#/ totally not set up during the prev ask /j
(Ask-Eden)Alaxia@Edin: the mew floats by with a smirk “in a band huh? Must be interesting.” He stops next to the meowstic and raises a brow “You must be really close to those in your band. Tell me, have you ever been with one of them romantically?” He gets a cheeky expression “Not trying to be rude.. but I am being nosey about it, yes~” he crosses his arms and smiles once more “Or well. Maybe not. Considering the band is still together. I imagine a break up would’ve been nasty~”
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You can tell 'im, Edie. I'm not gonna listen anyway...
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Oh, kay...
Edin deep breathes and makes an a bit awkward smile.
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Well, I had a date with Noelle before she actually falls in love with Rimi. I began to love her at first sight, but she's not.
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Unfortunately for us, we hadn't talk for a long time, and when we were together for a band meeting, she was trying to avoid me, haha...
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After our time in Gala, we're finally found common ground and sometimes talking to each other after that. She still call me a "stinky" but with the lighthearted way.
[ @ask-eden ]
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milfgritty · 6 years
prove me wrong | j. hughes
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❀ ⇢ requested: yes | no ❀ ⇢ word count: 3.3k ❀ ⇢ a/n: so. this got long. to the anon who requested this, i ended up tweaking it a lot to fit the plot and draw things out more so hopefully you enjoy the changes! also let’s just pretend the matthews fam live in michigan lmao
⇢ posted: 01.17.19 . | . masterlist      prev. | next.
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Being the younger sister of Auston Matthews definitely had its perks.
Along with those perks, however, came a few downfalls. One of which included the fact that most people that attempted to befriend you were most likely in it because of who your brother was.
Needless to say, you didn’t have many friends.
The one friend you did have was Beth, who’s known you since you were a child and has seen so many of the less than amazing things that Auston has done that it didn’t really matter to her that he was considered a phenomenal NHL player.
To her, he would always be her best friend’s older brother who once almost peed his pants when the two of you convinced him to take you to a haunted house when you were younger. And for that, you couldn’t be more grateful.
Of course, she also uses your love for her against you, like now.
“Come on, Y/N, what’s the big deal about going to a game with me?” Beth whined, trailing behind you down the aisle of your local corner store, ignoring the looks of the people around you.
“You barely like hockey, Beth,” you pointed out, grabbing a bag of chips off the shelf to add into your growing pile for movie night. “Well maybe I’ve changed my mind,” she shrugged, coming up next to you to lean on the shelf before quickly moving away when it started to tip over.
Resisting the urge to laugh, you passed by her to get something to drink, “Yea, because I totally believe that. What’s the real reason?”
She gave you an innocent look, giving in only when you looked pointedly at her. “Fine, okay,” she sighed, settling against the wall next to you, “I’ve been talking to one of the guys that play for them and he said that I should come.”
“Seriously, Beth?”
“What? He’s cute!” She exclaimed, her eyes widening.
“I’m not going to a hockey game with you because you think one of the guys are cute,” you told her, shaking your head and hauling your pile to the counter to pay.
Beth followed suit, continuing to badger you. “Why not?” She demanded, “You like hockey, remember?”
“Beth, do you know how many people will be there that’ll probably know who my brother is? You know how much I hate dealing with that kind of thing,” you placed everything down on the counter, pausing to smile at the cashier.
“Ple-eaaaaaase Y/N, I’m begging you. I’ll do anything,” Beth pleaded, pushing herself into your side and clasping her hands together, giving you her signature puppy dog look.
“Sorry, no,” you said, refusing to give in.
She stayed quiet and continued to stare at you, adding in a pout. The sight got a smile out of you and a breathy laugh as you shook her head. Opening your mouth to speak, you were cut off by the cashier handing you your bag.
“That’ll be 11.50,” he told you, resting his elbows down on the surface in front of him.
“Have a nice day, Y/N,” was his response after you paid. “Thanks. You too, Greg,” you replied, turning to leave. Eyes falling onto Beth, you held back another sigh at her persistence.
“Fine,” you finally gave in, “but only if you carry the bag,”
Laughing as she squealed excitedly, you braced yourself for her inevitable hug. She threw her arms around you and pressed an overzealous kiss to your cheek, yelling out a ‘thank you!’ before happily taking the bag. Smiling at her obvious joy, you admitted to yourself that going to the game wasn’t the worst thing if it made her so happy.
You changed your tune very quickly when you arrived at the game the next day.
Pulling your jacket closer to your body, you ignored the looks you were getting from some of the kids that went to school with you. Beth, oblivious to the attention, chatted away cheerily as she led you to your seats to watch the warm ups.
Eyeing the boys already out on the ice, you attempted to figure out which one was Beth’s guy. Your gaze roamed slowly over the various players, unable to pick out any that fit the kind of guy you knew Beth liked. It wasn’t until the goalie that was stretching stood up and took off his mask that you had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes.
“Beth,” you started, head rolling to the side to look at her, “Please don’t tell me the guy you’ve been talking to is Spencer Knight.”
At her sheepish expression, your head tipped back with a groan before falling forward into your hands as your shoulders shook with laughter.
“You’re ridiculous, Bethy,” you looked at her fondly, grinning when she shrugged and went back to staring at who you’ve dubbed her new boy toy.
As Beth managed to distract you, another exchange was taking place between the boys down on the ice.
Spencer skated over to where a few of his teammates were huddled up stickhandling and passing pucks to each other, among them being Jack and Alex.
“Hey,” he nodded at the guys, getting their attention, “The section over from the bench, a few rows up. Girl in the dark blue beanie.”
“That the girl you’ve been texting nonstop?” One of them teased, only succeeding in receiving a smug smile and nod.
Another bumped Spencer’s shoulder, going to make a comment when Alex cut him off.
“Isn’t that one of Auston Matthew’s younger sisters?” He asked, gesturing vaguely to the girl next to Spencer’s.
Jack, who had remained quietly amused up until then, found his eyes drawn to the girl in question. When his gaze fell on her he froze up automatically, his skate nearly coming out from under him as he mishandled a puck.
His reaction didn’t go unnoticed by his teammates, the likes of whom quickly ganged up on him.
“Ooh,” one began, laughing and poking at him, “Hughes has a crush, doesn’t he?”
“Shut up,” he responded, slapping his glove away. A wave of laughter rang through the group causing Jack to roll his eyes.
Alex reigned in his laughter first, “I mean, I can’t blame him. She is pretty hot.”
Agreements came from the rest before Spencer cut in.
“You know, I could probably set you up,” he hinted, smirking at the way Jack hesitated for a split second. “I don’t have a damn crush,” Jack insisted, though his words were ignored and replaced with more teasing as he skated away from them.
The attention went unnoticed by both you and Beth somehow. Beth was still successfully keeping your focus off the looks from the people around you that had persisted. You found your gaze being drawn back to the ice after a bit, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Beth.
“What are you looking at so much?” She asked, bumping your shoulder with hers as she tried to follow your gaze.
“Hmm?” You questioned absentmindedly, quickly snapping out of it and refocusing on her.
Beth grinned knowingly, her eyes narrowing and giving you a bad feeling. “You were staring at one of the guys, weren’t you?” She accused.
Your denial was contradicted by the light dusting of pink that was spreading across your cheeks.
“Oh my god, you totally were!” She laughed gleefully, returning to watching the guys on the ice with renewed vigor. “Who was it?” She questioned, before pausing and turning back to you with an evil smile.
“Was it Hughes?”
Sputtering in shock, you accidentally began choking on your own saliva. Her hand came down to thump you on the back while she began celebrating her accurate guessing skills.
“I knew it,” Beth giggled, “He’s so your type.”
“Beth!” You gasped out, placing your hands on your cheeks to get them to cool down. “Okay, fine. I was staring at Jack,” you confirmed, slumping down in your seat and choosing to just cover your entire face.
“That’s so cute,” Beth cooed, reaching out to pinch your cheeks before you batted her hands away. “I could totally try and get Spencer to help set you two up, you know,” she told you, rubbing her hands that you had hit. Her maniacal grin only grew when you looked back up at her in panic.
“Don’t you dare, Elizabeth,” you warned, rising back up to point a finger in her face.
Her nose crinkled at the use of her full name, rolling her eyes at your dramatics. “Fine,” she grumbled, slouching in her seat with a pout, her arms crossing over her chest.
The two of you sat in silence for the next few minutes until the game finally started. Reluctantly, you found yourself quickly being sucked into it. When the other team scored first to take the lead, you booed along with everyone else. And the next minute had you leaping to your feet and screaming when they tied it up.
The game continued like that, one team scoring and taking the lead only for the other to respond and tie it right back up. During intermission, you were subjected to Beth subtly pointing out every accomplishment of Jack’s because while she didn’t exactly like the sport, after years of being around you she at least knew the game. You tried to derail her by commenting on every good save Spencer had made that period, but it just didn’t stick.
The other team took the lead with five minutes left in the third and as the clock ticked down, it seemed like that was it.
That was, of course, until Jack scored with 13 seconds left on the clock to send it to OT.
Your throat was hoarse from yelling at that point, but that didn’t stop you from screaming once more with exuberance. Even Beth had jumped and pulled you into a hug, which was saying something.
Overtime started up quickly, and just as swift as it began, it ended.
Jack had scored again, and this time it was the game winning goal.
The crowd erupted with that last goal, just as the rest of the team skated onto the ice and piled up onto each other in celebration. The win left you with a high, feeling light with joy. Beth and you began to wander out, but she stopped you.
“I might have told Spencer that we would wait for him,” she winced, looking at you with a hopeful smile.
“Please don’t tell me we’re giving him a ride home, too,” you joked back, your good mood making you more cooperative. The two of you giggled as you continued on to where Beth said you would meet up with him at.
The wait didn’t take as long as you expected, you thought to yourself when you saw Beth light up. Your back was to where you assumed Spencer was and something about the way Beth was smiling at you was giving you a bad feeling. As you turned your head to peer back, you realized why.
Walking alongside Spencer was Jack.
Swallowing nervously, you became aware of your surroundings again when Beth nudged you. Snapping your head back to glare at her, you hissed, “Did you do this?”
“Nope,” she whispered back, but the unmistakable slyness tinging her expression was enough for you to doubt her.
“Hey,” her smile somehow widened as Spencer approached, springing into his arms when he came close enough. “Hey,” he parroted back, laughing and matching her smile. He caught her and hugged her tightly, leaving you feeling like a third wheel to the pair that were closer than you had previously assumed.
Well, you thought as you sneaked a glance at Jack, not exactly a third wheel.
“You had such a good game,” you overheard Beth tell Spencer, the two of them giggling while holding the other close. You averted your eyes as fast as possible, feeling like you were seeing something personal that you weren’t supposed to.
Eyes finding Jack again, you got the impression that he felt the same way.
Finally, it seemed like the lovebirds realized they weren’t alone and broke apart. They remained pressed closely together, but you supposed it was better than before.
“Spencer,” Beth began, pulling him by the hand over to where you and Jack were awkwardly standing, “This is my best friend, Y/N.”
Raising your hand in a half wave, you smiled up at him. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Beth always talks about you,” he laughed, glancing down at Beth with a grin as she playfully slapped his chest from her position nestled into his side.
“All good things I hope,” you grinned, gaze flitting between them and admiring the way Spencer seemed to be unable to keep his eyes off Beth. You were pleased to see that he seemed to actually like her a lot, just as much as Beth seemed to like him. It did confuse you a bit as to why Beth hadn’t really mentioned him before.
“Mostly,” Beth replied for Spencer, smiling cheekily back at you causing you to scoff.
“Great. Mostly,” you commented dryly, rolling your eyes without any heat behind it.
Your words sparked laughter amongst the group, the mood lightening up from a few minutes ago. “Oh yea, this is Jack by the way,” Spencer said after a second, remembering that he hadn’t introduced Jack yet.
You gave him the same half wave and smile you gave Spencer, your eyes lingering a bit longer on him. Jack mirrored you before shoving his hand back into his pocket and ducking his head. The lighting was dim enough that you could almost convince yourself that you were imagining the slight blush on his face.
After that, it seemed like Beth and Spencer had retreated back into their bubble. You wouldn’t have minded that much if that didn’t mean you were left in awkward silence with Jack.
The quiet stretched on for what felt like an eternity before Jack broke it.
“You’re Auston Matthews’ sister, right?” He asked.
And just like that, you retreated back into yourself.
“Yes,” you answered curtly, lips thinning out as you avoided his gaze.
Jack realized his mistake within a few seconds, apologizing soon after, “Shit, sorry. I didn’t realize that was something you didn’t like to talk about.”
Smiling tightly, you accepted his apology, “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
The silence came back with a vengeance, neither of you wanting to talk afterward. Jack, in fear of saying something wrong again, and you, well, you just didn’t know what to say.
You caught Beth’s eye while looking around aimlessly, becoming confused before realizing that she was gesturing at Jack with her eyes. Giving an imperceptible shake of your head, you turned away. Noticing Spencer giving Jack a similar look, you furrowed your brows, puzzled.
“This is really weird, but can I maybe get your number?”
Startled, you nearly jumped as you snapped your head back to look at Jack. “What?” You squeaked out, shocked that he was asking until you realized it probably had something to do with you being Auston’s little sister.
Jack shifted his weight, shuffling his feet. He met your eyes after a beat, appearing to brace himself.
“Or you know, I can give you my number and you can decide where to go from there,” he continued, bouncing on his toes as he waited for your answer. A thought of how adorable he looked invaded your mind but you swiftly banished it.
Opening your mouth to respond, you noticed Beth glaring at you and nodding her head ever so slightly. Gritting your teeth, you jerkily nodded in agreement.
Unlocking your phone and handing it to him, you felt tingly as you watched him. Butterflies were fluttering around rapidly in your stomach and you could confidently say that you hated it.
When he went to hand it back, your fingers brushed. Sucking in a breath, you snatched your hand back to your side in a panic, clutching your phone tightly.
Next thing you knew, Beth was skidding to your side and laying a hand on your arm. “Calm down,” she hissed, her lips barely moving before she spoke louder. “We should actually get going,” she told the boys, “We have a bit of a drive.”
Goodbyes were exchanged, some more awkward than others, and then you were climbing into your car. Barely pulling out of the parking lot, Beth turned to you with a look of exasperation.
“What happened back there?” She nearly yelled, her hands flying about. Sparing her a glance while keeping your eyes on the road, you shrugged.
“Seriously, Y/N. Everything was going fine and then I look over and you’re practically glaring at the poor guy,” Beth exclaimed, falling back into the seat and throwing her hands up.
Opening and closing your mouth, you thought about it. “I don’t know, okay?” You finally responded, giving a more violent shrug than the last one. “He just, one minute it was quiet and then suddenly his first words were to ask me if I was Aus’s sister and I just freaked out, okay?” You rushed out, refusing to look at her.
Beth didn’t speak for awhile after that and when she did it was calmer than her outburst.
“Is that why? Because he immediately led in with the Auston thing?” She asked softly, and you could practically feel her sympathetic—or pitying, you weren’t entirely sure—gaze.
“You know the answer to that, Bethy,” you responded in a whisper.
Silence descended upon the car again, though it was more understanding than the previous ones.
“I don’t think he’s like who you’re thinking of, babe,” Beth told you. Stopping at the light you looked over at her. Her face was looking out the window, but even like that, you could see the sadness on her face, sadness that was for you. Her features were pulled together in a way that made your ache and you turned back around, unable to look any longer.
“You don’t know that,” your voice came out weaker than you wanted it to, putting more effort than you needed to as you made a turn. “He’s in a different position, Jack,” Beth started and out of the corner of your eye you saw her turn to face you, “He’s expected to be drafted first overall like Aus was, why would he focus on him like that?”
“You never know,” you said, though your argument wasn’t strong and you knew it.
Beth sighed and shook her head, sitting back. “Look, you have his number. Just give him a chance,” she tried, and just like before, you found it hard to deny her.
“I’ll think about it,” was your response.
The rest of the drive was spent without talking, the only noise being the radio playing almost silently in the background. Her words echoed in your head even after you dropped her off, especially with her parting words.
“Just think about it, okay?” She asked once more to remind you before pausing and adding, “I love you.”
“Love you, too,” you responded, nodding just barely.
She gave you one last sympathetic look, ducking out of the car and walking up to her house. You watched her until she got in, letting out a heavy breath as you drove off.
You couldn’t stop thinking about it when you got home, trapped in your head even as you said goodnight to your sister and parents. Going through the motions to get ready for bed, you kept glancing at your phone. Beth’s words playing in your head, you grabbed it and gave yourself little time to second guess yourself as you typed out a text and hit send before climbing into bed and willing sleep to come.
‘hey, it’s y/n’
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