#// ‘don’t worry we’ll make you beautiful’ ‘promise..?’ AND SHE FUCKING DELIVERED
m0e-ru · 1 year
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i want T to do something to me the same way it did something to souji seta
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darthwheezely · 4 years
a change of heart - g.w.
summary: falling out of love was the last thing they had wanted.
pairing: muggle au!george weasley x reader
warnings: mentions of break ups, sex, cussing, ouid, heartbreak, no happy endings, apathetic!george, domestic fights, mean!reader (at times), insinuations of depression, toxic relationship
a/n: this is my first angst without a happy ending and honestly it feels very last 5 years to me and i was in a bad mood yesterday so this happened i love you all mwah xoxo
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are we awake?
am i too old to be this stoned?
George blinked in what felt like slow motion at the crumbling ceiling above him as he took another long drag of his joint. He breathed out, his lungs and mind relaxing under a slimy green haze. The bed was spongey, destroyed from one too many sexual escapades and one night stands and full body tantrums that left him kicking and screaming.
His mind never really woke up after the day you packed up and took the bus downtown back to your parent’s. He usually laid there in a collapse of old cassette tapes and cannabis flecks, generally shirtless and wearing wear bleached boxers and lost.
George was never really awake after you.
was it your breasts from the start?
they played a part
You were stunning to him that day in London. You always were. That hadn’t been any different. But the day you walked into the pub everything about you just ached to be adored, he thought. He wanted to know what it was like to attach his mouth to the skin of your collar bone and nibble, knead at your breasts and have his fingers gripping your thighs the second you struck up a conversation.
“Two whiskeys and a beer later and I still don’t know your name,” he gave a little half smile and watched you bite your lip, a chuckle erupting from your throat.
“No last name?”
“Don’t need one, not yet anyway. You?”
He looked at you softly and nodded to himself.
“Let’s see if I can change that. I’m George.”
George needed you. Or at least, he thought he did.
for goodness’ sake
i wasn’t told you’d be this cold
He passed out on the couch, the old and relatively shitty TV left on static due to inactivity and refusal to be fixed.
You were supposed to have date night. At least, that’s what George thought. He knew you’d be out and about all day at work and then picking up dinner on the way home, but when you stumbled through the door at 2am, he shot awake. And in a flash of anger, he just picked up on the idea that date night didn’t really matter to you then, at least not tonight.
“Don’t fucking baby me,” you had growled, looking at him with streaks of mascara running down your face. You sniffles and wobbled off to the bathroom, leaving an albeit confused George on the couch. He listened to you cry in the bathroom, and suddenly realized it didn’t matter if you were pissed at him or scared or whatever was happening.
At least you came home.
you smashed a glass into pieces
that’s around the time i left
“Fine,” you had shouted, picking up the now empty wine glass from the table and throwing it at the cabinets across from you.
The night had started off fine, the dinner was neutral - that had been your new normal with George. Neutral. You two weren’t really angry anymore, just tired. Until you both got in that heated argument and were screaming, the radio getting blown out your earshot due to the high intensity yelling in the room.
The minute the glass hit the cabinet you jumped ever so slightly, not really realizing you had done it, but knowing the lashing out of yourself had scared you just enough. You had let out a choking whimper and quickly enough, your boyfriend had rushed over to you and held you up.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed against his chest. “Georgie, I’m so sorry, please don’t be mad at me anymore.”
He knew you weren’t really apologizing for a wine glass, or missing a date or two. He knew it was everything, and the idea that you were getting blamed for it all in your mind due to things you didn’t feel safe telling him about crushed him.
“My sweet girl,” he cooed, his nose and mouth pressing into the top of your head.
He pulled off the top of your head, brushing the tears from underneath your eyes “I love you so much, and you can push me away as hard and as much as you want but I’ll come right back, every single time.”
You nodded and fell back into his arms, and George regrettably swallowed.
He had just made a promise he knew he wouldn’t keep.
then she said, "i’ve been so worried about you lately"
"you look shit and you smell a bit"
“George,” you had cleared your throat and sat up a bit straighter in the chair.
It had been approximately two months since he had pushed away from you, and since then you had heard radio silence from the man that had stolen your heart and left your mind mush. But here you were back in the apartment at the behest of Fred who had been, admittedly, “worried fuckin’ sick” about his younger twin.
The apartment was disgusting. Dishes from weeks left in the sink that had most likely caked mold and other major nastiness. Everywhere it smelled like cheap beer and even cheaper weed. It was nauseating to be at the dining room table, looking at the face that used to be George Weasley, but was now puffy, like he’d been getting over crying every single day, his eyes red rimmed and purpling, his usually pale but still vibrant skin tone sallow and raw.
“Georgie, they’re worried about you,” you said softly. He snorted and took another bite of his Ramen.
“George, you look shit, you’re just a-a shell, and your mom has no clue what’s going on, Fred can’t keep up with demands for the record store without you and god, everyone just misses you-“
“I’m fine, Y/N,” he cut. He clenched his jaw before finally looking back up at you, nodding ruefully to himself.
“You saw to it that I always was.”
i feel as though I was deceived
i never found love in the city
i just sat in self-pity and cried in the car
“Pass the damn thing, Fred, Jesus, you bong hog,” George playfully slapped his older brother on the chest. It was their best friend Roger’s nineteenth birthday, and as such, it was 4 in the morning, everyone either knackered as hell or making out in the corner. But Fred always opted to light up with George, especially since he knew it’d be the last time before the Big Move to the City as they referred to it.
“I am, I am, calm your tits, mate!” Fred had puffed into the air, sliding the bong to his brother and watching him inhale. He coughed, George always coughed - as much as he said he was the more mature and worldly one, he still got these little flashes that proved only to Fred that George was his baby brother.
“You know what I’m gonna do once we get to Londontown, Freddie-bomb?”
“What would that be, Georgie?” He smirked, leaning back against the couch. George grinned to himself and finally looked at Fred.
“I am going to find the most beautiful girl and marry her outright.”
“Yeah. And she’s going to have the most gorgeous mind - her brain, y’know. And and we’ll talk about music and art and shit I don’t care sex and whatever the hell else she likes, and I’ll buy her flowers and perfume and pretend I know what I’m doing because I’m a dumb kid and hell, I’ll fall in love so fast...and I hope she does the same...”
George sat in his beat up old Volvo, took in a shaky breath, and started to sob. His fists delivered downward strikes against his steering wheel at his memories, the feelings of love and joy he knew were still there begging to be freed.
But for now, he’d cry.
oh, i just had a change of heart
The answering machine clicked on, the voicemail ringing through the silence in the bedroom. “Hey, Y/N...sweetheart, we - I - can’t do this anymore,”
i just had a change of heart
“It’s not your fault, baby, but...angel, we can’t do this anymore,”
i just had a change of heart
“I loved you so much and we’re killing each other and I-I couldn’t do anything to stop it except hope that it would pass one day, because we could always make it pass, we could do that,”
i just had a change of heart
“But baby, it’s time to...it’s time to stop. For now, at least until things are better - until we are better,”
i just had a change of heart
“Until we can fall back in love again...I just know we can.”
The machine stopped clicking.
taglist! @whizboingies @harrysweasleys @wandsandwheezes @valwritesx @lumosandnoxwriting @amxrtentias @mothermantids @cyliamarti @shakinganxiety @godricsswords @rosietoesy @jorduhnn @sinfulweasley @wand3ringr0s3 @jaywritesstuff0 @anchoeritic
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
In the Steel Steeds Heart
Chapter 20: Final: Till the Bitter End
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, blood/gore, body horror, angst, violence, major character death, trauma
Summary: Juniper is delivered back to Heisenberg…
Feedback appreciated. 18+
This is the end my lovelies…this end can fit into cannon, without plot holes for the game. Stay tuned for the family Au later in the week. Will start a whole new (happier) fic, picking up at the end of chapter 19
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The hours bled into days, then the days bled into weeks. Heisenberg thrust himself into his work, trying and failing to keep his mind off of what happened.
He couldn’t sleep in the bed anymore, and slowly he even stopped entering the apartment outside the occasional shower or meal.
He carried her compass in his pocket, finding his thumb worried over its surface more times than he’d like to admit.
Feelings of anger and sadness plagued him constantly, filling even his sleep with nightmares. He replayed the day she was taken over and over in his mind, loathing every stupid decision he’d made. The radio and alcohol did little to drown out these thoughts.
Until one day the cameras alerted him to someone at the gates. Heisenberg pushed away from his desk, flipping a switch to see who had tripped his alarm.
It was the Duke’s cart. Heisenberg groaned, his order wasn’t due for another week out. He pressed a button to buzz him in. Walking towards the elevator to meet him.
By the time he was on the surface Duke had pulled his cart up much closer than usual, damn near at the front doors.
“Didn’t expect my shipment so fucking soon.” Heisenberg pointed out.
The Duke’s voice was less jovial than normal as he spoke, “My apologies, Lord Heisenberg, but I bring a different delivery to you today.”
Heisenberg’s brows knitted together in confusion.
“It’s Lady Heisenberg…but I must warn you she is most unwell.” His smile fell, “I found her on the steps of the stone church, and thought her place was much more suited here.”
It took his words a moment to register, Heisenberg’s eyes scanned over the merchant, his lips a thin line.
A mixture of relief, worry, and anger swirled around his head. He swallowed, his throat dry, “Can I see her?”
“Lord Heisenberg…she’s just hanging on.” The Duke warned.
“Let me see her.” Heisenberg’s voice rose, desperation tinged his tone.
The Duke nodded, the small door at the side of the cart slowly swung open. Heisenberg quickly came to the opening, peering inside.
It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, the cart’s interior a menagerie of all matters of goods. In the center of it all, upon an owl rug, was a mass covered by a blanket.
Heisenberg crawled into the cart, a shaking hand reached out to pull the covering away.
There was Juniper, curled in on herself along the cart’s floor. Her skin was deathly pale, her side hardly rising with breath. Heisenberg tentatively touched her, skin cold under his fingers. He shuttered, dismay ripping through him.
The sound roused her.
Juniper blinked her eyes against the pale sunlight filtering in. Her eyes were dull, all the spark they once held, gone.
“Karl?” She asked, voice almost cracking.
“It’s me.” He came closer, cupping her face.
He saw a smile try to grace her lips, as her eyes closed weakly into his embrace, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Doll.” His eyes flicked down her body. She was thin, her skin covered in blotches of pooled blood below the surface. But the thing that almost turned his stomach was the deep incision from navel to pelvis. It was red and weeping, angry tendrils snaking through her skin from it.
“Fuck.” He cursed, “What did she do to you?”
Juniper winced, a weak hand delicately touching the stitching, “S-She said I was a failure…”
Heisenberg’s eyes stung and he gathered her up, careful to wrap her in the blanket to Shield her from the cold the best he could.
He could be angry later, he had to get Juniper safe first.
“I’m going to take you home, and fix you right up, ok Doll?” He tried to soothe, his voice wavering.
Heisenberg’s stomach clenched, seeing the redness of her abdomen slowly turning an ash grey.
She’ll be fine…she’ll be fine…she’ll be fine…
The words echoed in his head as he exited the cart. He gave a brief thanks to the Duke before retreating back into the factory.
He went straight to the apartment, pausing to ponder what to do next.
Hope waned as he felt her weaken in his grasp. He went to the bed, placing her down gently and making sure she had enough blankets.
“Thank…you.” Juniper gave a sigh, eyes closing. Heisenberg gulped, crawling into the bed beside her. He lay on his side, silently looking her over.
His heartbeat hammered in his chest, fear and worry spinning around his head.
He wanted to do something, anything, to help her. To make the pain go away. He wanted to see her bright and happy again, like a flower. His flower, his buttercup.
Juniper looked up at him the best she could, swallowing as she tried to find her voice. Her skin was slowly taking on an ashy hue, small cracks forming along her arms.
Heisenberg felt his chest clench in iron knots, touching her cheek.
“I’m sorry.” She rasped, her once bright eyes now milky, “I won’t be able…to see the world with you.”
“Don’t say that.” He choked, “Don’t fucking say that.”
Juniper’s breaths were shallow, her eyes unseeing.
“We’ll get out of here.” He almost pleaded.
He gently pulled her head closer until their forehead touched. Juniper closed her eyes into the contact. He could feel her life slipping away ever so slowly under his fingers.
She felt so frail, every breath ragged though her rib cage.
Heisenberg held her close, trying to choke back tears.
“I love you.” He whispered, words broken and wavering. Juniper’s delicate fingers covered his own. Her skin was cold as she smiled the best she could.
“I love you too.” She cooed, her voice sweet and like honey on his ears. He could feel her grasp wavering as he clenched his eyes shut.
He didn’t know how long he laid there. How long he held her, trying to memorize every detail of her form: her smell, her hair, every freckle on her sweet face.
Eventually, in the wake of exhaustion, sleep overtook him. It was fitful and quick. But as he blinked his eyes open all his fears came crashing into him like a speeding car.
The space in the bed beside him was covered in sparkling, iridescent crystal, and crumbling ash.
He sat up, eyes almost unseeing.
He could make out the outline of Juniper’s form, from her jaw to the sway or her hips, forever encased in beautiful stone. The place where her abdomen once was now was hollow with intricate swirling patterns.
He reached out a trembling hand, his fingertips touching the smooth surface of the crystal. The world seemed to slow, a distance ringing filling his ears.
A humming filled the room, all metal rose and began to swirl. It all picked up speed, becoming a cyclone. The metal desks and chairs buckled in on themselves, the walls shuttering.
He balled his hands into fists, bringing them up to cover his face.
A horrid sound joined the choir of destruction. Only when his throat ached did he realize it was his own voice, crying out the grief that ate his core.
The bed shook, the frame bending.
A sound met his ears, almost lost in the havoc. The cracking of stone, hollow like glass.
Everything stopped, metal falling to the floor as he looked forward. The bed frame had buckled enough to start to crack the crystal it held, stopping short only when the humming died.
He felt numb as he stood from the bed. Shattered glass and metal scattering the floor.
Days bled into weeks. He’s not sure how long he left the crystal untouched in the ruined bed. He rarely slept and even more rarely ate. Many family meetings were missed, calls going unanswered. Eventually he wrapped the crystal that was once Juniper in her coat; placing it somewhere safe, deep in the factory.
His grief and loss turned his hunger for freedom into an all consuming desire. His disdain for Mother Miranda forged into a dagger of loathing, cutting ribbons into his soul daily.
Distractions were no longer permitted. Every waking moment was dedicated to his obsession for revenge.
Heisenberg sat before the small tv monitor, smoke creating a haze around him. He watched the man on the other end of the screen with interest, a stranger in their village. A stranger with promise.
He bite the cigar between his teeth, pondering the opportunity presenting itself. His army was big, and time was running short. With this stranger’s help, freedom was within his grasp.
He sat back in his chair, reaching into his coat pocket. He pulled a small, ornate compass free. He turned it over on his gloved hand, it’s surface scratched and worn with time. His thumb brushed over the etching across the back, a word branded not only onto its metal but also on his mind.
His eyes narrowed, watching the screen. The man was breaching the stronghold, holding his own against the Lycans like no other before had.
He felt the word over again.
“We’ll see the world together, buttercup.” His tone was thick, “I promise.”
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~Thank you~
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loserchildhotpants · 3 years
Another destiel prompt from Twitter; say they’re dancing together, still trying to hide their feelings for each other, and because of that, avoiding eye-contract, the best the can, to ensure that the other character doesn’t notice how attracted they are to them (from this prompt list)
“Did you just turn her down?” Dean asks incredulously; Sam is busy sipping champagne next to him, but his eyebrows convey that he would also like clarification on whatever social interaction it is that Cas just had.
They’re all dressed to the nines, stuck at a posh wedding service until they solve this rogue Cupid case; it’s a low-risk case, but a case is a case, and they’ve got it well in hand.
Dean’s not been this dressed up since Bela stuffed him in a monkey suit, and he’d wager the same applies to Sam, but this is certainly the first either of them have ever seen Cas in anything other than his cubicle-life uniform.
Cas’ suit is sharp, pressed, striking, and he’s wearing a cerulean blue tie that has everyone meeting eyes with him coming up short. Predictably, he doesn’t know what to do with the attention, so he mostly apologizes awkwardly for those he seems to startle and thanks the handsy old ladies that liken him to long dead husbands.
With two flutes of bubbly meant for Dean and himself, Cas crossed the great hall, seemed to be stopped by a gorgeous young woman with dark hair, in a low-cut dress and a very promising smirk, but whatever exchange happened left her dejected.
“She asked me to dance,” Castiel tells Dean, passing him his flute, “I regretfully informed her that I don’t know how.”
“You can’t manage a simple little box-step for that hot piece? She was practically drooling, lookin’ at you!”
“We’re on a case,” he says, as though it’s a valid excuse.
“Nuh-unh,” Dean answers, shaking his head and putting his drink down on a nearby table, “That’s - that was a travesty, what I just witnessed. Babes are fuckin’ wasted on you, Cas.”
“She’s a fully grown woman, Dean,” Castiel corrects him, eyebrows scrunched in confusion as he brings his glass to his lips, “Besides, I’d only be wasting her time. I cannot dance, and I’d not be amenable to having relations with her, so it’s better I -”
“Not amenable?” Dean chokes out disbelievingly, “Who the fuck are you holdin’ out for?! Angelina Jolie?”
“I don’t know who that is.”
“It’s a shame you don’t know how to dance, though,” Sam interjects, seeing by the vein throbbing in his forehead that Dean is about to start shouting about beautiful women and Cas’ ineptitudes, “I could teach you, if you want.”
Castiel slants his mouth at Sam, and Sam smiles gently back at him, “I know it doesn’t sound like fun, but, honestly? It’s a good skill to have, and worst case scenario is that you brighten someone’s evening.”
Appealing to his kind nature is the right call; Cas can’t argue that point, so he puts his champagne down and walks up to Sam.
“Very well. Where do we begin?”
“Oh - we’ll probably wanna go somewhere more private, so we can move a little more freely.”
At Sam’s behest, Dean and Cas follow him across the great hall, out onto a spacious balcony, out of the way of most everyone. Double glass doors lead out to it, and flowers line stone railing; no moon is visible from where they are in the mansion, but the sky is bright with stars, and that’s light enough.
While Sam does a fine job of teaching Castiel, and Castiel is a very quick study, they struggle with their height difference while Dean tells them about their height difference, unhelpfully and repeatedly.
Eventually, Sam turns to Dean, and says, “you should step in, man.”
“What? I’m not short,” Dean pouts grumpily.
“No, but you’re at least shorter than me - it’ll make leading a little easier for him.”
Rolling his eyes as though he’s actually put out, Dean peels himself from the French window he’d been leaning on, and takes Sam’s place.
Even and paced, Castiel and Dean take a few turns around the balcony, and Sam is impressed, informing Castiel that it took him a full week of practice to stop tripping over his own feet.
“To be fair, you were still growing into them at the time” Dean jokes.
In a rare moment of familial levity between them, Sam laughs, and Dean smiles at him - all of that makes Cas smile too, and then Sam’s phone rings.
“Oh - it’s Natalie,” Sam lets them know, “She wants eyes on the dance floor for a minute - I’ll take care of it - Cas, you’re doing great, don’t stop practicing!”
To both Dean and Cas’ surprise and humor, Sam appears genuinely bereft to leave the lesson. They both seem inclined to respect Sam’s wishes, though, so they take another turn.
“You gotta stop glancing down,” Dean commands.
Flashing his eyes back up at Dean, Cas mutters, “it’s reflexive. I apologize.”
“Nah, it’s fine, man. You’ve got it,” Dean assures him, “Now that you know how to, you gonna ask that girl to dance?”
“Perhaps,” Cas tries to shrug, determinedly keeping his eyes up, “I feel certain she has moved on in her pursuits, but if I pass her again, I will offer a dance.”
“You know how?”
“Now, yes.”
“No, I mean do you know how to ask a girl to dance?”
“Is there a particular ritual involved?”
Exhaling a laugh, Dean brings them to a stop, and explains, “okay - I’m gonna show you how it’s done, alright? Then I’ll lead.”
“Understood,” Cas tells him with serious conviction, studious and militant.
Dean steps back and away, and they wait for the band’s dreamy rendition of The Way You Look Tonight to end before proceeding.
As The Book of Love begins, the live orchestra swells from inside the hall, Dean bows just a little at the waist, with his right arm crossing his chest, but his head up, and he inquires politely, “Castiel, may I have this dance?”
Tilting his head curiously, Castiel needlessly replies, “yes, Dean, of course.”
Smiling his most winning smile, Dean straightens up, offers his hand, and nods approvingly when Castiel all but glides into step with him.
He keeps the tempo slow, but incorporates making circles, turning them ‘round and ‘round the stone and marble balcony, up and down it’s length; Cas follows him easily, trusting Dean’s direction, and always operating on a similar wavelength - Dean thinks that maybe they dance together well because they fight together well.
“This is nice, Dean,” Castiel remarks softly.
A dusting of rosiness rises up in Dean’s face; he pulls Cas a little closer to better obscure his face from scrutiny, clears his throat and makes some noncommittal noise that could be agreement or indifference.
“You’re the one who taught Sam to waltz,” Castiel surmises conversationally.
“Yeah,” Dean answers.
“How is it that you came to learn it?”
“Eh, you’d be surprised what you learn on the job,” Dean replies easily, pulling away enough to spin Cas, and then move close in again.
“... you just spun me.”
“Yeah, I was there,” Dean jokes, smirking proudly down at Cas; “Don’t worry, when you get to be a seasoned pro like me, you can snazzy up your waltz too. Maybe next you can learn to salsa or tango.”
In a moment of silence between them, Dean follows Cas’ eyes to their clasped hands; Dean’s not sure what Cas is seeing, but whatever it is, it’s making Dean nervous.
“See now what that lovely lady wanted? Feel bad yet?” Dean prompts.
Castiel’s electric eyes refocus on him, startling him with their intensity just as they had the wedding guests that were strangers to Cas, “I do understand now. However, perhaps it’s the soldier in me, but I find I much prefer following than leading.”
“Ah, that’s just ‘cause I’m a great lead,” Dean teases playfully.
“Yes, you are,” Castiel reinforces, eyes flickering between Dean’s, “You do know I would follow your lead anywhere, don’t you?”
“Christ, Cas,” Dean swears, trying to politely move his too-warm face out of view.
“Really, Dean,” Castiel adds, squeezing Dean’s hand where they’re clasped; when that doesn’t work immediately, he takes advantage of a circling turn to near their faces - their noses almost bump, and Dean has no choice but to look into Castiel’s eyes, “I want you to know. You do know, don’t you?”
Swallowing roughly, feeling possibly feverish, Dean down, then away, “... you gotta stop saying shit like that, Cas.”
“Why?” he wonders, “It’s only the truth.”
Clearing his throat again - a nervous tic he didn’t realize he had until right then - he mumbles back, “yeah, well… I talk big, but I’m flyin’ blind, so maybe don’t follow me everywhere.”
“I’m a soldier, Dean. A Commander, actually. When I delivered you to the convent where Sam and Ruby were against the wishes of Heaven, I chose you. I pledged my allegiance to an Earthly King over an absent God, and I knew what I was doing when I did,” their steps slow down as Dean takes that in, “All I knew was that… I had faith in you.”
At that, Dean stops moving altogether, his hand slides down from Cas’ shoulder blade to the cinch of his waist, and he allows their joined hands to wilt a bit lower, but he doesn’t let go.
It seems then that Cas is the one having trouble keeping Dean’s gaze.
He looks to some faraway place over Dean’s shoulder, and rasps, “I still do. So, yes, Dean. I will follow you everywhere you lead, for however long you allow me to. I don’t mind flying blind if I’m flying with you.”
With difficulty, Castiel looks back into Dean’s eyes, and Dean feels his heart thud in his ears. He wonders to himself if Cas can hear it, or feel it, but all Cas does is stare intently back at him, maybe waiting for Dean to confirm or deny something.
Dean practically jumps away from Cas, frightened as if he’s been caught doing something untoward, but Cas is unbothered.
“I think I found our guy,” Sam announces, none the wiser, “And I think he brought a friend.”
“Yeah,” Dean affirms gruffly, “Got it.”
Sam turns back around first, through the glass doors, back into the busy hall, and Dean starts after him, a hand already twitching toward his holster, sparing Cas a look from over his shoulder.
The Angel is standing there alone, unmistakably ethereal with a backdrop of twinkling stars and lazy fireflies illuminating him; he’s examining his hand as though Dean may have left a mark or a message on him somehow.
“You comin’, Swayze?”
Cas’ eyes snap to attention again, and his forehead wrinkles, “... I don’t understand that reference,” but he follows after Dean anyway.
He doesn’t seem to notice how Dean clenches and unclenches his corresponding hand, but Dean wouldn’t be able to explain it if he did.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Control P15
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I went and got the door as y/n went to make some coffee I opened the door letting Wisse and Luke into the apartment the three of us muttering about this and that as they headed inside "Hu, benny?" Wisse asks
"who's the fat old braud?"
instantly I smirked a little trying not to laugh as she turned around and looked like she was about to murder him "You have a will right Wisse?"
"Yeah why?"
"Becuase... she is gonna kill you" I smirked going to sort the chessboard up
"Come here you little!" she yelped going to try and grab him but I up an arm around her and lifted her off the floor enough she couldn't get out my grip "No benny let me at him!" she complained till I put her down
"Boys, Y/n y/l/n I'm sure you've met before" I told them
"Ohh yeah, Hi y/n" Luke smiled getting himself a seat at the table
"Hu, I didn't recognise you, sorry y/n" wisse smiled "What uhh... what is she doing here?"
"I live here" she argued
"lives here? Ooooooohhh Benny got a girlfriend" Luke laughs
"Yes. I did"
"I... I don't have a response to a yes as an answer"
"so shut up"
"You guys actually a couple then?"
"Yep, very happily" Y/n smiled
"Extremely happily" I smiled giving her a kiss
"Lucky dick got the cute girlfriend" Luke sighed
"cute fience" I corrected
"Really? your gonna hitch yourself to him?" Wisse laughed
"Hey!" I complained
"Well, I suppose I have to" she giggled stroking her baby bump
"what!" Luke laughed excitedly
"can you guys not tell?" she laughed
"Awwwwww there's gonna be a tiny baby!" Luke smiled
"why!" wisse complained "why would you let him procreate? I thought we all collectively agreed to not let his genetics get anywhere else?"
".... when did you agree that?" I complained
"Like six Christmas' ago" luke shrugged
"well it's a bit late for that, he's due next month" she smiled
"she" I corrected
"He" she giggled
"Now we playing or not?" Luke asked
"Course, you rest up you need anything you ask okay," I told her so she nodded going to read her book on the chair
I sat playing with the guys a good while, y/n kept out of it mostly reading her chess books on the chair, she would bring drinks and food whenever we needed it even if all of us told her no she should rest baby but she did it anyways, it was getting late and she was getting tried I could tell as she was watching a game her little eyes would sometimes flutter shut, her head sometimes would droop but whenever I blew her a kiss she'd perk up again for a moment or two. "I think it's bed time for mummy. You boys have fun" she smiled as she slowly pushed herself up stroking her bump "Okay, we'll be quiet, you rest up alright" I told her taking her hand "I will" she smiled "Sleep well y/n" wisse smiled "Rest that tiny human growing in your person oven y/n" luke laughed She gave my head a kiss before she slowly walked into the bedroom getting ready for bed I focused on the game for a good while but I couldn't take my eyes off her, the door to our bedroom open just a crack just enough I could still see her, laid on our bed, her head on the pillow, the gentle orange light casgading across her, her hair all over the place, her face so peaceful and sireen, her little nightie holding her so tight where she was growing so much, her book open on her page it fallen on the duvet her hand still holding it the other on the pillow, I rested my head on my hand just watching her sleep so peacefully her bump rising and falling in the covers "Dude I think benny's broke I just checked him." Wisse says "Not broke. He's got a pregnant wifey it's gonna be a distraction. I mean look I can wave a hand in his Face and nothing" luke laughed "Benny? You in there man or have you shut up shop tonight?" "Hu? Ohh sorry guys" I sighed "I think I think I need to turn in too. And I can't leave her all alone she can't sleep without me" I smiled "well finish up another time maybe once baby comes" "Alright, see you around" wisse laughed we all said our goodbyes and they both left so I shut up and went climbing into bed with her "You didn't have to Benny, I could have waited till you-" "Shhhh. You where sleepy. I should have kicked them out hours ago so you could sleep." "But chess-" "Shhh, sleep. You and our baby are more important" "Nothing is more important then chess to you" "You are. And so's baby." I told her "I have to take care of my girls. Besides I was tried too and you know I can't sleep without you either" "Okay Benny if your sure" "Of course I'm sure little lady, now you rest that tummy shouldn't be long now till baby comes"
I woke up softly and gently "Uuummmm good morning little lady, and my sweet little baby" I smiled trying to cuddle her but something was wrong. The bed felt wet. Her body was shaking. Her hand in mine in a death like grip, "Benny! Something's wrong!" She yelled "What! What's wrong!" I asked quickly waking up seeing her she was panicked, sweaty, in alot of pain the sun not even up yet "I think baby's coming" "Baby's coming! Are uhh are you sure?" "I don't know, I couldn't sleep because of my tummy and then I had an accident and now it won't- aaahhhhhh!" "Okay... Okay... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pack the bag! I think right? Yes! Pack!" I said trying to remember what the hell I was gonna do getting out the bed and starting to pack her back "what was I meant to pack?" "BENNY!" "I'm sorry y/n I forget" "It's on the list in the fridge. Now hurry up!" She yelled turning to sit on the edge of the bed, I grabbed the list and packed he's a quick bag getting myself dress too "Right next uhh we need to get you to the hospital, but I don't think an ambulance is really worth it, then again I get stuck in traffic, what I'd the car breaka down I can't deliver a baby! What if the ambulance has to stop for baby to be born and then our kiss born in an ambulance? Do I have everything, did you want anything before we go little lady? A drink, some food? A shower? Do your hair maybe?" "Benny... There is currently what feels like a human being with a watermelon sized head trying to force its way out of my Virgina, Get your skinny ass in that car and take me to a fucking doctor now!" "Okay, okay." I nodded realizing how panicked I was I helped her up and out into the car with her bag, I quickly locked up and by the time I got back she was screaming "okay it's all gonna be okay, just try not to focus on the pain" I reassured her "Easy for you to say!" "Right let's get baby to the doctor" "Now!" She screamed putting my car into drive for me almost making us hit a lamppost "Y/n I understand your in-" "BENNY! DRIVE THE FUCKING CAR!" She screamed "Or I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL SHOVE EVER CHESS PIECE YOU OWN UP YOUR ASS!" "Yes dear" I gulped quickly getting the car going
I dropped y/n off and the nurses happily took her, I went and got parked and rushed into the office they directed me to the little seating area where a few other men sat waiting "But I - I promised her I'd be with her" "Sorry we can't allow it she's a six thirteen" "Six thirteen what does that mean?" "I'm sure the doctor will explain later sir please take a seat" I sighed and went taking a seat waiting till one of the other men spoke up "Hey? First?" "Yeah." I answered "It never gets easier kid" he laughs coming to sit in the chair beside me "I just... I wanna be with her you know make sure she's okay" "Hey, she's a fucking lot stronger then you think she is" he laughs "this is our fourth. I always worry about her. At the end she always tells me not to worry" he laughs "Yeah, she's a strong one. I know she is" I smiled "do you know what a six thirteen is?" "Yeah," "Please. I just wanna know" "It means there's been a complication, and everyone non essential has to be kept out for safety" "Something's wrong?" "It could be something small, like breach, or backwards or anything like that" he shurgs "or a c section. They class that as a six thirteen" "Oh God." "Relax it's probably nothing" he says "my boy was a six thirteen. Came out backwards the stupid boy" "Well I guess it's just a waiting game" "Pretty much kid" We sat chatting about this and that for a few hours or so it was getting late now, or early. Not sure which to class or as but everyone would peek up whenever a nurse came around the corner and just as the sun began to peak over the windows a nurse came "Watts?" "Yes!" "Follow me please" she says I nodded and followed her to a little room but she didn't open the door, "baby is born. Happy and healthy. Mummy's doing fine if a little stressed we'll start getting sorted to get her home congratulations" she smiled before she headed off, I was excited happily opening the door to the little hospital room the blinds open letting the sweet purple, orange and gold of the sunrise flood the room, and there on the bed was y/n sat up a little shaken her hair a mess, a smile on her face with a job I'd never seen before, and in her arms wrapped up in a little yellow blanket was a tiny little baby only moments old. The baby was giggling ever so softly as y/n stroked the baby's skin I'd never seen something so beautiful I wanted to cry "Hello y/n" "Hello Benny" she smiled "come" she smiled patting the little chair beside the bed, I smiled going over and sitting with her both of them bathed in the rays of the sunrise "You okay?" "Ummmm. Tried" "I can guess so" I laughed "they wouldn't let me in" "They said because of things I forget what they said but she's happy and healthy" "She?" "She. Benny meet your daughter" she smiled letting me see the cute little squishy face of our little girl, she was so cute and beautiful I almost cried "A daughter. I have a daughter. Hi little one, uhh nice to meet you" I smiled shaking her tiny hand "God damn it Benny, you don't have to introduce yourself to her" "She doesn't know who I am yet, I'm just being a gentleman about it" I said giving her little head a kiss which made her giggle more "are you okay?" "Fine Benny" she laughed so I gave her a kiss too "she has her daddies." "She does. But I'm sure she'll grow up and be as beautiful as her mummy" "In sure she will. Thought if any names for her?" "I get to name her?" "Umm you won. You where right about it being a girl. You can name her" she smiled I looked at our little girl thinking of all the girls names I knew many of them I didn't want to use as I'd slept with girls named that and that would be a werid thing but the more I looked at her the more ideas went quickly though my mind until, I saw the sun just shimmer a little the rays of gold, purple and red across the room from the sun as it rose and it casgading across her little face "Aurora" I smiled "Aurora. I like it" she smiled "I think it suits her" "It does. Little aurora" "Little aurora watts" "Aurora y/l/n. Not your wife yet Benny" "You would be if someone would get the wedding sorted and let me marry her already" I laughed "I know, but maybe aurora watts so she gets used to it" "Good, she was like this close to being named scillian you know that right?" "I know I'm surprised it's not chess related or are you saving that for any boys" "Kinda, plus not alot of chessy girls names" "That and scillian is our sex safe word" "Yeah that too" I laughed "so you ready to get aurora home?" "Very ready Benny"
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ladynestaarcheron · 3 years
Fears All the Way Down - Chapter Two
ao3 - masterpost
here's chapter two! i had fun writing it, hope y'all enjoy!
Nesta might not enjoy it, but she knows how to give credit where credit is due, and there's no denying it: her sisters and their friends have thought this plan out thoroughly.
After they've calmed down enough, her sisters move on promptly to the next phase. Elain is off with those shadow wraiths of hers to pack up Nesta's meager belongings and Feyre is explaining to her what the upcoming week will look like.
"The important thing to remember whenever you feel overwhelmed is that the worst is already behind you and you've made it this far and you can continue on," Feyre says, clearly reciting something from memory. "And that we're always going to be there to help you."
She moves on to explain the detoxification process they're going to put her through. She dresses up the words in a healer's jargon and tries her best to be sensitive, but Nesta doesn't like to lie to herself and understands the crux of it: she's fucked up her body too much and can't even be trusted to just stop drinking so she has to be weaned off while under a few sets of eyes.
"So, who's going to be in the House with me?" Nesta asks when she's done.
"We know you don't need a keeper," Feyre says carefully. "If you'd prefer to be alone, you can be. We'll visit you every day, if you'd like. And the library's healer will be checking up on you, of course, as I said. But...do you need anyone in the House? Do you want anyone with you?"
"No," Nesta says, not entirely believing they're going to leave her to her own devices.
Feyre shrugs. "Then take the week to acclimate. We'll come by only as often as you want."
"Who's we?"
"Me and Elain," Feyre says firmly.
Perhaps there had been an argument about that. To her surprise, Nesta feels her throat burn at the thought of her sister standing up for her. No, she does not want any of the others coming to see her like this...she never wants to see them at all, actually.
"The staff has all been cleared out, too," Feyre continues. "The magic of the House should be enough...but of course, if anything's missing--anything at all. Just say so. Shops can't deliver up, but we'll bring anything you need the next day."
Nesta only nods.
"Well...we'll go up now, then, if that's all right with you. We'll have your things delivered later today. Elain will visit as soon as she can."
Elain does not want to visit, Nesta realizes. Not while Nesta's sick and seizing over the next few days.
"She doesn't have to come," Nesta says. "Neither do you," she adds.
"We'll...see how you feel."
Cassian and Rhysand are waiting for them in the dining room. She's not sure whom she wants to see less.
But Cassian's good enough that he isn't looking to humiliate her further and her sister's got her husband on a tight enough leash that mercifully, neither of them says anything. Feyre gives her an encouraging smile as she gently pushes her closer to Cassian and holds onto her shoulder.
The winnowing is instant, too quick to process, especially considering what comes after.
The drop is terrifying, even though it's only for a fraction of a second. Just as Nesta clenches her jaw to stop her instinctual scream, Cassian grabs her in his arms and holds her tightly against himself. The descent slows, and there's an undeniable calming effect of being pressed into something--someone--so warm and strong, but the fear doesn't leave her until she is out of the open air and standing with solid ground beneath her feet.
"All right," Feyre says, slipping out of Rhysand's embrace with approximately none of the urgency with which Nesta ripped herself away from Cassian. "Let me help you get settled."
What on earth that could possibly mean Nesta does not know, as she doesn't carry anything with her and it's not yet eleven in the morning. But it's becoming clear to her that there's another reason for Feyre's shifty eyes.
"Is the same room all right, then?" Feyre asks as they reach it. Two floors below the entrance, once with a door connecting her to Elain, but that's sealed off now. The only difference, as far as she can tell.
"It's fine," she says, peering out the window. She could not help but be taken by the view the first time she had stayed here, and now was no different. The sprawling city in the valley of these red mountains, the Sidra snaking through it, and the glittering sea beyond. It's beautiful. Nesta likes beautiful things.
"You didn't get to decorate it much last time, but if there's anything you'd like..." Feyre trails off.
Nesta doesn't answer. She doesn't feel like pretending to care about decor to help her stall.
Feyre understands, sighing and fiddling with her fingers. "All right, there's some more I have to tell you."
"Go on," Nesta says, not turning from the window.
"Well," she says. "As you know...your apartment...the whole building--subdivision, really--it's...it's..."
"Old," Nesta supplies. Which is not the word her sister was thinking of, she knows.
"Yes, old. Well. The council has decided that they want to...fix it up, so...they're...rebuilding it."
Nesta blinks. "Rebuilding it?"
"It's already built."
"Well. They're..."
"You're tearing it down," Nesta says flatly.
"No!" Feyre says, and Nesta can see her eyes widen in the faint reflection. "I mean...yes, it's being torn down, but they're building it right back up! And much nicer! Hot water and...it'll be right there waiting for you when you...we're keeping it for you. For if you want to stay there again. But you know..." Feyre allows herself a bit of hope in her voice. "You might not want to. Maybe you'd like a different house...if you want..."
What exactly the problem is with her staying in a newly refurbished apartment, Nesta doesn't know. But no matter. It's not as though she's attached to the old one, and if they're going to pay for her to stay there when she's done with this little experiment...fine. Hot water on demand would be nice, at any rate.
"All right," Nesta says.
Feyre waits a beat before saying, "There's more."
Nesta turns to face her.
Swallowing, Feyre says, "Now, I meant what I said about you not needing to be kept."
Here it is, then.
"But there are...two issues with that. Well...maybe three."
She crosses her arms. This should be good.
"Well, as I explained, the first week or so is going to be difficult. And since you don't want to stay in the library and the healer can't always be here and you might...need someone..."
"You're going to be staying the week?" Nesta says sharply, face heating. That--that's too much. She can't take that. The whole week--so Feyre will be able to hear her retching all night long--some of it won't even be because of the alcohol; Nesta often finds herself rushing to the toilet, she hasn't been able to keep a full meal down in over a year.
"No," Feyre says, red as she imagines she is now. "I'll visit if you want. But...no. I thought...no."
Good. That's--good.
"But you do need...someone...for the first week. To make sure...to call the healer, really, if something happens in the middle of the night. And..." Feyre pauses to take a deep breath. "You remember Briallyn." She's blunt, and doesn't phrase it like a question, so Nesta's too surprised to flinch. "Well," she says, taking her widened eyes as a yes, "she's...she remembers you. And she's..."
"She wants to kill me," Nesta says flatly.
"Yes," Feyre responds. "But you don't need to be scared. We're not going to let her get to you."
"You're still not telling me everything."
"No," Feyre says, sighing. "I'm sorry. It's...not easy for me to say. I'm easing into it. All right. She's...we have reason to believe she's formed an alliance within the Night Court."
At this Nesta blinks. "What, you mean..."
"Not any of us," Feyre says, startled. "Of course not! Of course--don't think that!"
She only gives a small shrug. The idea of Morrigan hating her enough to work with that wretched crone is not entirely unbelievable to her, but she doesn't say so to her sister. She can try to try, at least, with what all the pair of them are doing.
The left side of Nesta's lips tugs upwards slightly. Not even a half-smile, just a tic, but Nesta's actually pleased with herself. Not insulting her sister's friend aloud directly to spare Feyre's feelings isn't much, but for her, when she hasn't cared about anyone's feelings in so long...
Feyre isn't privy to all that has gone on in Nesta's mind and she is still trepidative. She takes another deep breath--always with the dramatics, this one, isn't she?--and says, "We have reason to believe Briallyn has formed an alliance with some rebel groups within Illyria. We think she's promised them a path to independence if they get you to her."
Whatever Nesta was expecting, it wasn't this. The Illyrians...she knows, of course, that they don't like her, don't trust her. But Rhysand--Cassian and Azriel--doesn't that mean anything?
"I didn't know they want independence," Nesta says, when she realizes Feyre is peering at her intently, expectantly.
"They want to be allowed to mutilate their females and take revenge on each other as they please," Feyre says. "They can't do that while we're in charge."
"I thought they...liked serving in the Night Court's army." Her cheeks flush the slightest bit--perhaps it's naïve, but leading the Illyrians for this court is the pride of Cassian's life. She had assumed they were the same way. That they didn't like answering to someone born at his low station, sure, but she hadn't known they resented being here.
"It's not everyone," she says. "There were some who sided with Amarantha, some who...listen, you don't need to worry about it. All you need to focus on is yourself right now."
"And," Nesta presses.
Feyre takes yet another deep breath. "Cassian's going to be staying here for a few days. Just a few days!" she hurries. "Just until you're through the worst of it! And just make sure the House is secure while you are here by yourself."
"Why couldn't the House be checked--"
"We didn't want to alert anyone of your presence," she explains. "It's a pretty fantastical theory, that Illyrians are colluding with citizens from Velaris to overthrow Rhys and me, but...stranger things have happened. And since Hybern managed to find you here before..."
She can appreciate that, at least.
"Just a few days."
"A week at most."
"You keep changing the rules."
Feyre raises her arms. "I know. But that's the last of it, I swear."
Nesta's expression does not falter. "I don't appreciate being manipulated."
"I'm not manipulating! I just...didn't want to overwhelm you all at once. I'm...easing you into things."
Nesta considers this for a beat. "Stop doing it right now."
"I will," she says immediately.
At this, Nesta softens, though perhaps imperceptibly.
"All right," Feyre says after Nesta does not bite back. "I'll...leave you to get settled. The healer's left you some tonics there--" she punctuates her words with an arm extended towards the table by Nesta's bedside--"for you to take before bed...and you know where the dining room is...I promise Cassian will stay out of your way. He just might check up on you before you go to sleep, and..."
"Lift me up out of my own sick in the middle of the night?"
Feyre flinches. "Help you. Just until the healer can come up."
Nesta turns back to the window. "So I suppose I'll see you in a week, then?"
"As soon as you'd like."
There's that. That's...something.
"Your things will be delivered tomorrow. If you need anything--"
"You said."
"I know." Feyre wrings her hands, her ring and bracelets clinking softly together. "And...while you're here...Rhys and the others won't just drop by unannounced. We won't--well--if a few weeks--I mean--"
"I've got it," she says.
"Right. Well. Good."
What to say to her sister? They've hardly ever embraced. The time they had started to grow closer is long gone now, both those bodies ashes of the past.
"I just want to say," Feyre starts softly, "that...I'm really proud of you for doing this. I know...trust that I know it isn't easy. But I promise you it will be worthwhile. You'll see."
By the time Nesta summons the nerve to turn around and ask about those innocents, how she had gotten through it, her sister is already gone.
Because Nesta had explored the House when she had been brought here by Rhysand so long ago, she does not feel the need to do so now. She knows where the library is, knows where her room and the dining room are, and those are all she intends to frequent.
She spends the rest of the morning in the library, but she is too restless to keep her focus on a book. After finding herself staring blankly at a wall for the fifth time, eyes refusing to fixate on the words in her lap, she shuts the book and tightly and places it on a table. She doesn't know what she expected. It's been months since she's managed to read. No romance novels for her. No romance, either--not that that had ever happened. But once, she would have thought that the amount of sex she's been having would be linked to...something.
Her life has become an endless stream of not this, not now. Anything to get her out of her own head. Bitter alcohol--the kind she actually likes, gin or white wine, never seems to wipe her mind clean--and sex with strangers. And it works perfectly, because those things befit a lady of her station. That's how the loveless, useless, dregs of society spend their days: drinking, fucking, gambling away someone else's money--
"Nothing to read?"
Nesta startles.
"Sorry," Cassian says, walking up to her and sitting in the big armchair opposite. "Thought you heard me."
It takes her a moment to find her voice. "Did I give any indication of the sort?"
He grins. "Just assumed you were ignoring me."
Would that I could, she thinks darkly. But who could ignore him? Too big, too loud, too...just too much. Too much person for one body.
"Been a while," he says casually.
She doesn't answer, reaching through the drink-stained memories to find the last time she had seen him, besides this morning. Must've been...summer solstice. They had barely spoken, like all their other interactions since the war. She can count them on one hand.
And she does. Far more frequently then she admits to herself.
"Just thought you'd like to know I've finished securing the House."
Nesta nods once, absently. Perhaps this was a mistake. After all, they had thought the House was secure last time, hadn't they? What if they're attacked again? These priestesses...because of her. If they know that Briallyn is going to try and snatch her, that she's formed an alliance with Illyrians who can fly into the veranda, is this really worth the risk?
"Don't," Cassian says, voice low. She tenses as he leans closer to her. "You have a right to be here as much as any of them. Maybe you should have been here all along."
She catches the guilt in his tone, in his eyes, and blinks. That's...not what she had been expecting. And not what she's prepared to deal with.
She stands. "I was informed that you'd stay out of my way."
Just like that, any tenderness snaps out of his posture. He's standing before her, too, wings slightly flared.
"Do forgive me, Lady Nesta," he says with a mocking bow. "I'll let you get back to your riveting activity of staring at the wall in a room by yourself."
She has to say something before he leaves; can't let him end this with her on the losing hand. But she's quick on her feet, even if she never knows where she stands with him.
"I wouldn't want to interrupt your perching on the window opposite," she answers, voice icy. A blind shot in the dark, as she hadn't heard him at all. But it appears as though it lands, as his eyes grow even darker and he reins in a snarl as he stalks out.
Nesta loosens a breath as he leaves.
Riling up Nesta like that is never smart, but it's particularly stupid today. Not the least of which being Feyre had specifically ordered him not to.
Cassian tries to force himself to focus on the knives he's throwing, but he's too worked up to even admire the shiny new blades Rhys had purchased especially for this new training center on the top of the House.
"So you have a place to blow off steam," he had explained to him. Away from Feyre, of course, who no longer tolerated any implication that spending time with Nesta could be...difficult.
"It's only a week," he had said. He trains every day, but the refurbished personal arena is unnecessary for that, considering he's supposed to be keeping the House secure for the duration of his stay.
Rhys had only shrugged casually. Cassian knew what he had thought. That it might be more. That he would want to stay...that she would want him to stay.
He catches his and Feyre's snagging glances and innocent suggestions, but he dutifully ignores them each time. Nothing he feels on the subject matters, after all, because Nesta doesn't want anything to do with him.
He knows he shouldn't have approached her. Especially not considering he's supposed to make sure she eats something for dinner and she's not going to want to talk to him twice in a day.
But he just--he can't stay away. Not when she's so close and so...lost. Alone. Sitting in the library, unable to disappear into one of those romances she likes so much--unable to enjoy herself! It's too much to ask of him. To just watch her like that and not say anything. Just go about his day, ignoring the fact that...she needs him.
He does his best to ignore the sneering voice in his mind as the thought crosses his mind. She does need him. Or, rather, she needs someone and he can be that person. He can be exactly what she needs.
If she'd just let him.
And he had intended to be kind and patient. He had started that way, hadn't he? Trying to soothe her obvious fears and insecurities.
She hadn't wanted that. He should have known she didn't want that. Of course it's too much for her, too smothering, so she had shut him out. He knows that. He knows why she does that. But...it still hurt. Every time she rejects him, it hurts.
Not about you, he reminds himself. Feyre hadn't said the words outright, but she had made herself clear. Not that Cassian would ever...he wants the best for her, too. Of course he does. He's not going to do anything to jeopardize her recovery.
Starting right now.
It should be easy, he tells himself. He's gone months without seeing her in the past. Not to mention more than five hundred years before she was born. He can do this. Just...she's in the library and she's safe and she'll eat lunch if she wants to and if not, fine. She doesn't have to. She's been getting so little food these days they don't want to throw her back into it, anyway. Soup at dinner will be enough.
But feeling her presence...knowing she's there, a few storeys below him...in the state she's in, no less....
He manages. What other choice does he have? So he fills his time on the top of the House, doing rounds every so often--not looking in the windows of the House trying to find her--until dinner time, where he paces the dining room like an idiot.
Until she comes in.
She hasn't changed clothes since earlier, and she looks, if possible, worse. Logically he knows that she can't have lost weight since this morning, and the less alcohol in her system must be better, but...her cheeks are definitely hollower. Eyes more sickly. Brilliant, daring, cunning, beautiful gray eyes...lifeless.
Don't screw this up, he tells himself sternly. She needs to eat dinner tonight because she needs to take a tonic along with it. If he upsets her, she won't eat.
But he can't--he can't play this game like she can. Not when she's this far gone. So he says something. Doesn't know what, just knows he has to fill the silence.
"Do you like soup?"
Wonderful. Perhaps the stupidest thing he could ask her.
She ignores him as she sits at the head of the table, making his blood boil. Would she just look at him?
But his anger melts as he watches her gear up to eat. All the strength she has left focused on forcing her arm to extend, her fingers clutching her spoon so tightly her knuckles are a white that scares him. She swallows tightly before she puts the spoon in her mouth, that elegant neck of hers tensing and her delicate, too-protruding collarbone rising with it.
She steels herself one final time as she moves the spoon into her mouth and winces as it goes down.
"Not particularly," she says softly.
It takes him a few moments to realize she's answered him.
He clears his throat. "Well--we could get you something else?" Surely none of the food the House has put out for him will settle right with her, but...toast, maybe? Even if it doesn't have the nutrients she so desperately needs...perhaps she'll take a vegetable spread. Or blended fruit.
"It's no matter."
You matter. The words are right on his tongue, and he has to shove a forkful of steak into his mouth to keep him from letting them out. That might be too much for her. He can't scare her off again.
"Strong flavors...don't sit well with me." She stifles a flinch as she takes another spoonful and downs half a glass of ice water.
That's something, at least. Rehydrating herself properly is important.
"We can dilute it." She'd have to have more of it, of course, but perhaps it'd be worth it.
"It's no matter," she says again.
Bullshit. Absolute bullshit, and he's certainly not going to let it continue. But...fine. Let her have this soup tonight. But he'll find something she likes to eat and can stomach soon enough.
They are silent for another few minutes. Cassian pretends not to stare at her and she pretends not to notice. He's well into his second helping before she gets close to finishing her bowl.
"Here," he says, when she only has a few spoonfuls left, and hands her the vial the healer had given him.
"What is this?"
He hesitates. "Mock liquor." To mimic the effects of alcohol without actually putting any in her system. To let her sleep easier.
"Oh. Feyre said. She left some for me next to my bed."
"No, that's an anti-toxin." To push her body in the right direction of purging itself without hurting too much. Lowers the risk of seizing.
He wants to punch himself at the blank look on her face. She has to go through this because they let it get this far. He let it get this far.
But at the very least, she is not going through it alone. Not if it kills him.
Nesta swallows the mock liquor quickly and then finishes off her second glass of water. Picking up her napkin and neatly setting it aside, she rises, and says, "I'm going to bed."
"Good night," he says, though they both know she won't have one and he'll be seeing her in a few hours.
How miserable it is to watch her leave. She's going to have a painful night, and she's probably also scared about Briallyn or the Illyrians attacking her, and she feels alone. He just knows she feels alone.
She's sick and it's his fault. He'd promised her and he'd failed her.
But no more. He's making it up to her. He'll do what he can tonight and this week and for all the rest of it...he's going to keep her safe. Going to weed out every single rebel if he has to go door to door in every camp in Illyria. Nesta has faced her last external battle. He's going to make sure of that.
When she opens the door to her bedroom, there are flames flickering in the fireplace. Flickering, burning...crackling, snapping.
She's not sure how long she stands there at the threshold, before she finds her voice, broken and small, and says, "Could you turn that off, please?"
She doesn't know who she's talking to, how the magic of the House works, but something must be listening, because it dies down. Nesta crosses the room to the windows and cracks one open, enough to stick her head out and breathe in the cold air, ridding the scent of death from her nostrils. She stays there until she's shivering.
"Don't light fires again," she says, voice not as weak as before. "Please," she tacks on.
Nesta's never put so much thought into preparing for bed before, but she knows she has to think about it tonight. The tonics and withdrawal will work hand in hand to make sure she'll wake up ill or seizing or any number of miserable things, and then Cassian will rush in and stay with her until some healer she doesn't know does. She can't decide which is worse.
That's not true. Cassian is worse.
So she picks out a more modest nightgown than she normally would. It's autumn, anyway, and with no extra warmth from a fire, and so high up...not so bad. She might've preferred a pant set, but she's certainly not going to wear those tonight. The shin-length dress and heavy socks will have to do.
Now there is the matter of her hair. Once, she had worn it loose or sometimes braided to sleep, but since Hybern's soldiers had ripped her out of her home by her unbound locks...no. She wears it up.
But they'll know. They'll know she put her hair up to go to bed, and they'll wonder why. And she can't stomach them wondering why.
There's a silk hair tie in the boudoir. Let Cassian think, at least, that there's some vain reason for tying her hair in a bun for bed. Let him not bring it up in mocking, or to her sisters. Let the healer be too professional to say anything.
She hates this. She's already subject to more scrutiny than she'd ever, ever wanted. As Feyre's sister, as a freak of nature. And now it'll be even worse.
What have they told people, she wonders, as she swallows the tonic Feyre's left for her (mostly tasteless, if a bit bitter). That she's been sent to the seaside for her health? That she's doing something for the Night Court in some other land? Or worst of all, the truth?
She wishes, not for the first time, that she could just get a grip on herself. Just get over everything as swiftly as Elain has, or even made her own happiness like Feyre. Goodness knows she was never really going to have it there, below the Wall. She was never made for that. And now she's been Made, and no one knows what for.
The thoughts are too miserable to wallow in for long, and luckily, she doesn't have to. One of the tonics sends her to a deep, claiming sleep, soon after climbing into bed.
Or so she thinks, until a few hours later, when she is up and sweating and gasping and doesn't even make it all the way to the bathroom before collapsing on the floor, and a bucket appears in front of her, and all the soup and tea and water from yesterday is being violently, violently, violently, squeezed out of her. Like it's someone else's doing, like she can't even control her own body.
She doesn't hear Cassian come in, just feels him lift her slightly.
"It's all right," he says, calm. He doesn't whisper, which feels almost obscene in the darkness. "You're all right. The healer's on her way, Nesta."
She doesn't answer. She wants to disappear. He's stroking her back...can he feel how thin she is? Of course he can. But can he feel how weak, how pathetic? She's not stopped shaking. She tries to tense to stop it, can he tell?
But then she throws herself forward as she's sick all over again, and it's not even worth it, she just wants to be left alone to die in peace, nothing is worth this, nothing, nothing, nothing.
"Stay with me," he says, one hand on her waist and another rubbing along the length of her arm. "Here she is, Nesta."
"Good night, Lady Nesta," says a soft, female voice. "My name is Daphne. I'm the healer for all the girls at the library. I'm a priestess, too."
She's one of the girls then, she means. Or she was. What had it been to send her to this place? Had she been a healer before?
But again, Nesta says nothing.
"I'm just going to do some quick checking," Daphne says, in her soft voice. "Just to make sure you're all right." She settles her fingertips on different points on Nesta's body, almost too fast to register with all her shaking. Temples, pulse points, abdomen. "All right," she says. "How do you feel?"
After a few seconds, it becomes clear Nesta has to answer. "Fine," she manages, voice barely a rasp.
"Brave girl," Daphne coos, not unkindly. Nesta wants to die all over again. "Do you feel very cold?"
Nesta thinks for a moment, trying to reach out to her whole body. It's an effort not to curl up into a dark spot in her mind and just let it all happen.
"Not very," she says. A little cool, maybe.
"Do you feel very hot?"
"Good," she says. "It looks as though you're reacting very well to the tonic. I think the symptoms we're seeing now will be the ones we see over the next few days."
Which is a polite way of saying that Nesta's going to keep vomiting and sweating and shaking, but at least it won't be any worse.
"Drink this. It'll help you settle to sleep again."
"Do you think she'll wake up again?" Cassian asks, his arms still around her.
"No, I think she'll sleep till morning. The tonics are good like that. Help to regulate the system and reactions. Do you need help with anything else, Lady Nesta?"
"I can help her," Cassian says, when it becomes clear she isn't going to reply.
"Just make sure she drinks another glass of water before falling asleep."
"I will. Good night. Thank you."
"Of course, General. Good night."
Cassian sits there, stroking her back, for another few minutes, before she summons the strength to shift slightly out of his hold. He doesn't hesitate, moving seamlessly to help her stand. He walks her to the bathroom so she can wash her mouth.
"You have to drink this," he says, handing her a glass of water.
"I know."
He opens his mouth again, but she cuts him off.
"I don't want to hear it."
She can hear his frown in his voice. "You don't know what I was going to say."
Raising her eyes, she catches his gaze in the mirror. "You want to assure me that I'm not pathetic."
He blinks. "I wasn't going to...do you want me to do that?"
Nesta sets down her toothbrush. "I just said I didn't." She can feel the tonic already starting to work as her head clears. She experimentally eases her weight off the counter. Yes, she can stand on her own now. She takes the glass from him and starts to drink slowly.
"I wasn't aware that I needed to assure you of that. Is...do you think that?"
She only sips her water.
His eyes widen. "Do you think I think that?"
Nesta says to no one, "Could I have more water, please?"
Cassian's eyebrows quirk slightly as he watches the House's magic respond, but then he says, taking her chin, "Nesta. Look at me."
Well, when he's given her no choice.
"I have never in my life thought you were pathetic."
How, she wonders as they stand there like that. How could he possibly be telling the truth? For he is strong and sturdy and commanding and she had to hang onto the bathroom counter for support as she washed the sick out of her mouth after beginning a withdrawal process from alcohol.
And yet, somehow, she knows he isn't lying.
"You can get back to bed yourself, then," he says, dropping his hand. "You know where I am if you need me. Good night."
He doesn't wait for her to reply, just turns and leaves, shutting the door quietly behind him.
His warmth lingers in the room far after he's gone, as does his touch on her face. She loses count of how many times she traces over it before she falls asleep again.
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belovasangel · 3 years
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!GN!Reader
WC: 1641
Summary: Peter needs a push to help an old ally.
Warnings: Swearing, ANGST, hopeful ending
A/N: First off, thank you for reading this. I haven’t written in maybe a year so this might be not the best. I want to shout out Polaroid15 for inspiring me to write. Something else in this fic I should mention, Peter’s identity isn’t exposed and in the Blip he aged according to current-time (so in this he is 18-19)
“In Japanese culture, Kintsugi is the reformative art to repair broken pottery. The shattered pieces are taken and glued back together with a binding agency and gold paint. There is a metaphor between each crack and gold stroke, as the meaning is deeper than restoring a pot. It’s meant to give hope and to empower those who are deemed ‘broken.’ The point is to tell people to embrace their insecurities and you will be okay in the end.”
Peter Parker rolled his eyes and looked back at his notes. The background film of his art history course droned on, as the school stuck the Blipped students into a course to graduate faster. He began to doodle along the sides of the pages, drawing the Spider-Man suit and a few webs. He thought of Ned, sitting on his MIT campus, working on his computer engineering software, and hoped he was thinking of Peter as well. Him and Ned made a pact back in freshman year to attend MIT together and when the Blip hit, Ned kept his promise. And at this rate, Peter will be in their dorm room by March. 
He looked back up at the lecture briefly to watch the credits roll, only to notice afterwards the teacher had fallen asleep at the desk. The other students got the same idea to pack up and leave for the weekend early. Peter began stuffing his notes in his backpack and stood to walk out, only to bump into a fast body.
Peter looked up, his backpack falling to the floor in a heavy heap. He looked up angrily, fully expecting Flash to be staring back, however he saw the red-faced (Y/N) staring back with doe eyes. “Peter, I am so sorry...” 
He huffed and shoved (Y/N) back with his shoulder to grab his stuff. “You can leave, ya know? Don’t need to watch me pick up the mess you made.” He audibly heard them gulp and quicken their breathing. With a quick shuffle, they walked out of the class. Peter stood quickly and recalled the events leading to their icy encounter. He can feel sympathetic towards them, as Mr. Stark passed away tragically about a year ago. While Peter has come to terms painfully with his death, he can tell (Y/N) still is struggling. He knows they had a plan to attend Yale or Stanford after this, but those plans have derailed fully. Peter knew (Y/N) wasn’t fully ready to accept they need to grow up and move on. He wouldn’t be the one to put gasoline on an already erupting fire. Hopefully Pepper can say something
He began walking down the halls of the school, remembering the small memories along the halls. Lifting the lockers during Homecoming to get his suit, him and Ned discussing the plans to build the Death Star, and even when MJ first opened her locker next to the two (and immediately asked, “what are you two losers looking at?”). Fond, fond memories. 
Peter hopped on the subway, getting minorly excited to begin patrolling the city. May has plans tonight, he hopes it’s a date so he can spy once or twice, but overall it’s sitting on buildings and eating those amazing subs. The moment Peter stepped into the apartment, May was on him. “Hey, my beautiful boy genius, how was school?”
He laughed as she kissed and pinched his cheeks. “Hey May. It was fine, boring. How are you, need any date prep?” She turned bright red and looked back to the newspaper. “Peter, I told you it’s not a date. Happy and I are-”
“Your date is with Happy?” Peter popped his backpack to the floor with a quick thump. May gave a sheepish look, fully expecting this from him. “Peter I promise you, Happy is super kind and is going to treat me great tonight.”
He sighed, pulling at his hair minorly. “Do I need to chaperone you?” She laughed and shook her head, “we’ll be fine Pete. Anyways, to change the subject, Pepper called you earlier and asked for you to swing by the Tower when you get a chance.” Peter nodded, head still foggy with holy fuck, Happy is going to get with my Aunt.
He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and ran to his room, changing into his suit and flopping out the window. Within the first few hours, Peter stopped three guys from breaking into cars, saved a cat from a tree and rescued an old lady from oncoming traffic. As the sun was setting, and Peter got to enjoy the sunset with his sub, he decided to call Pepper.
“Hey Pep, what’s going on?”
He could hear her sigh on the other side, and he took a bite in anticipation. “I need your help Peter. And I know you won’t like it.” With a mouthful of spinach, salami and bread, he said muffled, “you can count on me.”
“I need you to help (Y/N).” Peter promptly spit his sub out of his mouth with a sharp cough and inhale. “What? What’s wrong?” Pepper sighed again. “(Y/N) isn’t okay. They’re only leaving their room for school and that’s it. I deliver them breakfast and dinner, we barely talk between the doors. Plus they come home late every night and I need to know what’s going on.”
Peter bit his inner cheek. Of course (Y/N) is being selfish towards Pepper, seems about right. Peter felt like this was a sign, to finally see what’s going on and help Pepper reconnect with her kid. Yet, Peter didn’t want to give (Y/N) any slack. They’re being rude and not grateful for what they have. “Of course, Pepper. I’ll keep you posted. Does K.A.R.E.N. have her location?”
“No, she turned off her location a while ago. Thank you Peter.” He nodded, knowing she couldn’t see. With a quick end, he threw the mask on and dove off the crane. He searched every alley in all of Queens, ever corner store, checked every rooftop and park and bridge and under every car. He found a huge ass tree and even climbed it. Peter didn’t want to let Pepper down, even if he felt more and more annoyed with (Y/N). He knew they wouldn’t leave the city, but this was getting ridiculous. Eventually, around 11:30 P.M., he found them sitting in front of a large mural of Tony. There were flowers along the painting, along with lit candles and teddy bears. Peter felt his blood boiling, knowing they could have had their location on this whole time. 
“What the fuck are you doing (Y/N)? Pepper is besides herself worried. You’re being so fucking selfish, leaving her alone every damn night. She is suffering, wondering why her own child won’t talk to her while you’re out here hiding! What are you scared of? Why can’t you grow up? He died! Get over it!”
Peter creeped up closer and closer to them, not listening to the sniffling and heaving breaths of (Y/N). As he reached them, he saw they were hunched over and panting. “What’s wrong? Get up,” Peter sneered as he pulled their shoulder back. He let out a gasp and let go, in complete shock of what he saw. Their face was littered with bruises and cuts. Their right eye was completely swollen and the under eye bags were as dark as the sky. “Are you okay?”
They scoffed and pushed away Peter’s hand, and struggled to get off the ground. Many groans and gasps were shed as they stood slouched. Peter quickly noticed the large gash on their side, and he could tell they were severely injured. “We need to get you to the tower right now, c’mon.” 
As he got closer, (Y/N) stumbled back to avoid his touch. Peter scoffed and tried to reach again, but with the same result. “Stop being stupid and let me help you.” They stopped and let out a large laugh. “Now you fucking care about me, when it will make you look good. I can just imagine Pepper telling me how great and caring you are, and how brave you were to go searching for their lost child. Fuck off with this savior complex, Peter, you can’t save everyone! Some people were meant to suffer and burn and fucking die in the end.”
Peter had never felt so confused in his life. He tried reaching out for the third time and was shut down. They began to walk towards him, fire and tears in their eyes. “Do you have any idea how much fucking pain I feel every day? When my father died, Pepper and I were so shattered, but instead of staying with family she decided to work with you, the great and friendly Spider-Man! Why help your own kin when the prodigy is doing just as bad? I am so sick of living in your shadow Peter! It’s like the universe is telling me I was a mistake! You ruined my life. You are the reason my father is dead. You are the reason I wish it was me instead!”
They fell to their knees in agony, letting out screaming sobs and pained sounds. He quickly recovered, wiping his own tears to comfort them. “I am so sorry (Y/N), I am so so sorry.” Peter put his hands under their arms and lifted them into his arms, as fast as he could go to avoid another lash out. He began to swing them back, and in a quiet voice, (Y/N) whispered into his neck. “Why wasn’t it me, Peter?”
And in that moment, Peter realized that some people need help being put back together. Maybe Kintsugi isn’t so dumb after all.
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datk-popblog · 4 years
NCT Dream as Your Boyfriend
(not a request! I thought I’d do a little write write for you guys haha❤️)
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He’s such a loving boyfriend. Like he’d do anything to show his affection for/towards you.
Whenever he’s super busy with comebacks or just work in general; he’ll ALWAYS make up for it.
Like for example. If he missed 5 days to spend time with you, he would spend 5 days on little dates with you. It’s the little things he does.
The boys always mention how much he talks about you and omg he gushes everytime.
“What can I say? I’m obsessed with her!”
Cute little nicknames for you like “lovely,” “Buggy bear,” “Honey bee,” and “Doll face”
He likes to make you dinner a lot. Like a lot a lot.
“This is the fourth time you’ve made me dinner in the same week, babe.” “I can’t let my wifey starve!”
He was the type to get your relationship very open to the members but very secret in public.
Renjun always wants to protect you from the hateful critics and what they have to say about your guy’s relationship.
When it came to meeting each other’s parents; man oh man he was a wreck.
“Are they gonna like me? Especially your dad! I have to look very clean and nicely dressed. I can’t look like a jerk!”
He wouldn’t shut up about how nervous he was gonna be the entire ride. It got so bad it started making you overwhelmed and nervous😭
On his days off, he literally took you anywhere you wanted to go.
The spa? He’d get a mani pedi to pamper himself too because he’s a supportive boyfriend so why tf not.
Even dates to the amusement park? Like one day he’d be like “it’s my day off, so, let’s go to the park.”
Even dates to South Korea’s fanciest restaurants like omg.
When it’s sexy time, he knows what you like and how you like it delivered.
One day he found out you can squirt and he’s literally been making you squirt over and over ever since.
Yeah, Renjun looks very innocent on the outside with a dash of glitter to him; but when you two are alone he MANHANDLES the fuck out of you.
Sometimes he doesn’t mean to hurt you. He just is really rough and it comes off super duper aggressive.
After sexy time, he ALWAYS ALWAYS makes sure to nut in your mouth. Whatever position you guys are in, he’ll turn you around or stand you up.
He just loves watching his liquids drip from your lips. He gets off looking at it.
After sex, he’d cuddle you so so hard. Like he’d fuck the hell out of you, but wants to be little spoon? Like dude wtf
“I love you soooo much my lovely.”
Ugh omg just hold this boy and cherish him
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He’s such a tease boyfriend and it SHOWS.
He likes to brag about how hot you two look together (and y’all do look hot PAUSE)
“That’s my baby. Her fine self!”
He enjoys bringing you to his practices. He knows you like to watch him dance
Sometimes you’ll be there at the studio for hours and you’ll get super tired.
“I’m sorry I’m taking long baby girl. We’ll be home together soon.” He’d tell you then go back to practicing
The one special thing about Jeno is that he’s soooo reassuring. From little compliments to accomplishments.
He loves to praise you for how much you’ve done and how good you take care of him
“I love you so much. You’ve done everything for me.”
Like if you passed a test or something from school, he’d take you on a date.
Even if you didn’t pass the test he’d still treat you because he loves you so much!
Jeno likes to leave little love notes around your guy’s room. It’s like a scavenger hunt. You’ll find them behind the tv, under your pillow and bed, in your shirt drawer. Literally everywhere.
When it came to announcing your relationship to the world, he wasn’t afraid. He did NOT care at all. Regardless of what the company said. SM told him to wait at least one year and he did it after 6 months.
“I know you’re meant to be my forever. I can feel it in my heart, babe. I know you are.”
When it came to sex, he was super super sweet and slow. He loved taking his time with you. He wasn’t dominant but was when it was the right time.
Lovesssssssss to suck your toes.(IK ITS WEIRD BUT HE LOVES IT!!!!) He loves tf out of your feet???
For your guy’s first time, Jeno put roses on the bed and serenaded you with a guitar and literally had you meLTINGGG.
“I love you so much. Whenever you’re ready; I’m ready.”
He liked for you to be dominant sometimes but would never force you. He never forces you into doing stuff you never wanna do; especially during sex (or in general)
After sexy time, it was shower time together.
You both just hugged one another in the shower and let the water run over you both. And during all this, his thick arms just embraced your frame.
When you were in his arms you felt loved and at home.
“You know I love you right?” “You tell me all the time, Jeno. I’m aware.” “I just love saying it.”
(Jeno is my bias so this made me feel so lonely writing his section. I hate it here😭)
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Haechan is known as the sassy one but in the relationship that’s literally how he is. It’s the Gemini in him.
Don’t be surprised if sometimes he has an attitude. He just had a bad day at work.
“I don’t mean to yell or snap at you. You know I love you, baby.” And he’d hold you so so tight
You guys wouldn’t ever argue sometimes but if you did you both would ignore each other.
Then the other mates would have to fix the issue with you both.
“If you guys don’t stop with the petty shit!” -Renjun
Haechan LOVES your kisses.
If you didn’t kiss him in a certain amount of time he’d fake cry and stomp his feet.
“Jagi~~!! I need your kis-“ “omg there. Be quiet”
When he was gone for work (for literal months) it was so hard for you guys to maintain a good long distance relationship.
You guys would FaceTime all the time but it was never the same because you wanted him in person.
“I don’t know the next time I’m able to see your face. I miss you a lot though, baby girl.”
You would see Haechan all the time and how good he was doing on the web but omg YOU MISSED YOUR BABY
Occasionally he’d come back home and stay with you for as long as he needed to.
“You should travel with me and sing with the group. A female touch would be awesome.” “Haechan, I love you, but I’m not singing with 127.”
Soon enough he convinced SM to bring you wherever he went so now you’re with the boys. All. The. Time.
“You’re my new assistant, Y/N. I demand a bottle of water.” “Kiss my ass, Haechan”
SEXY time with Haechan ooooooo chile
He likes to lift you up and hold you against the wall and kiss your neck.
Or even doggy style. Haechan just loves the view from the back.
Whenever he hits it from the back, he digs his fingers right at the bottom of your back. Or even grabs your shoulders to go in deeper.
You only know when he’s close when his body starts slowing down and you feel his body jerk.
“I wanna nut in you so badly, Y/N!” “Well don’t do that.”
Eventually he nutted in you and you had to take a plan B. So that’s that
“I told you not to do that to me, babe.” “I couldn’t just hold it back. It came out.”
After 10 months of dating, he bought you a promise ring. Seems quick but he KNEW it was meant to be. He’s not letting you go; no matter what.
“Soon, I’m gonna turn that ring into an engagement ring.” Haechan smiles
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone more affectionate than Na Jaemin
He’s such a loving boyfriend like super loving
Before you would go to work, he would pack your lunch and make sure to add little hearts and notes in your lunch-bag
His little notes would say something like: “I love you so much my honey bear,” “Have an amazing day at work. DONT overwork yourself.”
If you went somewhere without him, he would be a little offended but would end his disagreement w/ a “text me when you get there. I love you.”
and holy fuck if you did NOT text him, he’d lose his mind
you guys have each other’s locations
when Jisung was around, it was literally a competition for whoever gets Jaemin first.
Jaemin would occasionally pick Jisung over you. He’s fake and it shows
“where’s all the love and attention I need?” You call out.
“Baby, you have to wait your turn.” -Jaemin
when you guys argued, he would literally feel so guilty. especially if you had reasons to be pissed off.
like you would have receipts and he’d just cry. not to play victim, but because he wouldn’t ever want to hurt you emotionally, or physically.
“I’m really sorry...I promise I won’t do it again.”
he made it up by kissing you endlessly.
sexy time with Jaemin was everything you desired it to be
little comments in-between sex like: “i love you princess,” or “do i make you feel good?” 
okay but Jaemin is more of the submissive type. he rarely gets dominant with you.
“i’m tired of riding you jaemin. my legs hurt.” “don’t worry, babe. lay down.”
like he KNOWS how to put it down
like he knows what he be doing too like wtf man
Jaemin makes dinner practically every night. this man is never not cooking.
“do you want pork or soup tonight?” “how about pork IN the soup?” “Y/N, I love your thinking.”
Jaemin as your boyfriend>>>>>>anything else
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Chenle likes to wake you up with breakfast in bed
even though sometimes he can burn the food or miss an ingredient
“how does it taste, baby girl?” you smiled and kissed him
Chenle was very very giving
he would always buy you something (RICH CHENLE CHECK)
little trips to the mall, coffee shops, jewelry stores
“babe do you want this?” “Chenle, I don’t need-” “Grab it. I’ll get it for you”
he brags to the dreamies about you ALLLLLL THEEEEEE TIMEEEEE
“you see Y/N as my lock-screen? isn’t she so frickn beautiful!”
“Chenle, you’ve mentioned Y/N about a hundred times” -Haechan
“And I don’t regret it.”
if you guys are far away from each other he’ll always ft you. there’s never not one day he’s not talking to you
“holy shit. I miss you so much. I’m going insane!” “Chenle, it’s just three more weeks.” “I can’t even go 3 minutes without thinking about you.”
since you guys have a studio apartment together in South Korea, he does surprise pop up visits
he’ll literally be sitting on the couch and scare the shit out of you
“Chenle, you didn’t tell me when you were gonna be home!” “I thought I’d surprise you when you come home from work.”
When he came home, you guys made love. Like he was holding it in for YEARS!!!
Chenle is rough af when the times right. Like especially when he hasn’t seen you in so long.
“Tell me when to slow down. I don’t wanna hurt you.” He whispers in your ear
He likes to kiss your neck and leave hickies when he’s on top. HE ENJOYS LEAVING MARKS ON YOU
He’s very demanding
“Tell me you love me. Tell me, Y/N. Say it, baby.”
Sometimes he gets tired and makes you ride him. And when you slow down, he grabs the fUCK OUT OF YOUR HIPS
“Chenle, I cant go any faster. My thighs hurt.” “Here let me help you.” AND BOOM. HES ON BEAST MODE
As soon as you guys finish, he cuddles you so hard and rubs your booty. He doesn’t care to put boxers on after sex because he’s just so comfortable
“That was so amazing. When’s the last time we’ve done something that well together?” “Chenle, I don’t know. You’ve been gone for 3 months.”
“Yeah but how’d you get so well.” “Chenle what?!”😭😭
If you guys rest long enough; he goes for round two. There’s nothing holding this kid back. HE WILL FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU BC HE MISSED YOU
If you guys ever have small arguments it would literally be for five minutes and boom. You guys are best friends????
he hates arguing with you because he feels it’s a “waste of time” and it “emotionally hurts the relationship”
which he’s not wrong because who would want their relationship ruined on stupid arguments
“Y/N quit ignoring me and make out with me.”
he’s just never around you anymore so it’s just a bunch of orgasms built up
Chenle is awesome in all the right ways. This kid is the best boyfriend.
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I’m pretty sure Jisung has told you and other people hundreds of times he’s gonna marry you.
“you have no idea how much I fucking I adore you, Y/N.”
yeah he’s the baby of the group, but you’re HIS baby.
“Jagi! You have to eat something! I’m not letting you go anywhere til you eat!”
he’s very very caring. sometimes he doesn’t show it in a talking way, but through his actions; it speaks so much louder.
Jisung can be a little awkward sometimes. especially around the members.
If you were to kiss him when the dreamers were there, he would get super red and would be on hush mode.
“Jagiiiii~ You aren’t supposed to do that. You know how I feel.” “But you and I both know how much you love it.” You smiled
when he first met your family, he was very scared. I mean like sweating through his dress shirt scared.
“Jisung, baby. they’re gonna like you a lot, okay? Don’t be so nervous.” “Yeah, but what if they ask me a question and I don’t respond? Imagine if your dad asks me what my intentions are with you? What the fuck am I gonna say?”
he literally shakes when he meets your mom but not your dad???
after he met the fam, they loved him a lot
Jisung is the sweetest person how can anyone NOT love him. like cmon
when you guys came out to the public, he took you E V E R Y W H E R E
and i mean everywhere
You were his date to music awards, debut stages, game/talk shows, etc.
Jisung loved bringing you everywhere with him. He says it makes him feel safe and at home every time he’s with you
(i wish someone felt that way about me. ima cry)
(this next part im NOT getting into detail. ik how lots of you feel about baby Jisung therefore it’ll be not so r-rated)
love making with Jisung is the softest thing ever.
before he does ANYTHING to your body, he ALWAYS makes sure you’re okay with it.
“Baby, you know I’ll always put your feelings first. I love you.”
He wasn’t rough(unless you asked or begged) he was always gentle
whenever he was on top, he liked to bury his face into your neck and give you neck kisses and soft nip at your ear
whenever you rode him, he’d just grab your hips and does the work for you. he knows how tiring it can be for your thighs so he goes all out by helping
his soft mOANS ARE TO DIE FOR. like literally he lets loose when it’s private time
moral of the story; find yourself a Jisung bc you won’t regret it.
It’s been WAY too long since I posted. I’ve been working full-time at my job now and saving up for a car ! Im super excited for myself guys omgggg. I missed you guys so so much
xoxo Jay
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lune-hime · 4 years
Garden of Tulips (Levi/Reader) Once Upon an Attack on Titan
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~Click me for more chapters~
“What did it look like?”
“Hmm?” Levi looked up from his place next to your sleeping form. “The titan that tried to snack on my darling granddaughter.” “Ugly as fuck.” “Aren’t they all?”
Levi recounts memories of the reader and their shared life together while she recovers from a serious injury.
!!WARNINGS!! - Violence, gore, smut, wholesome content ;)
This is a little one shot within the au of my fic inspired by Grimm’s fairy tales.
“Jean, I’m leaving now!” You sang out the window that overlooked the garden of your quaint cottage. You slipped your boots on with a leather pop and pulled up the scarlet hood of your cloak. As you padded out the door you grabbed the wicker basket from the table that smelled of wine and warm tartes.
The late afternoon sun was at its strongest, basking your modest abode in an aura of warmth. And within the pumpkin patch that bloomed bronze in the sunlight was a sight to behold indeed.
“ Move asshole.” Jean groaned as he put all of his strength into attempting to push your cow. She was unaffected and continued to happily graze on the dandelions you had forgotten to weed out near the edge of the garden. She flicked her tail in annoyance as if Jean was an incessant fly when he smacked her on the rear.
“Whose being the asshole? How would you like it if you were eating and someone slapped you?” You chided playfully. Jean deadpanned in exhaustion and gave you the middle finger. His irritation rose with every non-existent step your bovine took.
“Yeah well, it’s almost noon. That means the auction starts in one hour.” His statement turned into a groan as he gave another big ineffective push. “If we don’t sell her that means-”
“Yeah, yeah. We’re broke.” You finished his sentence and made a swiping motion across your neck. Selling your beloved cow was the last resort and a stark reminder of how desperately you both needed money. Not only did you siblings have each other to support, but your aging grandmother as well.
“ Exactly . So get over here and help me push her!” Jean pleaded. You sighed and placed the handle of your basket in the crook of your elbow. You knelt down in the plush autumn grass and cradled her large head in between your hands. She immediately stopped eating and regarded you doe eyed. Parting with the sweet creature made you want to cry, but you knew you really had no other option at this point.
“Come on, Milky-White. I promise you will get to eat your fair share of hay at the auction house.” You cooed at her and she gave a sloppy lick to the side of your palm. Jean scoffed when you took the lead to the rope around her neck and she walked compliantly behind you.  
“Are you ready to go?” You asked your brother with a smug grin. He rolled his eyes and nodded, brushing the dirt from his vest. When he fell in step with you, you handed him the rope and adjusted your basket to rest on your forearm.
“I’ll walk with you part of the way. The auction is on the way to Oma’s.” You said and rested your free hand on Milky-White’s back comfortably as you strolled down the cobblestone path.
Once you had gotten a fair ways down into the sparse village, the crunching of foreign feet against pine needles alerted you. A decrepit woman emerged out of the thicket a few paces ahead. Her graying brunette locks were pulled back into a ponytail that made the most prominent feature of her face her bold nose. From behind her dirtied glasses she wore a smile that bordered insanity as she waddled closer to the siblings. You immediately halted and put a protective hand on Jean’s arm.
“Well hello pretties. A fine day to take your cow for a walk, isn’t it?” The woman remarked shrilly.
“Yes it is.” Your response was curt as you stood your ground. The old woman let out a chuckle that sounded as if she were squeezing air out of a dusty bellow.
“Would either of you like some candy?” She offered. You assumed she intended to sound inviting but the rising pitch of her voice made it feel like you were listening to someone drag their nails across an endless chalkboard. The woman reached into her beige cloak and pulled out a large lollipop. You squinted at the fine print on the translucent wrapping.
~Confectionaries by HZ~  
“We’ll pass, thanks.” Jean replied coldly. The haggard woman began looking him up and down and licking her encrusted lips.
“Are you sure? I’m a candy maker by trade and can assure you that you will never taste anything more-” She began, waddling closer to you. She bypassed your side and began circling you.
“Exquisite.” She finished as she rounded her path behind you. You were now thoroughly repulsed.
“I could give you a tour of my kitchen. I have a grand oven where I bake my treats, unlike the likes of any other. I bet it’s big enough to even fit you in it, my tall boy.” She bubbled and grabbed Jean’s arm. She gave it a good squeeze, feeling around the lean muscle.
“Lady, we don’t want your food!” Jean bristled, his voice cracking nervously. Her jerked his elbow out of her grasp but spooked Milky-White in the process. She took a few clumsy steps backwards and caused Jean to stumble. You moved to calm her, all the while not taking an eye off of the woman. Once Jean had regained himself you stepped in front of your family.
“Ma’am, thank you for the offer, but we really need to get going. We have an appointment we cannot miss.” You declared with a grin as sugary as her candy. She spat in frustration when you lifted the edge of your crimson cloak to reveal a concealed dagger strapped to your belt.
“The feisty ones always taste the spiciest.” You heard her mumble as she creeped away in the direction from whence you came.
Once she was out of sight, you turned to Jean and your precious cow. They both were breathing heavily. You gave them comforting pats and began walking again.
“We need to move out of this village.” Jean whined and urged Milky-White to follow.
Several scarecrows and window sills holding freshly baked pies later, you arrived at the crossroads to the auction.
“Goodbye sweet girl. I hope that your new owners are as loving as me and nothing like my brother.” You said. You gave Milky-White one final smooch and scratched behind her ears. Soon Jean had to pry your pets and coos away from the animal. You backed off with a pout.
"Make sure you sell her for at least 200 dollars or something valuable we can sell. And stay away from that weird wizard, he's for sure a scam artist." You instructed Jean.
“Aw but I like Mike. He's got these beans that make you feel like you're floa-" You cut Jean's ramblings off with the sharpness of your glare.
"Fine fine. Alright, I’m off. Remember to stay on the path and make sure you keep your hand on your knife at all times. And most importantly, be back before nightfall.” Jean instructed and gave you a look that tried to be stern but fell slightly short.
“Yes, yes. Don’t worry, I’m always careful.” You replied to his nagging.
“Yeah but you can’t afford to just be careful. Anyway, tell Oma hello from her favorite grandchild.” He called as he turned down the right fork in the path. You snorted and pushed forward, trodding over the stones that took you deeper into the woods.
For a while it was just you and the conifers until an alluring song was carried by the light breeze to your ears. Delving deeper into the brush, you came upon a familiar face.
“Hi Mikasa. Hello Armin, Eren.” You grinned happily as you passed the group. The war maiden was sitting on a large tree stump along the edge of the path. Her ornate shield rested in her lap as she lazily polished it with one hand and bit into a crisp apple with the other.
She was a mercenary that had recently come to work in your village. As an apprentice at Master Connie’s blacksmith shop, you had interacted with the knight many times when she came in to sharpen her sword or shop for some wares. The two of you had grown quite fond of one another’s company and were on friendly terms.
Her dwarven companions sat on either side of her; Eren’s intensely green glare watched you like a hawk while Armin peacefully beamed up at you. Mikasa wiped the sweat off of her forehead with the back of her palm.  Her hand brushed against the bright red headband that held her shortly chopped locks in place.
“Hello Y/N. Lovely to see you.” She greeted, her voice rough with battle experience but as honeyed as the candy the weird woman had tried to tempt you with earlier.
“You too.” You answered, feeling the flames of her firey gaze flushing your cheeks.
“I must say that this gorgeous afternoon is much more beautiful now that you are here.” She sang and flashed you a charmingly captivating smile. As Mikasa spoke, sparrows flitted down from the canopy above to perch along her polished iron shoulder guards. They chirped at the melodic cadence of her voice but soon squawked when she shook them off in annoyance.
The sun was making you borderline sweaty. Yeah, it was definitely the sun.
You nodded in agreement, feeling speechless, and inhaled the fresh pine scent.
“Where are you off to?” Armin piped up while Eren still gave you the stink eye.
“I’m off to my grandmother’s to deliver her some wine and homemade tartes.” You said and patted the top of the basket.
“Would you like me to escort you the rest of the way? It will be dark soon and who knows what wolves or other creatures are lurking in the shadows.” Mikasa offered and stood from the stump. The waning daylight bounced off of her armor and made her look as if she had crafted it out of pure sun rays.
“No, it’s alright. I don’t have that much further to go.” You replied, flattered by her sweet gesture but unwilling to waste her time. Plus you were sure Eren would try to nip at your heels as you walked.
“If you insist. But you’ll have to invite me over soon, okay? I would be honored to taste your cooking.” She said and delicately reached for your hand. She brought it up to her lips and placed a plush kiss to your skin. The fire that was once burning on your face was now rushing through every limb.
“Yes of course!” You stammered bashfully, attempting to portray yourself as unaffected as possible. She chuckled at your reaction and regarded you gracefully.
“Be careful, Y/N. Oh, and tell your stalker of a brother to stop following me into the forest. He’s not the one I want to spend time with.” Mikasa bid you a farewell that left you feeling as if you had drank half of the wine bottle you carried.
“Yeah, or he’s gonna get a knife to the Achilles tendon.” Eren spat aggressively and brandished a cheese knife. You grimaced and turned on your heel to resume your journey.
The remainder of your walk was delightfully uneventful, however, the mistress of time was not favoring you. When dusk began to nestle into the sky you quickened your pace in hopes to beat the celestial blanket to your destination. As you were beginning to trouble yourself with what you could cook that would impress the shield maiden, you arrived at the familiar picketed gates to Oma’s cottage. The calmness of the night almost lulled you into a false sense of security that you rarely felt at this hour.
But it was unusually quiet. Even for nightfall.
You had broken your and Jean’s golden rule. But you were here now, so it should be okay...right?
None of the usual crickets were singing, none of the usual squirrels were scampering through the freshly fallen leaves, and none of Oma’s usual lights were on.
With your hand placed securely over your dagger, you cautiously approached the residence. You tried to convince yourself that she had gone to bed early, that she was indulging in her pipe on her back porch, or that she had stepped out for a bit to get some last minute ingredients for dinner.
The apprehension in your gut grew as you turned the door knob, only to be met with the door already open. Narrowing your eyes, you proceeded inside. The house was too devoid of light to see if anything was out of the ordinary.
“Oma-” You called tentatively. The only reply was the shrill groaning of her weathered timber under your boots as you shuffled around to find some matches. Your hand sporadically patted down the top of the cabinet she kept in her foyer until your fingers brushed against the match box. You gripped the fire starters and lit the nearest candle. Picking it up by the brass handle, you padded into the living room.
Immediately the viscous stench of iron assaulted your nostrils and caused you to audibly gag. You brought the hand with which you held the candle to your nose instinctively. The illumination this motion created uncovered a pale, delicate hand resting along one of Oma’s armchairs. You gasped in fright, inhaling even more of the putrid smell as you stumbled backwards. The wine bottle wiggled dangerously as you placed your hand on the fireplace shelving to steady yourself.
“WHO’S THERE?” You yelled into the void. Your voice creaked like the floorboards under invisible footfalls that grew closer to your shaking form. In one fluid motion your dagger was unsheathed and held defensively in front of you.
A deep chuckle that was as rich as your wine cut through the shadows.
“Easy with the silver. I’m a friend.” It’s welcome was warm but the voice could not have sounded more frigid.
“Oma doesn’t have any friends.” You declared through ragged breaths. Your head twisted and turned to pinpoint the source of the voice.
“Hm. So the woman who lives here is your oma?” The voice asked ominously.
You swallowed hard and tested the air; cutting through the space in front of you and meeting nothing but emptiness.
“How did you know a woman lives here?” Your inquiry was ended with a sharp inhale as you felt a feather light touch to your shoulder. You were giving yourself whiplash as the voice seemed to be existing within the walls of the house itself.
Was Oma still here? Hiding from this stranger? Or worse…
“A simple guess by the décor.” The voice answered smoothly.
The presence in the room intensified and now you felt palpable forms whirling on all sides of you.
“Where is she?” You demanded, hastily pointing your knife wherever you heard a nefarious laugh or a murmur.
“That is something I would like to know as well. I took time to come all the way out here.” Your mysterious company said.
“It’s awfully late for someone to be traveling alone this far into the woods, don’t you think my dear?” The voice whispered incredibly close to the back of your ear. You startled and turned around, now facing the fireplace and leaving your back tantalizingly exposed.
“Especially for one so-” It continued. Suddenly the pale hand gripped your wrist with such a force that it crippled your palm in pain and made your fingers grow numb. The dagger instantly dropped from your grasp and clattered to the floor.
“Supple.” It cooed. The seductively sinister words slithered under your skin and seeped the oxygen from your lungs. Puffs of icy breath caressed the pulse point of your neck while a nimble hand traveled up your arm that held the candle and raised it to your eye level. You were whipped around and were met with a face accentuated by the soft glow of the candle light.
Your antagonizer took corporeal form in the shape of a man who looked as if he was carved from exquisite marble. His skin was ashen as the stone itself and as flawless as a sculpture. His eyes shown with an argent luster that put your dagger to shame and regarded you with the molten intensity of a forge fire. He drew his face closer to yours ever so slowly.
“Supple indeed.” He praised darkly. His tongue darted languishly along his smirk as if he was already tasting your every feature.
“What did you do to her?” You got out despite the building dread of prey bubbling inside of you. The porcelain man clicked his tongue.
“Absolutely nothing. That’s my problem. That there’s a lack of something to be done.” He explained and continued to smile at you devilishly. He stopped inching towards you once he heard your back hit the fireplace. With nowhere for you to go, he was now able to press his body flush against yours. His leg came to prod at your inner thighs while his hands pinned yours upwards by your wrists. His sharp nails dug into the already tender flesh and threatened to puncture your veins. You let out a cry at the stinging sensation and your mind screamed at you to knee him in the balls.
But you couldn’t move. From the moment his eyes connected with yours, your body fell unresponsive. You couldn’t think a single thought without those silver bullets boring into your brain. Your rapids breaths were constricted against his broad chest as you teetered on the edge of death.
“But I must confess I am quite happy with this outcome.” He said with a satin glee. The last thing you saw before he instantly blew out your candle were the brilliant pearlescent fangs that elongated from his idyllic grin.
You heard a squelching as the flesh below your ear was torn open. It felt as though a flower with scorching petals was placed in the now gaping hole of your neck. Your limbs flailed like one of the chickens Oma placed on the chopping block. The stranger let out a velvety moan that only intensified the burning by sending shockwaves of vibrations across your torso. The longer he drank from your sweet nectar, the paler the flame ran until the pain became as white hot as his complexion.
The man had just begun clenching his jaw to delve in deeper when a gunshot pierced the window in the foyer. Your captor ceased his drinking and listened. He turned his head towards the ruckus with his teeth still embedded with you. Suddenly, a silver arrow flew through the broken glass.
“Come out, vampire. Or I will smoke you out.” A husky voice boomed from the yard. The man retracted his fangs and detached himself from your bleeding neck. The beast chuckled with the crispness of a newborn spring morning. He maneuvered your body so you could walk in front of him with your hands held securely behind your back. You weren’t sure if you even had the strength to use your legs. Walls, did you even still have legs?
“Don’t struggle.” He ordered with a maniacal sing-song to his tone. You barely registered his command. The draining sensation of your bodily fluids freshly leaving you left you feeling like an overused blood bag. Your eyes widened as he began shuffling you to the doorway.
“No-I can’t go-” Your voice cracked as you mediocrely attempted to grab at his arms. You stumbled into his chest as your legs struggled to work properly. He showed no signs of stopping as he continued to walk to the entryway.
“Please…” You pleaded weakly as the rising moonlight peeked through the crevasses of the front door.
The vampire kicked down the door with one fluid motion. The hunter was stationed in the main walkway of your grandmother’s front yard, crossbow loaded and aimed directly at the two of you. His leather tailcoat flapped along the gentle breeze and the bullet casings that rested along his chest reflected the cool gray of the stars.
“We finally are reunited.” The hunter spat. His weapon tracked the vampire’s every movement with the precision of a seasoned expert as he dragged you out further into the yard.
“Smith.” The stranger greeted the hunter like an old friend. He smiled, revealing teeth coated in your thick blood that dribbled down his chin like tumbling rubies.
“Ackerman.” The hunter replied in a hardened tone. “It’s a shame that you resorted to your old delicacies.”
Ackerman hummed and licked the front of his teeth, sighing in satisfaction as he reveled in your metallic palate.
“Squirrels just didn't satisfy me.” He snickered and walked his pointed fingers up your shoulder. A single digit entered your gaping wound and swirled in your juices. You shuddered at the needle-like pressure.  Smith’s prominent brow furrowed in disgust when Ackerman brought his finger to his mouth and sucked.
“Drop the girl, she’s almost dead anyway.” Smith said, his stance unwavering.
“Want my leftovers, eh?” Ackerman laughed. “I guess I only ever see you by the light of the moon so I wouldn’t be surprised if you were one of us.”
In your delirium you had begun disconnecting yourself from reality. But the vampire’s last phrase kept the final, unspooling thread from snapping. You heaved your neck sideways with the remaining strength you harbored to gaze up at Ackerman. His lips were as red as a summer cherry and his skin looked even more iridescent next to the moon. He looked like he could have fallen from the celestial body itself.
The moon.
The instant your eyes gazed upon its circumferential radiance your pupils dilated as the lunar rays rocketed into your eye sockets.
The full moon.
Be back before nightfall.
You can’t afford to just be careful.
Your brother's words echoed in your mind as the moon began bathing you in luminous ivory pain.
“Oh no.” You whimpered. You squeezed out a wail as the searing ripping of your joints elongating and reconnecting overtook your entire being. The convulsions of your body caused Levi to release you from his grip with a hiss. The vampire hunter and hunted could only watch as you hunched over agony with freshly punctured claws raking through Oma’s neat lawn. Coarse hair soon sprouted out of your exposed skin and your strained cries grew octaves lower. The buttons of your dress flew free with crisp pops and the seams of your poor dress were pulled apart by your bulging muscles. Your jaw unhinged and lengthened until your face resembled the wolves that Milky-White used to chase from your chicken coop.
Your tortuous yelps suddenly mingled with a deafening gun shot from the gate.
“What in the Peter Piper’d fuck is going on at my house?” Oma hollered, rifle pointed at the sky, as you let a howl pierce through the night.
Suddenly you were jolting awake and pawing at the sheets. Your heart was beating erratically as you shakily brought your hands to your lap.
They looked blissfully normal.
You heard shuffling from outside of the bedroom and Levi was soon standing in the doorway with concern mapping his face.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” He asked in minor alarm as he came to sit next to you. He was already in his harnesses and uniform so you gaged it must have been early morning. Levi’s eyes searched your clammy form for any signs of outward distress. You sighed in relief seeing your usual pillows, usual closet, usual bathroom, and most importantly; usual Levi.
It had all felt so real.
“I’m fine, Levi. I just had the strangest dream though.” You exhaled as you came down from the high of your slumbered adventure.
“I think your weird dreams stress you out more than being a squad leader does.” Levi chuckled as he ran a gentle hand along your back. You closed your eyes and revealed in the peaceful feeling of his palm along your night shirt. It was a stark contrast to the gory fantasy you just emerged from.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He added with more seriousness in his voice.
You just stared at him. He stared right back, blinking blankly as you analyzed his features. Your hands reached up and took his jaw between your hands. Your thumbs lightly pushed up the corners of his upper lip to reveal his teeth. Levi made a noise of complaint but didn’t swat you away. You leaned in closer to check his canines for any vampiric qualities. When you were assured they were of normal length, you pulled back satisfied.
“Nope, I’m good.” You smiled and planted a quick peck to his lips before jumping out of bed to get ready for the day. Levi watched you pad into the bathroom as he felt his teeth in confusion.
Eren looked at you nervously as you eyed him from your place behind him in line to get lunch. He looked down at you and gulped.
“Is everything okay, Y/N?” He asked apprehensively. You narrowed your eyes and placed your hand level with the top of your head. You brought it straight out towards Eren, hitting him square in the forehead.
“You’ve always been taller than me, right?” You questioned, looking from your hand down to his feet.
“Uh, yeah.” He confirmed, regarding you suspiciously. He fidgeted with the sides of his plate as you puffed your cheeks in contemplation. Finally you nodded in satisfaction.
“Do you own a cheese knife?”
“Hange, have you ever thought about owning a candy shop?”
“Y/N. Why would I do that when I barely have time to analyze the retinal samples from Bean’s eye?”
“You’re dismissed, Y/N.” Erwin’s parting smile betrayed the professionalism of his order. You bowed your head respectfully and walked to the doors to his office. Your fingers dusted over the brass handle but hesitated to grab it. You turned back towards your commander and paused.
When Erwin didn’t hear you leave, he looked up from his desk.
“Is there something else you need, Y/N?” He asked.
You stared at him long enough to lace his brow in slight concern. His coat was the same length, same color, same style as your own.
“I-I like your coat.” You laughed nervously and threw him an awkward grin. Before he had the chance to answer you had bowed your head and hurried out the door.
Today it seemed like you were playing errand girl more than squad leader. You questioned why you even put on these chafing harnesses as you ferried yet another stack of documents back to your office.
“Hi Y/N, do you want to get dinner together later? I still have some tartes too that I bought when we were in town last.” Mikasa smiled at you as she passed you in the hall. You involuntarily began blushing furiously.
“Definitely, I’ll see you in a couple hours!” You sputtered as you hurried down the hall, slapping your cheeks as you went.
“Jean.” You called, looking up from the paperwork that littered your desk. The boy who was lazily sprawled out on your office couch hummed into his book.
“We’ve never owned a cow together, right?”
“What the fuck?”
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yolobloggers · 4 years
Forever After Goodbye (I)
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~Summary: The reader has taken some off to mend her heart and move on. What she didn’t plan was falling in love and finding her happily ever after with the powerful hybrid, Klaus Mikaelson.
~A/N: Hi Lovelies! I am so happy with the response I have gotten on the The Last Goodbye. Now I’m aware some of y’all were rooting for the reader to end up with Elijah but deep down *I’m a Klaus girl* and when it came to choosing one, I really couldn’t. Therefore my beautiful and talented co-writer ( @justlostinautumn ) and I decided to do two alternate endings. Here is the one where the reader ends up with Klaus and hopefully we’ll have the Elijah part up soon :) xoxo
~Characters and Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader, Damon Salvatore x Reader(Platonic), The Mystic Gang and The Mikaelsons.  
~Warning: Swearing.
Part One: The Last Goodbye
‘What have I done?’ It wasn’t till now that I realised what I had done. I hadn’t just left the only place I ever called home, but I also left my sister on the day of her wedding, I left my brother, my friends... I left without a word.
“Fuck!” I sigh as I lean my head back in my seat looking at the roof of my car, they must be freaking out. But, I couldn't just sit through the ceremony, not after what I had to say to Damon. I don’t know what was worse, the blank look he gave me or the fact that he said nothing… he just gave me that empty look I had seen him give so many. I looked out the window and saw New Orleans around me, I’d turned my phone off as soon as I got out of mystic falls knowing that it would constantly be ringing. It had taken a day to get here only stopping to get petrol… the wedding was long over but the thing was she didn’t want to hear about how Elena feels and how I let her down. For once I want someone to ask me how I’m feeling… how I’m doing. A heavy sigh passes my lips as I pull out my phone turning it back on. Notifications started to pop up, dozens of missed calls, texts and voicemails. Calls from Jeremy, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie; but the thing that caught my attention was the text message from Damon.
‘Come home Y/N. Everyone is panicking, let’s sort this out. Think about Elena. - D’ There it is, think about Elena, it will always be Elena… just a puppet to be used when needed.
‘I will not cry over this.’ I think to myself as I blink away the tears. I think about who the best person to message would be and I decided it would be Jeremy. ‘Hey J, I know I left without a word but I think it’s time I move on and leave… I know I didn’t pick the best day to do so, but I think it’s time that I get to learn who I am and mourn the ones I lost too.’ turning my phone off after the message was sent and delivered, I didn’t want to know what his response would be… what any of their responses would be. Swiping my bag off the seat next to me, I put my phone in it along with taking my car keys, locking the car and throwing them in too.
I catch my reflection in the window of a shop and I pause to look at my reflection, there is something different about my face and I can’t seem to put my finger on what it is… I then notice my eyes. It’s my eyes. There is an emptiness, a loneliness… they’re hollow. I quickly turn away, not wanting to look at myself much longer and start towards the French Quarter.
New Orleans is a beautiful city, so lively, crowded and full of culture. Something that Mystic Falls is missing, where everybody knows everybody, new faces are rare, and secrets rarely stay secret. The hairs on the back of my neck begin to rise as I feel eyes on my back, a shiver runs down my spine as I look over my shoulder to see who it could be. But, there was nothing, other than the usual hustle of tourists. Shaking my head, brushing off the feeling I continue on my way down the street taking in everything around me and for the first time in a while I felt a slight tug at the corner of my lip as I watched tourists being hustled out of their money. I paused outside a bar named Rousseau’s, making the mental note that this was definitely a place I will need to check out but the thing that had caught my eye was the jewellery shop a couple of doors down.
It’s clear that the French Quarter was popular with the tourists, with the amount of souvenir trinkets that littered the shops. But, walking into the Jewellery shop I find it’s small and quite almost like there is magic in the air, I notice a beautiful charm bracelet with a wolf charm on it. The bracelet itself looked like a twisted vine, the wolf that was linked to it reminded me so much of Klaus. Smiling, I took it to the counter and bought it, I initially struggled with the clasp before I looked up to the sweet woman who sold it to me asking if she would help me put it on, smiling at me when she helped and wished me a good evening.
Walking out the shop I looked at it one more time. Once I was outside that hair rising, spine tingling feeling of someone watching me came back. This time I spin around and I still see nothing suspicious around me and this time I can’t suppress the shiver that runs down my spine. I continue walking until I see someone painting on the sidewalk, I tilt my head as I watch this man create a masterpiece in awe and amazement. I can’t help but look around hoping to find the reason I came here and there stood in one of the archways was the man who I was looking for. Without a second thought I ran across the street and barrelled into him engulfing him a bone crushing hug, if he wasn’t as strong as he was I’m pretty sure we would both be on the floor. I could feel his soft chuckle as he held me close to him, I couldn’t help the soft sobs that escaped me and he pulled me closer, “Miss me that much, my love?”
I couldn’t answer his question because I was only just holding on. I was clutching him like he was the only thing that was keeping me standing… keeping me from drowning.
Third Person POV:
Klaus had followed her through New Orleans as soon as she got there. He got a message from Caroline that she ran from Elena’s wedding and they had no clue where she was going, or why she left. He knew that Caroline had the thought that she might be coming to him otherwise she wouldn't have contacted him. Klaus was certain she was, he had told her that she would always be welcomed here with him. There was something about her and he couldn’t put his finger on it… the emptiness in her eyes had thrown him off, he had never seen her like that. But as she made her way through the Quarter he noticed some light coming back into her eyes. She had stopped in a witches shop, not that she knew that and she bought something asking the witch to help her put it on her wrist. It was funny she could sense his eyes on her but she didn’t see him. She continued to the square where there was an artist painting and he couldn’t help the smile that formed on his lips as he saw her looking around all hopeful and he couldn’t help but hope she was looking for him.
When their eyes met, she moved quickly barreling into his arms and he couldn’t help but laugh at her. “Miss me that much, my love?” He asked as he held her close but he quickly realised her shaking form wasn’t because of laughter it was because of tears. She was holding onto him as if her life depended on it and it worried Klaus because he doesn’t know what could be causing her this kind of pain. He pulled back and looked her up and down observing her closely, running his hands along her body looking for possible harm. She noticed what he was doing and couldn’t help but give him a watery smile, he has always taken care of her no matter what.
“Are you hurt Y/N? Why are you crying?” The worry in his voice rang out and she continued to clutch onto him and he only brought her closer. She wrapped her legs around him like a koala bear and he caressed her face in his hand. She leaned into his touch and then decided she needed to be closer to feel his warmth and buried her face in his neck and she continued to cry as he rocked them both side to side running his hand through her hair and whispering calming words in her ear.
“I’m here to take your offer Niklaus. You said I could always come to you and you’d never let me go… please don’t let me go.” She clung to him tighter and his grip on her became firm and she continued to cry into his neck and he swore to himself in that moment, right there and then he would never let her go. Klaus was worried because he knew everything that she had gone through so without a second thought he whisked her back to the compound. He softly lowered her to the ground and she shrugged the whiplash off and looked around the compound and he could see the amazement in her eyes. “Welcome to the compound love.” Klaus said, pulling her into his side, kissing her forehead, there was a tug of his familiar smug smirk that made her push his side softly, shaking her head at him. “It’s beautiful, Nik.” There was a shy smile that he rarely saw but it always made him smile, where is Elijah and Rebekah?” She questioned looking around and he couldn’t help the soft chuckle that passed his lips, he knew how close she were with his siblings and he couldn’t help how it tugged at his heart about how much Y/N cared about his family.
“They’ll show up at some point my love, but I think it’s time we talk about the elephant in the room. Don’t you?” He tilted his head as he watched her closely noticing how she looked down at her hands. The hybrid wanted nothing more than to ignore everything and whisk her away on all the adventures that he promised but the thing is he needs to know what happened so he knows how he can actually help her… he doesn’t want it to just be some quick fix. Offering his hand to her, he takes her into the living room offering her a drink which she gratefully accepts.She takes a long drink before looking at him seeing that he’s waiting for some sort of explanation. The thing was she didn’t know where to start. “I was drowning… I couldn’t stay there anymore Nik, I knew I would be leaving the town sooner or later and I picked sooner. I was drowning… but there is always something going on. I couldn’t walk down the aisle and smile as my sister married someone I’m in love with. I told him. I told him before I left and you should’ve seen the look he gave me.” She let out a bitter laugh as she drowned the rest of her drink getting out to collect the bottle to bring it back with her. “I didn’t know where to go. Home doesn’t feel like home anymore. Then I thought of you and I remembered you promised me you’d never give up on me and never let me go…” She had trailed off and Klaus knew that she was lost in her own thoughts and memories.
“Y/N?” He spoke to her softly, her eyes flicked to his and they were filled with tears. He’d known about her infatuation with Damon, she had confessed it to him while drunk once. But, he also knew that Damon and Elena took her love for them for granted. Something crossed his mind, something he had been meaning to say to her for a long time. “I’m sorry.”
“What are you talking about?” She frowned slightly looking at him. She was trying to figure out why he would be apologising to her, “wait, do you not want me here?” The heartbroken look she gives him makes him take her into his arms and hold her close to him.
“No, love. I was going to say sorry for all the pain I’ve caused. I know I didn’t make your life easy… I know I killed your Aunt Jenna and Uncle John. I don’t think I ever apologized for that.” Klaus spoke to her and a sob ripped through her that filled the room and her body began to shake.
“You have many times.” She sniffed and left Klaus in shock.
“What do you mean?” Klaus frowned looking down at her.
“You’ve saved my life countless times, you’ve saved Elena, you’ve been nothing but nice to me.” Y/N gave him a watery grin that tugged at his heart and he held her close resting his head on hers.
“Did you ever mourn?” Klaus curiously asked if it was something that he had always wondered. He had seen her allowing everyone use her as a shoulder to cry on, but he had never seen her mourn. She always just got up and carried on with her life like nothing was happening.
“Yeah?” She frowned at him, but she thought about it and realised that maybe she hasn’t. She never mourned when Jeremy and Alaric died. It didn’t matter if they were alive again, she never had the chance to come to terms with the reality that for a while they might not have come back.
“You know it’s okay for you to mourn, right? you don’t always have to be strong… you don’t have to be the one who carries everyone else burdens. Who carries your burdens?” Klaus looked her in the eyes and tears began to fill them as she allows all the pain she has kept buried all these years. The broken sob she lets out causes Klaus to move quickly and take her to his room where he watched her curl in on herself as she let out all the things she had been feeling.
“Please don’t leave me.” She grabbed his hand before he could walk away, she looked so lost and scared and it hurt him seeing her like this. He got into the bed next to her and she curled up on his chest. He swore he would be her shoulder to cry on. He would be the one who would help to carry her burdens, like she had done with him.
~ A Week Later~
It had been a week since Y/N had arrived in New Orleans. It had been a week since she had left the safe confines of Klaus’ bed. She only moved when she needed the bathroom. Klaus had been making her food and gently encouraging her to eat and drink even though she hated the idea of it. Rebekah was the first one to see her when she got back, she walked into the house and could hear the soft sobs coming from upstairs in Klaus’ room and she was intrigued. Running upstairs she saw Y/N tightly wrapped around Klaus. There was something missing in the girls eyes, the usual warm that was there. Rebekah was worried for the girl who had been there for her when her mother died, who’d been there to comfort her when she thought that Klaus was dead, she was the only person that she could truly call her friend.
When Elijah saw Y/N, she wasn’t crying, she was just staring at a wall not seeing anything, lost in her own world, the lights were on but nobody was home. This was so different from how he normally saw the lively and energetic girl, who was always interested in what book that Elijah was reading and learning about the history the world had to offer. But, most of all, she cared about their history, their story, not the rumours or the legends that were circulating about The Originals. She was the first person he had met that wasn’t horrified or deterred by the stories about them. Kol was the last one to see Y/N, he couldn’t bring himself to see her while she was crying or in a comatose-like state. It hurt him too much. By the time he saw her she was sitting up in the bed talking quietly which was a relief for the family as they were seeing parts of her shining through again.
She was curled up in the bed, emotionally drained. She had been crying for the last week. Rebekah had come to sit with her and comfort her, especially when it came to Damon and Elena. Klaus had rarely left her side through it all. He was adamant that he would be the shoulder she would cry on. Elijah would read to her and Kol would tell her stories that made her laugh. She knew it would take a long time to mourn everything, but after a week of being in bed, letting it all out help. She felt a little less hollow and a little more whole. Klaus was next to her smiling down at her as she let out a heavy sigh.
“What’s wrong love?” Klaus frowned slightly.
“I think I’m ready to get out of bed.” She smiles up at him, Klaus melted at her smile.
“Oh really?” He smirks at her before he starts to tickle her and the pearls of her laughter fill the room.
“Stop it! Nik! I’m serious.” She giggles, trying to wiggle away from him.
“Why now?” Nik was leaning over her looking down smiling at Y/N softly.
“Because I’m tired. Tired of being in bed and feeling sorry for myself. It has been a week and I am ready to live… I’m ready for you to fulfil your promises.” Y/N tilts her head smiling at him as she gently boops him on the nose. He scrunches his nose and looks down at her and sees her laughing, he can’t help his heart warming at the sight of her laughing and generally looking happy. “Also, I kinda want to eat out… don’t get me wrong I’m 100% grateful that you cooked for me, but I don’t think I can eat pasta again or soup… not for a while anyway.”
“How about I go and get you breakfast? Anything you want in particular?” Klaus rolled to the side to look at her, as she rolled on to her side to look at him.
“Pastries, maybe some fresh fruit and coffee!” She groaned at the sound of caffeine, Y/N rolled on her back and looked up at the ceiling.
Elijah couldn’t help but smile at his brother as he watched him take care of this girl, who always brought the best out of him.
“It’s like when we were human.” Elijah commented to Rebekah who was by his side.
“You did always say, she brought humanity back to him. I think it’s the fact she doesn’t care what or who he is.” Rebekah answered.
“She brings it back to all of us.” Kol spoke up as they watched the couple in Klaus’ bed smile and a giggle escaped Y/N’s lips making them all smile. They watch her as she stretches and gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom. Klaus walking towards them with a broad smile
“Can you sit with her? I’m going to get her some food.” Klaus smiled at his siblings and they nodded at him walking into the room to see Y/N walking to sit on a chair on the balcony.
“She moves!” Rebekah smirks at her.
“Ha ha, Bekah.” Y/N snorts.
“How are you?” Elijah asked hesitantly.
“I’m good Li’jah. I actually mean it this time.” For the first time they saw a smile shining through.“What are your plans?” Kol asked, it was a question they all wanted to know what was going to happen now. They had to admit that they were scared that she would leave them to go back to Mystic Falls and they didn’t want that.“I was hoping, if it was alright with you that I might stay here with you guys… I have nowhere else to go, this has felt more like home than Mystic Falls has in a long time.” She looked down at her hands avoiding eye contact. She knows that Klaus said it was fine, but she didn’t want to put out the rest of the family. What she didn’t realise was the smile on all their faces, Rebekah rushes over to her and sweeps her into a tight hug making both girls laugh.“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Rebekah kisses Y/N’s cheek as she pulls away and smiles broadly at the girl she calls not only her best friend but also sister.Klaus and Y/N were just sitting on the balcony listening to the sounds of New Orleans around them, after enjoying a day of laughing and smiling with his siblings. Letting them drown out any thoughts of anything remotely negative. Klaus’ voice breaks her concentration and he is staring at her like she is the only thing in the world, which makes her breath get caught in her throat. “He's your first love. I intend to be your last. However long it takes." Taking her hand, kissing it softly, smiling at her before he walks back into his room leaving her staring at her in shock.
~ A Month Later~
It had been a month since her week of mourning, she had met Freya and she became like another sister just like Rebekah and had led to you guys having many girls nights, causing nothing but chaos for Klaus and his brothers. Klaus had been taking her on little dates over the last two weeks, bringing her food, flowers and gifts just to see her smile. He kept his promises he made her and showed her what life had to offer her since she got to New Orleans, something changed in her. She seemed freer than he’d ever seen and he loved it.
“Where do you want to go next?” Klaus smiled at her, he could think of all the places he wanted to take her, but he wanted her to pick.
“Hmmm… maybe Italy? England? France?” She smiled as she looked at people pass as she drank her coffee, her eyes flickered to Klaus and a smile formed her lips and she tilted her head to the side and looked at him. “Where do you wanna go?”
“Anywhere as long as it is with you.” He smiled at her and her heart fluttered, she knew he had heard it because she saw a small smirk forming on his lips and deep red coloured her cheeks.
Later that day, Y/N was standing in the kitchen making dinner for the family, humming quietly to herself when she felt someone grab her sides, causing her to let out a scream. “Quit spooking me Klaus'' she scolded him hitting his shoulder, but the smile on her lips said she was anything but irritated. Rebekah looked at this cute moment between her sibling and her best friend.  A soft chuckle passed his lips as he watched her pout at him.
“Come on love.” Klaus gave her big puppy dog eyes and Y/N couldn’t help but fall into his blue eyes as they looked at her like that.
“That was mean of you, Nik.” She pouted at him trying her hardest not to smile at him. Before anything else could be said Klaus got a handful of flour that was on the side for when Y/N decided she was ready to roll out the dough and blew it in her face laughing at her pissed off face.
“NIKLAUS!” She shouted and all the siblings ran into the room and couldn’t hide their laughter. Y/N was covered in flour and had fire in her eyes and Klaus was bent over laughing, before she could react Y/N had dumped a load of flour in his hair and Klaus paused and stood up to see a triumphant smile on Y/N’s face.
“This means war love.” Klaus smirked at her and she laughed.
“Bring it Wolfie!” She giggled as she ran away from him and past his siblings before she decided to use Elijah as a shield and Klaus ended up throwing the flour on Elijah. Soon everyone was partaking in this particular food fight.
Finally after getting all the flour out of their hair and cleaning up she sighed as she curled into Klaus on the sofa as he sketched and she read. He put his hand on her thigh squeezing it softly getting her attention. She shifted to sitting up putting her book down and moved his sketchpad to the side and moved onto his lap. Sitting on his lap she caressed his cheek, there was a sadness in his eyes, he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. She leaned down and rested her forehead against his waiting for his eyes to open.
She had been thinking a lot during this last month. The month that had been filled with sweet dates and soft words. Y/N couldn’t think of the last time someone went so out of their way just to make her smile, to make her feel safe and cared for. Y/N, had been thinking about how Klaus made her feel and how he made her want to do and be more… not for him, but for herself. In the last month with Klaus she has refound her love for writing, art and dance. She has felt more alive in the last month than she has since Damon came into her life and shook it all about. Y/N realised that she would rather be here cleaning flour out of her hair than back in Mystic Falls pining after someone who never loved her. For the first time in a long time Y/N felt the unconditional love she craved. One month of being with Klaus and his family and she realised she was worth more than she ever thought, she didn’t compare herself to her sister and she didn’t feel like she wasn’t meeting anyone expectations… for the first time in a long time, Y/N felt like she could breathe again.
“There are those pretty blue eyes.” She smirks at him. A smile spreads on Klaus’ lips and she leans down and kisses him. It’s soft and takes him by surprise. He pulls her in closer to him and runs his hands up her neck and into her hair. Pulling away to take a deep breath they looked into each other's eyes. He sees peace in her eyes for the first time in a while.
“I’m ready to go anywhere with you.” She places a soft kiss on his lips sitting back on his thighs looking down at him.
“Anywhere?” Klaus smirks at her.
“Anywhere.” She laughs.
~ Six Months Later~
Somehow they ended up back in Mystic Falls. The Gang had called Klaus. One thing they didn’t know was that 3 months after them both admitting their feelings… Well, Y/N admitting hers, she asked Klaus to turn her and he did… well, Freya did! Freya had gifted immortality like her siblings using the same spell that her mother did before her. When Y/N had asked her why all Freya said was she wasn’t going to risk the chance of losing a sister. It had been three months of learning how to control the cravings and she found out that she was actually pretty good at it.
“Nik.” Rebekah stormed into the room and a smirk formed on Y/N’s lips as she watched the pissed blonde look for her brother. “How are you so calm?”
“I don’t know. I guess it’s just I’ve found my home now… with you guys.” Y/N shrugs, not taking her eyes off her book. Rebekah was still not used to the off handed comments like this that Y/N would make and it always made her eyes fill with tears she would blink away.
“When was the last time you spoke to any of them?” Rebekah frowned, dropping next to Y/N. Y/N could see the fear that she would leave them as soon as she saw them. Y/N softly rested her hand on Rebekah’s leg giving it a reassuring squeeze before looking back to her book before answering.
“Well I put the sim in my new phone when Freya turned me. They haven’t tried to find me, I know Bonnie did a location spell so they know where I was. But, they choose not to come for me.” Y/N shrugs going back to her book. She had to admit it hurt a bit that not even her family came looking for her. It was Rebekah’s turn to reach out and lay a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Y/N decided she wanted to go to the Grill after texting Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah telling them where she was going she quickly left. Since she turned she had this new confidence about her and she embraced it. She slides into a seat at the bar, not really paying attention to anyone around her as she thought about all the changes that have happened to her in the last couple of months since she moved to New Orleans.
“What can I get you?” A familiar voice asked her and she looked up to see Matt and surprise crossed his face at the sight of his old friend sitting in front of him smiling like it was only yesterday when they last saw each other.
“Bourbon, Matty.” She smirks leaning back in her seat, she knew word would get round quickly now that she was home and it wouldn’t take long for the gang to come hunting for her… it wasn’t like she was hiding from them. She saw Elijah walk in and he nodded his head to the bathroom and she tilted her head when she thought she saw blood on his suit but dismissed it he would tell her later.
She moved to a booth and ordered a load of food. The bell above the door dings and in walks the gang they didn’t believe when Matt told them that Y/N was back, but when he sent the picture they all moved quickly to see. They all stood in disbelief for a while staring at the girl that left without a word sitting there casually ordering food like nothing happened and once she placed her order she went back to reading her book like it was any other day.
“Y/N?” Elena asked and Y/N looked up from her book to see her sister looking at her.
“Elena.” Y/N nodded her head formally and then looked at everyone around them. “How may I help you?” They were all taken aback by her, they had never seen Y/N so confident.
“Sorry I’m late Love. Rebekah was talking my ear off.” Klaus slid into the seat next to her giving her a soft kiss, softly stroking her cheek and Y/N leaned into the soft touch smiling at him fondly.
“Rude brother.” Rebekah snorted at Klaus, before looking at Y/N to really explain why they were late. “We were looking for Elijah.”
“I got food.” Y/N smiles at the siblings, a knowing smile. “Elijah is in the bathroom.”
“What?” They both look at her and she is smirking back and they can see the laughter in her eyes and they both can’t help but smile at her shaking their heads..
“He got here about 5 minutes after me, it looked like he had blood on his suit… I don’t really know I didn't pay too much attention.” She smirks at Klaus, who let out a heavy sigh shaking his head at the girl in front of him before he kissed her again. She was intoxicating and Klaus couldn’t seem to get enough of her.
“You didn’t think to tell me?” Klaus smirks at her.
“The thought did cross my mind, but some old… friends came up to talk to me.” Her head tilt, her eyes narrowed and flickered to the people Klaus and Rebekah chose to ignore and they all noticed her pause at the words friends as if she was deciding if that is what they were. The silence was tense when Elijah came out of the bathroom.
“I think this conversation should be had elsewhere don’t you agree?” Elijah looked at everyone and they all nodded and he gave a firm nod of his head and continued. “We shall come to you then.”
They all agreed to meet at the Salvatore Boarding House. After the tense interaction in the Grill the gang left and all headed back to the Boarding House.
“Does Y/N seem different?” Matt asked.
“Yeah.” Elena frowned at her sister's attitude toward them.
“They turned her.” Damon spoke up for the first time since he saw Y/N with Klaus.
“What?” Elena and Jeremy shouted. They were all pissed but nothing could be done or said until they all met up and actually talked about what was actually going on and what was really happening.
Y/N, Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah all walked into the Boarding House, she looked around and noticed that not a lot had changed in the months that she left. Y/N thought that she would feel something walking back into the house that she ran away from seven or so months ago. But, she didn’t.
“Why did you leave?” Elena asked, she sounded hurt as she looked at her sister who just walked through the door. The gang saw something flicker in Y/N’s eyes as they watched her sift uncomfortably.
“Because I was drowning.” Y/N started looking at her sister. “I was drowning with everything, from the loss of our parents to Jeremy and Alaric coming back… I never got to mourn like everyone in this room. I guess that was my fault always helping everyone carry their burdens no matter what. You weren’t the only person to lose everyone Elena. Your wedding was the last straw, so I left for me. I had to be selfish, because otherwise I might have lost my mind.”
They all looked at her at her outburst and noticed when Klaus wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. What they didn’t know was that she wasn’t just turned, but a gift from his sister Freya, turning Y/N into an Original like her siblings. They saw her visibly relax as she leaned back into his arms.
“So you left us for them?” Damon looked pissed, Y/N couldn’t help but tilt her head and slightly frown at him. She was confused why he cared so much.
“Klaus promised I’d always have a place with his family… he promised he’d never let me go.” She looked Damon in the eye and she saw that realisation hit him.
“We looked for you.” Caroline said softly, but she couldn’t look Y/N in the eye.
“But you never came for me. I know Bonnie did a locator spell. I know you guys knew where I was pretty much after I left. I also know you didn’t come for me.” Y/N sighed heavily, she was tired and leaned more into Klaus who held her closer.
“I have to thank you, Damon.” Klaus smiled at the vampire who gave him a confused look.
“For what?” Damon frowned holding onto Elena’s hand tightly.
“For pushing her away. For letting her go without a fight.” Klaus smirks kissing Y/N’s forehead and the girl in question rolled her eyes and pulled away slightly looking at the gang. She thought she would feel some sort of pain seeing them again, that she would miss them or maybe crave to come home and be with them. But, the truth was… the truth was looking at the people she once called her family she felt nothing but pity for them. She was ready to walk away and never look back.
“I’m assuming our duties are done here, Klaus and I have some…” A smirk formed on her lips as she trailed off, “exploring to do.”
~ A Year Later~
It’s been a year since they last stepped foot in Mystic Falls. It had been a year since Klaus whisked her away to Italy, England, Spain and the list is never ending. But they were in France at the top of the Eiffel Tower looking at the City of Light. Looking down at her hand Y/N notices the diamond twinkling like a star and she can’t help but smile as she leans back in her lover's arms and sighs at the peace and happiness that she is feeling.
“Forever and Always?” Klaus asks her with a smile on his lips.
“Forever and Always.” They kiss in the moonlight overlooking the City of Lights.
This was their Happily Ever After… This is what love really felt like.
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(Gifs credits goes to the rightful owners)
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals & Supernatural:
The Last Goodbye:
268 notes · View notes
littlemessyjessi · 4 years
And another thing! Where is the representation of my melanin queens on every day things?! I’m just really upset about alot of fanfiction right now.  Like, I don’t get it.  I’m using every fucking piece of information that I have gathered from my godmother, an indescribably beautiful melanin goddess, over the years and I’m using it in fucking fanfiction because it’s fucking important.  For example:
My godmother, Dana, is a STUNNING black woman.  She was there for me when my birth mother would straight up drop me on her doorstep and I would see her for months. 
Dana, the queen that she is, is a beacon of light and information. 
I had an interesting childhood.  
I’m a mixture of a lot ethnicities to be honest and I spent my childhood back and forth between two countries if you want to know the truth about it.   But when I was in the USA, I was supposed to spend time with her which lasted for all of about two weeks full of abuse.  Looking back, honestly being with Dana is probably what saved me. 
Anyway, personally I’m a red head but my curl pattern is somewhere between 4B and 4C.  Naturally, it has a tendency to be frizzy and is heavy on the dry side.  I have my mother’s hair. 
Dana knew this, as she grew up with my mother and actually has a very similiar hair texture. It’s just that her’s is dark. So she knew exactly how to handle me when my mother jumped ship. 
And my dad didn’t know how to do that.  He’s Serbian and white. Not to mention the fact that he worked all the time over the road trying to provide for his four children. He wasn’t around much but it wasn’t because he didn’t want to be.  It’s just that someone had to provide for us and that was him.  Side note:  All of have different mothers and they’re all crazy.   I think he has a type.  He didn’t turn them crazy.  No, no. They were like that when he met them.  I just think he’s a glutton for punishment. 
Anyway, the hair. That was a foreign language to him.  I mean, he tried but he was hopeless until Dana legit showed him. 
This fucking angel introduce me to the bonnet when I was four. Four.  To this day, I refused to go to bed without a bonnet.  
She also introduced me to protective hair styles and the concept of a damn headwrap.  Which is fucking life changing mind you.  My cuban fiance, Valentina, bonded over this when we first started talking because she video calls me one morning to talk to me while we were getting ready for our respective days. 
Of course, I answer.  Still in my pjs, bonnet on my head and slathering myself in shea butter.  Again, thank you Dana for your life changing knowledge of shea butter and cocoa butter.  I attribute my good skin to you, love. I’m in my late twenties now and honestly I don’t really look any different as to what I did when I was eighteen.  Perhaps, it’s genes.  But I think it was Dana and her knowledge. 
Anyway, we’re sitting there talking and all of a sudden Val just has the biggest smile on her face and I’m like, what?
And she was just like, “I love that you have your bonnet on.” 
And I was like, “Uh, ok? Should I not?” 
And we got into a whole discussion about it and how it’s viewed.   
Listen, if I am deep conditioning my hair I will walk straight out this house with a bonnet on and not give a single fuck.  You think I’m playing but I am not.  And that’s my point.   I don’t know why things like this are looked at differently and I’m sick of it.   
What’s even more disgusting is that I would get less looks for it than a black woman.  Why?  Because regardless of the fact that I actually came out of an extremely deeply darkly skinned woman, I pass as white. 
That god damn statement enrages me to my core.  The fact that I, someone who passes as white, can do basic things like wear a bonnet or a headwrap and while I may recieve some strange looks here and there..... it’s really nothing. 
Whereas a woman of dark complexion has a totally different experience.  And that enrages me.   I used to lose my temper over it when I was about 10 or so and Dana would take me to the movies on Sundays.  That was always deep conditioning day and so we went in our bonnets.  And these mother fucking girls would snicker and point and act like fools.  I, all 4′11′’ of me, nearly got into a fight with them b/c I have a short fuse on a big bomb.  But Dana just pulled me back and told me not to worry about it.  But I was upset.  Dana is literally one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, inside and out.  And I couldn’t understand how someone could be so nasty.   We had a talk that day about skin and why it was different.   I mean, I knew Dana and I have different colors to us but I never thought much about it to be honest.  
She was very honest with me in her experiences and she told me that we were different and even though that shouldn’t make a difference at all, for some people it did. 
Cue tiny preteen Kenny going on a fifteen minute rant until she gave me pineapple and tajin and told me to chill out, lol. 
Also, if you’re not putting tajin on your pineapple, what are you doing?  You’re missing out and I highly reccommend you see to it immediately. 
She told me the best thing to do was to ignore them and to just live my life.  And I see her point but I also don’t.  Because if you always look the other way then nothing changes b/c it just keeps getting swept under the rug.   
Dana is a lot nicer than me.  And perhaps, she’s smarter b/c she’s older and she just knows more than me.  But I will not stand for this! 
I realize how ridiculous that may sound but I don’t care.  I will call someone out on it in a heartbeat. 
I just get heated about things I feel strongly about. 
So all this to say that I was listening to this video where a girl was talking about how upset she was about the lack of representation in fanfiction and I was just consumed with anger b/c she’s right! 
And I was just so pissed. Poor Val listened to me rant forever before she just called Dana and was like, ‘Please calm down your child.” 
Because yes, as far as I’m concerned, Dana is my mother.  Not my birth mother. 
And, lol, Dana told her, “Just give that little hot cheeto some pineapple and tajin. Or make her some kool aid.  She’s just gotta rant for a minute and get it out of her system.” 
And Val said, “I tried to give her kool aid.  She spazzed out and drank half a pitcher.  Now she’s on a sugar high and she’s worse.” 
I’m assuming Dana told her to just hand over the phone and she promptly told me to calm down before she came over to deliver an ass whoopin.  
And then she asked me what was wrong and so I told her. 
And so she said, “Just write the fanfiction how you want it.   That’s what you’ve always done. So if you want to see mentions of bonnets in stories, start putting them in.   Make it a point to create scenes that specifically give you an opportunity to showcase some of that stuff.  Talk about the struggles of finding a foundation that actually matches your skin tone.  Talk about wash days and co washes.  And for the love of the all mighty, please mention to someone to put some damn lotion on their elbows and knees.  I’m tired of seeing these ashy ass people.” 
And we talked for quite some time about it and she made me feel better.  Like she always does.  I didn’t come out of her but Dana has always been my mother.  And always been there for me.  Always given me the best advice.   Always knew just what to say when my emotions wreck me. 
So I know a lot of you like my reader content and I’ll continue to do that. I promise.  I mostly just do plus size reader. But maybe we’ll include some specific POC plus size reader.  I mean, that’s not new for me.  I’ve done that before but you get my point.  The only way to get passed some of these irritations and unfairness is to normalize it to the point of common knowledge. 
And you might be seeing more and more POC OC’s from me.  This isn’t new either as I’ve got plenty of them.  But you might see an influx lol.  Because I’m upset about it and b/c it’s deserved.  You know what I mean?  
Also, for the love of god, please please please if you are writing reader insert when you are talking about someone blushing... jesus christ, Dana could be embarassed and you’d never know b/c she is literally as dark as a dark chocolate bar.   Blush doesn’t show on her skin tone and I can imagine it doesn’t show on a lot of deeper skin tones.  It doesn’t on Valentina and she’s cuban caramel candy.  
There are other ways.  Like heat creeping up the neck or whatever.  You know what I mean.  
Also, the ‘he ran his fingers through my hair’ bit?  Ugh.  First of all, with my hair.... I’d like to see them try.  Second, don’t. touch. my. hair.  
Just saying.  There are other ways.
Anyway, thanks for listening. 
And Dana, if you’re reading, cause I know you come read my stories sometimes- thank you for listening and giving me good advice.  As you always have.  I love you and I’m just really thankful you’ve always been there for me and taught me so much.  I love you, Mama D.
Also, ya’ll pray for me.  I have a whole pitcher of kool aid, that I made so it has way too much sugar in it.  And if I can’t calm myself down, Valentina may murder me.  And ya girl is trying to get some tonight, lol. 
P.S. If she does away with me and you never find my body, someone just tell Idris Elba, Queen Latifah, Sebastian Stan and Aaron Taylor Johnson that I love them and that I died well.  
Probably not though.  
Valentina is mean.  She’d make me die a slow and horrible death. 
Like depravation of cuddles and chocolate. 
The horror. 
Shit, I like her feisty though. 
Anyway, I’m rambling. 
I love y’all and that’s really all I had to say about the issue lol. 
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namjoon-koya · 5 years
A/N: I know this is way different from what i usually write but I swear I’m just gonna write a few of these because I’ve been in love with My Hero Academia💀
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x Reader.
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“I’m not going.” You said crossing your arms at your father. “Y/N..” “Dad..” “Y/N..” “ALL MIGHT.” Your father let out a sigh as he scratched the back of his neck.
Yes you were a stubborn person (he partly blamed that on your mother’s side since she was a villain) after the kidnapping of Bakugo the media definitely had an uproar about it, Aizawa delivered a powerful speech to make the media shut up and of course they did.
“Y/N you’re coming and that’s final.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
Next thing you knew you were in the passenger seat as your father and Aizawa sat in the back, you decided to dress “presently” as the three of you went to Class 1-A’s homes and explained to their parents about their kids living in the dorms to train more.
You wore a floral dress that was a deep navy blue color with some black ballet flats it was nothing fancy since it wasn’t like you were going to an interview or a photoshoot with your dad (which he ALWAYS made you do)
Your father and Aizawa talked about what happened while you scrolled through your phone listening to music but after you head Aizawa say he’d buy your father a drink you quickly turned around and glared at the both of them.
Your father laughed lightly “I don’t think I can, my daughter unfortunately has a no drinking rule.” Aizawa chuckled “I can see that.”
Finally it was the last house, you got out the car along with your dad and Aizawa. A small gasp left your lips as you stared at the house.. it was really beautiful whoever designed this house must’ve been an architecture of something!
“Who’s house is this?” Aizawa asked your father “Katsuki Bakugo.” Your expression quickly fell as you heard Aizawa try to stifle his laughter “nope, nope I’m not going.” You say about to go back in the car.
“Huh? Why?” Your father questions “let’s just say Bakugo here likes your daughter.” You send a quick glare at Aizawa “you NOTICE and you don’t try to stop him whenever he drags me away from Midoriya-kun or Todoroki-kun?”
Aizawa raises his hand “that’s not my business Y/N. You should hear him yell “Get away from her half and half bastard!”
Bakugo always did that, you didn’t know if really did have a crush on you but every single time you paid attention to Todoroki even a little Bakugo would quickly yell at you or him.
“It will be quick Y/N I promise.” You sighed before following behind them.
Your father ringed the doorbell once as the three of you patiently waited for someone to answer the door, finally someone did and what you saw shocked you.
You expected Bakugo to look like his dad but nope he looked WAY more like his mom.. the hair color even to the eye color matched “Ah All Might! Aizawa welcome!” She said greeting them happily her fire red eyes then landed on you she let out a gasp “you must be Y/N! Bakugo always talks about you!” You blushed “n-nice to meet you..”
Aizawa and your father entered her house as you quickly followed behind them you notice a man sitting on the couch..along with Bakugo his eyes land on yours but you quickly look away.
You sit in the middle between Aizawa and your father you couldn’t look at Bakugo so you kept your gaze down in your lap your father asked Bakugo‘s mother about him living in the dorms at school.
What she did though shocked you, she SLAPPED the back of Bakugo’s head you quickly bit the inside of your cheek to hold back your laugher “oh sure! I’m counting on you!” She said happily.
Bakugo being Bakugo though obviously didn’t hold back his anger “Don’t hit me old hag! I’ll kill you!” He shouts earning another slap to his head by his mother “shut up! It’s your fault to begin with for being so weak you got caught and now you’re causing everyone trouble!”
Bakugo only glared at his mother “you two.. stop it.. you’re startling the teachers and Y/N..” Bakugo’s father says.
“Shut up damn old man! Don’t butt in!”
“You’re the one who should shut up! If you’re going to talk, then speak clearly!”
You glance over at your father and notice him and Aizawa have the same face expressions.. s-so does this explain where Bakugo’s temper comes from.. sheesh..
You quickly straighten up “are you guys sure this is okay?” You asked them as you watched Bakugo and his mom fight with each other before she finally slaps his head again but this time she holds his head down “oh the dorms right? We’d actually be grateful Katsuki’s reckless and really good at everything.” She said as she removed her hand from his head.
You took a quick glance at Bakugo and he still had that same angry look on his face as he raised his head up “and he was blessed with a good quirk too, so he had other people fawning over him all the time and ended up like this he kept getting praised for shallow stuff that’s why I was really happy to hear what Aizawa said at the press conference.”
You remembered that day, fuck was the media really on Aizawa that day as they waited for answers for the situation that happened.. what Aizawa said about Bakugo made you think a lot after that.
“Yeah it made me think that this school was really watching him carefully I was worried for a while and wasn’t sure how it would turn out..” Bakugo’s mom raised her head as she petted his hair “but he’s back safe and sound now so.. you might face some harsh criticism for a while but I trust you both and will leave him to you right?” She said forcing Bakugo’s head down as she looked over at her husband.
He nodded agreeing then the both of them bowed their head down “he’s a hopeless guy but train him hard and make him a good hero.”
You couldn’t help but smile at them even if Bakugo was a hothead sometimes you really truly believed he would become a great hero one day “we’ll.. Bakugo is going to be a great hero then.” You said bluntly you saw Bakugo flinch a bit at the compliment you gave him.
As the three of you were getting ready to leave you heard your phone ding, you didn’t want to take out your phone but your father asked who was that and when you looked the contact name read “hot n’ cold.”
“Oh it was Todoroki-kun-“ You were going to quickly text him back but that’s when a certain someone took your phone.
“BAKUGO GIVE IT BACK TO ME!” You shout “WHY DOES HE EVEN HAVE YOUR FUCKING NUMBER?!” He shouts as he holds your phone over your head “KATSUKI GIVE THE POOR GIRL HER PHONE BACK!” His mother shouts after him as well.
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bramblepeltao3 · 3 years
Woooaaaahhhhh Part 4!
After a very long hot shower (And the water here smelled different. Not bad just...different) Del was slightly less full of jumpy angry anxiety. She did as she was asked. She kept quiet about what happened, went with Aranea’s story, and kept herself from screaming at every person who she saw between the crownsguard station and the shower.
At least she had her own room. Right next to Prompto of course, in case he needed her. It was large, and had a lovely bed with soft blankets, and everything smelled like lavender. So at least she had this, she thought, as she wrapped herself in the very plush fancy towel and opened the door, walking into her room through a cloud of steam.
“LOQI!” Del screamed, noticing the man standing right in the middle of her room. “What the FUCK are y- I AM NOT A PRINCESS!”
“This came for you, I only wanted to make sure it was delivered dire-”
“I’m naked, get out!”
“And I wanted to apologize for the trouble you experienced this afternoon. If I were there-”
“We’d be dead if you were there, now please, GET OUT!” She took the package from him and retreated back into the bathroom.
She waited for the sound of the door to open and close again, but it never came. She was going to amass a body count before this trip was over, she could just feel it.
“Lady Delphia. I wanted you to know...His Highness showed me the photos he took on the train. And, well, with both of you so close together...I don’t know why no one else seems to notice.”
And then there was that blessed door clicking sound.
Just breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale! It’s easy. Just. Breathe.
She didn’t know which was worse: that Tumult was observant enough to see the obvious or that he was taking the completely wrong point from it.
She walked back into the sleeping area and, satisfied no perverted shitheads were hanging out, opened the package. It was exactly what she expected: the dress promised by Marigold. There was a small handwritten note on top of the blue, floral print dress.
‘You seem like the practical type. This one has pockets!’ She pulled out the dress which had a bit more flair to it than she would’ve liked. But the blue was pretty, and the floral print was subtle, and fuck if it didn’t indeed have pockets.
Del carefully got dressed, but found herself unable to really get that zipper up, and resigned herself to asking someone for their assistance. This was a palace. There were people here to do that. That was fine, right? Like, it was their job to pull the zippers up on idiot doctor’s dresses for them.
“Knock knock!” She heard a voice call from the door accompanied by an actual door knock.
“What is it, Aranea?” Del asked as the woman helped herself into the room anyway.
It appeared she also received her new dress. A very lovely, very glittery black gown that hugged all of her curves. Paired with matching opera length gloves, her hair tied back in a very elegant bun, and incredible chandelier earrings, Aranea looked like she belonged in this world. She looked beautiful.
She whistled. “Now that is more your style, Doc. Here, turn around.”
Del pulled her hair over her shoulder while Aranea zipped and clasped the dress. “A-line definitely works for you, especially with this sweetheart neckline. You look like an adorable college co-ed looking for the perfect Jimmy or Henry to dance three feet apart from and have you home by eight.”
“I really don't get you.” Del sighed. “Like, was that a compliment? Was it an insult? What-” She turned around, arms dropping heavily at her side. “Can you just say you think I look stupid?”
Aranea blinked, placing her hands on her hips. “Why would I say that? I think you look cute.”
Del immediately shot her eyes to the floor, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Hey. We went through some rough shit back there. And I know the last thing a grumpy introvert like you wants to do is get back out there and put herself on display. But I need every pair of eyes I can get tonight.” Aranea said before taking a lock of Del’s hair in her hand. “You weren’t seriously planning to go with wet hair, were you?”
“I-” Del grabbed her hair, hands clamping it all against her neck. “It’ll air dry. It’s fine.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen how your hair looks normally. Come on, Lemon Tart, let’s have a few minutes of girl time.” Aranea took her by the hand and led her out of her room, down the hall, and into her own. Del let her, reluctantly.
And that’s how she found herself sitting in the other woman’s bathroom, letting her meaneuver her hair into a braid and put some weird smelling lotion on her face.
“Alright, what color do you usually wear?” She asked, opening a small bag packed full of cosmetics.
“I...I don’t kno-...I don’t wear makeup and frankly I think it looks...really stupid. On me. It looks bad-”
“You’ve never had someone who knows what she’s doing before. Here.” She fished out a few small bottles and brushes and placed her ungloved hand gently under Del’s chin. “This will make those green eyes pop.”
Del closed her eyes and hoped this would be over quickly. She hated makeup. She hated jewelry. She hated putting things in her hair. She hated anything that caused the act of getting ready to take longer than absolutely necessary.
But there was something so...gentle about the way Aranea ran that brush over her eyelids. The absolute trust she had to put in her when she applied that liquid eyeliner, and the blush. She rubbed it in with her thumb and it felt...intimate. Weirdly, comfortably intimate.
“Alright, now the final touch. Too much red would flush your skin, so let’s do something a little more pink.”
She placed a small brush into a glass container and started to slowly, purposely paint Del’s lips. Finally, she placed everything back in the bag and grabbed a hand mirror. 
“Look at you, you’re going to have those Lucian boys flocking to your side.”
“I can’t think of a worse scenario.” Del sighed. But damn...she did look kinda hot. Aranea was right, she just needed someone who knew what the fuck they were doing.
“Let me put this into a better perspective. We both need to be attracting attention in there. The Marshal assured me they were taking the highest precautions at this thing, and I believe he believes that. But we need to have our own guards up. So while we’ve got all eyes on us, our eyes are on Shortcake.”
Del frowned. “So we’re...drawing the focus away from him?”
“Less people hanging around him and keeping attention on him, the easier it’ll be for me to spot if anyone is a little too interested in him. Make sense?” Aranea asked with a smirk.
Right. Draw the attention of people who otherwise wouldn’t care about Prompto save for social climbing or networking. Make it easier for the shield to keep tabs on who really wanted to be within his circle.
“Yeah. Alright I guess I can...be...this,” she gestured at herself, “for one night. For Prompto.”
“Knew you’d say that.” Aranea stood up straight, pulling Del to her feet as well. “I’ll be the sultry seductress dream girl, you play the girl next door fantasy, we’ll have plenty of tall dark and rich hanging around.” 
They made their way into the sleeping area, where Del caught a glimpse of herself in the full length mirror. Funny. She’d always hated the idea of herself looking like this. Painted up, dressed up, it felt too much like the life she was almost doomed to live a long time ago. But this...this felt kinda...nice?
“One more thing.” Aranea took her hand and slipped something onto her wrist. “Pretty, right? There’s a tracking device in it. Shortcake’s got one too. They let me keep track of you two wherever you are.”
Del frowned at it. “Ok, Prompto I get. But why me?”
“Those gunmen were after you. That was made very clear based on where they were aiming. That’s another reason I want you surrounded by hungry suitors all night. Less opportunity for someone to pull something. But don’t worry, between myself, the Marshal, and poor little love struck Loqi I think you’ll be safe.”
“Eugh.” Del shuddered. “Can we maybe not acknowledge that weirdness going on?”
Aranea let out a laugh as they crossed to leave the room. “Not exactly returning those affections, I guess?”
“I have known that dipshit for a very long time. His delusions of self grandeur are only surpassed by his creepy level of nationalism. I’m good, thanks.”
“Hm.” Aranea hummed as she began to open the door. “So what I’m hearing is I still have a shot?”
Del’s eyes went wide.
Aranea made a gun shape with her hand, finger barrel pointing at Del’s head, and made a mock motion of pulling the trigger. She smirked and walked out into the hallway.
Why. Don't. People. Just. Say. What. They. Mean?!
“Prompto! Time to head out, are you ready?” Aranea asked, standing in front of the door next to hers. She frowned when there was no response.
“Are you sure he didn’t already leave?” Del asked, a little hopefully.
“The tracker says he’s in there. Bet he’s having trouble getting all those buttons done right. Prompto! Doc and I are coming in.” She announced before opening the door.
Inside, there was no one.
“Shit.” Aranea whispered, walking to the nightstand where a matching bracelet to Del’s was sitting.
Del felt her throat begin to close up as she looked out towards the balcony door, wide open, and no one in sight.
Prompto was sure something was very, very wrong with him. Maybe he was having some kind of reaction to his medication or the water here had something weird in it. That had to be the explanation for why he agreed to just climb on to the back of the Prince of Lucis and fly.
Like, actually fly. The Prince of Lucis could fly, in a weird indirect way.
He’d just shown up on the balcony outside his room, seven stories up, like it wasn’t a big deal at all, sparkling with the remnants of magic.
“Wanted to say hi, you know, outside of the whole ceremony and everything.” He’d said. And Prompto, completely not used to being alone with people his own age, just kind of stumbled out to stand with him.
“How did you-”
“I warped.” He said with a smile, like it was obvious.
So they stood there, in the warm afternoon air, talking about magic and warping and -somehow- the conversation turned to his favorite topic.
“No way, you like Assassin’s Creed too?” Noctis asked, eyebrows raised.
“Yeah! It’s only like the best franchise in modern gaming!” Prompto couldn’t believe his luck. He’d never met anyone else who played video games. It was his favorite hobby, and not just because for a handful of years it was the only thing he could bring himself to do. “It would be so cool to be an assassin. Uh, not like, a really real one. Heh. Just like, getting to climb or jump or glide anywhere you want? So cool.” Prompto said wistfully. To sneak out of his room back home and see anything he wanted was an ongoing dream of his.
And this trip was the closest thing he had to fulfilling it so far.
“So why don’t you?” Noctis asked, leaning against the balcony railing.
“Well, for starters, I can’t exactly zip through the air like you can.” Prompto laughed. 
He straightened back up. “Do you want to?”
And that was how Prince Prompto, heir to the vast Empire of Niflheim, found himself losing his lunch in the bushes outside the Lucian Citadel.
“Shit, sorry Prompto. Guess I should’ve warned you it takes some getting used to.” Noctis said, stifling a laugh.
“No way! That was so much fun!” He smiled despite how green his face must have been. “Should probably just take the elevator on the way back, though.” As much as he wanted to do that again he wasn’t sure his stomach would approve. Or his doctor.
Noct pulled out his phone and made a distressed sound. “Well, we’re both about to be late. Ignis is going to kill me.” He held his hand out to Prompto to help him back up. “I’m sure if we stroll in together it’ll be no big deal.”
Prompto took it, and after making sure his evening attire did not betray their activity, agreed with Noct’s plan.
“So…” Prompto started as they began their walk through the courtyard. “Who’s Ignis?”
“My advisor. I’ve known him since I can remember. He means well, and I know he’s just looking out for me and my future but his nagging can get really annoying.” Noctis huffed, stretching his arms behind his head.
“Oh, I totally get that. My doctor is super overprotective. At first it was really nice having someone care that much, but sometimes it’s like I breathe a little wrong and she wants to run a whole diagnostic to make sure I’m not dying!”
Noctis laughed, and it sounded so nice to Prompto’s ears.
“What about your shield? She looks pretty tough. She come from a family line?” Noct asked.
“Nah. She’s been in the military since she was super young, and then one day she just told my father, ‘I’m Prompto’s shield.’ Like, no question! She just made that claim and that was it! I’m really glad though, she’s always been like a sister to me.”
“Sounds nice. Mine is a huge ass who can’t seem to keep a shirt on.”
Prompto snort laughed.
“His whole family has been my family’s shields going way back. So, not much of a choice for any of us. He’s cool, though.” Noct’s face fell into something more neutral as they approached the stairs leading back into the palace. “Man. This is going to be so boring. Wanna ditch and go play video games?”
He did, more than anything else ever in his life he wanted to hang out alone with Prince Noctis. But slightly more than that, he wanted to not be the cause of an issue that might lead to all out war between their dads.
“We should probably at least make an appearance.” Prompto said carefully.
“Yeah…” Noctis sighed. “Bet we can find a way to make it more interesting, at least.” He said with a wicked little gleam in his eyes.
Prompto was completely out of his element. And it felt so cool!
“What do you mean, Prince Noctis is missing?” Cor said, actually feeling a few more years being cut from his lifespan.
“As I said, he simply left his room without alerting or informing anyone of his intentions. This isn’t the first time he’s done this but it’s certainly the worst possible time that he could.” Ignis, poor long suffering Ignis, rubbed his eyes under his glasses.
“Has Gladiolus been informed?” Cor asked, hoping beyond hope that at least his very responsible student might have a handle on this.
“Indeed, and his response was, ‘I told you so’.” Ignis punctuated the statement with little quotation marks by his head. “I had hoped beyond all hope he would actually take these proceedings seriously.”
Amazing. After everything that already happened that day, now Noct decided whatever arcade cabinet or fishing pond he felt most like visiting was more important than ensuring a lifelong peace with their biggest enemy.
“He’s probably just asleep in a tree somewhere.” The Prince could seemingly sleep anywhere, at any time. It was a life skill that Cor envied. “Inform the Glaive we have a code Stray Cat. Level Calico for now, unless we have evidence it’s something more serious.” Calico stray cat: Noctis is missing but he’s probably just dicking around somewhere. Find him but don’t panic. Black stray cat: Noct is missing and assumed in danger. Orange stray cat: Noct is most definitely in danger.
Again. Regis’ idea.
“I will do so at once, Marshal.” Ignis gave a slight bow and ran off to deliver the message. He was a good kid, both him and Gladio. Wonderfully dedicated crownsguards and the exact sort of responsible needed to ensure Noctis made it to his reign alive. And still, still he managed to get himself into trouble.
“Gladio.” Cor said into his switched on ear piece. 
“I’ve got the crownsguard sweeping the perimeter. Glaive are searching outside the Citadel. We’ll catch that cat, Sir.”
“Nice choice of words. I’m going to check in with our guests.” No one else should have to deal with that headache. Cor made his way to the seventh floor, right where he left them. Prince Prompto’s door was ajar, with no one inside, but the balcony door was also wide open.
Not good.
“Gladio, bad news-”
“Good news Sir, the cat’s in the bag. And he brought a little yellow puppy with him.” 
Cor laughed, shaking his head with his hands on his hips.
Teenagers. Of course they’d sneak off to get into trouble together. At least it implied they were getting along, which really was the whole point of this thing. He could only be so mad about it all. He turned to head back to the ballroom, ready to take his post for the evening.
Until he was struck with the realization that Prompto’s attendants probably realized he had gone missing. And they didn’t have the benefit of knowing he was okay.
“This place is a FUCKING maze!” Del screamed as the two made their way down yet another hallway. Everywhere they walked service staff seemed to flee from their presence. Of course they did. Everyone here hated their guts and everything about them so why would anyone try and help?
Fine! She had thought. We’ll just find Cor. Whatever. This is his problem now. Her ego meant nothing compared to Prompto’s safety. So off they went, ready to find the Marshal and make sure her brother was safe. There was only one problem.
Neither of them understood enough of the Lucian language.
They all spoke the same common language, sure, but each Kingdom still had their own stupid written language because neither wanted to go through the hassle of changing out hundreds of years’ worth of fixtures and Del hadn’t thought to stick that piece of academia into her mind because in what world would she have to know the difference between a bathroom and a library in the Lucian Ciatdel?
Well...apparently this one!
“You know what’s a universal language? Pictures. Just...put a little picture of a toilet on the sign. Then there’s no confusion! What’s in there? Oh! A bathroom! OBVIOUSLY!” Del was quickly losing her mind, and Aranea’s silence was just making it worse.
“Doc.” She finally said, grabbing her arm. She turned to Del, put a finger to her lips, and carefully walked them both through a door and into...the kitchen. After a quick scan of the perimeter she set her sights on a supply closet and somehow, maneuvered both of them into it, closing the door behind them.
“What-” Del tried to ask but Aranea put a hand over her mouth.
“Listen.” She whispered.
After a few very quiet minutes passed, Del was ready to tell the shield exactly what she thought about being shoved in a closet while Prompto was still missing, when they heard a door open., and several pairs of footsteps.
“I can’t hear shit in there, so what the fuck is with this?”
“You tell him what you told me.”
“I got strict orders, directly from the kid’s doctor. She said this needs to go in his meal. It’s medicine, you know their Prince is sickly and all. We’re doing it in here so as not to cause a scene. It is absolutely vital he gets it. Understood?”
Del’s eyes went wide. Aranea was narrowing hers in suspicion. Del shook her head. No, she hadn’t told anyone jack shit about medicine. And he certainly didn’t have any medication that needed to be dropped into his dinner.
This was poison. They were trying to poison Prompto.
“Alright. I’ll mark it special, make sure it gets to the right seat.”
After some shuffling and footsteps, the two carefully left the closet and quietly made their way out to the hallway.
“Listen, Doc-”
“I didn’t tell anyone shit about putting medicine in food.”
“I know. So either you’re being set up, or Insomnia is. Either way, the search for Shortcake just got a lot more urgent.”
A quiet ding grabbed their attention, and the two realized there was an elevator around the corner. Finally. They took off sprinting to catch it, barely managing to do so, and simply selecting the ground floor.
“How big of a scene do we need, here? Who are we going to tell?” Del asked. Aranea seemed to know exactly how to approach every scenario, and Del was about to mentally collapse so she was more than happy to let her take control.
“Tumult will see it as the Lucians attempting an assassination. If we call out the kitchen workers they’re going to set you up for the fall, and no one here has any reason to trust you wouldn’t.” Aranea said carefully.
“Cor knows, he’d vouch for me. He knows I’d never do anything to hurt Prompto.” Del said, trying to resist the urge to bite at her still nicely painted lip.
“Why?” Aranea snapped.
“Huh?” Del looked at her frustrated features.
“Why does the Marshal know that?” She asked.
Shit. SHIT. “Because...well like, I’m a doctor! Come on, I’m a doctor and a great one, I’d never hurt any of my patients!”
Aranea opened her mouth to respond but before she could make a sound, the elevator doors opened and there he was. Standing next to the Lucian Prince. 
“Oh thank the Gods.” Del sighed, abandoning any amount of professionalism and rushing over to hug the Prince. “Don’t scare us like that, dude, we thought something terrible happened!”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean- Wow you guys look really pretty.” Prompto nervously said with a smile.
“I’m guessing you're the shield?” Aranea stated, looking up and down the teenager standing behind the princes.
“That would be me, yeah. And these two thought it’d be great fun to goof off and get every glaive and guard in the city looking for them.”
Prompto looked at the ground in embarrassment. Noctis seemed pleased. 
“Prom here wanted to have some fun. I thought I’d be a good host and show him some.”
Noctis laughed. Prompto’s face turned very red.
“So are we going to this borefest now, or what?” Prince Noctis asked his shield.
“I’ve got something I need to talk to you about.” Aranea nodded her head towards Gladiolus. He nodded back at her.
“That dress looks really good on you, Del!” Prompto said, trying to change the subject from his sudden irresponsible disappearance.
“Thanks,” Del smiled down at him as they began to follow the Lucians, “it has pockets.” She demonstrated by sticking her hands in them. She felt something in the left pocket. A piece of paper. She carefully retrieved it, no bigger than the palm of her hand, and quickly read the message scribbled on it.
‘Del-We need to talk. Meet me at the bar. C.L.’
C.L. Cor Leonis. We need to talk. Yes. Yes they did. And she already had a well practiced script of exactly what she planned to say to his stupid moron face.
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backtobackbakubabe · 5 years
Baby its Cold Outside (PART 14)
Bakugo x Reader 
Welcome to the world!
Words: 2130
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What a fucking mess... You were in the middle of having lunch with Dylan when your water broke. Having given birth herself she understood the weird mix of emotions you were currently going through. On one hand you were anxious and wanted to get the hospital right away, but on the other hand you really wanted to finish you meal. You knew there wouldn't be much food once you got there and you didn't want to take that chance. You settled for taking it to go and stuffing your face on the way. 
You called Bakugo and got sent straight to voicemail... “The fuck? His phone better not be dead.. Not today of all days.” You huffed as you slid into the passenger seat of Dylans car. You tried him again and again you only got his voicemail. 
So you called the agency to see if he was out on duty and they confirmed that he was and that he was with red riot. “He and Kiri better not be up to something...” You thanked them and called Kiri just to get his voicemail too. “What the actual fuck. Usually I have to deal with them being up my ass 24/7 checking in every five fucking minutes to make sure I’m okay. But the SECOND I go into labor they’re MIA. WHAT THE FUCK OW OW OW!” You got hit with a contraction which led you squeezing the armrest until your knuckles turned white. 
You tried breathing the way Dylan was instructing you too. It wasnt really helping but at least trying to focus on that took your mind off other things. You called both of them several more times and sent them several text messages. Finally you had enough... So you called Yuuto. 
“Hello Mrs. Bakugo.”
“YUUTO! I need your help. I’m on my way to the hospital, the baby is coming and I can’t get ahold of Mr. Bakugo!”
“So you need me to find him?”
“YES! ahhhh” Another contraction ripped through you. “Please Yuuto!” 
“No please necessary. I will find him. I would like to think I know enough about him and his routine. This will be a fun exercise. Thank you Mrs. Bakugo.” 
“No I should be the one thank-”
He had already hung up. He had his task and he wasnt going to waist time talking to you about it. You could hear him now, ‘Why talk when you can do? Why ask questions when you already know the answer?’ Teaching him had to be one the most frustratingly yet delightful things you had ever done. And you were so happy to have him in your corner right about now. 
Dylan gave your hand a quick squeeze, “Dont worry we’ll be there soon and we’ll get Bakugo there. There’s no way he’d miss this. I know Yuuto, I've seen his quirk. He is more than capable of tracking Bakugo down.”
You were waddling towards the front desk of the hospital now clutching onto Dylan. Still no word from anyone. You tried to remain calm as they put you in a wheelchair and took you back to a room. Tried to focus on your breathing as your next contraction hit. You tried.. but it wasnt working. You were scared. You needed Katsuki. What if something goes wrong? What if something happens to you or the baby? Fuck you still hadn't settled on a name! You both had been fighting over it for weeks now. You liked the name Kaito but he liked Itsuki. You were supposed to have it figured out before the baby came, yet here you are ready to have a baby and Katsuki wasn’t here. You were openly sobbing now as the door burst open. And in stumbled...Kirishima?
“Look it’s not that I’m not happy to see you... but WHERE THE FUCK IS MY HUSBAND?!” 
“I dont fucking know!” He rubbed the back of his neck. “We got separated! Both of our phones are in our lockers back at the agency because we were trying to track a technopath! We weren't aloud to have any kind of technology on us that they could use against us. I was actually looking for him when I ran into that kid..uh... Yuuto! He asked me a couple weirdly specific questions and then ran off telling me to come here.” 
Your phone was ringing. “It’s Yuuto! It’s a FaceTime!” You clicked answer and were immediately met with a confused Yuuto. That’s not good. He’s never confused.... ever. “Yuuto! What is it? What’s wrong?”
He shrugged, “I found him but he’s naked and he’s asleep.” 
Leave it to Yuuto to say something like that with a completely serious face. “Apparently there was just enough tech in his hero suit that they were able to strip it off of him. And looking at the cut on his forehead I’d say he they hit him over the head with something and knocked him out. Doesn't look too serious though. He’ll be fine.”
You bit your lip as you tried to hold back a cry of pain, “Yuuto. Have you tried waking him up?”
His nose scrunched up, “I don't want to touch him. He’s naked.”
“Yuuto please! He really needs to get here. I’m going to be having this baby any minute.” 
He sighed, “Fine.” He walked over and picked up what looked like a hose. If you weren’t in your current position you would laugh. You were almost disappointed that he had to put the phone down because you would have loved to see him wake Bakugo up with a hose. 
You heard the hose turn on followed by a “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” 
You could hear some kind of mumbled response from Yuuto before the phone was being picked up again. “I dont care if I’m naked. She’s literally having my baby I’m sure she's okay if she sees me without clothes on.” Now the screen was being filled with a soaked and panicked looking Bakugo. “Hey babe, you there. Are you okay? Oh wow you’re like already in the hospital. Fuck.” He turned to look behind him and had a quick conversation with Yuuto. “Dont worry babe. I’m going to be there. As soon As I can find some pants I’m going to blast right over. Yuuto says were not too far. I can be there in thirty minutes.” 
You started crying, “I cant wait that long! Please Katsuki! I need you. I’m so scared. Please!” 
You knew it was irrational to be asking him to get here any sooner than was physically possible. Its not like he had your teleporting quirk. He couldn’t just pop in....unless.... 
“Baby just breath okay. I’m coming. I promise. I love you, and you’re doing great! I’ll stay on the phone with you until I get there....”
“Katsuki where are you?”
“I’m on my way I promise I just need to find some -”
“No like where are you right now? What street?” You screamed out as another contraction hit. 
“Shit Y/n are you okay?” “WHAT FUCKING STREET ARE YOU ON?”
“Shit I dont know! I dont see any street signs!” “Show me”
“What? What do you mean show you?”
He moved the camera around and you knew exactly where he was.
“Hold your breath..” 
An intense contraction hit you as you focused all of your energy, all your pain, all of your fear into one thing. Getting Katsuki here.
“Oh shit, she’s fucking doing it...” You could hear Dylan freaking out in the corner of the room next to Kirishima. “Y/n NO! that’s too much!” 
You heard a crashing noise outside of your room followed by a loud squeal. Next thing you knew the door was being flung open and there stood a naked as the day he was born Bakugo. 
“Fuck Y/n I dont know what the fuck you did but it was amazing and terrifying and holy shit I cant believe I’m married to you.” He was next to you in an instant pulling on a pair of scrub bottoms that a blushing nurse had handed him. “He wiped the tears that were now streaming down your cheeks. “You got this. You are the most badass woman I know.” 
You didn't feel badass if anything you felt weak. “I needed you. I cant do this alone.”
He kissed your forehead, “You dont have to okay? I’m here, I’ll always be here.” 
One of the many monitors you were hooked up to started making an alarming noise. It was getting hard to breathe. A bunch of people piled into your room, looking at charts and monitors. They were talking but you couldn't hear them over your own panic. One of them was talking to Bakugo who looked like he was ready to fight someone. 
He came back to your side and tried to fix his face to be calming but his shaky voice gave him away, “They need to do it now y/n. They said they think the baby is in distress. But they don’t know if he actually is or if it’s just his quirk messing with the machines. They need you to get ready to push okay? Can you do that?” 
You grabbed his hand, “I guess I don’t really have a choice.” 
The next half hour was the most painful and exhausting thing you had ever done. You were soaked with tears and sweat and Katsuki bless him held your hand the whole time. “Just one more push babe. You can do this. Just one more.” 
You couldn't do it though. You were so tired. You could barley keep your head up. But you had too. You knew you had to otherwise your baby was at risk. Even if it killed you, you were going to keep pushing. 
You gave one final push until you heard the wailing of your newborn son. 
Katsuki left momentarily before coming right back and kissing your forehead, “He’s beautiful y/n. You did so good baby. They’re cleaning him up right now but-”
He was cut off by the doctor who had just delivered your son, “I dont know how this is possible... But it seems there is another baby.” 
You picked up your heavy and exhausted head, “I’m sorry... what do you mean there’s another baby?” 
The doctor sighed, “It looks like you’re having twins... and I apologize but it looks like it’s time to push.” 
You squeezed Katsuki’s hand, “I cant. I cant do it again.” 
He put his forehead to yours, “Yes you can y/n. I know you can. You're a fighter. If I could do this for you I would, but I cant. You can do this! You have to push. You have to push and then it’ll all be over.” 
You nodded as you clenched your teeth closed your eyes and pushed. And pushed. And pushed some more. You were beginning to feel like it was never going to end. You didn't even know how you were still going at this point. And then you heard it. The sound of a baby crying. 
The doctor held the baby up for you to see, “Congratulations. It’s a girl.”
“Fuck.” You somehow found it in you to laugh at a very concerned looking Bakugo. 
Dylan explained that after looking into your daughters eyes that she was in fact the reason the machines were malfunctioning. She had some kind of stealth quirk that was already developing. Great. Just what we need... a stealthy infant. 
Soon enough both of your new babies were swaddled and in your arms. Katsuki snuggled up next to you in your hospital bed, “They’re so beautiful y/n... you did so good.”
You leaned you head onto his shoulder, “Hey they are half you too. I can’t take all of the credit.” 
Your son had thick hair the same color as yours and red eyes like his dad. His little nose scrunching up the same way Katsuki's does when he’s irritated. You already knew he was going to be handsome. Although you may be biased. 
Your daughter was hair so blonde it was almost white. with eyes that looked like they were copy and pasted from your own face. She was gripping Katsuki’s thumb, already a daddy’s girl. 
He smiled, “What are we going to name them?” 
“I was thinking about Niko you know for our daughter.” 
He brushed a gentle thumb over your daughters cheek, “Niko? I like it. It’s very pretty. And for the boy?” 
You sighed, “Well I know you really liked the name Itsuki and I have to admit, it’s really grown on me.” 
You couldn’t see his face but you knew he was happy. 
“So Niko and Itsuki... Welcome to the world.” 
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amazingdriverfics · 4 years
Crowned by the devil - ch. 8
Summary: it’s time to leave the medbay and to see how’s your scar. It is also time to face the next step of the experiment 
Warnings: panic attack
A/N: sorry for not posting it sooner, we’ll have another chapter this week as an apollogy I was just very sad. I’m also sorry for the fact we don’t have smut here, but the next chapter will start with it. 
Hope you like it :) 
My masterlist
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The time to leave the medical bay had finally come and you could’ve not been any happier. Three cycles had past since you had last seen Kylo, in which he didn’t let you reciprocate the ‘help’ he had given you, claiming that your body was still recovering so it wasn’t ready for him. ‘Someone like it rough’ you thought to yourself as the words met your ears. Hopefully, things would change and you would be finally free of your hornyness after you were out of the hospital bed. 
“Ms. y/l/n” doctor Treg’s voice echoed through the small pristine room causing your head to turn his way, acknowledging his presence as you anxiously waited for the words about to leave his mouth. “I’m here to take your bandages off and discharge you.” he started, voice as calm as ever, a contrast to the happiness and impatience coursing through your body. “Are you ready?” he asked.
Even though you wanted to scream ‘yes’, you controlled your impulses and nodded with a calm facade, once again waiting for the doctor’s next movements. 
He started with your ribs bandages, taking them off slowly before examinanting your bones, gently pressing them, looking for any indication that they were still bruised. From the lack of pain and his satisfied hum, you figured there weren’t any. Treg continued to go down as he took the bandages covering your brand new scar off, once again you felt his gloved hand press your skin lightly. “The scar is barely visible, bacta treatment did it well” he clarified. As his hand started to go down, you held your breath, not feeling exactly ready for whatever was about to happen. 
Slowly, you felt the bandage leaving your skin and you could almost feel the burning sensation from years before all over again. Anxiety and panic started to pump in your veins, as your breathing started to become faster just like your heart rate, the beeping sound from the machine monitoring it becoming louder and louder. “Breath, y/n” the doctor’s voice tried to bring you back to reality, but it was too far away for your mind clouded with panic to register. 
Time started to pass faster, your eyes becoming wet and your vision blurred, any other sensation despite the knowing burn unregistered by your brain. 
Relax, I am here 
A deep voice echoed inside your mind. In your panic attacks, the only voices you heard were yours and Kreat’s, but this was somebody else’s. 
It’s me Kylo
‘What are you doing here’ you thought, not able to focus your sight in anything surrounding you and too scared to use your voice, aware that your throat would not comply with the effort anyways. 
I sensed your distress and came to see you. Now I’ll wrap my arms around you. Try to breath in the same rhythm I am breathing please. 
As soon as the words filled your head, you felt his strong arms wrapping around your waist, his chin against your hair, his black locks touching your cheeks gingerly and his chest against your back, moving up and down as he inhaled and exhaled. Focusing on him instead of your scar, you started to mimic his breathing pattern, finally, it seemed like your lungs were filled with oxygen instead of fire as the world started to be visible, tears not falling anymore. 
“It’s ok, it’s ok” he said, voice showing his worry and making you feel guilty. “You don’t have to worry, I’m here because I want to” he stated, arms never leaving your waist. 
“Ca-can you see the scar?” you asked, voice hoarse from the panic attack as the words felt heavy against your tongue. 
“Yes” he answered simply, unlike before, voice concealed from showing any kind of emotion.
“And, how is it looking?” your voice left your mouth, still sounding foreign to you. 
“Way better, I’m sure you can cover it up with any tattoo now” he said and relief flooded your body, all the stress you had been under disappearing, the expectations you had created really becoming true. And if you had any more tears left to cry, they would have fallen down  your face as you turned your too see you lower back, as soon as Kylo stepped aside, seeing that the ‘K’ insignia had faded, ready to have its meaning rewritten.
“A gala? Are you fucking kidding me, Cardo?” you screamed into the air, disbelief clear in your face as you eyed your friend up and down, praying that the news he had just delivered were a sick joke. 
“Don’t kill the messenger, not that you could do it anyways. I’m only here to tell you what Master Ren told me to and to, just maybe, laugh at the face I knew you would make when I told you what he asked me to” the knight mocked, a pretty smile adorning his features as his hands carried a big black box, a red ribbon on top of it.
“Fuck you, Cardo. Show me what’s inside the box before I puke just thinking of this Gala thing” you demanded as you sat on the couch waiting for him to reveal the content of the box. 
With a smirk on his face, Cardo sat next to you, slowly opening the box, on purpose making you wait longer to see what Ren sent you. Instead of calling him a ton of bad names, you kept quiet, knowing it would only make the asshole go slower.
In the moment the box opened, your chin dropped and his laugh echoed through the room, not bothering you since you were too astonished to even care. “This is for me?” you asked, not believing he would spend that amount of credits on you. 
“Am I in anyone else's room?” he replied, irony dripping from his tone as his eyes glittered with amusement. 
Ignoring Cardo, you took your hand to the soft material of the dress, feeling the change of texture before taking it off the box an bringing it to your lap, watching its long black skirt fall to the ground, as the middle part and the see-through also black material that would cover your arms rested on your lap. 
“Fuck, this is so beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it” you muttered, forgetting for a second that you weren’t alone. 
“Master Ren chose it well, you’ll be stunning in it, troublemaker.” Cardo stated, being serious for the first time since he got to your room. “Now don’t forget, people will arrive to help you get ready in two hours. I’ll leave you to whatever you’ll do till then, see you at the gala, troublemaker”. 
Just like promised by Cardo, two hours later your preparation team got to your room and turned you to a ragdoll - in the name of beauty they said -. At first, they soaked you into the tub - something you would have gladly done on your own -, but, sadly, it ended too soon and it wasn’t long before they sat you on a chair and started to apply dozens of creams to your hair, face and body. 
They kept whispering things to each other, but you were too lazy to pay attention, so you didn’t really understand anything being said in the room, all you focused on was the sensation of having your body comfortably rubbed by a bunch of hands, allowing it to relax the shit out of you. 
Before you even noticed, your makeup and hair were done and it was to time to finally get into the dress Kylo got you. Slowly, you stepped into it, feeling as the different textures hugged you figure, lightly pressing on it as your team helped your body to be comfortably inside.
For the first time since the makeover started, you looked in the mirror, time seemed to stop for a second as you understood that the beautiful woman staring back at you was yourself, that the arms and legs inside the see-through black fabric adorned with black velvet leaves were yours, as well as the breasts eroticly yet fancyly exposed by the black velvet cleavage. As your eyes found your face, you were taken aback as you watched the way the black eyeshadow finished with gold details highlighted your eyes as the crimson lipstick made you seem sexy and dangerous at the same time. 
In that moment, you could understand why Kylo seemed to want you as his Empress, since as you looked at the mirror you were sure that nothing could stop you in that Gala, even though you had never been to that kind of event before.
Even if just for one night, you felt like the most powerful being in the Galaxy.
With confident strides, you walked into the room filled with First Order’s employees, the dress making your movements seem more elegant. As you continued to make you way to where Kylo and the remaining girls - Aduke and Antje - were, you felt like the whole room was watching your every move, nothing you weren’t accustomed to. 
The only pair of eyes you watched back, however, were Kylo’s, his dark eyes even darker from desire making his pupils bigger. “Supreme Leader” you said, eyes glued to his as he took your hand into his before placing a gentle kiss in the moon tattooed on the back of it. “y/n” he answered as your hand falls back to the sides of your body. 
As soon as the interaction ended, you made your way to stand next to Aduke, you hadn’t seen her ever since the arena and you were dying to thank her for saving your life, not many people had cared enough about you and you would do anything to repay her kindness. 
You stood still, until General Hux - whom you hadn’t missed at all - started the Gala with a boring speech about how much the Galaxy needed a strong, polite, classy Empress to rule the First Order with its Supreme Leader. 
When it started Antje was immediately out of your sight, probably kissing some ass to get any amount of power she possibly could, however, knowing she wasn’t near made you glad, the last thing you wanted was for her to ruin your night. Aduke, on the other hand, stayed close and you took the opportunity to finally thank the woman who saved your life. 
“Aduke hey, you look gorgeous” you started, and it was true, her dark skin was adorned by a simple yet shiny blue dress, who seemed to fit her personality just like your dress did with your. Her hair was braided ellegantly and fell on her shoulders and her makeup went well with the dress, blue and silver painting her eyelids as a nude lipstick colored her full lips. 
“I can say the same to you, you are stunning, y/n” she replied, tone as soft as ever as a sweet smile you didn’t realize you missed cracked on her face. 
“Thank you, you are too good for me. Talking about that, I just wanted to thank you for, you know, saving my life.” you said, hands embracing hers as your eyes looked straight into her dark ones, gratitude coming from every pore of your body. “If you ever need me for anything at all, you can count on me” you finished, meaning every single word that left your mouth. 
“Don’t worry, y/n, I made a vow when I became a doctor, my passion is to save lives and anyway, I liked you too much to watch you die in that arena”. Before you could reply, a tall blonde figure dressed in a suit excused herself asking Aduke to come with her, leaving you alone for the first time since you arrived. 
Not really sure of what to do you went to the bar, a drink would definitely make things easier. A blue waitress took your order and as you waited for it, a figure you knew too well towered you, his large hand pressing against the black mahogany surface of the bar, making sure you wouldn’t escape him - not that you wanted to -. 
“Supreme Leader” you said once again, tone flirty as your eyes accessed his figure better, seeing how well his simple black suit fitted his body, hugging his muscles perfectly. 
“You are simply stunning, you have no idea of the things going through my mind ever since you walked in” he purred, eyes glued to yours. 
“I can only imagine the nasty things you have been thinking, guess you’ll have to thank the man who gave this dress to me then” you replied feeling brave as the waitress left your drink on the counter, your hand meeting the glass before bringing the sweet yet spicy liquid to your mouth. 
“He is in fact a wise man” he replied, a cocky smile on his face causing you to smirk back at him. 
“Tragic” an annoying voice filled your ears, breaking the palpable tension between you and Ren. “The Supreme Leader of the First Order flirting with a nobody who understands nothing of politics or manners and doesn’t seem to be good enough in the only thing she knows what to do - staying alive” Hux said, face showing his disgust in seeing you. ‘Guess he isn’t happy that I survived’ you thought. 
Kylo’s body language immediately changed, his relaxed posture was gone, his hand traveled to his lightsaber while the other one was closed in a tight fist and his eye was twitching with anger. However, before the two man caused a scene, you intervened, words leaving your mouth confidently as you tried to extinguish the tension. 
“Great to see you again General Hugs, I might be a nobody to you, but I can take you anywhere, any time and seeing that I’m still alive, I guess I’m actually very good at staying alive, you on the other hand seem to have a death wish since you are disrespecting your Supreme Leader like that” you started, watching with happiness as his cocky facade started to fade, the humiliation of being talked back in the middle of an important event by someone he thought so little of showing on his features. “And one more thing Hugs, I might be a nobody to you, but at least I know what happens outside these walls, which is more than we can say about you, since the only thing you do is sit your ass in a chair and boss around, while you pretend someone actually likes you.” 
As you finished your sentence, you took a look around seeing that everyone near was staring as you ended the General with your words, who left you and Kylo behind quickly, stomping in the floor just like an angry child. 
“I have never been more turned on in my entire life” Ren whispered in your ear, the hot air coming from his mouth making you squirm. 
“I guess we’ll have to do something about it”.
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janeyseymour · 4 years
Escape- pt 17
pt 1. pt 2. pt 3. pt 4. pt 5. pt 6. pt 7. pt 8. pt 9. pt 10. pt 11. pt 12. pt 13. pt 14. pt 15. pt 16.
Jane Seymour has stayed with Henry for long enough. Cue Catherine of Aragon and the rest of the girls to save her.
There's a new arrival in the family. But nothing is ever easy.
“Uh Cath?” Kat popped her head into the living room.
“Hm?” She didn’t look up from her book.
“Do you have that hospital bag ready for Jane?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Baby’s coming,” she replied casually.
“Uh, how do you know?” Catherine set down from her book.
“We were watching a movie in your room, and her water broke.”
“Hey Lina.” Jane entered the room with a laundry basket full of the sheets from the bed she had already stripped.
“Uh Jane? Kat just told me your water broke?”
“Oh yeah. I already stripped the bed and put new sheets on. Just let me go throw these in the wash real quick.”
“You’re going into labor, and you’re cleaning the house?” Aragon had started to get frazzled.
“I tried to stop her Cath. She wouldn’t hear it.”
“Janey, honey, don’t you think we should start heading for the hospital?”
“I’ve read some of those parenting books, and labor can sometimes last days, especially with your first born. I want to stay in the hospital as long as possible after he comes.”
“It’s a she, and we should go. Come on.”
“Lina dear, I love you, but it’s going to be okay. I’m going to go put these things in the wash and then rest for a bit. We can take it from there.” She leaned up to where Catherine was now standing, grabbed her shirt, and pulled her into a kiss. The blonde sauntered away.
“She’s weirdly calm about all of this,” Kat said when she thought Jane was out of earshot.
“This,” Jane popped her head back into the living room. “Is the least of my worries.”
Hours later, Jane was in active labor. “Jesus Christ Catherine, this fucking hurts! Why don’t you have to go through this fucking shit you asshole!” The contraction began to subside. “I’m so sorry. You know I don’t mean any of it. I love you,” she sighed.
“I know honey.” She wiped some of the tears away. “I really think we should leave now. You’ve put it off long enough, and I think it’s time we go get you checked out.”
“Just five more minutes,” she grunted and looked at the clock: 11:55 pm. “At midnight, we’ll go. I promise.”
“Well, why don’t we start getting you to the car then? By the time we get all the things in the car and-”
“I already put the bags in the car. Anna installed the car seat for you too,” Kat’s voice was getting panicky. She didn’t like seeing Jane in pain. “Come on Jane. I think it’s-”
“It’s okay. It’s fine. Really, we can just stay here.” Her face began to contort. “I’m fine,” she repeated over and over, gradually getting louder and louder, her eyes being clouded with tears.
“Come on,” Catherine began to lift the woman in labor out of the chair.
“Let go of me!” She blurted out. “I’m not going! I can’t do this. I can’t do it.”
Aragon sighed, wishing she could tell her girlfriend she could just give up and stop or that she would take over. It killed the older woman to see the blonde she loved so much in so much pain.
“Baby, I know you’re afraid, and so am I. But you’re doing great.”
“How are you afraid? You don’t have to push a fucking watermelon out of your vagina!” Jane snapped.
Well,” Catherine thought for a second. “I suppose you’re right, but I believe in you. Just think, in hopefully a few short hours-”
“Hours?” Jane screamed in outrage.
“Well, hopefully sooner. But in a few short moments, you’re going to have your beautiful baby girl in your arms.”
“Boy.” Jane gritted her teeth.
“Seymour, if you wait any longer, you might be having me deliver your baby,” Anna laughed. Jane’s face changed from pained to horrified.
“Okay, fine. Let’s go.” She allowed both Catherine and Kat to lead her out of the house and to the car, the other three wishing her well from the doorstep.
“Let’s go have a baby.” Catherine kissed the younger woman’s forehead before pulling out of the driveway.
“Let’s get this bullshit over with,” An already exhausted Jane muttered.
“Miss Seymour, you’re just not progressing. You’re still only at three centimeters. The way you’re contracting, you should be well on your way to pushing by now.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Jane shrieked. Catherine shot the nurse an apologetic look.
“Do you want the epidural?”
“Yeah Jane, why don’t we try the-”
“I don’t need it! I’m not weak!” Jane insisted through tears. “I don’t need it.”
“Are you sure?” The nurse looked at her rather uneasy. “It really will help with the-”
“I said no!” Jane snapped at the nurse. Once again, Catherine gave the nurse an apologetic look.
“I’m not having a c-section if the baby is perfectly healthy, and I am capable of pushing! I don’t care how long it takes my fucking body to- jesus fucking christ,” Jane swore under her breath as a wave of pain hit her.
“Jane, I really think you should cons-”
“Catherine! How many times do I have to say I’m not doing it! I’m progressing anyway! I’m at seven!”
“Are you ready Miss Seymour?”
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Jane?”
The doctor rolled his eyes at her. “Are you ready Jane?” He tried again.
“He’s beautiful Jane. I’m so proud of you.” Catherine kissed the top of Jane’s head.
“Do you have a name?” The nurse smiled at the loving couple.
Jane’s face went from content to horrified. “How did we forget to think of a name?”
“I think I know the name honey.”
“I’m sorry,” Jane sighed to the nurse. “Can we just have a few minutes?”
“Of course. For now, we’ll just call him baby boy Seymour.”
“Baby boy Aragon actually,” Jane interjected, a small smile appearing on her face.
“Really?” Catherine looked at her in wonder.
“I’ll give you two some time.” The nurse smiled and left the room.
“So, what name?” Jane asked casually, as if she didn’t just tell the nurse her baby was to have Catherine’s last name.
“No. Why my last name?”
“Well, I figured we’re probably going to get married at some point and I’m taking your last name, and you’re going to adopt him, so it would just make it easier to have it be Aragon now than have to change it in the-”
“Marry me.”
“What did you just?”
“Marry me. I mean it.” The hispanic dropped down to one knee and pulled out the ring she had been fidgeting with in her pocket for the last few months.
“Yes. Yes, of course I will,” Jane gasped, tears falling down her cheeks. “I love you. I’m sorry for crying. It’s this whole new mom thing.”
“Don’t apologize. There are a lot of things making both of us emotional right now. But uh, the baby’s name,” she trailed off.
“Yeah?” She looked at Catherine with teary eyes.
“Edward John.”
“You remembered?”
“Of course I did.”
“So, you got engaged... When am I going to be an aunt?”
“Honestly? I’m not sure. I really want kids, but Henry isn’t so keen on the idea yet.” A face of disappointment glossed over a younger Jane’s face before she smiled again.
“Yeah. But I think I want a little boy: Edward John. I just really love that name.”
“That’s a really nice name.” ‘Edward John Aragon,’ Catherine thought immediately. “Edward John Tudor. No.’ She would never see the name Edward the same.
Then it’s Edward John Aragon,” Jane laughed lightly. “Take your son real fast.” She handed Edward over.
“Why don’t you try to get some sleep? I know you’re exhausted.”
“I am not.” She shifted slightly in the bed. “Just sit with me.”
“That’s a small bed. We won’t both be able to fit.”
“Just wait.” She slowly got out of the hospital bed.
“Jane Seymour!” Catherine all but yelled.
“Eat a dick and sit down. I’ll lay on you.”
“You’re quite the woman.” Catherine’s phone dinged. “The grandparents are here, and so are the girls.”
“Tell the grandparents to come in. We’ll see the girls after.”
“Honey, are you sure? You should really get some rest.”
“After I see everyone, okay?” She stifled a yawn.
“Janey,” Catalina began to protest.
“Not. Now. Lina.” She paused in between each word.
“Okay,” she backed down and told their parents to come in. “Wait, I forgot something. Give me your hand.” She slipped the ring onto Jane’s finger.
“I love you.” Jane kissed her chin.
“Where’s the baby?” Margaret ran in.
“Mom, please don’t yell. But he’s right here. Edward John. Eddie.”
“Oh my god! He’s-”
“Marge, I can’t get all of this shit in here by myself!” John dragged six gift bags in.
“John Seymour, watch it!” She snapped before turning her attention back to the baby. “Oh, he’s so handsome. Looks just like you.”
“Here.” Jane handed her son off.
“Eddie, I’m Nana,” she whispered. “I’m going to spoil you like crazy when you come home.” Jane’s face fell. The couple was thinking of staying near the other girls once things settled down.
“Catalina! Where is he? Where is this beautiful baby boy?” Catherine’s mother Isabella half-whispered.
“Right here,” Catherine didn’t take her eyes off of her fiancee.
“Bella! I got him. Oh, he’s so handsome.
Ferdinand, or Fred, walked in to admire the baby but stayed silent.
While the two older women fussed over the new baby, John greeted his daughter, having finally gotten all the presents into the room.
“Hey Janey honey. He’s beautiful- just like you.” A tear fell down his face.
“Don’t cry Dad.”
“I’m just really proud of you. I’m proud of you too Cath.” John reached over and patted Catherine. “Did she break your hand during labor?”
“She’s going to say I didn’t, but I ‘m pretty sure I felt some bones shift.” Jane looked up at her fiancee. “I’m sorry.”
“Did anything else-” John caught the engagement ring on his daughter’s finger from the corner of his eye. “Nevermind.”
“I’m just so happy he’s out. Being fat sucks.”
“You’re not fat. Come on now.” Catherine kissed her temple.
“Mhm,” she sighed. “I’m heavier than I’ve ever-”
“Because you carried a baby. Your body did the most amazing thing. Mom said the same thing,” John interjected. “I’m going to attempt to get Mom and Bella to let me hold him. The name?”
“Edward John.” Jane smiled. “After you.”
“Rest up now, okay?”
“Okay Daddy.”
“Cath, we have a few things to discuss later.” John gave her a pointed look before breaking into a smile.
“Yes sir.”
After a few minutes, the grandparents left with promises that they would be over to the house as soon as possible.
“Are the girls still here?”
“The other girls went down to get some food, but I’m here,” Kat stood in the doorway awkwardly.
“Oh Kat dear!” Jane smiled warmly. “Come meet him .”
“It’s a boy?” Kat’s eyes went wide. She really should’ve bet with Jane.
“Yes love. Come meet him.” Kat hesitantly stood by Jane’s bedside.
“He’s beautiful Jane.” Kat admired the baby.
“Would you like to hold him?”
“I- I couldn’t,” the pink haired woman stuttered. She was stunned that her friend trusted her to hold the light of her life.
“Do you not want to?”
“No I do!” She rushed out. “I just don’t know how, and newborn babies kind of scare me.” Jane patted the area on the bed next to her. Kat sat down quickly.
“Now, just put your arms how mine look,” Jane instructed. “When I hand him over, make sure you hold his head up. He can’t do that himself yet.” Kat did as she was told, and Jane gently passed her son over.
“Wow,” Kat gushed. “Hi little guy,” she whispered. “I’m Kitty. I’m going to be the best-”
“Big sister,” Jane interjected lovingly.
“I’m what?” Kat’s eyes practically bulged out of her head.
“You already told me you think of me as a mother figure, and I’m more than okay with that. So, you’re going to be like his big sister, if that’s alright with you.” A single tear fell down Kat’s face. “Honey, if you’d rather be an aunt-”
“No no. I’d be honored.” Kat couldn’t wipe the grin off her face before handing Eddie back to Jane.
“Where’s my goddaughter?” Anne came running into the room, Anna and Cathy not far behind.
“It’s a boy Anne.” Catherine rolled her eyes. “And no one told you you were the godmother.”
“What the-”
“That sentence better be finished with a heck Anne,” Anna looked up. “Listen, I may have the mouth of a sailor, but I know when it’s the time and the place. The time and the place is not now or here.”
“Thank you Anna.”
“No problem Seymour. Now hand over that beautiful baby boy.”
“Me first!” Boleyn whined. Anna backed off and allowed the woman in green to hold him first.
Each of the girls was able to hold Eddie and gush over him, claiming they were going to be ‘the best aunt’. Kat held back.
“Kat, do you not want to hold him again?”
“Again?” Anne whisper-yelled. “Are you telling me I wasn’t the first to hold him? What is this shit?”
“I would love to.” This time, Kat easily held the small child close to her. He opened his eyes and stared at her.
“And he looks at her first too? What the hell?” Anne continued to whine.
“He’s just admiring his big sister is all,” Jane slipped in.
“Woah. What?”
“Jane told me I could be like his big sister. Sucks to be anyone but me! I have the most amazing baby brother.” Kat stuck her tongue out towards the others before turning her attention back to Edward. “You are so loved already.”
Once all introductions were made, Catherine shooed the other queens out of the room. Katherine was the last to leave.
“I just wanted to say,” Kat’s tone was full of love. “You two are going to be the best moms ever.”
“Thank you Kat,” Aragon said fondly.
“Thank you love, but we aren’t going to be able to do it without the help from the big sister.” Jane winked. “Come here real quick.” Kat made her way across the room and over to Jane.
“I really have to go. The others are waiting, and Anne’s already pissed I was the first in the room and the last out.”
“I just wanted to tell you that I love you, and thank you for being by my side through all of this.”
“I love you too,” the pink haired woman paused. “Mom.” Jane beckoned for Kat to come close. She kissed the top of her head as Kat looked down at the little bundle of joy in the blonde’s arms. Unbeknownst to the two women at the moment, Catherine snapped a photo of her found family on her phone. Posting it to her social media, she smiled.
The light of my life with the two lights of her life. Congratulations Janey. Thank goodness she had already blocked Henry and Thomas from viewing her page.
“Catherine?” Jane’s voice was panicked. “Catherine, wake up!”
“What?” she mumbled from the chair she had settled in for the night.
“I don’t feel all that great.”
“Love, you were in labor for three nights. I’m sure you’re exhausted. Try to get some rest, okay?”
“Lina, I don’t know, but this feels different. This pain is different than the other pains. I’m really cold, and it’s getting hard to breathe.” Catherine stood up and put a hand on Jane’s forehead.
“I’m getting a nurse.” Catherine walked out of the room for a few minutes, and when she came back with a nurse, Jane was gasping for air.
“Miss Seymour? Miss Seymour!” The nurse yelled when Jane fainted. “Doctor!”
Aragon was pushed out of the room as multiple doctors began to surround her future wife.
Nothing was ever easy.
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