day 1 is down, which has been the most nerve wracking org day I played in a while, even though nothing happened. Akito seems to want to work with me, which is good for me because I never get approached, like ever. I approached all the others on my tribe too, just to introduce myself. I think I would want to work with my clone and AnnMarie the most. My clone (Eric K.) and I seem to get along well, especially with the connection of us having the same name. I feel like I have more connections to him than Blake or Lynn. I also like AnnMarie because she seems to be outgoing and fun, at least by what she has said so far. I think she is a trustworthy person as long as I were to approach her early in the game. But you never know in Survivor. You have to go with your instinct, and I intend on doing just that.
Oh my goodness no idols! I am loving this season already. Now I can only focus on strategy and socializing which is perfect! Let's hope I do a good job doing this though.
Things are quiet over here at Moya but this challenge makes me want to jump!!! From a bridge!!! The truth of the matter is that my Mental Health had continued to deplete from learning French
This challenge is gonna drive me crazy oops , I used the wrong tense! IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! I hate tedious work and this is literally just doing the same thing over and over. It's like the song that never ends, its OK the first time and you can tolerate the second time through like the fifth but after that you're just waiting for someone "accidentally" knock you out.
I really am getting good vibes from Raf,Tara, and Bryan. I'm less cautious about Tara being tight because apparently she JUST met Bryan a day or two ago. Crazy how things work out! If I'm being frank (I know it's not my real name) I would be down with doing a four person alliance consisting of me, Tara, Raf, and Bryan. It appears we are the most active so far and granted the other two were in different time zones but still haven't seen much. I started to talk to Elliot and he seems cool. Not sure what vibe I am getting yet. Also I was successful in my night one goal that is the same for every game. GET THE  TRIBE ON CALL!!! This is a way for me to bond with people and feel them out as well try to read between the lines of past relationships. People are more likely to say something they didn't mean to than to type it. I really think at the very least we should get second and if not then I will probably push for Andreas to be voted off! Sucks to suck, I guess.
This challenge is a chienne! Probably the only French I'll remember after this.
I've been using duolingo for two hours and while i still don't know french i think i may be forgetting how to speak english please send help
I've been using duolingo for two hours and while i still don't know french i think i may be forgetting how to speak english please send help
We are gonna lose smh!!!!
Okay so far I love my tribe and everyone is awesome! I’m pretty hyped!
I spent like 6 hours gaining 1000xp only to take one test and get 900xp i genuinely learnt fucking french and w a s t e d 7 hours of my fucking life I'm so upset oh my god
https://scavengertim2.tumblr.com/post/171745654689 my eternal mood.
So Phoenix is playing sorta fast? Making an alliance based on nothing fjsksks just trying to get majority to vote with them because they are gonna score low djsksks.
I honestly thought we were going to tribal because I had to work most of the day and felt like I didn’t do the most I could have but i’m proud of the tribe. 
Im estatic we didn’t go To tribal! I see that AnnMarie may be a slacker so if we plunge on our next challenge she may have to go home.
Im not saying ANYTHING this time around. Not even gonna ask for a name. Anyways sidenote... Bryan really wanted that advantage huh sis outdid himself.
Matt J
Well we are going to tribal, that sucks. I definitely could be going home tonight but I hope I have built strong enough relationships with people to stick around. Now I need to talk it over with my allies to see who’s going home. I want Phoenix or Dani gone for one simple reason: they never tried talking to me. I’m just hoping that they are not gunning for me for the same reason.
whats up whats good we in this bitch!!! its day 2 in this game and we already lost the first immunity challenge and we're going to tribal because i'm literally destined to be on the worst tribe in every game i play its just what i deserve!!! this is a small tribe theres only 6 of us and i like everyone ive had at least somewhat of a conversation with everyone at some point in the last day nothing spectacularly life changing/bond making/best friend creating/social game dominating but at least something..... a couple hours before we lost immunity i was talking to phoenix for the first time they were the last person i had any interaction with and then he's like "Hey, I was wondering if you want to work with my alliance?" and instantly in my head i was like *omarosa voice* YOUR alliance? tell me about your alliance... since you just said that "my alliance" is what you just said..... so that was ridiculously poor wording on phoenix's part because it was like hey i have my alliance want to work with us.... so obviously i said yeah bc you cant say no and i wanted the tea so he adds me to the chat and its phoenix/tim/dani and i can see the chat history where they were already together in this alliance chat and phoenix says "Yo I'm talking to Richie, should I ask him if he wants to join the alliance so we have majority?"....................... can you make it any more obvious that i'm at the bottom of this alliance and i was brought in after it was established so yall would have majority and im just supposed to be grateful and compliant? okay....werk!!! unfortunately matt and becca got the worst scores in the challenge so if i wanted to do something about this the best i could do is either force a tie or try and flip tim to the other side but thats super risky to work with people who arent going to help us win and we just end up losing over and over....ill probably go along with whatever this alliance says and build up 1 on 1 relationships with them to try and up my ranks on their individual totem poles until we can swap or something but its been 5 minutes since we lost so im sure shit will go down that will change everything before tribal but i guess we'll see~! Rafael
Winning immunity is the greatest thing. I did not want to go to tribal in the first round! Bryan's reward was very interesting. Becca getting it might be a sign that he wants to work with her. Plus, it could be a detriment to Tim.
So Matt really screwed his own game up huh. Anywayss Phoenix is getting a bit crackdt and wild. Id love for Matt to stay but he threw my name out there yikes. (Not to vote out but in a negative way). I wanted Bec gone because she did worse on the challenge but we'll see .wink wonk
Also im becca scrambling and akig everyone to align with her and playing dumb because "um tehehehe this is my first org" im like yeah sis I get it lol you have some game potential but we'll see how that turns out. Im not a fool I see through that! Luckily Matt screwed himself over now hes gone and not her.
Im really looking forward to working with Richie and Dani and Phoenix but Im weary on Pho.
So my analytical skills have kicked in. Becca really saved herself by aligning with Matt who is also in jeopardy but he takes the fall by targeting someone who scored in the challenge instead of pressing the weight onto bec.
Matt J
So I’m pretty sure Becca was going to be going home but after using my amazing survivor skills, I put the target on me. What can I say, I play hard lol. I’m like 100% positive that Dani, Phoenix, and Tim are all working together. They were gonna target Becca since she did slightly worse than me in the challenge but then I opened my big mouth lol. I’m going to have to let Richie take control of my fate and see if he can pull any strings for me. The smartest move for him and Becca would be to turn on me though and if that’s the case, I have no hard feelings or regrets.
Omg hey so. Little check in. OUR TRIBE WON THE FIRST IMMUNITY WOO! Not only that but I got first place overall with all the players so that was nice. The reward for getting first place was the i got to give an extra vote to someone on the losing tribe. I didn’t know anyone on the losing tribe and i had never met anyone so i gave it to Becca because feminism. Also another thing. I absolutely love the group of me, raffy, JG, and Tara. I feel like we all really connect and being on call with us four is a lot of fun! Me and raffy were talking about it and we felt that this group could really do some damage together. Anyways. Sorry this was so long. Peace out yo. 
We won a challenge!!! but also seeing that I did 3rd best in tribe puts me in a good reason. I didn't do too well and I didn't do too bad. As long I average scores in the tribe I am in a decent spot. Right now I have to focus more on socializing and trying to make strategic moves now. Because I wanna gun for big comp threats, because they can easily beast their way, but at the same time you don't want to make too many big moves or do things too early too soon. Pinpointing the game and looking forward the future and thinking one step ahead and trying to see what works and all that. Building the bridges in relationships is key and I wanna put my trust in others so I can be able to maneuver that trust into an advantage in the game.
bryan leaksss so much like i can't do anything w him bcos the whole tribe will hear about it. which sucks bcos i like bryan but like he has a big mouth!!! so talking to him is bad for my game. everyones attacking the foreigners too and its kinda rude!! i think i need to stick w them otherwise the kuang si alliance is gonna take over yikes! 
Bonjour mes amis.
I really don't like how my tribe works. It's one thing that I am unable to be around when people are active. I get it. I'm European. I sleep when you are active. But do you really need to focus camp life on skype calls? There's barely anything to start a conversation on! Arghh!!!! Anyway, with tryhards like Raffy, JG and Bryan, I don't see us losing a challenge anytime soon, but I do really feel like I'm at the bottom of the tribe. I was still only able to connect with Tara and I hope that we don't go to TC and get a swap soon.   This has been proven to be quite the opposite of a chill ride already as people are realling putting everything on the line. Let's see how the next rounds go.
AnnMarie C.
Being in Sima tribe is an experience a lot different from other games I've had. I barely know anyone here, and they're all so quiet, I guess because of the challenge and because we won. I hope it changes soon. Not the winning part at least but the talking part. I feel TERRIBLE about just doing 270 xp for the challenge. 270!!!!! That's nothing. Having (French)Eric in the tribe though? He was like a gaurdians angel for us in this challenge. I also love how there are 2 Erics. I guess that happens a lot in ORGS. Two tims, two bryans, two erics, but I cannot wait until there are two AnnMaries! I think that would actually end up terribly. Anyways, the beginning of Moheli for me was lack luster. I was expecting getting to meet all these great people, having interesting conversations, and throwing down at this challenge, but it's quiet. Really quiet.
JG, Bryan, Tara, and I were on call last night again! I really do think that this is a solid group of people. We get along really well together, and it is a group that I think no one will see coming. There is something that bothers me though. Tara is very likable. She could easily put herself in a position to control the game. There is also JG who is not dumb. He knows how to play this game. I do not doubt their loyalty, I'm scared of the power they could hold and the moves they could make. This could make them frontrunners from the beginning of merge and I want to win! That's thinking too far ahead though. I just need to relax and keep an eye on things.
Eric K
I'm super happy that the Sima tribe isn't going to tribal! i loved the first challenge because I'm french so it wasn't hard to go through the whole Duolingo course. I was really hoping to get the highest XP but I guess somebody else beat me out on that.
Matt J
So there’s not much time left before everyone has to vote and my time in this game is dwindling down. The only smart choice for my tribe is to vote me out. I didn’t do very well in the challenge and I talked a lot of strategy for someone on the chopping block. Last night I wanted to work with Becca but she wants to vote out Richie so now I’ve washed my hands with Becca and my only chance of staying in this game is if everyone votes for her.
There's either one of two things that are happening right now in this game. I have either formed a great majority alliance and am set for any future elimination, or am about to get completely blindsided. Hopefully it's the first lol.
Its already drama on the first vote ugh! Like ugh It was simple vote Bec because she did the worst in the challenge! 
Matt J
So it turns out in a shocking turn of events I actually might not be going home first. It turns out that Becca may have rubbed off on people worst than me but of course I still won’t be surprised if I’m voted off lol. I do really trust Richie, and I’m starting to trust Phoenix and Dani as well. Tim has definitely rubbed off on me wrong, I’m hoping we won’t have to come back to tribal but if we do, Tim’s got to go.
Me @ this no idol twist: https://scavengertim2.tumblr.com/post/171775006444
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